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synced 2025-03-09 02:39:47 +00:00
Added cuboid(), cyl(). Deprecated a bunch.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 408 additions and 216 deletions
include <transforms.scad>
use <transforms.scad>
include <math.scad>
use <math.scad>
include <constants.scad>
// For when you MUST pass a child to a module, but you want it to be nothing.
// For when you MUST pass a child to a module, but you want it to be nothing.
module nil() union() {}
module nil() union() {}
// Makes a cube that is offset along the given vector by half the cube's size.
// Creates a cube or cuboid object.
// For example, if v=[-1,1,0], the cube's front right edge will be centered at the origin.
// size = The size of the cube.
// size = size of cube.
// align = The side of the origin to align to. Use V_ constants from constants.scad.
// v = vector to offset along.
// chamfer = Size of chamfer, inset from sides. Default: No chamferring.
// Example:
// fillet = Radius of fillet for edge rounding. Default: No filleting.
// offsetcube([3,4,5], [-1,1,0]);
// edges = Edges to chamfer/fillet. Use EDGE constants from constants.scad. Default: EDGES_ALL
module offsetcube(size=[1,1,1], v=[0,0,0]) {
// trimcorners = If true, rounds or chamfers corners where three chamferred/filleted edges meet. Default: true
lx=len(size)==undef? size : size[0];
// Examples:
ly=len(size)==undef? size : size[1];
// cuboid(40);
lz=len(size)==undef? size : size[2];
// cuboid(40, align=V_UP+V_BACK);
ax=len(v)==undef? v : v[0];
// cuboid([20,40,60]);
ay=len(v)==undef? v : v[1];
// cuboid([30,40,60], chamfer=5);
az=len(v)==undef? v : v[2];
// cuboid([30,40,60], fillet=10);
translate([lx*ax/2, ly*ay/2, lz*az/2]) {
// cuboid([30,40,60], chamfer=5, edges=EDGE_TOP_FR+EDGE_TOP_RT+EDGE_FR_RT, $fn=24);
cube(size, center=true);
// cuboid([30,40,60], fillet=5, edges=EDGE_TOP_FR+EDGE_TOP_RT+EDGE_FR_RT, $fn=24);
module cuboid(
) {
size = scalar_vec(size);
majrots = [[0,90,0], [90,0,0], [0,0,0]];
if (chamfer != undef) {
if (version_num()>20190000) {
assert(chamfer <= min(size)/2, "chamfer must be smaller than half the cube width, length, or height.");
} else {
if(chamfer > min(size)/2) {
echo("WARNING: chamfer must be smaller than half the cube width, length, or height.");
if (fillet != undef) {
if (version_num()>20190000) {
assert(fillet <= min(size)/2, "fillet must be smaller than half the cube width, length, or height.");
} else {
if(fillet > min(size)/2) {
echo("WARNING: fillet must be smaller than half the cube width, length, or height.");
translate(vmul(size/2, align)) {
if (chamfer != undef) {
isize = [for (v = size) max(0.001, v-2*chamfer)];
if (edges == EDGES_ALL && trimcorners) {
hull() {
cube([size[0], isize[1], isize[2]], center=true);
cube([isize[0], size[1], isize[2]], center=true);
cube([isize[0], isize[1], size[2]], center=true);
} else {
difference() {
cube(size, center=true);
// Chamfer edges
for (i = [0:3], axis=[0:2]) {
if (edges[axis][i]>0) {
translate(vmul(EDGE_OFFSETS[axis][i], size/2)) {
rotate(majrots[axis]) {
zrot(45) cube([chamfer*sqrt(2), chamfer*sqrt(2), size[axis]+0.01], center=true);
// Chamfer triple-edge corners.
if (trimcorners) {
for (za=[-1,1], ya=[-1,1], xa=[-1,1]) {
if (corner_edge_count(edges, [xa,ya,za]) > 2) {
translate(vmul([xa,ya,za]/2, size-[1,1,1]*chamfer*4/3)) {
rotate_from_to(V_UP, [xa,ya,za]) {
} else if (fillet != undef) {
sides = quantup(segs(fillet),4);
sc = 1/cos(180/sides);
isize = [for (v = size) max(0.001, v-2*fillet)];
if (edges == EDGES_ALL) {
minkowski() {
cube(isize, center=true);
if (trimcorners) {
sphere(r=fillet*sc, $fn=sides);
} else {
intersection() {
zrot(180/sides) cylinder(r=fillet*sc, h=fillet*2, center=true, $fn=sides);
rotate([90,0,0]) zrot(180/sides) cylinder(r=fillet*sc, h=fillet*2, center=true, $fn=sides);
rotate([0,90,0]) zrot(180/sides) cylinder(r=fillet*sc, h=fillet*2, center=true, $fn=sides);
} else {
difference() {
cube(size, center=true);
// Round edges.
for (i = [0:3], axis=[0:2]) {
if (edges[axis][i]>0) {
difference() {
translate(vmul(EDGE_OFFSETS[axis][i], size/2)) {
rotate(majrots[axis]) cube([fillet*2, fillet*2, size[axis]+0.1], center=true);
translate(vmul(EDGE_OFFSETS[axis][i], size/2 - [1,1,1]*fillet)) {
rotate(majrots[axis]) zrot(180/sides) cylinder(h=size[axis]+0.2, r=fillet*sc, center=true, $fn=sides);
// Round triple-edge corners.
if (trimcorners) {
for (za=[-1,1], ya=[-1,1], xa=[-1,1]) {
if (corner_edge_count(edges, [xa,ya,za]) > 2) {
difference() {
translate(vmul([xa,ya,za], size/2)) {
cube(fillet*2, center=true);
translate(vmul([xa,ya,za], size/2-[1,1,1]*fillet)) {
zrot(180/sides) sphere(r=fillet*sc*sc, $fn=sides);
} else {
cube(size=size, center=true);
// Creates a cube between two points.
// Creates a cube between two points.
// p1 = Coordinate point of one cube corner.
// p1 = Coordinate point of one cube corner.
// p2 = Coordinate point of opposite cube corner.
// p2 = Coordinate point of opposite cube corner.
@ -70,29 +193,53 @@ module cube2pt(p1,p2) {
// Creates a cube that spans the X, Y, and Z ranges given.
// xspan = [min, max] X axis range.
// yspan = [min, max] Y axis range.
// zspan = [min, max] Z axis range.
// Example:
// span_cube([10,40], [-10, 20], [10,30]);
module span_cube(xspan, yspan, zspan) {
cube2pt([xspan[0], yspan[0], zspan[0]], [xspan[1], yspan[1], zspan[1]]);
// Makes a cube that is offset along the given vector by half the cube's size.
// For example, if v=[-1,1,0], the cube's front right edge will be centered at the origin.
// size = size of cube.
// v = vector to offset along.
// Example:
// offsetcube([3,4,5], [-1,1,0]);
module offsetcube(size=[1,1,1], v=[0,0,0]) {
echo("DEPRECATED: You should use cuboid() instead of offsetcube()");
cuboid(size=size, align=v);
// Makes a cube that has its right face centered at the origin.
// Makes a cube that has its right face centered at the origin.
module leftcube(size=[1,1,1]) {l=len(size)==undef? size : size[0]; left(l/2) cube(size, center=true);}
module leftcube(size=[1,1,1]) cuboid(size=size, align=V_LEFT);
// Makes a cube that has its left face centered at the origin.
// Makes a cube that has its left face centered at the origin.
module rightcube(size=[1,1,1]) {l=len(size)==undef? size : size[0]; right(l/2) cube(size, center=true);}
module rightcube(size=[1,1,1]) cuboid(size=size, align=V_RIGHT);
// Makes a cube that has its front face centered at the origin.
module backcube(size=[1,1,1]) {l=len(size)==undef? size : size[1]; back(l/2) cube(size, center=true);}
// Makes a cube that has its back face centered at the origin.
// Makes a cube that has its back face centered at the origin.
module fwdcube(size=[1,1,1]) {l=len(size)==undef? size : size[1]; fwd(l/2) cube(size, center=true);}
module fwdcube(size=[1,1,1]) cuboid(size=size, align=V_FWD);
// Makes a cube that has its bottom face centered at the origin.
// Makes a cube that has its front face centered at the origin.
module upcube(size=[1,1,1]) {l=len(size)==undef? size : size[2]; up(l/2) cube(size, center=true);}
module backcube(size=[1,1,1]) cuboid(size=size, align=V_BACK);
// Makes a cube that has its top face centered at the origin.
// Makes a cube that has its top face centered at the origin.
module downcube(size=[1,1,1]) {l=len(size)==undef? size : size[2]; down(l/2) cube(size, center=true);}
module downcube(size=[1,1,1]) cuboid(size=size, align=V_DOWN);
// Makes a cube that has its bottom face centered at the origin.
module upcube(size=[1,1,1]) cuboid(size=size, align=V_UP);
// Makes a cube with chamfered edges.
// Makes a cube with chamfered edges.
@ -102,75 +249,18 @@ module downcube(size=[1,1,1]) {l=len(size)==undef? size : size[2]; down(l/2) cub
// chamfcorners = boolean to specify if corners should be flat chamferred.
// chamfcorners = boolean to specify if corners should be flat chamferred.
// Example:
// Example:
// chamfcube(size=[10,30,50], chamfer=1, chamfaxes=[1,1,1], chamfcorners=true);
// chamfcube(size=[10,30,50], chamfer=1, chamfaxes=[1,1,1], chamfcorners=true);
module chamfcube(
module chamfcube(size=[1,1,1], chamfer=0.25, chamfaxes=[1,1,1], chamfcorners=false) {
echo("DEPRECATED: Use cuboid() instead of chamfcube()");
) {
ch_width = sqrt(2)*chamfer;
edges = (
ch_offset = 1;
(chamfaxes[0]? EDGES_X_ALL : EDGES_NONE) +
difference() {
(chamfaxes[1]? EDGES_Y_ALL : EDGES_NONE) +
cube(size=size, center=true);
(chamfaxes[2]? EDGES_Z_ALL : EDGES_NONE)
for (xs = [-1,1]) {
for (ys = [-1,1]) {
if (chamfaxes[0] == 1) {
translate([0,xs*size[1]/2,ys*size[2]/2]) {
rotate(a=[45,0,0]) cube(size=[size[0]+0.1,ch_width,ch_width], center=true);
if (chamfaxes[1] == 1) {
translate([xs*size[0]/2,0,ys*size[2]/2]) {
rotate(a=[0,45,0]) cube(size=[ch_width,size[1]+0.1,ch_width], center=true);
if (chamfaxes[2] == 1) {
translate([xs*size[0]/2,ys*size[1]/2],0) {
rotate(a=[0,0,45]) cube(size=[ch_width,ch_width,size[2]+0.1], center=true);
if (chamfcorners) {
for (zs = [-1,1]) {
translate([xs*size[0]/2,ys*size[1]/2,zs*size[2]/2]) {
scale([chamfer,chamfer,chamfer]) {
[0,-1,-1], [0,-1,1], [0,1,1], [0,1,-1],
[-1,0,-1], [-1,0,1], [1,0,1], [1,0,-1],
[-1,-1,0], [-1,1,0], [1,1,0], [1,-1,0]
[ 8, 4, 9],
[ 8, 9, 5],
[ 9, 3, 10],
[ 9, 10, 2],
[10, 7, 11],
[10, 11, 6],
[11, 0, 8],
[11, 8, 1],
[ 0, 7, 3],
[ 0, 3, 4],
[ 1, 5, 2],
[ 1, 2, 6],
[ 1, 8, 5],
[ 5, 9, 2],
[ 2, 10, 6],
[ 6, 11, 1],
[ 0, 4, 8],
[ 4, 3, 9],
[ 3, 7, 10],
[ 7, 0, 11],
@ -182,19 +272,9 @@ module chamfcube(
// Examples:
// Examples:
// rrect(size=[9,4,1], r=1, center=true);
// rrect(size=[9,4,1], r=1, center=true);
// rrect(size=[5,7,3], r=1, $fn=24);
// rrect(size=[5,7,3], r=1, $fn=24);
module rrect(size=[1,1,1], r=0.25, center=false)
module rrect(size=[1,1,1], r=0.25, center=false) {
echo("DEPRECATED: Use cuboid() instead of rrect()");
w = size[0];
cuboid(size=size, filler=r, edges=EDGES_Z_ALL, align=center? V_ZERO : V_UP);
l = size[1];
h = size[2];
rr = min(r, min(w/2-0.01, l/2-0.01));
up(center? 0 : h/2) {
linear_extrude(height=h, convexity=2, center=true) {
offset(r=rr) {
square([w-2*rr, l-2*rr], center=true);
@ -206,27 +286,145 @@ module rrect(size=[1,1,1], r=0.25, center=false)
// Examples:
// Examples:
// rcube(size=[9,4,1], r=0.333, center=true, $fn=24);
// rcube(size=[9,4,1], r=0.333, center=true, $fn=24);
// rcube(size=[5,7,3], r=1);
// rcube(size=[5,7,3], r=1);
module rcube(size=[1,1,1], r=0.25, center=false)
module rcube(size=[1,1,1], r=0.25, center=false) {
echo("DEPRECATED: Use cuboid() instead of rcube()");
dd = min(2*r, min(size));
cuboid(size=size, fillet=r, align=center? V_ZERO : V_UP);
$fn=quantup(segs(dd/2), 4);
translate(center? [0,0,0] : size/2) {
minkowski() {
cube([max(0.01,size[0]-dd), max(0.01,size[1]-dd), max(0.01,size[2]-dd)], center=true);
// Synthesize a sphere with vertices at the axis extremes.
// This makes the result of the minkowski have the proper dimensions.
rotate_extrude() {
// Creates cylinders in various alignments and orientations,
difference() {
// with optional fillets and chamfers.
// l = Length of cylinder along axis.
left(dd/2) square(dd, center=true);
// r = Radius of cylinder.
// r1 = Radius of the negative (X-, Y-, Z-) end of cylinder.
// r2 = Radius of the positive (X+, Y+, Z+) end of cylinder.
// d = Diameter of cylinder.
// d1 = Diameter of the negative (X-, Y-, Z-) end of cylinder.
// d2 = Diameter of the positive (X+, Y+, Z+) end of cylinder.
// chamfer = The size of the chamfers on the ends of the cylinder, inset from end. Default: none.
// chamfer1 = The size of the chamfer on the axis-negative end of the cylinder, inset from end. Default: none.
// chamfer2 = The size of the chamfer on the axis-positive end of the cylinder, inset from end. Default: none.
// fillet = The radius of the fillets on the ends of the cylinder. Default: none.
// fillet1 = The radius of the fillet on the axis-negative end of the cylinder.
// fillet2 = The radius of the fillet on the axis-positive end of the cylinder.
// circum = If true, cylinder should circumscribe the circle of the given size. Otherwise inscribes. Default: false
// realign = If true, rotate the cylinder by half the angle of one face.
// orient = Orientation of the cylinder. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.h. Default: vertical.
// align = Alignment of the cylinder. Use the V_ constants from constants.h. Default: centered.
// Examples:
// cyl(l=100, r=25);
// cyl(l=100, d=50, align=V_UP);
// cyl(l=100, r=20, circum=true, realign=true);
// cyl(l=40, d=50, orient=ORIENT_X, align=V_LEFT, chamfer=10);
// cyl(l=100, d1=30, d2=75, orient=ORIENT_Y, fillet=10);
// cyl(l=30, d2=100, d1=100, fillet1=10, fillet2=5, align=V_UP);
module cyl(
r=undef, r1=undef, r2=undef,
d=undef, d1=undef, d2=undef,
chamfer=undef, chamfer1=undef, chamfer2=undef,
chamfang=undef, chamfang1=undef, chamfang2=undef,
fillet=undef, fillet1=undef, fillet2=undef,
circum=false, realign=false,
orient=ORIENT_Z, align=V_ZERO
) {
r1 = get_radius(r1, r, d1, d, 1);
r2 = get_radius(r2, r, d2, d, 1);
sides = segs(max(r1,r2));
sc = circum? 1/cos(180/sides) : 1;
orient_and_align([r1*2,r1*2,l], orient, align) {
zrot(realign? 180/sides : 0) {
if (chamfer!=undef || chamfer1!=undef || chamfer2!=undef) {
cham1 = (chamfer1!=undef)? chamfer1 : (chamfer2!=undef)? 0 : chamfer;
cham2 = (chamfer2!=undef)? chamfer2 : (chamfer1!=undef)? 0 : chamfer;
if (version_num()>20190000) {
assert(cham1 <= r1, "Chamfer is smaller than the radius of the cylinder.");
assert(cham1 <= r2, "Chamfer is smaller than the radius of the cylinder.");
assert(cham1 <= l/2, "Chamfer is smaller than half the length of the cylinder.");
assert(cham2 <= r1, "Chamfer is smaller than the radius of the cylinder.");
assert(cham2 <= r2, "Chamfer is smaller than the radius of the cylinder.");
assert(cham2 <= l/2, "Chamfer is smaller than half the length of the cylinder.");
chang1 = (chamfang1!=undef)? chamfang1 : (chamfang!=undef)? chamfang : undef;
chang2 = (chamfang2!=undef)? chamfang2 : (chamfang!=undef)? chamfang : undef;
vang = atan2(l, r1-r2)/2;
hang1 = (chang1!=undef)? chang1 : 90-vang;
hang2 = (chang2!=undef)? chang2 : vang;
rr1 = sc * (r1 + (r2-r1)*cham1/l);
rr2 = sc * (r2 + (r1-r2)*cham2/l);
rr0 = rr1 - cham1 / tan(hang1);
rr4 = rr2 - cham2 / tan(hang2);
union() {
if (cham2>0) {
up(l/2-cham2) cylinder(h=cham2, r1=rr2, r2=max(0.001, rr4), center=false, $fn=sides);
up((cham1-cham2)/2) cylinder(h=max(0,l-cham1-cham2)+0.001, r1=rr1, r2=rr2, center=true, $fn=sides);
if (cham1>0) {
down(l/2-cham1) zflip() cylinder(h=cham1, r1=rr1, r2=max(0.001, rr0), center=false, $fn=sides);
} else if (fillet!=undef || fillet1!=undef || fillet2!=undef) {
fil1 = (fillet1!=undef)? fillet1 : (fillet2!=undef)? 0 : fillet;
fil2 = (fillet2!=undef)? fillet2 : (fillet1!=undef)? 0 : fillet;
if (version_num()>20190000) {
assert(fil1 <= r1, "Fillet is smaller than the radius of the cylinder.");
assert(fil1 <= r2, "Fillet is smaller than the radius of the cylinder.");
assert(fil1 <= l/2, "Fillet is smaller than half the length of the cylinder.");
assert(fil2 <= r1, "Fillet is smaller than the radius of the cylinder.");
assert(fil2 <= r2, "Fillet is smaller than the radius of the cylinder.");
assert(fil2 <= l/2, "Fillet is smaller than half the length of the cylinder.");
rr1 = sc * (r1+(r2-r1)*(fil1/l));
rr2 = sc * (r2+(r1-r2)*(fil2/l));
if (fil1==fil2) {
if (r1==r2 && fil1 == r1) {
hull() {
zspread(l-2*fil1) {
sphere(r=fil1*sc, $fn=sides);
} else {
minkowski() {
cylinder(h=max(0.001,l-fil1-fil2), r1=max(0.001,rr1-fil1), r2=max(0.001,rr2-fil2), center=true, $fn=sides);
sphere(r=fil1*sc, $fn=sides);
} else {
fsegs1 = quantup(segs(fil1),4);
fsegs2 = quantup(segs(fil2),4);
rotate_extrude(convexity=2) {
difference() {
hull() {
right(rr1-fil1) {
difference() {
fwd(l/2-fil1) circle(r=max(0.001,fil1), $fn=fsegs1);
if (fil1>0) back(fil1) square(2*fil1, center=true);
right(rr2-fil2) {
difference() {
back(l/2-fil2) circle(r=max(0.001,fil2), $fn=fsegs2);
if (fil2>0) fwd(fil2) square(2*fil2, center=true);
right(0.01/2) square([0.01, l], center=true);
left(max(rr1,rr2)/2) square([max(rr1, rr2), l+1], center=true);
} else {
cylinder(h=l, r1=r1*sc, r2=r2*sc, center=true, $fn=sides);
// Creates a cylinder with its top face centered at the origin.
// Creates a cylinder with its top face centered at the origin.
// h = height of cylinder. (Default: 1.0)
// h = height of cylinder. (Default: 1.0)
// r = radius of cylinder. (Default: 1.0)
// r = radius of cylinder. (Default: 1.0)
@ -327,32 +525,17 @@ module zcyl(l=undef, r=undef, d=undef, r1=undef, r2=undef, d1=undef, d2=undef, a
// Example:
// Example:
// chamferred_cylinder(h=50, r=20, chamfer=5, angle=45, bottom=false, center=true);
// chamferred_cylinder(h=50, r=20, chamfer=5, angle=45, bottom=false, center=true);
// chamferred_cylinder(h=50, r=20, chamfedge=10, angle=30, center=true);
// chamferred_cylinder(h=50, r=20, chamfedge=10, angle=30, center=true);
module chamferred_cylinder(h=1, r=1, d=undef, chamfer=0.25, chamfedge=undef, angle=45, center=false, top=true, bottom=true)
module chamferred_cylinder(h=1, r=undef, d=undef, chamfer=0.25, chamfedge=undef, angle=45, center=false, top=true, bottom=true)
chamf = (chamfedge == undef)? chamfer * sqrt(2) : chamfedge;
echo("DEPRECATED: You should use cyl() instead of chamf_cyl() or chamferred_cylinder().");
x = (chamfedge == undef)? chamfer : (chamfedge * sin(angle));
r = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=1);
y = (chamfedge == undef)? chamfer*sin(90-angle)/sin(angle) : (chamfedge * sin(90-angle));
chamf = (chamfedge == undef)? chamfer : chamfedge * cos(angle);
rad = (d == undef)? r : (d / 2.0);
cyl(l=h, r=r, chamfer1=bottom? chamf : 0, chamfer2=top? chamf : 0, chamfang=angle, align=center? V_ZERO : V_UP);
up(center? 0 : h/2) {
rotate_extrude(angle=360, convexity=2) {
[0, h/2],
[rad-x*(top?1:0), h/2],
[rad, h/2-y*(top?1:0)],
[rad, -h/2+y*(bottom?1:0)],
[rad-x*(bottom?1:0), -h/2],
[0, -h/2],
[0, h/2],
module chamf_cyl(h=1, r=1, d=undef, chamfer=0.25, chamfedge=undef, angle=45, center=false, top=true, bottom=true)
module chamf_cyl(h=1, r=undef, d=undef, chamfer=0.25, chamfedge=undef, angle=45, center=false, top=true, bottom=true)
chamferred_cylinder(h=h, r=r, d=d, chamfer=chamfer, chamfedge=chamfedge, angle=angle, center=center, top=top, bottom=bottom);
chamferred_cylinder(h=h, r=r, d=d, chamfer=chamfer, chamfedge=chamfedge, angle=angle, center=center, top=top, bottom=bottom);
//!chamf_cyl(h=20, d=20, chamfedge=10, angle=30, center=true, $fn=36);
//!chamf_cyl(h=20, d=20, chamfedge=10, angle=60, center=true, $fn=36);
// Creates a cylinder with filletted (rounded) ends.
// Creates a cylinder with filletted (rounded) ends.
@ -364,40 +547,17 @@ module chamf_cyl(h=1, r=1, d=undef, chamfer=0.25, chamfedge=undef, angle=45, cen
// Example:
// Example:
// rcylinder(h=50, r1=20, r2=30, fillet=5, center=true);
// rcylinder(h=50, r1=20, r2=30, fillet=5, center=true);
// rcylinder(h=50, r=20, fillet=5, center=true);
// rcylinder(h=50, r=20, fillet=5, center=true);
module rcylinder(h=1, r=1, r1=undef, r2=undef, d=undef, d1=undef, d2=undef, fillet=0.25, center=false)
module rcylinder(h=1, r=1, r1=undef, r2=undef, d=undef, d1=undef, d2=undef, fillet=0.25, center=false) {
echo("DEPRECATED: use cyl() instead of rcylinder()");
r1 = d1!=undef? d1/2 : (r1!=undef? r1 : (d!=undef? d/2 : r));
cyl(l=h, r=r, d=d, r1=r1, r2=r2, d1=d1, d2=d2, fillet=fillet, orient=V_UP, align=center? V_ZERO : V_UP);
r2 = d2!=undef? d2/2 : (r2!=undef? r2 : (d!=undef? d/2 : r));
u = fillet/h;
rr1 = (r1+(r2-r1)*u);
rr2 = (r1+(r2-r1)*(1-u));
yy = h/2 - fillet;
up(center? 0 : h/2) {
rotate_extrude(angle=360, convexity=2) {
difference() {
hull() {
right(rr1-fillet) {
difference() {
fwd(yy) circle(r=fillet, $fn=quantup(segs(fillet), 4));
back(fillet) square(2*fillet, center=true);
right(rr2-fillet) {
difference() {
back(yy) circle(r=fillet, $fn=quantup(segs(fillet), 4));
fwd(fillet) square(2*fillet, center=true);
right(0.01/2) square([0.01, h], center=true);
left(max(rr1,rr2)/2) square([max(rr1, rr2), h+1], center=true);
module filleted_cylinder(h=1, r=1, d=undef, fillet=0.25, center=false)
rcylinder(h=h, r=r, d=d, fillet=fillet, center=center);
module filleted_cylinder(h=1, r=undef, d=undef, r1=undef, r2=undef, d1=undef, d2=undef, fillet=0.25, center=false) {
echo("DEPRECATED: use cyl() instead of filleted_cylinder()");
cyl(l=h, r=r, d=d, r1=r1, r2=r2, d1=d1, d2=d2, fillet=fillet, orient=ORIENT_Z, align=center? V_ZERO : V_UP);
@ -412,9 +572,9 @@ module filleted_cylinder(h=1, r=1, d=undef, fillet=0.25, center=false)
// pyramid(h=3, d=4, n=6, circum=true);
// pyramid(h=3, d=4, n=6, circum=true);
module pyramid(n=4, h=1, l=1, r=undef, d=undef, circum=false)
module pyramid(n=4, h=1, l=1, r=undef, d=undef, circum=false)
cm = circum? 1/cos(180/n) : 1.0;
echo("DEPRECATED: use cyl() instead of pyramid()");
radius = (r!=undef)? r*cm : ((d!=undef)? d*cm/2 : (l/(2*sin(180/n))));
radius = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=l/2/sin(180/n));
zrot(180/n) cylinder(r1=radius, r2=0, h=h, $fn=n, center=false);
cyl(r1=radius, r2=0, l=h, circum=circum, $fn=n, realign=true, align=V_UP);
@ -429,9 +589,9 @@ module pyramid(n=4, h=1, l=1, r=undef, d=undef, circum=false)
// prism(n=8, h=3, d=4, circum=true);
// prism(n=8, h=3, d=4, circum=true);
module prism(n=3, h=1, l=1, r=undef, d=undef, circum=false, center=false)
module prism(n=3, h=1, l=1, r=undef, d=undef, circum=false, center=false)
cm = circum? 1/cos(180/n) : 1.0;
echo("DEPRECATED: use cyl() instead of prism()");
radius = (r!=undef)? r*cm : ((d!=undef)? d*cm/2 : (l/(2*sin(180/n))));
radius = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=l/2/sin(180/n));
zrot(180/n) cylinder(r=radius, h=h, center=center, $fn=n);
cyl(r=radius, l=h, circum=circum, $fn=n, realign=true, align=center? V_ZERO : V_UP);
@ -503,23 +663,32 @@ module interior_fillet(l=1.0, r=1.0, ang=90, overlap=0.01) {
// Deprecated. Renamed to prismoid.
// Deprecated. Renamed to prismoid.
module trapezoid(size1=[1,1], size2=[1,1], h=1, center=false) {
module trapezoid(size1=[1,1], size2=[1,1], h=1, center=false) {
echo("DEPRECATED: trapezoid() has been renamed to prismoid().");
echo("DEPRECATED: trapezoid() has been renamed to prismoid().");
prismoid(size=size, size2=size2, h=h, center=center);
prismoid(size=size, size2=size2, h=h, align=center? V_ZERO : V_UP);
// Creates a rectangular prismoid/frustum shape.
// Creates a rectangular prismoid shape.
// size1 = [width, length] of the bottom of the prism.
// size1 = [width, length] of the axis-negative end of the prism.
// size2 = [width, length] of the top of the prism.
// size2 = [width, length] of the axis-positive end of the prism.
// h = Height of the prism.
// h = Height of the prism.
// center = vertically center the prism.
// orient = Orientation of the prismoid. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.h. Default: ORIENT_Z.
// align = Alignment of the prismoid by the axis-negative (size1) end. Use the V_ constants from constants.h. Default: V_UP.
// center = vertically center the prism. DEPRECATED ARGUMENT. Use align instead.
// Example:
// Example:
// prismoid(size1=[1,4], size2=[4,1], h=4, center=false);
// prismoid(size1=[2,6], size2=[4,0], h=4, center=false);
// prismoid(size1=[2,6], size2=[4,0], h=4, center=false);
module prismoid(size1=[1,1], size2=[1,1], h=1, center=false)
// prismoid(size1=[1,4], size2=[4,1], h=4, orient=ORIENT_X, align=V_UP+V_RIGHT+V_FWD);
// prismoid(size1=[1,4], size2=[4,1], h=4);
module prismoid(
size1=[1,1], size2=[1,1], h=1,
align=V_UP, orient=ORIENT_Z, center=undef)
if (center != undef) {
echo("DEPRECATED ARGUMENT: in prismoid, use align instead of center");
algn = (center == undef)? align : (center? V_ZERO : V_UP);
s1 = [max(size1[0], 0.001), max(size1[1], 0.001)];
s1 = [max(size1[0], 0.001), max(size1[1], 0.001)];
s2 = [max(size2[0], 0.001), max(size2[1], 0.001)];
s2 = [max(size2[0], 0.001), max(size2[1], 0.001)];
up(center? 0 : h/2) {
orient_and_align([s1[0], s1[1], h], orient, algn) {
[+s2[0]/2, +s2[1]/2, +h/2],
[+s2[0]/2, +s2[1]/2, +h/2],
@ -551,7 +720,7 @@ module prismoid(size1=[1,1], size2=[1,1], h=1, center=false)
// Creates a rectangular prismoid/frustum shape
// Creates a rectangular prismoid shape
// with rounded vertical edges.
// with rounded vertical edges.
// size1 = [width, length] of the bottom of the prism.
// size1 = [width, length] of the bottom of the prism.
// size2 = [width, length] of the top of the prism.
// size2 = [width, length] of the top of the prism.
@ -559,19 +728,24 @@ module prismoid(size1=[1,1], size2=[1,1], h=1, center=false)
// r = radius of vertical edge fillets.
// r = radius of vertical edge fillets.
// r1 = radius of vertical edge fillets at bottom.
// r1 = radius of vertical edge fillets at bottom.
// r2 = radius of vertical edge fillets at top.
// r2 = radius of vertical edge fillets at top.
// center = vertically center the prism.
// orient = Orientation of the prismoid. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.h. Default: ORIENT_Z.
// align = Alignment of the prismoid by the axis-negative (size1) end. Use the V_ constants from constants.h. Default: V_UP.
// center = vertically center the prism. DEPRECATED ARGUMENT. Use align instead.
// Example:
// Example:
// rounded_prismoid(size1=[40,40], size2=[0,0], h=40, r=5, center=false);
// rounded_prismoid(size1=[40,40], size2=[0,0], h=40, r=5, center=false);
// rounded_prismoid(size1=[20,60], size2=[40,30], h=40, r1=5, r2=10, center=false);
// rounded_prismoid(size1=[20,60], size2=[40,30], h=40, r1=5, r2=10, center=false);
// rounded_prismoid(size1=[40,60], size2=[35,55], h=40, r1=0, r2=10, center=true);
// rounded_prismoid(size1=[40,60], size2=[35,55], h=40, r1=0, r2=10, center=true);
module rounded_prismoid(size1, size2, h, r=undef, r1=undef, r2=undef, center=true)
module rounded_prismoid(
size1, size2, h,
r=undef, r1=undef, r2=undef,
align=V_UP, orient=ORIENT_Z, center=undef
) {
eps = 0.001;
eps = 0.001;
maxrad1 = min(size1[0]/2, size1[1]/2);
maxrad1 = min(size1[0]/2, size1[1]/2);
maxrad2 = min(size2[0]/2, size2[1]/2);
maxrad2 = min(size2[0]/2, size2[1]/2);
rr1 = min(maxrad1, (r1!=undef)? r1 : r);
rr1 = min(maxrad1, (r1!=undef)? r1 : r);
rr2 = min(maxrad2, (r2!=undef)? r2 : r);
rr2 = min(maxrad2, (r2!=undef)? r2 : r);
down(center? h/2 : 0) {
orient_and_align([size1[0], size1[1], h], orient, align) {
hull() {
hull() {
linear_extrude(height=eps, center=false, convexity=2) {
linear_extrude(height=eps, center=false, convexity=2) {
offset(r=rr1) {
offset(r=rr1) {
@ -602,7 +776,7 @@ module rounded_prismoid(size1, size2, h, r=undef, r1=undef, r2=undef, center=tru
// teardrop2d(r=35, ang=45, cap_h=40);
// teardrop2d(r=35, ang=45, cap_h=40);
module teardrop2d(r=1, d=undef, ang=45, cap_h=undef)
module teardrop2d(r=1, d=undef, ang=45, cap_h=undef)
r = (d!=undef)? (d/2.0) : r;
r = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=1);
difference() {
difference() {
hull() {
hull() {
back(r*sin(ang)) {
back(r*sin(ang)) {
@ -630,9 +804,9 @@ module teardrop2d(r=1, d=undef, ang=45, cap_h=undef)
// cap_h = if given, height above center where the shape will be truncated.
// cap_h = if given, height above center where the shape will be truncated.
// Example:
// Example:
// teardrop(r=30, h=10, ang=30);
// teardrop(r=30, h=10, ang=30);
module teardrop(r=1, d=undef, h=1, ang=45, cap_h=undef)
module teardrop(r=undef, d=undef, h=1, ang=45, cap_h=undef)
r = (d!=undef)? (d/2.0) : r;
r = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=1);
xrot(90) {
xrot(90) {
linear_extrude(height=h, center=true, steps=2) {
linear_extrude(height=h, center=true, steps=2) {
teardrop2d(r=r, ang=ang, cap_h=cap_h);
teardrop2d(r=r, ang=ang, cap_h=cap_h);
@ -675,21 +849,35 @@ module onion(h=1, r=1, d=undef, maxang=45)
// id = Inner diameter of tube.
// id = Inner diameter of tube.
// id1 = Inner diameter of bottom of tube.
// id1 = Inner diameter of bottom of tube.
// id2 = Inner diameter of top of tube.
// id2 = Inner diameter of top of tube.
// orient = Orientation of the tube. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.h. Default: vertical.
// align = Alignment of the tube. Use the V_ constants from constants.h. Default: centered.
// Example:
// Example:
// tube(h=3, r=4, wall=1, center=true);
// tube(h=3, r=4, wall=1, center=true);
// tube(h=6, r=4, wall=2, $fn=6);
// tube(h=6, r=4, wall=2, $fn=6);
// tube(h=3, r1=5, r2=7, wall=2, center=true);
// tube(h=3, r1=5, r2=7, wall=2, center=true);
// tube(h=30, r1=50, r2=70, ir1=50, ir2=50, center=true);
// tube(h=30, r1=50, r2=70, ir1=50, ir2=50, center=true);
// tube(h=30, wall=5, r1=40, r2=50, center=false);
// tube(h=30, wall=5, r1=40, r2=50, center=false);
module tube(h=1, wall=undef, r=undef, r1=undef, r2=undef, d=undef, d1=undef, d2=undef, ir=undef, id=undef, ir1=undef, ir2=undef, id1=undef, id2=undef, center=false)
module tube(
h=1, wall=undef,
r1 = first_defined([d1/2, d/2, id1/2+wall, id/2+wall, r1, r, ir1+wall, ir+wall]);
r=undef, r1=undef, r2=undef,
r2 = first_defined([d2/2, d/2, id2/2+wall, id/2+wall, r2, r, ir2+wall, ir+wall]);
d=undef, d1=undef, d2=undef,
ir1 = first_defined([id1/2, id/2, d1/2-wall, d/2-wall, ir1, ir, r1-wall, r-wall]);
ir=undef, id=undef, ir1=undef,
ir2 = first_defined([id2/2, id/2, d2/2-wall, d/2-wall, ir2, ir, r2-wall, r-wall]);
ir2=undef, id1=undef, id2=undef,
if (ir1 > r1) echo("WARNING: r1 is smaller than ir1.");
center=undef, orient=ORIENT_Z, align=V_UP
if (ir2 > r2) echo("WARNING: r2 is smaller than ir2.");
) {
up(center? 0 : h/2) {
r1 = first_defined([r1, d1/2, r, d/2, ir1+wall, id1/2+wall, ir+wall, id/2+wall]);
r2 = first_defined([r2, d2/2, r, d/2, ir2+wall, id2/2+wall, ir+wall, id/2+wall]);
ir1 = first_defined([ir1, id1/2, ir, id/2, r1-wall, d1/2-wall, r-wall, d/2-wall]);
ir2 = first_defined([ir2, id2/2, ir, id/2, r2-wall, d2/2-wall, r-wall, d/2-wall]);
if (version_num()>20190000) {
assert(ir1 <= r1, "Inner radius is larger than outer radius.");
assert(ir2 <= r2, "Inner radius is larger than outer radius.");
} else {
if (ir1 > r1) echo("WARNING: r1 is smaller than ir1.");
if (ir2 > r2) echo("WARNING: r2 is smaller than ir2.");
algn = (center == undef)? align : (center? V_ZERO : V_UP);
orient_and_align([r1*2,r1*2,h], orient, algn) {
difference() {
difference() {
cylinder(h=h, r1=r1, r2=r2, center=true);
cylinder(h=h, r1=r1, r2=r2, center=true);
cylinder(h=h+0.05, r1=ir1, r2=ir2, center=true);
cylinder(h=h+0.05, r1=ir1, r2=ir2, center=true);
@ -713,14 +901,18 @@ module tube(h=1, wall=undef, r=undef, r1=undef, r2=undef, d=undef, d1=undef, d2=
// torus(d=60, d2=15);
// torus(d=60, d2=15);
// torus(od=60, ir=15);
// torus(od=60, ir=15);
// torus(or=30, ir=20, $fa=1, $fs=1);
// torus(or=30, ir=20, $fa=1, $fs=1);
module torus(or=1, ir=0.5, od=undef, id=undef, r=undef, r2=undef, d=undef, d2=undef)
module torus(
r=undef, d=undef,
ir = id!=undef? id/2 : ir;
r2=undef, d2=undef,
or = od!=undef? od/2 : or;
or=undef, od=undef,
r = d!=undef? d/2 : r!=undef? r : (ir+or)/2;
ir=undef, id=undef
r2 = d2!=undef? d2/2 : r2!=undef? r2 : (or-ir)/2;
) {
orr = get_radius(r=or, d=od, dflt=1.0);
irr = get_radius(r=ir, d=id, dflt=0.5);
majrad = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=(orr+irr)/2);
minrad = get_radius(r=r2, d=d2, dflt=(orr-irr)/2);
rotate_extrude(convexity = 4) {
rotate_extrude(convexity = 4) {
right(r) circle(r2);
right(majrad) circle(minrad);
@ -739,8 +931,8 @@ module torus(or=1, ir=0.5, od=undef, id=undef, r=undef, r2=undef, d=undef, d2=un
// pie_slice(ang=45, h=30, r1=100, r2=80);
// pie_slice(ang=45, h=30, r1=100, r2=80);
module pie_slice(ang=30, h=1, r=10, r1=undef, r2=undef, d=undef, d1=undef, d2=undef, center=false)
module pie_slice(ang=30, h=1, r=10, r1=undef, r2=undef, d=undef, d1=undef, d2=undef, center=false)
r1 = r1!=undef? r1 : (d1!=undef? d1/2 : (d!=undef? d/2 : r));
r1 = get_radius(r1, r, d1, d, 10);
r2 = r2!=undef? r2 : (d2!=undef? d2/2 : (d!=undef? d/2 : r));
r2 = get_radius(r2, r, d2, d, 10);
steps = ceil(segs(max(r1,r2))*ang/360);
steps = ceil(segs(max(r1,r2))*ang/360);
step = ang/steps;
step = ang/steps;
pts = concat(
pts = concat(
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