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synced 2025-02-15 08:09:38 +00:00
figure fixes
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 21 additions and 21 deletions
@ -2417,7 +2417,7 @@ function _gear_tooth_profile(
// ---
// mod = The metric module/modulus of the gear, or mm of pitch diameter per tooth.
// diam_pitch = The diametral pitch, or number of teeth per inch of pitch diameter. Note that the diametral pitch is a completely different thing than the pitch diameter.
// Example(VPT=[0,31,0];VPR=[0,0,0];VPD=40):
// Example(2D,Med,VPT=[0,31,0],VPR=[0,0,0],VPD=40):
// $fn=144;
// teeth=20;
// circ_pitch = circular_pitch(diam_pitch=8);
@ -2433,9 +2433,9 @@ function _gear_tooth_profile(
// zrot(30) text("Circular Pitch", size=1);
// }
// Example:
// circ_pitch = circular_pitch(circ_pitch=5);
// circ_pitch = circular_pitch(diam_pitch=12);
// circ_pitch = circular_pitch(mod=2);
// circ_pitch1 = circular_pitch(circ_pitch=5);
// circ_pitch2 = circular_pitch(diam_pitch=12);
// circ_pitch3 = circular_pitch(mod=2);
function circular_pitch(circ_pitch, mod, pitch, diam_pitch) =
assert(one_defined([pitch, mod, circ_pitch, diam_pitch], "pitch,mod,circ_pitch,diam_pitch"))
@ -2463,9 +2463,9 @@ function circular_pitch(circ_pitch, mod, pitch, diam_pitch) =
// mod = The metric module/modulus of the gear, or mm of pitch diameter per tooth.
// diam_pitch = The diametral pitch, or number of teeth per inch of pitch diameter. Note that the diametral pitch is a completely different thing than the pitch diameter.
// Example:
// diam_pitch = diametral_pitch(mod=2);
// diam_pitch = diametral_pitch(circ_pitch=8);
// diam_pitch = diametral_pitch(diam_pitch=16);
// diam_pitch1 = diametral_pitch(mod=2);
// diam_pitch2 = diametral_pitch(circ_pitch=8);
// diam_pitch3 = diametral_pitch(diam_pitch=16);
function diametral_pitch(circ_pitch, mod, pitch, diam_pitch) =
let( circ_pitch = circular_pitch(pitch, mod, circ_pitch, diam_pitch) )
@ -2517,9 +2517,9 @@ function pitch_value(mod, circ_pitch, diam_pitch) =
// mod = The metric module/modulus of the gear, or mm of pitch diameter per tooth.
// diam_pitch = The diametral pitch, or number of teeth per inch of pitch diameter. Note that the diametral pitch is a completely different thing than the pitch diameter.
// Example:
// mod = module_value(circ_pitch=8);
// mod = module_value(mod=2);
// mod = module_value(diam_pitch=16);
// mod1 = module_value(circ_pitch=8);
// mod2 = module_value(mod=2);
// mod3 = module_value(diam_pitch=16);
function module_value(circ_pitch, mod, pitch, diam_pitch) =
let( circ_pitch = circular_pitch(pitch, mod, circ_pitch, diam_pitch) )
@ -2629,12 +2629,12 @@ function _dedendum(
// pr = pitch_radius(diam_pitch=10, teeth=11);
// pr = pitch_radius(mod=2, teeth=20);
// pr = pitch_radius(mod=2, teeth=20, helical=30);
// Example(2D):
// Example(2D,Med,NoScales):
// $fn=144;
// teeth=17; circ_pitch = 5;
// pr = pitch_radius(circ_pitch, teeth);
// stroke(spur_gear2d(circ_pitch, teeth), width=0.1);
// color("blue") dashed_stroke(circle(r=pr), width=0.1);
// stroke(spur_gear2d(circ_pitch, teeth), width=0.2);
// color("blue") dashed_stroke(circle(r=pr), width=0.2);
// color("black") {
// stroke([[0,0],polar_to_xy(pr,45)],
// endcaps="arrow", width=0.3);
@ -2680,12 +2680,12 @@ function pitch_radius(
// or = outer_radius(circ_pitch=5, teeth=20, helical=30);
// or = outer_radius(diam_pitch=10, teeth=17);
// or = outer_radius(mod=2, teeth=16);
// Example(2D):
// Example(2D,Med,NoScales):
// $fn=144;
// teeth=17; circ_pitch = 5;
// or = outer_radius(circ_pitch, teeth);
// stroke(spur_gear2d(circ_pitch, teeth), width=0.1);
// color("blue") dashed_stroke(circle(r=or), width=0.1);
// stroke(spur_gear2d(circ_pitch, teeth), width=0.2);
// color("blue") dashed_stroke(circle(r=or), width=0.2);
// color("black") {
// stroke([[0,0],polar_to_xy(or,45)],
// endcaps="arrow", width=0.3);
@ -2885,7 +2885,7 @@ function worm_gear_thickness(circ_pitch, teeth, worm_diam, worm_arc=60, crowning
// d = gear_dist(circ_pitch=circ_pitch, teeth1, teeth2);
// spur_gear2d(circ_pitch, teeth1, gear_spin=-90);
// right(d) spur_gear2d(circ_pitch, teeth2, gear_spin=90-180/teeth2);
// Example: Helical gears (with auto profile shifting on one of the gears)
// Example(2D): Helical gears (with auto profile shifting on one of the gears)
// circ_pitch=5; teeth1=7; teeth2=24; helical=37;
// d = gear_dist(circ_pitch=circ_pitch, teeth1, teeth2, helical);
// spur_gear(circ_pitch, teeth1, helical=helical, gear_spin=-90);
@ -2905,7 +2905,7 @@ function worm_gear_thickness(circ_pitch, teeth, worm_diam, worm_arc=60, crowning
// d = gear_dist(mod=mod, teeth, 0);
// rack2d(mod=mod, teeth=5, bottom=9);
// back(d) spur_gear2d(mod=mod, teeth=teeth, gear_spin=180/teeth);
// Example(VPT=[-0.0608489,1.3772,-3.68839],VPR=[63.4,0,29.7],VPD=113.336): Profile shifted helical gear and rack
// Example(3D,VPT=[-0.0608489,1.3772,-3.68839],VPR=[63.4,0,29.7],VPD=113.336): Profile shifted helical gear and rack
// mod=3; teeth=8; helical=29;
// d = gear_dist(mod=mod, teeth, 0, helical);
// rack(mod=mod, teeth=5, helical=helical, orient=FWD);
@ -2974,7 +2974,7 @@ function _working_pressure_angle(teeth1,profile_shift1, teeth2, profile_shift2,
// mod = The metric module/modulus of the gear, or mm of pitch diameter per tooth.
// circ_pitch = distance between teeth around the pitch circle.
// pressure_angle = The pressure angle of the gear.
// Example: Non-parallel Helical Gears (without any profile shifting)
// Example(3D): Non-parallel Helical Gears (without any profile shifting)
// circ_pitch=5; teeth1=15; teeth2=24; ha1=45; ha2=30; thick=10;
// d = gear_dist_skew(circ_pitch=circ_pitch, teeth1, teeth2, helical1=ha1, helical2=ha2);
// left(d/2) spur_gear(circ_pitch, teeth1, helical=ha1, thickness=thick, gear_spin=-90);
@ -3011,7 +3011,7 @@ function _working_normal_pressure_angle_skew(teeth1,profile_shift1,helical1, tee
// Compute the correct skew angle between the axes of two profile shifted helical gears. When profile shifting is zero, or when one of
// the gears is a rack, this angle is simply the sum of the helical angles of the two gears. But with profile shifted gears, a small
// correction to the skew angle is needed for proper meshing.
// Example(Med,NoAxes,VPT=[-2.62091,2.01048,-1.31405],VPR=[55,0,25],VPD=74.4017): These gears are auto profile shifted and as a result, do not mesh at the sum of their helical angles, but at 2.5 degrees more.
// Example(3D,Med,NoAxes,VPT=[-2.62091,2.01048,-1.31405],VPR=[55,0,25],VPD=74.4017): These gears are auto profile shifted and as a result, do not mesh at the sum of their helical angles, but at 2.5 degrees more.
// circ_pitch=5; teeth1=12; teeth2=7; ha1=25; ha2=30; thick=10;
// d = gear_dist_skew(circ_pitch=circ_pitch, teeth1, teeth2, ha1, ha2);
// ang = gear_skew_angle(circ_pitch=circ_pitch, teeth1, teeth2, helical1=ha1, helical2=ha2); // Returns 57.7
@ -3070,7 +3070,7 @@ function get_profile_shift(desired,circ_pitch,teeth1,teeth2,pressure_angle=20,mo
// Topics: Gears, Parts
// See Also: worm(), worm_gear(), pitch_radius(), outer_radius()
// Usage:
// x = auto_profile_shift(teeth, pressure_angle);
// x = auto_profile_shift(teeth, [pressure_angle], [helical]);
// x = auto_profile_shift(teeth, min_teeth=);
// Description:
// Calculates the recommended profile shift to avoid gear tooth undercutting.
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