Fixed corner and top/bottom edge orientations.

This commit is contained in:
Revar Desmera 2019-04-22 01:08:41 -07:00
parent cc36235736
commit 7e1598d66d
18 changed files with 550 additions and 465 deletions

attachments.scad Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
// LibFile: attachments.scad
// This is the file that handles attachments and orientation of children.
// To use, add the following lines to the beginning of your file:
// ```
// include <BOSL2/std.scad>
// ```
BSD 2-Clause License
Copyright (c) 2017-2019, Revar Desmera
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// Section: Functions
// Function: connector()
// Usage:
// connector(name, pos, dir, [rot])
// Description:
// Creates a connector data structure.
// Arguments:
// name = The string name of the connector. Lowercase. Words separated by single dashes. No spaces.
// pos = The [X,Y,Z] position of the connector.
// dir = A vector pointing in the direction parts should project from the connector position.
// rot = If needed, the angle to rotate the part around the direction vector.
function connector(name, pos=[0,0,0], dir=UP, rot=0) = [name, pos, dir, rot];
// Function: find_connector()
// Usage:
// find_connector(align, h, size, [size2], [shift], [edges], [corners]);
// Description:
// Generates a list of typical connectors for a cubical region of the given size.
// Arguments:
// align = Named alignment/connector string.
// h = Height of the region.
// size = The [X,Y] size of the bottom of the cubical region.
// size2 = The [X,Y] size of the top of the cubical region.
// shift = The [X,Y] amount to shift the center of the top with respect to the center of the bottom.
// geometry = One of "cube", "cylinder", or "sphere" to denote the overall geometry of the shape. Cones are "cylinder", and prismoids are "cube" for this purpose. Default: "cube"
// extra_conns = A list of extra named connectors.
function find_connector(align, h, size, size2=undef, shift=[0,0], extra_conns=[], geometry="cube") =
is_string(align)? (
let(found = search([align], extra_conns, num_returns_per_match=1)[0])
assert(found!=[], str("Unknown alignment: ",align))
) : (
size = point2d(size),
size2 = (size2!=undef)? point2d(size2) : size,
shift = point2d(shift),
oang = (
align == UP? 0 :
align == DOWN? 0 :
(norm([align.x,align.y]) < EPSILON)? 0 :
atan2(align.y, align.x)+90
geometry=="sphere"? let(
phi = align==UP? 0 : align==DOWN? 180 : 90 + (45 * align.z),
theta = atan2(align.y, align.x),
vec = spherical_to_xyz(1, theta, phi),
pos = vmul(vec, (point3d(size)+h*UP)/2)
) [align, pos, vec, oang] : let (
xyal = (
geometry=="cylinder"? (
let(xy = point2d(align))
norm(xy)>0? xy/norm(xy) : [0,0]
) : point2d(align)
botpt = point3d(vmul(size/2,xyal))+DOWN*h/2,
toppt = point3d(vmul(size2/2,xyal)+shift)+UP*h/2,
pos = lerp(botpt, toppt, (align.z+1)/2),
sidevec = rotate_points3d([point3d(xyal)], from=UP, to=toppt-botpt)[0],
vec = (
norm([align.x,align.y]) < EPSILON? align :
abs(align.z) < EPSILON? sidevec :
align.z>0? (UP+sidevec)/2 :
) [align, pos, vec, oang]
function _str_char_split(s,delim,n=0,acc=[],word="") =
(n>=len(s))? concat(acc, [word]) :
_str_char_split(s,delim,n+1,concat(acc,[word]),"") :
// Section: Modules
// Module: orient_and_align()
// Description:
// Takes a vertically oriented shape, and re-orients and aligns it.
// This is useful for making a custom shape available in various
// orientations and alignments without extra translate()s and rotate()s.
// Children should be vertically (Z-axis) oriented, and centered.
// Non-extremity alignment points should be named via the `alignments` arg.
// Named alignments are aligned pre-rotation.
// Usage:
// orient_and_align(size, [orient], [align], [center], [noncentered], [orig_orient], [orig_align], [alignments], [chain]) ...
// Arguments:
// size = The [X,Y,Z] size of the part.
// size2 = The [X,Y] size of the top of the part.
// shift = The [X,Y] offset of the top of the part, compared to the bottom of the part.
// orient = The axis to align to. Use `ORIENT_` constants from `constants.scad`.
// align = The side of the origin the part should be aligned with.
// center = If given, overrides `align`. If true, centers vertically. If false, `align` will be set to the value in `noncentered`.
// noncentered = The value to set `align` to if `center` == `false`. Default: `BOTTOM`.
// orig_orient = The original orientation of the part. Default: `ORIENT_Z`.
// orig_align = The original alignment of the part. Default: `CENTER`.
// geometry = One of "cube", "cylinder", or "sphere" to denote the overall geometry of the shape. Cones are "cylinder", and prismoids are "cube" for this purpose. Default: "cube"
// alignments = A list of extra, non-standard connectors that can be aligned to.
// chain = If true, allow attachable children.
// Side Effects:
// `$parent_size` is set to the parent object's cubical region size.
// `$parent_size2` is set to the parent object's top [X,Y] size.
// `$parent_shift` is set to the parent object's `shift` value, if any.
// `$parent_orient` is set to the parent object's `orient` value.
// `$parent_align` is set to the parent object's `align` value.
// `$parent_geom` is set to the parent object's `geometry` value.
// `$parent_conns` is set to the parent object's list of non-standard extra connectors.
// Example:
// #cylinder(d=5, h=10);
// orient_and_align([5,5,10], orient=ORIENT_Y, align=BACK, orig_align=UP) cylinder(d=5, h=10);
module orient_and_align(
size=undef, orient=ORIENT_Z, align=CENTER,
center=undef, noncentered=BOTTOM,
orig_orient=ORIENT_Z, orig_align=CENTER,
size2=undef, shift=[0,0],
alignments=[], chain=false,
) {
size2 = point2d(default(size2, size));
shift = point2d(shift);
align = !is_undef(center)? (center? CENTER : noncentered) : align;
m = matrix4_mult(concat(
(orig_align==CENTER)? [] : [
// If original alignment is not centered, center it.
matrix4_translate(vmul(size/2, -orig_align))
(orig_orient==ORIENT_Z)? [] : [
// If original orientation is not upright, rotate it upright.
($attach_to!=undef)? (
conn = find_connector($attach_to, size.z, size, size2=size2, shift=shift, geometry=geometry),
ang = vector_angle(conn[2], DOWN),
axis = vector_axis(conn[2], DOWN),
ang2 = (conn[2]==UP || conn[2]==DOWN)? 0 : 180-conn[3],
axis2 = rotate_points3d([axis],[0,0,ang2])[0]
) [
matrix4_rot_by_axis(axis2, ang)
) : concat(
(align==CENTER)? [] : [
let(conn = find_connector(align, size.z, size, size2=size2, shift=shift, extra_conns=alignments, geometry=geometry))
(orient==ORIENT_Z)? [] : [
$attach_to = undef;
$parent_size = size;
$parent_size2 = size2;
$parent_shift = shift;
$parent_orient = orient;
$parent_align = align;
$parent_geom = geometry;
$parent_conns = alignments;
tags = _str_char_split($tags, " ");
s_tags = $tags_shown;
h_tags = $tags_hidden;
shown = !s_tags || any([for (tag=tags) in_list(tag, s_tags)]);
hidden = any([for (tag=tags) in_list(tag, h_tags)]);
multmatrix(m) {
if ($children>1 && chain) {
if(shown && !hidden) color($color) for (i=[0:$children-2]) children(i);
} else {
if(shown && !hidden) color($color) children();
// Module: attach()
// Usage:
// attach(name, [overlap], [norot]) ...
// attach(name, to, [overlap]) ...
// Description:
// Attaches children to a parent object at an attachment point and orientation.
// Arguments:
// name = The name of the parent attachment point to attach to.
// to = The name of the child attachment point.
// overlap = Amount to sink child into the parent.
// norot = If true, don't rotate children when aligning to the attachment point.
// Example:
// spheroid(d=20) {
// attach(TOP) down(1.5) cyl(l=11.5, d1=10, d2=5, align=BOTTOM);
// attach(RIGHT, BOTTOM) down(1.5) cyl(l=11.5, d1=10, d2=5);
// attach(FRONT) down(1.5) cyl(l=11.5, d1=10, d2=5, align=BOTTOM);
// }
module attach(name, to=undef, overlap=undef, norot=false)
assert($parent_size != undef, "No object to attach to!");
overlap = (overlap!=undef)? overlap : $overlap;
conn = find_connector(name, $parent_size.z, point2d($parent_size), size2=$parent_size2, shift=$parent_shift, extra_conns=$parent_conns, geometry=$parent_geom);
pos = conn[1];
vec = conn[2];
ang = conn[3];
$attach_to = to;
$attach_conn = conn;
if (norot || (norm(vec-UP)<1e-9 && ang==0)) {
translate(pos) translate([0,0,-overlap]) children();
} else {
translate(pos) rot(ang,from=UP,to=vec) translate([0,0,-overlap]) children();
// Module: tags()
// Usage:
// tags(tags) ...
// Description:
// Marks all children with the given tags.
// Arguments:
// tags = String containing space delimited set of tags to apply.
module tags(tags)
$tags = tags;
// Module: recolor()
// Usage:
// recolor(c) ...
// Description:
// Sets the color for children that can use the $color special variable.
// Example:
// recolor("red") cyl(l=20, d=10);
module recolor(c)
$color = c;
// Module: hide()
// Usage:
// hide(tags) ...
// Description: Hides all children with the given tags.
module hide(tags="")
$tags_hidden = tags==""? [] : _str_char_split(tags, " ");
// Module: show()
// Usage:
// show(tags) ...
// Description: Shows only children with the given tags.
module show(tags="")
$tags_shown = tags==""? [] : _str_char_split(tags, " ");
// Module: diff()
// Usage:
// diff(neg, [keep]) ...
// diff(neg, pos, [keep]) ...
// Description:
// If `neg` is given, takes the union of all children with tags
// that are in `neg`, and differences them from the union of all
// children with tags in `pos`. If `pos` is not given, then all
// items in `neg` are differenced from all items not in `neg`. If
// `keep` is given, all children with tags in `keep` are then unioned
// with the result. If `keep` is not given, all children without
// tags in `pos` or `neg` are then unioned with the result.
// Arguments:
// neg = String containing space delimited set of tag names of children to difference away.
// pos = String containing space delimited set of tag names of children to be differenced away from.
// keep = String containing space delimited set of tag names of children to keep whole.
module diff(neg, pos=undef, keep=undef)
difference() {
if (pos != undef) {
show(pos) children();
} else {
if (keep == undef) {
hide(neg) children();
} else {
hide(str(neg," ",keep)) children();
show(neg) children();
if (keep!=undef) {
show(keep) children();
} else if (pos!=undef) {
hide(str(pos," ",neg)) children();
// Module: intersect()
// Usage:
// intersect(a, [keep]) ...
// intersect(a, b, [keep]) ...
// Description:
// If `a` is given, takes the union of all children with tags that
// are in `a`, and intersection()s them with the union of all
// children with tags in `b`. If `b` is not given, then the union
// of all items with tags in `a` are intersection()ed with the union
// of all items without tags in `a`. If `keep` is given, then the
// result is unioned with all the children with tags in `keep`. If
// `keep` is not given, all children without tags in `a` or `b` are
// unioned with the result.
// Arguments:
// a = String containing space delimited set of tag names of children.
// b = String containing space delimited set of tag names of children.
// keep = String containing space delimited set of tag names of children to keep whole.
module intersect(a, b=undef, keep=undef)
intersection() {
if (b != undef) {
show(b) children();
} else {
if (keep == undef) {
hide(a) children();
} else {
hide(str(a," ",keep)) children();
show(a) children();
if (keep!=undef) {
show(keep) children();
} else if (b!=undef) {
hide(str(a," ",b)) children();
// vim: noexpandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 nowrap

View file

@ -885,7 +885,7 @@ function patch_scale(patch, v=[1,1,1], cp=[0,0,0]) = [for(row=patch) scale_point
// v = Vector axis to rotate round. // v = Vector axis to rotate round.
// cp = Centerpoint to rotate around. // cp = Centerpoint to rotate around.
function patch_rotate(patch, a=undef, v=undef, cp=[0,0,0]) = function patch_rotate(patch, a=undef, v=undef, cp=[0,0,0]) =
[for(row=patch) rotate_points3d(row, v=a, axis=v, cp=cp)] : [for(row=patch) rotate_points3d(row, a=a, v=v, cp=cp)];
// Function: patches_translate() // Function: patches_translate()

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
// Backwards Compatability library // Backwards Compatability library
// To use, include this line at the top of your file: // To use, include this line at the top of your file:
// ``` // ```
// use <compat.scad> // use <BOSL2/std.scad>
// ``` // ```
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

View file

@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
// To use, add the following lines to the beginning of your file: // To use, add the following lines to the beginning of your file:
// ``` // ```
// include <BOSL2/std.scad> // include <BOSL2/std.scad>
// include <BOSL2/paths.scad>
// include <BOSL2/beziers.scad>
// include <BOSL2/debug.scad> // include <BOSL2/debug.scad>
// ``` // ```
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
@ -173,25 +171,16 @@ module debug_polyhedron(points, faces, convexity=10, txtsize=1, disabled=false)
// Function: all_conns() // Function: all_connectors()
// Description: // Description:
// Return the names for all standard connectors for a region. // Return the vectors for all standard connectors.
// Arguments: function all_connectors() = [
// type = The type of region to show connectors for. "cube", "cylinder", "sphere" for (
function all_conns(type="cube") = zv = [TOP, CENTER, BOTTOM],
assert(in_list(type,["cube", "cylinder", "sphere"])) yv = [FRONT, CENTER, BACK],
let ( xv = [LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT]
zs = [TOP, BOTTOM], ) xv+yv+zv
ys = [FRONT, BACK], ];
xs = [LEFT, RIGHT]
) concat(
[for (a=concat(xs,ys,zs)) a],
in_list(type,["cube","cylinder"])? [for (a=zs, b=ys) a+b] : [],
in_list(type,["cube","cylinder"])? [for (a=zs, b=xs) a+b] : [],
in_list(type,["cube"])? [for (a=ys, b=xs) a+b] : [],
in_list(type,["cube"])? [for (a=zs, b=ys, c=xs) a+b+c] : []
@ -207,11 +196,12 @@ function all_conns(type="cube") =
module connector_arrow(s=10, color=[0.333,0.333,1], flag=true) { module connector_arrow(s=10, color=[0.333,0.333,1], flag=true) {
$fn=12; $fn=12;
recolor("gray") spheroid(d=s/6) recolor("gray") spheroid(d=s/6)
recolor(color) cyl(h=s*2/3, d=s/15, align=UP) recolor(color) cyl(h=s, d=s/15, align=DOWN)
attach(TOP) cyl(h=s/3, d1=s/5, d2=0, align=UP) { attach(TOP) cyl(h=s/3, d1=s/5, d2=0, align=DOWN) {
if(flag) { if(flag) {
attach(BOTTOM) recolor([1,0.5,0.5]) cuboid([s/50, s/6, s/4], align="front-top"); attach(BOTTOM) recolor([1,0.5,0.5]) cuboid([s/50, s/6, s/4], align=FRONT+TOP);
} }
} }
} }
@ -219,11 +209,9 @@ module connector_arrow(s=10, color=[0.333,0.333,1], flag=true) {
// Module: show_connectors() // Module: show_connectors()
// Description: // Description:
// Show all standard connectors for a given region. // Show all standard connectors for the parent object.
// Arguments: module show_connectors() {
// type = The type of region to show connectors for. "cube", "cylinder", "sphere" for (conn=all_connectors()) {
module show_connectors(type="cube") {
for (conn=all_conns(type)) {
attach(conn) connector_arrow(); attach(conn) connector_arrow();
} }
children(); children();
@ -231,16 +219,17 @@ module show_connectors(type="cube") {
// Module: frameref() // Module: frame_ref()
// Description: // Description:
// Displays X,Y,Z axis arrows in red, green, and blue respectively. // Displays X,Y,Z axis arrows in red, green, and blue respectively.
// Arguments: // Arguments:
// s = Length of the arrows. // s = Length of the arrows.
module frameref(s=15) { module frame_ref(s=15) {
sphere(0.001) { noop() {
attach(RIGHT) connector_arrow(s=s, color="red", flag=false); attach(RIGHT) connector_arrow(s=s, color="red", flag=false);
attach(BACK) connector_arrow(s=s, color="green", flag=false); attach(BACK) connector_arrow(s=s, color="green", flag=false);
attach(TOP) connector_arrow(s=s, color="blue", flag=false); attach(TOP) connector_arrow(s=s, color="blue", flag=false);
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,17 +1,13 @@
include <BOSL2/constants.scad> include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/transforms.scad>
include <BOSL2/primitives.scad>
include <BOSL2/shapes.scad>
include <BOSL2/debug.scad>
cuboid([60,40,40], fillet=5, edges=EDGES_Z_ALL, align="bottom") { cuboid([60,40,40], fillet=5, edges=EDGES_Z_ALL, align=BOTTOM) {
attach("top") rounded_prismoid([60,40],[20,20], h=50, r1=5, r2=10) { attach(TOP, BOTTOM) rounded_prismoid([60,40],[20,20], h=50, r1=5, r2=10) {
attach("top") cylinder(d=20, h=30) { attach(TOP) cylinder(d=20, h=30) {
attach("top") cylinder(d1=50, d2=30, h=12); attach(TOP) cylinder(d1=50, d2=30, h=12);
} }
for (a = ["front", "back", "left", "right"]) { for (a = [FRONT, BACK, LEFT, RIGHT]) {
attach(a) cylinder(d1=14, d2=5, h=20) { attach(a) cylinder(d1=14, d2=5, h=20) {
attach("top", "left", overlap=5) prismoid([30,20], [20,20], h=10, shift=[-7,0]); attach(TOP, LEFT, overlap=5) prismoid([30,20], [20,20], h=10, shift=[-7,0]);
} }
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
include <BOSL2/constants.scad> include <BOSL2/std.scad>
use <BOSL2/transforms.scad> include <BOSL2/paths.scad>
use <BOSL2/beziers.scad> include <BOSL2/beziers.scad>
use <BOSL2/math.scad>
function CR_corner(size, orient=[0,0,0], trans=[0,0,0]) = function CR_corner(size, orient=[0,0,0], trans=[0,0,0]) =

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/debug.scad>
cylinder(h=30, d1=50, d2=30) show_connectors();
// vim: noexpandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 nowrap

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/debug.scad>
cube(40, center=true) show_connectors();
// vim: noexpandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 nowrap

View file

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
include <BOSL2/constants.scad> include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/primitives.scad>
include <BOSL2/debug.scad> include <BOSL2/debug.scad>
cylinder(h=30, d1=50, d2=30) show_connectors("cylinder"); cylinder(h=30, d=30) show_connectors();
// vim: noexpandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 nowrap // vim: noexpandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 nowrap

View file

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
include <BOSL2/constants.scad> include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/transforms.scad> include <BOSL2/paths.scad>
include <BOSL2/primitives.scad>
include <BOSL2/beziers.scad> include <BOSL2/beziers.scad>
module leaf(s) { module leaf(s) {
@ -18,7 +17,7 @@ module leaf(s) {
module branches(minsize){ module branches(minsize){
if($parent_size2.x>minsize) { if($parent_size2.x>minsize) {
attach("top") attach(TOP)
zrot(gaussian_rand(90,10)) zrot(gaussian_rand(90,10))
zring(n=floor(log_rand(2,5,4))) zring(n=floor(log_rand(2,5,4)))
zrot(gaussian_rand(0,5)) zrot(gaussian_rand(0,5))
@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ module branches(minsize){
branches(minsize); branches(minsize);
} else { } else {
recolor("springgreen") recolor("springgreen")
attach("top") zrot(90) attach(TOP) zrot(90)
leaf(gaussian_rand(100,5)); leaf(gaussian_rand(100,5));
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
use <BOSL2/transforms.scad> include <BOSL2/std.scad>
use <BOSL2/math.scad>
include <BOSL2/constants.scad>
// Shows all the orientations on cubes in their correct rotations. // Shows all the orientations on cubes in their correct rotations.

View file

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
include <BOSL2/constants.scad> include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/shapes.scad>
include <BOSL2/debug.scad> include <BOSL2/debug.scad>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/debug.scad>
sphere(d=30) show_connectors();
// vim: noexpandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 nowrap

View file

@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
include <BOSL2/constants.scad> include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/transforms.scad>
include <BOSL2/primitives.scad>
include <BOSL2/shapes.scad>
diff("hole", "body pole") diff("hole", "body pole")

View file

// //
// Example: Simple regular cube. // Example: Simple regular cube.
// cube(40); // cube(40);
// Example: Rectangular cube, with given X, Y, and Z sizes. // Example: Rectangular cube.
// cuboid([20,40,50]); // cuboid([20,40,50]);
module cube(size, center=undef, align=ALLPOS) // Example: Standard Connectors.
// cube(40, center=true) show_connectors();
module cube(size, center=undef, align=ALLNEG)
{ {
size = scalar_vec3(size); size = scalar_vec3(size);
orient_and_align(size, ORIENT_Z, align, center, noncentered=ALLPOS, chain=true) { orient_and_align(size, ORIENT_Z, align, center, noncentered=ALLPOS, chain=true) {
@ -96,14 +98,19 @@ module cube(size, center=undef, align=ALLPOS)
// cylinder(h=40, d=25); // cylinder(h=40, d=25);
// cylinder(h=40, d1=25, d2=10); // cylinder(h=40, d1=25, d2=10);
// } // }
module cylinder(r=undef, d=undef, r1=undef, r2=undef, d1=undef, d2=undef, h=undef, l=undef, center=undef, orient=ORIENT_Z, align=UP) // Example: Standard Connectors
// xdistribute(40) {
// cylinder(h=30, d=25) show_connectors();
// cylinder(h=30, d1=25, d2=10) show_connectors();
// }
module cylinder(r=undef, d=undef, r1=undef, r2=undef, d1=undef, d2=undef, h=undef, l=undef, center=undef, orient=ORIENT_Z, align=BOTTOM)
{ {
r1 = get_radius(r1=r1, r=r, d1=d1, d=d, dflt=1); r1 = get_radius(r1=r1, r=r, d1=d1, d=d, dflt=1);
r2 = get_radius(r1=r2, r=r, d1=d2, d=d, dflt=1); r2 = get_radius(r1=r2, r=r, d1=d2, d=d, dflt=1);
l = first_defined([h, l]); l = first_defined([h, l]);
sides = segs(max(r1,r2)); sides = segs(max(r1,r2));
size = [r1*2, r1*2, l]; size = [r1*2, r1*2, l];
orient_and_align(size, orient, align, center, size2=[r2*2,r2*2], noncentered=UP, chain=true) { orient_and_align(size, orient, align, center, size2=[r2*2,r2*2], noncentered=UP, geometry="cylinder", chain=true) {
linear_extrude(height=l, scale=r2/r1, convexity=2, center=true) { linear_extrude(height=l, scale=r2/r1, convexity=2, center=true) {
circle(r=r1, $fn=sides); circle(r=r1, $fn=sides);
} }
@ -124,14 +131,18 @@ module cylinder(r=undef, d=undef, r1=undef, r2=undef, d1=undef, d2=undef, h=unde
// d = Diameter of the sphere. // d = Diameter of the sphere.
// orient = Orientation of the sphere, if you don't like where the vertices lay. Use the `ORIENT_` constants from `constants.scad`. Default: `ORIENT_Z`. // orient = Orientation of the sphere, if you don't like where the vertices lay. Use the `ORIENT_` constants from `constants.scad`. Default: `ORIENT_Z`.
// align = Alignment of the sphere. Use the constants from `constants.scad`. Default: `CENTER`. // align = Alignment of the sphere. Use the constants from `constants.scad`. Default: `CENTER`.
// Example: // Example: By Radius
// staggered_sphere(d=100); // sphere(r=50);
// Example: By Diameter
// sphere(d=100);
// Example: Standard Connectors
// sphere(d=50) show_connectors();
module sphere(r=undef, d=undef, orient=ORIENT_Z, align=CENTER) module sphere(r=undef, d=undef, orient=ORIENT_Z, align=CENTER)
{ {
r = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=1); r = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=1);
sides = segs(r); sides = segs(r);
size = [r*2, r*2, r*2]; size = [r*2, r*2, r*2];
orient_and_align(size, orient, align, chain=true) { orient_and_align(size, orient, align, geometry="sphere", chain=true) {
rotate_extrude(convexity=2) { rotate_extrude(convexity=2) {
difference() { difference() {
circle(r=r, $fn=sides); circle(r=r, $fn=sides);

View file

// cuboid([30,40,50], chamfer=5, edges=EDGE_TOP_FR+EDGE_TOP_RT+EDGE_FR_RT, $fn=24); // cuboid([30,40,50], chamfer=5, edges=EDGE_TOP_FR+EDGE_TOP_RT+EDGE_FR_RT, $fn=24);
// Example: Rectangular cube with only some edges rounded. // Example: Rectangular cube with only some edges rounded.
// cuboid([30,40,50], fillet=5, edges=EDGE_TOP_FR+EDGE_TOP_RT+EDGE_FR_RT, $fn=24); // cuboid([30,40,50], fillet=5, edges=EDGE_TOP_FR+EDGE_TOP_RT+EDGE_FR_RT, $fn=24);
// Example: Standard Connectors
// cuboid(40, chamfer=5) show_connectors();
module cuboid( module cuboid(
size=[1,1,1], size=[1,1,1],
p1=undef, p2=undef, p1=undef, p2=undef,
@ -90,11 +92,11 @@ module cuboid(
if (!is_undef(p1)) { if (!is_undef(p1)) {
if (!is_undef(p2)) { if (!is_undef(p2)) {
translate([for (v=array_zip([p1,p2],0)) min(v)]) { translate([for (v=array_zip([p1,p2],0)) min(v)]) {
cuboid(size=vabs(p2-p1), chamfer=chamfer, fillet=fillet, edges=edges, trimcorners=trimcorners, align=ALLPOS) children(); cuboid(size=vabs(p2-p1), chamfer=chamfer, fillet=fillet, edges=edges, trimcorners=trimcorners, align=ALLNEG) children();
} }
} else { } else {
translate(p1) { translate(p1) {
cuboid(size=size, chamfer=chamfer, fillet=fillet, edges=edges, trimcorners=trimcorners, align=ALLPOS) children(); cuboid(size=size, chamfer=chamfer, fillet=fillet, edges=edges, trimcorners=trimcorners, align=ALLNEG) children();
} }
} }
} else { } else {
@ -333,15 +335,17 @@ module upcube(size=[1,1,1]) {siz = scalar_vec3(size); up(siz[2]/2) cube(size=siz
// prismoid(size1=[30,60], size2=[0,60], shift=[-15,0], h=30); // prismoid(size1=[30,60], size2=[0,60], shift=[-15,0], h=30);
// Example(FlatSpin): Shifting/Skewing // Example(FlatSpin): Shifting/Skewing
// prismoid(size1=[50,30], size2=[20,20], h=20, shift=[15,5]); // prismoid(size1=[50,30], size2=[20,20], h=20, shift=[15,5]);
// Example(Spin): Standard Connectors
// prismoid(size1=[50,30], size2=[20,20], h=20, shift=[15,5]) show_connectors();
module prismoid( module prismoid(
size1=[1,1], size2=[1,1], h=1, shift=[0,0], size1=[1,1], size2=[1,1], h=1, shift=[0,0],
orient=ORIENT_Z, align=UP, center=undef orient=ORIENT_Z, align=DOWN, center=undef
) { ) {
eps = 0.001; eps = 0.001;
shiftby = point3d(point2d(shift)); shiftby = point3d(point2d(shift));
s1 = [max(size1.x, eps), max(size1.y, eps)]; s1 = [max(size1.x, eps), max(size1.y, eps)];
s2 = [max(size2.x, eps), max(size2.y, eps)]; s2 = [max(size2.x, eps), max(size2.y, eps)];
orient_and_align([s1.x,s1.y,h], orient, align, center, size2=s2, shift=shift, noncentered=UP, chain=true) { orient_and_align([s1.x,s1.y,h], orient, align, center, size2=s2, shift=shift, noncentered=DOWN, chain=true) {
polyhedron( polyhedron(
points=[ points=[
[+s2.x/2, +s2.y/2, +h/2] + shiftby, [+s2.x/2, +s2.y/2, +h/2] + shiftby,
@ -399,10 +403,12 @@ module prismoid(
// rounded_prismoid(size1=[40,60], size2=[40,60], h=20, r1=3, r2=10, $fn=24); // rounded_prismoid(size1=[40,60], size2=[40,60], h=20, r1=3, r2=10, $fn=24);
// Example(FlatSpin): Shifting/Skewing // Example(FlatSpin): Shifting/Skewing
// rounded_prismoid(size1=[50,30], size2=[20,20], h=20, shift=[15,5], r=5); // rounded_prismoid(size1=[50,30], size2=[20,20], h=20, shift=[15,5], r=5);
// Example(Spin): Standard Connectors
// rounded_prismoid(size1=[40,60], size2=[40,60], h=20, r1=3, r2=10, $fn=24) show_connectors();
module rounded_prismoid( module rounded_prismoid(
size1, size2, h, shift=[0,0], size1, size2, h, shift=[0,0],
r=undef, r1=undef, r2=undef, r=undef, r1=undef, r2=undef,
align=UP, orient=ORIENT_Z, center=undef align=DOWN, orient=ORIENT_Z, center=undef
) { ) {
eps = 0.001; eps = 0.001;
maxrad1 = min(size1.x/2, size1.y/2); maxrad1 = min(size1.x/2, size1.y/2);
@ -446,14 +452,16 @@ module rounded_prismoid(
// Arguments: // Arguments:
// size = [width, thickness, height] // size = [width, thickness, height]
// orient = The axis to place the hypotenuse along. Only accepts `ORIENT_X`, `ORIENT_Y`, or `ORIENT_Z` from `constants.scad`. Default: `ORIENT_Y`. // orient = The axis to place the hypotenuse along. Only accepts `ORIENT_X`, `ORIENT_Y`, or `ORIENT_Z` from `constants.scad`. Default: `ORIENT_Y`.
// align = The side of the origin to align to. Use constants from `constants.scad`. Default: `UP+BACK+RIGHT`. // align = The side of the origin to align to. Use constants from `constants.scad`. Default: `ALLNEG`.
// center = If given, overrides `align`. A true value sets `align=CENTER`, false sets `align=UP+BACK+RIGHT`. // center = If given, overrides `align`. A true value sets `align=CENTER`, false sets `align=ALLNEG`.
// //
// Example: Centered // Example: Centered
// right_triangle([60, 10, 40], center=true); // right_triangle([60, 10, 40], center=true);
// Example: *Non*-Centered // Example: *Non*-Centered
// right_triangle([60, 10, 40]); // right_triangle([60, 10, 40]);
module right_triangle(size=[1, 1, 1], orient=ORIENT_Y, align=ALLPOS, center=undef) // Example: Standard Connectors
// right_triangle([60, 15, 40]) show_connectors();
module right_triangle(size=[1, 1, 1], orient=ORIENT_Y, align=ALLNEG, center=undef)
{ {
size = scalar_vec3(size); size = scalar_vec3(size);
orient_and_align(size, align=align, center=center, chain=true) { orient_and_align(size, align=align, center=center, chain=true) {
@ -542,7 +550,7 @@ module right_triangle(size=[1, 1, 1], orient=ORIENT_Y, align=ALLPOS, center=unde
// realign = If true, rotate the cylinder by half the angle of one face. // realign = If true, rotate the cylinder by half the angle of one face.
// orient = Orientation of the cylinder. Use the `ORIENT_` constants from `constants.scad`. Default: vertical. // orient = Orientation of the cylinder. Use the `ORIENT_` constants from `constants.scad`. Default: vertical.
// align = Alignment of the cylinder. Use the constants from `constants.scad`. Default: centered. // align = Alignment of the cylinder. Use the constants from `constants.scad`. Default: centered.
// center = If given, overrides `align`. A true value sets `align=CENTER`, false sets `align=UP`. // center = If given, overrides `align`. A true value sets `align=CENTER`, false sets `align=DOWN`.
// //
// Example: By Radius // Example: By Radius
// xdistribute(30) { // xdistribute(30) {
@ -577,6 +585,13 @@ module right_triangle(size=[1, 1, 1], orient=ORIENT_Y, align=ALLPOS, center=unde
// //
// Example: Putting it all together // Example: Putting it all together
// cyl(l=40, d1=25, d2=15, chamfer1=10, chamfang1=30, from_end=true, fillet2=5); // cyl(l=40, d1=25, d2=15, chamfer1=10, chamfang1=30, from_end=true, fillet2=5);
// Example: Standard Connectors
// xdistribute(40) {
// cyl(l=30, d=25) show_connectors();
// cyl(l=30, d1=25, d2=10) show_connectors();
// }
module cyl( module cyl(
l=undef, h=undef, l=undef, h=undef,
r=undef, r1=undef, r2=undef, r=undef, r1=undef, r2=undef,
@ -595,7 +610,7 @@ module cyl(
sides = segs(max(r1,r2)); sides = segs(max(r1,r2));
sc = circum? 1/cos(180/sides) : 1; sc = circum? 1/cos(180/sides) : 1;
phi = atan2(l, r1-r2); phi = atan2(l, r1-r2);
orient_and_align(size1, orient, align, center=center, size2=size2, chain=true) { orient_and_align(size1, orient, align, center=center, size2=size2, geometry="cylinder", chain=true) {
zrot(realign? 180/sides : 0) { zrot(realign? 180/sides : 0) {
if (!any_defined([chamfer, chamfer1, chamfer2, fillet, fillet1, fillet2])) { if (!any_defined([chamfer, chamfer1, chamfer2, fillet, fillet1, fillet2])) {
cylinder(h=l, r1=r1*sc, r2=r2*sc, center=true, $fn=sides); cylinder(h=l, r1=r1*sc, r2=r2*sc, center=true, $fn=sides);
@ -722,36 +737,6 @@ module cyl(
// Module: downcyl()
// Description:
// Creates a cylinder aligned below the origin.
// Usage:
// downcyl(l|h, r|d);
// downcyl(l|h, r1|d1, r2|d2);
// Arguments:
// l / h = Length of cylinder. (Default: 1.0)
// r = Radius of cylinder.
// r1 = Bottom radius of cylinder.
// r2 = Top radius of cylinder.
// d = Diameter of cylinder. (use instead of r)
// d1 = Bottom diameter of cylinder.
// d2 = Top diameter of cylinder.
// Example: Cylinder
// downcyl(r=20, h=40);
// Example: Cone
// downcyl(r1=10, r2=20, h=40);
module downcyl(r=undef, h=undef, l=undef, d=undef, d1=undef, d2=undef, r1=undef, r2=undef)
l = first_defined([l, h, 1]);
cyl(r=r, r1=r1, r2=r2, d=d, d1=d1, d2=d2, l=l, align=DOWN) children();
// Module: xcyl() // Module: xcyl()
// //
// Description: // Description:
@ -770,7 +755,7 @@ module downcyl(r=undef, h=undef, l=undef, d=undef, d1=undef, d2=undef, r1=undef,
// d1 = Optional diameter of left (X-) end of cylinder. // d1 = Optional diameter of left (X-) end of cylinder.
// d2 = Optional diameter of right (X+) end of cylinder. // d2 = Optional diameter of right (X+) end of cylinder.
// align = The side of the origin to align to. Use constants from `constants.scad`. Default: `CENTER` // align = The side of the origin to align to. Use constants from `constants.scad`. Default: `CENTER`
// center = If given, overrides `align`. A `true` value sets `align=CENTER`, `false` sets `align=UP`. // center = If given, overrides `align`. A `true` value sets `align=CENTER`, `false` sets `align=BOTTOM`.
// //
// Example: By Radius // Example: By Radius
// ydistribute(50) { // ydistribute(50) {
@ -909,6 +894,8 @@ module zcyl(l=undef, r=undef, d=undef, r1=undef, r2=undef, d1=undef, d2=undef, h
// tube(h=30, or1=40, or2=25, ir1=35, ir2=20); // tube(h=30, or1=40, or2=25, ir1=35, ir2=20);
// Example: Circular Wedge // Example: Circular Wedge
// tube(h=30, or1=40, or2=30, ir1=20, ir2=30); // tube(h=30, or1=40, or2=30, ir1=20, ir2=30);
// Example: Standard Connectors
// tube(h=30, or=40, wall=5) show_connectors();
module tube( module tube(
h=1, wall=undef, h=1, wall=undef,
r=undef, r1=undef, r2=undef, r=undef, r1=undef, r2=undef,
@ -929,7 +916,7 @@ module tube(
sides = segs(max(r1,r2)); sides = segs(max(r1,r2));
size = [r1*2,r1*2,h]; size = [r1*2,r1*2,h];
size2 = [r2*2,r2*2,h]; size2 = [r2*2,r2*2,h];
orient_and_align(size, orient, align, center=center, size2=size2, chain=true) { orient_and_align(size, orient, align, center=center, size2=size2, geometry="cylinder", chain=true) {
zrot(realign? 180/sides : 0) { zrot(realign? 180/sides : 0) {
difference() { difference() {
cyl(h=h, r1=r1, r2=r2, $fn=sides) children(); cyl(h=h, r1=r1, r2=r2, $fn=sides) children();
@ -968,6 +955,8 @@ module tube(
// torus(d=45, d2=15); // torus(d=45, d2=15);
// torus(or=30, ir=15); // torus(or=30, ir=15);
// torus(od=60, id=30); // torus(od=60, id=30);
// Example: Standard Connectors
// torus(od=60, id=30) show_connectors();
module torus( module torus(
r=undef, d=undef, r=undef, d=undef,
r2=undef, d2=undef, r2=undef, d2=undef,
@ -980,7 +969,7 @@ module torus(
majrad = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=(orr+irr)/2); majrad = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=(orr+irr)/2);
minrad = get_radius(r=r2, d=d2, dflt=(orr-irr)/2); minrad = get_radius(r=r2, d=d2, dflt=(orr-irr)/2);
size = [(majrad+minrad)*2, (majrad+minrad)*2, minrad*2]; size = [(majrad+minrad)*2, (majrad+minrad)*2, minrad*2];
orient_and_align(size, orient, align, center=center, chain=true) { orient_and_align(size, orient, align, center=center, geometry="cylinder", chain=true) {
rotate_extrude(convexity=4) { rotate_extrude(convexity=4) {
right(majrad) circle(minrad); right(majrad) circle(minrad);
} }
@ -1004,8 +993,12 @@ module torus(
// circum = If true, circumscribes the perfect sphere of the given radius/diameter. // circum = If true, circumscribes the perfect sphere of the given radius/diameter.
// orient = Orientation of the sphere, if you don't like where the vertices lay. Use the `ORIENT_` constants from `constants.scad`. Default: `ORIENT_Z`. // orient = Orientation of the sphere, if you don't like where the vertices lay. Use the `ORIENT_` constants from `constants.scad`. Default: `ORIENT_Z`.
// align = Alignment of the sphere. Use the constants from `constants.scad`. Default: `CENTER`. // align = Alignment of the sphere. Use the constants from `constants.scad`. Default: `CENTER`.
// Example: // Example: By Radius
// spheroid(d=100, circum=true, $fn=10); // spheroid(r=50, circum=true);
// Example: By Diameter
// spheroid(d=100, circum=true);
// Example: Standard Connectors
// spheroid(d=40, circum=true) show_connectors();
module spheroid(r=undef, d=undef, circum=false, orient=UP, align=CENTER) module spheroid(r=undef, d=undef, circum=false, orient=UP, align=CENTER)
{ {
r = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=1); r = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=1);
@ -1013,7 +1006,7 @@ module spheroid(r=undef, d=undef, circum=false, orient=UP, align=CENTER)
vsides = ceil(hsides/2); vsides = ceil(hsides/2);
rr = circum? (r / cos(90/vsides) / cos(180/hsides)) : r; rr = circum? (r / cos(90/vsides) / cos(180/hsides)) : r;
size = [2*rr, 2*rr, 2*rr]; size = [2*rr, 2*rr, 2*rr];
orient_and_align(size, orient, align, chain=true) { orient_and_align(size, orient, align, geometry="sphere", chain=true) {
sphere(r=rr); sphere(r=rr);
children(); children();
} }
@ -1036,8 +1029,12 @@ module spheroid(r=undef, d=undef, circum=false, orient=UP, align=CENTER)
// orient = Orientation of the sphere, if you don't like where the vertices lay. Use the `ORIENT_` constants from `constants.scad`. Default: `ORIENT_Z`. // orient = Orientation of the sphere, if you don't like where the vertices lay. Use the `ORIENT_` constants from `constants.scad`. Default: `ORIENT_Z`.
// align = Alignment of the sphere. Use the constants from `constants.scad`. Default: `CENTER`. // align = Alignment of the sphere. Use the constants from `constants.scad`. Default: `CENTER`.
// //
// Example: // Example: By Radius
// staggered_sphere(d=100, circum=true, $fn=10); // staggered_sphere(r=50, circum=true);
// Example: By Diameter
// staggered_sphere(d=100, circum=true);
// Example: Standard Connectors
// staggered_sphere(d=40, circum=true) show_connectors();
module staggered_sphere(r=undef, d=undef, circum=false, orient=UP, align=CENTER) { module staggered_sphere(r=undef, d=undef, circum=false, orient=UP, align=CENTER) {
r = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=1); r = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=1);
sides = segs(r); sides = segs(r);
@ -1075,7 +1072,7 @@ module staggered_sphere(r=undef, d=undef, circum=false, orient=UP, align=CENTER)
] ]
); );
size = [2*rr, 2*rr, 2*rr]; size = [2*rr, 2*rr, 2*rr];
orient_and_align(size, orient, align, chain=true) { orient_and_align(size, orient, align, geometry="sphere", chain=true) {
polyhedron(points=pts, faces=faces); polyhedron(points=pts, faces=faces);
children(); children();
} }
@ -1153,7 +1150,7 @@ module teardrop(r=undef, d=undef, l=undef, h=undef, ang=45, cap_h=undef, orient=
r = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=1); r = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=1);
l = first_defined([l, h, 1]); l = first_defined([l, h, 1]);
size = [r*2,r*2,l]; size = [r*2,r*2,l];
orient_and_align(size, orient, align, chain=true) { orient_and_align(size, orient, align, geometry="cylinder", chain=true) {
linear_extrude(height=l, center=true, slices=2) { linear_extrude(height=l, center=true, slices=2) {
teardrop2d(r=r, ang=ang, cap_h=cap_h); teardrop2d(r=r, ang=ang, cap_h=cap_h);
} }
@ -1184,13 +1181,18 @@ module teardrop(r=undef, d=undef, l=undef, h=undef, ang=45, cap_h=undef, orient=
// onion(r=30, maxang=30, cap_h=40); // onion(r=30, maxang=30, cap_h=40);
// Example: Close Crop // Example: Close Crop
// onion(r=30, maxang=30, cap_h=20); // onion(r=30, maxang=30, cap_h=20);
// Example: Standard Connectors
// onion(r=30, maxang=30, cap_h=40) show_connectors();
module onion(cap_h=undef, r=undef, d=undef, maxang=45, h=undef, orient=ORIENT_Z, align=CENTER) module onion(cap_h=undef, r=undef, d=undef, maxang=45, h=undef, orient=ORIENT_Z, align=CENTER)
{ {
r = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=1); r = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=1);
h = first_defined([cap_h, h]); h = first_defined([cap_h, h]);
maxd = 3*r/tan(maxang); maxd = 3*r/tan(maxang);
size = [r*2,r*2,r*2]; size = [r*2,r*2,r*2];
orient_and_align(size, orient, align, chain=true) { alignments = [
["cap", [0,0,h], UP, 0]
orient_and_align(size, orient, align, geometry="sphere", alignments=alignments, chain=true) {
rotate_extrude(convexity=2) { rotate_extrude(convexity=2) {
difference() { difference() {
teardrop2d(r=r, ang=maxang, cap_h=h); teardrop2d(r=r, ang=maxang, cap_h=h);
@ -1732,7 +1734,7 @@ module nil() union() {}
// Description: // Description:
// Passes through the children passed to it, with no action at all. // Passes through the children passed to it, with no action at all.
// Useful while debugging when you want to replace a command. // Useful while debugging when you want to replace a command.
module noop() children(); module noop(orient=ORIENT_Z) orient_and_align([0,0,0], orient, CENTER, chain=true) {nil(); children();}
// Module: pie_slice() // Module: pie_slice()
@ -1773,7 +1775,7 @@ module pie_slice(
r2 = get_radius(r2, r, d2, d, 10); r2 = get_radius(r2, r, d2, d, 10);
maxd = max(r1,r2)+0.1; maxd = max(r1,r2)+0.1;
size = [2*r1, 2*r1, l]; size = [2*r1, 2*r1, l];
orient_and_align(size, orient, align, center=center, chain=true) { orient_and_align(size, orient, align, center=center, geometry="cylinder", chain=true) {
difference() { difference() {
cylinder(r1=r1, r2=r2, h=l, center=true); cylinder(r1=r1, r2=r2, h=l, center=true);
if (ang<180) rotate(ang) back(maxd/2) cube([2*maxd, maxd, l+0.1], center=true); if (ang<180) rotate(ang) back(maxd/2) cube([2*maxd, maxd, l+0.1], center=true);
@ -1919,7 +1921,7 @@ module arced_slot(
fn_minor = first_defined([$fn2, $fn]); fn_minor = first_defined([$fn2, $fn]);
da = ea - sa; da = ea - sa;
size = [r+sr1, r+sr1, h]; size = [r+sr1, r+sr1, h];
orient_and_align(size, orient, align, chain=true) { orient_and_align(size, orient, align, geometry="cylinder", chain=true) {
translate(cp) { translate(cp) {
zrot(sa) { zrot(sa) {
difference() { difference() {

View file

*/ */
include <BOSL2/constants.scad> include <constants.scad>
include <BOSL2/compat.scad> include <compat.scad>
include <BOSL2/math.scad> include <math.scad>
include <BOSL2/arrays.scad> include <arrays.scad>
include <BOSL2/vector.scad> include <vectors.scad>
include <BOSL2/matrices.scad> include <matrices.scad>
include <BOSL2/coords.scad> include <coords.scad>
include <BOSL2/geometry.scad> include <geometry.scad>
include <BOSL2/transforms.scad> include <attachments.scad>
include <BOSL2/primitives.scad> include <transforms.scad>
include <BOSL2/shapes.scad> include <primitives.scad>
include <BOSL2/masks.scad> include <shapes.scad>
include <masks.scad>
// vim: noexpandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 nowrap // vim: noexpandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 nowrap

View file

@ -2173,330 +2173,4 @@ module shell2d(thickness, or=0, ir=0, fill=0, round=0)
// Section: Miscellaneous
// Module: orient_and_align()
// Description:
// Takes a vertically oriented shape, and re-orients and aligns it.
// This is useful for making a custom shape available in various
// orientations and alignments without extra translate()s and rotate()s.
// Children should be vertically (Z-axis) oriented, and centered.
// Non-extremity alignment points should be named via the `alignments` arg.
// Named alignments are aligned pre-rotation.
// Usage:
// orient_and_align(size, [orient], [align], [center], [noncentered], [orig_orient], [orig_align], [alignments], [chain]) ...
// Arguments:
// size = The [X,Y,Z] size of the part.
// size2 = The [X,Y] size of the top of the part.
// shift = The [X,Y] offset of the top of the part, compared to the bottom of the part.
// orient = The axis to align to. Use `ORIENT_` constants from `constants.scad`.
// align = The side of the origin the part should be aligned with.
// center = If given, overrides `align`. If true, centers vertically. If false, `align` will be set to the value in `noncentered`.
// noncentered = The value to set `align` to if `center` == `false`. Default: `UP`.
// orig_orient = The original orientation of the part. Default: `ORIENT_Z`.
// orig_align = The original alignment of the part. Default: `CENTER`.
// alignments = A list of extra, non-standard connectors that can be aligned to.
// chain = If true, allow attachable children.
// Side Effects:
// `$parent_size` is set to the parent object's cubical region size.
// `$parent_size2` is set to the parent object's top [X,Y] size.
// `$parent_shift` is set to the parent object's `shift` value, if any.
// `$parent_orient` is set to the parent object's `orient` value.
// `$parent_align` is set to the parent object's `align` value.
// `$parent_conns` is set to the parent object's list of non-standard extra connectors.
// Example:
// #cylinder(d=5, h=10);
// orient_and_align([5,5,10], orient=ORIENT_Y, align=BACK, orig_align=UP) cylinder(d=5, h=10);
module orient_and_align(
size=undef, orient=ORIENT_Z, align=CENTER,
center=undef, noncentered=TOP,
orig_orient=ORIENT_Z, orig_align=CENTER,
size2=undef, shift=[0,0],
alignments=[], chain=false
) {
size2 = point2d(default(size2, size));
shift = point2d(shift);
align = !is_undef(center)? (center? CENTER : noncentered) : align;
m = matrix4_mult(concat(
(orig_align==CENTER)? [] : [
// If original alignment is not centered, center it.
matrix4_translate(vmul(size/2, -orig_align))
(orig_orient==ORIENT_Z)? [] : [
// If original orientation is not upright, rotate it upright.
($attach_to!=undef)? (
conn = find_connector($attach_to, size.z, size, size2=size2, shift=shift),
ang = vector_angle(conn[2], DOWN),
axis = vector_axis(conn[2], DOWN),
ang2 = (conn[2]==UP || conn[2]==DOWN)? 0 : 180-conn[3],
axis2 = rotate_points3d([axis],[0,0,ang2])[0]
) [
matrix4_rot_by_axis(axis2, ang)
) : concat(
(align==CENTER)? [] : [
let(conn = find_connector(align, size.z, size, size2=size2, shift=shift, extra_conns=alignments))
(orient==ORIENT_Z)? [] : [
$attach_to = undef;
$parent_size = size;
$parent_size2 = size2;
$parent_shift = shift;
$parent_orient = orient;
$parent_align = align;
$parent_conns = alignments;
tags = _str_char_split($tags, " ");
s_tags = $tags_shown;
h_tags = $tags_hidden;
shown = !s_tags || any([for (tag=tags) in_list(tag, s_tags)]);
hidden = any([for (tag=tags) in_list(tag, h_tags)]);
echo(tags=tags, shown=shown, hidden=hidden, view=shown&&!hidden);
multmatrix(m) {
if ($children>1 && chain) {
if(shown && !hidden) color($color) for (i=[0:$children-2]) children(i);
} else {
if(shown && !hidden) color($color) children();
// Function: connector()
// Usage:
// connector(name, pos, dir, [rot])
// Description:
// Creates a connector data structure.
// Arguments:
// name = The string name of the connector. Lowercase. Words separated by single dashes. No spaces.
// pos = The [X,Y,Z] position of the connector.
// dir = A vector pointing in the direction parts should project from the connector position.
// rot = If needed, the angle to rotate the part around the direction vector.
function connector(name, pos=[0,0,0], dir=UP, rot=0) = [name, pos, dir, rot];
// Function: find_connector()
// Usage:
// find_connector(align, h, size, [size2], [shift], [edges], [corners]);
// Description:
// Generates a list of typical connectors for a cubical region of the given size.
// Arguments:
// align = Named alignment/connector string.
// h = Height of the region.
// size = The [X,Y] size of the bottom of the cubical region.
// size2 = The [X,Y] size of the top of the cubical region.
// shift = The [X,Y] amount to shift the center of the top with respect to the center of the bottom.
// extra_conns = A list of extra named connectors.
function find_connector(align, h, size, size2=undef, shift=[0,0], extra_conns=[]) =
shift = point3d(shift),
size = point3d(point2d(size)),
size2 = (size2!=undef)? point3d(point2d(size2)) : size,
found = !is_string(align)? [] : search([align], extra_conns, num_returns_per_match=1)[0]
) (found!=[])? extra_conns[found] : let(
top = [-size2/2+shift, shift, size2/2+shift],
bot = [-size/2, CENTER, size/2],
toppt = [top[align.x+1].x, top[align.y+1].y, h/2],
botpt = [bot[align.x+1].x, bot[align.y+1].y, -h/2],
pos = lerp(botpt, toppt, (align.z+1)/2),
oang = (
align == UP? 0 :
align == DOWN? 0 :
(norm([align.x,align.y]) < EPSILON)? 0 :
atan2(align.y, align.x)+90
vec = (
abs(align.z) > EPSILON? align :
rotate_points3d([align], from=UP, to=toppt-botpt)[0]
) [align, pos, vec, oang];
// Module: attach()
// Usage:
// attach(name, [overlap], [norot]) ...
// attach(name, to, [overlap]) ...
// Description:
// Attaches children to a parent object at an attachment point and orientation.
// Arguments:
// name = The name of the parent attachment point to attach to.
// to = The name of the child attachment point.
// overlap = Amount to sink child into the parent.
// norot = If true, don't rotate children when aligning to the attachment point.
// Example:
// spheroid(d=20) {
// attach(TOP) down(1.5) cyl(l=11.5, d1=10, d2=5, align=BOTTOM);
// attach(RIGHT, BOTTOM) down(1.5) cyl(l=11.5, d1=10, d2=5);
// attach(FRONT) down(1.5) cyl(l=11.5, d1=10, d2=5, align=BOTTOM);
// }
module attach(name, to=undef, overlap=undef, norot=false)
assert($parent_size != undef, "No object to attach to!");
overlap = (overlap!=undef)? overlap : $overlap;
conn = find_connector(name, $parent_size.z, point2d($parent_size), size2=$parent_size2, shift=$parent_shift, extra_conns=$parent_conns);
pos = conn[1];
vec = conn[2];
ang = conn[3];
$attach_to = to;
$attach_conn = conn;
if (norot || (norm(vec-UP)<1e-9 && ang==0)) {
translate(pos) translate([0,0,-overlap]) children();
} else {
translate(pos) rot(ang,from=UP,to=vec) translate([0,0,-overlap]) children();
// Module: tags()
// Usage:
// tags(tags) ...
// Description:
// Marks all children with the given tags.
// Arguments:
// tags = String containing space delimited set of tags to apply.
module tags(tags)
$tags = tags;
// Module: recolor()
// Usage:
// recolor(c) ...
// Description:
// Sets the color for children that can use the $color special variable.
// Example:
// recolor("red") cyl(l=20, d=10);
module recolor(c)
$color = c;
// Module: hide()
// Usage:
// hide(tags) ...
// Description: Hides all children with the given tags.
module hide(tags="")
$tags_hidden = tags==""? [] : _str_char_split(tags, " ");
// Module: show()
// Usage:
// show(tags) ...
// Description: Shows only children with the given tags.
module show(tags="")
$tags_shown = tags==""? [] : _str_char_split(tags, " ");
// Module: diff()
// Usage:
// diff(neg, [keep]) ...
// diff(neg, pos, [keep]) ...
// Description:
// If `neg` is given, takes the union of all children with tags
// that are in `neg`, and differences them from the union of all
// children with tags in `pos`. If `pos` is not given, then all
// items in `neg` are differenced from all items not in `neg`. If
// `keep` is given, all children with tags in `keep` are then unioned
// with the result. If `keep` is not given, all children without
// tags in `pos` or `neg` are then unioned with the result.
// Arguments:
// neg = String containing space delimited set of tag names of children to difference away.
// pos = String containing space delimited set of tag names of children to be differenced away from.
// keep = String containing space delimited set of tag names of children to keep whole.
module diff(neg, pos=undef, keep=undef)
difference() {
if (pos != undef) {
show(pos) children();
} else {
if (keep == undef) {
hide(neg) children();
} else {
hide(str(neg," ",keep)) children();
show(neg) children();
if (keep!=undef) {
show(keep) children();
} else if (pos!=undef) {
hide(str(pos," ",neg)) children();
// Module: intersect()
// Usage:
// intersect(a, [keep]) ...
// intersect(a, b, [keep]) ...
// Description:
// If `a` is given, takes the union of all children with tags that
// are in `a`, and intersection()s them with the union of all
// children with tags in `b`. If `b` is not given, then the union
// of all items with tags in `a` are intersection()ed with the union
// of all items without tags in `a`. If `keep` is given, then the
// result is unioned with all the children with tags in `keep`. If
// `keep` is not given, all children without tags in `a` or `b` are
// unioned with the result.
// Arguments:
// a = String containing space delimited set of tag names of children.
// b = String containing space delimited set of tag names of children.
// keep = String containing space delimited set of tag names of children to keep whole.
module intersect(a, b=undef, keep=undef)
intersection() {
if (b != undef) {
show(b) children();
} else {
if (keep == undef) {
hide(a) children();
} else {
hide(str(a," ",keep)) children();
show(a) children();
if (keep!=undef) {
show(keep) children();
} else if (b!=undef) {
hide(str(a," ",b)) children();
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