Documentation and example images are generated automatically from source code comments by the `scripts/` script. Not all comments are added to the wiki. Just those comment blocks starting with certain keywords:
LibFile blocks can be followed by multiple lines that can be added as markdown text after the header. Indentation is important, as it denotes the end of block.
// LibFile: foo.scad
// You can have several lines of markdown formatted text here.
// You just need to make sure that each line is indented, with
// at least three spaces after the comment marker. You can
// denote a paragraph break with a comment line with three
Include blocks contain code that all examples in the file should show and use. This is generally used for `include <file>` and `use <file>` commands. Indentation is important. Less than three spaces indent denotes the end of the block
// Includes:
// include <BOSL2/std.scad>
// use <foo.scad>
## CommonCode:
CommonCode blocks can be used to denote code that can be shared between all of the Figure and Example blocks in the file, without being shown itself. Indentation is important. Less than three spaces indent denotes the end of the block
Section blocks can be followed by multiple lines that can be added as markdown text after the header. Indentation is important, as it denotes the end of block.
Sections can also include Figures; images generated from code that is not shown in a code block.
// Section: Foobar
// You can have several lines of markdown formatted text here.
Module, Function, and Constant docs blocks all have a similar specific format. Most sub-blocks are optional, except the Module/Function/Constant line, and the Description block.
Valid sub-blocks are:
-`Status: DEPRECATED, use blah instead.` - Optional, used to denote deprecation.
-`Usage: Optional Usage Title` - Optional. Multiple allowed. Followed by an indented block of usage patterns. Optional arguments should be in braces like `[opt]`. Alternate args should be separated by a vertical bar like `r|d`.
-`Description:` - Can be single-line or a multi-line block of the description.
-`Figure: Optional Figure Title` - Optional. Multiple allowed. Followed by a multi-line code block used to create a figure image. The code will not be shown. All figures will follow the Description block.
-`Returns:` - Can be single-line or a multi-line block, describing the return value of this function.
-`Custom: Foo` - Creates a text block labeled `Foo:` followed by the given multi-line block of text.
-`Arguments:` - Denotes start of an indented block of argument descriptions. Each line has the argument name, a space, an equals, another space, then the description for the argument all on one line. Like `arg = The argument description`. If you really need to explain an argument in longer form, explain it in the Description. If an argument line is just `---`, then the arguments table is split into two tables, with the positional arguments before the `---` and arguments that should always be passed by name after.
Modules blocks will generate images for each example or figure block. Function and Constant blocks will only generate images for example blocks if they have `2D` or `3D` tags. Example and figure blocks can have tags added by putting then inside parentheses before the colon. Ie: `Examples(BigFlatSpin):` or `Figure(2D):`.
-`2D`: Orient camera in a top-down view for showing 2D objects.
-`3D`: Orient camera in an oblique view for showing 3D objects. Used to force an Example sub-block to generate an image in Function and Constant blocks.