Merge pull request from adrianVmariano/master

rounded prism anchor improvements
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Revar Desmera 2024-10-13 02:09:55 -07:00 committed by GitHub
commit 3f9fb3a5b4
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3 changed files with 199 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -491,6 +491,8 @@ _ANCHOR_TYPES = ["intersect","hull"];
// Side Effects:
// `$attach_anchor` for each `from=` anchor given, this is set to the `[ANCHOR, POSITION, ORIENT, SPIN]` information for that anchor.
// `$attach_to` is set to `undef`.
// `$edge_angle` is set to the angle of the edge if the anchor is on an edge and the parent is a prismoid, or vnf with "hull" anchoring
// `$edge_length` is set to the length of the edge if the anchor is on an edge and the parent is a prismoid, or vnf with "hull" anchoring
// Example:
// spheroid(d=20) {
// position(TOP) cyl(l=10, d1=10, d2=5, anchor=BOTTOM);
@ -510,6 +512,8 @@ module position(at,from)
two_d = _attach_geom_2d($parent_geom);
for (anchr = anchors) {
anch = _find_anchor(anchr, $parent_geom);
$edge_angle = len(anch)==5 ? struct_val(anch[4],"edge_angle") : undef;
$edge_length = len(anch)==5 ? struct_val(anch[4],"edge_length") : undef;
$attach_to = undef;
$attach_anchor = anch;
translate(anch[1]) children();
@ -2002,6 +2006,8 @@ module edge_mask(edges=EDGES_ALL, except=[]) {
vcount = (vec.x?1:0) + (vec.y?1:0) + (vec.z?1:0);
dummy=assert(vcount == 2, "Not an edge vector!");
anch = _find_anchor(vec, $parent_geom);
$edge_angle = len(anch)==5 ? struct_val(anch[4],"edge_angle") : undef;
$edge_length = len(anch)==5 ? struct_val(anch[4],"edge_length") : undef;
$attach_to = undef;
$attach_anchor = anch;
rotang =
@ -3259,7 +3265,7 @@ function named_anchor(name, pos, orient, spin, rot, flip, info) =
// anchors = If given as a list of anchor points, allows named anchor points.
// two_d = If true, the attachable shape is 2D. If false, 3D. Default: false (3D)
// axis = The vector pointing along the axis of a geometry. Default: UP
// override = Function that takes an anchor and returns a pair `[position,direction]` to use for that anchor to override the normal one. You can also supply a lookup table that is a list of `[anchor, [position, direction]]` entries. If the direction/position that is returned is undef then the default will be used.
// override = Function that takes an anchor and returns a pair `[position,direction,spin]` to use for that anchor to override the normal one. You can also supply a lookup table that is a list of `[anchor, [position, direction,spin]]` entries. If the direction/position/spin that is returned is undef then the default will be used.
// Example(NORENDER): Null/Point Shape
// geom = attach_geom();
@ -3730,6 +3736,18 @@ function _get_cp(geom) =
/// Arguments:
/// anchor = Vector or named anchor string.
/// geom = The geometry description of the shape.
function _three_edge_corner_dir(facevecs,edges) =
v1 = vector_bisect(facevecs[0],facevecs[2]),
v2 = vector_bisect(facevecs[1],facevecs[2]),
p1 = plane_from_normal(rot(v=edges[0],a=90,p=v1)),
p2 = plane_from_normal(rot(v=edges[1],a=-90,p=v2)),
line = plane_intersection(p1,p2),
v3 = unit(line[1]-line[0],UP)
function _find_anchor(anchor, geom)=
is_string(anchor)? (
anchor=="origin"? [anchor, CENTER, UP, 0] // Ok that this returns 3d anchor in the 2d case?
@ -3786,15 +3804,7 @@ function _find_anchor(anchor, geom)=
dir = anch==CENTER? UP
: len(facevecs)==1? unit(facevecs[0],UP)
: len(facevecs)==2? vector_bisect(facevecs[0],facevecs[1])
: let(
v1 = vector_bisect(facevecs[0],facevecs[2]),
v2 = vector_bisect(facevecs[1],facevecs[2]),
p1 = plane_from_normal(yrot(90,p=v1)),
p2 = plane_from_normal(xrot(-90,p=v2)),
line = plane_intersection(p1,p2),
v3 = unit(line[1]-line[0],UP) * anch.z
: _three_edge_corner_dir(facevecs,[FWD,LEFT])*anch.z,
edgeang = len(facevecs)==2 ? 180-vector_angle(facevecs[0], facevecs[1]) : undef,
edgelen = anch.z==0 ? norm(edge)
: anch.z>0 ? abs([size2.y,size2.x]*axy)
@ -3969,16 +3979,41 @@ function _find_anchor(anchor, geom)=
len(matchind)!=1 ? []
: let( // After this runs we have two edges as index pairs, and their associated faces as index values
match1 = select(idxs,[0,matchind[0]]),
match2 = list_remove_values(idxs,match1),
match2 = list_remove(idxs,[0,matchind[0]]),
facelists = [for(i=[0:1], j=[0:1])
ed = [match1[i],match2[j]],
fl = _vnf_find_edge_faces(vnf,ed)
if (fl!=[]) [ed,fl]
final = [column(facelists,0), flatten(column(facelists,1))]
assert(len(final[1])==2, "invalid!")
/*[column(facelists,0), column(facelists
face1 = _vnf_find_edge_faces(vnf,[match1[0],match2[0]]),
face2 = _vnf_find_edge_faces(vnf,[match1[0],match2[1]]),
face1a = _vnf_find_edge_faces(vnf,[match1[1],match2[0]]),
face2a = _vnf_find_edge_faces(vnf,[match1[1],match2[1]]),
feet= echo(facelist1 =select(vnf[1],face1a), facelist2=select(vnf[1],face2a)),
edge1 = [match1[0], face1==[] ? match2[1] : match2[0]],
edge2 = list_remove_values(idxs,edge1),
fee=echo(edxs=idxs, edge1=edge1, edge2=edge2,alt=[match1[1],match2[0]],[match1[1],match2[1]],
edgefaces = _vnf_find_edge_faces(vnf,edge1),_vnf_find_edge_faces(vnf,edge2) ),
face3 = _vnf_find_edge_faces(vnf,edge2),
allfaces = concat(face1,face2,face3)
allfaces = concat(face1,face2,face3),
assert(len(allfaces)==2, "Invalid polyhedron encountered while computing VNF anchor")
[[edge1,edge2], allfaces],
assert(len(allfaces)==2, str("Invalid polyhedron encountered while computing VNF anchor",len(allfaces)))
[[edge1,edge2], allfaces],*/
// fe=echo(edge_faces=edges_faces),
dir = len(idxs)>2 && edges_faces==[] ? [anchor,oang]
: edges_faces!=[] ?
@ -3989,6 +4024,7 @@ function _find_anchor(anchor, geom)=
projnormals = project_plane(point4d(cross(facenormals[0],facenormals[1])), facenormals),
ang = 180- posmod(v_theta(projnormals[1])-v_theta(projnormals[0]),360),
horiz_face = [for(i=[0:1]) if (approx(v_abs(facenormals[i]),UP)) i],
fda= echo(horiz=horiz_face),
spin = horiz_face==[] ?
edgedir = edge[1]-edge[0],

View file

@ -1348,7 +1348,10 @@ module offset_stroke(path, width=1, rounded=true, start, end, check_valid=true,
// will get a similar or better looking model with fewer vertices using "round" instead of
// "chamfer". Use the "chamfer" style offset only in cases where the number of steps is very small or just one (such as when using
// the `os_chamfer` profile type).
// .
// This module offers four anchor types. The default is "hull" in which VNF anchors are placed on the VNF of the **unrounded** object. You
// can also use "intersect" to get the intersection anchors to the unrounded object. If you prefer anchors that respect the rounding
// then use "surf_hull" or "intersect_hull".
// Arguments:
// path = 2d path (list of points) to extrude
// height / length / l / h = total height (including rounded portions, but not extra sections) of the output. Default: combined height of top and bottom end treatments.
@ -1375,7 +1378,7 @@ module offset_stroke(path, width=1, rounded=true, start, end, check_valid=true,
// atype = Select "hull", "intersect", "surf_hull" or "surf_intersect" anchor types. Default: "hull"
// cp = Centerpoint for determining "intersect" anchors or centering the shape. Determintes the base of the anchor vector. Can be "centroid", "mean", "box" or a 3D point. Default: "centroid"
// Anchor Types:
// hull = Anchors to the convex hull of the linear sweep of the path, ignoring any end roundings.
// hull = Anchors to the convex hull of the linear sweep of the path, ignoring any end roundings. (default)
// intersect = Anchors to the surface of the linear sweep of the path, ignoring any end roundings.
// surf_hull = Anchors to the convex hull of the offset_sweep shape, including end treatments.
// surf_intersect = Anchors to the surface of the offset_sweep shape, including any end treatments.
@ -2030,7 +2033,11 @@ function _rp_compute_patches(top, bot, rtop, rsides, ktop, ksides, concave) =
// vnf = rounded_prism(bottom, [top], [height=|h=|length=|l=], [joint_top=], [joint_bot=], [joint_sides=], [k=], [k_top=], [k_bot=], [k_sides=], [splinesteps=], [debug=]);
// Description:
// Construct a generalized prism with continuous curvature rounding. You supply the polygons for the top and bottom of the prism. The only
// limitation is that joining the edges must produce a valid polyhedron with coplanar side faces. You specify the rounding by giving
// limitation is that joining the edges must produce a valid polyhedron with coplanar side faces. The vertices of the top and bottom
// are joined in the order listed. The top should have the standard vertex order for a polyhedron: clockwise as seen when viewing the prism
// from the outside.
// .
// You specify the rounding by giving
// the joint distance away from the corner for the rounding curve. The k parameter ranges from 0 to 1 with a default of 0.5. Larger
// values give a more abrupt transition and smaller ones a more gradual transition. If you set the value much higher
// than 0.8 the curvature changes abruptly enough that though it is theoretically continuous, it may
@ -2059,14 +2066,30 @@ function _rp_compute_patches(top, bot, rtop, rsides, ktop, ksides, concave) =
// construct a top that is a single point or two points. This means you can completely round a cube by setting the joint to half of
// the cube's width.
// If you set `debug` to true the module version will display the polyhedron even when it is invalid and it will show the bezier patches at the corners.
// This can help troubleshoot problems with your parameters. With the function form setting debug to true causes it to return [patches,vnf] where
// This can help troubleshoot problems with your parameters. With the function form setting debug to true causes run even on invalid cases and to return [patches,vnf] where
// patches is a list of the bezier control points for the corner patches.
// .
// This module offers five anchor types. The default is "hull" in which VNF anchors are placed on the VNF of the **unrounded** object. You
// can also use "intersect" to get the intersection anchors to the unrounded object. If you prefer anchors that respect the rounding
// then use "surf_hull" or "intersect_hull". Lastly, in the special case of a prism with four sides, you can use "prismoid" anchoring
// which will attempt to assign standard prismoid anchors to the shape by assigning as RIGHT the face that is closest to the RIGHT direction,
// and defining the other anchors around the shape baesd on that choice.
// .
// Note that rounded_prism() is not well suited to rounding shapes that have already been rounded, or that have many points.
// It works best when the top and bottom are polygons with well-defined corners. When the polygons have been rounded already,
// further rounding generates tiny bezier patches patches that can more easily
// interfere, giving rise to an invalid polyhedron. It's also slow because you get bezier patches for every corner in the model.
// .
// Named Anchors:
// "origin" = The native position of the prism.
// "top" = Top face, with spin BACK if face is parallel to the XY plane, or with positive Z otherwise
// "bot" = Bottom face, with spin BACK if face is parallel to the XY plane, or with positive Z otherwise
// "edge0", "edge1", etc. = Center of each side edge, spin pointing up along the edge
// "face0", "face1", etc. = Center of each side face, spin pointing up
// "top_edge0", "top_edge1", etc = Center of each top edge, spin pointing clockwise (from top)
// "bot_edge0", "bot_edge1", etc = Center of each bottom edge, spin pointing clockwise (from bottom)
// "top_corner0", "top_corner1", etc = Top corner, pointing in direction of associated edge anchor, spin up along associated edge
// "bot_corner0", "bot_2corner1", etc = Bottom corner, pointing in direction of associated edge anchor, spin up along associated edge
// Arguments:
// bottom = 2d or 3d path describing bottom polygon
// top = 2d or 3d path describing top polygon (must be the same dimension as bottom)
@ -2085,11 +2108,23 @@ function _rp_compute_patches(top, bot, rtop, rsides, ktop, ksides, concave) =
// anchor = Translate so anchor point is at the origin. (module only) Default: "origin"
// spin = Rotate this many degrees around Z axis after anchor. (module only) Default: 0
// orient = Vector to rotate top towards after spin (module only)
// atype = Select "hull" or "intersect" anchor types. (module only) Default: "hull"
// atype = Select "prismoid", "hull", "intersect", "surf_hull" or "surf_intersect" anchor types. (module only) Default: "hull"
// cp = Centerpoint for determining "intersect" anchors or centering the shape. Determintes the base of the anchor vector. Can be "centroid", "mean", "box" or a 3D point. (module only) Default: "centroid"
// Named Anchors:
// "origin" = The native position of the prism.
// "top" = center of top face pointing normal to that face
// "bot" = center of bottom face pointing normal to that face
// "edge0", "edge1", etc. = Center of each side edge, spin pointing up along the edge. Can access with EDGE(i)
// "face0", "face1", etc. = Center of each side face, spin pointing up. Can access with FACE(i)
// "top_edge0", "top_edge1", etc = Center of each top edge, spin pointing clockwise (from top). Can access with EDGE(TOP,i)
// "bot_edge0", "bot_edge1", etc = Center of each bottom edge, spin pointing clockwise (from bottom). Can access with EDGE(BOT,i)
// "top_corner0", "top_corner1", etc = Top corner, pointing in direction of associated edge anchor, spin up along associated edge
// "bot_corner0", "bot_corner1", etc = Bottom corner, pointing in direction of associated edge anchor, spin up along associated edge
// Anchor Types:
// hull = Anchors to the convex hull of the linear sweep of the path, ignoring any end roundings. (default)
// intersect = Anchors to the surface of the linear sweep of the path, ignoring any end roundings.
// surf_hull = Anchors to the convex hull of the offset_sweep shape, including end treatments.
// surf_intersect = Anchors to the surface of the offset_sweep shape, including any end treatments.
// "hull" = Anchors to the virtual convex hull of the prism.
// "intersect" = Anchors to the surface of the prism.
// Example: Uniformly rounded pentagonal prism
@ -2172,11 +2207,24 @@ module rounded_prism(bottom, top, joint_bot=0, joint_top=0, joint_sides=0, k_bot
k=0.5, splinesteps=16, h, length, l, height, convexity=10, debug=false,
anchor="origin",cp="centroid",spin=0, orient=UP, atype="hull")
assert(in_list(atype, _ANCHOR_TYPES), "Anchor type must be \"hull\" or \"intersect\"");
dummy1 = assert(in_list(atype, ["intersect","hull","surf_intersect","surf_hull","prismoid"]),
"Anchor type must be one of: \"hull\", \"intersect\", \"surf_hull\", \"surf_intersect\" or \"prismoid\"")
assert(atype!="prismoid" || len(bottom)==4, "Anchor type \"prismoid\" requires that len(bottom)=4");
result = rounded_prism(bottom=bottom, top=top, joint_bot=joint_bot, joint_top=joint_top, joint_sides=joint_sides,
k_bot=k_bot, k_top=k_top, k_sides=k_sides, k=k, splinesteps=splinesteps, h=h, length=length, height=height, l=l,debug=debug);
vnf = debug ? result[1] : result;
attachable(anchor=anchor, spin=spin, orient=orient, vnf=vnf, extent=atype=="hull", cp=cp)
k_bot=k_bot, k_top=k_top, k_sides=k_sides, k=k, splinesteps=splinesteps, h=h, length=length, height=height, l=l,
debug=debug, _full_info=true);
top = is_undef(top) ? path3d(bottom,height/2) :
len(top[0])==2 ? path3d(top,height/2) :
bottom = len(bottom[0])==2 ? path3d(bottom,-height/2) : bottom;
unrounded = vnf_vertex_array([top,bottom],caps=true, col_wrap=true,reverse=true);
vnf = result[1];
geom = atype=="prismoid" ? attach_geom(size=[1,1,1],anchors=result[2], override=result[3])
: in_list(atype,["hull","intersect"]) ? attach_geom(vnf=unrounded, extent=atype=="hull", cp=cp, anchors=result[2])
: attach_geom(vnf=vnf, extent=atype=="surf_hull", cp=cp, anchors=result[2]);
attachable(anchor=anchor, spin=spin, orient=orient, geom=geom)
if (debug){
vnf_polyhedron(vnf, convexity=convexity);
@ -2189,7 +2237,7 @@ module rounded_prism(bottom, top, joint_bot=0, joint_top=0, joint_sides=0, k_bot
function rounded_prism(bottom, top, joint_bot=0, joint_top=0, joint_sides=0, k_bot, k_top, k_sides, k=0.5, splinesteps=16,
h, length, l, height, debug=false) =
h, length, l, height, debug=false, _full_info=false) =
bottom = force_path(bottom,"bottom"),
top = force_path(top,"top")
@ -2347,9 +2395,81 @@ function rounded_prism(bottom, top, joint_bot=0, joint_top=0, joint_sides=0, k_b
for(pts=edge_points) vnf_vertex_array(pts),
debug ? vnf_from_polygons(faces,fast=true)
: vnf_triangulate(vnf_from_polygons(faces))
topnormal = unit(cross(top[0]-top[1],top[2]-top[1])),
botnormal = -unit(cross(bottom[0]-bottom[1],bottom[2]-bottom[1])),
sidenormal = [for(i=idx(top))
unit(cross(select(top,i+1)-top[i], bottom[i]-top[i]))],
//pos, orient, spin, info=...
anchors = [
face = concat(select(top,[i+1,i]), select(bottom,i,i+1)),
face_ctr = mean(concat(select(top,[i+1,i]), select(bottom,i,i+1))),
bot_edge = bottom[i]-select(bottom,i+1),
bot_edge_ctr = mean(select(bottom,i,i+1)),
bot_edge_normal = unit(mean([sidenormal[i],botnormal])),
top_edge_normal = unit(mean([sidenormal[i],topnormal])),
top_edge = select(top,i+1)-top[i],
top_edge_ctr = mean(select(top,i,i+1)),
top_edge_dir = select(top,i+1)-top[i],
edge = [top[i],bottom[i]],
edge_ctr = mean([top[i],bottom[i]]),
edge_normal = unit(mean(select(sidenormal,[i,i-1]))),
top_corner_dir = _three_edge_corner_dir([select(sidenormal,i-1),sidenormal[i],topnormal],
[top[i]-select(top,i-1), top_edge]),
bot_corner_dir = _three_edge_corner_dir([select(sidenormal,i-1),sidenormal[i],botnormal],
[bottom[i]-select(bottom,i-1), bot_edge])
named_anchor(EDGE(i),edge_ctr,edge_normal, _compute_spin(edge_normal,top[i]-bottom[i]),
info=[["edge_angle",180-vector_angle(sidenormal[i],select(sidenormal,i-1))], ["edge_length",norm(top[i]-bottom[i])]]),
named_anchor(EDGE(UP,i),top_edge_ctr, top_edge_normal, _compute_spin(top_edge_normal, top_edge),
info=[["edge_angle",180-vector_angle(topnormal,sidenormal[i])], ["edge_length",norm(top_edge)]]),
named_anchor(EDGE(DOWN,i),bot_edge_ctr, bot_edge_normal, _compute_spin(bot_edge_normal, bot_edge),
info=[["edge_angle",180-vector_angle(botnormal,sidenormal[i])], ["edge_length",norm(bot_edge)]]),
named_anchor(FACE(i),mean(face), sidenormal[i], _compute_spin(sidenormal[i],UP)),
named_anchor(str("top_corner",i),top[i], top_corner_dir, _compute_spin(top_corner_dir,UP)),
named_anchor(str("bot_corner",i),bottom[i], bot_corner_dir, _compute_spin(bot_corner_dir,UP))
named_anchor("top", mean(top), topnormal, _compute_spin(topnormal, approx(v_abs(topnormal),UP)?BACK:UP)),
named_anchor("bot", mean(bottom), botnormal, _compute_spin(botnormal, approx(v_abs(botnormal),UP)?BACK:UP)),
override = len(top)!=4 ? undef
getanch = function(name) search([name], anchors, num_returns_per_match=1)[0],
dir_angle = [for(i=[0:3]) vector_angle(anchors[6*i+3][2],RIGHT)],
ofs = search([min(dir_angle)], dir_angle, num_returns_per_match=1)[0]
[UP, select(anchors[24],1,3)],
[DOWN, select(anchors[25],1,3)],
each [
[stddir[i]+select(stddir,i-1), select(edgeanch,1,3)],
[stddir[i]+UP, select(upedge,1,3)],
[stddir[i]+DOWN, select(downedge,1,3)],
[stddir[i]+select(stddir,i-1)+UP, select(upcorner,1,3)],
[stddir[i]+select(stddir,i-1)+DOWN, select(downcorner,1,3)],
debug ? [concat(top_patch, bot_patch), vnf] : vnf;
!debug && !_full_info ? vnf
: _full_info ? [concat(top_patch, bot_patch), vnf, anchors, override]
: [concat(top_patch, bot_patch), vnf];

View file

@ -865,21 +865,22 @@ function octahedron(size=1, anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP) =
// being located at the bottom of the shape, so confirm anchor positions before use.
// Additional named face and edge anchors are located on the side faces and vertical edges of the prism.
// You can use `EDGE(i)`, `EDGE(TOP,i)` and `EDGE(BOT,i)` as a shorthand for accessing the named edge anchors, and `FACE(i)` for the face anchors.
// When you use `shift`, which moves the top face of the prism, the spin for the side face and edges anchors will align the child with the edge or face direction.
// Named anchors located along the top and bottom edges and corners are pointed in the direction of the associated face or edge to enable positioning
// in the direction of the side faces but positioned at the top/bottom, since {{align()}} cannot be used for this task. These edge and corners anchors do
// not split the edge/corner angle like the standard anchors.
// When you use `shift`, which moves the top face of the prism, the spin for the side face and edges anchors will align
// the child with the edge or face direction. The "edge0" anchor identifies an edge located along the X+ axis, and then edges
// are labeled counting up in the clockwise direction. Similarly "face0" is the face immediately clockwise from "edge0", and face
// labeling proceeds clockwise. The top and bottom edge anchors label edges directly above and below the face with the same label.
// If you set `realign=true` then "face0" is oriented in the X+ direction.
// .
// This module is very similar to {{cyl()}}. It differs in the following ways: you can specify side length or inner radius/diameter, you can apply roundings with
// different `$fn` than the number of prism faces, you can apply texture to the flat faces without forcing a high facet count,
// anchors are located on the true object instead of the ideal cylinder and you can anchor to the edges and faces.
// Named Anchors:
// "edge0", "edge1", etc. = Center of each side edge, spin pointing up along the edge
// "face0", "face1", etc. = Center of each side face, spin pointing up
// "top_edge0", "top_edge1", etc = Center of each top edge, spin pointing clockwise (from top)
// "bot_edge0", "bot_edge1", etc = Center of each bottom edge, spin pointing clockwise (from bottom)
// "topcorner0", "topcorner1", etc = Top corner, pointing in direction of associated edge anchor, spin up along associated edge
// "botcorner0", "botcorner1", etc = Bottom corner, pointing in direction of associated edge anchor, spin up along associated edge
// "edge0", "edge1", etc. = Center of each side edge, spin pointing up along the edge. Can access with EDGE(i)
// "face0", "face1", etc. = Center of each side face, spin pointing up. Can access with FACE(i)
// "top_edge0", "top_edge1", etc = Center of each top edge, spin pointing clockwise (from top). Can access with EDGE(TOP,i)
// "bot_edge0", "bot_edge1", etc = Center of each bottom edge, spin pointing clockwise (from bottom). Can access with EDGE(BOT,i)
// "top_corner0", "top_corner1", etc = Top corner, pointing in direction of associated edge anchor, spin up along associated edge
// "bot_corner0", "bot_corner1", etc = Bottom corner, pointing in direction of associated edge anchor, spin up along associated edge
// Arguments:
// l / h / length / height = Length of prism
// r = Outer radius of prism.
@ -1174,8 +1175,11 @@ function regular_prism(n,
named_anchor(str("bot_edge",i), apply(Mface,[r1/sc,0,-height/2]), botnormal, botedgespin,
named_anchor(str("top_corner",i), apply(Medge,[r2,0,height/2]), unit(edgenormal+UP), edgespin),
named_anchor(str("bot_corner",i), apply(Medge,[r1,0,-height/2]), unit(edgenormal+DOWN), edgespin)
named_anchor(str("top_corner",i), apply(Medge,[r2,0,height/2]), unit(edgenormal+UP),
named_anchor(str("bot_corner",i), apply(Medge,[r1,0,-height/2]), unit(edgenormal+DOWN),
override = approx(shift,[0,0]) ? undef : [[UP, [point3d(shift,height/2), UP]]],