Brought args for rotate_points3d in line with rot() and rotate().

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Revar Desmera 2019-04-19 11:36:38 -07:00
parent 1d6aefc867
commit 019aae4347

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@ -974,20 +974,20 @@ function rotate_points2d(pts, ang, cp=[0,0]) = let(
// Function: rotate_points3d()
// Usage:
// rotate_points3d(pts, v, [cp], [reverse]);
// rotate_points3d(pts, v, axis, [cp], [reverse]);
// rotate_points3d(pts, from, to, v, [cp], [reverse]);
// rotate_points3d(pts, a, [cp], [reverse]);
// rotate_points3d(pts, a, v, [cp], [reverse]);
// rotate_points3d(pts, from, to, [a], [cp], [reverse]);
// Description:
// Rotates each 3D point in an array by a given amount, around a given centerpoint.
// Arguments:
// pts = List of points to rotate.
// v = Rotation angle(s) in degrees.
// axis = If given, axis vector to rotate around.
// a = Rotation angle(s) in degrees.
// v = If given, axis vector to rotate around.
// cp = Centerpoint to rotate around.
// from = If given, the vector to rotate something from. Used with `to`.
// to = If given, the vector to rotate something to. Used with `from`.
// reverse = If true, performs an exactly reversed rotation.
function rotate_points3d(pts, v=0, cp=[0,0,0], axis=undef, from=undef, to=undef, reverse=false) =
function rotate_points3d(pts, a=0, v=undef, cp=[0,0,0], from=undef, to=undef, reverse=false) =
dummy = assertion(is_def(from)==is_def(to), "`from` and `to` must be given together."),
mrot = reverse? (
@ -996,15 +996,15 @@ function rotate_points3d(pts, v=0, cp=[0,0,0], axis=undef, from=undef, to=undef,
from = from / norm(from),
to = to / norm(from),
ang = vector_angle(from, to),
axis = vector_axis(from, to)
v = vector_axis(from, to)
matrix4_rot_by_axis(from, -v) * matrix4_rot_by_axis(axis, -ang)
) : is_def(axis)? (
matrix4_rot_by_axis(axis, -v)
) : is_scalar(v)? (
matrix4_rot_by_axis(from, -a) * matrix4_rot_by_axis(v, -ang)
) : is_def(v)? (
matrix4_rot_by_axis(v, -a)
) : is_scalar(a)? (
) : (
matrix4_xrot(-v.x) * matrix4_yrot(-v.y) * matrix4_zrot(-v.z)
matrix4_xrot(-a.x) * matrix4_yrot(-a.y) * matrix4_zrot(-a.z)
) : (
is_def(from)? (
@ -1012,15 +1012,15 @@ function rotate_points3d(pts, v=0, cp=[0,0,0], axis=undef, from=undef, to=undef,
from = from / norm(from),
to = to / norm(from),
ang = vector_angle(from, to),
axis = vector_axis(from, to)
v = vector_axis(from, to)
matrix4_rot_by_axis(axis, ang) * matrix4_rot_by_axis(from, v)
) : is_def(axis)? (
matrix4_rot_by_axis(axis, v)
) : is_scalar(v)? (
matrix4_rot_by_axis(v, ang) * matrix4_rot_by_axis(from, a)
) : is_def(v)? (
matrix4_rot_by_axis(v, a)
) : is_scalar(a)? (
) : (
matrix4_zrot(v.z) * matrix4_yrot(v.y) * matrix4_xrot(v.x)
matrix4_zrot(a.z) * matrix4_yrot(a.y) * matrix4_xrot(a.x)
m = matrix4_translate(cp) * mrot * matrix4_translate(-cp)