From 45a3bc44d48aa9374f13a69a3deb73cf780667be Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Revar Desmera <>
Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2023 22:39:06 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 1/4] Added planetary gear examples to spur_gear() and

 gears.scad | 53 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 53 insertions(+)

diff --git a/gears.scad b/gears.scad
index ab8f687..2691757 100644
--- a/gears.scad
+++ b/gears.scad
@@ -109,6 +109,36 @@
 //   color("#fc7") left(r1+r4)  zrot(a4) spur_gear(pitch,n4,thickness,hole,hide=n4-3);
 //   color("#ccc") fwd(r1) right(pitch*$t)
 //       rack(pitch=pitch,teeth=n5,thickness=thickness,height=rack_base,anchor=CENTER,orient=BACK);
+// Example(Anim,Frames=36,VPT=[0,0,0],VPR=[55,0,25],VPD=375): Planetary Gear Assembly
+//   rteeth=56; pteeth=16; cteeth=24;
+//   pitch=5; thick=10; pa=20;
+//   prad = (pitch_radius(pitch,rteeth) +
+//           pitch_radius(pitch,cteeth)) / 2;
+//   rrad = outer_radius(pitch,rteeth,interior=true) + 5;
+//   diff()
+//   cyl(r=rrad,l=thick)
+//       tag("remove")
+//           spur_gear(
+//               pitch=pitch, teeth=rteeth, thickness=thick+1,
+//               pressure_angle=pa, interior=true);
+//   for (a=[0:3]) {
+//       zrot($t*90+a*90) back(prad) {
+//           color("green")
+//           spur_gear(
+//               pitch=pitch, teeth=pteeth,
+//               thickness=thick,
+//               shaft_diam=5,
+//               pressure_angle=pa,
+//               spin=-$t*90*rteeth/pteeth);
+//       }
+//   }
+//   color("orange")
+//   zrot($t*90*rteeth/cteeth+$t*90+180/cteeth)
+//   spur_gear(
+//       pitch=pitch, teeth=cteeth,
+//       thickness=thick,
+//       shaft_diam=5,
+//       pressure_angle=pa);
 function spur_gear(
     pitch = 3,
     teeth = 11,
@@ -228,6 +258,29 @@ module spur_gear(
 //   spur_gear2d(pitch=5, teeth=20, pressure_angle=20);
 // Example(2D): Partial Gear
 //   spur_gear2d(pitch=5, teeth=20, hide=15, pressure_angle=20);
+// Example(2D): Planetary Gear Assembly
+//   rteeth=56; pteeth=16; cteeth=24;
+//   pitch=5; pa=20;
+//   prad = (pitch_radius(pitch,rteeth) +
+//           pitch_radius(pitch,cteeth)) / 2;
+//   rrad = outer_radius(pitch,rteeth,interior=true) + 5;
+//   difference() {
+//       circle(r=rrad);
+//       spur_gear2d(
+//           pitch=pitch, teeth=rteeth,
+//           pressure_angle=pa, interior=true);
+//   }
+//   for (a=[0:3]) {
+//       zrot(a*90) back(prad) {
+//           color("green")
+//           spur_gear2d(
+//               pitch=pitch, teeth=pteeth,
+//               pressure_angle=pa);
+//       }
+//   }
+//   color("orange")
+//     zrot(180/cteeth)
+//       spur_gear2d(pitch=pitch, teeth=cteeth, pressure_angle=pa);
 // Example(2D): Called as a Function
 //   path = spur_gear2d(pitch=8, teeth=16);
 //   polygon(path);

From 51b59859db87d46edc0566d1980a22227d22a9d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Revar Desmera <>
Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2023 22:40:18 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 2/4] Added mask_angle= options to several 2D masks.

 masks2d.scad | 156 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 102 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

diff --git a/masks2d.scad b/masks2d.scad
index 960b145..96c2aea 100644
--- a/masks2d.scad
+++ b/masks2d.scad
@@ -15,22 +15,23 @@
 // Section: 2D Masking Shapes
 // Function&Module: mask2d_roundover()
-// Synopsis: Creates a 2D beading mask shape useful for rounding 90° edges.
+// Synopsis: Creates a 2D beading mask shape useful for rounding edges.
 // SynTags: Geom, Path
 // Topics: Shapes (2D), Paths (2D), Path Generators, Attachable, Masks (2D)
 // See Also: corner_profile(), edge_profile(), face_profile(), fillet()
 // Usage: As module
-//   mask2d_roundover(r|d=, [inset], [excess]) [ATTACHMENTS];
+//   mask2d_roundover(r|d=, [inset], [mask_angle], [excess]) [ATTACHMENTS];
 // Usage: As function
-//   path = mask2d_roundover(r|d=, [inset], [excess]);
+//   path = mask2d_roundover(r|d=, [inset], [mask_angle], [excess]);
 // Description:
-//   Creates a 2D roundover/bead mask shape that is useful for extruding into a 3D mask for a 90° edge.
-//   Conversely, you can use that same extruded shape to make an interior fillet between two walls at a 90º angle.
+//   Creates a 2D roundover/bead mask shape that is useful for extruding into a 3D mask for an edge.
+//   Conversely, you can use that same extruded shape to make an interior fillet between two walls.
 //   As a 2D mask, this is designed to be differenced away from the edge of a shape that is in the first (X+Y+) quadrant.
 //   If called as a function, this just returns a 2D path of the outline of the mask shape.
 // Arguments:
 //   r = Radius of the roundover.
 //   inset = Optional bead inset size.  Default: 0
+//   mask_angle = Number of degrees in the corner angle to mask.  Default: 90
 //   excess = Extra amount of mask shape to creates on the X- and Y- sides of the shape.  Default: 0.01
 //   ---
 //   d = Diameter of the roundover.
@@ -40,6 +41,10 @@
 //   mask2d_roundover(r=10);
 // Example(2D): 2D Bead Mask
 //   mask2d_roundover(r=10,inset=2);
+// Example(2D): 2D Bead Mask for a Non-Right Edge.
+//   mask2d_roundover(r=10, inset=2, mask_angle=75);
+// Example(2D): Increasing the Excess
+//   mask2d_roundover(r=10, inset=2, mask_angle=75, excess=2);
 // Example: Masking by Edge Attachment
 //   diff()
 //   cube([50,60,70],center=true)
@@ -53,29 +58,36 @@
 //   xrot(90)
 //       linear_extrude(height=30, center=true)
 //           mask2d_roundover(r=10);
-module mask2d_roundover(r, inset=0, excess=0.01, d, anchor=CENTER,spin=0) {
-    path = mask2d_roundover(r=r,d=d,excess=excess,inset=inset);
+module mask2d_roundover(r, inset=0, mask_angle=90, excess=0.01, d, anchor=CENTER,spin=0) {
+    path = mask2d_roundover(r=r, d=d, inset=inset, mask_angle=mask_angle, excess=excess);
     attachable(anchor,spin, two_d=true, path=path) {
-function mask2d_roundover(r, inset=0, excess=0.01, d, anchor=CENTER,spin=0) =
+function mask2d_roundover(r, inset=0, mask_angle=90, excess=0.01, d, anchor=CENTER, spin=0) =
+    assert(is_finite(mask_angle) && mask_angle>0 && mask_angle<180)
         inset = is_list(inset)? inset : [inset,inset],
         r = get_radius(r=r,d=d,dflt=1),
-        steps = quantup(segs(r),4)/4,
-        step = 90/steps,
-        path = [
-            [r+inset.x,-excess],
+        avec = polar_to_xy(inset.x,mask_angle-90),
+        line1 = [[0,inset.y], [100,inset.y]],
+        line2 = [avec, polar_to_xy(100,mask_angle)+avec],
+        corner = line_intersection(line1,line2),
+        arcpts = arc(r=r, corner=[line2.y, corner, line1.y]),
+        ipath = [
+            arcpts[0] + polar_to_xy(inset.x+excess, mask_angle+90),
+            each arcpts,
+            last(arcpts) + polar_to_xy(inset.y+excess, -90),
+            [0,-excess],
-            [-excess, r+inset.y],
-            for (i=[0:1:steps]) [r,r] + inset + polar_to_xy(r,180+i*step)
-        ]
+            [-excess,0]
+        ],
+        path = deduplicate(ipath)
     ) reorient(anchor,spin, two_d=true, path=path, extent=false, p=path);
@@ -85,17 +97,18 @@ function mask2d_roundover(r, inset=0, excess=0.01, d, anchor=CENTER,spin=0) =
 // Topics: Shapes (2D), Paths (2D), Path Generators, Attachable, Masks (2D)
 // See Also: corner_profile(), edge_profile(), face_profile()
 // Usage: As module
-//   mask2d_cove(r|d=, [inset], [excess]) [ATTACHMENTS];
+//   mask2d_cove(r|d=, [inset], [mask_angle], [excess]) [ATTACHMENTS];
 // Usage: As function
-//   path = mask2d_cove(r|d=, [inset], [excess]);
+//   path = mask2d_cove(r|d=, [inset], [mask_angle], [excess]);
 // Description:
-//   Creates a 2D cove mask shape that is useful for extruding into a 3D mask for a 90° edge.
-//   Conversely, you can use that same extruded shape to make an interior rounded shelf decoration between two walls at a 90º angle.
+//   Creates a 2D cove mask shape that is useful for extruding into a 3D mask for an edge.
+//   Conversely, you can use that same extruded shape to make an interior rounded shelf decoration between two walls.
 //   As a 2D mask, this is designed to be differenced away from the edge of a shape that is in the first (X+Y+) quadrant.
 //   If called as a function, this just returns a 2D path of the outline of the mask shape.
 // Arguments:
 //   r = Radius of the cove.
 //   inset = Optional amount to inset code from corner.  Default: 0
+//   mask_angle = Number of degrees in the corner angle to mask.  Default: 90
 //   excess = Extra amount of mask shape to creates on the X- and Y- sides of the shape.  Default: 0.01
 //   ---
 //   d = Diameter of the cove.
@@ -105,6 +118,10 @@ function mask2d_roundover(r, inset=0, excess=0.01, d, anchor=CENTER,spin=0) =
 //   mask2d_cove(r=10);
 // Example(2D): 2D Inset Cove Mask
 //   mask2d_cove(r=10,inset=3);
+// Example(2D): 2D Inset Cove Mask for a Non-Right Edge
+//   mask2d_cove(r=10,inset=3,mask_angle=75);
+// Example(2D): Increasing the Excess
+//   mask2d_cove(r=10,inset=3,mask_angle=75, excess=2);
 // Example: Masking by Edge Attachment
 //   diff()
 //   cube([50,60,70],center=true)
@@ -118,29 +135,36 @@ function mask2d_roundover(r, inset=0, excess=0.01, d, anchor=CENTER,spin=0) =
 //   xrot(90)
 //       linear_extrude(height=30, center=true)
 //           mask2d_cove(r=5, inset=5);
-module mask2d_cove(r, inset=0, excess=0.01, d, anchor=CENTER,spin=0) {
-    path = mask2d_cove(r=r,d=d,excess=excess,inset=inset);
+module mask2d_cove(r, inset=0, mask_angle=90, excess=0.01, d, anchor=CENTER, spin=0) {
+    path = mask2d_cove(r=r, d=d, inset=inset, mask_angle=mask_angle, excess=excess);
     attachable(anchor,spin, two_d=true, path=path) {
-function mask2d_cove(r, inset=0, excess=0.01, d, anchor=CENTER,spin=0) =
+function mask2d_cove(r, inset=0, mask_angle=90, excess=0.01, d, anchor=CENTER, spin=0) =
+    assert(is_finite(mask_angle) && mask_angle>0 && mask_angle<180)
         inset = is_list(inset)? inset : [inset,inset],
         r = get_radius(r=r,d=d,dflt=1),
-        steps = quantup(segs(r),4)/4,
-        step = 90/steps,
-        path = [
-            [r+inset.x,-excess],
+        avec = polar_to_xy(inset.x,mask_angle-90),
+        line1 = [[0,inset.y], [100,inset.y]],
+        line2 = [avec, polar_to_xy(100,mask_angle)+avec],
+        corner = line_intersection(line1,line2),
+        arcpts = arc(r=r, cp=corner, start=mask_angle, angle=-mask_angle),
+        ipath = [
+            arcpts[0] + polar_to_xy(inset.x+excess, mask_angle+90),
+            each arcpts,
+            last(arcpts) + polar_to_xy(inset.y+excess, -90),
+            [0,-excess],
-            [-excess, r+inset.y],
-            for (i=[0:1:steps]) inset + polar_to_xy(r,90-i*step)
-        ]
+            [-excess,0]
+        ],
+        path = deduplicate(ipath)
     ) reorient(anchor,spin, two_d=true, path=path, p=path);
@@ -230,16 +254,17 @@ function mask2d_chamfer(edge, angle=45, inset=0, excess=0.01, x, y, anchor=CENTE
 // Topics: Shapes (2D), Paths (2D), Path Generators, Attachable, Masks (2D)
 // See Also: corner_profile(), edge_profile(), face_profile()
 // Usage: As Module
-//   mask2d_rabbet(size, [excess]) [ATTACHMENTS];
+//   mask2d_rabbet(size, [mask_angle], [excess]) [ATTACHMENTS];
 // Usage: As Function
-//   path = mask2d_rabbet(size, [excess]);
+//   path = mask2d_rabbet(size, [mask_angle], [excess]);
 // Description:
-//   Creates a 2D rabbet mask shape that is useful for extruding into a 3D mask for a 90° edge.
-//   Conversely, you can use that same extruded shape to make an interior shelf decoration between two walls at a 90º angle.
+//   Creates a 2D rabbet mask shape that is useful for extruding into a 3D mask for an edge.
+//   Conversely, you can use that same extruded shape to make an interior shelf decoration between two walls.
 //   As a 2D mask, this is designed to be differenced away from the edge of a shape that is in the first (X+Y+) quadrant.
 //   If called as a function, this just returns a 2D path of the outline of the mask shape.
 // Arguments:
 //   size = The size of the rabbet, either as a scalar or an [X,Y] list.
+//   mask_angle = Number of degrees in the corner angle to mask.  Default: 90
 //   excess = Extra amount of mask shape to creates on the X- and Y- sides of the shape. Default: 0.01
 //   ---
 //   anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0).  See [anchor](attachments.scad#subsection-anchor).  Default: `CENTER`
@@ -248,6 +273,8 @@ function mask2d_chamfer(edge, angle=45, inset=0, excess=0.01, x, y, anchor=CENTE
 //   mask2d_rabbet(size=10);
 // Example(2D): 2D Asymmetrical Rabbet Mask
 //   mask2d_rabbet(size=[5,10]);
+// Example(2D): 2D Mask for a Non-Right Edge
+//   mask2d_rabbet(size=10,mask_angle=75);
 // Example: Masking by Edge Attachment
 //   diff()
 //   cube([50,60,70],center=true)
@@ -261,24 +288,31 @@ function mask2d_chamfer(edge, angle=45, inset=0, excess=0.01, x, y, anchor=CENTE
 //   xrot(90)
 //       linear_extrude(height=30, center=true)
 //           mask2d_rabbet(size=[5,10]);
-module mask2d_rabbet(size, excess=0.01, anchor=CENTER,spin=0) {
-    path = mask2d_rabbet(size=size, excess=excess);
+module mask2d_rabbet(size, mask_angle=90, excess=0.01, anchor=CTR, spin=0) {
+    path = mask2d_rabbet(size=size, mask_angle=mask_angle, excess=excess);
     attachable(anchor,spin, two_d=true, path=path, extent=false) {
-function mask2d_rabbet(size, excess=0.01, anchor=CENTER,spin=0) =
+function mask2d_rabbet(size, mask_angle=90, excess=0.01, anchor=CTR, spin=0) =
+    assert(is_finite(mask_angle) && mask_angle>0 && mask_angle<180)
         size = is_list(size)? size : [size,size],
+        avec = polar_to_xy(size.x,mask_angle-90),
+        line1 = [[0,size.y], [100,size.y]],
+        line2 = [avec, polar_to_xy(100,mask_angle)+avec],
+        cp = line_intersection(line1,line2),
         path = [
-            [size.x, -excess],
-            [-excess, -excess],
-            [-excess, size.y],
-            size
+            cp + polar_to_xy(size.x+excess, mask_angle+90),
+            cp,
+            cp + polar_to_xy(size.y+excess, -90),
+            [0,-excess],
+            [-excess,-excess],
+            [-excess,0]
     ) reorient(anchor,spin, two_d=true, path=path, extent=false, p=path);
@@ -368,18 +402,19 @@ function mask2d_dovetail(edge, angle=30, inset=0, shelf=0, excess=0.01, x, y, an
 // Topics: Shapes (2D), Paths (2D), Path Generators, Attachable, Masks (2D), FDM Optimized
 // See Also: corner_profile(), edge_profile(), face_profile()
 // Usage: As Module
-//   mask2d_teardrop(r|d=, [angle], [excess]) [ATTACHMENTS];
+//   mask2d_teardrop(r|d=, [angle], [mask_angle], [excess]) [ATTACHMENTS];
 // Usage: As Function
-//   path = mask2d_teardrop(r|d=, [angle], [excess]);
+//   path = mask2d_teardrop(r|d=, [angle], [mask_angle], [excess]);
 // Description:
-//   Creates a 2D teardrop mask shape that is useful for extruding into a 3D mask for a 90° edge.
-//   Conversely, you can use that same extruded shape to make an interior teardrop fillet between two walls at a 90º angle.
+//   Creates a 2D teardrop mask shape that is useful for extruding into a 3D mask for an edge.
+//   Conversely, you can use that same extruded shape to make an interior teardrop fillet between two walls.
 //   As a 2D mask, this is designed to be differenced away from the edge of a shape that is in the first (X+Y+) quadrant.
 //   If called as a function, this just returns a 2D path of the outline of the mask shape.
 //   This is particularly useful to make partially rounded bottoms, that don't need support to print.
 // Arguments:
 //   r = Radius of the rounding.
 //   angle = The maximum angle from vertical.
+//   mask_angle = Number of degrees in the corner angle to mask.  Default: 90
 //   excess = Extra amount of mask shape to creates on the X- and Y- sides of the shape. Default: 0.01
 //   ---
 //   d = Diameter of the rounding.
@@ -387,6 +422,10 @@ function mask2d_dovetail(edge, angle=30, inset=0, shelf=0, excess=0.01, x, y, an
 //   spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor.  See [spin](attachments.scad#subsection-spin).  Default: `0`
 // Example(2D): 2D Teardrop Mask
 //   mask2d_teardrop(r=10);
+// Example(2D): 2D Teardrop Mask for a Non-Right Edge
+//   mask2d_teardrop(r=10, mask_angle=75);
+// Example(2D): Increasing Excess
+//   mask2d_teardrop(r=10, mask_angle=75, excess=2);
 // Example(2D): Using a Custom Angle
 //   mask2d_teardrop(r=10,angle=30);
 // Example: Masking by Edge Attachment
@@ -402,25 +441,34 @@ function mask2d_dovetail(edge, angle=30, inset=0, shelf=0, excess=0.01, x, y, an
 //   xrot(90)
 //       linear_extrude(height=30, center=true)
 //           mask2d_teardrop(r=10);
-function mask2d_teardrop(r, angle=45, excess=0.01, d, anchor=CENTER, spin=0) =  
+function mask2d_teardrop(r, angle=45, mask_angle=90, excess=0.01, d, anchor=CENTER, spin=0) =  
     assert(angle>0 && angle<90)
+    assert(is_finite(mask_angle) && mask_angle>0 && mask_angle<180)
         r = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=1),
-        n = ceil(segs(r) * angle/360),
-        cp = [r,r],
+        avec = polar_to_xy(r,mask_angle-90),
+        line1 = [[0,r], [100,r]],
+        line2 = [avec, polar_to_xy(100,mask_angle)+avec],
+        cp = line_intersection(line1,line2),
         tp = cp + polar_to_xy(r,180+angle),
         bp = [tp.x+adj_ang_to_opp(tp.y,angle), 0],
-        step = angle/n,
-        path = [
-            bp, bp-[0,excess], [-excess,-excess], [-excess,r],
-            for (i=[0:1:n]) cp+polar_to_xy(r,180+i*step)
-        ]
+        arcpts = arc(r=r, cp=cp, angle=[mask_angle+90,180+angle]),
+        ipath = [
+            arcpts[0] + polar_to_xy(excess, mask_angle+90),
+            each arcpts,
+            bp,
+            bp + [0,-excess],
+            [0,-excess],
+            [-excess,-excess],
+            [-excess,0]
+        ],
+        path = deduplicate(ipath)
     ) reorient(anchor,spin, two_d=true, path=path, p=path);
-module mask2d_teardrop(r, angle=45, excess=0.01, d, anchor=CENTER, spin=0) {
-    path = mask2d_teardrop(r=r, d=d, angle=angle, excess=excess);
+module mask2d_teardrop(r, angle=45, mask_angle=90, excess=0.01, d, anchor=CENTER, spin=0) {
+    path = mask2d_teardrop(r=r, d=d, angle=angle, mask_angle=mask_angle, excess=excess);
     attachable(anchor,spin, two_d=true, path=path) {

From 2d31a31f4858daad21e77f1f9ac76c1c78a8cb47 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Revar Desmera <>
Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2023 22:41:17 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 3/4] Added edge_profile_asym(). Improved edge_profile().

 attachments.scad | 225 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 197 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

diff --git a/attachments.scad b/attachments.scad
index b7a1321..c253448 100644
--- a/attachments.scad
+++ b/attachments.scad
@@ -1614,33 +1614,48 @@ module face_profile(faces=[], r, d, excess=0.01, convexity=10) {
 module edge_profile(edges=EDGES_ALL, except=[], excess=0.01, convexity=10) {
     check1 = assert($parent_geom != undef, "No object to attach to!");
-    edges = _edges(edges, except=except);
-    vecs = [
-        for (i = [0:3], axis=[0:2])
-        if (edges[axis][i]>0)
-        EDGE_OFFSETS[axis][i]
-    ];
+    conoid = $parent_geom[0] == "conoid";
+    edges = !conoid? _edges(edges, except=except) :
+        edges==EDGES_ALL? [TOP,BOT] :
+        assert(all([for (e=edges) in_list(e,[TOP,BOT])]), "Invalid conoid edge spec.")
+        edges;
+    vecs = conoid
+      ? [for (e=edges) e+FWD]
+      : [
+            for (i = [0:3], axis=[0:2])
+            if (edges[axis][i]>0)
+            EDGE_OFFSETS[axis][i]
+        ];
     all_vecs_are_edges = all([for (vec = vecs) sum(v_abs(vec))==2]);
     check2 = assert(all_vecs_are_edges, "All vectors must be edges.");
+    default_tag("remove")
     for ($idx = idx(vecs)) {
         vec = vecs[$idx];
         anch = _find_anchor(vec, $parent_geom);
+        path_angs_T = _attach_geom_edge_path($parent_geom, vec);
+        path = path_angs_T[0];
+        vecs = path_angs_T[1];
+        post_T = path_angs_T[2];
         $attach_to = undef;
         $attach_anchor = anch;
         $attach_norot = true;
         $profile_type = "edge";
-        psize = point3d($parent_size);
-        length = [for (i=[0:2]) if(!vec[i]) psize[i]][0] + excess;
-        rotang =
-            vec.z<0? [90,0,180+v_theta(vec)] :
-            vec.z==0 && sign(vec.x)==sign(vec.y)? 135+v_theta(vec) :
-            vec.z==0 && sign(vec.x)!=sign(vec.y)? [0,180,45+v_theta(vec)] :
-            [-90,0,180+v_theta(vec)];
-        translate(anch[1]) {
-            rot(rotang) {
-                linear_extrude(height=length, center=true, convexity=convexity) {
-                   if ($tag=="") tag("remove") children();
-                   else children();
+        multmatrix(post_T) {
+            for (i = idx(path,e=-2)) {
+                pt1 = select(path,i);
+                pt2 = select(path,i+1);
+                cp = (pt1 + pt2) / 2;
+                v1 = vecs[i][0];
+                v2 = vecs[i][1];
+                $edge_angle = 180 - vector_angle(v1,v2);
+                if (!approx(pt1,pt2)) {
+                    seglen = norm(pt2-pt1) + 2 * excess;
+                    move(cp) {
+                        frame_map(y=-v1, z=unit(pt2-pt1)) {
+                            linear_extrude(height=seglen, center=true, convexity=convexity)
+                                children();
+                        }
+                    }
@@ -1670,6 +1685,7 @@ module edge_profile(edges=EDGES_ALL, except=[], excess=0.01, convexity=10) {
 //   convexity = Max number of times a line could intersect the perimeter of the mask shape.  Default: 10
 //   flip = If true, reverses the orientation of any external profile parts at each edge.  Default false
 //   corner_type = Specifies how exterior corners should be formed.  Must be one of `"none"`, `"chamfer"`, `"round"`, or `"sharp"`.  Default: `"none"`
+//   size = If given the width and height of the 2D profile, will enable rounding and chamfering of internal corners when given a negative profile.
 // Side Effects:
 //   Tags the children with "remove" (and hence sets `$tag`) if no tag is already set.
 //   `$idx` is set to the index number of each edge.
@@ -1720,17 +1736,43 @@ module edge_profile(edges=EDGES_ALL, except=[], excess=0.01, convexity=10) {
 // Example: More complicated edge sets
 //   cuboid(50) {
 //       edge_profile_asym(
-//           "ALL", except=[TOP+FWD+RIGHT, BOT+BACK+LEFT],
-//           corner_type="chamfer"
+//           [FWD,BACK,BOT+RIGHT], except=[FWD+RIGHT,BOT+BACK],
+//           corner_type="round"
+//        ) xflip() mask2d_roundover(10);
+//   }
+// Example: Mixing it up a bit.
+//   diff()
+//   cuboid(60) {
+//       tag("keep") edge_profile_asym(LEFT, flip=true, corner_type="chamfer")
+//           xflip() mask2d_chamfer(10);
+//       edge_profile_asym(RIGHT)
+//           mask2d_roundover(10);
+//   }
+// Example: Chamfering internal corners.
+//   cuboid(40) {
+//       edge_profile_asym(
+//           [FWD+DOWN,FWD+LEFT],
+//           corner_type="chamfer", size=[7,10]
+//        ) xflip() mask2d_chamfer(10);
+//   }
+// Example: Rounding internal corners.
+//   cuboid(40) {
+//       edge_profile_asym(
+//           [FWD+DOWN,FWD+LEFT],
+//           corner_type="round", size=[10,10]
 //        ) xflip() mask2d_roundover(10);
 //   }
-module edge_profile_asym(edges=EDGES_ALL, except=[], excess=0.01, convexity=10, flip=false, corner_type="none") {
+module edge_profile_asym(
+    edges=EDGES_ALL, except=[],
+    excess=0.01, convexity=10,
+    flip=false, corner_type="none",
+    size=[0,0]
+) {
     function _corner_orientation(pos,pvec) =
             j = [for (i=[0:2]) if (pvec[i]) i][0],
-            T =
-                (pos.x>0? xflip() : ident(4)) *
+            T = (pos.x>0? xflip() : ident(4)) *
                 (pos.y>0? yflip() : ident(4)) *
                 (pos.z>0? zflip() : ident(4)) *
                 rot(-120*(2-j), v=[1,1,1])
@@ -1872,6 +1914,7 @@ module edge_profile_asym(edges=EDGES_ALL, except=[], excess=0.01, convexity=10,
     check2 = assert(all_vecs_are_edges, "All vectors must be edges.");
     edge_corners = [for (vec = vecs) [vec, _edge_corner_numbers(vec)]];
     edge_strings = _gather_contiguous_edges(edge_corners);
+    default_tag("remove")
     for (edge_string = edge_strings) {
         inverts = _edge_transition_inversions(edge_string);
         flipverts = [for (x = inverts) flip? !x : x];
@@ -1889,11 +1932,37 @@ module edge_profile_asym(edges=EDGES_ALL, except=[], excess=0.01, convexity=10,
                 vp2 = select(vecpairs,i);
                 pvec = _edge_pair_perp_vec(e1,e2);
                 pos = [for (i=[0:2]) e1[i]? e1[i] : e2[i]];
-                if (vp1.y == vp2.y) {
-                    default_tag("remove")
-                    position(pos) {
-                        mirT = _corner_orientation(pos, pvec);
-                        multmatrix(mirT) {
+                mirT = _corner_orientation(pos, pvec);
+                $attach_to = undef;
+                $attach_anchor = _find_anchor(pos, $parent_geom);
+                $attach_norot = true;
+                $profile_type = "corner";
+                position(pos) {
+                    multmatrix(mirT) {
+                        if (vp1.x == vp2.x && size.y > 0) {
+                            zflip() {
+                                if (corner_type=="chamfer") {
+                                    fn = $fn;
+                                    move([size.y,size.y]) {
+                                        rotate_extrude(angle=90, $fn=4)
+                                            left_half(planar=true, $fn=fn)
+                                                zrot(-90) fwd(size.y) children();
+                                    }
+                                    linear_extrude(height=size.x) {
+                                        mask2d_roundover(size.y, inset=0.01, $fn=4);
+                                    }
+                                } else if (corner_type=="round") {
+                                    move([size.y,size.y]) {
+                                        rotate_extrude(angle=90)
+                                            left_half(planar=true)
+                                                zrot(-90) fwd(size.y) children();
+                                    }
+                                    linear_extrude(height=size.x) {
+                                        mask2d_roundover(size.y, inset=0.01);
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                        } else if (vp1.y == vp2.y) {
                             if (corner_type=="chamfer") {
                                 fn = $fn;
                                 rotate_extrude(angle=90, $fn=4)
@@ -1921,6 +1990,10 @@ module edge_profile_asym(edges=EDGES_ALL, except=[], excess=0.01, convexity=10,
         for (i = idx(edge_string)) {
+            $attach_to = undef;
+            $attach_anchor = _find_anchor(edge_string[i], $parent_geom);
+            $attach_norot = true;
+            $profile_type = "edge";
             edge_profile(edge_string[i], excess=excess, convexity=convexity) {
                 if (flipverts[i]) {
                     mirror([-1,1]) children();
@@ -1933,6 +2006,7 @@ module edge_profile_asym(edges=EDGES_ALL, except=[], excess=0.01, convexity=10,
 // Module: corner_profile()
 // Synopsis: Rotationally extrudes a 2d edge profile into corner mask on the given corners of the parent.
 // SynTags: Geom
@@ -2768,6 +2842,101 @@ function _attach_geom_size(geom) =
     assert(false, "Unknown attachment geometry type.");
+/// Internal Function: _attach_geom_edge_path()
+/// Usage:
+///   angle = _attach_geom_edge_path(geom, edge);
+/// Topics: Attachments
+/// See Also: reorient(), attachable()
+/// Description:
+///   Returns the path and post-transform matrix of the indicated edge.
+///   If the edge is invalid for the geometry, returns `undef`.
+function _attach_geom_edge_path(geom, edge) =
+    assert(is_vector(edge),str("Invalid edge: edge=",edge))
+    let(
+        type = geom[0],
+        cp = _get_cp(geom),
+        offset_raw = select(geom,-2),
+        offset = [for (i=[0:2]) edge[i]==0? 0 : offset_raw[i]],  // prevents bad centering.
+        edge = point3d(edge)
+    )
+    type == "prismoid"? ( //size, size2, shift, axis
+        let(all_comps_good = [for (c=edge) if (c!=sign(c)) 1]==[])
+        assert(all_comps_good, "All components of an edge for a cuboid/prismoid must be -1, 0, or 1")
+        let(edge_good = len([for (c=edge) if(c) 1])==2)
+        assert(edge_good, "Invalid edge.")
+        let(
+            size = geom[1],
+            size2 = geom[2],
+            shift = point2d(geom[3]),
+            axis = point3d(geom[4]),
+            edge = rot(from=axis, to=UP, p=edge),
+            offset = rot(from=axis, to=UP, p=offset),
+            h = size.z,
+            cpos = function(vec) let(
+                        u = (vec.z + 1) / 2,
+                        siz = lerp(point2d(size), size2, u) / 2,
+                        z = vec.z * h / 2,
+                        pos = point3d(v_mul(siz, point2d(vec)) + shift * u, z)
+                    ) pos,
+            ep1 = cpos([for (c=edge) c? c : -1]),
+            ep2 = cpos([for (c=edge) c? c :  1]),
+            cp = (ep1 + ep2) / 2,
+            axy = point2d(edge),
+            bot = point3d(v_mul(point2d(size )/2, axy), -h/2),
+            top = point3d(v_mul(point2d(size2)/2, axy) + shift, h/2),
+            xang = atan2(h,(top-bot).x),
+            yang = atan2(h,(top-bot).y),
+            vecs = [
+                if (edge.x) yrot(90-xang, p=sign(axy.x)*RIGHT),
+                if (edge.y) xrot(yang-90, p=sign(axy.y)*BACK),
+                if (edge.z) [0,0,sign(edge.z)]
+            ], 
+            segvec = cross(unit(vecs[1]), unit(vecs[0])),
+            seglen = norm(ep2 - ep1),
+            path = [
+                cp - segvec * seglen/2,
+                cp + segvec * seglen/2
+            ],
+            m = rot(from=UP,to=axis) * move(offset)
+        ) [path, [vecs], m]
+    ) : type == "conoid"? ( //r1, r2, l, shift, axis
+        assert(edge.z && edge.z == sign(edge.z), "The Z component of an edge for a cylinder/cone must be -1 or 1")
+        let(
+            rr1 = geom[1],
+            rr2 = geom[2],
+            l = geom[3],
+            shift = point2d(geom[4]),
+            axis = point3d(geom[5]),
+            r1 = is_num(rr1)? [rr1,rr1] : point2d(rr1),
+            r2 = is_num(rr2)? [rr2,rr2] : point2d(rr2),
+            edge = rot(from=axis, to=UP, p=edge),
+            offset = rot(from=axis, to=UP, p=offset),
+            maxr = max([each r1, each r2]),
+            sides = segs(maxr),
+            top = path3d(move(shift, p=ellipse(r=r2, $fn=sides)), l/2),
+            bot = path3d(ellipse(r=r1, $fn=sides), -l/2),
+            path = edge.z < 0 ? bot : top,
+            path2 = edge.z < 0 ? top : bot,
+            zed = edge.z<0? [0,0,-l/2] : point3d(shift,l/2),
+            vecs = [
+                for (i = idx(top)) let(
+                    pt1 = (path[i] + select(path,i+1)) /2,
+                    pt2 = (path2[i] + select(path2,i+1)) /2,
+                    v1 = unit(zed - pt1),
+                    v2 = unit(pt2 - pt1),
+                    v3 = unit(cross(v1,v2)),
+                    v4 = cross(v3,v2),
+                    v5 = cross(v1,v3)
+                ) [v4, v5]
+            ],
+            m = rot(from=UP,to=axis) * move(offset)
+        ) edge.z>0
+          ? [reverse(list_wrap(path)), reverse(vecs), m]
+          : [list_wrap(path), vecs, m]
+    ) : undef;
 /// Internal Function: _attach_transform()
 /// Usage: To Get a Transformation Matrix
 ///   mat = _attach_transform(anchor, spin, orient, geom);

From 4cff80bf3cc150459825647e6bc5822d85dcddba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Revar Desmera <>
Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2023 23:32:58 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 4/4] Fixed masks2d regressions.

 tests/test_masks2d.scad | 40 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/test_masks2d.scad b/tests/test_masks2d.scad
index 13052db..ca4ccd4 100644
--- a/tests/test_masks2d.scad
+++ b/tests/test_masks2d.scad
@@ -19,24 +19,24 @@ test_mask2d_chamfer();
 module test_mask2d_cove() {
     $fn = 24;
-    assert_approx(mask2d_cove(r=10),[[10,-0.01],[-0.01,-0.01],[-0.01,10],[0,10],[2.58819045103,9.65925826289],[5,8.66025403784],[7.07106781187,7.07106781187],[8.66025403784,5],[9.65925826289,2.58819045103],[10,0]]);
-    assert_approx(mask2d_cove(d=20),[[10,-0.01],[-0.01,-0.01],[-0.01,10],[0,10],[2.58819045103,9.65925826289],[5,8.66025403784],[7.07106781187,7.07106781187],[8.66025403784,5],[9.65925826289,2.58819045103],[10,0]]);
-    assert_approx(mask2d_cove(r=10,inset=1),[[11,-0.01],[-0.01,-0.01],[-0.01,11],[1,11],[3.58819045103,10.6592582629],[6,9.66025403784],[8.07106781187,8.07106781187],[9.66025403784,6],[10.6592582629,3.58819045103],[11,1]]);
-    assert_approx(mask2d_cove(d=20,inset=1),[[11,-0.01],[-0.01,-0.01],[-0.01,11],[1,11],[3.58819045103,10.6592582629],[6,9.66025403784],[8.07106781187,8.07106781187],[9.66025403784,6],[10.6592582629,3.58819045103],[11,1]]);
-    assert_approx(mask2d_cove(r=10,inset=1,excess=1),[[11,-1],[-1,-1],[-1,11],[1,11],[3.58819045103,10.6592582629],[6,9.66025403784],[8.07106781187,8.07106781187],[9.66025403784,6],[10.6592582629,3.58819045103],[11,1]]);
-    assert_approx(mask2d_cove(d=20,inset=1,excess=1),[[11,-1],[-1,-1],[-1,11],[1,11],[3.58819045103,10.6592582629],[6,9.66025403784],[8.07106781187,8.07106781187],[9.66025403784,6],[10.6592582629,3.58819045103],[11,1]]);
+    assert_approx(mask2d_cove(r=10),[[-0.01,10],[0,10],[3.09016994375,9.51056516295],[5.87785252292,8.09016994375],[8.09016994375,5.87785252292],[9.51056516295,3.09016994375],[10,0],[10,-0.01],[0,-0.01],[-0.01,-0.01],[-0.01,0]]);
+    assert_approx(mask2d_cove(d=20),[[-0.01,10],[0,10],[3.09016994375,9.51056516295],[5.87785252292,8.09016994375],[8.09016994375,5.87785252292],[9.51056516295,3.09016994375],[10,0],[10,-0.01],[0,-0.01],[-0.01,-0.01],[-0.01,0]]);
+    assert_approx(mask2d_cove(r=10,inset=1),[[-0.01,11],[1,11],[4.09016994375,10.510565163],[6.87785252292,9.09016994375],[9.09016994375,6.87785252292],[10.510565163,4.09016994375],[11,1],[11,-0.01],[0,-0.01],[-0.01,-0.01],[-0.01,0]]);
+    assert_approx(mask2d_cove(d=20,inset=1),[[-0.01,11],[1,11],[4.09016994375,10.510565163],[6.87785252292,9.09016994375],[9.09016994375,6.87785252292],[10.510565163,4.09016994375],[11,1],[11,-0.01],[0,-0.01],[-0.01,-0.01],[-0.01,0]]);
+    assert_approx(mask2d_cove(r=10,inset=1,excess=1),[[-1,11],[1,11],[4.09016994375,10.510565163],[6.87785252292,9.09016994375],[9.09016994375,6.87785252292],[10.510565163,4.09016994375],[11,1],[11,-1],[0,-1],[-1,-1],[-1,0]]);
+    assert_approx(mask2d_cove(d=20,inset=1,excess=1),[[-1,11],[1,11],[4.09016994375,10.510565163],[6.87785252292,9.09016994375],[9.09016994375,6.87785252292],[10.510565163,4.09016994375],[11,1],[11,-1],[0,-1],[-1,-1],[-1,0]]);
 module test_mask2d_roundover() {
     $fn = 24;
-    assert_approx(mask2d_roundover(r=10),[[10,-0.01],[-0.01,-0.01],[-0.01,10],[0,10],[0.340741737109,7.41180954897],[1.33974596216,5],[2.92893218813,2.92893218813],[5,1.33974596216],[7.41180954897,0.340741737109],[10,0]]);
-    assert_approx(mask2d_roundover(d=20),[[10,-0.01],[-0.01,-0.01],[-0.01,10],[0,10],[0.340741737109,7.41180954897],[1.33974596216,5],[2.92893218813,2.92893218813],[5,1.33974596216],[7.41180954897,0.340741737109],[10,0]]);
-    assert_approx(mask2d_roundover(r=10,inset=1),[[11,-0.01],[-0.01,-0.01],[-0.01,11],[1,11],[1.34074173711,8.41180954897],[2.33974596216,6],[3.92893218813,3.92893218813],[6,2.33974596216],[8.41180954897,1.34074173711],[11,1]]);
-    assert_approx(mask2d_roundover(d=20,inset=1),[[11,-0.01],[-0.01,-0.01],[-0.01,11],[1,11],[1.34074173711,8.41180954897],[2.33974596216,6],[3.92893218813,3.92893218813],[6,2.33974596216],[8.41180954897,1.34074173711],[11,1]]);
-    assert_approx(mask2d_roundover(r=10,inset=1,excess=1),[[11,-1],[-1,-1],[-1,11],[1,11],[1.34074173711,8.41180954897],[2.33974596216,6],[3.92893218813,3.92893218813],[6,2.33974596216],[8.41180954897,1.34074173711],[11,1]]);
-    assert_approx(mask2d_roundover(d=20,inset=1,excess=1),[[11,-1],[-1,-1],[-1,11],[1,11],[1.34074173711,8.41180954897],[2.33974596216,6],[3.92893218813,3.92893218813],[6,2.33974596216],[8.41180954897,1.34074173711],[11,1]]);
+    assert_approx(mask2d_roundover(r=10),[[-0.01,10],[-1.7763568394e-15,10],[0.489434837048,6.90983005625],[1.90983005625,4.12214747708],[4.12214747708,1.90983005625],[6.90983005625,0.489434837048],[10,-1.7763568394e-15],[10,-0.01],[0,-0.01],[-0.01,-0.01],[-0.01,0]]);
+    assert_approx(mask2d_roundover(d=20),[[-0.01,10],[-1.7763568394e-15,10],[0.489434837048,6.90983005625],[1.90983005625,4.12214747708],[4.12214747708,1.90983005625],[6.90983005625,0.489434837048],[10,-1.7763568394e-15],[10,-0.01],[0,-0.01],[-0.01,-0.01],[-0.01,0]]);
+    assert_approx(mask2d_roundover(r=10,inset=1),[[-0.01,11],[1,11],[1.48943483705,7.90983005625],[2.90983005625,5.12214747708],[5.12214747708,2.90983005625],[7.90983005625,1.48943483705],[11,1],[11,-0.01],[0,-0.01],[-0.01,-0.01],[-0.01,0]]);
+    assert_approx(mask2d_roundover(d=20,inset=1),[[-0.01,11],[1,11],[1.48943483705,7.90983005625],[2.90983005625,5.12214747708],[5.12214747708,2.90983005625],[7.90983005625,1.48943483705],[11,1],[11,-0.01],[0,-0.01],[-0.01,-0.01],[-0.01,0]]);
+    assert_approx(mask2d_roundover(r=10,inset=1,excess=1),[[-1,11],[1,11],[1.48943483705,7.90983005625],[2.90983005625,5.12214747708],[5.12214747708,2.90983005625],[7.90983005625,1.48943483705],[11,1],[11,-1],[0,-1],[-1,-1],[-1,0]]);
+    assert_approx(mask2d_roundover(d=20,inset=1,excess=1),[[-1,11],[1,11],[1.48943483705,7.90983005625],[2.90983005625,5.12214747708],[5.12214747708,2.90983005625],[7.90983005625,1.48943483705],[11,1],[11,-1],[0,-1],[-1,-1],[-1,0]]);
@@ -59,20 +59,20 @@ test_mask2d_dovetail();
 module test_mask2d_rabbet() {
-    assert_approx(mask2d_rabbet(10), [[10,-0.01],[-0.01,-0.01],[-0.01,10],[10,10]]);
-    assert_approx(mask2d_rabbet(size=10), [[10,-0.01],[-0.01,-0.01],[-0.01,10],[10,10]]);
-    assert_approx(mask2d_rabbet(size=[10,15]), [[10,-0.01],[-0.01,-0.01],[-0.01,15],[10,15]]);
-    assert_approx(mask2d_rabbet(size=[10,15],excess=1), [[10,-1],[-1,-1],[-1,15],[10,15]]);
+    assert_approx(mask2d_rabbet(10), [[-0.01,10],[10,10],[10,-0.01],[0,-0.01],[-0.01,-0.01],[-0.01,0]]);
+    assert_approx(mask2d_rabbet(size=10), [[-0.01,10],[10,10],[10,-0.01],[0,-0.01],[-0.01,-0.01],[-0.01,0]]);
+    assert_approx(mask2d_rabbet(size=[10,15]), [[-0.01,15],[10,15],[10,-0.01],[0,-0.01],[-0.01,-0.01],[-0.01,0]]);
+    assert_approx(mask2d_rabbet(size=[10,15],excess=1), [[-1,15],[10,15],[10,-1],[0,-1],[-1,-1],[-1,0]]);
 module test_mask2d_teardrop() {
-    assert_approx(mask2d_teardrop(r=10), [[5.85786437627,0],[5.85786437627,-0.01],[-0.01,-0.01],[-0.01,10],[0,10],[0.340741737109,7.41180954897],[1.33974596216,5],[2.92893218813,2.92893218813]]);
-    assert_approx(mask2d_teardrop(d=20), [[5.85786437627,0],[5.85786437627,-0.01],[-0.01,-0.01],[-0.01,10],[0,10],[0.340741737109,7.41180954897],[1.33974596216,5],[2.92893218813,2.92893218813]]);
-    assert_approx(mask2d_teardrop(r=10,angle=30), [[4.2264973081,0],[4.2264973081,-0.01],[-0.01,-0.01],[-0.01,10],[0,10],[0.340741737109,7.41180954897],[1.33974596216,5]]);
-    assert_approx(mask2d_teardrop(r=10,angle=30,excess=1), [[4.2264973081,0],[4.2264973081,-1],[-1,-1],[-1,10],[0,10],[0.340741737109,7.41180954897],[1.33974596216,5]]);
+    assert_approx(mask2d_teardrop(r=10), [[-0.01,10],[0,10],[0.761204674887,6.17316567635],[2.92893218813,2.92893218813],[5.85786437627,0],[5.85786437627,-0.01],[0,-0.01],[-0.01,-0.01],[-0.01,0]]);
+    assert_approx(mask2d_teardrop(d=20), [[-0.01,10],[0,10],[0.761204674887,6.17316567635],[2.92893218813,2.92893218813],[5.85786437627,0],[5.85786437627,-0.01],[0,-0.01],[-0.01,-0.01],[-0.01,0]]);
+    assert_approx(mask2d_teardrop(r=10,angle=30), [[-0.01,10],[0,10],[0.340741737109,7.41180954897],[1.33974596216,5],[4.2264973081,0],[4.2264973081,-0.01],[0,-0.01],[-0.01,-0.01],[-0.01,0]]);
+    assert_approx(mask2d_teardrop(r=10,angle=30,excess=1), [[-1,10],[0,10],[0.340741737109,7.41180954897],[1.33974596216,5],[4.2264973081,0],[4.2264973081,-1],[0,-1],[-1,-1],[-1,0]]);