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synced 2025-03-09 02:39:47 +00:00
2 changed files with 92 additions and 13 deletions
@ -251,19 +251,30 @@ module path_extrude(path, convexity=10, clipsize=100) {
// Usage:
// cylindrical_extrude(ir|id=, or|od=, [size=], [convexity=], [spin=], [orient=]) 2D-CHILDREN;
// Description:
// Extrudes its 2D children outwards, curved around a cylindrical shape. Uses $fn/$fa/$fs to
// control the faceting of the extrusion.
// Chops the 2D children into rectangles and extrudes each rectangle as a facet around an
// approximate cylindrical shape. Uses $fn/$fa/$fs to control the number of facets.
// By default the calculation assumes that the children occupy in the X direction one revolution of the
// cylinder of specified radius/diameter and are not more than 1000 units tall (in the Y direction).
// If the children are in fact much smaller in width then this assumption is inefficient. If the children
// are wider then they will be truncated at one revolution. To address either of these problems you can set
// the `size` parameter. Note that the specified height isn't very important: it just needs to be larger than
// the actual height of the children, which is why it defaults to 1000. If you set `size` to a scalar then
// that only changes the X value and the Y value remains at the default of 1000.
// .
// When performing the wrap, the X=0 line of the children maps to the Y- axis and the facets are centered on the Y- axis.
// This is not consistent with how cylinder() creates its facets. If `$fn` is a multiple of 4 then the facets will line
// up with a cylinder. Otherwise you must rotate a cylinder by 90 deg in the case of `$fn` even or `90-360/$fn/2` if `$fn` is odd.
// Arguments:
// ir = The inner radius to extrude from.
// or = The outer radius to extrude to.
// ---
// od = The outer diameter to extrude to.
// id = The inner diameter to extrude from.
// size = The [X,Y] size of the 2D children to extrude. Default: [1000,1000]
// size = If a scalar, the width of the 2D children. If a vector, the [X,Y] size of the 2D children. Default: [2*PI*or,1000]
// convexity = The max number of times a line could pass though a wall. Default: 10
// spin = Amount in degrees to spin around cylindrical axis. Default: 0
// orient = The orientation of the cylinder to wrap around, given as a vector. Default: UP
// Example:
// Example: Basic example with defaults. This will run faster with large facet counts if you set `size=100`
// cylindrical_extrude(or=50, ir=45)
// text(text="Hello World!", size=10, halign="center", valign="center");
// Example: Spin Around the Cylindrical Axis
@ -272,29 +283,33 @@ module path_extrude(path, convexity=10, clipsize=100) {
// Example: Orient to the Y Axis.
// cylindrical_extrude(or=40, ir=35, orient=BACK)
// text(text="Hello World!", size=10, halign="center", valign="center");
module cylindrical_extrude(ir, or, od, id, size=1000, convexity=10, spin=0, orient=UP) {
// Example(Med): You must give a size argument for this example where the child wraps fully around the cylinder
// cylindrical_extrude(or=27, ir=25, size=300, spin=-85)
// zrot(-10)text(text="This long text wraps around the cylinder.", size=10, halign="center", valign="center");
module cylindrical_extrude(ir, or, od, id, size, convexity=10, spin=0, orient=UP) {
check1 = assert(is_num(size) || is_vector(size,2));
size = is_num(size)? [size,size] : size;
ir = get_radius(r=ir,d=id);
or = get_radius(r=or,d=od);
check2 = assert(all_positive([ir,or]), "Must supply positive inner and outer radius or diameter");
index_r = or;
circumf = 2 * PI * index_r;
width = min(size.x, circumf);
check3 = assert(width <= circumf, "Shape would more than completely wrap around.");
circumf = 2 * PI * or;
size = is_undef(size) ? [circumf, 1000]
: is_num(size) ? [size, 1000]
: size;
check1 = assert(is_vector(size,2) && all_positive(size), "Size must be a positive number or 2-vector");
sides = segs(or);
step = circumf / sides;
steps = ceil(width / step);
steps = ceil(size.x / step);
scalefactor = sides/PI*sin(180/sides); // Scale from circle to polygon, which has shorter length
attachable() {
rot(from=UP, to=orient) rot(spin) {
for (i=[0:1:steps-2]) {
for (i=[0:1:steps-1]) {
x = (i+0.5-steps/2) * step;
zrot(360 * x / circumf) {
fwd(or*cos(180/sides)) {
xrot(-90) {
linear_extrude(height=or-ir, scale=[ir/or,1], center=false, convexity=convexity) {
intersection() {
left(x) children();
@ -1188,6 +1188,70 @@ function _vnf_centroid(vnf,eps=EPSILON) =
// Function: projection()
// Synopsis: Returns projection or intersection of vnf with XY plane
// SynTags: VNF
// Topics: VNF Manipulation
// See Also: vnf_halfspace()
// Usage:
// region = projection(vnf, [cut]);
// Description:
// When `cut=false`, which is the default, projects the input VNF
// onto the XY plane, returning a region. Note that as currently implemented, this operation
// involves the 2D union of all the projected faces and can be very
// slow if the VNF has many faces. Minimize the face count of the VNF for best performance.
// .
// When `cut=true`, returns the intersection of the VNF with the
// XY plane, which is again a region. If the VNF does not intersect
// the XY plane then returns the empty set. This operation is
// much faster than `cut=false`.
// Example: Here's a VNF with two linked toruses and a small cube
// vnf = vnf_join([
// xrot(90,torus(id=15,od=24,$fn=5)),
// right(12,torus(id=15,od=24,$fn=4)),
// up(13,right(15,cube(3,center=true)))
// ]);
// vnf_polyhedron(vnf);
// Example(2D): Projection of above VNF with default behavior, `cut=false`
// vnf = vnf_join([
// xrot(90,torus(id=15,od=24,$fn=5)),
// right(12,torus(id=15,od=24,$fn=4)),
// up(13,right(15,cube(3,center=true)))
// ]);
// reg = projection(vnf);
// region(reg);
// Example: Tilted torus
// vnf = xrot(35,torus(id=4,od=12,$fn=32));
// vnf_polyhedron(vnf);
// Example(2D): Projection of tilted torus using `cut=true`
// vnf = xrot(35,torus(id=4,od=12,$fn=32));
// reg = projection(vnf,cut=true);
// region(reg);
function projection(vnf,cut=false,eps=EPSILON) =
cut ?
vnf_bdy = vnf_halfspace([0,0,1,0],vnf, boundary=true),
ind = vnf_bdy[1],
pts = path2d(vnf_bdy[0][0])
ind==[] ? []
: [for (path=ind) select(pts, path)]
pts = vnf[0],
faces = vnf[1],
facets = [for(face=faces)
let(projface = path2d(select(pts,face)))
if (!approx(polygon_area(projface),0,eps=eps))
// Function: vnf_halfspace()
// Synopsis: Returns the intersection of the vnf with a half space.
// SynTags: VNF
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