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synced 2025-03-09 02:39:47 +00:00
Merge pull request #327 from adrianVmariano/master
Add path_sweep2d and change path_sweep to accept ccw shape without producing inverted output. Minor doc fixes.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 111 additions and 1 deletions
@ -1298,8 +1298,118 @@ function path_sweep(shape, path, method="incremental", normal, closed=false, twi
all([for(i=idx(start)) approx(start[i],end[i])]),
dummy = ends_match ? 0 : echo("WARNING: ***** The points do not match when closing the model *****")
transforms ? transform_list : sweep(shape, transform_list, closed=false, caps=fullcaps);
transforms ? transform_list : sweep(clockwise_polygon(shape), transform_list, closed=false, caps=fullcaps);
// Function&Module: path_sweep2d()
// Usage:
// path_sweep2d(shape, path, <closed>, <quality>)
// Description:
// Takes an input 2D polygon (the shape) and a 2d path and constructs a polyhedron by sweeping the shape along the path.
// When run as a module returns the polyhedron geometry. When run as a function returns a VNF.
// .
// Unlike path_sweep(), local self-intersections (creases in the output) are allowed and do not produce CGAL errors.
// This is accomplished by using offset() calculations, which are more expensive than simply copying the shape along
// the path, so if you do not have local self-intersections, use path_sweep() instead. Note that global self-intersections
// will still give rise to CGAL errors. You should be able to handle these by partitioning your model. The y axis of the
// shape is mapped to the z axis in the swept polyhedron.
// The quality parameter is passed to offset to determine the offset quality.
// Arguments:
// shape = a 2D polygon describing the shape to be swept
// path = a 2D path giving the path to sweep over
// closed = path is a closed loop. Default: false
// caps = true to create endcap faces when closed is false. Can be a length 2 boolean array. Default is true if closed is false.
// quality = quality of offset used in calculation. Default: 1
// convexity = convexity parameter for polyhedron (module only) Default: 10
// anchor = Translate so anchor point is at the origin. (module only) Default: "origin"
// spin = Rotate this many degrees around Z axis after anchor. (module only) Default: 0
// orient = Vector to rotate top towards after spin (module only)
// extent = use extent method for computing anchors. (module only) Default: false
// cp = set centerpoint for anchor computation. (module only) Default: object centroid
// Example: Sine wave example with self-intersections at each peak. This would fail with path_sweep().
// sinewave = [for(i=[-30:10:360*2+30]) [i/40,3*sin(i)]];
// path_sweep2d(circle(r=3,$fn=15), sinewave);
// Example: The ends can look weird if they are in a place where self intersection occurs. This is a natural result of how offset behaves at ends of a path.
// coswave = [for(i=[0:10:360*1.5]) [i/40,3*cos(i)]];
// zrot(-20)
// path_sweep2d( circle(r=3,$fn=15), coswave);
// Example: This closed path example works ok as long as the hole in the center remains open.
// ellipse = yscale(3,p=circle(r=3,$fn=120));
// path_sweep2d(circle(r=2.5,$fn=32), reverse(ellipse), closed=true);
// Example: When the hole is closed a global intersection renders the model invalid. You can fix this by taking the union of the two (valid) halves.
// ellipse = yscale(3,p=circle(r=3,$fn=120));
// L = len(ellipse);
// path_sweep2d(circle(r=3.25, $fn=32), select(ellipse,floor(L*.2),ceil(L*.8)),closed=false);
// path_sweep2d(circle(r=3.25, $fn=32), select(ellipse,floor(L*.7),ceil(L*.3)),closed=false);
function path_sweep2d(shape, path, closed=false, caps, quality=1) =
caps = is_def(caps) ? caps
: closed ? false : true,
capsOK = is_bool(caps) || (is_list(caps) && len(caps)==2 && is_bool(caps[0]) && is_bool(caps[1])),
fullcaps = is_bool(caps) ? [caps,caps] : caps
assert(capsOK, "caps must be boolean or a list of two booleans")
assert(!closed || !caps, "Cannot make closed shape with caps")
profile = ccw_polygon(shape),
flip = closed && polygon_is_clockwise(path) ? -1 : 1,
path = flip ? reverse(path) : path,
proflist= transpose(
[for(pt = profile)
ofs = offset(path, delta=-flip*pt.x, return_faces=true,closed=closed, quality=quality),
map = subindex(_ofs_vmap(ofs,closed=closed),1)
each proflist,
if (closed) proflist[0]
module path_sweep2d(profile, path, closed=false, caps, quality=1, convexity=10,
anchor="origin", cp, spin=0, orient=UP, extent=false)
vnf = path_sweep2d(profile, path, closed, caps, quality);
attachable(anchor=anchor, spin=spin, orient=orient, vnf=vnf, extent=extent, cp=is_def(cp) ? cp : vnf_centroid(vnf))
// Extract vertex mapping from offset face list. The output of this function
// is a list of pairs [i,j] where i is an index into the parent curve and j is
// an index into the offset curve. It would probably make sense to rewrite
// offset() to return this instead of the face list and have offset_sweep
// use this input to assemble the faces it needs.
function _ofs_vmap(ofs,closed=false) =
let( // Caclulate length of the first (parent) curve
firstlen = max(flatten(ofs[1]))+1-len(ofs[0])
for(entry=ofs[1]) _ofs_face_edge(entry,firstlen),
if (!closed) _ofs_face_edge(select(ofs[1],-1),firstlen,second=true)
// Extract first (default) or second edge that connects the parent curve to its offset. The first input
// face is a list of 3 or 4 vertices as indices into the two curves where the parent curve vertices are
// numbered from 0 to firstlen-1 and the offset from firstlen and up. The firstlen pararameter is used
// to determine which curve the vertices belong to and to remove the offset so that the return gives
// the index into each curve with a 0 base.
function _ofs_face_edge(face,firstlen,second=false) =
itry = min_index(face),
i = select(face,itry-1)<firstlen ? itry-1:itry,
edge1 = select(face,[i,i-1]),
edge2 = select(face,i+1)<firstlen ? select(face,[i+1,i+2])
: select(face,[i,i+1])
(second ? edge2 : edge1)-[0,firstlen];
// vim: expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 nowrap
Reference in a new issue