Fixed bug in fmtf()

This commit is contained in:
Revar Desmera 2020-03-05 02:07:35 -08:00
parent 19ed457e38
commit 9b87420c12
2 changed files with 106 additions and 82 deletions

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@ -18,13 +18,13 @@
// substr("abcdefg",[2,4]); // Returns "cde"
// substr("abcdefg",len=-2); // Returns ""
function substr(str, pos=0, len=undef) =
is_list(pos) ? _substr(str, pos[0], pos[1]-pos[0]+1) :
len == undef ? _substr(str, pos, len(str)-pos) :
is_list(pos) ? _substr(str, pos[0], pos[1]-pos[0]+1) :
len == undef ? _substr(str, pos, len(str)-pos) :
function _substr(str,pos,len,substr="") =
len <= 0 || pos>=len(str) ? substr :
_substr(str, pos+1, len-1, str(substr, str[pos]));
len <= 0 || pos>=len(str) ? substr :
_substr(str, pos+1, len-1, str(substr, str[pos]));
// Function suffix()
// Usage:
@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ function suffix(str,len) = substr(str, len(str)-len,len);
// str_join(["abc","def","ghi"]); // Returns "abcdefghi"
// str_join(["abc","def","ghi"], " + "); // Returns "abc + def + ghi"
function str_join(list,sep="",_i=0, _result="") =
_i >= len(list)-1 ? (_i==len(list) ? _result : str(_result,list[_i])) :
_i >= len(list)-1 ? (_i==len(list) ? _result : str(_result,list[_i])) :
// Function: downcase()
// Usage:
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ function str_join(list,sep="",_i=0, _result="") =
// Example:
// downcase("ABCdef"); // Returns "abcdef"
function downcase(str) =
str_join([for(char=str) let(code=ord(char)) code>=65 && code<=90 ? chr(code+32) : char]);
str_join([for(char=str) let(code=ord(char)) code>=65 && code<=90 ? chr(code+32) : char]);
// Function: str_int()
// Usage:
@ -84,18 +84,19 @@ function downcase(str) =
// str_int("CEDE", 16); // Returns 52958
// str_int(""); // Returns 0
function str_int(str,base=10) =
str==undef ? undef :
len(str)==0 ? 0 :
str[0] == "-" ? -_str_int_recurse(substr(str,1),base,len(str)-2) :
str[0] == "+" ? _str_int_recurse(substr(str,1),base,len(str)-2) :
str==undef ? undef :
len(str)==0 ? 0 :
str[0] == "-" ? -_str_int_recurse(substr(str,1),base,len(str)-2) :
str[0] == "+" ? _str_int_recurse(substr(str,1),base,len(str)-2) :
function _str_int_recurse(str,base,i) =
let( digit = search(str[i],"0123456789abcdef"),
last_digit = digit == [] || digit[0] >= base ? (0/0) : digit[0])
i==0 ? last_digit :
_str_int_recurse(str,base,i-1)*base + last_digit;
digit = search(str[i],"0123456789abcdef"),
last_digit = digit == [] || digit[0] >= base ? (0/0) : digit[0]
) i==0 ? last_digit :
_str_int_recurse(str,base,i-1)*base + last_digit;
// Function: str_float()
// Usage:
@ -114,15 +115,15 @@ function _str_int_recurse(str,base,i) =
// str_float("7.342e-4"); // Returns 0.0007342
// str_float(""); // Returns 0
function str_float(str) =
str==undef ? undef :
len(str) == 0 ? 0 :
in_list(str[1], ["+","-"]) ? (0/0) : // Don't allow --3, or +-3
str[0]=="-" ? -str_float(substr(str,1)) :
str[0]=="+" ? str_float(substr(str,1)) :
let(esplit = str_split(str,"eE") )
len(esplit)==2 ? str_float(esplit[0]) * pow(10,str_int(esplit[1])) :
let( dsplit = str_split(str,["."]))
str==undef ? undef :
len(str) == 0 ? 0 :
in_list(str[1], ["+","-"]) ? (0/0) : // Don't allow --3, or +-3
str[0]=="-" ? -str_float(substr(str,1)) :
str[0]=="+" ? str_float(substr(str,1)) :
let(esplit = str_split(str,"eE") )
len(esplit)==2 ? str_float(esplit[0]) * pow(10,str_int(esplit[1])) :
let( dsplit = str_split(str,["."]))
// Function: str_frac()
// Usage:
@ -157,25 +158,24 @@ function str_float(str) =
// str_frac("-2 12/4",mixed=false); // Returns nan
// str_frac("2 1/4",mixed=false); // Returns nan
function str_frac(str,mixed=true,improper=true,signed=true) =
str == undef ? undef :
len(str)==0 ? 0 :
signed && str[0]=="-" ? -str_frac(substr(str,1),mixed=mixed,improper=improper,signed=false) :
signed && str[0]=="+" ? str_frac(substr(str,1),mixed=mixed,improper=improper,signed=false) :
mixed ? (
str_find(str," ")>0 || is_undef(str_find(str,"/")) ?
let(whole = str_split(str,[" "]))
_str_int_recurse(whole[0],10,len(whole[0])-1) + str_frac(whole[1], mixed=false, improper=improper, signed=false)
str_frac(str,mixed=false, improper=improper)
let(split = str_split(str,"/"))
len(split)!=2 ? (0/0) :
let(numerator = _str_int_recurse(split[0],10,len(split[0])-1),
denominator = _str_int_recurse(split[1],10,len(split[1])-1))
!improper && numerator>=denominator? (0/0) :
denominator<0 ? (0/0) : numerator/denominator;
str == undef ? undef :
len(str)==0 ? 0 :
signed && str[0]=="-" ? -str_frac(substr(str,1),mixed=mixed,improper=improper,signed=false) :
signed && str[0]=="+" ? str_frac(substr(str,1),mixed=mixed,improper=improper,signed=false) :
mixed ? (
str_find(str," ")>0 || is_undef(str_find(str,"/"))? (
let(whole = str_split(str,[" "]))
_str_int_recurse(whole[0],10,len(whole[0])-1) + str_frac(whole[1], mixed=false, improper=improper, signed=false)
) : str_frac(str,mixed=false, improper=improper)
) : (
let(split = str_split(str,"/"))
len(split)!=2 ? (0/0) :
numerator = _str_int_recurse(split[0],10,len(split[0])-1),
denominator = _str_int_recurse(split[1],10,len(split[1])-1)
) !improper && numerator>=denominator? (0/0) :
denominator<0 ? (0/0) : numerator/denominator;
// Function: str_num()
// Usage:
@ -187,10 +187,10 @@ function str_frac(str,mixed=true,improper=true,signed=true) =
// str_num("3/4"); // Returns 0.75
// str_num("3.4e-2"); // Returns 0.034
function str_num(str) =
str == undef ? undef :
let( val = str_frac(str) )
val == val ? val :
str == undef ? undef :
let( val = str_frac(str) )
val == val ? val :
// Function: str_split()
@ -218,21 +218,25 @@ function str_num(str) =
// str_split("abc+def-qrs*iop",["+","-","*"]); // Returns ["abc", "def", "qrs", "iop"]
// str_split("abc+def-qrs*iop",["-","+","*"]); // Returns ["abc+def", "qrs*iop", "", ""]
function str_split(str,sep,keep_nulls=true) =
!keep_nulls ? _remove_empty_strs(str_split(str,sep,keep_nulls=true)) :
is_list(sep) ? str_split_recurse(str,sep,i=0,result=[]) :
let( cutpts = concat([-1],sort(flatten(search(sep, str,0))),[len(str)]))
[for(i=[0:len(cutpts)-2]) substr(str,cutpts[i]+1,cutpts[i+1]-cutpts[i]-1)];
!keep_nulls ? _remove_empty_strs(str_split(str,sep,keep_nulls=true)) :
is_list(sep) ? str_split_recurse(str,sep,i=0,result=[]) :
let( cutpts = concat([-1],sort(flatten(search(sep, str,0))),[len(str)]))
[for(i=[0:len(cutpts)-2]) substr(str,cutpts[i]+1,cutpts[i+1]-cutpts[i]-1)];
function str_split_recurse(str,sep,i,result) =
i == len(sep) ? concat(result,[str]) :
let( pos = search(sep[i], str),
end = pos==[] ? len(str) : pos[0]
str_split_recurse(substr(str,end+1), sep, i+1,
concat(result, [substr(str,0,end)]));
i == len(sep) ? concat(result,[str]) :
pos = search(sep[i], str),
end = pos==[] ? len(str) : pos[0]
sep, i+1,
concat(result, [substr(str,0,end)])
function _remove_empty_strs(list) =
list_remove(list, search([""], list,0)[0]);
list_remove(list, search([""], list,0)[0]);
// _str_cmp(str,sindex,pattern)
@ -243,11 +247,11 @@ function _remove_empty_strs(list) =
// cuts run time in half when the string is long. Two other string
// comparison methods were slower.
function _str_cmp(str,sindex,pattern) =
len(str)-sindex <len(pattern)? false :
len(str)-sindex <len(pattern)? false :
function _str_cmp_recurse(str,sindex,pattern,plen,pindex=0,) =
pindex < plen && pattern[pindex]==str[sindex] ? _str_cmp_recurse(str,sindex+1,pattern,plen,pindex+1): (pindex==plen);
pindex < plen && pattern[pindex]==str[sindex] ? _str_cmp_recurse(str,sindex+1,pattern,plen,pindex+1): (pindex==plen);
// Function: str_find()
// Usage:
@ -281,21 +285,25 @@ function _str_cmp_recurse(str,sindex,pattern,plen,pindex=0,) =
// str_find("abc123def123abc","1234",all=true); // Returns []
// str_find("abc","",all=true); // Returns [0,1,2]
function str_find(str,pattern,start=undef,last=false,all=false) =
all ? _str_find_all(str,pattern) :
let( start = first_defined([start,last?len(str)-len(pattern):0]))
pattern=="" ? start :
last ? _str_find_last(str,pattern,start) :
all? _str_find_all(str,pattern) :
let( start = first_defined([start,last?len(str)-len(pattern):0]) )
pattern==""? start :
last? _str_find_last(str,pattern,start) :
function _str_find_first(str,pattern,max_sindex,sindex) =
sindex<=max_sindex && !_str_cmp(str,sindex, pattern) ? _str_find_first(str,pattern,max_sindex,sindex+1) :
(sindex <= max_sindex ? sindex : undef);
sindex<=max_sindex && !_str_cmp(str,sindex, pattern)?
_str_find_first(str,pattern,max_sindex,sindex+1) :
(sindex <= max_sindex ? sindex : undef);
function _str_find_last(str,pattern,sindex) =
sindex>=0 && !_str_cmp(str,sindex, pattern) ? _str_find_last(str,pattern,sindex-1) :
(sindex >=0 ? sindex : undef);
sindex>=0 && !_str_cmp(str,sindex, pattern)?
_str_find_last(str,pattern,sindex-1) :
(sindex >=0 ? sindex : undef);
function _str_find_all(str,pattern) =
pattern == "" ? list_range(len(str)) :
[for(i=[0:1:len(str)-len(pattern)]) if (_str_cmp(str,i,pattern)) i];
pattern == "" ? list_range(len(str)) :
[for(i=[0:1:len(str)-len(pattern)]) if (_str_cmp(str,i,pattern)) i];
// Function: starts_with()
@ -422,18 +430,34 @@ function fmti(i,mindigits=1) =
// fmtf(PI,12); // Returns: "3.14159265359"
// fmtf([PI,-16.75],12); // Returns: "[3.14159265359, -16.75]"
function fmtf(f,sig=12) =
is_list(f)? str("[",str_join(sep=", ", [for (g=f) fmtf(g,sig=sig)]),"]") :
f==0? "0" :
str(f)=="nan"? "nan" :
str(f)=="inf"? "inf" :
f<0? str("-",fmtf(-f,sig=sig)) :
(e<-sig/2||e>=sig)? str(fmtf(f*pow(10,-e),sig=sig),"e",e) :
e = floor(log(f)),
mv = sig - e - 1
) mv == 0? fmti(floor(f + 0.5)) :
(e<-sig/2||mv<0)? str(fmtf(f*pow(10,-e),sig=sig),"e",e) :
ff = f + pow(10,-mv)*0.5,
whole = floor(ff),
part = floor((ff-whole) * pow(10,mv))
part>0? str(fmti(whole), str_strip_trailing(str(".",fmti(part,mindigits=sig-e-1)),"0.")) : fmti(whole);
fmti(part, mindigits=mv)
// vim: noexpandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 nowrap

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
BOSL_VERSION = [2,0,155];
BOSL_VERSION = [2,0,156];
// Section: BOSL Library Version Functions