@ -861,14 +861,14 @@ function _is_point_above_plane(plane, point) =
// Function: circle_line_intersection()
// Usage:
// isect = circle_line_intersection(c, r|d=, line, [bounded], [eps=]);
// pts = circle_line_intersection(r|d=, cp, line, [bounded], [eps=]);
// Topics: Geometry, Circles, Lines, Intersection
// Description:
// Find intersection points between a 2d circle and a line, ray or segment specified by two points.
// Find intersection points between a 2D circle and a line, ray or segment specified by two points.
// By default the line is unbounded. Returns the list of zero or more intersection points.
// Arguments:
// c = Center of circle
// r = Radius of circle
// cp = Center of circle
// line = Two points defining the line
// bounded = False for unbounded line, true for a segment, or a vector [false,true] or [true,false] to specify a ray with the first or second end unbounded. Default: false
// ---
@ -879,14 +879,14 @@ function _is_point_above_plane(plane, point) =
// cp = [1,2]; r = 10;
// translate(cp) circle(r=r);
// color("black") stroke(line, endcaps="arrow2", width=0.5);
// isects = circle_line_intersection(c=cp, r=r, line=line);
// isects = circle_line_intersection(r=r, cp=cp, line=line);
// color("red") move_copies(isects) circle(d=1);
// Example(2D): Tangent intersection returns one point.
// line = [[-10,12], [10,12]];
// cp = [1,2]; r = 10;
// translate(cp) circle(r=r);
// color("black") stroke(line, endcaps="arrow2", width=0.5);
// isects = circle_line_intersection(c=cp, r=r, line=line);
// isects = circle_line_intersection(r=r, cp=cp, line=line);
// color("#f44") move_copies(isects) circle(d=1);
// Example(2D): A bounded ray might only intersect in one direction.
// line = [[-5,2], [5,7]];
@ -895,30 +895,30 @@ function _is_point_above_plane(plane, point) =
// translate(cp) circle(r=r);
// color("gray") dashed_stroke(extended, width=0.2);
// color("black") stroke(line, endcap2="arrow2", width=0.5);
// isects = circle_line_intersection(c=cp, r=r, line=line, bounded=[true,false]);
// isects = circle_line_intersection(r=r, cp=cp, line=line, bounded=[true,false]);
// color("#f44") move_copies(isects) circle(d=1);
// Example(2D): If they don't intersect at all, then an empty list is returned.
// line = [[-12,12], [12,8]];
// cp = [-5,-2]; r = 10;
// translate(cp) circle(r=r);
// color("black") stroke(line, endcaps="arrow2", width=0.5);
// isects = circle_line_intersection(c=cp, r=r, line=line);
// isects = circle_line_intersection(r=r, cp=cp, line=line);
// color("#f44") move_copies(isects) circle(d=1);
function circle_line_intersection(c,r,line,bounded=false,d,eps=EPSILON) =
function circle_line_intersection(r, cp, line, bounded=false, d, eps=EPSILON) =
assert(_valid_line(line,2), "Invalid 2d line.")
assert(is_vector(c,2), "Circle center must be a 2-vector")
assert(is_vector(cp,2), "Circle center must be a 2-vector")
_circle_or_sphere_line_intersection(r, cp, line, bounded, d, eps);
function _circle_or_sphere_line_intersection(c,r,line,bounded=false,d,eps=EPSILON) =
function _circle_or_sphere_line_intersection(r, cp, line, bounded=false, d, eps=EPSILON) =
assert(is_num(r) && r>0, "Radius must be positive")
assert(is_bool(bounded) || is_bool_list(bounded,2), "Invalid bound condition")
bounded = force_list(bounded,2),
closest = line_closest_point(line,c),
d = norm(closest-c)
closest = line_closest_point(line,cp),
d = norm(closest-cp)
d > r ? [] :
@ -934,73 +934,74 @@ function _circle_or_sphere_line_intersection(c,r,line,bounded=false,d,eps=EPSILO
// Function: circle_circle_intersection()
// Usage:
// pts = circle_circle_tangents(c1, r1|d1=, c2, r2|d2=, [eps]);
// pts = circle_circle_intersection(r1|d1=, cp1, r2|d2=, cp2, [eps]);
// Topics: Geometry, Circles
// Description:
// Compute the intersection points of two circles. Returns a list of the intersection points, which
// will contain two points in the general case, one point for tangent circles, or will be empty
// if the circles do not intersect.
// Arguments:
// c1 = Center of the first circle.
// r1 = Radius of the first circle.
// c2 = Center of the second circle.
// cp1 = Centerpoint of the first circle.
// r2 = Radius of the second circle.
// cp2 = Centerpoint of the second circle.
// eps = Tolerance for detecting tangent circles. Default: EPSILON
// ---
// d1 = Diameter of the first circle.
// d2 = Diameter of the second circle.
// Example(2D,NoAxes): Circles intersect in two points.
// $fn=32;
// c1 = [4,4]; r1 = 3;
// c2 = [7,7]; r2 = 2;
// pts = circle_circle_intersection(c1,r1,c2,r2);
// move(c1) stroke(circle(r=r1), width=0.2, closed=true);
// move(c2) stroke(circle(r=r2), width=0.2, closed=true);
// cp1 = [4,4]; r1 = 3;
// cp2 = [7,7]; r2 = 2;
// pts = circle_circle_intersection(r1, cp1, r2, cp2);
// move(cp1) stroke(circle(r=r1), width=0.2, closed=true);
// move(cp2) stroke(circle(r=r2), width=0.2, closed=true);
// color("red") move_copies(pts) circle(r=.3);
// Example(2D,NoAxes): Circles are tangent, so one intersection point:
// $fn=32;
// c1 = [4,4]; r1 = 4;
// c2 = [4,10]; r2 = 2;
// pts = circle_circle_intersection(c1,r1,c2,r2);
// move(c1) stroke(circle(r=r1), width=0.2, closed=true);
// move(c2) stroke(circle(r=r2), width=0.2, closed=true);
// cp1 = [4,4]; r1 = 4;
// cp2 = [4,10]; r2 = 2;
// pts = circle_circle_intersection(r1, cp1, r2, cp2);
// move(cp1) stroke(circle(r=r1), width=0.2, closed=true);
// move(cp2) stroke(circle(r=r2), width=0.2, closed=true);
// color("red") move_copies(pts) circle(r=.3);
// Example(2D,NoAxes): Another tangent example:
// $fn=32;
// c1 = [4,4]; r1 = 4;
// c2 = [5,5]; r2 = 4-sqrt(2);
// pts = circle_circle_intersection(c1,r1,c2,r2);
// move(c1) stroke(circle(r=r1), width=0.2, closed=true);
// move(c2) stroke(circle(r=r2), width=0.2, closed=true);
// cp1 = [4,4]; r1 = 4;
// cp2 = [5,5]; r2 = 4-sqrt(2);
// pts = circle_circle_intersection(r1, cp1, r2, cp2);
// move(cp1) stroke(circle(r=r1), width=0.2, closed=true);
// move(cp2) stroke(circle(r=r2), width=0.2, closed=true);
// color("red") move_copies(pts) circle(r=.3);
// Example(2D,NoAxes): Circles do not intersect. Returns empty list.
// $fn=32;
// c1 = [3,4]; r1 = 2;
// c2 = [7,10]; r2 = 3;
// pts = circle_circle_intersection(c1,r1,c2,r2);
// move(c1) stroke(circle(r=r1), width=0.2, closed=true);
// move(c2) stroke(circle(r=r2), width=0.2, closed=true);
// color("red")move_copies(pts) circle(r=.2); // pts is []
function circle_circle_intersection(c1,r1,c2,r2,eps=EPSILON,d1,d2) =
assert( is_path([c1,c2],dim=2), "Invalid center point(s)." )
// cp1 = [3,4]; r1 = 2;
// cp2 = [7,10]; r2 = 3;
// pts = circle_circle_intersection(r1, cp1, r2, cp2);
// move(cp1) stroke(circle(r=r1), width=0.2, closed=true);
// move(cp2) stroke(circle(r=r2), width=0.2, closed=true);
// color("red") move_copies(pts) circle(r=.3);
function circle_circle_intersection(r1, cp1, r2, cp2, eps=EPSILON, d1, d2) =
assert( is_path([cp1,cp2],dim=2), "Invalid center point(s)." )
r1 = get_radius(r1=r1,d1=d1),
r2 = get_radius(r1=r2,d1=d2),
d = norm(c2-c1),
a = (c2-c1)/d,
d = norm(cp2-cp1),
a = (cp2-cp1)/d,
b = [-a.y,a.x],
L = (r1^2-r2^2+d^2)/2/d,
hsqr = r1^2-L^2
approx(hsqr,0,eps) ? [L*a+c1]
approx(hsqr,0,eps) ? [L*a+cp1]
: hsqr<0 ? []
: let(h=sqrt(hsqr))
[L*a+h*b+c1, L*a-h*b+c1];
[L*a+h*b+cp1, L*a-h*b+cp1];
// Function: circle_2tangents()
// Usage:
// circ = circle_2tangents(pt1, pt2, pt3, r|d=, [tangents=]);
// circ = circle_2tangents(r|d=, pt1, pt2, pt3, [tangents=]);
// circ = circle_2tangents(r|d=, [PT1, PT2, PT3], [tangents=]);
// Topics: Geometry, Circles, Tangents
// Description:
// Given a pair of rays with a common origin, and a known circle radius/diameter, finds
@ -1017,7 +1018,7 @@ function circle_circle_intersection(c1,r1,c2,r2,eps=EPSILON,d1,d2) =
// Figure(3D,Med,NoAxes,VPD=130,VPT=[29,19,3],VPR=[55,0,25]):
// pts = [[45,10,-5], [10,5,10], [15,40,5]];
// rad = 15;
// circ = circle_2tangents(pt1=pts[0], pt2=pts[1], pt3=pts[2], r=rad, tangents=true);
// circ = circle_2tangents(r=rad, pt1=pts[0], pt2=pts[1], pt3=pts[2], tangents=true);
// cp = circ[0]; n = circ[1]; tp1 = circ[2]; tp2 = circ[3];
// color("yellow") stroke(pts, endcaps="arrow2");
// color("purple") move_copies([cp,tp1,tp2]) sphere(d=2, $fn=12);
@ -1034,32 +1035,32 @@ function circle_circle_intersection(c1,r1,c2,r2,eps=EPSILON,d1,d2) =
// ["TanPt2", "brown", 2.0, [-5, 0, 2], tp2],
// ];
// for(l=labels)
// color(l[1]) move(l[4]+l[3]) rot($vpr)
// color(l[1]) move(l[4]+l[3]) rot([55,0,25])
// linear_extrude(height=0.1)
// text(text=l[0], size=l[2], halign="center", valign="center");
// color("green",0.5) move(cp) cyl(h=0.1, r=rad, orient=n, $fn=36);
// Arguments:
// r = The radius of the circle to find.
// pt1 = A point that the first ray passes though.
// pt2 = The starting point of both rays.
// pt3 = A point that the second ray passes though.
// r = The radius of the circle to find.
// ---
// d = The diameter of the circle to find.
// tangents = If true, extended information about the tangent points is calculated and returned. Default: false
// Example(2D):
// pts = [[40,40], [10,10], [55,5]]; rad = 10;
// circ = circle_2tangents(pt1=pts[0], pt2=pts[1], pt3=pts[2], r=rad);
// circ = circle_2tangents(r=rad, pt1=pts[0], pt2=pts[1], pt3=pts[2]);
// stroke(pts, endcaps="arrow2");
// color("red") move(circ[0]) circle(r=rad);
// Example(2D):
// pts = [[20,40], [10,10], [55,20]]; rad = 10;
// circ = circle_2tangents(pt1=pts[0], pt2=pts[1], pt3=pts[2], r=rad, tangents=true);
// circ = circle_2tangents(r=rad, pt1=pts[0], pt2=pts[1], pt3=pts[2], tangents=true);
// stroke(pts, endcaps="arrow2");
// color("red") move(circ[0]) circle(r=rad);
// color("blue") move_copies(select(circ,2,3)) circle(d=2);
// Example(3D): Fit into 3D path corner.
// pts = [[45,5,10], [10,10,15], [30,40,30]]; rad = 10;
// circ = circle_2tangents(pt1=pts[0], pt2=pts[1], pt3=pts[2], r=rad);
// circ = circle_2tangents(rad, [pts[0], pts[1], pts[2]]);
// stroke(pts, endcaps="arrow2");
// color("red") move(circ[0]) cyl(h=10, r=rad, orient=circ[1]);
// Example(3D):
@ -1067,17 +1068,17 @@ function circle_circle_intersection(c1,r1,c2,r2,eps=EPSILON,d1,d2) =
// stroke(path, closed=true);
// for (i = [0:1:5]) {
// crn = select(path, i*2-1, i*2+1);
// ci = circle_2tangents(crn[0], crn[1], crn[2], r=5);
// ci = circle_2tangents(5, crn[0], crn[1], crn[2]);
// move(ci[0]) cyl(h=10,r=5,,orient=ci[1]);
// }
function circle_2tangents(pt1, pt2, pt3, r, d, tangents=false) =
function circle_2tangents(r, pt1, pt2, pt3, tangents=false, d) =
let(r = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=undef))
assert(r!=undef, "Must specify either r or d.")
assert( ( is_path(pt1) && len(pt1)==3 && is_undef(pt2) && is_undef(pt3))
|| (is_matrix([pt1,pt2,pt3]) && (len(pt1)==2 || len(pt1)==3) ),
"Invalid input points." )
? circle_2tangents(pt1[0], pt1[1], pt1[2], r=r, tangents=tangents)
? circle_2tangents(r, pt1[0], pt1[1], pt1[2], tangents=tangents)
: is_collinear(pt1, pt2, pt3)? undef :
v1 = unit(pt1 - pt2),
@ -1100,7 +1101,7 @@ function circle_2tangents(pt1, pt2, pt3, r, d, tangents=false) =
// Function: circle_3points()
// Usage:
// circ = circle_3points(pt1, pt2, pt3);
// circ = circle_3points([pt1, pt2, pt3]);
// circ = circle_3points([PT1, PT2, PT3]);
// Topics: Geometry, Circles
// Description:
// Returns the [CENTERPOINT, RADIUS, NORMAL] of the circle that passes through three non-collinear
@ -1109,8 +1110,8 @@ function circle_2tangents(pt1, pt2, pt3, r, d, tangents=false) =
// points are 2D, then the resulting centerpoint will be 2D, and the normal will be UP ([0,0,1]).
// If any of the points are 3D, then the resulting centerpoint will be 3D. If the three points are
// collinear, then `[undef,undef,undef]` will be returned. The normal will be a normalized 3D
// vector with a non-negative Z axis.
// Instead of 3 arguments, it is acceptable to input the 3 points in a list `pt1`, leaving `pt2`and `pt3` as undef.
// vector with a non-negative Z axis. Instead of 3 arguments, it is acceptable to input the 3 points
// as a list given in `pt1`, leaving `pt2`and `pt3` as undef.
// Arguments:
// pt1 = The first point.
// pt2 = The second point.
@ -1186,7 +1187,7 @@ function circle_point_tangents(r, cp, pt, d) =
// Function: circle_circle_tangents()
// Usage:
// segs = circle_circle_tangents(c1, r1|d1=, c2, r2|d2=);
// segs = circle_circle_tangents(r1|d1=, cp1, r2|d2=, cp2);
// Topics: Geometry, Circles, Tangents
// Description:
// Computes 2d lines tangents to a pair of circles in 2d. Returns a list of line endpoints [p1,p2] where
@ -1200,54 +1201,54 @@ function circle_point_tangents(r, cp, pt, d) =
// so the function returns the empty set. When the circles are tangent a degenerate tangent line
// passes through the point of tangency of the two circles: this degenerate line is NOT returned.
// Arguments:
// c1 = Center of the first circle.
// r1 = Radius of the first circle.
// c2 = Center of the second circle.
// cp1 = Centerpoint of the first circle.
// r2 = Radius of the second circle.
// cp2 = Centerpoint of the second circle.
// ---
// d1 = Diameter of the first circle.
// d2 = Diameter of the second circle.
// Example(2D,NoAxes): Four tangents, first in green, second in black, third in blue, last in red.
// $fn=32;
// c1 = [3,4]; r1 = 2;
// c2 = [7,10]; r2 = 3;
// pts = circle_circle_tangents(c1,r1,c2,r2);
// move(c1) stroke(circle(r=r1), width=0.2, closed=true);
// move(c2) stroke(circle(r=r2), width=0.2, closed=true);
// cp1 = [3,4]; r1 = 2;
// cp2 = [7,10]; r2 = 3;
// pts = circle_circle_tangents(r1, cp1, r2, cp2);
// move(cp1) stroke(circle(r=r1), width=0.2, closed=true);
// move(cp2) stroke(circle(r=r2), width=0.2, closed=true);
// colors = ["green","black","blue","red"];
// for(i=[0:len(pts)-1]) color(colors[i]) stroke(pts[i],width=0.2);
// Example(2D,NoAxes): Circles overlap so only exterior tangents exist.
// $fn=32;
// c1 = [4,4]; r1 = 3;
// c2 = [7,7]; r2 = 2;
// pts = circle_circle_tangents(c1,r1,c2,r2);
// move(c1) stroke(circle(r=r1), width=0.2, closed=true);
// move(c2) stroke(circle(r=r2), width=0.2, closed=true);
// cp1 = [4,4]; r1 = 3;
// cp2 = [7,7]; r2 = 2;
// pts = circle_circle_tangents(r1, cp1, r2, cp2);
// move(cp1) stroke(circle(r=r1), width=0.2, closed=true);
// move(cp2) stroke(circle(r=r2), width=0.2, closed=true);
// colors = ["green","black","blue","red"];
// for(i=[0:len(pts)-1]) color(colors[i]) stroke(pts[i],width=0.2);
// Example(2D,NoAxes): Circles are tangent. Only exterior tangents are returned. The degenerate internal tangent is not returned.
// $fn=32;
// c1 = [4,4]; r1 = 4;
// c2 = [4,10]; r2 = 2;
// pts = circle_circle_tangents(c1,r1,c2,r2);
// move(c1) stroke(circle(r=r1), width=0.2, closed=true);
// move(c2) stroke(circle(r=r2), width=0.2, closed=true);
// cp1 = [4,4]; r1 = 4;
// cp2 = [4,10]; r2 = 2;
// pts = circle_circle_tangents(r1, cp1, r2, cp2);
// move(cp1) stroke(circle(r=r1), width=0.2, closed=true);
// move(cp2) stroke(circle(r=r2), width=0.2, closed=true);
// colors = ["green","black","blue","red"];
// for(i=[0:1:len(pts)-1]) color(colors[i]) stroke(pts[i],width=0.2);
// Example(2D,NoAxes): One circle is inside the other: no tangents exist. If the interior circle is tangent the single degenerate tangent will not be returned.
// $fn=32;
// c1 = [4,4]; r1 = 4;
// c2 = [5,5]; r2 = 2;
// pts = circle_circle_tangents(c1,r1,c2,r2);
// move(c1) stroke(circle(r=r1), width=0.2, closed=true);
// move(c2) stroke(circle(r=r2), width=0.2, closed=true);
// cp1 = [4,4]; r1 = 4;
// cp2 = [5,5]; r2 = 2;
// pts = circle_circle_tangents(r1, cp1, r2, cp2);
// move(cp1) stroke(circle(r=r1), width=0.2, closed=true);
// move(cp2) stroke(circle(r=r2), width=0.2, closed=true);
// echo(pts); // Returns []
function circle_circle_tangents(c1,r1,c2,r2,d1,d2) =
assert( is_path([c1,c2],dim=2), "Invalid center point(s)." )
function circle_circle_tangents(r1, cp1, r2, cp2, d1, d2) =
assert( is_path([cp1,cp2],dim=2), "Invalid center point(s)." )
r1 = get_radius(r1=r1,d1=d1),
r2 = get_radius(r1=r2,d1=d2),
Rvals = [r2-r1, r2-r1, -r2-r1, -r2-r1]/norm(c1-c2),
Rvals = [r2-r1, r2-r1, -r2-r1, -r2-r1]/norm(cp1-cp2),
kvals = [-1,1,-1,1],
ext = [1,1,-1,-1],
N = 1-sqr(Rvals[2])>=0 ? 4 :
@ -1256,13 +1257,13 @@ function circle_circle_tangents(c1,r1,c2,r2,d1,d2) =
for(i=[0:1:N-1]) [
[Rvals[i], -kvals[i]*sqrt(1-sqr(Rvals[i]))],
[kvals[i]*sqrt(1-sqr(Rvals[i])), Rvals[i]]
] * unit(c2-c1)
] * unit(cp2-cp1)
) [
for(i=[0:1:N-1]) let(
pt = [
) if (pt[0]!=pt[1]) pt
@ -1311,15 +1312,15 @@ function _noncollinear_triple(points,error=true,eps=EPSILON) =
// Function: sphere_line_intersection()
// Usage:
// isect = sphere_line_intersection(c,r|d=,line,[bounded],[eps=]);
// isect = sphere_line_intersection(r|d=, cp, line, [bounded], [eps=]);
// Topics: Geometry, Spheres, Lines, Intersection
// Description:
// Find intersection points between a sphere and a line, ray or segment specified by two points.
// By default the line is unbounded.
// Arguments:
// c = center of sphere
// r = radius of sphere
// line = two points defining the line
// r = Radius of sphere
// cp = Centerpoint of sphere
// line = Two points defining the line
// bounded = false for unbounded line, true for a segment, or a vector [false,true] or [true,false] to specify a ray with the first or second end unbounded. Default: false
// ---
// d = diameter of sphere
@ -1327,14 +1328,14 @@ function _noncollinear_triple(points,error=true,eps=EPSILON) =
// Example(3D):
// cp = [10,20,5]; r = 40;
// line = [[-50,-10,25], [70,0,40]];
// isects = sphere_line_intersection(c=cp, r=r, line=line);
// isects = sphere_line_intersection(r=r, cp=cp, line=line);
// color("cyan") stroke(line);
// move(cp) sphere(r=r, $fn=72);
// color("red") move_copies(isects) sphere(d=3, $fn=12);
function sphere_line_intersection(c,r,line,bounded=false,d,eps=EPSILON) =
function sphere_line_intersection(r, cp, line, bounded=false, d, eps=EPSILON) =
assert(_valid_line(line,3), "Invalid 3d line.")
assert(is_vector(c,3), "Sphere center must be a 3-vector")
assert(is_vector(cp,3), "Sphere center must be a 3-vector")
_circle_or_sphere_line_intersection(r, cp, line, bounded, d, eps);