diff --git a/rounding.scad b/rounding.scad
index da18760..9b3db11 100644
--- a/rounding.scad
+++ b/rounding.scad
@@ -1931,8 +1931,8 @@ function rounded_prism(bottom, top, joint_bot=0, joint_top=0, joint_sides=0, k_b
-     top_simple = is_path_simple(faces[0],closed=true),
-     bot_simple = is_path_simple(faces[1],closed=true),
+     top_simple = is_path_simple(project_plane(faces[0],faces[0]),closed=true),
+     bot_simple = is_path_simple(project_plane(faces[1],faces[1]),closed=true),
      // verify vertical edges
      verify_vert =
diff --git a/vnf.scad b/vnf.scad
index 5db8f27..5cd29d8 100644
--- a/vnf.scad
+++ b/vnf.scad
@@ -1,1398 +1,1366 @@
-// LibFile: vnf.scad
-//   The Vertices'N'Faces structure (VNF) holds the data used by polyhedron() to construct objects: a vertex
-//   list and a list of faces.  This library makes it easier to construct polyhedra by providing
-//   functions to construct, merge, and modify VNF data, while avoiding common pitfalls such as
-//   reversed faces.  
-// Includes:
-//   include <BOSL2/std.scad>
-// Section: Creating Polyhedrons with VNF Structures
-//   VNF stands for "Vertices'N'Faces".  VNF structures are 2-item lists, `[VERTICES,FACES]` where the
-//   first item is a list of vertex points, and the second is a list of face indices into the vertex
-//   list.  Each VNF is self contained, with face indices referring only to its own vertex list.
-//   You can construct a `polyhedron()` in parts by describing each part in a self-contained VNF, then
-//   merge the various VNFs to get the completed polyhedron vertex list and faces.
-// Constant: EMPTY_VNF
-// Description:
-//   The empty VNF data structure.  Equal to `[[],[]]`.  
-EMPTY_VNF = [[],[]];  // The standard empty VNF with no vertices or faces.
-// Function: vnf_vertex_array()
-// Usage:
-//   vnf = vnf_vertex_array(points, [caps], [cap1], [cap2], [style], [reverse], [col_wrap], [row_wrap], [vnf]);
-// Description:
-//   Creates a VNF structure from a vertex list, by dividing the vertices into columns and rows,
-//   adding faces to tile the surface.  You can optionally have faces added to wrap the last column
-//   back to the first column, or wrap the last row to the first.  Endcaps can be added to either
-//   the first and/or last rows.  The style parameter determines how the quadrilaterals are divided into
-//   triangles.  The default style is an arbitrary, systematic subdivision in the same direction.  The "alt" style
-//   is the uniform subdivision in the other (alternate) direction.  The "min_edge" style picks the shorter edge to
-//   subdivide for each quadrilateral, so the division may not be uniform across the shape.  The "quincunx" style
-//   adds a vertex in the center of each quadrilateral and creates four triangles, and the "convex" and "concave" styles
-//   chooses the locally convex/concave subdivision.  
-// Arguments:
-//   points = A list of vertices to divide into columns and rows.
-//   caps = If true, add endcap faces to the first AND last rows.
-//   cap1 = If true, add an endcap face to the first row.
-//   cap2 = If true, add an endcap face to the last row.
-//   col_wrap = If true, add faces to connect the last column to the first.
-//   row_wrap = If true, add faces to connect the last row to the first.
-//   reverse = If true, reverse all face normals.
-//   style = The style of subdividing the quads into faces.  Valid options are "default", "alt", "min_edge", "quincunx","convex" and "concave".
-//   vnf = If given, add all the vertices and faces to this existing VNF structure.
-// Example(3D):
-//   vnf = vnf_vertex_array(
-//       points=[
-//           for (h = [0:5:180-EPSILON]) [
-//               for (t = [0:5:360-EPSILON])
-//                   cylindrical_to_xyz(100 + 12 * cos((h/2 + t)*6), t, h)
-//           ]
-//       ],
-//       col_wrap=true, caps=true, reverse=true, style="alt"
-//   );
-//   vnf_polyhedron(vnf);
-// Example(3D): Both `col_wrap` and `row_wrap` are true to make a torus.
-//   vnf = vnf_vertex_array(
-//       points=[
-//           for (a=[0:5:360-EPSILON])
-//               apply(
-//                   zrot(a) * right(30) * xrot(90),
-//                   path3d(circle(d=20))
-//               )
-//       ],
-//       col_wrap=true, row_wrap=true, reverse=true
-//   );
-//   vnf_polyhedron(vnf);
-// Example(3D): Möbius Strip.  Note that `row_wrap` is not used, and the first and last profile copies are the same.
-//   vnf = vnf_vertex_array(
-//       points=[
-//           for (a=[0:5:360]) apply(
-//               zrot(a) * right(30) * xrot(90) * zrot(a/2+60),
-//               path3d(square([1,10], center=true))
-//           )
-//       ],
-//       col_wrap=true, reverse=true
-//   );
-//   vnf_polyhedron(vnf);
-// Example(3D): Assembling a Polyhedron from Multiple Parts
-//   wall_points = [
-//       for (a = [-90:2:90]) apply(
-//           up(a) * scale([1-0.1*cos(a*6),1-0.1*cos((a+90)*6),1]),
-//           path3d(circle(d=100))
-//       )
-//   ];
-//   cap = [
-//       for (a = [0:0.01:1+EPSILON]) apply(
-//           up(90-5*sin(a*360*2)) * scale([a,a,1]),
-//           wall_points[0]
-//       )
-//   ];
-//   cap1 = [for (p=cap) down(90, p=zscale(-1, p=p))];
-//   cap2 = [for (p=cap) up(90, p=p)];
-//   vnf1 = vnf_vertex_array(points=wall_points, col_wrap=true);
-//   vnf2 = vnf_vertex_array(points=cap1, col_wrap=true);
-//   vnf3 = vnf_vertex_array(points=cap2, col_wrap=true, reverse=true);
-//   vnf_polyhedron([vnf1, vnf2, vnf3]);
-function vnf_vertex_array(
-    points,
-    caps, cap1, cap2,
-    col_wrap=false,
-    row_wrap=false,
-    reverse=false,
-    style="default",
-    vnf=EMPTY_VNF
-) = 
-    assert(!(any([caps,cap1,cap2]) && !col_wrap), "col_wrap must be true if caps are requested")
-    assert(!(any([caps,cap1,cap2]) && row_wrap), "Cannot combine caps with row_wrap")
-    assert(in_list(style,["default","alt","quincunx", "convex","concave", "min_edge"]))
-    assert(is_consistent(points), "Non-rectangular or invalid point array")
-    let(
-        pts = flatten(points),
-        pcnt = len(pts),
-        rows = len(points),
-        cols = len(points[0])
-    )
-    rows<=1 || cols<=1 ? vnf :
-    let(
-        cap1 = first_defined([cap1,caps,false]),
-        cap2 = first_defined([cap2,caps,false]),
-        colcnt = cols - (col_wrap?0:1),
-        rowcnt = rows - (row_wrap?0:1),
-        verts = [
-            each pts,
-            if (style=="quincunx") 
-                for (r = [0:1:rowcnt-1], c = [0:1:colcnt-1]) 
-                   let(
-                       i1 = ((r+0)%rows)*cols + ((c+0)%cols),
-                       i2 = ((r+1)%rows)*cols + ((c+0)%cols),
-                       i3 = ((r+1)%rows)*cols + ((c+1)%cols),
-                       i4 = ((r+0)%rows)*cols + ((c+1)%cols)
-                   )
-                   mean([pts[i1], pts[i2], pts[i3], pts[i4]])
-        ]
-    )
-    vnf_merge(cleanup=false, [
-        vnf,
-        [
-              verts,
-              [
-               for (r = [0:1:rowcnt-1], c=[0:1:colcnt-1])
-                 each
-                   let(
-                       i1 = ((r+0)%rows)*cols + ((c+0)%cols),
-                       i2 = ((r+1)%rows)*cols + ((c+0)%cols),
-                       i3 = ((r+1)%rows)*cols + ((c+1)%cols),
-                       i4 = ((r+0)%rows)*cols + ((c+1)%cols),
-                       faces =
-                            style=="quincunx"? 
-                              let(i5 = pcnt + r*colcnt + c)
-                              [[i1,i5,i2],[i2,i5,i3],[i3,i5,i4],[i4,i5,i1]]
-                          : style=="alt"? 
-                              [[i1,i4,i2],[i2,i4,i3]]
-                          : style=="min_edge"?
-                              let(
-                                   d42=norm(pts[i4]-pts[i2]),
-                                   d13=norm(pts[i1]-pts[i3]),
-                                   shortedge = d42<=d13 ? [[i1,i4,i2],[i2,i4,i3]]
-                                                        : [[i1,i3,i2],[i1,i4,i3]]
-                              )
-                              shortedge
-                          : style=="convex"?  
-                              let(   // Find normal for 3 of the points.  Is the other point above or below?
-                                  n = (reverse?-1:1)*cross(pts[i2]-pts[i1],pts[i3]-pts[i1]),
-                                  convexfaces = n==0 ? [[i1,i4,i3]]
-                                              : n*pts[i4] > n*pts[i1] ? [[i1,i4,i2],[i2,i4,i3]]
-                                                                      : [[i1,i3,i2],[i1,i4,i3]]
-                              )
-                              convexfaces
-                          : style=="concave"?  
-                              let(   // Find normal for 3 of the points.  Is the other point above or below?
-                                  n = (reverse?-1:1)*cross(pts[i2]-pts[i1],pts[i3]-pts[i1]),
-                                  concavefaces = n==0 ? [[i1,i4,i3]]
-                                              : n*pts[i4] <= n*pts[i1] ? [[i1,i4,i2],[i2,i4,i3]]
-                                                                      : [[i1,i3,i2],[i1,i4,i3]]
-                              )
-                              concavefaces
-                          : [[i1,i3,i2],[i1,i4,i3]],
-                       // remove degenerate faces 
-                       culled_faces= [for(face=faces)
-                           if (norm(verts[face[0]]-verts[face[1]])>EPSILON &&
-                               norm(verts[face[1]]-verts[face[2]])>EPSILON && 
-                               norm(verts[face[2]]-verts[face[0]])>EPSILON) 
-                               face
-                       ],
-                       rfaces = reverse? [for (face=culled_faces) reverse(face)] : culled_faces
-                   )
-                   rfaces,
-                if (cap1) count(cols,reverse=!reverse),
-                if (cap2) count(cols,(rows-1)*cols, reverse=reverse)
-              ] 
-        ]
-    ]);
-// Function: vnf_tri_array()
-// Usage:
-//   vnf = vnf_tri_array(points, [row_wrap], [reverse])
-// Description:
-//   Produces a vnf from an array of points where each row length can differ from the adjacent rows by up to 2 in length.  This enables
-//   the construction of triangular VNF patches.  The resulting VNF can be wrapped along the rows by setting `row_wrap` to true.
-// Arguments:
-//   points = List of point lists for each row
-//   row_wrap = If true then add faces connecting the first row and last row.  These rows must differ by at most 2 in length.
-//   reverse = Set this to reverse the direction of the faces
-// Example:  Each row has one more point than the preceeding one.
-//   pts = [for(y=[1:1:10]) [for(x=[0:y-1]) [x,y,y]]];
-//   vnf = vnf_tri_array(pts);
-//   vnf_wireframe(vnf,d=.1);
-//   color("red")move_copies(flatten(pts)) sphere(r=.15,$fn=9);
-// Example:  Each row has one more point than the preceeding one.
-//   pts = [for(y=[0:2:10]) [for(x=[-y/2:y/2]) [x,y,y]]];
-//   vnf = vnf_tri_array(pts);
-//   vnf_wireframe(vnf,d=.1);
-//   color("red")move_copies(flatten(pts)) sphere(r=.15,$fn=9);
-// Example: Chaining two VNFs to construct a cone with one point length change between rows.
-//   pts1 = [for(z=[0:10]) path3d(arc(3+z,r=z/2+1, angle=[0,180]),10-z)];
-//   pts2 = [for(z=[0:10]) path3d(arc(3+z,r=z/2+1, angle=[180,360]),10-z)];
-//   vnf = vnf_tri_array(pts1,
-//                       vnf=vnf_tri_array(pts2));
-//   color("green")vnf_wireframe(vnf,d=.1);
-//   vnf_polyhedron(vnf);
-// Example: Cone with length change two between rows
-//   pts1 = [for(z=[0:1:10]) path3d(arc(3+2*z,r=z/2+1, angle=[0,180]),10-z)];
-//   pts2 = [for(z=[0:1:10]) path3d(arc(3+2*z,r=z/2+1, angle=[180,360]),10-z)];
-//   vnf = vnf_tri_array(pts1,
-//                       vnf=vnf_tri_array(pts2));
-//   color("green")vnf_wireframe(vnf,d=.1);
-//   vnf_polyhedron(vnf);
-// Example: Point count can change irregularly
-//   lens = [10,9,7,5,6,8,8,10];
-//   pts = [for(y=idx(lens)) lerpn([-lens[y],y,y],[lens[y],y,y],lens[y])];
-//   vnf = vnf_tri_array(pts);
-//   vnf_wireframe(vnf,d=.1);
-//   color("red")move_copies(flatten(pts)) sphere(r=.15,$fn=9);
-function vnf_tri_array(points, row_wrap=false, reverse=false, vnf=EMPTY_VNF) = 
-   let(
-       lens = [for(row=points) len(row)],
-       rowstarts = [0,each cumsum(lens)],
-       faces =
-          [for(i=[0:1:len(points) - 1 - (row_wrap ? 0 : 1)]) each
-            let(
-                rowstart = rowstarts[i],
-                nextrow = select(rowstarts,i+1),
-                delta = select(lens,i+1)-lens[i]
-            )
-            delta == 0 ?
-              [for(j=[0:1:lens[i]-2]) reverse ? [j+rowstart+1, j+rowstart, j+nextrow] : [j+rowstart, j+rowstart+1, j+nextrow],
-               for(j=[0:1:lens[i]-2]) reverse ? [j+rowstart+1, j+nextrow, j+nextrow+1] : [j+rowstart+1, j+nextrow+1, j+nextrow]] :
-            delta == 1 ?
-              [for(j=[0:1:lens[i]-2]) reverse ? [j+rowstart+1, j+rowstart, j+nextrow+1] : [j+rowstart, j+rowstart+1, j+nextrow+1],
-               for(j=[0:1:lens[i]-1]) reverse ? [j+rowstart, j+nextrow, j+nextrow+1] : [j+rowstart, j+nextrow+1, j+nextrow]] :
-            delta == -1 ?
-              [for(j=[0:1:lens[i]-3]) reverse ? [j+rowstart+1, j+nextrow, j+nextrow+1]: [j+rowstart+1, j+nextrow+1, j+nextrow],
-               for(j=[0:1:lens[i]-2]) reverse ? [j+rowstart+1, j+rowstart, j+nextrow] : [j+rowstart, j+rowstart+1, j+nextrow]] :
-            let(count = floor((lens[i]-1)/2))
-            delta == 2 ?
-              [
-               for(j=[0:1:count-1]) reverse ? [j+rowstart+1, j+rowstart, j+nextrow+1] : [j+rowstart, j+rowstart+1, j+nextrow+1],       // top triangles left
-               for(j=[count:1:lens[i]-2]) reverse ? [j+rowstart+1, j+rowstart, j+nextrow+2] : [j+rowstart, j+rowstart+1, j+nextrow+2], // top triangles right
-               for(j=[0:1:count]) reverse ? [j+rowstart, j+nextrow, j+nextrow+1] : [j+rowstart, j+nextrow+1, j+nextrow],                        // bot triangles left
-               for(j=[count+1:1:select(lens,i+1)-2]) reverse ? [j+rowstart-1, j+nextrow, j+nextrow+1] : [j+rowstart-1, j+nextrow+1, j+nextrow], // bot triangles right
-              ] :
-            delta == -2 ?
-              [
-               for(j=[0:1:count-2]) reverse ? [j+nextrow, j+nextrow+1, j+rowstart+1] : [j+nextrow, j+rowstart+1, j+nextrow+1],
-               for(j=[count-1:1:lens[i]-4]) reverse ? [j+nextrow,j+nextrow+1,j+rowstart+2] : [j+nextrow,j+rowstart+2, j+nextrow+1],
-               for(j=[0:1:count-1]) reverse ? [j+nextrow, j+rowstart+1, j+rowstart] : [j+nextrow, j+rowstart, j+rowstart+1],
-               for(j=[count:1:select(lens,i+1)]) reverse ? [ j+nextrow-1, j+rowstart+1, j+rowstart]: [ j+nextrow-1, j+rowstart, j+rowstart+1],
-              ] :
-            assert(false,str("Unsupported row length difference of ",delta, " between row ",i," and ",(i+1)%len(points)))
-        ])
-    vnf_merge(cleanup=true, [vnf, [flatten(points), faces]]);
-// Function: vnf_merge()
-// Usage:
-//   vnf = vnf_merge([VNF, VNF, VNF, ...], [cleanup],[eps]);
-// Description:
-//   Given a list of VNF structures, merges them all into a single VNF structure.
-//   When cleanup=true, it consolidates all duplicate vertices with a tolerance `eps`,
-//   drops unreferenced vertices and any final face with less than 3 vertices. 
-//   Unreferenced vertices of the input VNFs that doesn't duplicate any other vertex 
-//   are not dropped.
-// Arguments:
-//   vnfs - a list of the VNFs to merge in one VNF.
-//   cleanup - when true, consolidates the duplicate vertices of the merge. Default: false
-//   eps - the tolerance in finding duplicates when cleanup=true. Default: EPSILON
-function vnf_merge(vnfs, cleanup=false, eps=EPSILON) =
-    is_vnf(vnfs) ? vnf_merge([vnfs], cleanup, eps) :
-    assert( is_vnf_list(vnfs) , "Improper vnf or vnf list")  
-    let (
-        offs  = cumsum([ 0, for (vnf = vnfs) len(vnf[0]) ]),
-        verts = [for (vnf=vnfs) each vnf[0]],
-        faces =
-            [ for (i = idx(vnfs)) 
-                let( faces = vnfs[i][1] )
-                for (face = faces) 
-                    if ( len(face) >= 3 )
-                        [ for (j = face) 
-                            assert( j>=0 && j<len(vnfs[i][0]), 
-                                    str("VNF number ", i, " has a face indexing an nonexistent vertex") )
-                            offs[i] + j ]
-            ]
-    )
-    ! cleanup ? [verts, faces] :
-    let(
-        dedup  = vector_search(verts,eps,verts),                 // collect vertex duplicates
-        map    = [for(i=idx(verts)) min(dedup[i]) ],             // remap duplic vertices
-        offset = cumsum([for(i=idx(verts)) map[i]==i ? 0 : 1 ]), // remaping face vertex offsets 
-        map2   = list(idx(verts))-offset,                        // map old vertex indices to new indices
-        nverts = [for(i=idx(verts)) if(map[i]==i) verts[i] ],    // eliminates all unreferenced vertices
-        nfaces = 
-            [ for(face=faces) 
-                let(
-                    nface = [ for(vi=face) map2[map[vi]] ],
-                    dface = [for (i=idx(nface)) 
-                                if( nface[i]!=nface[(i+1)%len(nface)]) 
-                                    nface[i] ] 
-                )
-                if(len(dface) >= 3) dface 
-            ]
-    ) 
-    [nverts, nfaces];
-// Function: vnf_add_face()
-// Usage:
-//   vnf_add_face(vnf, pts);
-// Description:
-//   Given a VNF structure and a list of face vertex points, adds the face to the VNF structure.
-//   Returns the modified VNF structure `[VERTICES, FACES]`.  It is up to the caller to make
-//   sure that the points are in the correct order to make the face normal point outwards.
-// Arguments:
-//   vnf = The VNF structure to add a face to.
-//   pts = The vertex points for the face.
-function vnf_add_face(vnf=EMPTY_VNF, pts) =
-    assert(is_vnf(vnf))
-    assert(is_path(pts))
-    let(
-        res = set_union(vnf[0], pts, get_indices=true),
-        face = deduplicate(res[0], closed=true)
-    ) [
-        res[1],
-        concat(vnf[1], len(face)>2? [face] : [])
-    ];
-// Function: vnf_add_faces()
-// Usage:
-//   vnf_add_faces(vnf, faces);
-// Description:
-//   Given a VNF structure and a list of faces, where each face is given as a list of vertex points,
-//   adds the faces to the VNF structure.  Returns the modified VNF structure `[VERTICES, FACES]`.
-//   It is up to the caller to make sure that the points are in the correct order to make the face
-//   normals point outwards.
-// Arguments:
-//   vnf = The VNF structure to add a face to.
-//   faces = The list of faces, where each face is given as a list of vertex points.
-function vnf_add_faces(vnf=EMPTY_VNF, faces) =
-    assert(is_vnf(vnf))
-    assert(is_list(faces))
-    let(
-        res = set_union(vnf[0], flatten(faces), get_indices=true),
-        idxs = res[0],
-        nverts = res[1],
-        offs = cumsum([0, for (face=faces) len(face)]),
-        ifaces = [
-            for (i=idx(faces)) [
-                for (j=idx(faces[i]))
-                idxs[offs[i]+j]
-            ]
-        ]
-    ) [
-        nverts,
-        concat(vnf[1],ifaces)
-    ];
-// Section: VNF Testing and Access
-// Function: is_vnf()
-// Usage:
-//   bool = is_vnf(x);
-// Description:
-//   Returns true if the given value looks like a VNF structure.
-function is_vnf(x) =
-    is_list(x) &&
-    len(x)==2 &&
-    is_list(x[0]) &&
-    is_list(x[1]) &&
-    (x[0]==[] || (len(x[0])>=3 && is_vector(x[0][0]))) &&
-    (x[1]==[] || is_vector(x[1][0]));
-// Function: is_vnf_list()
-// Description: Returns true if the given value looks passingly like a list of VNF structures.
-function is_vnf_list(x) = is_list(x) && all([for (v=x) is_vnf(v)]);
-// Function: vnf_vertices()
-// Description: Given a VNF structure, returns the list of vertex points.
-function vnf_vertices(vnf) = vnf[0];
-// Function: vnf_faces()
-// Description: Given a VNF structure, returns the list of faces, where each face is a list of indices into the VNF vertex list.
-function vnf_faces(vnf) = vnf[1];
-// Section: Altering the VNF Internals
-// Function: vnf_reverse_faces()
-// Usage:
-//   rvnf = vnf_reverse_faces(vnf);
-// Description:
-//   Reverses the facing of all the faces in the given VNF.
-function vnf_reverse_faces(vnf) =
-    [vnf[0], [for (face=vnf[1]) reverse(face)]];
-// Function: vnf_quantize()
-// Usage:
-//   vnf2 = vnf_quantize(vnf,[q]);
-// Description:
-//   Quantizes the vertex coordinates of the VNF to the given quanta `q`.
-// Arguments:
-//   vnf = The VNF to quantize.
-//   q = The quanta to quantize the VNF coordinates to.
-function vnf_quantize(vnf,q=pow(2,-12)) =
-    [[for (pt = vnf[0]) quant(pt,q)], vnf[1]];
-// Function: vnf_triangulate()
-// Usage:
-//   vnf2 = vnf_triangulate(vnf);
-// Description:
-//   Triangulates faces in the VNF that have more than 3 vertices.  
-function vnf_triangulate(vnf) =
-    let(
-        vnf = is_vnf_list(vnf)? vnf_merge(vnf) : vnf,
-        verts = vnf[0],
-        faces = [for (face=vnf[1]) each len(face)==3 ? [face] : 
-                                         polygon_triangulate(verts, face)]
-    ) [verts, faces]; 
-// Section: Turning a VNF into geometry
-// Module: vnf_polyhedron()
-// Usage:
-//   vnf_polyhedron(vnf);
-//   vnf_polyhedron([VNF, VNF, VNF, ...]);
-// Description:
-//   Given a VNF structure, or a list of VNF structures, creates a polyhedron from them.
-// Arguments:
-//   vnf = A VNF structure, or list of VNF structures.
-//   convexity = Max number of times a line could intersect a wall of the shape.
-//   extent = If true, calculate anchors by extents, rather than intersection.  Default: true.
-//   cp = Centerpoint of VNF to use for anchoring when `extent` is false.  Default: `[0, 0, 0]`
-//   anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0).  See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor).  Default: `"origin"`
-//   spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor.  See [spin](attachments.scad#spin).  Default: `0`
-//   orient = Vector to rotate top towards, after spin.  See [orient](attachments.scad#orient).  Default: `UP`
-module vnf_polyhedron(vnf, convexity=2, extent=true, cp=[0,0,0], anchor="origin", spin=0, orient=UP) {
-    vnf = is_vnf_list(vnf)? vnf_merge(vnf) : vnf;
-    cp = is_def(cp) ? cp : vnf_centroid(vnf);
-    attachable(anchor,spin,orient, vnf=vnf, extent=extent, cp=cp) {
-        polyhedron(vnf[0], vnf[1], convexity=convexity);
-        children();
-    }
-// Module: vnf_wireframe()
-// Usage:
-//   vnf_wireframe(vnf, <r|d>);
-// Description:
-//   Given a VNF, creates a wire frame ball-and-stick model of the polyhedron with a cylinder for
-//   each edge and a sphere at each vertex.  The width parameter specifies the width of the sticks
-//   that form the wire frame. 
-// Arguments:
-//   vnf = A vnf structure
-//   width = width of the cylinders forming the wire frame.  Default: 1
-// Example:
-//   $fn=32;
-//   ball = sphere(r=20, $fn=6);
-//   vnf_wireframe(ball,width=1);
-// Example:
-//   include <BOSL2/polyhedra.scad>
-//   $fn=32;
-//   cube_oct = regular_polyhedron_info("vnf", name="cuboctahedron", or=20);
-//   vnf_wireframe(cube_oct);
-// Example: The spheres at the vertex are imperfect at aligning with the cylinders, so especially at low $fn things look prety ugly.  This is normal.
-//   include <BOSL2/polyhedra.scad>
-//   $fn=8;
-//   octahedron = regular_polyhedron_info("vnf", name="octahedron", or=20);
-//   vnf_wireframe(octahedron,width=5);
-module vnf_wireframe(vnf, width=1)
-  vertex = vnf[0];
-  edges = unique([for (face=vnf[1], i=idx(face))
-                    sort([face[i], select(face,i+1)])
-                 ]);
-  for (e=edges) extrude_from_to(vertex[e[0]],vertex[e[1]]) circle(d=width);
-  move_copies(vertex) sphere(d=width);
-// Section: Operations on VNFs
-// Function: vnf_volume()
-// Usage:
-//   vol = vnf_volume(vnf);
-// Description:
-//   Returns the volume enclosed by the given manifold VNF.   The VNF must describe a valid polyhedron with consistent face direction and
-//   no holes; otherwise the results are undefined.  Returns a positive volume if face direction is clockwise and a negative volume
-//   if face direction is counter-clockwise.
-// Divide the polyhedron into tetrahedra with the origin as one vertex and sum up the signed volume.
-function vnf_volume(vnf) =
-    let(verts = vnf[0])
-    sum([
-         for(face=vnf[1], j=[1:1:len(face)-2])
-             cross(verts[face[j+1]], verts[face[j]]) * verts[face[0]]
-    ])/6;
-// Function: vnf_area()
-// Usage:
-//   area = vnf_area(vnf);
-// Description:
-//   Returns the surface area in any VNF by adding up the area of all its faces.  The VNF need not be a manifold.  
-function vnf_area(vnf) =
-    let(verts=vnf[0])
-    sum([for(face=vnf[1]) polygon_area(select(verts,face))]);
-// Function: vnf_centroid()
-// Usage:
-//   vol = vnf_centroid(vnf);
-// Description:
-//   Returns the centroid of the given manifold VNF.  The VNF must describe a valid polyhedron with consistent face direction and
-//   no holes; otherwise the results are undefined.
-// Divide the solid up into tetrahedra with the origin as one vertex.  
-// The centroid of a tetrahedron is the average of its vertices.
-// The centroid of the total is the volume weighted average.
-function vnf_centroid(vnf) =
-    assert(is_vnf(vnf) && len(vnf[0])!=0 ) 
-    let(
-        verts = vnf[0],
-        pos = sum([
-            for(face=vnf[1], j=[1:1:len(face)-2]) let(
-                v0  = verts[face[0]],
-                v1  = verts[face[j]],
-                v2  = verts[face[j+1]],
-                vol = cross(v2,v1)*v0
-            )
-            [ vol, (v0+v1+v2)*vol ]
-        ])
-    )
-    assert(!approx(pos[0],0, EPSILON), "The vnf has self-intersections.")
-    pos[1]/pos[0]/4;
-// Function: vnf_halfspace()
-// Usage:
-//   newvnf = vnf_halfspace(plane, vnf, [closed]);
-// Description:
-//   Returns the intersection of the vnf with a half space.  The half space is defined by
-//   plane = [A,B,C,D], taking the side where the normal [A,B,C] points: Ax+By+Cz≥D.
-//   If closed is set to false then the cut face is not included in the vnf.  This could
-//   allow further extension of the vnf by merging with other vnfs.  
-// Arguments:
-//   plane = plane defining the boundary of the half space
-//   vnf = vnf to cut
-//   closed = if false do not return include cut face(s).  Default: true
-// Example:
-//   vnf = cube(10,center=true);
-//   cutvnf = vnf_halfspace([-1,1,-1,0], vnf);
-//   vnf_polyhedron(cutvnf);
-// Example:  Cut face has 2 components
-//   vnf = path_sweep(circle(r=4, $fn=16),
-//                    circle(r=20, $fn=64),closed=true);
-//   cutvnf = vnf_halfspace([-1,1,-4,0], vnf);
-//   vnf_polyhedron(cutvnf);
-// Example: Cut face is not simply connected
-//   vnf = path_sweep(circle(r=4, $fn=16),
-//                    circle(r=20, $fn=64),closed=true);
-//   cutvnf = vnf_halfspace([0,0.7,-4,0], vnf);
-//   vnf_polyhedron(cutvnf);
-// Example: Cut object has multiple components
-//   function knot(a,b,t) =   // rolling knot 
-//        [ a * cos (3 * t) / (1 - b* sin (2 *t)), 
-//          a * sin( 3 * t) / (1 - b* sin (2 *t)), 
-//        1.8 * b * cos (2 * t) /(1 - b* sin (2 *t))]; 
-//   a = 0.8; b = sqrt (1 - a * a); 
-//   ksteps = 400;
-//   knot_path = [for (i=[0:ksteps-1]) 50 * knot(a,b,(i/ksteps)*360)];
-//   ushape = [[-10, 0],[-10, 10],[ -7, 10],[ -7, 2],[  7, 2],[  7, 7],[ 10, 7],[ 10, 0]];
-//   knot=path_sweep(ushape, knot_path, closed=true, method="incremental");
-//   cut_knot = vnf_halfspace([1,0,0,0], knot);
-//   vnf_polyhedron(cut_knot);
-function vnf_halfspace(plane, vnf, closed=true) =
-    let(
-         inside = [for(x=vnf[0]) plane*[each x,-1] >= 0 ? 1 : 0],
-         vertexmap = [0,each cumsum(inside)],
-         faces_edges_vertices = _vnfcut(plane, vnf[0],vertexmap,inside, vnf[1], last(vertexmap)),
-         newvert = concat(bselect(vnf[0],inside), faces_edges_vertices[2])
-    )
-    closed==false ? [newvert, faces_edges_vertices[0]] :
-    let(
-        allpaths = _assemble_paths(newvert, faces_edges_vertices[1]),
-        newpaths = [for(p=allpaths) if (len(p)>=3) p
-                                    else assert(approx(p[0],p[1]),"Orphan edge found when assembling cut edges.")
-           ]
-    )
-    len(newpaths)<=1 ? [newvert, concat(faces_edges_vertices[0], newpaths)] 
-    :
-      let(
-           faceregion = project_plane(plane, newpaths),
-           facevnf = region_faces(faceregion,reverse=true)
-      )
-      vnf_merge([[newvert, faces_edges_vertices[0]], lift_plane(plane, facevnf)]);
-function _assemble_paths(vertices, edges, paths=[],i=0) =
-     i==len(edges) ? paths :
-     norm(vertices[edges[i][0]]-vertices[edges[i][1]])<EPSILON ? echo(degen=i)_assemble_paths(vertices,edges,paths,i+1) :
-     let(    // Find paths that connects on left side and right side of the edges (if one exists)
-         left = [for(j=idx(paths)) if (approx(vertices[last(paths[j])],vertices[edges[i][0]])) j],
-         right = [for(j=idx(paths)) if (approx(vertices[edges[i][1]],vertices[paths[j][0]])) j]
-     )
-     assert(len(left)<=1 && len(right)<=1)
-     let(              
-          keep_path = list_remove(paths,concat(left,right)),
-          update_path = left==[] && right==[] ? edges[i] 
-                      : left==[] ? concat([edges[i][0]],paths[right[0]])
-                      : right==[] ? concat(paths[left[0]],[edges[i][1]])
-                      : left != right ? concat(paths[left[0]], paths[right[0]])
-                      : paths[left[0]]
-     )
-     _assemble_paths(vertices, edges, concat(keep_path, [update_path]), i+1);
-function _vnfcut(plane, vertices, vertexmap, inside, faces, vertcount, newfaces=[], newedges=[], newvertices=[], i=0) =
-   i==len(faces) ? [newfaces, newedges, newvertices] :
-   let(
-        pts_inside = select(inside,faces[i])
-   )
-   all(pts_inside) ? _vnfcut(plane, vertices, vertexmap, inside, faces, vertcount,
-                             concat(newfaces, [select(vertexmap,faces[i])]), newedges, newvertices, i+1):
-   !any(pts_inside) ? _vnfcut(plane, vertices, vertexmap,inside, faces, vertcount, newfaces, newedges, newvertices, i+1):
-   let(
-        first = search([[1,0]],pair(pts_inside,wrap=true),0)[0],
-        second = search([[0,1]],pair(pts_inside,wrap=true),0)[0]
-   )
-   assert(len(first)==1 && len(second)==1, "Found concave face in VNF.  Run vnf_triangulate first to ensure convex faces.")
-   let(
-        newface = [each select(vertexmap,select(faces[i],second[0]+1,first[0])),vertcount, vertcount+1],
-        newvert = [plane_line_intersection(plane, select(vertices,select(faces[i],first[0],first[0]+1)),eps=0),
-                   plane_line_intersection(plane, select(vertices,select(faces[i],second[0],second[0]+1)),eps=0)]
-   )
-   true //!approx(newvert[0],newvert[1])
-       ? _vnfcut(plane, vertices, vertexmap, inside, faces, vertcount+2,
-                 concat(newfaces, [newface]), concat(newedges,[[vertcount+1,vertcount]]),concat(newvertices,newvert),i+1)
-   :len(newface)>3
-       ? _vnfcut(plane, vertices, vertexmap, inside, faces, vertcount+1,
-                 concat(newfaces, [list_head(newface)]), newedges,concat(newvertices,[newvert[0]]),i+1)
-   :
-   _vnfcut(plane, vertices, vertexmap, inside, faces, vertcount,newfaces, newedges, newvert, i+1);
-function _triangulate_planar_convex_polygons(polys) =
-    polys==[]? [] :
-    let(
-        tris = [for (poly=polys) if (len(poly)==3) poly],
-        bigs = [for (poly=polys) if (len(poly)>3) poly],
-        newtris = [for (poly=bigs) select(poly,-2,0)],
-        newbigs = [for (poly=bigs) select(poly,0,-2)],
-        newtris2 = _triangulate_planar_convex_polygons(newbigs),
-        outtris = concat(tris, newtris, newtris2)
-    ) outtris;
-// this function may produce degenerate triangles:
-//    _triangulate_planar_convex_polygons([ [for(i=[0:1]) [i,i],
-//                                           [1,-1], [-1,-1],
-//                                           for(i=[-1:0]) [i,i] ] ] )
-//    == [[[-1, -1], [ 0,  0], [0,  0]]
-//        [[-1, -1], [-1, -1], [0,  0]]
-//        [[ 1, -1], [-1, -1], [0,  0]]
-//        [[ 0,  0], [ 1,  1], [1, -1]] ]
-// Function: vnf_bend()
-// Usage:
-//   bentvnf = vnf_bend(vnf,r,d,[axis]);
-// Description:
-//   Given a VNF that is entirely above, or entirely below the Z=0 plane, bends the VNF around the
-//   Y axis, splitting up faces as necessary.  Returns the bent VNF.  Will error out if the VNF
-//   straddles the Z=0 plane, or if the bent VNF would wrap more than completely around.  The 1:1
-//   radius is where the curved length of the bent VNF matches the length of the original VNF.  If the
-//   `r` or `d` arguments are given, then they will specify the 1:1 radius or diameter.  If they are
-//   not given, then the 1:1 radius will be defined by the distance of the furthest vertex in the
-//   original VNF from the Z=0 plane.  You can adjust the granularity of the bend using the standard
-//   `$fa`, `$fs`, and `$fn` variables.
-// Arguments:
-//   vnf = The original VNF to bend.
-//   r = If given, the radius where the size of the original shape is the same as in the original.
-//   d = If given, the diameter where the size of the original shape is the same as in the original.
-//   axis = The axis to wrap around.  "X", "Y", or "Z".  Default: "Z"
-// Example(3D):
-//   vnf0 = cube([100,40,10], center=true);
-//   vnf1 = up(50, p=vnf0);
-//   vnf2 = down(50, p=vnf0);
-//   bent1 = vnf_bend(vnf1, axis="Y");
-//   bent2 = vnf_bend(vnf2, axis="Y");
-//   vnf_polyhedron([bent1,bent2]);
-// Example(3D):
-//   vnf0 = linear_sweep(star(n=5,step=2,d=100), height=10);
-//   vnf1 = up(50, p=vnf0);
-//   vnf2 = down(50, p=vnf0);
-//   bent1 = vnf_bend(vnf1, axis="Y");
-//   bent2 = vnf_bend(vnf2, axis="Y");
-//   vnf_polyhedron([bent1,bent2]);
-// Example(3D):
-//   rgn = union(rect([100,20],center=true), rect([20,100],center=true));
-//   vnf0 = linear_sweep(zrot(45,p=rgn), height=10);
-//   vnf1 = up(50, p=vnf0);
-//   vnf2 = down(50, p=vnf0);
-//   bent1 = vnf_bend(vnf1, axis="Y");
-//   bent2 = vnf_bend(vnf2, axis="Y");
-//   vnf_polyhedron([bent1,bent2]);
-// Example(3D): Bending Around X Axis.
-//   rgnr = union(
-//       rect([20,100],center=true),
-//       back(50, p=trapezoid(w1=40, w2=0, h=20, anchor=FRONT))
-//   );
-//   vnf0 = xrot(00,p=linear_sweep(rgnr, height=10));
-//   vnf1 = up(50, p=vnf0);
-//   #vnf_polyhedron(vnf1);
-//   bent1 = vnf_bend(vnf1, axis="X");
-//   vnf_polyhedron([bent1]);
-// Example(3D): Bending Around Y Axis.
-//   rgn = union(
-//       rect([20,100],center=true),
-//       back(50, p=trapezoid(w1=40, w2=0, h=20, anchor=FRONT))
-//   );
-//   rgnr = zrot(-90, p=rgn);
-//   vnf0 = xrot(00,p=linear_sweep(rgnr, height=10));
-//   vnf1 = up(50, p=vnf0);
-//   #vnf_polyhedron(vnf1);
-//   bent1 = vnf_bend(vnf1, axis="Y");
-//   vnf_polyhedron([bent1]);
-// Example(3D): Bending Around Z Axis.
-//   rgn = union(
-//       rect([20,100],center=true),
-//       back(50, p=trapezoid(w1=40, w2=0, h=20, anchor=FRONT))
-//   );
-//   rgnr = zrot(90, p=rgn);
-//   vnf0 = xrot(90,p=linear_sweep(rgnr, height=10));
-//   vnf1 = fwd(50, p=vnf0);
-//   #vnf_polyhedron(vnf1);
-//   bent1 = vnf_bend(vnf1, axis="Z");
-//   vnf_polyhedron([bent1]);
-function vnf_bend(vnf,r,d,axis="Z") =
-    let(
-        chk_axis = assert(in_list(axis,["X","Y","Z"])),
-        vnf = vnf_triangulate(vnf),
-        verts = vnf[0],
-        bounds = pointlist_bounds(verts),
-        bmin = bounds[0],
-        bmax = bounds[1],
-        dflt = axis=="Z"?
-            max(abs(bmax.y), abs(bmin.y)) :
-            max(abs(bmax.z), abs(bmin.z)),
-        r = get_radius(r=r,d=d,dflt=dflt),
-        width = axis=="X"? (bmax.y-bmin.y) : (bmax.x - bmin.x)
-    )
-    assert(width <= 2*PI*r, "Shape would wrap more than completely around the cylinder.")
-    let(
-        span_chk = axis=="Z"?
-            assert(bmin.y > 0 || bmax.y < 0, "Entire shape MUST be completely in front of or behind y=0.") :
-            assert(bmin.z > 0 || bmax.z < 0, "Entire shape MUST be completely above or below z=0."),
-        min_ang = 180 * bmin.x / (PI * r),
-        max_ang = 180 * bmax.x / (PI * r),
-        ang_span = max_ang-min_ang,
-        steps = ceil(segs(r) * ang_span/360),
-        step = width / steps,
-        bend_at = axis=="X"? [for(i = [1:1:steps-1]) i*step+bmin.y] :
-            [for(i = [1:1:steps-1]) i*step+bmin.x],
-        facepolys = [for (face=vnf[1]) select(verts,face)],
-        splits = axis=="X"?
-            _split_polygons_at_each_y(facepolys, bend_at) :
-            _split_polygons_at_each_x(facepolys, bend_at),
-        newtris = _triangulate_planar_convex_polygons(splits),
-        bent_faces = [
-            for (tri = newtris) [
-                for (p = tri) let(
-                    a = axis=="X"? 180*p.y/(r*PI) * sign(bmax.z) :
-                        axis=="Y"? 180*p.x/(r*PI) * sign(bmax.z) :
-                        180*p.x/(r*PI) * sign(bmax.y)
-                )
-                axis=="X"? [p.x, p.z*sin(a), p.z*cos(a)] :
-                axis=="Y"? [p.z*sin(a), p.y, p.z*cos(a)] :
-                [p.y*sin(a), p.y*cos(a), p.z]
-            ]
-        ]
-    ) vnf_add_faces(faces=bent_faces);
-function _split_polygon_at_x(poly, x) =
-    let(
-        xs = subindex(poly,0)
-    ) (min(xs) >= x || max(xs) <= x)? [poly] :
-    let(
-        poly2 = [
-            for (p = pair(poly,true)) each [
-                p[0],
-                if(
-                    (p[0].x < x && p[1].x > x) ||
-                    (p[1].x < x && p[0].x > x)
-                ) let(
-                    u = (x - p[0].x) / (p[1].x - p[0].x)
-                ) [
-                    x,  // Important for later exact match tests
-                    u*(p[1].y-p[0].y)+p[0].y,
-                    u*(p[1].z-p[0].z)+p[0].z,
-                ]
-            ]
-        ],
-        out1 = [for (p = poly2) if(p.x <= x) p],
-        out2 = [for (p = poly2) if(p.x >= x) p],
-        out3 = [
-            if (len(out1)>=3) each split_path_at_self_crossings(out1),
-            if (len(out2)>=3) each split_path_at_self_crossings(out2),
-        ],
-        out = [for (p=out3) if (len(p) > 2) cleanup_path(p)]
-    ) out;
-function _split_polygon_at_y(poly, y) =
-    let(
-        ys = subindex(poly,1)
-    ) (min(ys) >= y || max(ys) <= y)? [poly] :
-    let(
-        poly2 = [
-            for (p = pair(poly,true)) each [
-                p[0],
-                if(
-                    (p[0].y < y && p[1].y > y) ||
-                    (p[1].y < y && p[0].y > y)
-                ) let(
-                    u = (y - p[0].y) / (p[1].y - p[0].y)
-                ) [
-                    u*(p[1].x-p[0].x)+p[0].x,
-                    y,  // Important for later exact match tests
-                    u*(p[1].z-p[0].z)+p[0].z,
-                ]
-            ]
-        ],
-        out1 = [for (p = poly2) if(p.y <= y) p],
-        out2 = [for (p = poly2) if(p.y >= y) p],
-        out3 = [
-            if (len(out1)>=3) each split_path_at_self_crossings(out1),
-            if (len(out2)>=3) each split_path_at_self_crossings(out2),
-        ],
-        out = [for (p=out3) if (len(p) > 2) cleanup_path(p)]
-    ) out;
-/// Function: _split_polygons_at_each_x()
-// Usage:
-//   splitpolys = split_polygons_at_each_x(polys, xs);
-/// Topics: Geometry, Polygons, Intersections
-// Description:
-//   Given a list of 3D polygons, splits all of them wherever they cross any X value given in `xs`.
-// Arguments:
-//   polys = A list of 3D polygons to split.
-//   xs = A list of scalar X values to split at.
-function _split_polygons_at_each_x(polys, xs, _i=0) =
-    assert( [for (poly=polys) if (!is_path(poly,3)) 1] == [], "Expects list of 3D paths.")
-    assert( is_vector(xs), "The split value list should contain only numbers." )
-    _i>=len(xs)? polys :
-    _split_polygons_at_each_x(
-        [
-            for (poly = polys)
-            each _split_polygon_at_x(poly, xs[_i])
-        ], xs, _i=_i+1
-    );
-///Internal Function: _split_polygons_at_each_y()
-// Usage:
-//   splitpolys = _split_polygons_at_each_y(polys, ys);
-/// Topics: Geometry, Polygons, Intersections
-// Description:
-//   Given a list of 3D polygons, splits all of them wherever they cross any Y value given in `ys`.
-// Arguments:
-//   polys = A list of 3D polygons to split.
-//   ys = A list of scalar Y values to split at.
-function _split_polygons_at_each_y(polys, ys, _i=0) =
-    assert( [for (poly=polys) if (!is_path(poly,3)) 1] == [], "Expects list of 3D paths.")
-    assert( is_vector(ys), "The split value list should contain only numbers." )
-    _i>=len(ys)? polys :
-    _split_polygons_at_each_y(
-        [
-            for (poly = polys)
-            each _split_polygon_at_y(poly, ys[_i])
-        ], ys, _i=_i+1
-    );
-// Section: Debugging VNFs
-// Section: Debugging Polyhedrons
-// Module: _show_vertices()
-// Usage:
-//   _show_vertices(vertices, [size], [disabled=]);
-// Description:
-//   Draws all the vertices in an array, at their 3D position, numbered by their
-//   position in the vertex array.  Also draws any children of this module with
-//   transparency.
-// Arguments:
-//   vertices = Array of point vertices.
-//   size = The size of the text used to label the vertices.  Default: 1
-//   ---
-//   disabled = If true, don't draw numbers, and draw children without transparency.  Default = false.
-// Example:
-//   verts = [for (z=[-10,10], y=[-10,10], x=[-10,10]) [x,y,z]];
-//   faces = [[0,1,2], [1,3,2], [0,4,5], [0,5,1], [1,5,7], [1,7,3], [3,7,6], [3,6,2], [2,6,4], [2,4,0], [4,6,7], [4,7,5]];
-//   _show_vertices(vertices=verts, size=2) {
-//       polyhedron(points=verts, faces=faces);
-//   }
-module _show_vertices(vertices, size=1) {
-    color("blue") {
-        dups = vector_search(vertices, EPSILON, vertices);
-        for (ind = dups){
-            numstr = str_join([for(i=ind) str(i)],",");
-            v = vertices[ind[0]];
-            translate(v) {
-                rot($vpr) back(size/8){
-                   linear_extrude(height=size/10, center=true, convexity=10) {
-                      text(text=numstr, size=size, halign="center");
-                   }
-                }
-                sphere(size/10);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-/// Module: _show_faces()
-/// Usage:
-///   _show_faces(vertices, faces, [size=], [disabled=]);
-/// Description:
-///   Draws all the vertices at their 3D position, numbered in blue by their
-///   position in the vertex array.  Each face will have their face number drawn
-///   in red, aligned with the center of face.  All children of this module are drawn
-///   with transparency.
-/// Arguments:
-///   vertices = Array of point vertices.
-///   faces = Array of faces by vertex numbers.
-///   ---
-///   size = The size of the text used to label the faces and vertices.  Default: 1
-///   disabled = If true, don't draw numbers, and draw children without transparency.  Default: false.
-/// Example(EdgesMed):
-///   verts = [for (z=[-10,10], y=[-10,10], x=[-10,10]) [x,y,z]];
-///   faces = [[0,1,2], [1,3,2], [0,4,5], [0,5,1], [1,5,7], [1,7,3], [3,7,6], [3,6,2], [2,6,4], [2,4,0], [4,6,7], [4,7,5]];
-///   _show_faces(vertices=verts, faces=faces, size=2) {
-///       polyhedron(points=verts, faces=faces);
-///   }
-module _show_faces(vertices, faces, size=1) {
-    vlen = len(vertices);
-    color("red") {
-        for (i = [0:1:len(faces)-1]) {
-            face = faces[i];
-            if (face[0] < 0 || face[1] < 0 || face[2] < 0 || face[0] >= vlen || face[1] >= vlen || face[2] >= vlen) {
-                echo("BAD FACE: ", vlen=vlen, face=face);
-            } else {
-                verts = select(vertices,face);
-                c = mean(verts);
-                v0 = verts[0];
-                v1 = verts[1];
-                v2 = verts[2];
-                dv0 = unit(v1 - v0);
-                dv1 = unit(v2 - v0);
-                nrm0 = cross(dv0, dv1);
-                nrm1 = UP;
-                axis = vector_axis(nrm0, nrm1);
-                ang = vector_angle(nrm0, nrm1);
-                theta = atan2(nrm0[1], nrm0[0]);
-                translate(c) {
-                    rotate(a=180-ang, v=axis) {
-                        zrot(theta-90)
-                        linear_extrude(height=size/10, center=true, convexity=10) {
-                            union() {
-                                text(text=str(i), size=size, halign="center");
-                                text(text=str("_"), size=size, halign="center");
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// Module: vnf_debug()
-// Usage:
-//   vnf_debug(vnfs, [faces=], [vertices=], [convexity=], [txtsize=]);
-// Description:
-//   A drop-in module to replace `vnf_polyhedron()` to help debug vertices and faces.
-//   Draws all the vertices at their 3D position, numbered in blue by their
-//   position in the vertex array.  Each face will have its face number drawn
-//   in red, aligned with the center of face.  All given faces are drawn with
-//   transparency. All children of this module are drawn with transparency.
-//   Works best with Thrown-Together preview mode, to see reversed faces.
-//   You can set opacity to 0 if you want to disable the display of the polyhedron faces.  
-//   .
-//   The vertex numbers are shown rotated to face you.  As you rotate your polyhedron you
-//   can rerun the preview to display them oriented for viewing from a different viewpoint.
-// Topics: Polyhedra, Debugging
-// Arguments:
-//   vnf = vnf to display
-//   ---
-//   faces = if true display face numbers.  Default: true
-//   vertices = if true display vertex numbers.  Default: true
-//   opacity = Opacity of the polyhedron faces.  Default: 0.5
-//   convexity = The max number of walls a ray can pass through the given polygon paths.
-//   size = The size of the text used to label the faces and vertices.  Default: 1
-//   disabled = If true, act exactly like `polyhedron()`.  Default = false.
-// Example(EdgesMed):
-//   verts = [for (z=[-10,10], a=[0:120:359.9]) [10*cos(a),10*sin(a),z]];
-//   faces = [[0,1,2], [5,4,3], [0,3,4], [0,4,1], [1,4,5], [1,5,2], [2,5,3], [2,3,0]];
-//   vnf_debug([verts,faces], txtsize=2);
-module vnf_debug(vnf, convexity=6, size=1, faces=true, vertices=true, opacity=0.5) {
-    no_children($children);
-    if (faces)
-      _show_faces(vertices=vnf[0], faces=vnf[1], size=size);
-    if (vertices)
-      _show_vertices(vertices=vnf[0], size=size);
-    color([0.2, 1.0, 0, opacity])
-       vnf_polyhedron(vnf,convexity=convexity);
-// Function&Module: vnf_validate()
-// Usage: As Function
-//   fails = vnf_validate(vnf);
-// Usage: As Module
-//   vnf_validate(vnf, [size]);
-// Description:
-//   When called as a function, returns a list of non-manifold errors with the given VNF.
-//   Each error has the format `[ERR_OR_WARN,CODE,MESG,POINTS,COLOR]`.
-//   When called as a module, echoes the non-manifold errors to the console, and color hilites the
-//   bad edges and vertices, overlaid on a transparent gray polyhedron of the VNF.
-//   .
-//   Currently checks for these problems:
-//   .
-//   Type    | Color    | Code         | Message
-//   ------- | -------- | ------------ | ---------------------------------
-//   WARNING | Yellow   | BIG_FACE     | Face has more than 3 vertices, and may confuse CGAL.
-//   WARNING | Brown    | NULL_FACE    | Face has zero area.
-//   ERROR   | Cyan     | NONPLANAR    | Face vertices are not coplanar.
-//   ERROR   | Brown    | DUP_FACE     | Multiple instances of the same face.
-//   ERROR   | Orange   | MULTCONN     | Multiply Connected Geometry. Too many faces attached at Edge.
-//   ERROR   | Violet   | REVERSAL     | Faces reverse across edge.
-//   ERROR   | Red      | T_JUNCTION   | Vertex is mid-edge on another Face.
-//   ERROR   | Blue     | FACE_ISECT   | Faces intersect.
-//   ERROR   | Magenta  | HOLE_EDGE    | Edge bounds Hole.
-//   .
-//   Still to implement:
-//   - Overlapping coplanar faces.
-// Arguments:
-//   vnf = The VNF to validate.
-//   size = The width of the lines and diameter of points used to highlight edges and vertices.  Module only.  Default: 1
-//   check_isects = If true, performs slow checks for intersecting faces.  Default: false
-// Example: BIG_FACE Warnings; Faces with More Than 3 Vertices.  CGAL often will fail to accept that a face is planar after a rotation, if it has more than 3 vertices.
-//   vnf = skin([
-//       path3d(regular_ngon(n=3, d=100),0),
-//       path3d(regular_ngon(n=5, d=100),100)
-//   ], slices=0, caps=true, method="tangent");
-//   vnf_validate(vnf);
-// Example: NONPLANAR Errors; Face Vertices are Not Coplanar
-//   a = [  0,  0,-50];
-//   b = [-50,-50, 50];
-//   c = [-50, 50, 50];
-//   d = [ 50, 50, 60];
-//   e = [ 50,-50, 50];
-//   vnf = vnf_add_faces(faces=[
-//       [a, b, e], [a, c, b], [a, d, c], [a, e, d], [b, c, d, e]
-//   ]);
-//   vnf_validate(vnf);
-// Example: MULTCONN Errors; More Than Two Faces Attached to the Same Edge.  This confuses CGAL, and can lead to failed renders.
-//   vnf = vnf_triangulate(linear_sweep(union(square(50), square(50,anchor=BACK+RIGHT)), height=50));
-//   vnf_validate(vnf);
-// Example: REVERSAL Errors; Faces Reversed Across Edge
-//   vnf1 = skin([
-//       path3d(square(100,center=true),0),
-//       path3d(square(100,center=true),100),
-//   ], slices=0, caps=false);
-//   vnf = vnf_add_faces(vnf=vnf1, faces=[
-//       [[-50,-50,  0], [ 50, 50,  0], [-50, 50,  0]],
-//       [[-50,-50,  0], [ 50,-50,  0], [ 50, 50,  0]],
-//       [[-50,-50,100], [-50, 50,100], [ 50, 50,100]],
-//       [[-50,-50,100], [ 50,-50,100], [ 50, 50,100]],
-//   ]);
-//   vnf_validate(vnf);
-// Example: T_JUNCTION Errors; Vertex is Mid-Edge on Another Face.
-//   vnf1 = skin([
-//       path3d(square(100,center=true),0),
-//       path3d(square(100,center=true),100),
-//   ], slices=0, caps=false);
-//   vnf = vnf_add_faces(vnf=vnf1, faces=[
-//       [[-50,-50,0], [50,50,0], [-50,50,0]],
-//       [[-50,-50,0], [50,-50,0], [50,50,0]],
-//       [[-50,-50,100], [-50,50,100], [0,50,100]],
-//       [[-50,-50,100], [0,50,100], [0,-50,100]],
-//       [[0,-50,100], [0,50,100], [50,50,100]],
-//       [[0,-50,100], [50,50,100], [50,-50,100]],
-//   ]);
-//   vnf_validate(vnf);
-// Example: FACE_ISECT Errors; Faces Intersect
-//   vnf = vnf_merge([
-//       vnf_triangulate(linear_sweep(square(100,center=true), height=100)),
-//       move([75,35,30],p=vnf_triangulate(linear_sweep(square(100,center=true), height=100)))
-//   ]);
-//   vnf_validate(vnf,size=2,check_isects=true);
-// Example: HOLE_EDGE Errors; Edges Adjacent to Holes.
-//   vnf = skin([
-//       path3d(regular_ngon(n=4, d=100),0),
-//       path3d(regular_ngon(n=5, d=100),100)
-//   ], slices=0, caps=false);
-//   vnf_validate(vnf,size=2);
-function vnf_validate(vnf, show_warns=true, check_isects=false) =
-    assert(is_path(vnf[0]))
-    let(
-        vnf = vnf_merge(vnf, cleanup=true),
-        varr = vnf[0],
-        faces = vnf[1],
-        lvarr = len(varr),
-        edges = sort([
-            for (face=faces, edge=pair(face,true))
-            edge[0]<edge[1]? edge : [edge[1],edge[0]]
-        ]),
-        dfaces = [
-            for (face=faces) let(
-                face=deduplicate_indexed(varr,face,closed=true)
-            ) if(len(face)>=3)
-            face
-        ],
-        face_areas = [
-            for (face = faces)
-            len(face) < 3? 0 :
-            polygon_area([for (k=face) varr[k]])
-        ],
-        edgecnts = unique_count(edges),
-        uniq_edges = edgecnts[0],
-        issues = []
-    )
-    let(
-        big_faces = !show_warns? [] : [
-            for (face = faces)
-            if (len(face) > 3)
-            _vnf_validate_err("BIG_FACE", [for (i=face) varr[i]])
-        ],
-        null_faces = !show_warns? [] : [
-            for (i = idx(faces)) let(
-                face = faces[i],
-                area = face_areas[i],
-                faceverts = [for (k=face) varr[k]]
-            )
-            if (is_num(area) && abs(area) < EPSILON)
-            _vnf_validate_err("NULL_FACE", faceverts)
-        ],
-        issues = concat(big_faces, null_faces)
-    )
-    let(
-        bad_indices = [
-            for (face = faces, idx = face)
-            if (idx < 0 || idx >= lvarr)
-            _vnf_validate_err("BAD_INDEX", [idx])
-        ],
-        issues = concat(issues, bad_indices)
-    ) bad_indices? issues :
-    let(
-        repeated_faces = [
-            for (i=idx(dfaces), j=idx(dfaces))
-            if (i!=j) let(
-                face1 = dfaces[i],
-                face2 = dfaces[j]
-            ) if (min(face1) == min(face2)) let(
-                min1 = min_index(face1),
-                min2 = min_index(face2)
-            ) if (min1 == min2) let(
-                sface1 = list_rotate(face1,min1),
-                sface2 = list_rotate(face2,min2)
-            ) if (sface1 == sface2)
-            _vnf_validate_err("DUP_FACE", [for (i=sface1) varr[i]])
-        ],
-        issues = concat(issues, repeated_faces)
-    ) repeated_faces? issues :
-    let(
-        multconn_edges = unique([
-            for (i = idx(uniq_edges))
-            if (edgecnts[1][i]>2)
-            _vnf_validate_err("MULTCONN", [for (i=uniq_edges[i]) varr[i]])
-        ]),
-        issues = concat(issues, multconn_edges)
-    ) multconn_edges? issues :
-    let(
-        reversals = unique([
-            for(i = idx(dfaces), j = idx(dfaces)) if(i != j)
-            for(edge1 = pair(faces[i],true))
-            for(edge2 = pair(faces[j],true))
-            if(edge1 == edge2)  // Valid adjacent faces will never have the same vertex ordering.
-            if(_edge_not_reported(edge1, varr, multconn_edges))
-            _vnf_validate_err("REVERSAL", [for (i=edge1) varr[i]])
-        ]),
-        issues = concat(issues, reversals)
-    ) reversals? issues :
-    let(
-        t_juncts = unique([
-            for (v=idx(varr), edge=uniq_edges) let(
-                ia = edge[0],
-                ib = v,
-                ic = edge[1]
-            )
-            if (ia!=ib && ib!=ic && ia!=ic) let(
-                a = varr[ia],
-                b = varr[ib],
-                c = varr[ic]
-            )
-            if (!approx(a,b) && !approx(b,c) && !approx(a,c)) let(
-                pt = line_closest_point([a,c],b,SEGMENT)
-            )
-            if (approx(pt,b))
-            _vnf_validate_err("T_JUNCTION", [b])
-        ]),
-        issues = concat(issues, t_juncts)
-    ) t_juncts? issues :
-    let(
-        isect_faces = !check_isects? [] : unique([
-            for (i = [0:1:len(faces)-2]) let(
-                f1 = faces[i],
-                poly1   = select(varr, faces[i]),
-                plane1  = plane3pt(poly1[0], poly1[1], poly1[2]),
-                normal1 = [plane1[0], plane1[1], plane1[2]]
-            )
-            for (j = [i+1:1:len(faces)-1]) let(
-                f2 = faces[j],
-                poly2 = select(varr, f2),
-                val = poly2 * normal1
-            )
-            if( min(val)<=plane1[3] && max(val)>=plane1[3] ) let(
-                plane2  = plane_from_polygon(poly2),
-                normal2 = [plane2[0], plane2[1], plane2[2]],
-                val = poly1 * normal2
-            )
-            if( min(val)<=plane2[3] && max(val)>=plane2[3] ) let(
-                shared_edges = [
-                    for (edge1 = pair(f1, true), edge2 = pair(f2, true))
-                    if (edge1 == [edge2[1], edge2[0]]) 1
-                ]
-            )
-            if (!shared_edges) let(
-                line = plane_intersection(plane1, plane2)
-            )
-            if (!is_undef(line)) let(
-                isects = polygon_line_intersection(poly1, line)
-            )
-            if (!is_undef(isects))
-            for (isect = isects)
-            if (len(isect) > 1) let(
-                isects2 = polygon_line_intersection(poly2, isect, bounded=true)
-            )
-            if (!is_undef(isects2))
-            for (seg = isects2)
-            if (seg[0] != seg[1])
-            _vnf_validate_err("FACE_ISECT", seg)
-        ]),
-        issues = concat(issues, isect_faces)
-    ) isect_faces? issues :
-    let(
-        hole_edges = unique([
-            for (i=idx(uniq_edges))
-            if (edgecnts[1][i]<2)
-            if (_pts_not_reported(uniq_edges[i], varr, t_juncts))
-            if (_pts_not_reported(uniq_edges[i], varr, isect_faces))
-            _vnf_validate_err("HOLE_EDGE", [for (i=uniq_edges[i]) varr[i]])
-        ]),
-        issues = concat(issues, hole_edges)
-    ) hole_edges? issues :
-    let(
-        nonplanars = unique([
-            for (i = idx(faces)) let(
-                face = faces[i],
-                area = face_areas[i],
-                faceverts = [for (k=face) varr[k]]
-            )
-            if (is_num(area) && abs(area) > EPSILON)
-            if (!is_coplanar(faceverts))
-            _vnf_validate_err("NONPLANAR", faceverts)
-        ]),
-        issues = concat(issues, nonplanars)
-    ) issues;
-_vnf_validate_errs = [
-    ["BIG_FACE",    "WARNING", "cyan",    "Face has more than 3 vertices, and may confuse CGAL"],
-    ["NULL_FACE",   "WARNING", "blue",    "Face has zero area."],
-    ["BAD_INDEX",   "ERROR",   "cyan",    "Invalid face vertex index."],
-    ["NONPLANAR",   "ERROR",   "yellow",  "Face vertices are not coplanar"],
-    ["DUP_FACE",    "ERROR",   "brown",   "Multiple instances of the same face."],
-    ["MULTCONN",    "ERROR",   "orange",  "Multiply Connected Geometry. Too many faces attached at Edge"],
-    ["REVERSAL",    "ERROR",   "violet",  "Faces Reverse Across Edge"],
-    ["T_JUNCTION",  "ERROR",   "magenta", "Vertex is mid-edge on another Face"],
-    ["FACE_ISECT",  "ERROR",   "brown",   "Faces intersect"],
-    ["HOLE_EDGE",   "ERROR",   "red",     "Edge bounds Hole"]
-function _vnf_validate_err(name, extra) =
-    let(
-        info = [for (x = _vnf_validate_errs) if (x[0] == name) x][0]
-    ) concat(info, [extra]);
-function _pts_not_reported(pts, varr, reports) =
-    [
-        for (i = pts, report = reports, pt = report[3])
-        if (varr[i] == pt) 1
-    ] == [];
-function _edge_not_reported(edge, varr, reports) =
-    let(
-        edge = sort([for (i=edge) varr[i]])
-    ) [
-        for (report = reports) let(
-            pts = sort(report[3])
-        ) if (len(pts)==2 && edge == pts) 1
-    ] == [];
-module vnf_validate(vnf, size=1, show_warns=true, check_isects=false) {
-    faults = vnf_validate(
-        vnf, show_warns=show_warns,
-        check_isects=check_isects
-    );
-    for (fault = faults) {
-        err = fault[0];
-        typ = fault[1];
-        clr = fault[2];
-        msg = fault[3];
-        pts = fault[4];
-        echo(str(typ, " ", err, " (", clr ,"): ", msg, " at ", pts));
-        color(clr) {
-            if (is_vector(pts[0])) {
-                if (len(pts)==2) {
-                    stroke(pts, width=size, closed=true, endcaps="butt", hull=false, $fn=8);
-                } else if (len(pts)>2) {
-                    stroke(pts, width=size, closed=true, hull=false, $fn=8);
-                    polyhedron(pts,[[for (i=idx(pts)) i]]);
-                } else {
-                    move_copies(pts) sphere(d=size*3, $fn=18);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    color([0.5,0.5,0.5,0.67]) vnf_polyhedron(vnf);
-// vim: expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 nowrap
+// LibFile: vnf.scad
+//   The Vertices'N'Faces structure (VNF) holds the data used by polyhedron() to construct objects: a vertex
+//   list and a list of faces.  This library makes it easier to construct polyhedra by providing
+//   functions to construct, merge, and modify VNF data, while avoiding common pitfalls such as
+//   reversed faces.  
+// Includes:
+//   include <BOSL2/std.scad>
+// Section: Creating Polyhedrons with VNF Structures
+//   VNF stands for "Vertices'N'Faces".  VNF structures are 2-item lists, `[VERTICES,FACES]` where the
+//   first item is a list of vertex points, and the second is a list of face indices into the vertex
+//   list.  Each VNF is self contained, with face indices referring only to its own vertex list.
+//   You can construct a `polyhedron()` in parts by describing each part in a self-contained VNF, then
+//   merge the various VNFs to get the completed polyhedron vertex list and faces.
+// Constant: EMPTY_VNF
+// Description:
+//   The empty VNF data structure.  Equal to `[[],[]]`.  
+EMPTY_VNF = [[],[]];  // The standard empty VNF with no vertices or faces.
+// Function: vnf_vertex_array()
+// Usage:
+//   vnf = vnf_vertex_array(points, [caps], [cap1], [cap2], [style], [reverse], [col_wrap], [row_wrap], [vnf]);
+// Description:
+//   Creates a VNF structure from a vertex list, by dividing the vertices into columns and rows,
+//   adding faces to tile the surface.  You can optionally have faces added to wrap the last column
+//   back to the first column, or wrap the last row to the first.  Endcaps can be added to either
+//   the first and/or last rows.  The style parameter determines how the quadrilaterals are divided into
+//   triangles.  The default style is an arbitrary, systematic subdivision in the same direction.  The "alt" style
+//   is the uniform subdivision in the other (alternate) direction.  The "min_edge" style picks the shorter edge to
+//   subdivide for each quadrilateral, so the division may not be uniform across the shape.  The "quincunx" style
+//   adds a vertex in the center of each quadrilateral and creates four triangles, and the "convex" and "concave" styles
+//   chooses the locally convex/concave subdivision.  
+// Arguments:
+//   points = A list of vertices to divide into columns and rows.
+//   caps = If true, add endcap faces to the first AND last rows.
+//   cap1 = If true, add an endcap face to the first row.
+//   cap2 = If true, add an endcap face to the last row.
+//   col_wrap = If true, add faces to connect the last column to the first.
+//   row_wrap = If true, add faces to connect the last row to the first.
+//   reverse = If true, reverse all face normals.
+//   style = The style of subdividing the quads into faces.  Valid options are "default", "alt", "min_edge", "quincunx","convex" and "concave".
+//   vnf = If given, add all the vertices and faces to this existing VNF structure.
+// Example(3D):
+//   vnf = vnf_vertex_array(
+//       points=[
+//           for (h = [0:5:180-EPSILON]) [
+//               for (t = [0:5:360-EPSILON])
+//                   cylindrical_to_xyz(100 + 12 * cos((h/2 + t)*6), t, h)
+//           ]
+//       ],
+//       col_wrap=true, caps=true, reverse=true, style="alt"
+//   );
+//   vnf_polyhedron(vnf);
+// Example(3D): Both `col_wrap` and `row_wrap` are true to make a torus.
+//   vnf = vnf_vertex_array(
+//       points=[
+//           for (a=[0:5:360-EPSILON])
+//               apply(
+//                   zrot(a) * right(30) * xrot(90),
+//                   path3d(circle(d=20))
+//               )
+//       ],
+//       col_wrap=true, row_wrap=true, reverse=true
+//   );
+//   vnf_polyhedron(vnf);
+// Example(3D): Möbius Strip.  Note that `row_wrap` is not used, and the first and last profile copies are the same.
+//   vnf = vnf_vertex_array(
+//       points=[
+//           for (a=[0:5:360]) apply(
+//               zrot(a) * right(30) * xrot(90) * zrot(a/2+60),
+//               path3d(square([1,10], center=true))
+//           )
+//       ],
+//       col_wrap=true, reverse=true
+//   );
+//   vnf_polyhedron(vnf);
+// Example(3D): Assembling a Polyhedron from Multiple Parts
+//   wall_points = [
+//       for (a = [-90:2:90]) apply(
+//           up(a) * scale([1-0.1*cos(a*6),1-0.1*cos((a+90)*6),1]),
+//           path3d(circle(d=100))
+//       )
+//   ];
+//   cap = [
+//       for (a = [0:0.01:1+EPSILON]) apply(
+//           up(90-5*sin(a*360*2)) * scale([a,a,1]),
+//           wall_points[0]
+//       )
+//   ];
+//   cap1 = [for (p=cap) down(90, p=zscale(-1, p=p))];
+//   cap2 = [for (p=cap) up(90, p=p)];
+//   vnf1 = vnf_vertex_array(points=wall_points, col_wrap=true);
+//   vnf2 = vnf_vertex_array(points=cap1, col_wrap=true);
+//   vnf3 = vnf_vertex_array(points=cap2, col_wrap=true, reverse=true);
+//   vnf_polyhedron([vnf1, vnf2, vnf3]);
+function vnf_vertex_array(
+    points,
+    caps, cap1, cap2,
+    col_wrap=false,
+    row_wrap=false,
+    reverse=false,
+    style="default",
+    vnf=EMPTY_VNF
+) = 
+    assert(!(any([caps,cap1,cap2]) && !col_wrap), "col_wrap must be true if caps are requested")
+    assert(!(any([caps,cap1,cap2]) && row_wrap), "Cannot combine caps with row_wrap")
+    assert(in_list(style,["default","alt","quincunx", "convex","concave", "min_edge"]))
+    assert(is_consistent(points), "Non-rectangular or invalid point array")
+    let(
+        pts = flatten(points),
+        pcnt = len(pts),
+        rows = len(points),
+        cols = len(points[0])
+    )
+    rows<=1 || cols<=1 ? vnf :
+    let(
+        cap1 = first_defined([cap1,caps,false]),
+        cap2 = first_defined([cap2,caps,false]),
+        colcnt = cols - (col_wrap?0:1),
+        rowcnt = rows - (row_wrap?0:1),
+        verts = [
+            each pts,
+            if (style=="quincunx") 
+                for (r = [0:1:rowcnt-1], c = [0:1:colcnt-1]) 
+                   let(
+                       i1 = ((r+0)%rows)*cols + ((c+0)%cols),
+                       i2 = ((r+1)%rows)*cols + ((c+0)%cols),
+                       i3 = ((r+1)%rows)*cols + ((c+1)%cols),
+                       i4 = ((r+0)%rows)*cols + ((c+1)%cols)
+                   )
+                   mean([pts[i1], pts[i2], pts[i3], pts[i4]])
+        ]
+    )
+    vnf_merge(cleanup=false, [
+        vnf,
+        [
+              verts,
+              [
+               for (r = [0:1:rowcnt-1], c=[0:1:colcnt-1])
+                 each
+                   let(
+                       i1 = ((r+0)%rows)*cols + ((c+0)%cols),
+                       i2 = ((r+1)%rows)*cols + ((c+0)%cols),
+                       i3 = ((r+1)%rows)*cols + ((c+1)%cols),
+                       i4 = ((r+0)%rows)*cols + ((c+1)%cols),
+                       faces =
+                            style=="quincunx"? 
+                              let(i5 = pcnt + r*colcnt + c)
+                              [[i1,i5,i2],[i2,i5,i3],[i3,i5,i4],[i4,i5,i1]]
+                          : style=="alt"? 
+                              [[i1,i4,i2],[i2,i4,i3]]
+                          : style=="min_edge"?
+                              let(
+                                   d42=norm(pts[i4]-pts[i2]),
+                                   d13=norm(pts[i1]-pts[i3]),
+                                   shortedge = d42<=d13 ? [[i1,i4,i2],[i2,i4,i3]]
+                                                        : [[i1,i3,i2],[i1,i4,i3]]
+                              )
+                              shortedge
+                          : style=="convex"?  
+                              let(   // Find normal for 3 of the points.  Is the other point above or below?
+                                  n = (reverse?-1:1)*cross(pts[i2]-pts[i1],pts[i3]-pts[i1]),
+                                  convexfaces = n==0 ? [[i1,i4,i3]]
+                                              : n*pts[i4] > n*pts[i1] ? [[i1,i4,i2],[i2,i4,i3]]
+                                                                      : [[i1,i3,i2],[i1,i4,i3]]
+                              )
+                              convexfaces
+                          : style=="concave"?  
+                              let(   // Find normal for 3 of the points.  Is the other point above or below?
+                                  n = (reverse?-1:1)*cross(pts[i2]-pts[i1],pts[i3]-pts[i1]),
+                                  concavefaces = n==0 ? [[i1,i4,i3]]
+                                              : n*pts[i4] <= n*pts[i1] ? [[i1,i4,i2],[i2,i4,i3]]
+                                                                      : [[i1,i3,i2],[i1,i4,i3]]
+                              )
+                              concavefaces
+                          : [[i1,i3,i2],[i1,i4,i3]],
+                       // remove degenerate faces 
+                       culled_faces= [for(face=faces)
+                           if (norm(verts[face[0]]-verts[face[1]])>EPSILON &&
+                               norm(verts[face[1]]-verts[face[2]])>EPSILON && 
+                               norm(verts[face[2]]-verts[face[0]])>EPSILON) 
+                               face
+                       ],
+                       rfaces = reverse? [for (face=culled_faces) reverse(face)] : culled_faces
+                   )
+                   rfaces,
+                if (cap1) count(cols,reverse=!reverse),
+                if (cap2) count(cols,(rows-1)*cols, reverse=reverse)
+              ] 
+        ]
+    ]);
+// Function: vnf_tri_array()
+// Usage:
+//   vnf = vnf_tri_array(points, [row_wrap], [reverse])
+// Description:
+//   Produces a vnf from an array of points where each row length can differ from the adjacent rows by up to 2 in length.  This enables
+//   the construction of triangular VNF patches.  The resulting VNF can be wrapped along the rows by setting `row_wrap` to true.
+// Arguments:
+//   points = List of point lists for each row
+//   row_wrap = If true then add faces connecting the first row and last row.  These rows must differ by at most 2 in length.
+//   reverse = Set this to reverse the direction of the faces
+// Example:  Each row has one more point than the preceeding one.
+//   pts = [for(y=[1:1:10]) [for(x=[0:y-1]) [x,y,y]]];
+//   vnf = vnf_tri_array(pts);
+//   vnf_wireframe(vnf,d=.1);
+//   color("red")move_copies(flatten(pts)) sphere(r=.15,$fn=9);
+// Example:  Each row has one more point than the preceeding one.
+//   pts = [for(y=[0:2:10]) [for(x=[-y/2:y/2]) [x,y,y]]];
+//   vnf = vnf_tri_array(pts);
+//   vnf_wireframe(vnf,d=.1);
+//   color("red")move_copies(flatten(pts)) sphere(r=.15,$fn=9);
+// Example: Chaining two VNFs to construct a cone with one point length change between rows.
+//   pts1 = [for(z=[0:10]) path3d(arc(3+z,r=z/2+1, angle=[0,180]),10-z)];
+//   pts2 = [for(z=[0:10]) path3d(arc(3+z,r=z/2+1, angle=[180,360]),10-z)];
+//   vnf = vnf_tri_array(pts1,
+//                       vnf=vnf_tri_array(pts2));
+//   color("green")vnf_wireframe(vnf,d=.1);
+//   vnf_polyhedron(vnf);
+// Example: Cone with length change two between rows
+//   pts1 = [for(z=[0:1:10]) path3d(arc(3+2*z,r=z/2+1, angle=[0,180]),10-z)];
+//   pts2 = [for(z=[0:1:10]) path3d(arc(3+2*z,r=z/2+1, angle=[180,360]),10-z)];
+//   vnf = vnf_tri_array(pts1,
+//                       vnf=vnf_tri_array(pts2));
+//   color("green")vnf_wireframe(vnf,d=.1);
+//   vnf_polyhedron(vnf);
+// Example: Point count can change irregularly
+//   lens = [10,9,7,5,6,8,8,10];
+//   pts = [for(y=idx(lens)) lerpn([-lens[y],y,y],[lens[y],y,y],lens[y])];
+//   vnf = vnf_tri_array(pts);
+//   vnf_wireframe(vnf,d=.1);
+//   color("red")move_copies(flatten(pts)) sphere(r=.15,$fn=9);
+function vnf_tri_array(points, row_wrap=false, reverse=false, vnf=EMPTY_VNF) = 
+   let(
+       lens = [for(row=points) len(row)],
+       rowstarts = [0,each cumsum(lens)],
+       faces =
+          [for(i=[0:1:len(points) - 1 - (row_wrap ? 0 : 1)]) each
+            let(
+                rowstart = rowstarts[i],
+                nextrow = select(rowstarts,i+1),
+                delta = select(lens,i+1)-lens[i]
+            )
+            delta == 0 ?
+              [for(j=[0:1:lens[i]-2]) reverse ? [j+rowstart+1, j+rowstart, j+nextrow] : [j+rowstart, j+rowstart+1, j+nextrow],
+               for(j=[0:1:lens[i]-2]) reverse ? [j+rowstart+1, j+nextrow, j+nextrow+1] : [j+rowstart+1, j+nextrow+1, j+nextrow]] :
+            delta == 1 ?
+              [for(j=[0:1:lens[i]-2]) reverse ? [j+rowstart+1, j+rowstart, j+nextrow+1] : [j+rowstart, j+rowstart+1, j+nextrow+1],
+               for(j=[0:1:lens[i]-1]) reverse ? [j+rowstart, j+nextrow, j+nextrow+1] : [j+rowstart, j+nextrow+1, j+nextrow]] :
+            delta == -1 ?
+              [for(j=[0:1:lens[i]-3]) reverse ? [j+rowstart+1, j+nextrow, j+nextrow+1]: [j+rowstart+1, j+nextrow+1, j+nextrow],
+               for(j=[0:1:lens[i]-2]) reverse ? [j+rowstart+1, j+rowstart, j+nextrow] : [j+rowstart, j+rowstart+1, j+nextrow]] :
+            let(count = floor((lens[i]-1)/2))
+            delta == 2 ?
+              [
+               for(j=[0:1:count-1]) reverse ? [j+rowstart+1, j+rowstart, j+nextrow+1] : [j+rowstart, j+rowstart+1, j+nextrow+1],       // top triangles left
+               for(j=[count:1:lens[i]-2]) reverse ? [j+rowstart+1, j+rowstart, j+nextrow+2] : [j+rowstart, j+rowstart+1, j+nextrow+2], // top triangles right
+               for(j=[0:1:count]) reverse ? [j+rowstart, j+nextrow, j+nextrow+1] : [j+rowstart, j+nextrow+1, j+nextrow],                        // bot triangles left
+               for(j=[count+1:1:select(lens,i+1)-2]) reverse ? [j+rowstart-1, j+nextrow, j+nextrow+1] : [j+rowstart-1, j+nextrow+1, j+nextrow], // bot triangles right
+              ] :
+            delta == -2 ?
+              [
+               for(j=[0:1:count-2]) reverse ? [j+nextrow, j+nextrow+1, j+rowstart+1] : [j+nextrow, j+rowstart+1, j+nextrow+1],
+               for(j=[count-1:1:lens[i]-4]) reverse ? [j+nextrow,j+nextrow+1,j+rowstart+2] : [j+nextrow,j+rowstart+2, j+nextrow+1],
+               for(j=[0:1:count-1]) reverse ? [j+nextrow, j+rowstart+1, j+rowstart] : [j+nextrow, j+rowstart, j+rowstart+1],
+               for(j=[count:1:select(lens,i+1)]) reverse ? [ j+nextrow-1, j+rowstart+1, j+rowstart]: [ j+nextrow-1, j+rowstart, j+rowstart+1],
+              ] :
+            assert(false,str("Unsupported row length difference of ",delta, " between row ",i," and ",(i+1)%len(points)))
+        ])
+    vnf_merge(cleanup=true, [vnf, [flatten(points), faces]]);
+// Function: vnf_merge()
+// Usage:
+//   vnf = vnf_merge([VNF, VNF, VNF, ...], [cleanup],[eps]);
+// Description:
+//   Given a list of VNF structures, merges them all into a single VNF structure.
+//   When cleanup=true, it consolidates all duplicate vertices with a tolerance `eps`,
+//   drops unreferenced vertices and any final face with less than 3 vertices. 
+//   Unreferenced vertices of the input VNFs that doesn't duplicate any other vertex 
+//   are not dropped.
+// Arguments:
+//   vnfs - a list of the VNFs to merge in one VNF.
+//   cleanup - when true, consolidates the duplicate vertices of the merge. Default: false
+//   eps - the tolerance in finding duplicates when cleanup=true. Default: EPSILON
+function vnf_merge(vnfs, cleanup=false, eps=EPSILON) =
+    is_vnf(vnfs) ? vnf_merge([vnfs], cleanup, eps) :
+    assert( is_vnf_list(vnfs) , "Improper vnf or vnf list")  
+    let (
+        offs  = cumsum([ 0, for (vnf = vnfs) len(vnf[0]) ]),
+        verts = [for (vnf=vnfs) each vnf[0]],
+        faces =
+            [ for (i = idx(vnfs)) 
+                let( faces = vnfs[i][1] )
+                for (face = faces) 
+                    if ( len(face) >= 3 )
+                        [ for (j = face) 
+                            assert( j>=0 && j<len(vnfs[i][0]), 
+                                    str("VNF number ", i, " has a face indexing an nonexistent vertex") )
+                            offs[i] + j ]
+            ]
+    )
+    ! cleanup ? [verts, faces] :
+    let(
+        dedup  = vector_search(verts,eps,verts),                 // collect vertex duplicates
+        map    = [for(i=idx(verts)) min(dedup[i]) ],             // remap duplic vertices
+        offset = cumsum([for(i=idx(verts)) map[i]==i ? 0 : 1 ]), // remaping face vertex offsets 
+        map2   = list(idx(verts))-offset,                        // map old vertex indices to new indices
+        nverts = [for(i=idx(verts)) if(map[i]==i) verts[i] ],    // eliminates all unreferenced vertices
+        nfaces = 
+            [ for(face=faces) 
+                let(
+                    nface = [ for(vi=face) map2[map[vi]] ],
+                    dface = [for (i=idx(nface)) 
+                                if( nface[i]!=nface[(i+1)%len(nface)]) 
+                                    nface[i] ] 
+                )
+                if(len(dface) >= 3) dface 
+            ]
+    ) 
+    [nverts, nfaces];
+// Function: vnf_add_face()
+// Usage:
+//   vnf_add_face(vnf, pts);
+// Description:
+//   Given a VNF structure and a list of face vertex points, adds the face to the VNF structure.
+//   Returns the modified VNF structure `[VERTICES, FACES]`.  It is up to the caller to make
+//   sure that the points are in the correct order to make the face normal point outwards.
+// Arguments:
+//   vnf = The VNF structure to add a face to.
+//   pts = The vertex points for the face.
+function vnf_add_face(vnf=EMPTY_VNF, pts) =
+    assert(is_vnf(vnf))
+    assert(is_path(pts))
+    let(
+        res = set_union(vnf[0], pts, get_indices=true),
+        face = deduplicate(res[0], closed=true)
+    ) [
+        res[1],
+        concat(vnf[1], len(face)>2? [face] : [])
+    ];
+// Function: vnf_add_faces()
+// Usage:
+//   vnf_add_faces(vnf, faces);
+// Description:
+//   Given a VNF structure and a list of faces, where each face is given as a list of vertex points,
+//   adds the faces to the VNF structure.  Returns the modified VNF structure `[VERTICES, FACES]`.
+//   It is up to the caller to make sure that the points are in the correct order to make the face
+//   normals point outwards.
+// Arguments:
+//   vnf = The VNF structure to add a face to.
+//   faces = The list of faces, where each face is given as a list of vertex points.
+function vnf_add_faces(vnf=EMPTY_VNF, faces) =
+    assert(is_vnf(vnf))
+    assert(is_list(faces))
+    let(
+        res = set_union(vnf[0], flatten(faces), get_indices=true),
+        idxs = res[0],
+        nverts = res[1],
+        offs = cumsum([0, for (face=faces) len(face)]),
+        ifaces = [
+            for (i=idx(faces)) [
+                for (j=idx(faces[i]))
+                idxs[offs[i]+j]
+            ]
+        ]
+    ) [
+        nverts,
+        concat(vnf[1],ifaces)
+    ];
+// Section: VNF Testing and Access
+// Function: is_vnf()
+// Usage:
+//   bool = is_vnf(x);
+// Description:
+//   Returns true if the given value looks like a VNF structure.
+function is_vnf(x) =
+    is_list(x) &&
+    len(x)==2 &&
+    is_list(x[0]) &&
+    is_list(x[1]) &&
+    (x[0]==[] || (len(x[0])>=3 && is_vector(x[0][0]))) &&
+    (x[1]==[] || is_vector(x[1][0]));
+// Function: is_vnf_list()
+// Description: Returns true if the given value looks passingly like a list of VNF structures.
+function is_vnf_list(x) = is_list(x) && all([for (v=x) is_vnf(v)]);
+// Function: vnf_vertices()
+// Description: Given a VNF structure, returns the list of vertex points.
+function vnf_vertices(vnf) = vnf[0];
+// Function: vnf_faces()
+// Description: Given a VNF structure, returns the list of faces, where each face is a list of indices into the VNF vertex list.
+function vnf_faces(vnf) = vnf[1];
+// Section: Altering the VNF Internals
+// Function: vnf_reverse_faces()
+// Usage:
+//   rvnf = vnf_reverse_faces(vnf);
+// Description:
+//   Reverses the facing of all the faces in the given VNF.
+function vnf_reverse_faces(vnf) =
+    [vnf[0], [for (face=vnf[1]) reverse(face)]];
+// Function: vnf_quantize()
+// Usage:
+//   vnf2 = vnf_quantize(vnf,[q]);
+// Description:
+//   Quantizes the vertex coordinates of the VNF to the given quanta `q`.
+// Arguments:
+//   vnf = The VNF to quantize.
+//   q = The quanta to quantize the VNF coordinates to.
+function vnf_quantize(vnf,q=pow(2,-12)) =
+    [[for (pt = vnf[0]) quant(pt,q)], vnf[1]];
+// Function: vnf_triangulate()
+// Usage:
+//   vnf2 = vnf_triangulate(vnf);
+// Description:
+//   Triangulates faces in the VNF that have more than 3 vertices.  
+function vnf_triangulate(vnf) =
+    let(
+        vnf = is_vnf_list(vnf)? vnf_merge(vnf) : vnf,
+        verts = vnf[0],
+        faces = [for (face=vnf[1]) each len(face)==3 ? [face] : 
+                                         polygon_triangulate(verts, face)]
+    ) [verts, faces]; 
+// Section: Turning a VNF into geometry
+// Module: vnf_polyhedron()
+// Usage:
+//   vnf_polyhedron(vnf);
+//   vnf_polyhedron([VNF, VNF, VNF, ...]);
+// Description:
+//   Given a VNF structure, or a list of VNF structures, creates a polyhedron from them.
+// Arguments:
+//   vnf = A VNF structure, or list of VNF structures.
+//   convexity = Max number of times a line could intersect a wall of the shape.
+//   extent = If true, calculate anchors by extents, rather than intersection.  Default: true.
+//   cp = Centerpoint of VNF to use for anchoring when `extent` is false.  Default: `[0, 0, 0]`
+//   anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0).  See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor).  Default: `"origin"`
+//   spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor.  See [spin](attachments.scad#spin).  Default: `0`
+//   orient = Vector to rotate top towards, after spin.  See [orient](attachments.scad#orient).  Default: `UP`
+module vnf_polyhedron(vnf, convexity=2, extent=true, cp=[0,0,0], anchor="origin", spin=0, orient=UP) {
+    vnf = is_vnf_list(vnf)? vnf_merge(vnf) : vnf;
+    cp = is_def(cp) ? cp : vnf_centroid(vnf);
+    attachable(anchor,spin,orient, vnf=vnf, extent=extent, cp=cp) {
+        polyhedron(vnf[0], vnf[1], convexity=convexity);
+        children();
+    }
+// Module: vnf_wireframe()
+// Usage:
+//   vnf_wireframe(vnf, <r|d>);
+// Description:
+//   Given a VNF, creates a wire frame ball-and-stick model of the polyhedron with a cylinder for
+//   each edge and a sphere at each vertex.  The width parameter specifies the width of the sticks
+//   that form the wire frame. 
+// Arguments:
+//   vnf = A vnf structure
+//   width = width of the cylinders forming the wire frame.  Default: 1
+// Example:
+//   $fn=32;
+//   ball = sphere(r=20, $fn=6);
+//   vnf_wireframe(ball,width=1);
+// Example:
+//   include <BOSL2/polyhedra.scad>
+//   $fn=32;
+//   cube_oct = regular_polyhedron_info("vnf", name="cuboctahedron", or=20);
+//   vnf_wireframe(cube_oct);
+// Example: The spheres at the vertex are imperfect at aligning with the cylinders, so especially at low $fn things look prety ugly.  This is normal.
+//   include <BOSL2/polyhedra.scad>
+//   $fn=8;
+//   octahedron = regular_polyhedron_info("vnf", name="octahedron", or=20);
+//   vnf_wireframe(octahedron,width=5);
+module vnf_wireframe(vnf, width=1)
+  vertex = vnf[0];
+  edges = unique([for (face=vnf[1], i=idx(face))
+                    sort([face[i], select(face,i+1)])
+                 ]);
+  for (e=edges) extrude_from_to(vertex[e[0]],vertex[e[1]]) circle(d=width);
+  move_copies(vertex) sphere(d=width);
+// Section: Operations on VNFs
+// Function: vnf_volume()
+// Usage:
+//   vol = vnf_volume(vnf);
+// Description:
+//   Returns the volume enclosed by the given manifold VNF.   The VNF must describe a valid polyhedron with consistent face direction and
+//   no holes; otherwise the results are undefined.  Returns a positive volume if face direction is clockwise and a negative volume
+//   if face direction is counter-clockwise.
+// Divide the polyhedron into tetrahedra with the origin as one vertex and sum up the signed volume.
+function vnf_volume(vnf) =
+    let(verts = vnf[0])
+    sum([
+         for(face=vnf[1], j=[1:1:len(face)-2])
+             cross(verts[face[j+1]], verts[face[j]]) * verts[face[0]]
+    ])/6;
+// Function: vnf_area()
+// Usage:
+//   area = vnf_area(vnf);
+// Description:
+//   Returns the surface area in any VNF by adding up the area of all its faces.  The VNF need not be a manifold.  
+function vnf_area(vnf) =
+    let(verts=vnf[0])
+    sum([for(face=vnf[1]) polygon_area(select(verts,face))]);
+// Function: vnf_centroid()
+// Usage:
+//   vol = vnf_centroid(vnf);
+// Description:
+//   Returns the centroid of the given manifold VNF.  The VNF must describe a valid polyhedron with consistent face direction and
+//   no holes; otherwise the results are undefined.
+// Divide the solid up into tetrahedra with the origin as one vertex.  
+// The centroid of a tetrahedron is the average of its vertices.
+// The centroid of the total is the volume weighted average.
+function vnf_centroid(vnf) =
+    assert(is_vnf(vnf) && len(vnf[0])!=0 ) 
+    let(
+        verts = vnf[0],
+        pos = sum([
+            for(face=vnf[1], j=[1:1:len(face)-2]) let(
+                v0  = verts[face[0]],
+                v1  = verts[face[j]],
+                v2  = verts[face[j+1]],
+                vol = cross(v2,v1)*v0
+            )
+            [ vol, (v0+v1+v2)*vol ]
+        ])
+    )
+    assert(!approx(pos[0],0, EPSILON), "The vnf has self-intersections.")
+    pos[1]/pos[0]/4;
+// Function: vnf_halfspace()
+// Usage:
+//   newvnf = vnf_halfspace(plane, vnf, [closed]);
+// Description:
+//   Returns the intersection of the vnf with a half space.  The half space is defined by
+//   plane = [A,B,C,D], taking the side where the normal [A,B,C] points: Ax+By+Cz≥D.
+//   If closed is set to false then the cut face is not included in the vnf.  This could
+//   allow further extension of the vnf by merging with other vnfs.  
+// Arguments:
+//   plane = plane defining the boundary of the half space
+//   vnf = vnf to cut
+//   closed = if false do not return include cut face(s).  Default: true
+// Example:
+//   vnf = cube(10,center=true);
+//   cutvnf = vnf_halfspace([-1,1,-1,0], vnf);
+//   vnf_polyhedron(cutvnf);
+// Example:  Cut face has 2 components
+//   vnf = path_sweep(circle(r=4, $fn=16),
+//                    circle(r=20, $fn=64),closed=true);
+//   cutvnf = vnf_halfspace([-1,1,-4,0], vnf);
+//   vnf_polyhedron(cutvnf);
+// Example: Cut face is not simply connected
+//   vnf = path_sweep(circle(r=4, $fn=16),
+//                    circle(r=20, $fn=64),closed=true);
+//   cutvnf = vnf_halfspace([0,0.7,-4,0], vnf);
+//   vnf_polyhedron(cutvnf);
+// Example: Cut object has multiple components
+//   function knot(a,b,t) =   // rolling knot 
+//        [ a * cos (3 * t) / (1 - b* sin (2 *t)), 
+//          a * sin( 3 * t) / (1 - b* sin (2 *t)), 
+//        1.8 * b * cos (2 * t) /(1 - b* sin (2 *t))]; 
+//   a = 0.8; b = sqrt (1 - a * a); 
+//   ksteps = 400;
+//   knot_path = [for (i=[0:ksteps-1]) 50 * knot(a,b,(i/ksteps)*360)];
+//   ushape = [[-10, 0],[-10, 10],[ -7, 10],[ -7, 2],[  7, 2],[  7, 7],[ 10, 7],[ 10, 0]];
+//   knot=path_sweep(ushape, knot_path, closed=true, method="incremental");
+//   cut_knot = vnf_halfspace([1,0,0,0], knot);
+//   vnf_polyhedron(cut_knot);
+function vnf_halfspace(plane, vnf, closed=true) =
+    let(
+         inside = [for(x=vnf[0]) plane*[each x,-1] >= 0 ? 1 : 0],
+         vertexmap = [0,each cumsum(inside)],
+         faces_edges_vertices = _vnfcut(plane, vnf[0],vertexmap,inside, vnf[1], last(vertexmap)),
+         newvert = concat(bselect(vnf[0],inside), faces_edges_vertices[2])
+    )
+    closed==false ? [newvert, faces_edges_vertices[0]] :
+    let(
+        allpaths = _assemble_paths(newvert, faces_edges_vertices[1]),
+        newpaths = [for(p=allpaths) if (len(p)>=3) p
+                                    else assert(approx(p[0],p[1]),"Orphan edge found when assembling cut edges.")
+           ]
+    )
+    len(newpaths)<=1 ? [newvert, concat(faces_edges_vertices[0], newpaths)] 
+    :
+      let(
+           faceregion = project_plane(plane, newpaths),
+           facevnf = region_faces(faceregion,reverse=true)
+      )
+      vnf_merge([[newvert, faces_edges_vertices[0]], lift_plane(plane, facevnf)]);
+function _assemble_paths(vertices, edges, paths=[],i=0) =
+     i==len(edges) ? paths :
+     norm(vertices[edges[i][0]]-vertices[edges[i][1]])<EPSILON ? echo(degen=i)_assemble_paths(vertices,edges,paths,i+1) :
+     let(    // Find paths that connects on left side and right side of the edges (if one exists)
+         left = [for(j=idx(paths)) if (approx(vertices[last(paths[j])],vertices[edges[i][0]])) j],
+         right = [for(j=idx(paths)) if (approx(vertices[edges[i][1]],vertices[paths[j][0]])) j]
+     )
+     assert(len(left)<=1 && len(right)<=1)
+     let(              
+          keep_path = list_remove(paths,concat(left,right)),
+          update_path = left==[] && right==[] ? edges[i] 
+                      : left==[] ? concat([edges[i][0]],paths[right[0]])
+                      : right==[] ? concat(paths[left[0]],[edges[i][1]])
+                      : left != right ? concat(paths[left[0]], paths[right[0]])
+                      : paths[left[0]]
+     )
+     _assemble_paths(vertices, edges, concat(keep_path, [update_path]), i+1);
+function _vnfcut(plane, vertices, vertexmap, inside, faces, vertcount, newfaces=[], newedges=[], newvertices=[], i=0) =
+   i==len(faces) ? [newfaces, newedges, newvertices] :
+   let(
+        pts_inside = select(inside,faces[i])
+   )
+   all(pts_inside) ? _vnfcut(plane, vertices, vertexmap, inside, faces, vertcount,
+                             concat(newfaces, [select(vertexmap,faces[i])]), newedges, newvertices, i+1):
+   !any(pts_inside) ? _vnfcut(plane, vertices, vertexmap,inside, faces, vertcount, newfaces, newedges, newvertices, i+1):
+   let(
+        first = search([[1,0]],pair(pts_inside,wrap=true),0)[0],
+        second = search([[0,1]],pair(pts_inside,wrap=true),0)[0]
+   )
+   assert(len(first)==1 && len(second)==1, "Found concave face in VNF.  Run vnf_triangulate first to ensure convex faces.")
+   let(
+        newface = [each select(vertexmap,select(faces[i],second[0]+1,first[0])),vertcount, vertcount+1],
+        newvert = [plane_line_intersection(plane, select(vertices,select(faces[i],first[0],first[0]+1)),eps=0),
+                   plane_line_intersection(plane, select(vertices,select(faces[i],second[0],second[0]+1)),eps=0)]
+   )
+   true //!approx(newvert[0],newvert[1])
+       ? _vnfcut(plane, vertices, vertexmap, inside, faces, vertcount+2,
+                 concat(newfaces, [newface]), concat(newedges,[[vertcount+1,vertcount]]),concat(newvertices,newvert),i+1)
+   :len(newface)>3
+       ? _vnfcut(plane, vertices, vertexmap, inside, faces, vertcount+1,
+                 concat(newfaces, [list_head(newface)]), newedges,concat(newvertices,[newvert[0]]),i+1)
+   :
+   _vnfcut(plane, vertices, vertexmap, inside, faces, vertcount,newfaces, newedges, newvert, i+1);
+function _triangulate_planar_convex_polygons(polys) =
+    polys==[]? [] :
+    let(
+        tris = [for (poly=polys) if (len(poly)==3) poly],
+        bigs = [for (poly=polys) if (len(poly)>3) poly],
+        newtris = [for (poly=bigs) select(poly,-2,0)],
+        newbigs = [for (poly=bigs) select(poly,0,-2)],
+        newtris2 = _triangulate_planar_convex_polygons(newbigs),
+        outtris = concat(tris, newtris, newtris2)
+    ) outtris;
+// this function may produce degenerate triangles:
+//    _triangulate_planar_convex_polygons([ [for(i=[0:1]) [i,i],
+//                                           [1,-1], [-1,-1],
+//                                           for(i=[-1:0]) [i,i] ] ] )
+//    == [[[-1, -1], [ 0,  0], [0,  0]]
+//        [[-1, -1], [-1, -1], [0,  0]]
+//        [[ 1, -1], [-1, -1], [0,  0]]
+//        [[ 0,  0], [ 1,  1], [1, -1]] ]
+// Function: vnf_bend()
+// Usage:
+//   bentvnf = vnf_bend(vnf,r,d,[axis]);
+// Description:
+//   Bend a VNF around the X, Y or Z axis, splitting up faces as necessary.  Returns the bent
+//   VNF.  For bending around the Z axis the input VNF must not cross the Y=0 plane.  For bending
+//   around the X or Y axes the VNF must not cross the Z=0 plane.  Note that if you wrap a VNF all the way around
+//   it may intersect itself, which produces an invalid polyhedron.  It is your responsibility to
+//   avoid this situation.  The 1:1
+//   radius is where the curved length of the bent VNF matches the length of the original VNF.  If the
+//   `r` or `d` arguments are given, then they will specify the 1:1 radius or diameter.  If they are
+//   not given, then the 1:1 radius will be defined by the distance of the furthest vertex in the
+//   original VNF from the Z=0 plane.  You can adjust the granularity of the bend using the standard
+//   `$fa`, `$fs`, and `$fn` variables.
+// Arguments:
+//   vnf = The original VNF to bend.
+//   r = If given, the radius where the size of the original shape is the same as in the original.
+//   d = If given, the diameter where the size of the original shape is the same as in the original.
+//   axis = The axis to wrap around.  "X", "Y", or "Z".  Default: "Z"
+// Example(3D):
+//   vnf0 = cube([100,40,10], center=true);
+//   vnf1 = up(50, p=vnf0);
+//   vnf2 = down(50, p=vnf0);
+//   bent1 = vnf_bend(vnf1, axis="Y");
+//   bent2 = vnf_bend(vnf2, axis="Y");
+//   vnf_polyhedron([bent1,bent2]);
+// Example(3D):
+//   vnf0 = linear_sweep(star(n=5,step=2,d=100), height=10);
+//   vnf1 = up(50, p=vnf0);
+//   vnf2 = down(50, p=vnf0);
+//   bent1 = vnf_bend(vnf1, axis="Y");
+//   bent2 = vnf_bend(vnf2, axis="Y");
+//   vnf_polyhedron([bent1,bent2]);
+// Example(3D):
+//   rgn = union(rect([100,20],center=true), rect([20,100],center=true));
+//   vnf0 = linear_sweep(zrot(45,p=rgn), height=10);
+//   vnf1 = up(50, p=vnf0);
+//   vnf2 = down(50, p=vnf0);
+//   bent1 = vnf_bend(vnf1, axis="Y");
+//   bent2 = vnf_bend(vnf2, axis="Y");
+//   vnf_polyhedron([bent1,bent2]);
+// Example(3D): Bending Around X Axis.
+//   rgnr = union(
+//       rect([20,100],center=true),
+//       back(50, p=trapezoid(w1=40, w2=0, h=20, anchor=FRONT))
+//   );
+//   vnf0 = xrot(00,p=linear_sweep(rgnr, height=10));
+//   vnf1 = up(50, p=vnf0);
+//   #vnf_polyhedron(vnf1);
+//   bent1 = vnf_bend(vnf1, axis="X");
+//   vnf_polyhedron([bent1]);
+// Example(3D): Bending Around Y Axis.
+//   rgn = union(
+//       rect([20,100],center=true),
+//       back(50, p=trapezoid(w1=40, w2=0, h=20, anchor=FRONT))
+//   );
+//   rgnr = zrot(-90, p=rgn);
+//   vnf0 = xrot(00,p=linear_sweep(rgnr, height=10));
+//   vnf1 = up(50, p=vnf0);
+//   #vnf_polyhedron(vnf1);
+//   bent1 = vnf_bend(vnf1, axis="Y");
+//   vnf_polyhedron([bent1]);
+// Example(3D): Bending Around Z Axis.
+//   rgn = union(
+//       rect([20,100],center=true),
+//       back(50, p=trapezoid(w1=40, w2=0, h=20, anchor=FRONT))
+//   );
+//   rgnr = zrot(90, p=rgn);
+//   vnf0 = xrot(90,p=linear_sweep(rgnr, height=10));
+//   vnf1 = fwd(50, p=vnf0);
+//   #vnf_polyhedron(vnf1);
+//   bent1 = vnf_bend(vnf1, axis="Z");
+//   vnf_polyhedron([bent1]);
+// Example(3D): Bending more than once around the cylinder
+//   $fn=32;
+//   vnf = apply(fwd(5)*yrot(30),cube([100,2,5],center=true));
+//   bent = vnf_bend(vnf, axis="Z");
+//   vnf_polyhedron(bent);
+function vnf_bend(vnf,r,d,axis="Z") =
+    let(
+        chk_axis = assert(in_list(axis,["X","Y","Z"])),
+        vnf = vnf_triangulate(vnf),
+        verts = vnf[0],
+        bounds = pointlist_bounds(verts),
+        bmin = bounds[0],
+        bmax = bounds[1],
+        dflt = axis=="Z"?
+            max(abs(bmax.y), abs(bmin.y)) :
+            max(abs(bmax.z), abs(bmin.z)),
+        r = get_radius(r=r,d=d,dflt=dflt),
+        extent = axis=="X" ? [bmin.y, bmax.y] : [bmin.x, bmax.x]
+    )
+    let(
+        span_chk = axis=="Z"?
+            assert(bmin.y > 0 || bmax.y < 0, "Entire shape MUST be completely in front of or behind y=0.") :
+            assert(bmin.z > 0 || bmax.z < 0, "Entire shape MUST be completely above or below z=0."),
+        steps = ceil(segs(r) * (extent[1]-extent[0])/(2*PI*r)),
+        step = (extent[1]-extent[0]) / steps,
+        bend_at = [for(i = [1:1:steps-1]) i*step+extent[0]],
+        facepolys = [for (face=vnf[1]) select(verts,face)],
+        slicedir = axis=="X"? "Y" : "X",   // slice in y dir for X axis case, and x dir otherwise
+        splits = _slice_3dpolygons(facepolys, slicedir, bend_at),
+        newtris = _triangulate_planar_convex_polygons(splits),
+        bent_faces = [
+            for (tri = newtris) [
+                for (p = tri) let(
+                    a = axis=="X"? 180*p.y/(r*PI) * sign(bmax.z) :
+                        axis=="Y"? 180*p.x/(r*PI) * sign(bmax.z) :
+                        180*p.x/(r*PI) * sign(bmax.y)
+                )
+                axis=="X"? [p.x, p.z*sin(a), p.z*cos(a)] :
+                axis=="Y"? [p.z*sin(a), p.y, p.z*cos(a)] :
+                [p.y*sin(a), p.y*cos(a), p.z]
+            ]
+        ]
+    ) vnf_add_faces(faces=bent_faces);
+function _split_polygon_at_x(poly, x) =
+    let(
+        xs = subindex(poly,0)
+    ) (min(xs) >= x || max(xs) <= x)? [poly] :
+    let(
+        poly2 = [
+            for (p = pair(poly,true)) each [
+                p[0],
+                if(
+                    (p[0].x < x && p[1].x > x) ||
+                    (p[1].x < x && p[0].x > x)
+                ) let(
+                    u = (x - p[0].x) / (p[1].x - p[0].x)
+                ) [
+                    x,  // Important for later exact match tests
+                    u*(p[1].y-p[0].y)+p[0].y
+                ]
+            ]
+        ],
+        out1 = [for (p = poly2) if(p.x <= x) p],
+        out2 = [for (p = poly2) if(p.x >= x) p],
+        out3 = [
+            if (len(out1)>=3) each split_path_at_self_crossings(out1),
+            if (len(out2)>=3) each split_path_at_self_crossings(out2),
+        ],
+        out = [for (p=out3) if (len(p) > 2) cleanup_path(p)]
+    ) out;
+function _split_2dpolygons_at_each_x(polys, xs, _i=0) =
+    _i>=len(xs)? polys :
+    _split_2dpolygons_at_each_x(
+        [
+            for (poly = polys)
+            each _split_polygon_at_x(poly, xs[_i])
+        ], xs, _i=_i+1
+    );
+/// Function: _slice_3dpolygons()
+/// Usage:
+///   splitpolys = _slice_3dpolygons(polys, dir, cuts);
+/// Topics: Geometry, Polygons, Intersections
+/// Description:
+///   Given a list of 3D polygons, a choice of X, Y, or Z, and a cut list, `cuts`, splits all of the polygons where they cross
+///   X/Y/Z at any value given in cuts.  
+/// Arguments:
+///   polys = A list of 3D polygons to split.
+///   dir_ind = slice direction, 0=X, 1=Y, or 2=Z
+///   cuts = A list of scalar values for locating the cuts
+function _slice_3dpolygons(polys, dir, cuts) =
+    assert( [for (poly=polys) if (!is_path(poly,3)) 1] == [], "Expects list of 3D paths.")
+    assert( is_vector(cuts), "The split list must be a vector.")
+    assert( in_list(dir, ["X", "Y", "Z"]))
+    let(
+        I = ident(3),
+        dir_ind = ord(dir)-ord("X")
+    )
+    flatten([for (poly = polys)
+        let(
+            plane = plane_from_polygon(poly),
+            normal = point3d(plane),
+            pnormal = normal - (normal*I[dir_ind])*I[dir_ind]
+        )
+        approx(pnormal,[0,0,0]) ? [poly] :
+        let (
+            pind = max_index(v_abs(pnormal)),  // project along this direction
+            otherind = 3-pind-dir_ind,         // keep dir_ind and this direction
+            keep = [I[dir_ind], I[otherind]],  // dir ind becomes the x dir
+            poly2d = poly*transpose(keep),     // project to 2d, putting selected direction in the X position
+            poly_list = [for(p=_split_2dpolygons_at_each_x([poly2d], cuts))
+                            let(
+                                a = p*keep,    // unproject, but pind dimension data is missing
+                                ofs = outer_product((repeat(plane[3], len(a))-a*normal)/plane[pind],I[pind])
+                             )
+                             a+ofs]    // ofs computes the missing pind dimension data and adds it back in
+        )
+        poly_list
+    ]);
+// Section: Debugging Polyhedrons
+// Module: _show_vertices()
+// Usage:
+//   _show_vertices(vertices, [size])
+// Description:
+//   Draws all the vertices in an array, at their 3D position, numbered by their
+//   position in the vertex array.  Also draws any children of this module with
+//   transparency.
+// Arguments:
+//   vertices = Array of point vertices.
+//   size = The size of the text used to label the vertices.  Default: 1
+// Example:
+//   verts = [for (z=[-10,10], y=[-10,10], x=[-10,10]) [x,y,z]];
+//   faces = [[0,1,2], [1,3,2], [0,4,5], [0,5,1], [1,5,7], [1,7,3], [3,7,6], [3,6,2], [2,6,4], [2,4,0], [4,6,7], [4,7,5]];
+//   _show_vertices(vertices=verts, size=2) {
+//       polyhedron(points=verts, faces=faces);
+//   }
+module _show_vertices(vertices, size=1) {
+    color("blue") {
+        dups = vector_search(vertices, EPSILON, vertices);
+        for (ind = dups){
+            numstr = str_join([for(i=ind) str(i)],",");
+            v = vertices[ind[0]];
+            translate(v) {
+                rot($vpr) back(size/8){
+                   linear_extrude(height=size/10, center=true, convexity=10) {
+                      text(text=numstr, size=size, halign="center");
+                   }
+                }
+                sphere(size/10);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+/// Module: _show_faces()
+/// Usage:
+///   _show_faces(vertices, faces, [size=]);
+/// Description:
+///   Draws all the vertices at their 3D position, numbered in blue by their
+///   position in the vertex array.  Each face will have their face number drawn
+///   in red, aligned with the center of face.  All children of this module are drawn
+///   with transparency.
+/// Arguments:
+///   vertices = Array of point vertices.
+///   faces = Array of faces by vertex numbers.
+///   size = The size of the text used to label the faces and vertices.  Default: 1
+/// Example(EdgesMed):
+///   verts = [for (z=[-10,10], y=[-10,10], x=[-10,10]) [x,y,z]];
+///   faces = [[0,1,2], [1,3,2], [0,4,5], [0,5,1], [1,5,7], [1,7,3], [3,7,6], [3,6,2], [2,6,4], [2,4,0], [4,6,7], [4,7,5]];
+///   _show_faces(vertices=verts, faces=faces, size=2) {
+///       polyhedron(points=verts, faces=faces);
+///   }
+module _show_faces(vertices, faces, size=1) {
+    vlen = len(vertices);
+    color("red") {
+        for (i = [0:1:len(faces)-1]) {
+            face = faces[i];
+            if (face[0] < 0 || face[1] < 0 || face[2] < 0 || face[0] >= vlen || face[1] >= vlen || face[2] >= vlen) {
+                echo("BAD FACE: ", vlen=vlen, face=face);
+            } else {
+                verts = select(vertices,face);
+                c = mean(verts);
+                v0 = verts[0];
+                v1 = verts[1];
+                v2 = verts[2];
+                dv0 = unit(v1 - v0);
+                dv1 = unit(v2 - v0);
+                nrm0 = cross(dv0, dv1);
+                nrm1 = UP;
+                axis = vector_axis(nrm0, nrm1);
+                ang = vector_angle(nrm0, nrm1);
+                theta = atan2(nrm0[1], nrm0[0]);
+                translate(c) {
+                    rotate(a=180-ang, v=axis) {
+                        zrot(theta-90)
+                        linear_extrude(height=size/10, center=true, convexity=10) {
+                            union() {
+                                text(text=str(i), size=size, halign="center");
+                                text(text=str("_"), size=size, halign="center");
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// Module: vnf_debug()
+// Usage:
+//   vnf_debug(vnfs, [faces], [vertices], [opacity], [size], [convexity]);
+// Description:
+//   A drop-in module to replace `vnf_polyhedron()` to help debug vertices and faces.
+//   Draws all the vertices at their 3D position, numbered in blue by their
+//   position in the vertex array.  Each face will have its face number drawn
+//   in red, aligned with the center of face.  All given faces are drawn with
+//   transparency. All children of this module are drawn with transparency.
+//   Works best with Thrown-Together preview mode, to see reversed faces.
+//   You can set opacity to 0 if you want to supress the display of the polyhedron faces.  
+//   .
+//   The vertex numbers are shown rotated to face you.  As you rotate your polyhedron you
+//   can rerun the preview to display them oriented for viewing from a different viewpoint.
+// Topics: Polyhedra, Debugging
+// Arguments:
+//   vnf = vnf to display
+//   ---
+//   faces = if true display face numbers.  Default: true
+//   vertices = if true display vertex numbers.  Default: true
+//   opacity = Opacity of the polyhedron faces.  Default: 0.5
+//   convexity = The max number of walls a ray can pass through the given polygon paths.
+//   size = The size of the text used to label the faces and vertices.  Default: 1
+// Example(EdgesMed):
+//   verts = [for (z=[-10,10], a=[0:120:359.9]) [10*cos(a),10*sin(a),z]];
+//   faces = [[0,1,2], [5,4,3], [0,3,4], [0,4,1], [1,4,5], [1,5,2], [2,5,3], [2,3,0]];
+//   vnf_debug([verts,faces], size=2);
+module vnf_debug(vnf, faces=true, vertices=true, opacity=0.5, size=1, convexity=6 ) {
+    no_children($children);
+    if (faces)
+      _show_faces(vertices=vnf[0], faces=vnf[1], size=size);
+    if (vertices)
+      _show_vertices(vertices=vnf[0], size=size);
+    color([0.2, 1.0, 0, opacity])
+       vnf_polyhedron(vnf,convexity=convexity);
+// Function&Module: vnf_validate()
+// Usage: As Function
+//   fails = vnf_validate(vnf);
+// Usage: As Module
+//   vnf_validate(vnf, [size]);
+// Description:
+//   When called as a function, returns a list of non-manifold errors with the given VNF.
+//   Each error has the format `[ERR_OR_WARN,CODE,MESG,POINTS,COLOR]`.
+//   When called as a module, echoes the non-manifold errors to the console, and color hilites the
+//   bad edges and vertices, overlaid on a transparent gray polyhedron of the VNF.
+//   .
+//   Currently checks for these problems:
+//   .
+//   Type    | Color    | Code         | Message
+//   ------- | -------- | ------------ | ---------------------------------
+//   WARNING | Yellow   | BIG_FACE     | Face has more than 3 vertices, and may confuse CGAL.
+//   WARNING | Brown    | NULL_FACE    | Face has zero area.
+//   ERROR   | Cyan     | NONPLANAR    | Face vertices are not coplanar.
+//   ERROR   | Brown    | DUP_FACE     | Multiple instances of the same face.
+//   ERROR   | Orange   | MULTCONN     | Multiply Connected Geometry. Too many faces attached at Edge.
+//   ERROR   | Violet   | REVERSAL     | Faces reverse across edge.
+//   ERROR   | Red      | T_JUNCTION   | Vertex is mid-edge on another Face.
+//   ERROR   | Blue     | FACE_ISECT   | Faces intersect.
+//   ERROR   | Magenta  | HOLE_EDGE    | Edge bounds Hole.
+//   .
+//   Still to implement:
+//   - Overlapping coplanar faces.
+// Arguments:
+//   vnf = The VNF to validate.
+//   size = The width of the lines and diameter of points used to highlight edges and vertices.  Module only.  Default: 1
+//   check_isects = If true, performs slow checks for intersecting faces.  Default: false
+// Example: BIG_FACE Warnings; Faces with More Than 3 Vertices.  CGAL often will fail to accept that a face is planar after a rotation, if it has more than 3 vertices.
+//   vnf = skin([
+//       path3d(regular_ngon(n=3, d=100),0),
+//       path3d(regular_ngon(n=5, d=100),100)
+//   ], slices=0, caps=true, method="tangent");
+//   vnf_validate(vnf);
+// Example: NONPLANAR Errors; Face Vertices are Not Coplanar
+//   a = [  0,  0,-50];
+//   b = [-50,-50, 50];
+//   c = [-50, 50, 50];
+//   d = [ 50, 50, 60];
+//   e = [ 50,-50, 50];
+//   vnf = vnf_add_faces(faces=[
+//       [a, b, e], [a, c, b], [a, d, c], [a, e, d], [b, c, d, e]
+//   ]);
+//   vnf_validate(vnf);
+// Example: MULTCONN Errors; More Than Two Faces Attached to the Same Edge.  This confuses CGAL, and can lead to failed renders.
+//   vnf = vnf_triangulate(linear_sweep(union(square(50), square(50,anchor=BACK+RIGHT)), height=50));
+//   vnf_validate(vnf);
+// Example: REVERSAL Errors; Faces Reversed Across Edge
+//   vnf1 = skin([
+//       path3d(square(100,center=true),0),
+//       path3d(square(100,center=true),100),
+//   ], slices=0, caps=false);
+//   vnf = vnf_add_faces(vnf=vnf1, faces=[
+//       [[-50,-50,  0], [ 50, 50,  0], [-50, 50,  0]],
+//       [[-50,-50,  0], [ 50,-50,  0], [ 50, 50,  0]],
+//       [[-50,-50,100], [-50, 50,100], [ 50, 50,100]],
+//       [[-50,-50,100], [ 50,-50,100], [ 50, 50,100]],
+//   ]);
+//   vnf_validate(vnf);
+// Example: T_JUNCTION Errors; Vertex is Mid-Edge on Another Face.
+//   vnf1 = skin([
+//       path3d(square(100,center=true),0),
+//       path3d(square(100,center=true),100),
+//   ], slices=0, caps=false);
+//   vnf = vnf_add_faces(vnf=vnf1, faces=[
+//       [[-50,-50,0], [50,50,0], [-50,50,0]],
+//       [[-50,-50,0], [50,-50,0], [50,50,0]],
+//       [[-50,-50,100], [-50,50,100], [0,50,100]],
+//       [[-50,-50,100], [0,50,100], [0,-50,100]],
+//       [[0,-50,100], [0,50,100], [50,50,100]],
+//       [[0,-50,100], [50,50,100], [50,-50,100]],
+//   ]);
+//   vnf_validate(vnf);
+// Example: FACE_ISECT Errors; Faces Intersect
+//   vnf = vnf_merge([
+//       vnf_triangulate(linear_sweep(square(100,center=true), height=100)),
+//       move([75,35,30],p=vnf_triangulate(linear_sweep(square(100,center=true), height=100)))
+//   ]);
+//   vnf_validate(vnf,size=2,check_isects=true);
+// Example: HOLE_EDGE Errors; Edges Adjacent to Holes.
+//   vnf = skin([
+//       path3d(regular_ngon(n=4, d=100),0),
+//       path3d(regular_ngon(n=5, d=100),100)
+//   ], slices=0, caps=false);
+//   vnf_validate(vnf,size=2);
+function vnf_validate(vnf, show_warns=true, check_isects=false) =
+    assert(is_path(vnf[0]))
+    let(
+        vnf = vnf_merge(vnf, cleanup=true),
+        varr = vnf[0],
+        faces = vnf[1],
+        lvarr = len(varr),
+        edges = sort([
+            for (face=faces, edge=pair(face,true))
+            edge[0]<edge[1]? edge : [edge[1],edge[0]]
+        ]),
+        dfaces = [
+            for (face=faces) let(
+                face=deduplicate_indexed(varr,face,closed=true)
+            ) if(len(face)>=3)
+            face
+        ],
+        face_areas = [
+            for (face = faces)
+            len(face) < 3? 0 :
+            polygon_area([for (k=face) varr[k]])
+        ],
+        edgecnts = unique_count(edges),
+        uniq_edges = edgecnts[0],
+        issues = []
+    )
+    let(
+        big_faces = !show_warns? [] : [
+            for (face = faces)
+            if (len(face) > 3)
+            _vnf_validate_err("BIG_FACE", [for (i=face) varr[i]])
+        ],
+        null_faces = !show_warns? [] : [
+            for (i = idx(faces)) let(
+                face = faces[i],
+                area = face_areas[i],
+                faceverts = [for (k=face) varr[k]]
+            )
+            if (is_num(area) && abs(area) < EPSILON)
+            _vnf_validate_err("NULL_FACE", faceverts)
+        ],
+        issues = concat(big_faces, null_faces)
+    )
+    let(
+        bad_indices = [
+            for (face = faces, idx = face)
+            if (idx < 0 || idx >= lvarr)
+            _vnf_validate_err("BAD_INDEX", [idx])
+        ],
+        issues = concat(issues, bad_indices)
+    ) bad_indices? issues :
+    let(
+        repeated_faces = [
+            for (i=idx(dfaces), j=idx(dfaces))
+            if (i!=j) let(
+                face1 = dfaces[i],
+                face2 = dfaces[j]
+            ) if (min(face1) == min(face2)) let(
+                min1 = min_index(face1),
+                min2 = min_index(face2)
+            ) if (min1 == min2) let(
+                sface1 = list_rotate(face1,min1),
+                sface2 = list_rotate(face2,min2)
+            ) if (sface1 == sface2)
+            _vnf_validate_err("DUP_FACE", [for (i=sface1) varr[i]])
+        ],
+        issues = concat(issues, repeated_faces)
+    ) repeated_faces? issues :
+    let(
+        multconn_edges = unique([
+            for (i = idx(uniq_edges))
+            if (edgecnts[1][i]>2)
+            _vnf_validate_err("MULTCONN", [for (i=uniq_edges[i]) varr[i]])
+        ]),
+        issues = concat(issues, multconn_edges)
+    ) multconn_edges? issues :
+    let(
+        reversals = unique([
+            for(i = idx(dfaces), j = idx(dfaces)) if(i != j)
+            for(edge1 = pair(faces[i],true))
+            for(edge2 = pair(faces[j],true))
+            if(edge1 == edge2)  // Valid adjacent faces will never have the same vertex ordering.
+            if(_edge_not_reported(edge1, varr, multconn_edges))
+            _vnf_validate_err("REVERSAL", [for (i=edge1) varr[i]])
+        ]),
+        issues = concat(issues, reversals)
+    ) reversals? issues :
+    let(
+        t_juncts = unique([
+            for (v=idx(varr), edge=uniq_edges) let(
+                ia = edge[0],
+                ib = v,
+                ic = edge[1]
+            )
+            if (ia!=ib && ib!=ic && ia!=ic) let(
+                a = varr[ia],
+                b = varr[ib],
+                c = varr[ic]
+            )
+            if (!approx(a,b) && !approx(b,c) && !approx(a,c)) let(
+                pt = line_closest_point([a,c],b,SEGMENT)
+            )
+            if (approx(pt,b))
+            _vnf_validate_err("T_JUNCTION", [b])
+        ]),
+        issues = concat(issues, t_juncts)
+    ) t_juncts? issues :
+    let(
+        isect_faces = !check_isects? [] : unique([
+            for (i = [0:1:len(faces)-2]) let(
+                f1 = faces[i],
+                poly1   = select(varr, faces[i]),
+                plane1  = plane3pt(poly1[0], poly1[1], poly1[2]),
+                normal1 = [plane1[0], plane1[1], plane1[2]]
+            )
+            for (j = [i+1:1:len(faces)-1]) let(
+                f2 = faces[j],
+                poly2 = select(varr, f2),
+                val = poly2 * normal1
+            )
+            if( min(val)<=plane1[3] && max(val)>=plane1[3] ) let(
+                plane2  = plane_from_polygon(poly2),
+                normal2 = [plane2[0], plane2[1], plane2[2]],
+                val = poly1 * normal2
+            )
+            if( min(val)<=plane2[3] && max(val)>=plane2[3] ) let(
+                shared_edges = [
+                    for (edge1 = pair(f1, true), edge2 = pair(f2, true))
+                    if (edge1 == [edge2[1], edge2[0]]) 1
+                ]
+            )
+            if (!shared_edges) let(
+                line = plane_intersection(plane1, plane2)
+            )
+            if (!is_undef(line)) let(
+                isects = polygon_line_intersection(poly1, line)
+            )
+            if (!is_undef(isects))
+            for (isect = isects)
+            if (len(isect) > 1) let(
+                isects2 = polygon_line_intersection(poly2, isect, bounded=true)
+            )
+            if (!is_undef(isects2))
+            for (seg = isects2)
+            if (seg[0] != seg[1])
+            _vnf_validate_err("FACE_ISECT", seg)
+        ]),
+        issues = concat(issues, isect_faces)
+    ) isect_faces? issues :
+    let(
+        hole_edges = unique([
+            for (i=idx(uniq_edges))
+            if (edgecnts[1][i]<2)
+            if (_pts_not_reported(uniq_edges[i], varr, t_juncts))
+            if (_pts_not_reported(uniq_edges[i], varr, isect_faces))
+            _vnf_validate_err("HOLE_EDGE", [for (i=uniq_edges[i]) varr[i]])
+        ]),
+        issues = concat(issues, hole_edges)
+    ) hole_edges? issues :
+    let(
+        nonplanars = unique([
+            for (i = idx(faces)) let(
+                face = faces[i],
+                area = face_areas[i],
+                faceverts = [for (k=face) varr[k]]
+            )
+            if (is_num(area) && abs(area) > EPSILON)
+            if (!is_coplanar(faceverts))
+            _vnf_validate_err("NONPLANAR", faceverts)
+        ]),
+        issues = concat(issues, nonplanars)
+    ) issues;
+_vnf_validate_errs = [
+    ["BIG_FACE",    "WARNING", "cyan",    "Face has more than 3 vertices, and may confuse CGAL"],
+    ["NULL_FACE",   "WARNING", "blue",    "Face has zero area."],
+    ["BAD_INDEX",   "ERROR",   "cyan",    "Invalid face vertex index."],
+    ["NONPLANAR",   "ERROR",   "yellow",  "Face vertices are not coplanar"],
+    ["DUP_FACE",    "ERROR",   "brown",   "Multiple instances of the same face."],
+    ["MULTCONN",    "ERROR",   "orange",  "Multiply Connected Geometry. Too many faces attached at Edge"],
+    ["REVERSAL",    "ERROR",   "violet",  "Faces Reverse Across Edge"],
+    ["T_JUNCTION",  "ERROR",   "magenta", "Vertex is mid-edge on another Face"],
+    ["FACE_ISECT",  "ERROR",   "brown",   "Faces intersect"],
+    ["HOLE_EDGE",   "ERROR",   "red",     "Edge bounds Hole"]
+function _vnf_validate_err(name, extra) =
+    let(
+        info = [for (x = _vnf_validate_errs) if (x[0] == name) x][0]
+    ) concat(info, [extra]);
+function _pts_not_reported(pts, varr, reports) =
+    [
+        for (i = pts, report = reports, pt = report[3])
+        if (varr[i] == pt) 1
+    ] == [];
+function _edge_not_reported(edge, varr, reports) =
+    let(
+        edge = sort([for (i=edge) varr[i]])
+    ) [
+        for (report = reports) let(
+            pts = sort(report[3])
+        ) if (len(pts)==2 && edge == pts) 1
+    ] == [];
+module vnf_validate(vnf, size=1, show_warns=true, check_isects=false) {
+    faults = vnf_validate(
+        vnf, show_warns=show_warns,
+        check_isects=check_isects
+    );
+    for (fault = faults) {
+        err = fault[0];
+        typ = fault[1];
+        clr = fault[2];
+        msg = fault[3];
+        pts = fault[4];
+        echo(str(typ, " ", err, " (", clr ,"): ", msg, " at ", pts));
+        color(clr) {
+            if (is_vector(pts[0])) {
+                if (len(pts)==2) {
+                    stroke(pts, width=size, closed=true, endcaps="butt", hull=false, $fn=8);
+                } else if (len(pts)>2) {
+                    stroke(pts, width=size, closed=true, hull=false, $fn=8);
+                    polyhedron(pts,[[for (i=idx(pts)) i]]);
+                } else {
+                    move_copies(pts) sphere(d=size*3, $fn=18);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    color([0.5,0.5,0.5,0.67]) vnf_polyhedron(vnf);
+// vim: expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 nowrap