diff --git a/joiners.scad b/joiners.scad
index 2dd8175..4a6856b 100644
--- a/joiners.scad
+++ b/joiners.scad
@@ -83,33 +83,34 @@ module half_joiner(h=20, w=10, l=10, a=30, screwsize=undef, guides=true, anchor=
     dmnd_width = dmnd_height*tan(a);
     guide_size = w/3;
     guide_width = 2*(dmnd_height/2-guide_size)*tan(a);
+    a2 = atan2(guide_width/2,h/3);
     attachable(anchor,spin,orient, size=[w, 2*l, h]) {
         difference() {
             union() {
-                // Make base.
                 difference() {
-                    // Solid backing base.
-                    fwd(l/2) cube(size=[w, l, h], center=true);
+                    // Base cube
+                    fwd(l) cube([w, l+guide_width/2, h], anchor=FRONT);
-                    // Clear diamond for tab
-                    xcopies(2*w*2/3) {
-                        half_joiner_clear(h=h+0.01, w=w, clearance=$slop*2, a=a);
+                    // Bevel top and bottom
+                    yrot_copies(n=2)
+                        down(h/2)
+                            xrot(-a2)
+                                down(0.1)
+                                    cube([w+1, guide_width+1, h+1], anchor=FWD+BOT);
+                    // Clear sides
+                    xcopies(2*w*2/3-$slop*2) {
+                        cube([w, guide_width, h/3], center=true);
+                        fwd(guide_width/2)
+                            yrot_copies(n=2)
+                                down(h/6)
+                                    xrot(a2)
+                                        cube([w, guide_width, h/2], anchor=FWD+TOP);
-                difference() {
-                    // Make tab
-                    scale([w/3-$slop*2, dmnd_width/2, dmnd_height/2]) xrot(45)
-                        cube(size=[1,sqrt(2),sqrt(2)], center=true);
-                    // Blunt point of tab.
-                    back(guide_width/2+2)
-                        cube(size=[w*0.99,4,guide_size*2], center=true);
-                }
                 // Guide ridges.
                 if (guides == true) {
                     xcopies(w/3-$slop*2) {
@@ -136,7 +137,6 @@ module half_joiner(h=20, w=10, l=10, a=30, screwsize=undef, guides=true, anchor=
 // Module: half_joiner2()
 // Usage:
 //   half_joiner2(h, w, l, [a], [screwsize], [guides])
diff --git a/scripts/make_tutorials.sh b/scripts/make_tutorials.sh
index b99fb65..c092db5 100755
--- a/scripts/make_tutorials.sh
+++ b/scripts/make_tutorials.sh
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ done
 if [[ "$FILES" != "" ]]; then
-    PREVIEW_LIBS="Shapes2d Shapes3d Transforms Distributors Mutators Paths FractalTree"
+    PREVIEW_LIBS="Shapes2d Shapes3d Transforms Distributors Mutators Attachments Paths FractalTree"
 dir="$(basename $PWD)"
diff --git a/scripts/tutorial_gen.py b/scripts/tutorial_gen.py
index c2a57f8..24d4a28 100755
--- a/scripts/tutorial_gen.py
+++ b/scripts/tutorial_gen.py
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ imgmgr = ImageManager()
 def img_started(req):
-    print("  {}... ".format(os.path.basename(req.src_file)), end='')
+    print("  {}... ".format(os.path.basename(req.image_file)), end='')
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ def processFile(infile, outfile=None, imgroot=""):
     outdata = []
     with open(infile, "r") as f:
-        script = []
+        script = ["include <BOSL2/std.scad>"]
         extyp = ""
         in_script = False
         imgnum = 0
@@ -67,26 +67,24 @@ def processFile(infile, outfile=None, imgroot=""):
                     extyp = line.split("-")[1]
                     extyp = ""
-                line = "```openscad"
-                script = []
                 show_script = "ImgOnly" not in extyp
+                script = ["include <BOSL2/std.scad>"]
                 imgnum = imgnum + 1
-                if show_script:
-                    outdata.append(line)
             elif in_script:
-                if show_script:
-                    outdata.append(line)
                 if line == "```":
                     in_script = False
-                    imgfile = "{}_{}.png".format(fileroot, imgnum)
+                    imgfile = os.path.join(imgroot, "{}_{}.png".format(fileroot, imgnum))
                         fileroot+".md", linenum,
                         imgfile, script, extyp,
-                    outdata.append("![Figure {}]({})".format(imgnum, imgroot + imgfile))
-                    script = []
+                    if show_script:
+                        outdata.append("```openscad")
+                        outdata.extend(script)
+                        outdata.append("```")
+                    outdata.append("![Figure {}]({})".format(imgnum, imgfile))
                     show_script = True
                     extyp = ""
diff --git a/tutorials/Mutators.md b/tutorials/Mutators.md
index 3ad3eb1..299fc1e 100644
--- a/tutorials/Mutators.md
+++ b/tutorials/Mutators.md
@@ -7,51 +7,51 @@ Sometimes you want to take a 3D shape like a sphere, and cut it in half.
 The BOSL2 library provides a number of ways to do this:
-    left_half() sphere(d=100);
+left_half() sphere(d=100);
-    right_half() sphere(d=100);
+right_half() sphere(d=100);
-    front_half() sphere(d=100);
+front_half() sphere(d=100);
-    back_half() sphere(d=100);
+back_half() sphere(d=100);
-    bottom_half() sphere(d=100);
+bottom_half() sphere(d=100);
-    top_half() sphere(d=100);
+top_half() sphere(d=100);
 You can use the `half_of()` module if you want to split space in a way not aligned with an axis:
-    half_of([-1,0,-1]) sphere(d=100);
+half_of([-1,0,-1]) sphere(d=100);
 The plane of dissection can be shifted along the axis of any of these operators:
-    left_half(x=20) sphere(d=100);
+left_half(x=20) sphere(d=100);
-    back_half(y=-20) sphere(d=100);
+back_half(y=-20) sphere(d=100);
-    bottom_half(z=20) sphere(d=100);
+bottom_half(z=20) sphere(d=100);
-    half_of([-1,0,-1], cp=[20,0,20]) sphere(d=100);
+half_of([-1,0,-1], cp=[20,0,20]) sphere(d=100);
 By default, these operators can be applied to objects that fit in a cube 1000 on a side. If you need
@@ -59,59 +59,59 @@ to apply these halving operators to objects larger than this, you can give the s
-    bottom_half(s=2000) sphere(d=1500);
+bottom_half(s=2000) sphere(d=1500);
 ## 2D Plane Halving
 To cut 2D shapes in half, you will need to add the `planar=true` argument:
-    left_half(planar=true) circle(d=100);
+left_half(planar=true) circle(d=100);
-    right_half(planar=true) circle(d=100);
+right_half(planar=true) circle(d=100);
-    front_half(planar=true) circle(d=100);
+front_half(planar=true) circle(d=100);
-    back_half(planar=true) circle(d=100);
+back_half(planar=true) circle(d=100);
 ## Chained Mutators
 If you have a set of shapes that you want to do pair-wise hulling of, you can use `chain_hull()`:
-    chain_hull() {
-        cube(5, center=true);
-        translate([30, 0, 0]) sphere(d=15);
-        translate([60, 30, 0]) cylinder(d=10, h=20);
-        translate([60, 60, 0]) cube([10,1,20], center=false);
-    }
+chain_hull() {
+    cube(5, center=true);
+    translate([30, 0, 0]) sphere(d=15);
+    translate([60, 30, 0]) cylinder(d=10, h=20);
+    translate([60, 60, 0]) cube([10,1,20], center=false);
 ## Extrusion Mutators
 The OpenSCAD `linear_extrude()` module can take a 2D shape and extrude it vertically in a line:
-    linear_extrude(height=30) zrot(45) square(40,center=true);
+linear_extrude(height=30) zrot(45) square(40,center=true);
 The `rotate_extrude()` module can take a 2D shape and rotate it around the Z axis.
-    linear_extrude(height=30) left(30) zrot(45) square(40,center=true);
+linear_extrude(height=30) left(30) zrot(45) square(40,center=true);
 In a similar manner, the BOSL2 `cylindrical_extrude()` module can take a 2d shape and extrude it
 out radially from the center of a cylinder:
-    cylindrical_extrude(or=40, ir=35)
-        text(text="Hello World!", size=10, halign="center", valign="center");
+cylindrical_extrude(or=40, ir=35)
+    text(text="Hello World!", size=10, halign="center", valign="center");
@@ -121,61 +121,61 @@ out radially from the center of a cylinder:
 Openscad provides the `minkowski()` module to trace a shape over the entire surface of another shape:
-    minkowski() {
-        union() {
-            cube([100,33,33], center=true);
-            cube([33,100,33], center=true);
-            cube([33,33,100], center=true);
-        }
-        sphere(r=8);
+minkowski() {
+    union() {
+	cube([100,33,33], center=true);
+	cube([33,100,33], center=true);
+	cube([33,33,100], center=true);
+    sphere(r=8);
 However, it doesn't provide the inverse of this operation; to remove a shape from the entire surface
 of another object.  For this, the BOSL2 library provides the `minkowski_difference()` module:
-    minkowski_difference() {
-        union() {
-            cube([100,33,33], center=true);
-            cube([33,100,33], center=true);
-            cube([33,33,100], center=true);
-        }
-        sphere(r=8);
+minkowski_difference() {
+    union() {
+        cube([100,33,33], center=true);
+        cube([33,100,33], center=true);
+        cube([33,33,100], center=true);
+    sphere(r=8);
 To perform a `minkowski_difference()` on 2D shapes, you need to supply the `planar=true` argument:
-    minkowski_difference(planar=true) {
-        union() {
-            square([100,33], center=true);
-            square([33,100], center=true);
-        }
-        circle(r=8);
+minkowski_difference(planar=true) {
+    union() {
+        square([100,33], center=true);
+        square([33,100], center=true);
+    circle(r=8);
 ### Round2d
 The `round2d()` module lets you take a 2D shape and round inside and outside corners.  The inner concave corners are rounded to the radius `ir=`, while the outer convex corners are rounded to the radius `or=`:
-    round2d(or=8) star(6, step=2, d=100);
+round2d(or=8) star(6, step=2, d=100);
-    round2d(ir=12) star(6, step=2, d=100);
+round2d(ir=12) star(6, step=2, d=100);
-    round2d(or=8,ir=12) star(6, step=2, d=100);
+round2d(or=8,ir=12) star(6, step=2, d=100);
 You can use `r=` to effectively set both `ir=` and `or=` to the same value:
-    round2d(r=8) star(6, step=2, d=100);
+round2d(r=8) star(6, step=2, d=100);
 ### Shell2d
@@ -183,62 +183,62 @@ With the `shell2d()` module, you can take an arbitrary shape, and get the shell
 With a positive thickness, the shell is offset outwards from the original shape:
-    shell2d(thickness=5) star(5,step=2,d=100);
-    color("blue") stroke(star(5,step=2,d=100),closed=true);
+shell2d(thickness=5) star(5,step=2,d=100);
+color("blue") stroke(star(5,step=2,d=100),closed=true);
 With a negative thickness, the shell if inset from the original shape:
-    shell2d(thickness=-5) star(5,step=2,d=100);
-    color("blue") stroke(star(5,step=2,d=100),closed=true);
+shell2d(thickness=-5) star(5,step=2,d=100);
+color("blue") stroke(star(5,step=2,d=100),closed=true);
 You can give a pair of thickness values if you want it both inset and outset from the original shape:
-    shell2d(thickness=[-5,5]) star(5,step=2,d=100);
-    color("blue") stroke(star(5,step=2,d=100),closed=true);
+shell2d(thickness=[-5,5]) star(5,step=2,d=100);
+color("blue") stroke(star(5,step=2,d=100),closed=true);
 You can add rounding to the outside by passing a radius to the `or=` argument.
-    shell2d(thickness=-5,or=5) star(5,step=2,d=100);
+shell2d(thickness=-5,or=5) star(5,step=2,d=100);
 If you need to pass different radii for the convex and concave corners of the outside, you can pass them as `or=[CONVEX,CONCAVE]`:
-    shell2d(thickness=-5,or=[5,10]) star(5,step=2,d=100);
+shell2d(thickness=-5,or=[5,10]) star(5,step=2,d=100);
 A radius of 0 can be used to specify no rounding:
-    shell2d(thickness=-5,or=[5,0]) star(5,step=2,d=100);
+shell2d(thickness=-5,or=[5,0]) star(5,step=2,d=100);
 You can add rounding to the inside by passing a radius to the `ir=` argument.
-    shell2d(thickness=-5,ir=5) star(5,step=2,d=100);
+shell2d(thickness=-5,ir=5) star(5,step=2,d=100);
 If you need to pass different radii for the convex and concave corners of the inside, you can pass them as `ir=[CONVEX,CONCAVE]`:
-    shell2d(thickness=-5,ir=[8,3]) star(5,step=2,d=100);
+shell2d(thickness=-5,ir=[8,3]) star(5,step=2,d=100);
 You can use `or=` and `ir=` together to get nice combined rounding effects:
-    shell2d(thickness=-5,or=[7,2],ir=[7,2]) star(5,step=2,d=100);
+shell2d(thickness=-5,or=[7,2],ir=[7,2]) star(5,step=2,d=100);
-    shell2d(thickness=-5,or=[5,0],ir=[5,0]) star(5,step=2,d=100);
+shell2d(thickness=-5,or=[5,0],ir=[5,0]) star(5,step=2,d=100);
@@ -253,21 +253,21 @@ easier to select colors using other color schemes.  You can use the HSL or Hue-S
 color scheme with the `HSL()` module:
-    for (h=[0:0.1:1], s=[0:0.1:1], l=[0:0.1:1]) {
-        translate(100*[h,s,l]) {
-            HSL(h*360,1-s,l) cube(10,center=true);
-        }
+for (h=[0:0.1:1], s=[0:0.1:1], l=[0:0.1:1]) {
+    translate(100*[h,s,l]) {
+        HSL(h*360,1-s,l) cube(10,center=true);
 You can use the HSV or Hue-Saturation-Value color scheme with the `HSV()` module:
-    for (h=[0:0.1:1], s=[0:0.1:1], v=[0:0.1:1]) {
-        translate(100*[h,s,v]) {
-            HSV(h*360,1-s,v) cube(10,center=true);
-        }
+for (h=[0:0.1:1], s=[0:0.1:1], v=[0:0.1:1]) {
+    translate(100*[h,s,v]) {
+        HSV(h*360,1-s,v) cube(10,center=true);
diff --git a/tutorials/Paths.md b/tutorials/Paths.md
index 83aad46..bcba35c 100644
--- a/tutorials/Paths.md
+++ b/tutorials/Paths.md
@@ -18,64 +18,64 @@ A path can be hard to visualize, since it's just a bunch of numbers in the sourc
 One way to see the path is to pass it to `polygon()`:
-    path = [[0,0], [-10,10], [0,20], [10,20], [10,10]];
-    polygon(path);
+path = [[0,0], [-10,10], [0,20], [10,20], [10,10]];
 Sometimes, however, it's easier to see just the path itself.  For this, you can use the `stroke()` module.
 At its most basic, `stroke()` just shows the path's line segments:
-    path = [[0,0], [-10,10], [0,20], [10,20], [10,10]];
-    stroke(path);
+path = [[0,0], [-10,10], [0,20], [10,20], [10,10]];
 You can vary the width of the drawn path with the `width=` argument:
-    path = [[0,0], [-10,10], [0,20], [10,20], [10,10]];
-    stroke(path, width=3);
+path = [[0,0], [-10,10], [0,20], [10,20], [10,10]];
+stroke(path, width=3);
 You can vary the line length along the path by giving a list of widths, one per point:
-    path = [[0,0], [-10,10], [0,20], [10,20], [10,10]];
-    stroke(path, width=[3,2,1,2,3]);
+path = [[0,0], [-10,10], [0,20], [10,20], [10,10]];
+stroke(path, width=[3,2,1,2,3]);
 If a path is meant to represent a closed polygon, you can use `closed=true` to show it that way:
-    path = [[0,0], [-10,10], [0,20], [10,20], [10,10]];
-    stroke(path, closed=true);
+path = [[0,0], [-10,10], [0,20], [10,20], [10,10]];
+stroke(path, closed=true);
 The ends of the drawn path are normally capped with a "round" endcap, but there are other options:
-    path = [[0,0], [-10,10], [0,20], [10,20], [10,10]];
-    stroke(path, endcaps="round");
+path = [[0,0], [-10,10], [0,20], [10,20], [10,10]];
+stroke(path, endcaps="round");
-    path = [[0,0], [-10,10], [0,20], [10,20], [10,10]];
-    stroke(path, endcaps="butt");
+path = [[0,0], [-10,10], [0,20], [10,20], [10,10]];
+stroke(path, endcaps="butt");
-    path = [[0,0], [-10,10], [0,20], [10,20], [10,10]];
-    stroke(path, endcaps="line");
+path = [[0,0], [-10,10], [0,20], [10,20], [10,10]];
+stroke(path, endcaps="line");
-    path = [[0,0], [-10,10], [0,20], [10,20], [10,10]];
-    stroke(path, endcaps="tail");
+path = [[0,0], [-10,10], [0,20], [10,20], [10,10]];
+stroke(path, endcaps="tail");
-    path = [[0,0], [-10,10], [0,20], [10,20], [10,10]];
-    stroke(path, endcaps="arrow2");
+path = [[0,0], [-10,10], [0,20], [10,20], [10,10]];
+stroke(path, endcaps="arrow2");
 For more standard supported endcap options, see the docs for [`stroke()`](shapes2d.scad#stroke).
@@ -83,26 +83,26 @@ For more standard supported endcap options, see the docs for [`stroke()`](shapes
 The start and ending endcaps can be specified individually or separately, using `endcap1=` and `endcap2=`:
-    path = [[0,0], [-10,10], [0,20], [10,20], [10,10]];
-    stroke(path, endcap2="arrow2");
+path = [[0,0], [-10,10], [0,20], [10,20], [10,10]];
+stroke(path, endcap2="arrow2");
-    path = [[0,0], [-10,10], [0,20], [10,20], [10,10]];
-    stroke(path, endcap1="butt", endcap2="arrow2");
+path = [[0,0], [-10,10], [0,20], [10,20], [10,10]];
+stroke(path, endcap1="butt", endcap2="arrow2");
-    path = [[0,0], [-10,10], [0,20], [10,20], [10,10]];
-    stroke(path, endcap1="tail", endcap2="arrow");
+path = [[0,0], [-10,10], [0,20], [10,20], [10,10]];
+stroke(path, endcap1="tail", endcap2="arrow");
 The size of the endcaps will be relative to the width of the line where the endcap is to be placed:
-    path = [[0,0], [-10,10], [0,20], [10,20], [10,10]];
-    widths = [1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2];
-    stroke(path, width=widths, endcaps="arrow2");
+path = [[0,0], [-10,10], [0,20], [10,20], [10,10]];
+widths = [1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2];
+stroke(path, width=widths, endcaps="arrow2");
 If none of the standard endcaps are useful to you, it is possible to design your own, simply by
@@ -114,104 +114,104 @@ line width size.
-    path = [[0,0], [-10,10], [0,20], [10,20], [10,10]];
-    dblarrow = [[0,0], [2,-3], [0.5,-2.3], [2,-4], [0.5,-3.5], [-0.5,-3.5], [-2,-4], [-0.5,-2.3], [-2,-3]];
-    stroke(path, endcaps=dblarrow);
+path = [[0,0], [-10,10], [0,20], [10,20], [10,10]];
+dblarrow = [[0,0], [2,-3], [0.5,-2.3], [2,-4], [0.5,-3.5], [-0.5,-3.5], [-2,-4], [-0.5,-2.3], [-2,-3]];
+stroke(path, endcaps=dblarrow);
-    path = [[0,0], [-10,10], [0,20], [10,20], [10,10]];
-    dblarrow = [[0,0], [2,-3], [0.5,-2.3], [2,-4], [0.5,-3.5], [-0.5,-3.5], [-2,-4], [-0.5,-2.3], [-2,-3]];
-    stroke(path, trim=3.5, endcaps=dblarrow);
+path = [[0,0], [-10,10], [0,20], [10,20], [10,10]];
+dblarrow = [[0,0], [2,-3], [0.5,-2.3], [2,-4], [0.5,-3.5], [-0.5,-3.5], [-2,-4], [-0.5,-2.3], [-2,-3]];
+stroke(path, trim=3.5, endcaps=dblarrow);
 ### Standard 2D Shape Polygons
 BOSL2 will let you get the perimeter polygon for almost all of the standard 2D shapes simply by calling them like a function:
-    path = square(40, center=true);
-    stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
+path = square(40, center=true);
+stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
-    path = rect([40,30], rounding=5, center=true);
-    stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
+path = rect([40,30], rounding=5, center=true);
+stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
-    path = trapezoid(w1=40, w2=20, h=30);
-    stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
+path = trapezoid(w1=40, w2=20, h=30);
+stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
-    path = circle(d=50);
-    stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
+path = circle(d=50);
+stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
-    path = oval(d=[50,30]);
-    stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
+path = oval(d=[50,30]);
+stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
-    path = pentagon(d=50);
-    stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
+path = pentagon(d=50);
+stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
-    path = star(n=5, step=2, d=50);
-    stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
+path = star(n=5, step=2, d=50);
+stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
 ### Arcs
 Often, when you are constructing a path, you will want to add an arc.  The `arc()` command lets you do that:
-    path = arc(r=30, angle=120);
-    stroke(path, endcap2="arrow2");
+path = arc(r=30, angle=120);
+stroke(path, endcap2="arrow2");
-    path = arc(d=60, angle=120);
-    stroke(path, endcap2="arrow2");
+path = arc(d=60, angle=120);
+stroke(path, endcap2="arrow2");
 If you give the `N=` argument, you can control exactly how many points the arc is divided into:
-    path = arc(N=5, r=30, angle=120);
-    stroke(path, endcap2="arrow2");
+path = arc(N=5, r=30, angle=120);
+stroke(path, endcap2="arrow2");
 With the `start=` argument, you can start the arc somewhere other than the X+ axis:
-    path = arc(start=45, r=30, angle=120);
-    stroke(path, endcap2="arrow2");
+path = arc(start=45, r=30, angle=120);
+stroke(path, endcap2="arrow2");
 Alternatively, you can give starting and ending angles in a list in the `angle=` argument:
-    path = arc(angle=[120,45], r=30);
-    stroke(path, endcap2="arrow2");
+path = arc(angle=[120,45], r=30);
+stroke(path, endcap2="arrow2");
 The `cp=` argument lets you center the arc somewhere other than the origin:
-    path = arc(cp=[10,0], r=30, angle=120);
-    stroke(path, endcap2="arrow2");
+path = arc(cp=[10,0], r=30, angle=120);
+stroke(path, endcap2="arrow2");
 The arc can also be given by three points on the arc:
-    pts = [[-15,10],[0,20],[35,-5]];
-    path = arc(points=pts);
-    stroke(path, endcap2="arrow2");
+pts = [[-15,10],[0,20],[35,-5]];
+path = arc(points=pts);
+stroke(path, endcap2="arrow2");
@@ -222,75 +222,75 @@ turtle or cursor walking a path.  It can "move" forward or backward, or turn "le
-    path = turtle([
-        "move", 10,
-        "left", 90,
-        "move", 20,
-        "left", 135,
-        "move", 10*sqrt(2),
-        "right", 90,
-        "move", 10*sqrt(2),
-        "left", 135,
-        "move", 20
-    ]);
-    stroke(path, endcap2="arrow2");
+path = turtle([
+    "move", 10,
+    "left", 90,
+    "move", 20,
+    "left", 135,
+    "move", 10*sqrt(2),
+    "right", 90,
+    "move", 10*sqrt(2),
+    "left", 135,
+    "move", 20
+stroke(path, endcap2="arrow2");
 The position and the facing of the turtle/cursor updates after each command.  The motion and turning
 commands can also have default distances or angles given:
-    path = turtle([
-        "angle",360/6,
-        "length",10,
-        "move","turn",
-        "move","turn",
-        "move","turn",
-        "move","turn",
-        "move"
-    ]);
-    stroke(path, endcap2="arrow2");
+path = turtle([
+    "angle",360/6,
+    "length",10,
+    "move","turn",
+    "move","turn",
+    "move","turn",
+    "move","turn",
+    "move"
+stroke(path, endcap2="arrow2");
 You can use "scale" to relatively scale up the default motion length:
-    path = turtle([
-        "angle",360/6,
-        "length",10,
-        "move","turn",
-        "move","turn",
-        "scale",2,
-        "move","turn",
-        "move","turn",
-        "scale",0.5,
-        "move"
-    ]);
-    stroke(path, endcap2="arrow2");
+path = turtle([
+    "angle",360/6,
+    "length",10,
+    "move","turn",
+    "move","turn",
+    "scale",2,
+    "move","turn",
+    "move","turn",
+    "scale",0.5,
+    "move"
+stroke(path, endcap2="arrow2");
 Sequences of commands can be repeated using the "repeat" command:
-    path=turtle([
-        "angle",360/5,
-        "length",10,
-        "repeat",5,["move","turn"]
-    ]);
-    stroke(path, endcap2="arrow2");
+    "angle",360/5,
+    "length",10,
+    "repeat",5,["move","turn"]
+stroke(path, endcap2="arrow2");
 More complicated commands also exist, including those that form arcs:
-    path = turtle([
-        "move", 10,
-        "left", 90,
-        "move", 20,
-        "arcleft", 10, 180,
-        "move", 20
-    ]);
-    stroke(path, endcap2="arrow2");
+path = turtle([
+    "move", 10,
+    "left", 90,
+    "move", 20,
+    "arcleft", 10, 180,
+    "move", 20
+stroke(path, endcap2="arrow2");
 A comprehensive list of supported turtle commands can be found in the docs for [`turtle()`](shapes2d.scad#turtle).
@@ -299,97 +299,97 @@ A comprehensive list of supported turtle commands can be found in the docs for [
 To translate a path, you can just pass it to the `move()` (or up/down/left/right/fwd/back) function in the `p=` argument:
-    path = move([-15,-30], p=square(50,center=true));
-    stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
+path = move([-15,-30], p=square(50,center=true));
+stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
-    path = fwd(30, p=square(50,center=true));
-    stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
+path = fwd(30, p=square(50,center=true));
+stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
-    path = left(30, p=square(50,center=true));
-    stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
+path = left(30, p=square(50,center=true));
+stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
 To scale a path, you can just pass it to the `scale()` (or [xyz]scale) function in the `p=` argument:
-    path = scale([1.5,0.75], p=square(50,center=true));
-    stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
+path = scale([1.5,0.75], p=square(50,center=true));
+stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
-    path = xscale(1.5, p=square(50,center=true));
-    stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
+path = xscale(1.5, p=square(50,center=true));
+stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
-    path = yscale(1.5, p=square(50,center=true));
-    stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
+path = yscale(1.5, p=square(50,center=true));
+stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
 To rotate a path, just can pass it to the `rot()` (or [xyz]rot) function in the `p=` argument:
-    path = rot(30, p=square(50,center=true));
-    stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
+path = rot(30, p=square(50,center=true));
+stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
-    path = zrot(30, p=square(50,center=true));
-    stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
+path = zrot(30, p=square(50,center=true));
+stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
 To mirror a path, just can pass it to the `mirror()` (or [xyz]flip) function in the `p=` argument:
-    path = mirror([1,1], p=trapezoid(w1=40, w2=10, h=25));
-    stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
+path = mirror([1,1], p=trapezoid(w1=40, w2=10, h=25));
+stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
-    path = xflip(p=trapezoid(w1=40, w2=10, h=25));
-    stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
+path = xflip(p=trapezoid(w1=40, w2=10, h=25));
+stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
-    path = yflip(p=trapezoid(w1=40, w2=10, h=25));
-    stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
+path = yflip(p=trapezoid(w1=40, w2=10, h=25));
+stroke(path, closed=true, endcap2="arrow2");
 You can get raw transformation matrices for various transformations by calling them like a function without a `p=` argument:
-    mat = move([5,10,0]);
-    multmatrix(mat) square(50,center=true);
+mat = move([5,10,0]);
+multmatrix(mat) square(50,center=true);
-    mat = scale([1.5,0.75,1]);
-    multmatrix(mat) square(50,center=true);
+mat = scale([1.5,0.75,1]);
+multmatrix(mat) square(50,center=true);
-    mat = rot(30);
-    multmatrix(mat) square(50,center=true);
+mat = rot(30);
+multmatrix(mat) square(50,center=true);
 Raw transformation matrices can be multiplied together to precalculate a compound transformation.  For example, to scale a shape, then rotate it, then translate the result, you can do something like:
-    mat = move([5,10,0]) * rot(30) * scale([1.5,0.75,1]);
-    multmatrix(mat) square(50,center=true);
+mat = move([5,10,0]) * rot(30) * scale([1.5,0.75,1]);
+multmatrix(mat) square(50,center=true);
 To apply a compound transformation matrix to a path, you can use the `apply()` function:
-    mat = move([5,10]) * rot(30, planar=true) * scale([1.5,0.75]);
-    path = square(50,center=true);
-    tpath = apply(mat, path);
-    stroke(tpath, endcap2="arrow2");
+mat = move([5,10]) * rot(30, planar=true) * scale([1.5,0.75]);
+path = square(50,center=true);
+tpath = apply(mat, path);
+stroke(tpath, endcap2="arrow2");
@@ -401,39 +401,39 @@ XORed against all the others.  You can display a region using the `region()` mod
 If you have a region with one polygon fully inside another, it makes a hole:
-    rgn = [square(50,center=true), circle(d=30)];
-    region(rgn);
+rgn = [square(50,center=true), circle(d=30)];
 If you have a region with multiple polygons that are not contained by any others, they make multiple discontiguous shapes:
-    rgn = [
-        move([-30, 20], p=square(20,center=true)),
-        move([  0,-20], p=trapezoid(w1=20, w2=10, h=20)),
-        move([ 30, 20], p=square(20,center=true)),
-    ];
-    region(rgn);
+rgn = [
+    move([-30, 20], p=square(20,center=true)),
+    move([  0,-20], p=trapezoid(w1=20, w2=10, h=20)),
+    move([ 30, 20], p=square(20,center=true)),
 Region polygons can be nested abitrarily deep, in multiple discontiguous shapes:
-    rgn = [
-        for (d=[50:-10:10]) left(30, p=circle(d=d)),
-        for (d=[50:-10:10]) right(30, p=circle(d=d))
-    ];
-    region(rgn);
+rgn = [
+    for (d=[50:-10:10]) left(30, p=circle(d=d)),
+    for (d=[50:-10:10]) right(30, p=circle(d=d))
 A region with crossing polygons is somewhat poorly formed, but the intersection(s) of the polygons become holes:
-    rgn = [
-        left(15, p=circle(d=50)),
-        right(15, p=circle(d=50))
-    ];
-    region(rgn);
+rgn = [
+    left(15, p=circle(d=50)),
+    right(15, p=circle(d=50))
 ### Boolean Region Geometry
@@ -441,65 +441,65 @@ Similarly to how OpenSCAD can perform operations like union/difference/intersect
 the BOSL2 library lets you perform those same operations on regions:
-    rgn1 = [for (d=[40:-10:10]) circle(d=d)];
-    rgn2 = [square([60,12], center=true)];
-    rgn = union(rgn1, rgn2);
-    region(rgn);
+rgn1 = [for (d=[40:-10:10]) circle(d=d)];
+rgn2 = [square([60,12], center=true)];
+rgn = union(rgn1, rgn2);
-    rgn1 = [for (d=[40:-10:10]) circle(d=d)];
-    rgn2 = [square([60,12], center=true)];
-    rgn = difference(rgn1, rgn2);
-    region(rgn);
+rgn1 = [for (d=[40:-10:10]) circle(d=d)];
+rgn2 = [square([60,12], center=true)];
+rgn = difference(rgn1, rgn2);
-    rgn1 = [for (d=[40:-10:10]) circle(d=d)];
-    rgn2 = [square([60,12], center=true)];
-    rgn = intersection(rgn1, rgn2);
-    region(rgn);
+rgn1 = [for (d=[40:-10:10]) circle(d=d)];
+rgn2 = [square([60,12], center=true)];
+rgn = intersection(rgn1, rgn2);
-    rgn1 = [for (d=[40:-10:10]) circle(d=d)];
-    rgn2 = [square([60,12], center=true)];
-    rgn = exclusive_or(rgn1, rgn2);
-    region(rgn);
+rgn1 = [for (d=[40:-10:10]) circle(d=d)];
+rgn2 = [square([60,12], center=true)];
+rgn = exclusive_or(rgn1, rgn2);
-    orig_rgn = [star(n=5, step=2, d=50)];
-    rgn = offset(orig_rgn, r=-3, closed=true);
-    color("blue") region(orig_rgn);
-    region(rgn);
+orig_rgn = [star(n=5, step=2, d=50)];
+rgn = offset(orig_rgn, r=-3, closed=true);
+color("blue") region(orig_rgn);
 You can use regions for several useful things.  If you wanted a grid of holes in your object that
 form the shape given by a region, you can do that with `grid2d()`:
-    rgn = [
-        circle(d=100),
-        star(n=5,step=2,d=100,spin=90)
-    ];
-    difference() {
-        cyl(h=5, d=120);
-        grid2d(size=[120,120], spacing=[4,4], inside=rgn) cyl(h=10,d=2);
-    }
+rgn = [
+    circle(d=100),
+    star(n=5,step=2,d=100,spin=90)
+difference() {
+    cyl(h=5, d=120);
+    grid2d(size=[120,120], spacing=[4,4], inside=rgn) cyl(h=10,d=2);
 You can also sweep a region through 3-space to make a solid:
-    $fa=1; $fs=1;
-    rgn = [ for (d=[50:-10:10]) circle(d=d) ];
-    tforms = [
-        for (a=[90:-5:0]) xrot(a, cp=[0,-70]),
-        for (a=[0:5:90]) xrot(a, cp=[0,70]),
-        move([0,150,-70]) * xrot(90),
-    ];
-    sweep(rgn, tforms, closed=false, caps=true);
+$fa=1; $fs=1;
+rgn = [ for (d=[50:-10:10]) circle(d=d) ];
+tforms = [
+    for (a=[90:-5:0]) xrot(a, cp=[0,-70]),
+    for (a=[0:5:90]) xrot(a, cp=[0,70]),
+    move([0,150,-70]) * xrot(90),
+sweep(rgn, tforms, closed=false, caps=true);
diff --git a/tutorials/Shapes2d.md b/tutorials/Shapes2d.md
index 17e4c0f..122f103 100644
--- a/tutorials/Shapes2d.md
+++ b/tutorials/Shapes2d.md
@@ -12,15 +12,15 @@ and more ways to simply reorient them.
 You can still use the built-in `square()` in the familiar ways that OpenSCAD provides:
-    square(100, center=false);
+square(100, center=false);
-    square(100, center=true);
+square(100, center=true);
-    square([60,40], center=true);
+square([60,40], center=true);
 The BOSL2 library provides an enhanced equivalent to `square()` called `rect()`.
@@ -28,13 +28,13 @@ You can use it in the same way you use `square()`, but it also provides
 extended functionality. For example, it allows you to round the corners:
-    rect([60,40], center=true, rounding=10);
+rect([60,40], center=true, rounding=10);
 Or chamfer them:
-    rect([60,40], center=true, chamfer=10);
+rect([60,40], center=true, chamfer=10);
 You can even specify *which* corners get rounded or chamfered.  If you pass a
@@ -44,26 +44,26 @@ corner, counter-clockwise around to the back-left (quadrant II) corner, to the
 forward-left (quadrant III) corner, to the forward-right (quadrant IV) corner:
-    module text3d(text) color("black") text(
-        text=text, font="Times", size=10,
-        halign="center", valign="center"
-    );
-    translate([ 50, 50]) text3d("I");
-    translate([-50, 50]) text3d("II");
-    translate([-50,-50]) text3d("III");
-    translate([ 50,-50]) text3d("IV");
-    rect([90,80], center=true);
+module text3d(text) color("black") text(
+    text=text, font="Times", size=10,
+    halign="center", valign="center"
+translate([ 50, 50]) text3d("I");
+translate([-50, 50]) text3d("II");
+translate([-50,-50]) text3d("III");
+translate([ 50,-50]) text3d("IV");
+rect([90,80], center=true);
 If a size is given as `0`, then there is no rounding and/or chamfering for
 that quadrant's corner:
-    rect([60,40], center=true, rounding=[0,5,10,15]);
+rect([60,40], center=true, rounding=[0,5,10,15]);
-    rect([60,40], center=true, chamfer=[0,5,10,15]);
+rect([60,40], center=true, chamfer=[0,5,10,15]);
 You can give both `rounding=` and `chamfer=` arguments to mix rounding and
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ chamfering, but only if you specify per corner.  If you want a rounding in
 a corner, specify a 0 chamfer for that corner, and vice versa:
-    rect([60,40], center=true, rounding=[5,0,10,0], chamfer=[0,5,0,15]);
+rect([60,40], center=true, rounding=[5,0,10,0], chamfer=[0,5,0,15]);
 #### Anchors and Spin
@@ -84,19 +84,19 @@ the side or corner you want to align to the origin.  For example, to align
 the center of the back edge to the origin, set the anchor to `[0,1]`:
-    rect([60,40], anchor=[0,1]);
+rect([60,40], anchor=[0,1]);
 To align the front right corner to the origin:
-    rect([60,40], anchor=[1,-1]);
+rect([60,40], anchor=[1,-1]);
 To center:
-    rect([60,40], anchor=[0,0]);
+rect([60,40], anchor=[0,0]);
 To make it clearer when giving vectors, there are several standard vector
@@ -116,52 +116,52 @@ Note that even though these are 3D vectors, you can use most of them,
 (except `UP`/`DOWN`, of course) for anchors in 2D shapes:
-    rect([60,40], anchor=BACK);
+rect([60,40], anchor=BACK);
-    rect([60,40], anchor=CENTER);
+rect([60,40], anchor=CENTER);
 You can add vectors together to point to corners:
-    rect([60,40], anchor=FRONT+RIGHT);
+rect([60,40], anchor=FRONT+RIGHT);
 Finally, the `spin` argument can rotate the shape by a given number of degrees
-    rect([60,40], anchor=CENTER, spin=30);
+rect([60,40], anchor=CENTER, spin=30);
 Anchoring or centering is performed before the spin:
-    rect([60,40], anchor=BACK, spin=30);
+rect([60,40], anchor=BACK, spin=30);
 Anchor points double as attachment points, so that you can attach other shapes:
-    rect([60,40],center=true)
-        show_anchors();
+    show_anchors();
 ### 2D Circles and Ovals
 The built-in `circle()` primitive can be used as expected:
-    circle(r=50);
-    circle(d=100);
-    circle(d=100, $fn=8);
+circle(d=100, $fn=8);
 The BOSL2 library also provides an enhanced equivalent of `circle()` called `oval()`.
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ The `realign=` argument, if set `true`, rotates the `oval()` by half the angle
 between the sides:
-    oval(d=100, $fn=8, realign=true);
+oval(d=100, $fn=8, realign=true);
 The `circum=` argument, if true, makes it so that the polygon forming the
@@ -185,19 +185,19 @@ The `circum=` argument, if true, makes it so that the polygon forming the
 Inscribing the ideal circle:
-    difference() {
-        circle(d=100, $fn=360);
-        oval(d=100, $fn=8);
-    }
+difference() {
+    circle(d=100, $fn=360);
+    oval(d=100, $fn=8);
 Circumscribing the ideal circle:
-    difference() {
-        oval(d=100, $fn=8, circum=true);
-        circle(d=100, $fn=360);
-    }
+difference() {
+    oval(d=100, $fn=8, circum=true);
+    circle(d=100, $fn=360);
 The `oval()` module, as its name suggests, can be given separate X and Y radii
@@ -205,29 +205,29 @@ or diameters.  To do this, just give `r=` or `d=` with a list of two radii or
-    oval(r=[30,20]);
-    oval(d=[60,40]);
 Another way that `oval()` is enhanced over `circle()`, is that you can anchor,
 spin and attach it.
-    oval(r=50, anchor=BACK);
+oval(r=50, anchor=BACK);
-    oval(r=50, anchor=FRONT+RIGHT);
+oval(r=50, anchor=FRONT+RIGHT);
 Using spin on a circle may not make initial sense, until you remember that
 anchoring is performed before spin:
-    oval(r=50, anchor=FRONT, spin=-30);
+oval(r=50, anchor=FRONT, spin=-30);
@@ -239,51 +239,51 @@ The BOSL2 library can provide all of these shapes with the `trapezoid()` module.
 To make a simple triangle, just make one of the widths zero:
-    trapezoid(w1=50, w2=0, h=50);
+trapezoid(w1=50, w2=0, h=50);
 To make a right triangle, you need to use the `shift=` argument, to shift the back of the trapezoid along the X axis:
-    trapezoid(w1=50, w2=0, h=50, shift=-25);
+trapezoid(w1=50, w2=0, h=50, shift=-25);
-    trapezoid(w1=50, w2=0, h=50, shift=25);
+trapezoid(w1=50, w2=0, h=50, shift=25);
-    trapezoid(w1=0, w2=50, h=50, shift=-25);
+trapezoid(w1=0, w2=50, h=50, shift=-25);
-    trapezoid(w1=0, w2=50, h=50, shift=25);
+trapezoid(w1=0, w2=50, h=50, shift=25);
 You can make a trapezoid by specifying non-zero widths for both the front (`w1=`) and back (`w2=`):
-    trapezoid(w1=30, w2=50, h=50);
+trapezoid(w1=30, w2=50, h=50);
 A parallelogram is just a matter of using the same width for front and back, with a shift along the X axis:
-    trapezoid(w1=50, w2=50, shift=20, h=50);
+trapezoid(w1=50, w2=50, shift=20, h=50);
 A quadrilateral can be made by having unequal, non-zero front (`w1=`) and back (`w2=`) widths, with the back shifted along the X axis:
-    trapezoid(w1=50, w2=30, shift=20, h=50);
+trapezoid(w1=50, w2=30, shift=20, h=50);
 You can use `anchor=` and `spin=`, just like with other attachable shapes.  However, the anchor
 points are based on the side angles of the faces, and may not be where you expect them:
-    trapezoid(w1=30, w2=50, h=50)
-        show_anchors();
+trapezoid(w1=30, w2=50, h=50)
+    show_anchors();
 ### Regular N-Gons
@@ -292,25 +292,25 @@ OpenSCAD lets you make regular N-gons (pentagon, hexagon, etc) by using `circle(
 While this is concise, it may be less than obvious at first glance:
-    circle(d=50, $fn=5);
+circle(d=50, $fn=5);
 The BOSL2 library has modules that are named more clearly:
-    pentagon(d=50);
-    hexagon(d=50);
-    octagon(d=50);
-    regular_ngon(n=7, d=50);
+regular_ngon(n=7, d=50);
 These modules also provide you with extra functionality.
@@ -318,44 +318,44 @@ These modules also provide you with extra functionality.
 They can be sized by side length:
-    pentagon(side=20);
 They can be sized by circumscribed circle radius/diameter:
-    pentagon(ir=25);
-    pentagon(id=50);
 They can be realigned by half a side's angle:
-    left(30)  pentagon(d=50, realign=true);
-    right(30) pentagon(d=50, realign=false);
+left(30)  pentagon(d=50, realign=true);
+right(30) pentagon(d=50, realign=false);
 They can be rounded:
-    pentagon(d=50, rounding=10);
+pentagon(d=50, rounding=10);
-    hexagon(d=50, rounding=10);
+hexagon(d=50, rounding=10);
 They also have somewhat different attachment behavior:
-    color("green") stroke(circle(d=50), closed=true);
-    oval(d=50,$fn=5)
-        attach(LEFT) color("blue") anchor_arrow2d();
+color("green") stroke(circle(d=50), closed=true);
+    attach(LEFT) color("blue") anchor_arrow2d();
-    pentagon(d=50)
-        attach(LEFT) color("blue") anchor_arrow2d();
+    attach(LEFT) color("blue") anchor_arrow2d();
 You can use `anchor=` and `spin=`, just like with other attachable shapes.  However, the anchor
@@ -363,15 +363,15 @@ points are based on where the anchor vector would intersect the side of the N-go
 be where you expect them:
-    pentagon(d=50)
-        show_anchors(custom=false);
+    show_anchors(custom=false);
 N-gons also have named anchor points for their sides and tips:
-    pentagon(d=30)
-        show_anchors(std=false);
+    show_anchors(std=false);
@@ -381,72 +381,72 @@ The BOSL2 library has stars as a basic supported shape.  They can have any numbe
 You can specify a star's shape by point count, inner and outer vertex radius/diameters:
-    star(n=3, id=10, d=50);
+star(n=3, id=10, d=50);
-    star(n=5, id=15, r=25);
+star(n=5, id=15, r=25);
-    star(n=10, id=30, d=50);
+star(n=10, id=30, d=50);
 Or you can specify the star shape by point count and number of points to step:
-    star(n=7, step=2, d=50);
+star(n=7, step=2, d=50);
-    star(n=7, step=3, d=50);
+star(n=7, step=3, d=50);
 If the `realign=` argument is given a true value, then the star will be rotated by half a point angle:
-    left(30) star(n=5, step=2, d=50);
-    right(30) star(n=5, step=2, d=50, realign=true);
+left(30) star(n=5, step=2, d=50);
+right(30) star(n=5, step=2, d=50, realign=true);
 The `align_tip=` argument can be given a vector so that you can align the first point in a specific direction:
-    star(n=5, ir=15, or=30, align_tip=BACK+LEFT)
-        attach("tip0") color("blue") anchor_arrow2d();
+star(n=5, ir=15, or=30, align_tip=BACK+LEFT)
+    attach("tip0") color("blue") anchor_arrow2d();
-    star(n=5, ir=15, or=30, align_tip=BACK+RIGHT)
-        attach("tip0") color("blue") anchor_arrow2d();
+star(n=5, ir=15, or=30, align_tip=BACK+RIGHT)
+    attach("tip0") color("blue") anchor_arrow2d();
 Similarly, the first indentation or pit can be oriented towards a specific vector with `align_pit=`:
-    star(n=5, ir=15, or=30, align_pit=BACK+LEFT)
-        attach("pit0") color("blue") anchor_arrow2d();
+star(n=5, ir=15, or=30, align_pit=BACK+LEFT)
+    attach("pit0") color("blue") anchor_arrow2d();
-    star(n=5, ir=15, or=30, align_pit=BACK+RIGHT)
-        attach("pit0") color("blue") anchor_arrow2d();
+star(n=5, ir=15, or=30, align_pit=BACK+RIGHT)
+    attach("pit0") color("blue") anchor_arrow2d();
 You can use `anchor=` and `spin=`, just like with other attachable shapes.  However, the anchor
 points are based on the furthest extents of the shape, and may not be where you expect them:
-    star(n=5, step=2, d=50)
-        show_anchors(custom=false);
+star(n=5, step=2, d=50)
+    show_anchors(custom=false);
 Stars also have named anchor points for their pits, tips, and midpoints between tips:
-    star(n=5, step=2, d=40)
-        show_anchors(std=false);
+star(n=5, step=2, d=40)
+    show_anchors(std=false);
@@ -460,36 +460,36 @@ The `teardrop2d()` module will let you make a 2D version of the teardrop shape,
 extrude it later:
-    teardrop2d(r=20);
-    teardrop2d(d=50);
 The default overhang angle is 45 degrees, but you can adjust that with the `ang=` argument:
-    teardrop2d(d=50, ang=30);
+teardrop2d(d=50, ang=30);
 If you prefer to flatten the top of the teardrop, to encourage bridging, you can use the `cap_h=`
-    teardrop2d(d=50, cap_h=25);
+teardrop2d(d=50, cap_h=25);
-    teardrop2d(d=50, ang=30, cap_h=30);
+teardrop2d(d=50, ang=30, cap_h=30);
 You can use `anchor=` and `spin=`, just like with other attachable shapes.  However, the anchor
 points are based on the furthest extents of the shape, and may not be where you expect them:
-    teardrop2d(d=50, ang=30, cap_h=30)
-        show_anchors();
+teardrop2d(d=50, ang=30, cap_h=30)
+    show_anchors();
@@ -499,57 +499,57 @@ A more unusal shape that BOSL2 provides is Glued Circles.  It's basically a pair
 connected by what looks like a gloopy glued miniscus:
-    glued_circles(d=30, spread=40);
+glued_circles(d=30, spread=40);
 The `r=`/`d=` arguments can specify the radius or diameter of the two circles:
-    glued_circles(r=20, spread=45);
+glued_circles(r=20, spread=45);
-    glued_circles(d=40, spread=45);
+glued_circles(d=40, spread=45);
 The `spread=` argument specifies the distance between the centers of the two circles:
-    glued_circles(d=30, spread=30);
+glued_circles(d=30, spread=30);
-    glued_circles(d=30, spread=40);
+glued_circles(d=30, spread=40);
 The `tangent=` argument gives the angle of the tangent of the meniscus on the two circles:
-    glued_circles(d=30, spread=30, tangent=45);
+glued_circles(d=30, spread=30, tangent=45);
-    glued_circles(d=30, spread=30, tangent=20);
+glued_circles(d=30, spread=30, tangent=20);
-    glued_circles(d=30, spread=30, tangent=-20);
+glued_circles(d=30, spread=30, tangent=-20);
 One useful thing you can do is to string a few `glued_circle()`s in a line then extrude them to make a ribbed wall:
-    $fn=36;  s=10;
-    linear_extrude(height=50,convexity=16,center=true)
-        xcopies(s*sqrt(2),n=3)
-            glued_circles(d=s, spread=s*sqrt(2), tangent=45);
+$fn=36;  s=10;
+    xcopies(s*sqrt(2),n=3)
+        glued_circles(d=s, spread=s*sqrt(2), tangent=45);
 You can use `anchor=` and `spin=`, just like with other attachable shapes.  However, the anchor
 points are based on the furthest extents of the shape, and may not be where you expect them:
-    glued_circles(d=40, spread=40, tangent=45)
-        show_anchors();
+glued_circles(d=40, spread=40, tangent=45)
+    show_anchors();
diff --git a/tutorials/Shapes3d.md b/tutorials/Shapes3d.md
index 4df0ff3..e0389c8 100644
--- a/tutorials/Shapes3d.md
+++ b/tutorials/Shapes3d.md
@@ -12,15 +12,15 @@ that they support more features, and more ways to simply reorient them.
 BOSL2 overrides the built-in `cube()` module.  It still can be used as you expect from the built-in:
-    cube(100);
-    cube(100, center=true);
+cube(100, center=true);
-    cube([50,40,20], center=true);
+cube([50,40,20], center=true);
 It is also enhanced to allow you to anchor, spin, orient, and attach it.
@@ -30,21 +30,21 @@ except you can also anchor vertically in 3D, allowing anchoring to faces, edges,
 and corners:
-    cube([50,40,20], anchor=BOTTOM);
+cube([50,40,20], anchor=BOTTOM);
-    cube([50,40,20], anchor=TOP+BACK);
+cube([50,40,20], anchor=TOP+BACK);
-    cube([50,40,20], anchor=TOP+FRONT+LEFT);
+cube([50,40,20], anchor=TOP+FRONT+LEFT);
 You can use `spin=` to rotate around the Z axis:
-    cube([50,40,20], anchor=FRONT, spin=30);
+cube([50,40,20], anchor=FRONT, spin=30);
 3D objects also gain the ability to use an extra trick with `spin=`;
@@ -52,29 +52,29 @@ if you pass a list of `[X,Y,Z]` rotation angles to `spin=`, it will
 rotate by the three given axis angles, similar to using `rotate()`:
-    cube([50,40,20], anchor=FRONT, spin=[15,0,30]);
+cube([50,40,20], anchor=FRONT, spin=[15,0,30]);
 3D objects also can be given an `orient=` argument as a vector, pointing
 to where the top of the shape should be rotated towards.
-    cube([50,40,20], orient=UP+BACK+RIGHT);
+cube([50,40,20], orient=UP+BACK+RIGHT);
 If you use `anchor=`, `spin=`, and `orient=` together, the anchor is performed
 first, then the spin, then the orient:
-    cube([50,40,20], anchor=FRONT);
+cube([50,40,20], anchor=FRONT);
-    cube([50,40,20], anchor=FRONT, spin=45);
+cube([50,40,20], anchor=FRONT, spin=45);
-    cube([50,40,20], anchor=FRONT, spin=45, orient=UP+FWD+RIGHT);
+cube([50,40,20], anchor=FRONT, spin=45, orient=UP+FWD+RIGHT);
 BOSL2 provides a `cuboid()` module that expands on `cube()`, by providing
@@ -84,13 +84,13 @@ except that `cuboid()` centers by default.
 You can round the edges with the `rounding=` argument:
-    cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=20);
+cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=20);
 Similarly, you can chamfer the edges with the `chamfer=` argument:
-    cuboid([100,80,60], chamfer=10);
+cuboid([100,80,60], chamfer=10);
 You can round only some edges, by using the `edges=` arguments.  It can be
@@ -98,80 +98,80 @@ given a few types of arguments. If you gave it a vector pointed at a face,
 it will only round the edges surrounding that face:
-    cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=20, edges=TOP);
+cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=20, edges=TOP);
-    cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=20, edges=RIGHT);
+cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=20, edges=RIGHT);
 If you give `edges=` a vector pointing at a corner, it will round all edges
 that meet at that corner:
-    cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=20, edges=RIGHT+FRONT+TOP);
+cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=20, edges=RIGHT+FRONT+TOP);
-    cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=20, edges=LEFT+FRONT+TOP);
+cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=20, edges=LEFT+FRONT+TOP);
 If you give `edges=` a vector pointing at an edge, it will round only that edge:
-    cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=10, edges=FRONT+TOP);
+cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=10, edges=FRONT+TOP);
-    cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=10, edges=RIGHT+FRONT);
+cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=10, edges=RIGHT+FRONT);
 If you give the string "X", "Y", or "Z", then all edges aligned with the specified
 axis will be rounded:
-    cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=10, edges="X");
+cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=10, edges="X");
-    cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=10, edges="Y");
+cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=10, edges="Y");
-    cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=10, edges="Z");
+cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=10, edges="Z");
 If you give a list of edge specs, then all edges referenced in the list will
 be rounded:
-    cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=10, edges=[TOP,"Z",BOTTOM+RIGHT]);
+cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=10, edges=[TOP,"Z",BOTTOM+RIGHT]);
 The default value for `edges=` is `EDGES_ALL`, which is all edges.  You can also
 give an `except_edges=` argument that specifies edges to NOT round:
-    cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=10, except_edges=BOTTOM+RIGHT);
+cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=10, except_edges=BOTTOM+RIGHT);
 You can give the `except_edges=` argument any type of argument that you can
 give to `edges=`:
-    cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=10, except_edges=[BOTTOM,"Z",TOP+RIGHT]);
+cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=10, except_edges=[BOTTOM,"Z",TOP+RIGHT]);
 You can give both `edges=` and `except_edges=`, to simplify edge specs:
-    cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=10, edges=[TOP,FRONT], except_edges=TOP+FRONT);
+cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=10, edges=[TOP,FRONT], except_edges=TOP+FRONT);
 You can specify what edges to chamfer similarly:
-    cuboid([100,80,60], chamfer=10, edges=[TOP,FRONT], except_edges=TOP+FRONT);
+cuboid([100,80,60], chamfer=10, edges=[TOP,FRONT], except_edges=TOP+FRONT);
@@ -180,37 +180,37 @@ BOSL2 overrides the built-in `cylinder()` module.  It still can be used as you
 expect from the built-in:
-    cylinder(r=50,h=50);
-    cylinder(r=50,h=50,center=true);
-    cylinder(d=100,h=50,center=true);
-    cylinder(d1=100,d2=80,h=50,center=true);
 You can also anchor, spin, orient, and attach like the `cuboid()` module:
-    cylinder(r=50, h=50, anchor=TOP+FRONT);
+cylinder(r=50, h=50, anchor=TOP+FRONT);
-    cylinder(r=50, h=50, anchor=BOTTOM+LEFT);
+cylinder(r=50, h=50, anchor=BOTTOM+LEFT);
-    cylinder(r=50, h=50, anchor=BOTTOM+LEFT, spin=30);
+cylinder(r=50, h=50, anchor=BOTTOM+LEFT, spin=30);
-    cylinder(r=50, h=50, anchor=BOTTOM, orient=UP+BACK+RIGHT);
+cylinder(r=50, h=50, anchor=BOTTOM, orient=UP+BACK+RIGHT);
@@ -219,55 +219,55 @@ rounding and chamfering of edges.  You can use it similarly to `cylinder()`,
 except that `cyl()` centers the cylinder by default.
-    cyl(r=60, l=100);
+cyl(r=60, l=100);
-    cyl(d=100, l=100);
+cyl(d=100, l=100);
-    cyl(d=100, l=100, anchor=TOP);
+cyl(d=100, l=100, anchor=TOP);
 You can round the edges with the `rounding=` argument:
-    cyl(d=100, l=100, rounding=20);
+cyl(d=100, l=100, rounding=20);
 Similarly, you can chamfer the edges with the `chamfer=` argument:
-    cyl(d=100, l=100, chamfer=10);
+cyl(d=100, l=100, chamfer=10);
 You can specify rounding and chamfering for each end individually:
-    cyl(d=100, l=100, rounding1=20);
+cyl(d=100, l=100, rounding1=20);
-    cyl(d=100, l=100, rounding2=20);
+cyl(d=100, l=100, rounding2=20);
-    cyl(d=100, l=100, chamfer1=10);
+cyl(d=100, l=100, chamfer1=10);
-    cyl(d=100, l=100, chamfer2=10);
+cyl(d=100, l=100, chamfer2=10);
 You can even mix and match rounding and chamfering:
-    cyl(d=100, l=100, rounding1=20, chamfer2=10);
+cyl(d=100, l=100, rounding1=20, chamfer2=10);
-    cyl(d=100, l=100, rounding2=20, chamfer1=10);
+cyl(d=100, l=100, rounding2=20, chamfer1=10);
@@ -276,26 +276,26 @@ BOSL2 overrides the built-in `sphere()` module.  It still can be used as you
 expect from the built-in:
-    sphere(r=50);
-    sphere(d=100);
 You can anchor, spin, and orient `sphere()`s, much like you can with `cylinder()`
 and `cube()`:
-    sphere(d=100, anchor=FRONT);
+sphere(d=100, anchor=FRONT);
-    sphere(d=100, anchor=FRONT, spin=30);
+sphere(d=100, anchor=FRONT, spin=30);
-    sphere(d=100, anchor=BOTTOM, orient=RIGHT+TOP);
+sphere(d=100, anchor=BOTTOM, orient=RIGHT+TOP);
 BOSL2 also provides `spheroid()`, which enhances `sphere()` with a few features
@@ -305,27 +305,27 @@ You can use the `circum=true` argument to force the sphere to circumscribe the
 ideal sphere, as opposed to the default inscribing:
-    spheroid(d=100, circum=true);
+spheroid(d=100, circum=true);
 The `style=` argument can choose the way that the sphere will be constructed:
 The "orig" style matches the `sphere()` built-in's construction. 
-    spheroid(d=100, style="orig", $fn=20);
+spheroid(d=100, style="orig", $fn=20);
 The "aligned" style will ensure that there is a vertex at each axis extrema,
 so long as `$fn` is a multiple of 4.
-    spheroid(d=100, style="aligned", $fn=20);
+spheroid(d=100, style="aligned", $fn=20);
 The "stagger" style will stagger the triangulation of the vertical rows:
-    spheroid(d=100, style="stagger", $fn=20);
+spheroid(d=100, style="stagger", $fn=20);
 The "icosa" style will make for roughly equal-sized triangles for the entire
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ sphere surface, based on subdividing an icosahedron.  This style will round the
 effective `$fn` to a multiple of 5 when constructing the spheroid:
-    spheroid(d=100, style="icosa", $fn=20);
+spheroid(d=100, style="icosa", $fn=20);
 The "octa" style will also make for roughly equal-sized triangles for the entire
@@ -342,6 +342,6 @@ guarantees vertices at the axis extrema.  This style will round the effective `$
 to a multiple of 4 when constructing the spheroid:
-    spheroid(d=100, style="octa", $fn=20);
+spheroid(d=100, style="octa", $fn=20);
diff --git a/tutorials/Transforms.md b/tutorials/Transforms.md
index 137b3e4..8738546 100644
--- a/tutorials/Transforms.md
+++ b/tutorials/Transforms.md
@@ -14,124 +14,124 @@ just what axis is being moved along, and in which direction.  It's also a bit ve
 frequently used command.  For these reasons, BOSL2 provides you with shortcuts for each direction.
 These shortcuts are `up()`, `down()`, `fwd()`, `back()`, `left()`, and `right()`:
-    #sphere(d=20);
-    up(30) sphere(d=20);
+up(30) sphere(d=20);
-    #sphere(d=20);
-    down(30) sphere(d=20);
+down(30) sphere(d=20);
-    #sphere(d=20);
-    fwd(30) sphere(d=20);
+fwd(30) sphere(d=20);
-    #sphere(d=20);
-    back(30) sphere(d=20);
+back(30) sphere(d=20);
-    #sphere(d=20);
-    left(30) sphere(d=20);
+left(30) sphere(d=20);
-    #sphere(d=20);
-    right(30) sphere(d=20);
+right(30) sphere(d=20);
 There is also a more generic `move()` command that can work just like `translate()`, or you can
 specify the motion on each axis more clearly:
-    #sphere(d=20);
-    move([30,-10]) sphere(d=20);
+move([30,-10]) sphere(d=20);
-    #sphere(d=20);
-    move(x=30,y=10) sphere(d=20);
+move(x=30,y=10) sphere(d=20);
 ## Scaling
 The `scale()` command is also fairly simple:
-    scale(2) cube(10, center=true);
+scale(2) cube(10, center=true);
-    scale([1,2,3]) cube(10, center=true);
+scale([1,2,3]) cube(10, center=true);
 If you want to only change the scaling on one axis, though, BOSL2 provides clearer
 commands to do just that; `xscale()`, `yscale()`, and `zscale()`:
-    xscale(2) cube(10, center=true);
+xscale(2) cube(10, center=true);
-    yscale(2) cube(10, center=true);
+yscale(2) cube(10, center=true);
-    zscale(2) cube(10, center=true);
+zscale(2) cube(10, center=true);
 ## Rotation
 The `rotate()` command is fairly straightforward:
-    rotate([0,30,0]) cube(20, center=true);
+rotate([0,30,0]) cube(20, center=true);
 It is also a bit verbose, and can, at a glance, be difficult to tell just how it is rotating.
 BOSL2 provides shortcuts for rotating around each axis, for clarity; `xrot()`, `yrot()`, and `zrot()`:
-    xrot(30) cube(20, center=true);
+xrot(30) cube(20, center=true);
-    yrot(30) cube(20, center=true);
+yrot(30) cube(20, center=true);
-    zrot(30) cube(20, center=true);
+zrot(30) cube(20, center=true);
 The `rot()` command is a more generic rotation command, and shorter to type than `rotate()`:
-    rot([0,30,15]) cube(20, center=true);
+rot([0,30,15]) cube(20, center=true);
 All of the rotation shortcuts can take a `cp=` argument, that lets you specify a
 centerpoint to rotate around:
-    cp = [0,0,40];
-    color("blue") move(cp) sphere(d=3);
-    #cube(20, center=true);
-    xrot(45, cp=cp) cube(20, center=true);
+cp = [0,0,40];
+color("blue") move(cp) sphere(d=3);
+#cube(20, center=true);
+xrot(45, cp=cp) cube(20, center=true);
-    cp = [0,0,40];
-    color("blue") move(cp) sphere(d=3);
-    #cube(20, center=true);
-    yrot(45, cp=cp) cube(20, center=true);
+cp = [0,0,40];
+color("blue") move(cp) sphere(d=3);
+#cube(20, center=true);
+yrot(45, cp=cp) cube(20, center=true);
-    cp = [0,40,0];
-    color("blue") move(cp) sphere(d=3);
-    #cube(20, center=true);
-    zrot(45, cp=cp) cube(20, center=true);
+cp = [0,40,0];
+color("blue") move(cp) sphere(d=3);
+#cube(20, center=true);
+zrot(45, cp=cp) cube(20, center=true);
 You can also do a new trick with it.  You can rotate from pointing in one direction, towards another.
 You give these directions using vectors:
-    #cylinder(d=10, h=50);
-    rot(from=[0,0,1], to=[1,0,1]) cylinder(d=10, h=50);
+#cylinder(d=10, h=50);
+rot(from=[0,0,1], to=[1,0,1]) cylinder(d=10, h=50);
 There are several direction vectors constants and aliases you can use for clarity:
@@ -150,51 +150,51 @@ Constant                       | Value        | Direction
 This lets you rewrite the above vector rotation more clearly as:
-    #cylinder(d=10, h=50);
-    rot(from=UP, to=UP+RIGHT) cylinder(d=10, h=50);
+#cylinder(d=10, h=50);
+rot(from=UP, to=UP+RIGHT) cylinder(d=10, h=50);
 ## Mirroring
 The standard `mirror()` command works like this:
-    #yrot(60) cylinder(h=50, d1=20, d2=10);
-    mirror([1,0,0]) yrot(60) cylinder(h=50, d1=20, d2=10);
+#yrot(60) cylinder(h=50, d1=20, d2=10);
+mirror([1,0,0]) yrot(60) cylinder(h=50, d1=20, d2=10);
 BOSL2 provides shortcuts for mirroring across the standard axes; `xflip()`, `yflip()`, and `zflip()`:
-    #yrot(60) cylinder(h=50, d1=20, d2=10);
-    xflip() yrot(60) cylinder(h=50, d1=20, d2=10);
+#yrot(60) cylinder(h=50, d1=20, d2=10);
+xflip() yrot(60) cylinder(h=50, d1=20, d2=10);
-    #xrot(60) cylinder(h=50, d1=20, d2=10);
-    yflip() xrot(60) cylinder(h=50, d1=20, d2=10);
+#xrot(60) cylinder(h=50, d1=20, d2=10);
+yflip() xrot(60) cylinder(h=50, d1=20, d2=10);
-    #cylinder(h=50, d1=20, d2=10);
-    zflip() cylinder(h=50, d1=20, d2=10);
+#cylinder(h=50, d1=20, d2=10);
+zflip() cylinder(h=50, d1=20, d2=10);
 All of the flip commands can offset where the mirroring is performed:
-    #zrot(30) cube(20, center=true);
-    xflip(x=-20) zrot(30) cube(20, center=true);
-    color("blue",0.25) left(20) cube([0.1,50,50], center=true);
+#zrot(30) cube(20, center=true);
+xflip(x=-20) zrot(30) cube(20, center=true);
+color("blue",0.25) left(20) cube([0.1,50,50], center=true);
-    #zrot(30) cube(20, center=true);
-    yflip(y=20) zrot(30) cube(20, center=true);
-    color("blue",0.25) back(20) cube([40,0.1,40], center=true);
+#zrot(30) cube(20, center=true);
+yflip(y=20) zrot(30) cube(20, center=true);
+color("blue",0.25) back(20) cube([40,0.1,40], center=true);
-    #xrot(30) cube(20, center=true);
-    zflip(z=-20) xrot(30) cube(20, center=true);
-    color("blue",0.25) down(20) cube([40,40,0.1], center=true);
+#xrot(30) cube(20, center=true);
+zflip(z=-20) xrot(30) cube(20, center=true);
+color("blue",0.25) down(20) cube([40,40,0.1], center=true);