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synced 2024-12-29 16:29:40 +00:00
fix chamfer/rounding conflict bug in rect_tube
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 69 additions and 24 deletions
@ -838,6 +838,11 @@ function octahedron(size=1, anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP) =
// outside, and an inside rounding is calculated that will maintain constant width
// if your wall thickness is uniform. If the wall thickness is not uniform, the default
// inside rounding is calculated based on the smaller of the two wall thicknesses.
// Note that the values of the more specific chamfers and roundings inherit from the
// more general ones, so `rounding2` is determined from `rounding`. The constant
// width default will apply when the inner rounding and chamfer are both undef.
// You can give an inner chamfer or rounding as a list with undef entries if you want to specify
// some corner roundings and allow others to be computed.
// Arguments:
// h/l/height/length = The height or length of the rectangular tube. Default: 1
// size = The outer [X,Y] size of the rectangular tube.
@ -907,8 +912,8 @@ function octahedron(size=1, anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP) =
// Example: Mixing Chamfer and Rounding
// rect_tube(
// size=100, wall=10, h=30,
// chamfer=[0,5,0,10], ichamfer=0,
// rounding=[5,0,10,0], irounding=0
// chamfer=[0,10,0,20],
// rounding=[10,0,20,0]
// );
// Example: Really Mixing It Up
// rect_tube(
@ -919,23 +924,29 @@ function octahedron(size=1, anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP) =
// rounding1=[5,0,10,0], irounding1=[3,0,8,0],
// rounding2=[0,5,0,10], irounding2=[0,3,0,8]
// );
// Example: Some interiors chamfered, others with default rounding
// rect_tube(
// size=100, wall=10, h=30,
// rounding=[0,10,20,30], ichamfer=[8,8,undef,undef]
// );
function _rect_tube_rounding(factor,ir,r,size,isize) =
let(wall = min(size-isize)/2*factor
is_def(ir) ? ir
: is_undef(r) ? undef
: is_num(r) ? max(0,r-wall)
: [for(val=r) max(0,val-wall)];
function _rect_tube_rounding(factor,ir,r,alternative,size,isize) =
let(wall = min(size-isize)/2*factor)
is_def(ir[i]) ? ir[i]
: is_undef(alternative[i]) ? max(0,r[i]-wall)
: 0
module rect_tube(
h, size, isize, center, shift=[0,0],
wall, size1, size2, isize1, isize2,
rounding=0, rounding1, rounding2,
irounding, irounding1, irounding2,
irounding=undef, irounding1=undef, irounding2=undef,
chamfer=0, chamfer1, chamfer2,
ichamfer, ichamfer1, ichamfer2,
ichamfer=undef, ichamfer1=undef, ichamfer2=undef,
anchor, spin=0, orient=UP,
l, length, height
) {
@ -976,12 +987,6 @@ module rect_tube(
(is_def(wall) && is_def(s2))? (s2-2*[wall,wall]) :
checks2 =
assert(is_num(rounding) || is_vector(rounding,4), "rounding must be a number or 4-vector")
assert(is_undef(rounding1) || is_num(rounding1) || is_vector(rounding1,4), "rounding1 must be a number or 4-vector")
assert(is_undef(rounding2) || is_num(rounding2) || is_vector(rounding2,4), "rounding2 must be a number or 4-vector")
assert(is_undef(irounding) || is_num(irounding) || is_vector(irounding,4), "irounding must be a number or 4-vector")
assert(is_undef(irounding1) || is_num(irounding1) || is_vector(irounding1,4), "irounding1 must be a number or 4-vector")
assert(is_undef(irounding2) || is_num(irounding2) || is_vector(irounding2,4), "irounding2 must be a number or 4-vector")
assert(wall==undef || is_num(wall))
assert(size1!=undef, "Bad size/size1 argument.")
assert(size2!=undef, "Bad size/size2 argument.")
@ -990,19 +995,59 @@ module rect_tube(
assert(isize1.x < size1.x, "Inner size is larger than outer size.")
assert(isize1.y < size1.y, "Inner size is larger than outer size.")
assert(isize2.x < size2.x, "Inner size is larger than outer size.")
assert(isize2.y < size2.y, "Inner size is larger than outer size.");
irounding1 = _rect_tube_rounding(1,default(irounding1, irounding), default(rounding1, rounding) , size1, isize1);
irounding2 = _rect_tube_rounding(1,default(irounding2, irounding), default(rounding2, rounding) , size2, isize2);
ichamfer1 = _rect_tube_rounding(1/sqrt(2),default(ichamfer1, ichamfer), default(chamfer1, chamfer) , size1, isize1);
ichamfer2 = _rect_tube_rounding(1/sqrt(2),default(ichamfer2, ichamfer), default(chamfer2, chamfer) , size2, isize2);
assert(isize2.y < size2.y, "Inner size is larger than outer size.")
assert(is_num(rounding) || is_vector(rounding,4), "rounding must be a number or 4-vector")
assert(is_undef(rounding1) || is_num(rounding1) || is_vector(rounding1,4), "rounding1 must be a number or 4-vector")
assert(is_undef(rounding2) || is_num(rounding2) || is_vector(rounding2,4), "rounding2 must be a number or 4-vector")
assert(is_num(chamfer) || is_vector(chamfer,4), "chamfer must be a number or 4-vector")
assert(is_undef(chamfer1) || is_num(chamfer1) || is_vector(chamfer1,4), "chamfer1 must be a number or 4-vector")
assert(is_undef(chamfer2) || is_num(chamfer2) || is_vector(chamfer2,4), "chamfer2 must be a number or 4-vector")
assert(is_undef(irounding) || is_num(irounding) || (is_list(irounding) && len(irounding)==4), "irounding must be a number or 4-vector")
assert(is_undef(irounding1) || is_num(irounding1) || (is_list(irounding1) && len(irounding1)==4), "irounding1 must be a number or 4-vector")
assert(is_undef(irounding2) || is_num(irounding2) || (is_list(irounding2) && len(irounding2)==4), "irounding2 must be a number or 4-vector")
assert(is_undef(ichamfer) || is_num(ichamfer) || (is_list(ichamfer) && len(ichamfer)==4), "ichamfer must be a number or 4-vector")
assert(is_undef(ichamfer1) || is_num(ichamfer1) || (is_list(ichamfer1) && len(ichamfer1)==4), "ichamfer1 must be a number or 4-vector")
assert(is_undef(ichamfer2) || is_num(ichamfer2) || (is_list(ichamfer2) && len(ichamfer2)==4), "ichamfer2 must be a number or 4-vector");
chamfer1=force_list( is_def(chamfer1)?chamfer1 : default(chamfer1,chamfer),4);
checks3 =
assert(all_nonnegative(chamfer1), "chamfer/chamfer1 must be non-negative")
assert(all_nonnegative(chamfer2), "chamfer/chamfer2 must be non-negative")
assert(all_nonnegative(rounding1), "rounding/rounding1 must be non-negative")
assert(all_nonnegative(rounding2), "rounding/rounding2 must be non-negative")
assert(all_zero(v_mul(rounding1,chamfer1),0), "rounding1 and chamfer1 (possibly inherited from rounding and chamfer) cannot both be nonzero at the same corner")
assert(all_zero(v_mul(rounding2,chamfer2),0), "rounding2 and chamfer2 (possibly inherited from rounding and chamfer) cannot both be nonzero at the same corner");
irounding1_temp = force_list(default(irounding1,irounding),4);
irounding2_temp = force_list(default(irounding2,irounding),4);
ichamfer1_temp = force_list(default(ichamfer1,ichamfer),4);
ichamfer2_temp = force_list(default(ichamfer2,ichamfer),4);
checksignr1 = [for(entry=irounding1_temp) if (is_def(entry) && entry<0) 1]==[];
checksignr2 = [for(entry=irounding2_temp) if (is_def(entry) && entry<0) 1]==[];
checksignc1 = [for(entry=ichamfer1_temp) if (is_def(entry) && entry<0) 1]==[];
checksignc2 = [for(entry=ichamfer2_temp) if (is_def(entry) && entry<0) 1]==[];
checkconflict1 = [for(i=[0:3]) if (is_def(irounding1_temp[i]) && is_def(ichamfer1_temp[i]) && irounding1_temp[i]!=0 && ichamfer1_temp[i]!=0) 1]==[];
checkconflict2 = [for(i=[0:3]) if (is_def(irounding2_temp[i]) && is_def(ichamfer2_temp[i]) && irounding2_temp[i]!=0 && ichamfer2_temp[i]!=0) 1]==[];
checks4 =
assert(checksignr1, "irounding/irounding1 must be non-negative")
assert(checksignr2, "irounding/irounding2 must be non-negative")
assert(checksignc1, "ichamfer/ichamfer1 must be non-negative")
assert(checksignc2, "ichamfer/ichamfer2 must be non-negative")
assert(checkconflict1, "irounding1 and ichamfer1 (possibly inherited from irounding and ichamfer) cannot both be nonzero at the swame corner")
assert(checkconflict2, "irounding2 and ichamfer2 (possibly inherited from irounding and ichamfer) cannot both be nonzero at the swame corner");
irounding1 = _rect_tube_rounding(1,irounding1_temp, rounding1, ichamfer1_temp, size1, isize1);
irounding2 = _rect_tube_rounding(1,irounding2_temp, rounding2, ichamfer2_temp, size2, isize2);
ichamfer1 = _rect_tube_rounding(1/sqrt(2),ichamfer1_temp, chamfer1, irounding1_temp, size1, isize1);
ichamfer2 = _rect_tube_rounding(1/sqrt(2),ichamfer2_temp, chamfer2, irounding2_temp, size2, isize2);
anchor = get_anchor(anchor, center, BOT, BOT);
attachable(anchor,spin,orient, size=[each size1, h], size2=size2, shift=shift) {
down(h/2) {
difference() {
size1, size2, h=h, shift=shift,
rounding=rounding, rounding1=rounding1, rounding2=rounding2,
chamfer=chamfer, chamfer1=chamfer1, chamfer2=chamfer2,
rounding1=rounding1, rounding2=rounding2,
chamfer1=chamfer1, chamfer2=chamfer2,
down(0.01) prismoid(
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