From 3eb506e78ab6ed70b60340428658229c546af2ef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Garth Minette <>
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2021 17:17:05 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Rename quaternion functions to not have uppercase names.

 paths.scad                  |  14 +-
 quaternions.scad            | 483 +++++++++++++++----------------
 shapes2d.scad               |   6 +-
 tests/test_quaternions.scad | 553 +++++++++++++++++-------------------
 4 files changed, 519 insertions(+), 537 deletions(-)

diff --git a/paths.scad b/paths.scad
index 1dc1c2f..73ed488 100644
--- a/paths.scad
+++ b/paths.scad
@@ -1109,11 +1109,11 @@ module spiral_sweep(poly, h, r, twist=360, higbee, center, r1, r2, d, d1, d2, hi
 //   path = [ [0, 0, 0], [33, 33, 33], [66, 33, 40], [100, 0, 0], [150,0,0] ];
 //   path_extrude(path) circle(r=10, $fn=6);
 module path_extrude(path, convexity=10, clipsize=100) {
-    function polyquats(path, q=Q_Ident(), v=[0,0,1], i=0) = let(
+    function polyquats(path, q=q_ident(), v=[0,0,1], i=0) = let(
             v2 = path[i+1] - path[i],
             ang = vector_angle(v,v2),
             axis = ang>0.001? unit(cross(v,v2)) : [0,0,1],
-            newq = Q_Mul(Quat(axis, ang), q),
+            newq = q_mul(quat(axis, ang), q),
             dist = norm(v2)
         ) i < (len(path)-2)?
             concat([[dist, newq, ang]], polyquats(path, newq, v2, i+1)) :
@@ -1129,7 +1129,7 @@ module path_extrude(path, convexity=10, clipsize=100) {
         q = pquats[i][1];
         difference() {
             translate(pt1) {
-                Qrot(q) {
+                q_rot(q) {
                     down(clipsize/2/2) {
                         if ((dist+clipsize/2) > 0) {
                             linear_extrude(height=dist+clipsize/2, convexity=convexity) {
@@ -1140,12 +1140,12 @@ module path_extrude(path, convexity=10, clipsize=100) {
             translate(pt1) {
-                hq = (i > 0)? Q_Slerp(q, pquats[i-1][1], 0.5) : q;
-                Qrot(hq) down(clipsize/2+epsilon) cube(clipsize, center=true);
+                hq = (i > 0)? q_slerp(q, pquats[i-1][1], 0.5) : q;
+                q_rot(hq) down(clipsize/2+epsilon) cube(clipsize, center=true);
             translate(pt2) {
-                hq = (i < ptcount-2)? Q_Slerp(q, pquats[i+1][1], 0.5) : q;
-                Qrot(hq) up(clipsize/2+epsilon) cube(clipsize, center=true);
+                hq = (i < ptcount-2)? q_slerp(q, pquats[i+1][1], 0.5) : q;
+                q_rot(hq) up(clipsize/2+epsilon) cube(clipsize, center=true);
diff --git a/quaternions.scad b/quaternions.scad
index 1dc7192..7598655 100644
--- a/quaternions.scad
+++ b/quaternions.scad
@@ -16,190 +16,190 @@
 // Internal
-function _Quat(a,s,w) = [a[0]*s, a[1]*s, a[2]*s, w];
+function _quat(a,s,w) = [a[0]*s, a[1]*s, a[2]*s, w];
-function _Qvec(q) = [q.x,q.y,q.z];
+function _qvec(q) = [q.x,q.y,q.z];
-function _Qreal(q) = q[3];
+function _qreal(q) = q[3];
-function _Qset(v,r) = concat( v, r );
+function _qset(v,r) = concat( v, r );
 // normalizes without checking
-function _Qnorm(q) = q/norm(q);
+function _qnorm(q) = q/norm(q);
-// Function: Q_is_quat()
+// Function: is_quaternion()
 // Usage:
-//   if(Q_is_quat(q)) a=0;
+//   if(is_quaternion(q)) a=0;
 // Description: Return true if q is a valid non-zero quaternion.
 // Arguments:
 //   q = object to check.
-function Q_is_quat(q) = is_vector(q,4) && ! approx(norm(q),0) ;
+function is_quaternion(q) = is_vector(q,4) && ! approx(norm(q),0) ;
-// Function: Quat()
+// Function: quat()
 // Usage:
-//   Quat(ax, ang);
+//   quat(ax, ang);
 // Description: Create a normalized Quaternion from axis and angle of rotation.
 // Arguments:
 //   ax = Vector of axis of rotation.
 //   ang = Number of degrees to rotate around the axis counter-clockwise, when facing the origin.
-function Quat(ax=[0,0,1], ang=0) = 
+function quat(ax=[0,0,1], ang=0) = 
     assert( is_vector(ax,3) && is_finite(ang), "Invalid input")
     let( n = norm(ax) )
-    ? _Quat([0,0,0], sin(ang/2), cos(ang/2))
-    : _Quat(ax/n, sin(ang/2), cos(ang/2));
+    ? _quat([0,0,0], sin(ang/2), cos(ang/2))
+    : _quat(ax/n, sin(ang/2), cos(ang/2));
-// Function: QuatX()
+// Function: quat_x()
 // Usage:
-//   QuatX(a);
+//   quat_x(a);
 // Description: Create a normalized Quaternion for rotating around the X axis [1,0,0].
 // Arguments:
 //   a = Number of degrees to rotate around the axis counter-clockwise, when facing the origin.
-function QuatX(a=0) = 
+function quat_x(a=0) = 
     assert( is_finite(a), "Invalid angle" )
-    Quat([1,0,0],a);
+    quat([1,0,0],a);
-// Function: QuatY()
+// Function: quat_y()
 // Usage:
-//   QuatY(a);
+//   quat_y(a);
 // Description: Create a normalized Quaternion for rotating around the Y axis [0,1,0].
 // Arguments:
 //   a = Number of degrees to rotate around the axis counter-clockwise, when facing the origin.
-function QuatY(a=0) =  
+function quat_y(a=0) =  
     assert( is_finite(a), "Invalid angle" )
-    Quat([0,1,0],a);
+    quat([0,1,0],a);
-// Function: QuatZ()
+// Function: quat_z()
 // Usage:
-//   QuatZ(a);
+//   quat_z(a);
 // Description: Create a normalized Quaternion for rotating around the Z axis [0,0,1].
 // Arguments:
 //   a = Number of degrees to rotate around the axis counter-clockwise, when facing the origin.
-function QuatZ(a=0) =  
+function quat_z(a=0) =  
     assert( is_finite(a), "Invalid angle" )
-    Quat([0,0,1],a);
+    quat([0,0,1],a);
-// Function: QuatXYZ()
+// Function: quat_xyz()
 // Usage:
-//   QuatXYZ([X,Y,Z])
+//   quat_xyz([X,Y,Z])
 // Description:
 //   Creates a normalized quaternion from standard [X,Y,Z] rotation angles in degrees.
 // Arguments:
 //   a = The triplet of rotation angles, [X,Y,Z]
-function QuatXYZ(a=[0,0,0]) =
+function quat_xyz(a=[0,0,0]) =
     assert( is_vector(a,3), "Invalid angles")
-      qx = QuatX(a[0]),
-      qy = QuatY(a[1]),
-      qz = QuatZ(a[2])
+      qx = quat_x(a[0]),
+      qy = quat_y(a[1]),
+      qz = quat_z(a[2])
-    Q_Mul(qz, Q_Mul(qy, qx));
+    q_mul(qz, q_mul(qy, qx));
-// Function: Q_From_to()
+// Function: q_from_to()
 // Usage:
-//    q = Q_From_to(v1, v2);
+//    q = q_from_to(v1, v2);
 // Description: 
 //   Returns the normalized quaternion that rotates the non zero 3D vector v1 
 //   to the non zero 3D vector v2.
-function Q_From_to(v1, v2) =
+function q_from_to(v1, v2) =
     assert( is_vector(v1,3) && is_vector(v2,3) 
             && ! approx(norm(v1),0) && ! approx(norm(v2),0)
             , "Invalid vector(s)")
     let( ax = cross(v1,v2),
          n  = norm(ax) )
     approx(n, 0)
-    ? v1*v2>0 ? Q_Ident() : Quat([ v1.y, -v1.x, 0], 180)  
-    : Quat(ax, atan2( n , v1*v2 ));
+    ? v1*v2>0 ? q_ident() : quat([ v1.y, -v1.x, 0], 180)  
+    : quat(ax, atan2( n , v1*v2 ));
-// Function: Q_Ident()
+// Function: q_ident()
 // Description: Returns the "Identity" zero-rotation Quaternion.
-function Q_Ident() = [0, 0, 0, 1];
+function q_ident() = [0, 0, 0, 1];
-// Function: Q_Add_S()
+// Function: q_add_s()
 // Usage:
-//   Q_Add_S(q, s)
+//   q_add_s(q, s)
 // Description: 
 //   Adds a scalar value `s` to the W part of a quaternion `q`.
 //   The returned quaternion is usually not normalized.
-function Q_Add_S(q, s) =  
+function q_add_s(q, s) =  
     assert( is_finite(s), "Invalid scalar" )
-// Function: Q_Sub_S()
+// Function: q_sub_s()
 // Usage:
-//   Q_Sub_S(q, s)
+//   q_sub_s(q, s)
 // Description: 
 //   Subtracts a scalar value `s` from the W part of a quaternion `q`.
 //   The returned quaternion is usually not normalized.
-function Q_Sub_S(q, s) =  
+function q_sub_s(q, s) =  
     assert( is_finite(s), "Invalid scalar" )
-// Function: Q_Mul_S()
+// Function: q_mul_s()
 // Usage:
-//   Q_Mul_S(q, s)
+//   q_mul_s(q, s)
 // Description: 
 //   Multiplies each part of a quaternion `q` by a scalar value `s`.
 //   The returned quaternion is usually not normalized.
-function Q_Mul_S(q, s) =  
+function q_mul_s(q, s) =  
     assert( is_finite(s), "Invalid scalar" )
-// Function: Q_Div_S()
+// Function: q_div_s()
 // Usage:
-//   Q_Div_S(q, s)
+//   q_div_s(q, s)
 // Description: 
 //   Divides each part of a quaternion `q` by a scalar value `s`.
 //   The returned quaternion is usually not normalized.
-function Q_Div_S(q, s) =   
+function q_div_s(q, s) =   
     assert( is_finite(s) && ! approx(s,0) , "Invalid scalar" )
-// Function: Q_Add()
+// Function: q_add()
 // Usage:
-//   Q_Add(a, b)
+//   q_add(a, b)
 // Description: 
 //   Adds each part of two quaternions together.
 //   The returned quaternion is usually not normalized.
-function Q_Add(a, b) = 
-    assert( Q_is_quat(a) && Q_is_quat(a), "Invalid quaternion(s)") 
+function q_add(a, b) = 
+    assert( is_quaternion(a) && is_quaternion(a), "Invalid quaternion(s)") 
     assert( ! approx(norm(a+b),0), "Quaternions cannot be opposed" )
-// Function: Q_Sub()
+// Function: q_sub()
 // Usage:
-//   Q_Sub(a, b)
+//   q_sub(a, b)
 // Description: 
 //   Subtracts each part of quaternion `b` from quaternion `a`.
 //   The returned quaternion is usually not normalized.
-function Q_Sub(a, b) = 
-    assert( Q_is_quat(a) && Q_is_quat(a), "Invalid quaternion(s)") 
+function q_sub(a, b) = 
+    assert( is_quaternion(a) && is_quaternion(a), "Invalid quaternion(s)") 
     assert( ! approx(a,b), "Quaternions cannot be equal" )
-// Function: Q_Mul()
+// Function: q_mul()
 // Usage:
-//   Q_Mul(a, b)
+//   q_mul(a, b)
 // Description: 
 //   Multiplies quaternion `a` by quaternion `b`.
 //   The returned quaternion is normalized if both `a` and `b` are normalized
-function Q_Mul(a, b) = 
-    assert( Q_is_quat(a) && Q_is_quat(b), "Invalid quaternion(s)")
+function q_mul(a, b) = 
+    assert( is_quaternion(a) && is_quaternion(b), "Invalid quaternion(s)")
       a[3]*b.x  + a.x*b[3] + a.y*b.z  - a.z*b.y,
       a[3]*b.y  - a.x*b.z  + a.y*b[3] + a.z*b.x,
@@ -208,94 +208,94 @@ function Q_Mul(a, b) =
-// Function: Q_Cumulative()
+// Function: q_cumulative()
 // Usage:
-//   Q_Cumulative(v);
+//   q_cumulative(v);
 // Description:
 //   Given a list of Quaternions, cumulatively multiplies them, returning a list
 //   of each cumulative Quaternion product.  It starts with the first quaternion
 //   given in the list, and applies successive quaternion rotations in list order.
 //   The quaternion in the returned list are normalized if each quaternion in v
 //   is normalized.
-function Q_Cumulative(v, _i=0, _acc=[]) = 
+function q_cumulative(v, _i=0, _acc=[]) = 
     _i==len(v) ? _acc :
-    Q_Cumulative(
+    q_cumulative(
         v, _i+1,
-            [_i==0 ? v[_i] : Q_Mul(v[_i], last(_acc))]
+            [_i==0 ? v[_i] : q_mul(v[_i], last(_acc))]
-// Function: Q_Dot()
+// Function: q_dot()
 // Usage:
-//   Q_Dot(a, b)
+//   q_dot(a, b)
 // Description: Calculates the dot product between quaternions `a` and `b`.
-function Q_Dot(a, b) = 
-    assert( Q_is_quat(a) && Q_is_quat(b), "Invalid quaternion(s)" )
+function q_dot(a, b) = 
+    assert( is_quaternion(a) && is_quaternion(b), "Invalid quaternion(s)" )
-// Function: Q_Neg()
+// Function: q_neg()
 // Usage:
-//   Q_Neg(q)
+//   q_neg(q)
 // Description: Returns the negative of quaternion `q`.
-function Q_Neg(q) = 
-    assert( Q_is_quat(q), "Invalid quaternion" )
+function q_neg(q) = 
+    assert( is_quaternion(q), "Invalid quaternion" )
-// Function: Q_Conj()
+// Function: q_conj()
 // Usage:
-//   Q_Conj(q)
+//   q_conj(q)
 // Description: Returns the conjugate of quaternion `q`.
-function Q_Conj(q) = 
-    assert( Q_is_quat(q), "Invalid quaternion" )
+function q_conj(q) = 
+    assert( is_quaternion(q), "Invalid quaternion" )
     [-q.x, -q.y, -q.z, q[3]];
-// Function: Q_Inverse()
+// Function: q_inverse()
 // Usage:
-//   qc = Q_Inverse(q)
+//   qc = q_inverse(q)
 // Description: Returns the multiplication inverse of quaternion `q`  that is normalized only if `q` is normalized.
-function Q_Inverse(q) = 
-    assert( Q_is_quat(q), "Invalid quaternion" )
-    let(q = _Qnorm(q) )
+function q_inverse(q) = 
+    assert( is_quaternion(q), "Invalid quaternion" )
+    let(q = _qnorm(q) )
     [-q.x, -q.y, -q.z, q[3]];
-// Function: Q_Norm()
+// Function: q_norm()
 // Usage:
-//   Q_Norm(q)
+//   q_norm(q)
 // Description: 
 //   Returns the `norm()` "length" of quaternion `q`.
 //   Normalized quaternions have unitary norm. 
-function Q_Norm(q) = 
-    assert( Q_is_quat(q), "Invalid quaternion" )
+function q_norm(q) = 
+    assert( is_quaternion(q), "Invalid quaternion" )
-// Function: Q_Normalize()
+// Function: q_normalize()
 // Usage:
-//   Q_Normalize(q)
+//   q_normalize(q)
 // Description: Normalizes quaternion `q`, so that norm([W,X,Y,Z]) == 1.
-function Q_Normalize(q) = 
-    assert( Q_is_quat(q) , "Invalid quaternion" )
+function q_normalize(q) = 
+    assert( is_quaternion(q) , "Invalid quaternion" )
-// Function: Q_Dist()
+// Function: q_dist()
 // Usage:
-//   Q_Dist(q1, q2)
+//   q_dist(q1, q2)
 // Description: Returns the "distance" between two quaternions.
-function Q_Dist(q1, q2) =   
-    assert( Q_is_quat(q1) && Q_is_quat(q2), "Invalid quaternion(s)" )
+function q_dist(q1, q2) =   
+    assert( is_quaternion(q1) && is_quaternion(q2), "Invalid quaternion(s)" )
-// Function: Q_Slerp()
+// Function: q_slerp()
 // Usage:
-//   Q_Slerp(q1, q2, u);
+//   q_slerp(q1, q2, u);
 // Description:
 //   Returns a quaternion that is a spherical interpolation between two quaternions.
 // Arguments:
@@ -303,45 +303,45 @@ function Q_Dist(q1, q2) =
 //   q2 = The second quaternion. (u=1)
 //   u = The proportional value, from 0 to 1, of what part of the interpolation to return.
 // Example(3D): Giving `u` as a Scalar
-//   a = QuatY(-135);
-//   b = QuatXYZ([0,-30,30]);
+//   a = quat_y(-135);
+//   b = quat_xyz([0,-30,30]);
 //   for (u=[0:0.1:1])
-//       Qrot(Q_Slerp(a, b, u))
+//       q_rot(q_slerp(a, b, u))
 //           right(80) cube([10,10,1]);
 //   #sphere(r=80);
 // Example(3D): Giving `u` as a Range
-//   a = QuatZ(-135);
-//   b = QuatXYZ([90,0,-45]);
-//   for (q = Q_Slerp(a, b, [0:0.1:1]))
-//       Qrot(q) right(80) cube([10,10,1]);
+//   a = quat_z(-135);
+//   b = quat_xyz([90,0,-45]);
+//   for (q = q_slerp(a, b, [0:0.1:1]))
+//       q_rot(q) right(80) cube([10,10,1]);
 //   #sphere(r=80);
-function Q_Slerp(q1, q2, u, _dot) =
+function q_slerp(q1, q2, u, _dot) =
     ?   assert(is_finite(u) || is_range(u) || is_vector(u), "Invalid interpolation coefficient(s)")
-        assert(Q_is_quat(q1) && Q_is_quat(q2), "Invalid quaternion(s)" )
+        assert(is_quaternion(q1) && is_quaternion(q2), "Invalid quaternion(s)" )
           _dot = q1*q2,
           q1   = q1/norm(q1),
           q2   = _dot<0 ? -q2/norm(q2) : q2/norm(q2),
           dot  = abs(_dot)
-        ! is_finite(u) ? [for (uu=u) Q_Slerp(q1, q2, uu, dot)] :
-        Q_Slerp(q1, q2, u, dot)  
+        ! is_finite(u) ? [for (uu=u) q_slerp(q1, q2, uu, dot)] :
+        q_slerp(q1, q2, u, dot)  
     :   _dot>0.9995 
-        ?   _Qnorm(q1 + u*(q2-q1))
+        ?   _qnorm(q1 + u*(q2-q1))
         :   let( theta = u*acos(_dot),
-                 q3    = _Qnorm(q2 - _dot*q1)
+                 q3    = _qnorm(q2 - _dot*q1)
-            _Qnorm(q1*cos(theta) + q3*sin(theta));
+            _qnorm(q1*cos(theta) + q3*sin(theta));
-// Function: Q_Matrix3()
+// Function: q_matrix3()
 // Usage:
-//   Q_Matrix3(q);
+//   q_matrix3(q);
 // Description:
 //   Returns the 3x3 rotation matrix for the given normalized quaternion q.
-function Q_Matrix3(q) =   
-    let( q = Q_Normalize(q) )
+function q_matrix3(q) =   
+    let( q = q_normalize(q) )
       [1-2*q[1]*q[1]-2*q[2]*q[2],   2*q[0]*q[1]-2*q[2]*q[3],   2*q[0]*q[2]+2*q[1]*q[3]],
       [  2*q[0]*q[1]+2*q[2]*q[3], 1-2*q[0]*q[0]-2*q[2]*q[2],   2*q[1]*q[2]-2*q[0]*q[3]],
@@ -349,13 +349,13 @@ function Q_Matrix3(q) =
-// Function: Q_Matrix4()
+// Function: q_matrix4()
 // Usage:
-//   Q_Matrix4(q);
+//   q_matrix4(q);
 // Description:
 //   Returns the 4x4 rotation matrix for the given normalized quaternion q.
-function Q_Matrix4(q) =    
-    let( q = Q_Normalize(q) )
+function q_matrix4(q) =    
+    let( q = q_normalize(q) )
       [1-2*q[1]*q[1]-2*q[2]*q[2],   2*q[0]*q[1]-2*q[2]*q[3],   2*q[0]*q[2]+2*q[1]*q[3], 0],
       [  2*q[0]*q[1]+2*q[2]*q[3], 1-2*q[0]*q[0]-2*q[2]*q[2],   2*q[1]*q[2]-2*q[0]*q[3], 0],
@@ -364,115 +364,115 @@ function Q_Matrix4(q) =
-// Function: Q_Axis()
+// Function: q_axis()
 // Usage:
-//   Q_Axis(q)
+//   q_axis(q)
 // Description:
 //   Returns the axis of rotation of a normalized quaternion `q`.
 //   The input doesn't need to be normalized.
-function Q_Axis(q) =   
-    assert( Q_is_quat(q) , "Invalid quaternion" )
-    let( d = norm(_Qvec(q)) )
-    approx(d,0)? [0,0,1] : _Qvec(q)/d;
+function q_axis(q) =   
+    assert( is_quaternion(q) , "Invalid quaternion" )
+    let( d = norm(_qvec(q)) )
+    approx(d,0)? [0,0,1] : _qvec(q)/d;
-// Function: Q_Angle()
+// Function: q_angle()
 // Usage:
-//   a = Q_Angle(q)
-//   a12 = Q_Angle(q1,q2);
+//   a = q_angle(q)
+//   a12 = q_angle(q1,q2);
 // Description:
 //   If only q1 is given, returns the angle of rotation (in degrees) of that quaternion.
 //   If both q1 and q2 are given, returns the angle (in degrees) between them.
 //   The input quaternions don't need to be normalized.
-function Q_Angle(q1,q2) =
-    assert(Q_is_quat(q1) && (is_undef(q2) || Q_is_quat(q2)), "Invalid quaternion(s)" )
-    let( n1 = is_undef(q2)? norm(_Qvec(q1)): norm(q1) )
+function q_angle(q1,q2) =
+    assert(is_quaternion(q1) && (is_undef(q2) || is_quaternion(q2)), "Invalid quaternion(s)" )
+    let( n1 = is_undef(q2)? norm(_qvec(q1)): norm(q1) )
-    ?   2 * atan2(n1,_Qreal(q1))
+    ?   2 * atan2(n1,_qreal(q1))
     :   let( q1 = q1/norm(q1),
              q2 = q2/norm(q2) )
         4 * atan2(norm(q1 - q2), norm(q1 + q2));
-// Function&Module: Qrot()
+// Function&Module: q_rot()
 // Usage: As Module
-//   Qrot(q) ...
+//   q_rot(q) ...
 // Usage: As Function
-//   pts = Qrot(q,p);
+//   pts = q_rot(q,p);
 // Description:
 //   When called as a module, rotates all children by the rotation stored in quaternion `q`.
 //   When called as a function with a `p` argument, rotates the point or list of points in `p` by the rotation stored in quaternion `q`.
 //   When called as a function without a `p` argument, returns the affine3d rotation matrix for the rotation stored in quaternion `q`.
 // Example(FlatSpin,VPD=225,VPT=[71,-26,16]):
 //   module shape() translate([80,0,0]) cube([10,10,1]);
-//   q = QuatXYZ([90,-15,-45]);
-//   Qrot(q) shape();
+//   q = quat_xyz([90,-15,-45]);
+//   q_rot(q) shape();
 //   #shape();
 // Example(NORENDER):
-//   q = QuatXYZ([45,35,10]);
-//   mat4x4 = Qrot(q);
+//   q = quat_xyz([45,35,10]);
+//   mat4x4 = q_rot(q);
 // Example(NORENDER):
-//   q = QuatXYZ([45,35,10]);
-//   pt = Qrot(q, p=[4,5,6]);
+//   q = quat_xyz([45,35,10]);
+//   pt = q_rot(q, p=[4,5,6]);
 // Example(NORENDER):
-//   q = QuatXYZ([45,35,10]);
-//   pts = Qrot(q, p=[[2,3,4], [4,5,6], [9,2,3]]);
-module Qrot(q) {
-    multmatrix(Q_Matrix4(q)) {
+//   q = quat_xyz([45,35,10]);
+//   pts = q_rot(q, p=[[2,3,4], [4,5,6], [9,2,3]]);
+module q_rot(q) {
+    multmatrix(q_matrix4(q)) {
-function Qrot(q,p) =
-      is_undef(p)? Q_Matrix4(q) :
-      is_vector(p)? Qrot(q,[p])[0] :
-      apply(Q_Matrix4(q), p);
+function q_rot(q,p) =
+      is_undef(p)? q_matrix4(q) :
+      is_vector(p)? q_rot(q,[p])[0] :
+      apply(q_matrix4(q), p);
-// Module: Qrot_copies()
+// Module: q_rot_copies()
 // Usage:
-//   Qrot_copies(quats) ...
+//   q_rot_copies(quats) ...
 // Description:
 //   For each quaternion given in the list `quats`, rotates to that orientation and creates a copy
-//   of all children.  This is equivalent to `for (q=quats) Qrot(q) ...`.
+//   of all children.  This is equivalent to `for (q=quats) q_rot(q) ...`.
 // Arguments:
 //   quats = A list containing all quaternions to rotate to and create copies of all children for.
 // Example:
-//   a = QuatZ(-135);
-//   b = QuatXYZ([0,-30,30]);
-//   Qrot_copies(Q_Slerp(a, b, [0:0.1:1]))
+//   a = quat_z(-135);
+//   b = quat_xyz([0,-30,30]);
+//   q_rot_copies(q_slerp(a, b, [0:0.1:1]))
 //       right(80) cube([10,10,1]);
 //   #sphere(r=80);
-module Qrot_copies(quats) for (q=quats) Qrot(q) children();
+module q_rot_copies(quats) for (q=quats) q_rot(q) children();
-// Function: Q_Rotation()
+// Function: q_rotation()
 // Usage:
-//   Q_Rotation(R)
+//   q_rotation(R)
 // Description:
 //   Returns a normalized quaternion corresponding to the rotation matrix R.
 //   R may be a 3x3 rotation matrix or a homogeneous 4x4 rotation matrix.
 //   The last row and last column of R are ignored for 4x4 matrices.
 //   It doesn't check whether R is in fact a rotation matrix.
 //   If R is not a rotation, the returned quaternion is an unpredictable quaternion .
-function Q_Rotation(R) =
+function q_rotation(R) =
     assert( is_matrix(R,3,3) || is_matrix(R,4,4) , 
                       "Matrix is neither 3x3 nor 4x4")
     let( tr = R[0][0]+R[1][1]+R[2][2] ) // R trace
     ?   let( r = 1+tr  )
-        _Qnorm( _Qset([ R[1][2]-R[2][1], R[2][0]-R[0][2], R[0][1]-R[1][0] ], -r ) )
+        _qnorm( _qset([ R[1][2]-R[2][1], R[2][0]-R[0][2], R[0][1]-R[1][0] ], -r ) )
     :   let( i = max_index([ R[0][0], R[1][1], R[2][2] ]),
              r = 1 + 2*R[i][i] -R[0][0] -R[1][1] -R[2][2] )
-        i==0 ? _Qnorm( _Qset( [ 4*r, (R[1][0]+R[0][1]), (R[0][2]+R[2][0]) ], (R[2][1]-R[1][2])) ):
-        i==1 ? _Qnorm( _Qset( [ (R[1][0]+R[0][1]), 4*r, (R[2][1]+R[1][2]) ], (R[0][2]-R[2][0])) ):
-            _Qnorm( _Qset( [ (R[2][0]+R[0][2]), (R[1][2]+R[2][1]), 4*r ], (R[1][0]-R[0][1])) ) ;
+        i==0 ? _qnorm( _qset( [ 4*r, (R[1][0]+R[0][1]), (R[0][2]+R[2][0]) ], (R[2][1]-R[1][2])) ):
+        i==1 ? _qnorm( _qset( [ (R[1][0]+R[0][1]), 4*r, (R[2][1]+R[1][2]) ], (R[0][2]-R[2][0])) ):
+            _qnorm( _qset( [ (R[2][0]+R[0][2]), (R[1][2]+R[2][1]), 4*r ], (R[1][0]-R[0][1])) ) ;
-// Function&Module: Q_Rotation_path()
+// Function&Module: q_rotation_path()
 // Usage: As a function
-//   path = Q_Rotation_path(q1, n, q2);
-//   path = Q_Rotation_path(q1, n);
+//   path = q_rotation_path(q1, n, q2);
+//   path = q_rotation_path(q1, n);
 // Usage: As a module
-//   Q_Rotation_path(q1, n, q2) ...
+//   q_rotation_path(q1, n, q2) ...
 // Description:
 //   If q2 is undef and it is called as a function, the path, with length n+1 (n>=1), will be the 
 //   cumulative multiplications of the matrix rotation of q1 by itself.
@@ -488,50 +488,50 @@ function Q_Rotation(R) =
 //   q2 = The quaternion of the last rotation.
 //   n  = An integer defining the path length ( path length = n+1). 
 // Example(3D): as a function
-//   a = QuatY(-135);
-//   b = QuatXYZ([0,-30,30]);
-//   for (M=Q_Rotation_path(a, 10, b))
+//   a = quat_y(-135);
+//   b = quat_xyz([0,-30,30]);
+//   for (M=q_rotation_path(a, 10, b))
 //       multmatrix(M)
 //           right(80) cube([10,10,1]);
 //   #sphere(r=80);
 // Example(3D): as a module
-//   a = QuatY(-135);
-//   b = QuatXYZ([0,-30,30]);
-//   Q_Rotation_path(a, 10, b)
+//   a = quat_y(-135);
+//   b = quat_xyz([0,-30,30]);
+//   q_rotation_path(a, 10, b)
 //      right(80) cube([10,10,1]);
 //   #sphere(r=80);
 // Example(3D): as a function
-//   a = QuatY(5);
-//   for (M=Q_Rotation_path(a, 10))
+//   a = quat_y(5);
+//   for (M=q_rotation_path(a, 10))
 //       multmatrix(M)
 //           right(80) cube([10,10,1]);
 //   #sphere(r=80);
 // Example(3D): as a module
-//   a = QuatY(5);
-//   Q_Rotation_path(a, 10)
+//   a = quat_y(5);
+//   q_rotation_path(a, 10)
 //      right(80) cube([10,10,1]);
 //   #sphere(r=80);
-function Q_Rotation_path(q1, n=1, q2) =
-    assert( Q_is_quat(q1) && (is_undef(q2) || Q_is_quat(q2) ), "Invalid quaternion(s)" )
+function q_rotation_path(q1, n=1, q2) =
+    assert( is_quaternion(q1) && (is_undef(q2) || is_quaternion(q2) ), "Invalid quaternion(s)" )
     assert( is_finite(n) && n>=1 && n==floor(n), "Invalid integer" )
     assert( is_undef(q2) || ! approx(norm(q1+q2),0), "Quaternions cannot be opposed" )
-    ?   [for( i=0, dR=Q_Matrix4(q1), R=dR; i<=n; i=i+1, R=dR*R ) R] 
-    :   let( q2 = Q_Normalize( q1*q2<0 ? -q2: q2 ),
-             dq = Q_pow( Q_Mul( q2, Q_Inverse(q1) ), 1/n ),
-             dR = Q_Matrix4(dq) )
-        [for( i=0, R=Q_Matrix4(q1); i<=n; i=i+1, R=dR*R ) R];
+    ?   [for( i=0, dR=q_matrix4(q1), R=dR; i<=n; i=i+1, R=dR*R ) R] 
+    :   let( q2 = q_normalize( q1*q2<0 ? -q2: q2 ),
+             dq = q_pow( q_mul( q2, q_inverse(q1) ), 1/n ),
+             dR = q_matrix4(dq) )
+        [for( i=0, R=q_matrix4(q1); i<=n; i=i+1, R=dR*R ) R];
-module Q_Rotation_path(q1, n=1, q2) {
-    for(Mi=Q_Rotation_path(q1, n, q2))
+module q_rotation_path(q1, n=1, q2) {
+    for(Mi=q_rotation_path(q1, n, q2))
-// Function: Q_Nlerp()
+// Function: q_nlerp()
 // Usage:
-//   q = Q_Nlerp(q1, q2, u);
+//   q = q_nlerp(q1, q2, u);
 // Description:
 //   Returns a quaternion that is a normalized linear interpolation between two quaternions
 //   when u is a number.
@@ -543,33 +543,33 @@ module Q_Rotation_path(q1, n=1, q2) {
 //   q2 = The second quaternion. (u=1)
 //   u  = A value (or a list of values), between 0 and 1, of the proportion(s) of each quaternion in the interpolation. 
 // Example(3D): Giving `u` as a Scalar
-//   a = QuatY(-135);
-//   b = QuatXYZ([0,-30,30]);
+//   a = quat_y(-135);
+//   b = quat_xyz([0,-30,30]);
 //   for (u=[0:0.1:1])
-//       Qrot(Q_Nlerp(a, b, u))
+//       q_rot(q_nlerp(a, b, u))
 //           right(80) cube([10,10,1]);
 //   #sphere(r=80);
 // Example(3D): Giving `u` as a Range
-//   a = QuatZ(-135);
-//   b = QuatXYZ([90,0,-45]);
-//   for (q = Q_Nlerp(a, b, [0:0.1:1]))
-//       Qrot(q) right(80) cube([10,10,1]);
+//   a = quat_z(-135);
+//   b = quat_xyz([90,0,-45]);
+//   for (q = q_nlerp(a, b, [0:0.1:1]))
+//       q_rot(q) right(80) cube([10,10,1]);
 //   #sphere(r=80);
-function Q_Nlerp(q1,q2,u) =
+function q_nlerp(q1,q2,u) =
     assert(is_finite(u) || is_range(u) || is_vector(u) ,
            "Invalid interpolation coefficient(s)" )
-    assert(Q_is_quat(q1) && Q_is_quat(q2), "Invalid quaternion(s)" )
+    assert(is_quaternion(q1) && is_quaternion(q2), "Invalid quaternion(s)" )
     assert( ! approx(norm(q1+q2),0), "Quaternions cannot be opposed" )
-    let( q1  = Q_Normalize(q1),
-         q2  = Q_Normalize(q2) )
+    let( q1  = q_normalize(q1),
+         q2  = q_normalize(q2) )
-    ? _Qnorm((1-u)*q1 + u*q2 )
-    : [for (ui=u) _Qnorm((1-ui)*q1 + ui*q2 ) ];
+    ? _qnorm((1-u)*q1 + u*q2 )
+    : [for (ui=u) _qnorm((1-ui)*q1 + ui*q2 ) ];
-// Function: Q_Squad()
+// Function: q_squad()
 // Usage:
-//   qn = Q_Squad(q1,q2,q3,q4,u);
+//   qn = q_squad(q1,q2,q3,q4,u);
 // Description:
 //   Returns a quaternion that is a cubic spherical interpolation of the quaternions  
 //   q1 and q4 taking the other two quaternions, q2 and q3, as parameter of a cubic 
@@ -586,71 +586,72 @@ function Q_Nlerp(q1,q2,u) =
 //   q4 = The end quaternion. (u=1)
 //   u  = A value (or a list of values), of the proportion(s) of each quaternion in the cubic interpolation. 
 // Example(3D): Giving `u` as a Scalar
-//   a = QuatY(-135);
-//   b = QuatXYZ([-50,-50,120]);
-//   c = QuatXYZ([-50,-40,30]);
-//   d = QuatY(-45);
+//   a = quat_y(-135);
+//   b = quat_xyz([-50,-50,120]);
+//   c = quat_xyz([-50,-40,30]);
+//   d = quat_y(-45);
 //   color("red"){
-//     Qrot(b) right(80) cube([10,10,1]);
-//     Qrot(c) right(80) cube([10,10,1]);
+//     q_rot(b) right(80) cube([10,10,1]);
+//     q_rot(c) right(80) cube([10,10,1]);
 //   }
 //   for (u=[0:0.05:1])
-//       Qrot(Q_Squad(a, b, c, d, u))
+//       q_rot(q_squad(a, b, c, d, u))
 //           right(80) cube([10,10,1]);
 //   #sphere(r=80);
 // Example(3D): Giving `u` as a Range
-//   a = QuatY(-135);
-//   b = QuatXYZ([-50,-50,120]);
-//   c = QuatXYZ([-50,-40,30]);
-//   d = QuatY(-45);
-//   for (q = Q_Squad(a, b, c, d, [0:0.05:1]))
-//       Qrot(q) right(80) cube([10,10,1]);
+//   a = quat_y(-135);
+//   b = quat_xyz([-50,-50,120]);
+//   c = quat_xyz([-50,-40,30]);
+//   d = quat_y(-45);
+//   for (q = q_squad(a, b, c, d, [0:0.05:1]))
+//       q_rot(q) right(80) cube([10,10,1]);
 //   #sphere(r=80);
-function Q_Squad(q1,q2,q3,q4,u) =
+function q_squad(q1,q2,q3,q4,u) =
     assert(is_finite(u) || is_range(u) || is_vector(u) ,
            "Invalid interpolation coefficient(s)" )
-    ? Q_Slerp( Q_Slerp(q1,q4,u), Q_Slerp(q2,q3,u), 2*u*(1-u))
-    : [for(ui=u) Q_Slerp( Q_Slerp(q1,q4,ui), Q_Slerp(q2,q3,ui), 2*ui*(1-ui) ) ];
+    ? q_slerp( q_slerp(q1,q4,u), q_slerp(q2,q3,u), 2*u*(1-u))
+    : [for(ui=u) q_slerp( q_slerp(q1,q4,ui), q_slerp(q2,q3,ui), 2*ui*(1-ui) ) ];
-// Function: Q_exp()
+// Function: q_exp()
 // Usage:
-//   q2 = Q_exp(q);
+//   q2 = q_exp(q);
 // Description:
 //   Returns the quaternion that is the exponential of the quaternion q in base e
 //   The returned quaternion is usually not normalized.
-function Q_exp(q) =
+function q_exp(q) =
     assert( is_vector(q,4), "Input is not a valid quaternion")
-    let( nv = norm(_Qvec(q)) ) // q may be equal to zero here!
-    exp(_Qreal(q))*Quat(_Qvec(q),2*nv);
+    let( nv = norm(_qvec(q)) ) // q may be equal to zero here!
+    exp(_qreal(q))*quat(_qvec(q),2*nv);
-// Function: Q_ln()
+// Function: q_ln()
 // Usage:
-//   q2 = Q_ln(q);
+//   q2 = q_ln(q);
 // Description:
 //   Returns the quaternion that is the natural logarithm of the quaternion q.
 //   The returned quaternion is usually not normalized and may be zero.
-function Q_ln(q) =
-    assert(Q_is_quat(q), "Input is not a valid quaternion")
-    let( nq = norm(q),
-         nv = norm(_Qvec(q)) )
-    approx(nv,0) ? _Qset([0,0,0] , ln(nq) ) :
-    _Qset(_Qvec(q)*atan2(nv,_Qreal(q))/nv, ln(nq));
+function q_ln(q) =
+    assert(is_quaternion(q), "Input is not a valid quaternion")
+    let(
+        nq = norm(q),
+        nv = norm(_qvec(q))
+    )
+    approx(nv,0) ? _qset([0,0,0] , ln(nq) ) :
+    _qset(_qvec(q)*atan2(nv,_qreal(q))/nv, ln(nq));
-// Function: Q_pow()
+// Function: q_pow()
 // Usage:
-//   q2 = Q_pow(q, r);
+//   q2 = q_pow(q, r);
 // Description:
 //   Returns the quaternion that is the power of the quaternion q to the real exponent r.
 //   The returned quaternion is normalized if `q` is normalized.
-function Q_pow(q,r=1) =
-    assert( Q_is_quat(q) && is_finite(r),
-             "Invalid inputs")
-    let( theta = 2*atan2(norm(_Qvec(q)),_Qreal(q)) )
-    Quat(_Qvec(q), r*theta); //  Q_exp(r*Q_ln(q)); 
+function q_pow(q,r=1) =
+    assert( is_quaternion(q) && is_finite(r), "Invalid inputs")
+    let( theta = 2*atan2(norm(_qvec(q)),_qreal(q)) )
+    quat(_qvec(q), r*theta); //  q_exp(r*q_ln(q)); 
diff --git a/shapes2d.scad b/shapes2d.scad
index f24fa0c..1fce85f 100644
--- a/shapes2d.scad
+++ b/shapes2d.scad
@@ -307,15 +307,15 @@ module stroke(
                 multmatrix(mat) polygon(endcap_shape2);
         } else {
-            quatsums = Q_Cumulative([
+            quatsums = q_cumulative([
                 for (i = idx(path2,e=-2)) let(
                     vec1 = i==0? UP : unit(path2[i]-path2[i-1], UP),
                     vec2 = unit(path2[i+1]-path2[i], UP),
                     axis = vector_axis(vec1,vec2),
                     ang = vector_angle(vec1,vec2)
-                ) Quat(axis,ang)
+                ) quat(axis,ang)
-            rotmats = [for (q=quatsums) Q_Matrix4(q)];
+            rotmats = [for (q=quatsums) q_matrix4(q)];
             sides = [
                 for (i = idx(path2,e=-2))
diff --git a/tests/test_quaternions.scad b/tests/test_quaternions.scad
index b7c2f6f..fe95ebc 100644
--- a/tests/test_quaternions.scad
+++ b/tests/test_quaternions.scad
@@ -1,403 +1,384 @@
 include <../std.scad>
-include <../strings.scad>
-function rec_cmp(a,b,eps=1e-9) =
-    typeof(a)!=typeof(b)? false :
-    is_num(a)? approx(a,b,eps=eps) :
-    is_list(a)? len(a)==len(b) && all([for (i=idx(a)) rec_cmp(a[i],b[i],eps=eps)]) :
-    a == b;
-function Qstandard(q) = sign([for(qi=q) if( ! approx(qi,0)) qi,0 ][0])*q;
+function _q_standard(q) = sign([for(qi=q) if( ! approx(qi,0)) qi,0 ][0])*q;
-module verify_f(actual,expected) {
-    if (!rec_cmp(actual,expected)) {
-        echo(str("Expected: ",fmt_float(expected,10)));
-        echo(str("        : ",expected));
-        echo(str("Actual  : ",fmt_float(actual,10)));
-        echo(str("        : ",actual));
-        echo(str("Delta   : ",fmt_float(expected-actual,10)));
-        echo(str("        : ",expected-actual));
-        assert(approx(expected,actual));
-    }
+module test_is_quaternion() {
+    assert_approx(is_quaternion([0]),false);
+    assert_approx(is_quaternion([0,0,0,0]),false);
+    assert_approx(is_quaternion([1,0,2,0]),true);
+    assert_approx(is_quaternion([1,0,2,0,0]),false);
-module test_Q_is_quat() {
-    verify_f(Q_is_quat([0]),false);
-    verify_f(Q_is_quat([0,0,0,0]),false);
-    verify_f(Q_is_quat([1,0,2,0]),true);
-    verify_f(Q_is_quat([1,0,2,0,0]),false);
+module test_quat() {
+    assert_approx(quat(UP,0),[0,0,0,1]);
+    assert_approx(quat(FWD,0),[0,0,0,1]);
+    assert_approx(quat(LEFT,0),[0,0,0,1]);
+    assert_approx(quat(UP,45),[0,0,0.3826834324,0.9238795325]);
+    assert_approx(quat(LEFT,45),[-0.3826834324, 0, 0, 0.9238795325]);
+    assert_approx(quat(BACK,45),[0,0.3826834323,0,0.9238795325]);
+    assert_approx(quat(FWD+RIGHT,30),[0.1830127019, -0.1830127019, 0, 0.9659258263]);
-module test_Quat() {
-    verify_f(Quat(UP,0),[0,0,0,1]);
-    verify_f(Quat(FWD,0),[0,0,0,1]);
-    verify_f(Quat(LEFT,0),[0,0,0,1]);
-    verify_f(Quat(UP,45),[0,0,0.3826834324,0.9238795325]);
-    verify_f(Quat(LEFT,45),[-0.3826834324, 0, 0, 0.9238795325]);
-    verify_f(Quat(BACK,45),[0,0.3826834323,0,0.9238795325]);
-    verify_f(Quat(FWD+RIGHT,30),[0.1830127019, -0.1830127019, 0, 0.9659258263]);
+module test_quat_x() {
+    assert_approx(quat_x(0),[0,0,0,1]);
+    assert_approx(quat_x(35),[0.3007057995,0,0,0.9537169507]);
+    assert_approx(quat_x(45),[0.3826834324,0,0,0.9238795325]);
-module test_QuatX() {
-    verify_f(QuatX(0),[0,0,0,1]);
-    verify_f(QuatX(35),[0.3007057995,0,0,0.9537169507]);
-    verify_f(QuatX(45),[0.3826834324,0,0,0.9238795325]);
+module test_quat_y() {
+    assert_approx(quat_y(0),[0,0,0,1]);
+    assert_approx(quat_y(35),[0,0.3007057995,0,0.9537169507]);
+    assert_approx(quat_y(45),[0,0.3826834323,0,0.9238795325]);
-module test_QuatY() {
-    verify_f(QuatY(0),[0,0,0,1]);
-    verify_f(QuatY(35),[0,0.3007057995,0,0.9537169507]);
-    verify_f(QuatY(45),[0,0.3826834323,0,0.9238795325]);
+module test_quat_z() {
+    assert_approx(quat_z(0),[0,0,0,1]);
+    assert_approx(quat_z(36),[0,0,0.3090169944,0.9510565163]);
+    assert_approx(quat_z(45),[0,0,0.3826834324,0.9238795325]);
-module test_QuatZ() {
-    verify_f(QuatZ(0),[0,0,0,1]);
-    verify_f(QuatZ(36),[0,0,0.3090169944,0.9510565163]);
-    verify_f(QuatZ(45),[0,0,0.3826834324,0.9238795325]);
+module test_quat_xyz() {
+    assert_approx(quat_xyz([0,0,0]), [0,0,0,1]);
+    assert_approx(quat_xyz([30,0,0]), [0.2588190451, 0, 0, 0.9659258263]);
+    assert_approx(quat_xyz([90,0,0]), [0.7071067812, 0, 0, 0.7071067812]);
+    assert_approx(quat_xyz([-270,0,0]), [-0.7071067812, 0, 0, -0.7071067812]);
+    assert_approx(quat_xyz([180,0,0]), [1,0,0,0]);
+    assert_approx(quat_xyz([270,0,0]), [0.7071067812, 0, 0, -0.7071067812]);
+    assert_approx(quat_xyz([-90,0,0]), [-0.7071067812, 0, 0, 0.7071067812]);
+    assert_approx(quat_xyz([360,0,0]), [0,0,0,-1]);
+    assert_approx(quat_xyz([0,0,0]), [0,0,0,1]);
+    assert_approx(quat_xyz([0,30,0]), [0, 0.2588190451, 0, 0.9659258263]);
+    assert_approx(quat_xyz([0,90,0]), [0, 0.7071067812, 0, 0.7071067812]);
+    assert_approx(quat_xyz([0,-270,0]), [0, -0.7071067812, 0, -0.7071067812]);
+    assert_approx(quat_xyz([0,180,0]), [0,1,0,0]);
+    assert_approx(quat_xyz([0,270,0]), [0, 0.7071067812, 0, -0.7071067812]);
+    assert_approx(quat_xyz([0,-90,0]), [0, -0.7071067812, 0, 0.7071067812]);
+    assert_approx(quat_xyz([0,360,0]), [0,0,0,-1]);
+    assert_approx(quat_xyz([0,0,0]), [0,0,0,1]);
+    assert_approx(quat_xyz([0,0,30]), [0, 0, 0.2588190451, 0.9659258263]);
+    assert_approx(quat_xyz([0,0,90]), [0, 0, 0.7071067812, 0.7071067812]);
+    assert_approx(quat_xyz([0,0,-270]), [0, 0, -0.7071067812, -0.7071067812]);
+    assert_approx(quat_xyz([0,0,180]), [0,0,1,0]);
+    assert_approx(quat_xyz([0,0,270]), [0, 0, 0.7071067812, -0.7071067812]);
+    assert_approx(quat_xyz([0,0,-90]), [0, 0, -0.7071067812, 0.7071067812]);
+    assert_approx(quat_xyz([0,0,360]), [0,0,0,-1]);
+    assert_approx(quat_xyz([30,30,30]), [0.1767766953, 0.3061862178, 0.1767766953, 0.9185586535]);
+    assert_approx(quat_xyz([12,34,56]), [-0.04824789229, 0.3036636044, 0.4195145429, 0.8540890495]);
-module test_QuatXYZ() {
-    verify_f(QuatXYZ([0,0,0]), [0,0,0,1]);
-    verify_f(QuatXYZ([30,0,0]), [0.2588190451, 0, 0, 0.9659258263]);
-    verify_f(QuatXYZ([90,0,0]), [0.7071067812, 0, 0, 0.7071067812]);
-    verify_f(QuatXYZ([-270,0,0]), [-0.7071067812, 0, 0, -0.7071067812]);
-    verify_f(QuatXYZ([180,0,0]), [1,0,0,0]);
-    verify_f(QuatXYZ([270,0,0]), [0.7071067812, 0, 0, -0.7071067812]);
-    verify_f(QuatXYZ([-90,0,0]), [-0.7071067812, 0, 0, 0.7071067812]);
-    verify_f(QuatXYZ([360,0,0]), [0,0,0,-1]);
-    verify_f(QuatXYZ([0,0,0]), [0,0,0,1]);
-    verify_f(QuatXYZ([0,30,0]), [0, 0.2588190451, 0, 0.9659258263]);
-    verify_f(QuatXYZ([0,90,0]), [0, 0.7071067812, 0, 0.7071067812]);
-    verify_f(QuatXYZ([0,-270,0]), [0, -0.7071067812, 0, -0.7071067812]);
-    verify_f(QuatXYZ([0,180,0]), [0,1,0,0]);
-    verify_f(QuatXYZ([0,270,0]), [0, 0.7071067812, 0, -0.7071067812]);
-    verify_f(QuatXYZ([0,-90,0]), [0, -0.7071067812, 0, 0.7071067812]);
-    verify_f(QuatXYZ([0,360,0]), [0,0,0,-1]);
-    verify_f(QuatXYZ([0,0,0]), [0,0,0,1]);
-    verify_f(QuatXYZ([0,0,30]), [0, 0, 0.2588190451, 0.9659258263]);
-    verify_f(QuatXYZ([0,0,90]), [0, 0, 0.7071067812, 0.7071067812]);
-    verify_f(QuatXYZ([0,0,-270]), [0, 0, -0.7071067812, -0.7071067812]);
-    verify_f(QuatXYZ([0,0,180]), [0,0,1,0]);
-    verify_f(QuatXYZ([0,0,270]), [0, 0, 0.7071067812, -0.7071067812]);
-    verify_f(QuatXYZ([0,0,-90]), [0, 0, -0.7071067812, 0.7071067812]);
-    verify_f(QuatXYZ([0,0,360]), [0,0,0,-1]);
-    verify_f(QuatXYZ([30,30,30]), [0.1767766953, 0.3061862178, 0.1767766953, 0.9185586535]);
-    verify_f(QuatXYZ([12,34,56]), [-0.04824789229, 0.3036636044, 0.4195145429, 0.8540890495]);
+module test_q_from_to() {
+    assert_approx(q_mul(q_from_to([1,2,3], [4,5,2]),q_from_to([4,5,2], [1,2,3])), q_ident());
+    assert_approx(q_matrix4(q_from_to([1,2,3], [4,5,2])), rot(from=[1,2,3],to=[4,5,2]));
+    assert_approx(q_rot(q_from_to([1,2,3], -[1,2,3]),[1,2,3]), -[1,2,3]);
+    assert_approx(unit(q_rot(q_from_to([1,2,3],  [4,5,2]),[1,2,3])), unit([4,5,2]));
-module test_Q_From_to() {
-    verify_f(Q_Mul(Q_From_to([1,2,3], [4,5,2]),Q_From_to([4,5,2], [1,2,3])), Q_Ident());
-    verify_f(Q_Matrix4(Q_From_to([1,2,3], [4,5,2])), rot(from=[1,2,3],to=[4,5,2]));
-    verify_f(Qrot(Q_From_to([1,2,3], -[1,2,3]),[1,2,3]), -[1,2,3]);
-    verify_f(unit(Qrot(Q_From_to([1,2,3],  [4,5,2]),[1,2,3])), unit([4,5,2]));
+module test_q_ident() {
+    assert_approx(q_ident(), [0,0,0,1]);
-module test_Q_Ident() {
-    verify_f(Q_Ident(), [0,0,0,1]);
+module test_q_add_s() {
+    assert_approx(q_add_s([0,0,0,1],3),[0,0,0,4]);
+    assert_approx(q_add_s([0,0,1,0],3),[0,0,1,3]);
+    assert_approx(q_add_s([0,1,0,0],3),[0,1,0,3]);
+    assert_approx(q_add_s([1,0,0,0],3),[1,0,0,3]);
+    assert_approx(q_add_s(quat(LEFT+FWD,23),1),[-0.1409744184, -0.1409744184, 0, 1.979924705]);
-module test_Q_Add_S() {
-    verify_f(Q_Add_S([0,0,0,1],3),[0,0,0,4]);
-    verify_f(Q_Add_S([0,0,1,0],3),[0,0,1,3]);
-    verify_f(Q_Add_S([0,1,0,0],3),[0,1,0,3]);
-    verify_f(Q_Add_S([1,0,0,0],3),[1,0,0,3]);
-    verify_f(Q_Add_S(Quat(LEFT+FWD,23),1),[-0.1409744184, -0.1409744184, 0, 1.979924705]);
+module test_q_sub_s() {
+    assert_approx(q_sub_s([0,0,0,1],3),[0,0,0,-2]);
+    assert_approx(q_sub_s([0,0,1,0],3),[0,0,1,-3]);
+    assert_approx(q_sub_s([0,1,0,0],3),[0,1,0,-3]);
+    assert_approx(q_sub_s([1,0,0,0],3),[1,0,0,-3]);
+    assert_approx(q_sub_s(quat(LEFT+FWD,23),1),[-0.1409744184, -0.1409744184, 0, -0.02007529538]);
-module test_Q_Sub_S() {
-    verify_f(Q_Sub_S([0,0,0,1],3),[0,0,0,-2]);
-    verify_f(Q_Sub_S([0,0,1,0],3),[0,0,1,-3]);
-    verify_f(Q_Sub_S([0,1,0,0],3),[0,1,0,-3]);
-    verify_f(Q_Sub_S([1,0,0,0],3),[1,0,0,-3]);
-    verify_f(Q_Sub_S(Quat(LEFT+FWD,23),1),[-0.1409744184, -0.1409744184, 0, -0.02007529538]);
+module test_q_mul_s() {
+    assert_approx(q_mul_s([0,0,0,1],3),[0,0,0,3]);
+    assert_approx(q_mul_s([0,0,1,0],3),[0,0,3,0]);
+    assert_approx(q_mul_s([0,1,0,0],3),[0,3,0,0]);
+    assert_approx(q_mul_s([1,0,0,0],3),[3,0,0,0]);
+    assert_approx(q_mul_s([1,0,0,1],3),[3,0,0,3]);
+    assert_approx(q_mul_s(quat(LEFT+FWD,23),4),[-0.5638976735, -0.5638976735, 0, 3.919698818]);
-module test_Q_Mul_S() {
-    verify_f(Q_Mul_S([0,0,0,1],3),[0,0,0,3]);
-    verify_f(Q_Mul_S([0,0,1,0],3),[0,0,3,0]);
-    verify_f(Q_Mul_S([0,1,0,0],3),[0,3,0,0]);
-    verify_f(Q_Mul_S([1,0,0,0],3),[3,0,0,0]);
-    verify_f(Q_Mul_S([1,0,0,1],3),[3,0,0,3]);
-    verify_f(Q_Mul_S(Quat(LEFT+FWD,23),4),[-0.5638976735, -0.5638976735, 0, 3.919698818]);
+module test_q_div_s() {
+    assert_approx(q_div_s([0,0,0,1],3),[0,0,0,1/3]);
+    assert_approx(q_div_s([0,0,1,0],3),[0,0,1/3,0]);
+    assert_approx(q_div_s([0,1,0,0],3),[0,1/3,0,0]);
+    assert_approx(q_div_s([1,0,0,0],3),[1/3,0,0,0]);
+    assert_approx(q_div_s([1,0,0,1],3),[1/3,0,0,1/3]);
+    assert_approx(q_div_s(quat(LEFT+FWD,23),4),[-0.03524360459, -0.03524360459, 0, 0.2449811762]);
-module test_Q_Div_S() {
-    verify_f(Q_Div_S([0,0,0,1],3),[0,0,0,1/3]);
-    verify_f(Q_Div_S([0,0,1,0],3),[0,0,1/3,0]);
-    verify_f(Q_Div_S([0,1,0,0],3),[0,1/3,0,0]);
-    verify_f(Q_Div_S([1,0,0,0],3),[1/3,0,0,0]);
-    verify_f(Q_Div_S([1,0,0,1],3),[1/3,0,0,1/3]);
-    verify_f(Q_Div_S(Quat(LEFT+FWD,23),4),[-0.03524360459, -0.03524360459, 0, 0.2449811762]);
+module test_q_add() {
+    assert_approx(q_add([2,3,4,5],[-1,-1,-1,-1]),[1,2,3,4]);
+    assert_approx(q_add([2,3,4,5],[-3,-3,-3,-3]),[-1,0,1,2]);
+    assert_approx(q_add([2,3,4,5],[0,0,0,0]),[2,3,4,5]);
+    assert_approx(q_add([2,3,4,5],[1,1,1,1]),[3,4,5,6]);
+    assert_approx(q_add([2,3,4,5],[1,0,0,0]),[3,3,4,5]);
+    assert_approx(q_add([2,3,4,5],[0,1,0,0]),[2,4,4,5]);
+    assert_approx(q_add([2,3,4,5],[0,0,1,0]),[2,3,5,5]);
+    assert_approx(q_add([2,3,4,5],[0,0,0,1]),[2,3,4,6]);
+    assert_approx(q_add([2,3,4,5],[2,1,2,1]),[4,4,6,6]);
+    assert_approx(q_add([2,3,4,5],[1,2,1,2]),[3,5,5,7]);
-module test_Q_Add() {
-    verify_f(Q_Add([2,3,4,5],[-1,-1,-1,-1]),[1,2,3,4]);
-    verify_f(Q_Add([2,3,4,5],[-3,-3,-3,-3]),[-1,0,1,2]);
-    verify_f(Q_Add([2,3,4,5],[0,0,0,0]),[2,3,4,5]);
-    verify_f(Q_Add([2,3,4,5],[1,1,1,1]),[3,4,5,6]);
-    verify_f(Q_Add([2,3,4,5],[1,0,0,0]),[3,3,4,5]);
-    verify_f(Q_Add([2,3,4,5],[0,1,0,0]),[2,4,4,5]);
-    verify_f(Q_Add([2,3,4,5],[0,0,1,0]),[2,3,5,5]);
-    verify_f(Q_Add([2,3,4,5],[0,0,0,1]),[2,3,4,6]);
-    verify_f(Q_Add([2,3,4,5],[2,1,2,1]),[4,4,6,6]);
-    verify_f(Q_Add([2,3,4,5],[1,2,1,2]),[3,5,5,7]);
+module test_q_sub() {
+    assert_approx(q_sub([2,3,4,5],[-1,-1,-1,-1]),[3,4,5,6]);
+    assert_approx(q_sub([2,3,4,5],[-3,-3,-3,-3]),[5,6,7,8]);
+    assert_approx(q_sub([2,3,4,5],[0,0,0,0]),[2,3,4,5]);
+    assert_approx(q_sub([2,3,4,5],[1,1,1,1]),[1,2,3,4]);
+    assert_approx(q_sub([2,3,4,5],[1,0,0,0]),[1,3,4,5]);
+    assert_approx(q_sub([2,3,4,5],[0,1,0,0]),[2,2,4,5]);
+    assert_approx(q_sub([2,3,4,5],[0,0,1,0]),[2,3,3,5]);
+    assert_approx(q_sub([2,3,4,5],[0,0,0,1]),[2,3,4,4]);
+    assert_approx(q_sub([2,3,4,5],[2,1,2,1]),[0,2,2,4]);
+    assert_approx(q_sub([2,3,4,5],[1,2,1,2]),[1,1,3,3]);
-module test_Q_Sub() {
-    verify_f(Q_Sub([2,3,4,5],[-1,-1,-1,-1]),[3,4,5,6]);
-    verify_f(Q_Sub([2,3,4,5],[-3,-3,-3,-3]),[5,6,7,8]);
-    verify_f(Q_Sub([2,3,4,5],[0,0,0,0]),[2,3,4,5]);
-    verify_f(Q_Sub([2,3,4,5],[1,1,1,1]),[1,2,3,4]);
-    verify_f(Q_Sub([2,3,4,5],[1,0,0,0]),[1,3,4,5]);
-    verify_f(Q_Sub([2,3,4,5],[0,1,0,0]),[2,2,4,5]);
-    verify_f(Q_Sub([2,3,4,5],[0,0,1,0]),[2,3,3,5]);
-    verify_f(Q_Sub([2,3,4,5],[0,0,0,1]),[2,3,4,4]);
-    verify_f(Q_Sub([2,3,4,5],[2,1,2,1]),[0,2,2,4]);
-    verify_f(Q_Sub([2,3,4,5],[1,2,1,2]),[1,1,3,3]);
+module test_q_mul() {
+    assert_approx(q_mul(quat_z(30),quat_x(57)),[0.4608999698, 0.1234977747, 0.2274546059, 0.8488721457]);
+    assert_approx(q_mul(quat_y(30),quat_z(23)),[0.05160021841, 0.2536231763, 0.1925746368, 0.94653458]);
-module test_Q_Mul() {
-    verify_f(Q_Mul(QuatZ(30),QuatX(57)),[0.4608999698, 0.1234977747, 0.2274546059, 0.8488721457]);
-    verify_f(Q_Mul(QuatY(30),QuatZ(23)),[0.05160021841, 0.2536231763, 0.1925746368, 0.94653458]);
+module test_q_cumulative() {
+    assert_approx(q_cumulative([quat_z(30),quat_x(57),quat_y(18)]),[[0, 0, 0.2588190451, 0.9659258263], [0.4608999698, -0.1234977747, 0.2274546059, 0.8488721457], [0.4908072659, 0.01081554785, 0.1525536221, 0.8577404293]]);
-module test_Q_Cumulative() {
-    verify_f(Q_Cumulative([QuatZ(30),QuatX(57),QuatY(18)]),[[0, 0, 0.2588190451, 0.9659258263], [0.4608999698, -0.1234977747, 0.2274546059, 0.8488721457], [0.4908072659, 0.01081554785, 0.1525536221, 0.8577404293]]);
+module test_q_dot() {
+    assert_approx(q_dot(quat_z(30),quat_x(57)),0.8488721457);
+    assert_approx(q_dot(quat_y(30),quat_z(23)),0.94653458);
-module test_Q_Dot() {
-    verify_f(Q_Dot(QuatZ(30),QuatX(57)),0.8488721457);
-    verify_f(Q_Dot(QuatY(30),QuatZ(23)),0.94653458);
+module test_q_neg() {
+    assert_approx(q_neg([1,0,0,1]),[-1,0,0,-1]);
+    assert_approx(q_neg([0,1,1,0]),[0,-1,-1,0]);
+    assert_approx(q_neg(quat_xyz([23,45,67])),[0.0533818345,-0.4143703268,-0.4360652669,-0.7970537592]);
-module test_Q_Neg() {
-    verify_f(Q_Neg([1,0,0,1]),[-1,0,0,-1]);
-    verify_f(Q_Neg([0,1,1,0]),[0,-1,-1,0]);
-    verify_f(Q_Neg(QuatXYZ([23,45,67])),[0.0533818345,-0.4143703268,-0.4360652669,-0.7970537592]);
+module test_q_conj() {
+    assert_approx(q_conj([1,0,0,1]),[-1,0,0,1]);
+    assert_approx(q_conj([0,1,1,0]),[0,-1,-1,0]);
+    assert_approx(q_conj(quat_xyz([23,45,67])),[0.0533818345, -0.4143703268, -0.4360652669, 0.7970537592]);
-module test_Q_Conj() {
-    verify_f(Q_Conj([1,0,0,1]),[-1,0,0,1]);
-    verify_f(Q_Conj([0,1,1,0]),[0,-1,-1,0]);
-    verify_f(Q_Conj(QuatXYZ([23,45,67])),[0.0533818345, -0.4143703268, -0.4360652669, 0.7970537592]);
+module test_q_inverse() {
+    assert_approx(q_inverse([1,0,0,1]),[-1,0,0,1]/sqrt(2));
+    assert_approx(q_inverse([0,1,1,0]),[0,-1,-1,0]/sqrt(2));
+    assert_approx(q_inverse(quat_xyz([23,45,67])),q_conj(quat_xyz([23,45,67])));
+    assert_approx(q_mul(q_inverse(quat_xyz([23,45,67])),quat_xyz([23,45,67])),q_ident());
-module test_Q_Inverse() {
-    verify_f(Q_Inverse([1,0,0,1]),[-1,0,0,1]/sqrt(2));
-    verify_f(Q_Inverse([0,1,1,0]),[0,-1,-1,0]/sqrt(2));
-    verify_f(Q_Inverse(QuatXYZ([23,45,67])),Q_Conj(QuatXYZ([23,45,67])));
-    verify_f(Q_Mul(Q_Inverse(QuatXYZ([23,45,67])),QuatXYZ([23,45,67])),Q_Ident());
+module test_q_Norm() {
+    assert_approx(q_norm([1,0,0,1]),1.414213562);
+    assert_approx(q_norm([0,1,1,0]),1.414213562);
+    assert_approx(q_norm(quat_xyz([23,45,67])),1);
-module test_Q_Norm() {
-    verify_f(Q_Norm([1,0,0,1]),1.414213562);
-    verify_f(Q_Norm([0,1,1,0]),1.414213562);
-    verify_f(Q_Norm(QuatXYZ([23,45,67])),1);
+module test_q_normalize() {
+    assert_approx(q_normalize([1,0,0,1]),[0.7071067812, 0, 0, 0.7071067812]);
+    assert_approx(q_normalize([0,1,1,0]),[0, 0.7071067812, 0.7071067812, 0]);
+    assert_approx(q_normalize(quat_xyz([23,45,67])),[-0.0533818345, 0.4143703268, 0.4360652669, 0.7970537592]);
-module test_Q_Normalize() {
-    verify_f(Q_Normalize([1,0,0,1]),[0.7071067812, 0, 0, 0.7071067812]);
-    verify_f(Q_Normalize([0,1,1,0]),[0, 0.7071067812, 0.7071067812, 0]);
-    verify_f(Q_Normalize(QuatXYZ([23,45,67])),[-0.0533818345, 0.4143703268, 0.4360652669, 0.7970537592]);
+module test_q_dist() {
+    assert_approx(q_dist(quat_xyz([23,45,67]),quat_xyz([23,45,67])),0);
+    assert_approx(q_dist(quat_xyz([23,45,67]),quat_xyz([12,34,56])),0.1257349854);
-module test_Q_Dist() {
-    verify_f(Q_Dist(QuatXYZ([23,45,67]),QuatXYZ([23,45,67])),0);
-    verify_f(Q_Dist(QuatXYZ([23,45,67]),QuatXYZ([12,34,56])),0.1257349854);
+module test_q_slerp() {
+    assert_approx(q_slerp(quat_x(45),quat_y(30),0.0),quat_x(45));
+    assert_approx(q_slerp(quat_x(45),quat_y(30),0.5),[0.1967063121, 0.1330377423, 0, 0.9713946602]);
+    assert_approx(q_slerp(quat_x(45),quat_y(30),1.0),quat_y(30));
-module test_Q_Slerp() {
-    verify_f(Q_Slerp(QuatX(45),QuatY(30),0.0),QuatX(45));
-    verify_f(Q_Slerp(QuatX(45),QuatY(30),0.5),[0.1967063121, 0.1330377423, 0, 0.9713946602]);
-    verify_f(Q_Slerp(QuatX(45),QuatY(30),1.0),QuatY(30));
+module test_q_matrix3() {
+    assert_approx(q_matrix3(quat_z(37)),rot(37,planar=true));
+    assert_approx(q_matrix3(quat_z(-49)),rot(-49,planar=true));
-module test_Q_Matrix3() {
-    verify_f(Q_Matrix3(QuatZ(37)),rot(37,planar=true));
-    verify_f(Q_Matrix3(QuatZ(-49)),rot(-49,planar=true));
+module test_q_matrix4() {
+    assert_approx(q_matrix4(quat_z(37)),rot(37));
+    assert_approx(q_matrix4(quat_z(-49)),rot(-49));
+    assert_approx(q_matrix4(quat_x(37)),rot([37,0,0]));
+    assert_approx(q_matrix4(quat_y(37)),rot([0,37,0]));
+    assert_approx(q_matrix4(quat_xyz([12,34,56])),rot([12,34,56]));
-module test_Q_Matrix4() {
-    verify_f(Q_Matrix4(QuatZ(37)),rot(37));
-    verify_f(Q_Matrix4(QuatZ(-49)),rot(-49));
-    verify_f(Q_Matrix4(QuatX(37)),rot([37,0,0]));
-    verify_f(Q_Matrix4(QuatY(37)),rot([0,37,0]));
-    verify_f(Q_Matrix4(QuatXYZ([12,34,56])),rot([12,34,56]));
+module test_q_axis() {
+    assert_approx(q_axis(quat_x(37)),RIGHT);
+    assert_approx(q_axis(quat_x(-37)),LEFT);
+    assert_approx(q_axis(quat_y(37)),BACK);
+    assert_approx(q_axis(quat_y(-37)),FWD);
+    assert_approx(q_axis(quat_z(37)),UP);
+    assert_approx(q_axis(quat_z(-37)),DOWN);
-module test_Q_Axis() {
-    verify_f(Q_Axis(QuatX(37)),RIGHT);
-    verify_f(Q_Axis(QuatX(-37)),LEFT);
-    verify_f(Q_Axis(QuatY(37)),BACK);
-    verify_f(Q_Axis(QuatY(-37)),FWD);
-    verify_f(Q_Axis(QuatZ(37)),UP);
-    verify_f(Q_Axis(QuatZ(-37)),DOWN);
+module test_q_angle() {
+    assert_approx(q_angle(quat_x(0)),0);
+    assert_approx(q_angle(quat_y(0)),0);
+    assert_approx(q_angle(quat_z(0)),0);
+    assert_approx(q_angle(quat_x(37)),37);
+    assert_approx(q_angle(quat_x(-37)),37);
+    assert_approx(q_angle(quat_y(37)),37);
+    assert_approx(q_angle(quat_y(-37)),37);
+    assert_approx(q_angle(quat_z(37)),37);
+    assert_approx(q_angle(quat_z(-37)),37);
+    assert_approx(q_angle(quat_z(-37),quat_z(-37)), 0);
+    assert_approx(q_angle(quat_z( 37.123),quat_z(-37.123)), 74.246);
+    assert_approx(q_angle(quat_x( 37),quat_y(-37)), 51.86293283);
-module test_Q_Angle() {
-    verify_f(Q_Angle(QuatX(0)),0);
-    verify_f(Q_Angle(QuatY(0)),0);
-    verify_f(Q_Angle(QuatZ(0)),0);
-    verify_f(Q_Angle(QuatX(37)),37);
-    verify_f(Q_Angle(QuatX(-37)),37);
-    verify_f(Q_Angle(QuatY(37)),37);
-    verify_f(Q_Angle(QuatY(-37)),37);
-    verify_f(Q_Angle(QuatZ(37)),37);
-    verify_f(Q_Angle(QuatZ(-37)),37);
-    verify_f(Q_Angle(QuatZ(-37),QuatZ(-37)), 0);
-    verify_f(Q_Angle(QuatZ( 37.123),QuatZ(-37.123)), 74.246);
-    verify_f(Q_Angle(QuatX( 37),QuatY(-37)), 51.86293283);
+module test_q_rot() {
+    assert_approx(q_rot(quat_xyz([12,34,56])),rot([12,34,56]));
+    assert_approx(q_rot(quat_xyz([12,34,56]),p=[2,3,4]),rot([12,34,56],p=[2,3,4]));
+    assert_approx(q_rot(quat_xyz([12,34,56]),p=[[2,3,4],[4,9,6]]),rot([12,34,56],p=[[2,3,4],[4,9,6]]));
-module test_Qrot() {
-    verify_f(Qrot(QuatXYZ([12,34,56])),rot([12,34,56]));
-    verify_f(Qrot(QuatXYZ([12,34,56]),p=[2,3,4]),rot([12,34,56],p=[2,3,4]));
-    verify_f(Qrot(QuatXYZ([12,34,56]),p=[[2,3,4],[4,9,6]]),rot([12,34,56],p=[[2,3,4],[4,9,6]]));
+module test_q_rotation() {
+    assert_approx(_q_standard(q_rotation(q_matrix3(quat([12,34,56],33)))),_q_standard(quat([12,34,56],33)));
+    assert_approx(q_matrix3(q_rotation(q_matrix3(quat_xyz([12,34,56])))),
+             q_matrix3(quat_xyz([12,34,56])));
-module test_Q_Rotation() {
-    verify_f(Qstandard(Q_Rotation(Q_Matrix3(Quat([12,34,56],33)))),Qstandard(Quat([12,34,56],33)));
-    verify_f(Q_Matrix3(Q_Rotation(Q_Matrix3(QuatXYZ([12,34,56])))),
-             Q_Matrix3(QuatXYZ([12,34,56])));
+module test_q_rotation_path() {
+    assert_approx(q_rotation_path(quat_x(135), 5, quat_y(13.5))[0] , q_matrix4(quat_x(135)));
+    assert_approx(q_rotation_path(quat_x(135), 11, quat_y(13.5))[11] , yrot(13.5));
+    assert_approx(q_rotation_path(quat_x(135), 16, quat_y(13.5))[8] , q_rotation_path(quat_x(135), 8, quat_y(13.5))[4]);
+    assert_approx(q_rotation_path(quat_x(135), 16, quat_y(13.5))[7] , 
+             q_rotation_path(quat_y(13.5),16, quat_x(135))[9]);
-module test_Q_Rotation_path() {
-    verify_f(Q_Rotation_path(QuatX(135), 5, QuatY(13.5))[0] , Q_Matrix4(QuatX(135)));
-    verify_f(Q_Rotation_path(QuatX(135), 11, QuatY(13.5))[11] , yrot(13.5));
-    verify_f(Q_Rotation_path(QuatX(135), 16, QuatY(13.5))[8] , Q_Rotation_path(QuatX(135), 8, QuatY(13.5))[4]);
-    verify_f(Q_Rotation_path(QuatX(135), 16, QuatY(13.5))[7] , 
-             Q_Rotation_path(QuatY(13.5),16, QuatX(135))[9]);
-    verify_f(Q_Rotation_path(QuatX(11), 5)[0] , xrot(11));
-    verify_f(Q_Rotation_path(QuatX(11), 5)[4] , xrot(55));
+    assert_approx(q_rotation_path(quat_x(11), 5)[0] , xrot(11));
+    assert_approx(q_rotation_path(quat_x(11), 5)[4] , xrot(55));
-module test_Q_Nlerp() {
-    verify_f(Q_Nlerp(QuatX(45),QuatY(30),0.0),QuatX(45));
-    verify_f(Q_Nlerp(QuatX(45),QuatY(30),0.5),[0.1967063121, 0.1330377423, 0, 0.9713946602]);
-    verify_f(Q_Rotation_path(QuatX(135), 16, QuatY(13.5))[8] , Q_Matrix4(Q_Nlerp(QuatX(135), QuatY(13.5),0.5)));
-    verify_f(Q_Nlerp(QuatX(45),QuatY(30),1.0),QuatY(30));
+module test_q_nlerp() {
+    assert_approx(q_nlerp(quat_x(45),quat_y(30),0.0),quat_x(45));
+    assert_approx(q_nlerp(quat_x(45),quat_y(30),0.5),[0.1967063121, 0.1330377423, 0, 0.9713946602]);
+    assert_approx(q_rotation_path(quat_x(135), 16, quat_y(13.5))[8] , q_matrix4(q_nlerp(quat_x(135), quat_y(13.5),0.5)));
+    assert_approx(q_nlerp(quat_x(45),quat_y(30),1.0),quat_y(30));
-module test_Q_Squad() {
-    verify_f(Q_Squad(QuatX(45),QuatZ(30),QuatX(90),QuatY(30),0.0),QuatX(45));
-    verify_f(Q_Squad(QuatX(45),QuatZ(30),QuatX(90),QuatY(30),1.0),QuatY(30));
-    verify_f(Q_Squad(QuatX(0),QuatX(30),QuatX(90),QuatX(120),0.5),
-              Q_Slerp(QuatX(0),QuatX(120),0.5));
-    verify_f(Q_Squad(QuatY(0),QuatY(0),QuatX(120),QuatX(120),0.3),
-              Q_Slerp(QuatY(0),QuatX(120),0.3));
+module test_q_squad() {
+    assert_approx(q_squad(quat_x(45),quat_z(30),quat_x(90),quat_y(30),0.0),quat_x(45));
+    assert_approx(q_squad(quat_x(45),quat_z(30),quat_x(90),quat_y(30),1.0),quat_y(30));
+    assert_approx(q_squad(quat_x(0),quat_x(30),quat_x(90),quat_x(120),0.5),
+              q_slerp(quat_x(0),quat_x(120),0.5));
+    assert_approx(q_squad(quat_y(0),quat_y(0),quat_x(120),quat_x(120),0.3),
+              q_slerp(quat_y(0),quat_x(120),0.3));
-module test_Q_exp() {
-   verify_f(Q_exp(Q_Ident()), exp(1)*Q_Ident()); 
-   verify_f(Q_exp([0,0,0,33.7]), exp(33.7)*Q_Ident());
-   verify_f(Q_exp(Q_ln(Q_Ident())), Q_Ident());
-   verify_f(Q_exp(Q_ln([1,2,3,0])), [1,2,3,0]);
-   verify_f(Q_exp(Q_ln(QuatXYZ([31,27,34]))), QuatXYZ([31,27,34]));
-   let(q=QuatXYZ([12,23,34])) 
-     verify_f(Q_exp(q+Q_Inverse(q)),Q_Mul(Q_exp(q),Q_exp(Q_Inverse(q))));
+module test_q_exp() {
+   assert_approx(q_exp(q_ident()), exp(1)*q_ident()); 
+   assert_approx(q_exp([0,0,0,33.7]), exp(33.7)*q_ident());
+   assert_approx(q_exp(q_ln(q_ident())), q_ident());
+   assert_approx(q_exp(q_ln([1,2,3,0])), [1,2,3,0]);
+   assert_approx(q_exp(q_ln(quat_xyz([31,27,34]))), quat_xyz([31,27,34]));
+   let(q=quat_xyz([12,23,34])) 
+     assert_approx(q_exp(q+q_inverse(q)),q_mul(q_exp(q),q_exp(q_inverse(q))));
-module test_Q_ln() {
-   verify_f(Q_ln([1,2,3,0]),  [24.0535117721, 48.1070235442, 72.1605353164, 1.31952866481]); 
-   verify_f(Q_ln(Q_Ident()), [0,0,0,0]); 
-   verify_f(Q_ln(5.5*Q_Ident()), [0,0,0,ln(5.5)]); 
-   verify_f(Q_ln(Q_exp(QuatXYZ([13,37,43]))), QuatXYZ([13,37,43]));
-   verify_f(Q_ln(QuatXYZ([12,23,34]))+Q_ln(Q_Inverse(QuatXYZ([12,23,34]))), [0,0,0,0]);
+module test_q_ln() {
+   assert_approx(q_ln([1,2,3,0]),  [24.0535117721, 48.1070235442, 72.1605353164, 1.31952866481]); 
+   assert_approx(q_ln(q_ident()), [0,0,0,0]); 
+   assert_approx(q_ln(5.5*q_ident()), [0,0,0,ln(5.5)]); 
+   assert_approx(q_ln(q_exp(quat_xyz([13,37,43]))), quat_xyz([13,37,43]));
+   assert_approx(q_ln(quat_xyz([12,23,34]))+q_ln(q_inverse(quat_xyz([12,23,34]))), [0,0,0,0]);
-module test_Q_pow() {
-    q = Quat([1,2,3],77);
-    verify_f(Q_pow(q,1), q);
-    verify_f(Q_pow(q,0), Q_Ident());
-    verify_f(Q_pow(q,-1), Q_Inverse(q));
-    verify_f(Q_pow(q,2), Q_Mul(q,q));
-    verify_f(Q_pow(q,3), Q_Mul(q,Q_pow(q,2)));
-    verify_f(Q_Mul(Q_pow(q,0.456),Q_pow(q,0.544)), q);
-    verify_f(Q_Mul(Q_pow(q,0.335),Q_Mul(Q_pow(q,.552),Q_pow(q,.113))), q);
+module test_q_pow() {
+    q = quat([1,2,3],77);
+    assert_approx(q_pow(q,1), q);
+    assert_approx(q_pow(q,0), q_ident());
+    assert_approx(q_pow(q,-1), q_inverse(q));
+    assert_approx(q_pow(q,2), q_mul(q,q));
+    assert_approx(q_pow(q,3), q_mul(q,q_pow(q,2)));
+    assert_approx(q_mul(q_pow(q,0.456),q_pow(q,0.544)), q);
+    assert_approx(q_mul(q_pow(q,0.335),q_mul(q_pow(q,.552),q_pow(q,.113))), q);