mirror of
synced 2025-01-01 09:49:45 +00:00
strings reorg
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 303 additions and 306 deletions
@ -2080,7 +2080,7 @@ module atext(text, h=1, size=9, font="Courier", anchor="baseline", spin=0, orien
anch = !any([for (c=anchor) c=="["])? anchor :
anch = !any([for (c=anchor) c=="["])? anchor :
parts = str_split(str_split(str_split(anchor,"]")[0],"[")[1],","),
parts = str_split(str_split(str_split(anchor,"]")[0],"[")[1],","),
vec = [for (p=parts) str_float(str_strip_leading(p," "))]
vec = [for (p=parts) str_float(str_strip(p," ",start=true))]
) vec;
) vec;
ha = anchor=="baseline"? "left" :
ha = anchor=="baseline"? "left" :
anchor==anch && is_string(anchor)? "center" :
anchor==anch && is_string(anchor)? "center" :
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
// Section: Extracting Substrings
// Section: Extracting substrings
// Function: substr()
// Function: substr()
// Usage:
// Usage:
@ -48,69 +48,256 @@ function suffix(str,len) =
// Section: String Searching
// Section: Checking character class
// Function: is_lower()
// Function: str_find()
// Usage:
// Usage:
// x = is_lower(s);
// str_find(str,pattern,[last],[all],[start])
// Description:
// Description:
// Returns true if all the characters in the given string are lowercase letters. (a-z)
// Searches input string `str` for the string `pattern` and returns the index or indices of the matches in `str`.
function is_lower(s) =
// By default `str_find()` returns the index of the first match in `str`. If `last` is true then it returns the index of the last match.
// If the pattern is the empty string the first match is at zero and the last match is the last character of the `str`.
s==""? false :
// If `start` is set then the search begins at index start, working either forward and backward from that position. If you set `start`
len(s)>1? all([for (v=s) is_lower(v)]) :
// and `last` is true then the search will find the pattern if it begins at index `start`. If no match exists, returns `undef`.
let(v = ord(s[0])) (v>=ord("a") && v<=ord("z"));
// If you set `all` to true then `str_find()` returns all of the matches in a list, or an empty list if there are no matches.
// Arguments:
// str = String to search.
// pattern = string pattern to search for
// last = set to true to return the last match. Default: false
// all = set to true to return all matches as a list. Overrides last. Default: false
// start = index where the search starts
// Example:
// str_find("abc123def123abc","123"); // Returns 3
// str_find("abc123def123abc","b"); // Returns 1
// str_find("abc123def123abc","1234"); // Returns undef
// str_find("abc",""); // Returns 0
// str_find("abc123def123", "123", start=4); // Returns 9
// str_find("abc123def123abc","123",last=true); // Returns 9
// str_find("abc123def123abc","b",last=true); // Returns 13
// str_find("abc123def123abc","1234",last=true); // Returns undef
// str_find("abc","",last=true); // Returns 3
// str_find("abc123def123", "123", start=8, last=true)); // Returns 3
// str_find("abc123def123abc","123",all=true); // Returns [3,9]
// str_find("abc123def123abc","b",all=true); // Returns [1,13]
// str_find("abc123def123abc","1234",all=true); // Returns []
// str_find("abc","",all=true); // Returns [0,1,2]
function str_find(str,pattern,start=undef,last=false,all=false) =
all? _str_find_all(str,pattern) :
let( start = first_defined([start,last?len(str)-len(pattern):0]) )
pattern==""? start :
last? _str_find_last(str,pattern,start) :
function _str_find_first(str,pattern,max_sindex,sindex) =
sindex<=max_sindex && !_str_cmp(str,sindex, pattern)?
_str_find_first(str,pattern,max_sindex,sindex+1) :
(sindex <= max_sindex ? sindex : undef);
function _str_find_last(str,pattern,sindex) =
sindex>=0 && !_str_cmp(str,sindex, pattern)?
_str_find_last(str,pattern,sindex-1) :
(sindex >=0 ? sindex : undef);
function _str_find_all(str,pattern) =
pattern == "" ? count(len(str)) :
[for(i=[0:1:len(str)-len(pattern)]) if (_str_cmp(str,i,pattern)) i];
// _str_cmp(str,sindex,pattern)
// returns true if the string pattern matches the string
// starting at index position sindex in the string.
// This is carefully optimized for speed. Precomputing the length
// cuts run time in half when the string is long. Two other string
// comparison methods were slower.
function _str_cmp(str,sindex,pattern) =
len(str)-sindex <len(pattern)? false :
function _str_cmp_recurse(str,sindex,pattern,plen,pindex=0,) =
pindex < plen && pattern[pindex]==str[sindex] ? _str_cmp_recurse(str,sindex+1,pattern,plen,pindex+1): (pindex==plen);
// Function: is_upper()
// Function: starts_with()
// Usage:
// Usage:
// x = is_upper(s);
// starts_with(str,pattern)
// Description:
// Description:
// Returns true if all the characters in the given string are uppercase letters. (A-Z)
// Returns true if the input string `str` starts with the specified string pattern, `pattern`.
function is_upper(s) =
// Otherwise returns false.
// Arguments:
s==""? false :
// str = String to search.
len(s)>1? all([for (v=s) is_upper(v)]) :
// pattern = String pattern to search for.
let(v = ord(s[0])) (v>=ord("A") && v<=ord("Z"));
// Example:
// starts_with("abcdef","abc"); // Returns true
// starts_with("abcdef","def"); // Returns false
// starts_with("abcdef",""); // Returns true
function starts_with(str,pattern) = _str_cmp(str,0,pattern);
// Function: is_digit()
// Function: ends_with()
// Usage:
// Usage:
// x = is_digit(s);
// ends_with(str,pattern)
// Description:
// Description:
// Returns true if all the characters in the given string are digits. (0-9)
// Returns true if the input string `str` ends with the specified string pattern, `pattern`.
function is_digit(s) =
// Otherwise returns false.
// Arguments:
s==""? false :
// str = String to search.
len(s)>1? all([for (v=s) is_digit(v)]) :
// pattern = String pattern to search for.
let(v = ord(s[0])) (v>=ord("0") && v<=ord("9"));
// Example:
// ends_with("abcdef","def"); // Returns true
// ends_with("abcdef","de"); // Returns false
// ends_with("abcdef",""); // Returns true
function ends_with(str,pattern) = _str_cmp(str,len(str)-len(pattern),pattern);
// Function: is_hexdigit()
// Function: str_split()
// Usage:
// Usage:
// x = is_hexdigit(s);
// str_split(str, sep, [keep_nulls])
// Description:
// Description:
// Returns true if all the characters in the given string are valid hexadecimal digits. (0-9 or a-f or A-F))
// Breaks an input string into substrings using a separator or list of separators. If keep_nulls is true
function is_hexdigit(s) =
// then two sequential separator characters produce an empty string in the output list. If keep_nulls is false
// then no empty strings are included in the output list.
s==""? false :
// .
len(s)>1? all([for (v=s) is_hexdigit(v)]) :
// If sep is a single string then each character in sep is treated as a delimiting character and the input string is
let(v = ord(s[0]))
// split at every delimiting character. Empty strings can occur whenever two delimiting characters are sequential.
(v>=ord("0") && v<=ord("9")) ||
// If sep is a list of strings then the input string is split sequentially using each string from the list in order.
(v>=ord("A") && v<=ord("F")) ||
// If keep_nulls is true then the output will have length equal to `len(sep)+1`, possibly with trailing null strings
(v>=ord("a") && v<=ord("f"));
// if the string runs out before the separator list.
// Arguments:
// str = String to split.
// sep = a string or list of strings to use for the separator
// keep_nulls = boolean value indicating whether to keep null strings in the output list. Default: true
// Example:
// str_split("abc+def-qrs*iop","*-+"); // Returns ["abc", "def", "qrs", "iop"]
// str_split("abc+*def---qrs**iop+","*-+");// Returns ["abc", "", "def", "", "", "qrs", "", "iop", ""]
// str_split("abc def"," "); // Returns ["abc", "", "", "", "", "", "def"]
// str_split("abc def"," ",keep_nulls=false); // Returns ["abc", "def"]
// str_split("abc+def-qrs*iop",["+","-","*"]); // Returns ["abc", "def", "qrs", "iop"]
// str_split("abc+def-qrs*iop",["-","+","*"]); // Returns ["abc+def", "qrs*iop", "", ""]
function str_split(str,sep,keep_nulls=true) =
!keep_nulls ? _remove_empty_strs(str_split(str,sep,keep_nulls=true)) :
is_list(sep) ? _str_split_recurse(str,sep,i=0,result=[]) :
let( cutpts = concat([-1],sort(flatten(search(sep, str,0))),[len(str)]))
[for(i=[0:len(cutpts)-2]) substr(str,cutpts[i]+1,cutpts[i+1]-cutpts[i]-1)];
function _str_split_recurse(str,sep,i,result) =
i == len(sep) ? concat(result,[str]) :
pos = search(sep[i], str),
end = pos==[] ? len(str) : pos[0]
sep, i+1,
concat(result, [substr(str,0,end)])
function _remove_empty_strs(list) =
list_remove(list, search([""], list,0)[0]);
// Function: is_letter()
// Section: String modification
// Function: str_join()
// Usage:
// Usage:
// x = is_letter(s);
// str_join(list, [sep])
// Description:
// Description:
// Returns true if all the characters in the given string are standard ASCII letters. (A-Z or a-z)
// Returns the concatenation of a list of strings, optionally with a
function is_letter(s) =
// separator string inserted between each string on the list.
// Arguments:
s==""? false :
// list = list of strings to concatenate
all([for (v=s) is_lower(v) || is_upper(v)]);
// sep = separator string to insert. Default: ""
// Example:
// str_join(["abc","def","ghi"]); // Returns "abcdefghi"
// str_join(["abc","def","ghi"], " + "); // Returns "abc + def + ghi"
function str_join(list,sep="",_i=0, _result="") =
_i >= len(list)-1 ? (_i==len(list) ? _result : str(_result,list[_i])) :
// Function: str_strip()
// Usage:
// str_strip(s,c,[start],[end]);
// Description:
// Takes a string `s` and strips off all leading and/or trailing characters that exist in string `c`.
// By default strips both leading and trailing characters. If you set start or end to true then
// it will strip only the leading or trailing characters respectively. If you set start
// or end to false then it will strip only lthe trailing or leading characters.
// Arguments:
// s = The string to strip leading or trailing characters from.
// c = The string of characters to strip.
// start = if true then strip leading characters
// end = if true then strip trailing characters
// Example:
// str_strip("--##--123--##--","#-"); // Returns: "123"
// str_strip("--##--123--##--","-"); // Returns: "##--123--##"
// str_strip("--##--123--##--","#"); // Returns: "--##--123--##--"
// str_strip("--##--123--##--","#-",end=true); // Returns: "--##--123"
// str_strip("--##--123--##--","-",end=true); // Returns: "--##--123--##"
// str_strip("--##--123--##--","#",end=true); // Returns: "--##--123--##--"
// str_strip("--##--123--##--","#-",start=true); // Returns: "123--##--"
// str_strip("--##--123--##--","-",start=true); // Returns: "##--123--##--"
// str_strip("--##--123--##--","#",start=true); // Returns: "--##--123--##--"
function _str_count_leading(s,c,_i=0) =
(_i>=len(s)||!in_list(s[_i],[each c]))? _i :
function _str_count_trailing(s,c,_i=0) =
(_i>=len(s)||!in_list(s[len(s)-1-_i],[each c]))? _i :
function str_strip(s,c,start,end) =
nstart = (is_undef(start) && !end) ? true : start,
nend = (is_undef(end) && !start) ? true : end,
startind = nstart ? _str_count_leading(s,c) : 0,
endind = len(s) - (nend ? _str_count_trailing(s,c) : 0)
substr(s,startind, endind-startind);
// Function: str_pad()
// Usage:
// padded = str_pad(str, length, char, [left]);
// Description:
// Pad the given string `str` with to length `length` with the specified character,
// which must be a length 1 string. If left is true then pad on the left, otherwise
// pad on the right. If the string is longer than the specified length the full string
// is returned unchanged.
// Arguments:
// str = string to pad
// length = length to pad to
// char = character to pad with. Default: " " (space)
// left = if true, pad on the left side. Default: false
function str_pad(str,length,char=" ",left=false) =
assert(is_str(char) && len(char)==1, "char must be a single character string")
padding = str_join(repeat(char,length-len(str)))
left ? str(padding,str) : str(str,padding);
// Function: str_replace_char()
// Usage:
// newstr = str_replace_char(str, char, replace)
// Description:
// Replace every occurence of `char` in the input string with the string `replace` which
// can be any string.
function str_replace_char(str,char,replace) =
assert(is_str(char) && len(char)==1, "Search pattern 'char' must be a single character string")
str_join([for(c=str) c==char ? replace : c]);
// Function: downcase()
// Function: downcase()
@ -143,6 +330,7 @@ function upcase(str) =
// Section: Converting strings to numbers
// Section: Converting strings to numbers
// Function: str_int()
// Function: str_int()
@ -365,7 +553,7 @@ function fmt_float(f,sig=12) =
fmt_int(part, mindigits=mv)
fmt_int(part, mindigits=mv)
@ -532,264 +720,72 @@ module echofmt(fmt, vals) {
// Section: Uncategorized string functions
// Function: str_join()
// Section: Checking character class
// Function: is_lower()
// Usage:
// Usage:
// str_join(list, [sep])
// x = is_lower(s);
// Description:
// Description:
// Returns the concatenation of a list of strings, optionally with a
// Returns true if all the characters in the given string are lowercase letters. (a-z)
// separator string inserted between each string on the list.
function is_lower(s) =
// Arguments:
// list = list of strings to concatenate
s==""? false :
// sep = separator string to insert. Default: ""
len(s)>1? all([for (v=s) is_lower(v)]) :
// Example:
let(v = ord(s[0])) (v>=ord("a") && v<=ord("z"));
// str_join(["abc","def","ghi"]); // Returns "abcdefghi"
// str_join(["abc","def","ghi"], " + "); // Returns "abc + def + ghi"
function str_join(list,sep="",_i=0, _result="") =
_i >= len(list)-1 ? (_i==len(list) ? _result : str(_result,list[_i])) :
// Function: is_upper()
// Function: str_split()
// Usage:
// Usage:
// str_split(str, sep, [keep_nulls])
// x = is_upper(s);
// Description:
// Description:
// Breaks an input string into substrings using a separator or list of separators. If keep_nulls is true
// Returns true if all the characters in the given string are uppercase letters. (A-Z)
// then two sequential separator characters produce an empty string in the output list. If keep_nulls is false
function is_upper(s) =
// then no empty strings are included in the output list.
// .
s==""? false :
// If sep is a single string then each character in sep is treated as a delimiting character and the input string is
len(s)>1? all([for (v=s) is_upper(v)]) :
// split at every delimiting character. Empty strings can occur whenever two delimiting characters are sequential.
let(v = ord(s[0])) (v>=ord("A") && v<=ord("Z"));
// If sep is a list of strings then the input string is split sequentially using each string from the list in order.
// If keep_nulls is true then the output will have length equal to `len(sep)+1`, possibly with trailing null strings
// if the string runs out before the separator list.
// Arguments:
// str = String to split.
// sep = a string or list of strings to use for the separator
// keep_nulls = boolean value indicating whether to keep null strings in the output list. Default: true
// Example:
// str_split("abc+def-qrs*iop","*-+"); // Returns ["abc", "def", "qrs", "iop"]
// str_split("abc+*def---qrs**iop+","*-+");// Returns ["abc", "", "def", "", "", "qrs", "", "iop", ""]
// str_split("abc def"," "); // Returns ["abc", "", "", "", "", "", "def"]
// str_split("abc def"," ",keep_nulls=false); // Returns ["abc", "def"]
// str_split("abc+def-qrs*iop",["+","-","*"]); // Returns ["abc", "def", "qrs", "iop"]
// str_split("abc+def-qrs*iop",["-","+","*"]); // Returns ["abc+def", "qrs*iop", "", ""]
function str_split(str,sep,keep_nulls=true) =
!keep_nulls ? _remove_empty_strs(str_split(str,sep,keep_nulls=true)) :
is_list(sep) ? _str_split_recurse(str,sep,i=0,result=[]) :
let( cutpts = concat([-1],sort(flatten(search(sep, str,0))),[len(str)]))
[for(i=[0:len(cutpts)-2]) substr(str,cutpts[i]+1,cutpts[i+1]-cutpts[i]-1)];
function _str_split_recurse(str,sep,i,result) =
i == len(sep) ? concat(result,[str]) :
pos = search(sep[i], str),
end = pos==[] ? len(str) : pos[0]
sep, i+1,
concat(result, [substr(str,0,end)])
function _remove_empty_strs(list) =
list_remove(list, search([""], list,0)[0]);
// _str_cmp(str,sindex,pattern)
// Function: is_digit()
// returns true if the string pattern matches the string
// starting at index position sindex in the string.
// This is carefully optimized for speed. Precomputing the length
// cuts run time in half when the string is long. Two other string
// comparison methods were slower.
function _str_cmp(str,sindex,pattern) =
len(str)-sindex <len(pattern)? false :
function _str_cmp_recurse(str,sindex,pattern,plen,pindex=0,) =
pindex < plen && pattern[pindex]==str[sindex] ? _str_cmp_recurse(str,sindex+1,pattern,plen,pindex+1): (pindex==plen);
// Function: str_find()
// Usage:
// Usage:
// str_find(str,pattern,[last],[all],[start])
// x = is_digit(s);
// Description:
// Description:
// Searches input string `str` for the string `pattern` and returns the index or indices of the matches in `str`.
// Returns true if all the characters in the given string are digits. (0-9)
// By default `str_find()` returns the index of the first match in `str`. If `last` is true then it returns the index of the last match.
function is_digit(s) =
// If the pattern is the empty string the first match is at zero and the last match is the last character of the `str`.
// If `start` is set then the search begins at index start, working either forward and backward from that position. If you set `start`
s==""? false :
// and `last` is true then the search will find the pattern if it begins at index `start`. If no match exists, returns `undef`.
len(s)>1? all([for (v=s) is_digit(v)]) :
// If you set `all` to true then `str_find()` returns all of the matches in a list, or an empty list if there are no matches.
let(v = ord(s[0])) (v>=ord("0") && v<=ord("9"));
// Arguments:
// str = String to search.
// pattern = string pattern to search for
// last = set to true to return the last match. Default: false
// all = set to true to return all matches as a list. Overrides last. Default: false
// start = index where the search starts
// Example:
// str_find("abc123def123abc","123"); // Returns 3
// str_find("abc123def123abc","b"); // Returns 1
// str_find("abc123def123abc","1234"); // Returns undef
// str_find("abc",""); // Returns 0
// str_find("abc123def123", "123", start=4); // Returns 9
// str_find("abc123def123abc","123",last=true); // Returns 9
// str_find("abc123def123abc","b",last=true); // Returns 13
// str_find("abc123def123abc","1234",last=true); // Returns undef
// str_find("abc","",last=true); // Returns 3
// str_find("abc123def123", "123", start=8, last=true)); // Returns 3
// str_find("abc123def123abc","123",all=true); // Returns [3,9]
// str_find("abc123def123abc","b",all=true); // Returns [1,13]
// str_find("abc123def123abc","1234",all=true); // Returns []
// str_find("abc","",all=true); // Returns [0,1,2]
function str_find(str,pattern,start=undef,last=false,all=false) =
all? _str_find_all(str,pattern) :
let( start = first_defined([start,last?len(str)-len(pattern):0]) )
pattern==""? start :
last? _str_find_last(str,pattern,start) :
function _str_find_first(str,pattern,max_sindex,sindex) =
sindex<=max_sindex && !_str_cmp(str,sindex, pattern)?
_str_find_first(str,pattern,max_sindex,sindex+1) :
(sindex <= max_sindex ? sindex : undef);
function _str_find_last(str,pattern,sindex) =
sindex>=0 && !_str_cmp(str,sindex, pattern)?
_str_find_last(str,pattern,sindex-1) :
(sindex >=0 ? sindex : undef);
function _str_find_all(str,pattern) =
pattern == "" ? count(len(str)) :
[for(i=[0:1:len(str)-len(pattern)]) if (_str_cmp(str,i,pattern)) i];
// Function: starts_with()
// Function: is_hexdigit()
// Usage:
// Usage:
// starts_with(str,pattern)
// x = is_hexdigit(s);
// Description:
// Description:
// Returns true if the input string `str` starts with the specified string pattern, `pattern`.
// Returns true if all the characters in the given string are valid hexadecimal digits. (0-9 or a-f or A-F))
// Otherwise returns false.
function is_hexdigit(s) =
// Arguments:
// str = String to search.
s==""? false :
// pattern = String pattern to search for.
len(s)>1? all([for (v=s) is_hexdigit(v)]) :
// Example:
let(v = ord(s[0]))
// starts_with("abcdef","abc"); // Returns true
(v>=ord("0") && v<=ord("9")) ||
// starts_with("abcdef","def"); // Returns false
(v>=ord("A") && v<=ord("F")) ||
// starts_with("abcdef",""); // Returns true
(v>=ord("a") && v<=ord("f"));
function starts_with(str,pattern) = _str_cmp(str,0,pattern);
// Function: ends_with()
// Function: is_letter()
// Usage:
// Usage:
// ends_with(str,pattern)
// x = is_letter(s);
// Description:
// Description:
// Returns true if the input string `str` ends with the specified string pattern, `pattern`.
// Returns true if all the characters in the given string are standard ASCII letters. (A-Z or a-z)
// Otherwise returns false.
function is_letter(s) =
// Arguments:
// str = String to search.
s==""? false :
// pattern = String pattern to search for.
all([for (v=s) is_lower(v) || is_upper(v)]);
// Example:
// ends_with("abcdef","def"); // Returns true
// ends_with("abcdef","de"); // Returns false
// ends_with("abcdef",""); // Returns true
function ends_with(str,pattern) = _str_cmp(str,len(str)-len(pattern),pattern);
function _str_count_leading(s,c,_i=0) =
(_i>=len(s)||!in_list(s[_i],[each c]))? _i :
function _str_count_trailing(s,c,_i=0) =
(_i>=len(s)||!in_list(s[len(s)-1-_i],[each c]))? _i :
// Function: str_strip_leading()
// Usage:
// str_strip_leading(s,c);
// Description:
// Takes a string `s` and strips off all leading characters that exist in string `c`.
// Arguments:
// s = The string to strip leading characters from.
// c = The string of characters to strip.
// Example:
// str_strip_leading("--##--123--##--","#-"); // Returns: "123--##--"
// str_strip_leading("--##--123--##--","-"); // Returns: "##--123--##--"
// str_strip_leading("--##--123--##--","#"); // Returns: "--##--123--##--"
function str_strip_leading(s,c) = substr(s,pos=_str_count_leading(s,c));
// Function: str_strip_trailing()
// Usage:
// str_strip_trailing(s,c);
// Description:
// Takes a string `s` and strips off all trailing characters that exist in string `c`.
// Arguments:
// s = The string to strip trailing characters from.
// c = The string of characters to strip.
// Example:
// str_strip_trailing("--##--123--##--","#-"); // Returns: "--##--123"
// str_strip_trailing("--##--123--##--","-"); // Returns: "--##--123--##"
// str_strip_trailing("--##--123--##--","#"); // Returns: "--##--123--##--"
function str_strip_trailing(s,c) = substr(s,len=len(s)-_str_count_trailing(s,c));
// Function: str_strip()
// Usage:
// str_strip(s,c);
// Description:
// Takes a string `s` and strips off all leading or trailing characters that exist in string `c`.
// Arguments:
// s = The string to strip leading or trailing characters from.
// c = The string of characters to strip.
// Example:
// str_strip("--##--123--##--","#-"); // Returns: "123"
// str_strip("--##--123--##--","-"); // Returns: "##--123--##"
// str_strip("--##--123--##--","#"); // Returns: "--##--123--##--"
function str_strip(s,c) = str_strip_trailing(str_strip_leading(s,c),c);
// Function: str_pad()
// Usage:
// padded = str_pad(str, length, char, [left]);
// Description:
// Pad the given string `str` with to length `length` with the specified character,
// which must be a length 1 string. If left is true then pad on the left, otherwise
// pad on the right. If the string is longer than the specified length the full string
// is returned unchanged.
// Arguments:
// str = string to pad
// length = length to pad to
// char = character to pad with. Default: " " (space)
// left = if true, pad on the left side. Default: false
function str_pad(str,length,char=" ",left=false) =
assert(is_str(char) && len(char)==1, "char must be a single character string")
padding = str_join(repeat(char,length-len(str)))
left ? str(padding,str) : str(str,padding);
// Function: str_replace_char()
// Usage:
// newstr = str_replace_char(str, char, replace)
// Description:
// Replace every occurence of `char` in the input string with the string `replace` which
// can be any string.
function str_replace_char(str,char,replace) =
assert(is_str(char) && len(char)==1, "Search pattern 'char' must be a single character string")
str_join([for(c=str) c==char ? replace : c]);
@ -273,34 +273,35 @@ module test_str_strip() {
assert(str_strip("abcdef ", " ") == "abcdef");
assert(str_strip("abcdef ", " ") == "abcdef");
assert(str_strip(" abcdef ", " ") == "abcdef");
assert(str_strip(" abcdef ", " ") == "abcdef");
assert(str_strip(" abcdef ", " ") == "abcdef");
assert(str_strip(" abcdef ", " ") == "abcdef");
assert(str_strip("abcdef", " ",start=true) == "abcdef");
assert(str_strip(" abcdef", " ",start=true) == "abcdef");
assert(str_strip(" abcdef", " ",start=true) == "abcdef");
assert(str_strip("abcdef ", " ",start=true) == "abcdef ");
assert(str_strip("abcdef ", " ",start=true) == "abcdef ");
assert(str_strip(" abcdef ", " ",start=true) == "abcdef ");
assert(str_strip(" abcdef ", " ",start=true) == "abcdef ");
assert(str_strip("abcdef", " ",end=true) == "abcdef");
assert(str_strip(" abcdef", " ",end=true) == " abcdef");
assert(str_strip(" abcdef", " ",end=true) == " abcdef");
assert(str_strip("abcdef ", " ",end=true) == "abcdef");
assert(str_strip("abcdef ", " ",end=true) == "abcdef");
assert(str_strip(" abcdef ", " ",end=true) == " abcdef");
assert(str_strip(" abcdef ", " ",end=true) == " abcdef");
assert(str_strip("123abc321","12") == "3abc3");
assert(str_strip("123abc321","12",start=true,end=true) == "3abc3");
assert(str_strip("123abc321","12",start=true,end=false) == "3abc321");
assert(str_strip("123abc321","12",start=false,end=false) == "123abc321");
assert(str_strip("123abc321","12",start=false,end=true) == "123abc3");
assert(str_strip("123abc321","12",start=false) == "123abc3");
assert(str_strip("123abc321","12",start=true) == "3abc321");
assert(str_strip("123abc321","12",end=false) == "3abc321");
assert(str_strip("123abc321","12",end=true) == "123abc3");
module test_str_strip_leading() {
assert(str_strip_leading("abcdef", " ") == "abcdef");
assert(str_strip_leading(" abcdef", " ") == "abcdef");
assert(str_strip_leading(" abcdef", " ") == "abcdef");
assert(str_strip_leading("abcdef ", " ") == "abcdef ");
assert(str_strip_leading("abcdef ", " ") == "abcdef ");
assert(str_strip_leading(" abcdef ", " ") == "abcdef ");
assert(str_strip_leading(" abcdef ", " ") == "abcdef ");
module test_str_strip_trailing() {
assert(str_strip_trailing("abcdef", " ") == "abcdef");
assert(str_strip_trailing(" abcdef", " ") == " abcdef");
assert(str_strip_trailing(" abcdef", " ") == " abcdef");
assert(str_strip_trailing("abcdef ", " ") == "abcdef");
assert(str_strip_trailing("abcdef ", " ") == "abcdef");
assert(str_strip_trailing(" abcdef ", " ") == " abcdef");
assert(str_strip_trailing(" abcdef ", " ") == " abcdef");
module test_substr() {
module test_substr() {
assert(substr("abcdefg",3,3) == "def");
assert(substr("abcdefg",3,3) == "def");
assert(substr("abcdefg",2) == "cdefg");
assert(substr("abcdefg",2) == "cdefg");
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