diff --git a/gears.scad b/gears.scad
index c0b4b0f..9ff6132 100644
--- a/gears.scad
+++ b/gears.scad
@@ -311,8 +311,19 @@ function _inherit_gear_thickness(thickness) =
 // Subsection: Ring Gears (Internal Gears)
 //   A ring gear (or internal gear) is a gear where the teeth are on the inside of a circle.  Such gears must be mated
 //   to a regular (external) gear, which rotates around the inside.
-// Figure(3D,Med,NoAxes,VPT=[10.3822,-19.892,16.1929],VPR=[55.7,0,30.6],VPD=401.516): A interior or ring gear
-//   ring_gear(mod=5, teeth=35,thickness=25,$fn=128);
+// Figure(2D,Med,NoAxes,VPT=[0.491171,1.07815,0.495977],VPR=[0,0,0],VPD=292.705): A interior or ring gear (yellow) with a mating spur gear (blue)
+//   teeth1=18;
+//   teeth2=30;
+//   ps1=undef;
+//   ps2=auto_profile_shift(teeth=teeth1);
+//   mod=3;
+//   d = gear_dist(mod=mod, teeth1=teeth1, teeth2=teeth2,profile_shift1=ps1, profile_shift2=ps2,helical=0, internal2=true);
+//   ang = 0;
+//     ring_gear2d(mod=mod, teeth=teeth2,profile_shift=ps2,helical=0,backing=4);
+//     zrot(ang*360/teeth2)
+//     color("lightblue")
+//     fwd(d)
+//        spur_gear2d(mod=mod, teeth=teeth1, profile_shift=ps1,gear_spin=-ang*360/teeth1,helical=0);
 // Continues:
 //    Ring gears are subject to all the usual mesh requirements: the teeth must be the same size, the pressure angles must
 //    match and they must have opposite helical angles.  The {{gear_dist()}} function can give the center separation of
@@ -320,7 +331,7 @@ function _inherit_gear_thickness(thickness) =
 //    teeth is small or the teeth counts of the ring gear and spur gear are too close together.  The mating spur gear must
 //    have few enough teeth so that the teeth don't interfere on the other side of the ring.  Very small spur gears can interfere
 //    on the tips of the ring gear's teeth.  
-// Figure(2D,Med,NoAxes,VPR=[0,0,0],VPT=[-1.16111,0.0525612,0.495977],VPD=213.382): The red regions show interference between the two gears: the 18 tooth spur gear does not fit inside the 20 tooth ring gear. 
+// Figure(2D,Med,NoAxes,VPT=[-1.16111,0.0525612,0.495977],VPR=[0,0,0],VPD=213.382): The red regions show interference between the two gears: the 18 tooth spur gear does not fit inside the 20 tooth ring gear. 
 //    teeth1=18;
 //    teeth2=20;
 //    ps1=undef;
diff --git a/skin.scad b/skin.scad
index 419706d..772478e 100644
--- a/skin.scad
+++ b/skin.scad
@@ -636,6 +636,11 @@ function skin(profiles, slices, refine=1, method="direct", sampling, caps, close
 //        ]
 //   ];
 //   linear_sweep(path, texture=tex, tex_size=[5,5], h=40);
+// Example: Textured with twist and scale.
+//   linear_sweep(regular_ngon(n=3, d=50),
+//       texture="rough", h=100, tex_scale=2,
+//       tex_size=[20,20], style="min_edge",
+//       convexity=10, scale=0.2, twist=120);
 // Example: As Function
 //   path = glued_circles(r=15, spread=40, tangent=45);
 //   vnf = linear_sweep(
@@ -664,7 +669,7 @@ function skin(profiles, slices, refine=1, method="direct", sampling, caps, close
 //  linear_sweep(circle(20), texture=tile,
 //               tex_size=[30,20],tex_scale=15,
 //               h=40,convexity=4);
-// Example: This example shoes some endcap polygons missing and a spurious triangle
+// Example: This example shows some endcap polygons missing and a spurious triangle
 //   shape = skin([rect(2/5),
 //                 rect(2/3),
 //                 rect(2/5)],
@@ -3634,14 +3639,15 @@ function _textured_linear_sweep(
                                         v = (i + (ti/texcnt.y)) / counts.y,
                                         sc = lerp([1, 1, 1], scale, v),
-                                        mat = down((v-0.5)*h) *
+                                        mat = up((v-0.5)*h) *
                                               scale(sc) *
-                                    ) apply(mat, tile_rows[ti])
+                                    ) apply(mat, tile_rows[texcnt.y-ti-1])
                             ) vnf_vertex_array(
                                 tiles, caps=false, style=style,
-                                col_wrap=true, row_wrap=false
+                                col_wrap=true, row_wrap=false,
+                                reverse=true
                     ) vnf
@@ -3670,8 +3676,10 @@ function _textured_linear_sweep(
                     ) nupath
-                bot_vnf = !caps[0] || brgn==[[]] ? EMPTY_VNF:vnf_from_region(brgn, down(h/2), reverse=true),
-                top_vnf = !caps[1] || brgn==[[]] ? EMPTY_VNF:vnf_from_region(brgn, tmat, reverse=false)
+                bot_vnf = !caps[0] || brgn==[[]] ? EMPTY_VNF
+                    : vnf_from_region(brgn, down(h/2), reverse=true),
+                top_vnf = !caps[1] || brgn==[[]] ? EMPTY_VNF
+                    : vnf_from_region(brgn, tmat, reverse=false)
             ) vnf_join([walls_vnf, bot_vnf, top_vnf])
         skmat = down(h/2) * skew(sxz=shift.x/h, syz=shift.y/h) * up(h/2),