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synced 2025-03-09 02:39:47 +00:00
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:revarbat/BOSL2 into revarbat_dev
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 10 additions and 10 deletions
@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ function cumsum(v,_i=0,_acc=[]) =
// sum_of_squares([1,2,3]); // Returns: 14.
// sum_of_squares([1,2,4]); // Returns: 21
// sum_of_squares([-3,-2,-1]); // Returns: 14
function sum_of_squares(v, i=0, tot=0) = sum(vmul(v,v));
function sum_of_squares(v) = sum(vmul(v,v));
// Function: sum_of_sines()
@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ function _qr_factor(A,Q, column, m, n) =
x = [for(i=[column:1:m-1]) A[i][column]],
alpha = (x[0]<=0 ? 1 : -1) * norm(x),
u = x - concat([alpha],repeat(0,m-1)),
v = u / norm(u),
v = alpha==0 ? u : u / norm(u),
Qc = ident(len(x)) - 2*transpose([v])*[v],
Qf = [for(i=[0:m-1]) [for(j=[0:m-1]) i<column || j<column ? (i==j ? 1 : 0) : Qc[i-column][j-column]]]
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ include <vnf.scad>
// can be connected together. Each profile should be roughly planar, but some variation is allowed.
// Each profile must rotate in the same clockwise direction. If called as a function, returns a
// [VNF structure](vnf.scad) like `[VERTICES, FACES]`. If called as a module, creates a polyhedron
// of the skined profiles.
// of the skinned profiles.
// The profiles can be specified either as a list of 3d curves or they can be specified as
// 2d curves with heights given in the `z` parameter. It is your responsibility to ensure
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ include <vnf.scad>
// Many interesting cases do not comply with this restriction. Two basic methods can handle
// these cases: either add points to edges (resample) so that the profiles are compatible,
// or repeat vertices. Repeating vertices allows two edges to terminate at the same point, creating
// triangular faces. You can adjust non-matchines profiles yourself
// triangular faces. You can adjust non-matching profiles yourself
// either by resampling them using `subdivide_path` or by duplicating vertices using
// `repeat_entries`. It is OK to pass a profile that has the same vertex repeated, such as
// a square with 5 points (two of which are identical), so that it can match up to a pentagon.
@ -47,12 +47,12 @@ include <vnf.scad>
// In order for skinned surfaces to look good it is usually necessary to use a fine sampling of
// points on all of the profiles, and a large number of extra interpolated slices between the
// profiles that you specify. It is generally best if the triangules forming your polyhedron
// profiles that you specify. It is generally best if the triangles forming your polyhedron
// are approximately equilateral. The `slices` parameter specifies the number of slices to insert
// between each pair of profiles, either a scalar to insert the same number everywhere, or a vector
// to insert a different number between each pair. To resample the profiles you can use set
// `refine=N` which will place `N` points on each edge of your profile. This has the effect of
// muliplying the number of points by N, so a profile with 8 points will have 8*N points afer
// multiplying the number of points by N, so a profile with 8 points will have 8*N points after
// refinement. Note that when dealing with continuous curves it is always better to adjust the
// sampling in your code to generate the desired sampling rather than using the `refine` argument.
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ include <vnf.scad>
// A uniform division may be impossible, in which case the code computes an approximation.
// See `subdivide_path` for more details.
// You can choose from four methods for specifying alignment for incomensurate profiles.
// You can choose from four methods for specifying alignment for incommensurate profiles.
// The available methods are `"distance"`, `"tangent"`, `"direct"` and `"reindex"`.
// It is useful to distinguish between continuous curves like a circle and discrete profiles
// like a hexagon or star, because the algorithms' suitability depend on this distinction.
@ -724,8 +724,8 @@ function _find_one_tangent(curve, edge, curve_offset=[0,0,0], closed=true) =
// Takes as input a list of polygons and duplicates specified vertices in each polygon in the list through the series so
// that the input can be passed to `skin()`. This allows you to decide how the vertices are linked up rather than accepting
// the automatically computed minimal distance linkage. However, the number of vertices in the polygons must not decrease in the list.
// The output is a list of polygons that all have the same number of vertices with some duplicates. You specify the vertix splitting
// using the `split` which is a list where each entry corresponds to a polygon: split[i] is a value or list specfying which vertices in polygon i to split.
// The output is a list of polygons that all have the same number of vertices with some duplicates. You specify the vertex splitting
// using the `split` which is a list where each entry corresponds to a polygon: split[i] is a value or list specifying which vertices in polygon i to split.
// Give the empty list if you don't want a split for a particular polygon. If you list a vertex once then it will be split and mapped to
// two vertices in the next polygon. If you list it N times then N copies will be created to map to N+1 vertices in the next polygon.
// You must ensure that each mapping produces the correct number of vertices to exactly map onto every vertex of the next polygon.
@ -868,7 +868,7 @@ module sweep(shape, transformations, closed=false, caps, convexity=10) {
// the method calculates the required twist for a good match and distributes it over the whole model (as if you had specified a
// twist amount). By default the end shape is required to match the starting shape exactly, but if your shape as rotational
// symmetry you can specify this using the `symmetry` argument, and then a smaller amount of twist is needed to make this adjustment.
// The symmetry argument gives the number of rotations that map the shape exatly onto itself, so a pentagon has 5-fold symmetry.
// The symmetry argument gives the number of rotations that map the shape exactly onto itself, so a pentagon has 5-fold symmetry.
// This argument is only valid for closed sweeps. To start the algorithm, we need an initial condition. This is supplied by
// using the `normal` argument to give a direction to align the Y axis of your shape. By default the normal points UP if the path
// makes an angle of 45 deg or less with the xy plane and it points BACK if the path makes a higher angle with the XY plane. You
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