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synced 2025-03-09 02:39:47 +00:00
Merge pull request #532 from adrianVmariano/master
add search_radius, fix debug_polyhedron
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 63 additions and 28 deletions
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
// Default values for attachment code.
$tags = "";
$overlap = 0.01;
$overlap = 0;
$color = undef;
$attach_to = undef;
@ -149,12 +149,14 @@ module debug_vertices(vertices, size=1, disabled=false) {
if (!disabled) {
color("blue") {
for (i = [0:1:len(vertices)-1]) {
v = vertices[i];
dups = search_radius(vertices, vertices, 1e-9);
for (ind = dups){
numstr = str_join([for(i=ind) str(i)],",");
v = vertices[ind[0]];
translate(v) {
up(size/8) zrot($vpr[2]) xrot(90) {
linear_extrude(height=size/10, center=true, convexity=10) {
text(text=str(i), size=size, halign="center");
text(text=numstr, size=size, halign="center");
@ -239,19 +241,18 @@ module debug_faces(vertices, faces, size=1, disabled=false) {
// Module: debug_polyhedron()
// Module: debug_vnf()
// Usage:
// debug_polyhedron(points, faces, <convexity=>, <txtsize=>, <disabled=>);
// debug_vnf(vnfs, <convexity=>, <txtsize=>, <disabled=>);
// Description:
// A drop-in module to replace `polyhedron()` and help debug vertices and faces.
// A drop-in module to replace `vnf_polyhedron()` and help debug vertices and faces.
// Draws all the vertices at their 3D position, numbered in blue by their
// position in the vertex array. Each face will have their face number drawn
// position in the vertex array. Each face will have its face number drawn
// in red, aligned with the center of face. All given faces are drawn with
// transparency. All children of this module are drawn with transparency.
// Works best with Thrown-Together preview mode, to see reversed faces.
// Arguments:
// points = Array of point vertices.
// faces = Array of faces by vertex numbers.
// vnf = vnf to display
// ---
// convexity = The max number of walls a ray can pass through the given polygon paths.
// txtsize = The size of the text used to label the faces and vertices.
@ -259,15 +260,14 @@ module debug_faces(vertices, faces, size=1, disabled=false) {
// Example(EdgesMed):
// verts = [for (z=[-10,10], a=[0:120:359.9]) [10*cos(a),10*sin(a),z]];
// faces = [[0,1,2], [5,4,3], [0,3,4], [0,4,1], [1,4,5], [1,5,2], [2,5,3], [2,3,0]];
// debug_polyhedron(points=verts, faces=faces, txtsize=1);
module debug_polyhedron(points, faces, convexity=6, txtsize=1, disabled=false) {
debug_faces(vertices=points, faces=faces, size=txtsize, disabled=disabled) {
polyhedron(points=points, faces=faces, convexity=convexity);
// debug_vnf([verts,faces], txtsize=2);
module debug_vnf(vnf, convexity=6, txtsize=1, disabled=false) {
debug_faces(vertices=vnf[0], faces=vnf[1], size=txtsize, disabled=disabled) {
vnf_polyhedron(vnf, convexity=convexity);
// Function: standard_anchors()
// Usage:
// anchs = standard_anchors(<two_d>);
@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ module joiner_quad(spacing1=undef, spacing2=undef, xspacing=undef, yspacing=unde
// Module: dovetail()
// Usage:
// dovetail(gender, w|width, h|height, slide, [slope|angle], [taper|back_width], [chamfer], [r|radius], [round], [$slop])
// dovetail(gender, w|width, h|height, slide, [slope|angle], [taper|back_width], [chamfer], [r|radius], [round], [extra], [$slop])
// Description:
// Produces a possibly tapered dovetail joint shape to attach to or subtract from two parts you wish to join together.
@ -429,7 +429,9 @@ module joiner_quad(spacing1=undef, spacing2=undef, xspacing=undef, yspacing=unde
// parallel to the Y axis and projecting upwards, so in its default orientation it will slide together with a translation
// in the positive Y direction. The gender determines whether the shape is meant to be added to your model or
// differenced, and it also changes the anchor and orientation. The default anchor for dovetails is BOTTOM;
// the default orientation depends on the gender, with male dovetails oriented UP and female ones DOWN.
// the default orientation depends on the gender, with male dovetails oriented UP and female ones DOWN. The dovetails by default
// have extra extension of 0.01 for unions and differences. You should ensure that attachment is done with overlap=0 to ensure that
// the sizing and positioning is correct.
// Arguments:
// gender = A string, "male" or "female", to specify the gender of the dovetail.
@ -473,14 +475,14 @@ module joiner_quad(spacing1=undef, spacing2=undef, xspacing=undef, yspacing=unde
// diff("remove")
// cuboid([50,30,10]) {
// attach(BACK) dovetail("male", slide=10, width=15, height=8, radius=1, $fn=32);
// attach(FRONT, overlap=-0.1) dovetail("female", slide=10, width=15, height=8, radius=1, $tags="remove", $fn=32);
// attach(FRONT) dovetail("female", slide=10, width=15, height=8, radius=1, $tags="remove", $fn=32);
// }
// Example: Or you can make a fully rounded joint
// $fn=32;
// diff("remove")
// cuboid([50,30,10]){
// attach(BACK) dovetail("male", slide=10, width=15, height=8, radius=1.5, round=true);
// attach(FRONT,overlap=-0.1) dovetail("female", slide=10, width=15, height=8, radius=1.5, round=true, $tags="remove");
// attach(FRONT) dovetail("female", slide=10, width=15, height=8, radius=1.5, round=true, $tags="remove");
// }
// Example: With a long joint like this, a taper makes the joint easy to assemble. It will go together easily and wedge tightly if you get the tolerances right. Specifying the taper with `back_width` may be easier than using a taper angle.
// cuboid([50,30,10])
@ -548,7 +550,8 @@ module dovetail(gender, width, height, slide, h, w, angle, slope, taper, back_wi
is_def(back_width) ? (back_width-width) / 2 : 0;
bigend_points = move([offset,slide+2*extra,0], p=smallend_points);
adjustment = $overlap * (gender == "male" ? -1 : 1); // Adjustment for default overlap in attach()
//adjustment = $overlap * (gender == "male" ? -1 : 1); // Adjustment for default overlap in attach()
adjustment = 0; // Default overlap is assumed to be zero
attachable(anchor,spin,orient, size=[width+2*offset, slide, height]) {
down(height/2+adjustment) {
@ -601,7 +604,8 @@ module _pin_slot(l, r, t, d, nub, depth, stretch) {
module _pin_shaft(r, lStraight, nub, nubscale, stretch, d, pointed)
extra = 0.02;
extra = 0.02; // This sets the extra extension below the socket bottom
// so that difference() works without issues
rPoint = r / sqrt(2);
down(extra) cylinder(r = r, h = lStraight + extra);
up(lStraight) {
@ -726,6 +730,8 @@ module snap_pin(size,r,radius,d,diameter, l,length, nub_depth, snap, thickness,
// if you add a lubricant. If `pointed` is true the socket is pointed to receive a pointed pin, otherwise it has a rounded and and
// will be shorter. If `fins` is set to true then two fins are included inside the socket to act as supports (which may help when printing tip up,
// especially when `pointed=false`). The default orientation is DOWN with anchor BOTTOM so that you can difference() the socket away from an object.
// The socket extends 0.02 extra below its bottom anchor point so that differences will work correctly. (You must have $overlap smaller than 0.02 in
// attach or the socket will be beneath the surface of the parent object.)
// .
// The "large" or "standard" size pin has a length of 10.8 and diameter of 7. The "medium" pin has a length of 8 and diameter of 4.6. The "small" pin
// has a length of 6 and diameter of 3.2. The "tiny" pin has a length of 4 and a diameter of 2.5.
@ -802,13 +808,14 @@ module snap_pin_socket(size, r, radius, l,length, d,diameter,nub_depth, snap, fi
// make the socket with a larger depth than the clip (try 0.4 mm) to allow ease of insertion of the clip. The clearance
// value does not apply to the depth. The splinesteps parameter increases the sampling of the clip curves.
// .
// By default clips appear with orient=UP and sockets with orient=DOWN.
// By default clips appear with orient=UP and sockets with orient=DOWN. The clips and sockets extend 0.02 units below
// their base so that unions and differences will work without trouble, but be sure that the attach overlap is smaller
// than 0.02.
// .
// The first figure shows the dimensions of the rabbit clip. The second figure shows the clip in red overlayed on
// its socket in yellow. The left clip has a nonzero clearance, so its socket is bigger than the clip all around.
// The right hand locking clip has no clearance, but it has a lock clearance, which provides some space behind
// the lock to allow the clip to fit. (Note that depending on your printer, this can be set to zero.)
// Figure(2DMed):
// snap=1.5;
// comp=0.75;
@ -939,7 +946,8 @@ module rabbit_clip(type, length, width, snap, thickness, depth, compression=0.1
} else {
anchor = default(anchor,BOTTOM);
is_pin = in_list(type,["pin","male"]);
default_overlap = 0.01 * (is_pin?1:-1); // Shift by this much to undo default overlap
//default_overlap = 0.01 * (is_pin?1:-1); // Shift by this much to undo default overlap
default_overlap = 0;
extra = 0.02; // Amount of extension below nominal based position for the socket, must exceed default overlap of 0.01
clearance = is_pin ? 0 : clearance;
compression = is_pin ? compression : 0;
@ -989,8 +997,6 @@ module rabbit_clip(type, length, width, snap, thickness, depth, compression=0.1
bez = path_to_bezier(path,relsize=smoothing,tangents=tangent);
rounded = bezier_path(bez,splinesteps=splinesteps);
bounds = pointlist_bounds(rounded);
//kk = search([bounds[1].y], subindex(rounded,1));
extrapt = is_pin ? [] : [rounded[0] - [0,extra]];
finalpath = is_pin ? rounded
: let(withclearance=offset(rounded, r=-clearance))
@ -1005,6 +1011,7 @@ module rabbit_clip(type, length, width, snap, thickness, depth, compression=0.1
if (is_pin)
@ -355,4 +355,32 @@ function vp_nearest(points, tree, p, k) =
subindex(_vp_nearest(points, tree, p, k),0);
// Function: search_radius()
// Usage:
// index_list = search_radius(points, queries, r, <leafsize>);
// Description:
// Given a list of points and a compatible list of queries, for each query
// search the points list for all points whose distance from the query
// is less than or equal to r. The return value index_list[i] lists the indices
// in points of all matches to query q[i]. This list can be in arbitrary order.
// .
// This function is advantageous to use especially when both `points` and `queries`
// are large sets. The method contructs a vantage point tree and then uses it
// to check all the queries. If you use queries=points and set r to epsilon then
// you can find all of the approximate duplicates in a large list of vectors.
// Example: Finding duplicates in a list of vectors. With exact equality the order of the output is consistent, but with small variations [2,4] could occur in one position and [4,2] in the other one.
// v = array_group(rands(0,10,5*3,seed=9),3);
// points = [v[0],v[1],v[2],v[3],v[2],v[3],v[3],v[4]];
// echo(search_radius(points,points,1e-9)); // Prints [[0],[1],[2,4],[3,5,6],[2,4],[3,5,6],[3,5,6],[7]]
function search_radius(points, queries, r, leafsize=25) =
assert(is_matrix(points),"Invalid points list")
assert(is_matrix(queries),"Invalid query list")
assert(len(points[0])==len(queries[0]), "Query vectors don't match length of points")
vptree = vp_tree(points, leafsize)
[for(q=queries) vp_search(points, vptree, q, r)];
// vim: expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 nowrap
Reference in a new issue