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// LibFile: skin.scad
// Functions to skin arbitrary 2D profiles/paths in 3-space.
// To use, add the following line to the beginning of your file:
// ```
// include <BOSL2/std.scad>
// include <BOSL2/skin.scad>
// ```
// Derived from list-comprehension-demos skin():
// - https://github.com/openscad/list-comprehension-demos/blob/master/skin.scad
include <vnf.scad>
// Section: Skinning
// Function&Module: skin()
// Usage: As Module
// skin(profiles, [closed], [matching]);
// Usage: As Function
// vnf = skin(profiles, [closed], [caps], [matching]);
// Description
// Given a list of two or more 2D path `profiles` that have been moved and/or rotated into 3D-space,
// produces faces to skin a surface between consecutive profiles. Optionally, the first and last
// profiles can have endcaps, or the last and first profiles can be skinned together.
// The user is responsible for making sure the orientation of the first vertex of each profile are relatively aligned.
// If called as a function, returns a VNF structure like `[VERTICES, FACES]`. See [VNF](vnf.scad).
// If called as a module, creates a polyhedron of the skinned profiles.
// The vertex matching algorithms are as follows:
// - `"distance"`: Vertices between profiles are matched based on closest next position, relative to the center of each profile.
// - `"angle"`: Vertices between profiles are matched based on closest next polar angle, relative to the center of each profile.
// - `"evenly"`: Vertices are evenly matched between profiles, such that a point 30% of the way through one profile, will be matched to a vertex 30% of the way through the other profile, based on vertex count.
// Arguments:
// profiles = A list of 2D paths that have been moved and/or rotated into 3D-space.
// closed = If true, the last profile is skinned to the first profile, to allow for making a closed loop. Assumes `caps=false`. Default: false
// caps = If true, endcap faces are created. Assumes `closed=false`. Default: true
// matching = Specifies the algorithm used to match up vertices between profiles, to create faces. Given as a string, one of `"distance"`, `"angle"`, or `"evenly"`. If given as a list of strings, equal in number to the number of profile transitions, lets you specify the algorithm used for each transition. Default: "distance"
// Example(FlatSpin):
// skin([
// move([0,0, 0], p=scale([2,1,1], p=path3d(circle(d=100,$fn=48)))),
// move([0,0,100], p=path3d(circle(d=100,$fn=4))),
// move([0,0,200], p=path3d(circle(d=100,$fn=12))),
// ]);
// Example(FlatSpin):
// skin([
// for (ang = [0:10:90])
// rot([0,ang,0], cp=[200,0,0], p=path3d(circle(d=100,$fn=3+(ang/10))))
// ]);
// Example(FlatSpin): Möbius Strip
// skin([
// for (ang = [0:10:360])
// rot([0,ang,0], cp=[100,0,0], p=rot(ang/2, p=path3d(square([1,30],center=true))))
// ], caps=false);
// Example(FlatSpin): Closed Loop
// skin([
// for (i = [0:5])
// rot([0,i*60,0], cp=[100,0,0], p=path3d(circle(d=30,$fn=3+i%3)))
// ], closed=true, caps=false);
// Example: Distance Matching
// skin([
// move([0,0, 0], p=scale([1,2,1],p=path3d(circle(d=50,$fn=36)))),
// move([0,0,100], p=scale([2,1,1],p=path3d(circle(d=50,$fn=36))))
// ], matching="distance");
// Example: Angle Matching
// skin([
// move([0,0, 0], p=scale([1,2,1],p=path3d(circle(d=50,$fn=36)))),
// move([0,0,100], p=scale([2,1,1],p=path3d(circle(d=50,$fn=36))))
// ], matching="angle");
// Example: Evenly Matching
// skin([
// move([0,0, 0], p=scale([1,2,1],p=path3d(circle(d=50,$fn=36)))),
// move([0,0,100], p=scale([2,1,1],p=path3d(circle(d=50,$fn=36))))
// ], matching="evenly");
module skin(profiles, closed=false, caps=true, matching="distance") {
vnf_polyhedron(skin(profiles, caps=!closed, closed=closed, matching=matching));
function skin(profiles, closed=false, caps=true, matching="distance") =
let( matching = is_list(matching)? matching : [for (pidx=idx(profiles,end=closed?-1:-2)) matching] )
assert(len(matching) == len(profiles)-closed?0:1)
for(pidx=idx(profiles,end=closed? -1 : -2))
prof1 = profiles[pidx%len(profiles)],
prof2 = profiles[(pidx+1)%len(profiles)],
cp1 = mean(prof1),
cp2 = mean(prof2),
midpt = (cp1+cp2)/2,
n = normalize(cp2-cp1),
n1 = plane_normal(plane_from_pointslist(prof1)),
n2 = plane_normal(plane_from_pointslist(prof2)),
perp = vector_angle(n1,n2)>0.01? vector_axis(n1,n2) : vector_angle(n,UP)>44? vector_axis(n,UP) : vector_axis(n,LEFT),
perp1 = vector_axis(n1,perp),
perp2 = vector_axis(n2,perp),
poly1 = ccw_polygon(project_plane(prof1, cp1, cp1+perp, cp1+perp1)),
poly2 = ccw_polygon(project_plane(prof2, cp2, cp2+perp, cp2+perp2)),
match = matching[pidx],
faces = [
first = true,
finishing = false,
finished = false,
plen1 = len(poly1),
plen2 = len(poly2),
i=0, j=0, side=0;
dang1 = abs(xy_to_polar(poly1[i%plen1]).y - xy_to_polar(poly2[(j+1)%plen2]).y),
dang2 = abs(xy_to_polar(poly2[j%plen2]).y - xy_to_polar(poly1[(i+1)%plen1]).y),
dist1 = norm(poly1[i%plen1] - poly2[(j+1)%plen2]),
dist2 = norm(poly2[j%plen2] - poly1[(i+1)%plen1]),
side = i>=plen1? 0 :
j>=plen2? 1 :
match=="angle"? (dang1>dang2? 1 : 0) :
match=="distance"? (dist1>dist2? 1 : 0) :
match=="evenly"? (i/plen1 > j/plen2? 0 : 1) :
assert(in_list(matching[i],["angle","distance","evenly"]),str("Got `",matching,"'")),
p1 = lift_plane(poly1[i%plen1], cp1, cp1+perp, cp1+perp1),
p2 = lift_plane(poly2[j%plen2], cp2, cp2+perp, cp2+perp2),
p3 = side?
lift_plane(poly1[(i+1)%plen1], cp1, cp1+perp, cp1+perp1) :
lift_plane(poly2[(j+1)%plen2], cp2, cp2+perp, cp2+perp2),
face = [p1, p3, p2],
i = i + (side? 1 : 0),
j = j + (side? 0 : 1),
first = false,
finished = finishing,
finishing = i>=plen1 && j>=plen2
) if (!first) face
) vnf_add_faces(faces=faces)
], closed||!caps? [] : let(
prof1 = profiles[0],
prof2 = select(profiles,-1),
ncl1 = sort(find_noncollinear_points(prof1)),
ncl2 = sort(find_noncollinear_points(prof2)),
pa1=prof1[ncl1.x], pa2=prof1[ncl1.y], pa3=prof1[ncl1.z],
pb1=prof2[ncl2.x], pb2=prof2[ncl2.y], pb3=prof2[ncl2.z],
poly1 = ccw_polygon(project_plane(prof1, pa1, pa2, pa3)),
poly2 = clockwise_polygon(project_plane(prof2, pb1, pb2, pb3))
) [
vnf_add_face(pts=lift_plane(poly1, pa1, pa2, pa3)),
vnf_add_face(pts=lift_plane(poly2, pb1, pb2, pb3))
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