fillet | Radius of rounding for interior or exterior edges.
chamfer | Size of chamfers/bevels for interior or exterior edges.
orient | Axis a part should be oriented along. Given as an XYZ triplet of rotation angles. It is recommended that you use the `ORIENT_` constants from `constants.scad`. Default is usually `ORIENT_Z` for vertical orientation.
align | Side of the origin that the part should be on. Given as a vector away from the origin. It is recommended that you use the constants from `constants.scad`. Default is usually `CENTER` for centered.
- [`transforms.scad`]( The most commonly used transformations, manipulations, and shortcuts are in this file.
- [`shapes.scad`]( Common useful shapes and structured objects.
- [`masks.scad`]( Shapes that are useful for masking with `difference()` and `intersect()`.
- [`threading.scad`]( Modules to make triangular and trapezoidal threaded rods and nuts.
- [`paths.scad`]( Functions and modules to work with arbitrary 3D paths.
- [`beziers.scad`]( Functions and modules to work with bezier curves.
- [`involute_gears.scad`]( Modules and functions to make involute gears and racks.
- [`joiners.scad`]( Modules to make joiner shapes for connecting separately printed objects.
- [`sliders.scad`]( Modules for creating simple sliders and rails.
- [`metric_screws.scad`]( Functions and modules to make metric screws, nuts, and screwholes.
- [`linear_bearings.scad`]( Modules to make mounts for LMxUU style linear bearings.
- [`nema_steppers.scad`]( Modules to make mounting holes for NEMA motors.
- [`phillips_drive.scad`]( Modules to create Phillips screwdriver tips.
- [`torx_drive.scad`]( Functions and Modules to create Torx bit drive holes.
- [`wiring.scad`]( Modules to render routed bundles of wires.