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synced 2025-03-04 16:39:37 +00:00
Fixed docs formating and code indentation.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 127 additions and 120 deletions
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ function arc(N, r, angle, d, cp, points, width, thickness, start, wedge=false) =
cp = line_intersection(_normal_segment(points[0],points[1]),_normal_segment(points[1],points[2])),
// select order to be counterclockwise
dir = det2([points[1]-points[0],points[2]-points[1]]) > 0,
points = dir? select(points,[0,2]) : select(points,[2,0]),
points = dir? select(points,[0,2]) : select(points,[2,0]),
r = norm(points[0]-cp),
theta_start = atan2(points[0].y-cp.y, points[0].x-cp.x),
theta_end = atan2(points[1].y-cp.y, points[1].x-cp.x),
@ -196,8 +196,8 @@ module arc(N, r, angle, d, cp, points, width, thickness, start, wedge=false)
function _normal_segment(p1,p2) =
let(center = (p1+p2)/2)
[center, center + norm(p1-p2)/2 * line_normal(p1,p2)];
let(center = (p1+p2)/2)
[center, center + norm(p1-p2)/2 * line_normal(p1,p2)];
// Function&Module: trapezoid()
@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ function _superformula(theta,m1,m2,n1,n2=1,n3=1,a=1,b=1) =
// When called as a module, creates a 2D [Superformula](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superformula) shape.
// Arguments:
// step = The angle step size for sampling the superformula shape. Smaller steps are slower but more accurate.
// m1 = The m1 argument for the superformula. Default: 4.
// m1 = The m1 argument for the superformula. Default: 4.
// m2 = The m2 argument for the superformula. Default: m1.
// n1 = The n1 argument for the superformula. Default: 1.
// n2 = The n2 argument for the superformula. Default: n1.
@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ function _superformula(theta,m1,m2,n1,n2=1,n3=1,a=1,b=1) =
// supershape(m1=7, n1=3, n2=4, n3=17);
// supershape(m1=4, n1=1/2, n2=1/2, n3=4);
// supershape(m1=4, n1=4.0,n2=16, n3=1.5, a=0.9, b=9);
// for(i=[1:4]) right(3*i) supershape(m1=i, m2=3*i, n1=2);
// for(i=[1:4]) right(3*i) supershape(m1=i, m2=3*i, n1=2);
// m=[4,6,10]; for(i=[0:2]) right(i*5) supershape(m1=m[i], n1=12, n2=8, n3=5, a=2.7);
// for(i=[-1.5:3:1.5]) right(i*1.5) supershape(m1=2,m2=10,n1=i,n2=1);
// for(i=[1:3],j=[-1,1]) translate([3.5*i,1.5*j])supershape(m1=4,m2=6,n1=i*j,n2=1);
@ -540,35 +540,35 @@ module supershape(step=0.5,m1=4,m2=undef,n1,n2=undef,n3=undef,a=1,b=undef, r=und
// Function: turtle()
// Usage:
// turtle(commands, [state], [return_state])
// turtle(commands, [state], [return_state])
// Description:
// Use a sequence of turtle graphics commands to generate a path. The parameter `commands` is a list of
// turtle commands and optional parameters for each command. The turtle state has a position, movement direction,
// movement distance, and default turn angle. If you do not give `state` as input then the turtle starts at the
// origin, pointed along the positive x axis with a movement distance of 1. By default, `turtle` returns just
// the computed turtle path. If you set `full_state` to true then it instead returns the full turtle state.
// You can invoke `turtle` again with this full state to continue the turtle path where you left off.
// Use a sequence of turtle graphics commands to generate a path. The parameter `commands` is a list of
// turtle commands and optional parameters for each command. The turtle state has a position, movement direction,
// movement distance, and default turn angle. If you do not give `state` as input then the turtle starts at the
// origin, pointed along the positive x axis with a movement distance of 1. By default, `turtle` returns just
// the computed turtle path. If you set `full_state` to true then it instead returns the full turtle state.
// You can invoke `turtle` again with this full state to continue the turtle path where you left off.
// For the list below, `dist` is the current movement distance.
// Turtle commands:
// - "move", [scale]: Move turtle scale*dist units in the turtle direction. Default scale=1.
// - "xmove", [scale]: Move turtle scale*dist units in the x direction. Default scale=1.
// - "ymove", [scale]: Move turtle scale*dist units in the y direction. Default scale=1.
// - "untilx", xtarget: Move turtle in turtle direction until x==xtarget. Produces an error if xtarget is not reachable.
// - "untily", ytarget: Move turtle in turtle direction until y==ytarget. Produces an error if xtarget is not reachable.
// - "jump", point: Move the turtle to the specified point
// - "xjump", x: Move the turtle's x position to the specified value
// - "yjump, y: Move the turtle's y position to the specified value
// - "turn", [angle]: Turn turtle direction by specified angle, or the turtle's default turn angle. The default angle starts at 90.
// - "left", [angle]: Same as "turn"
// - "right", [angle]: Same as "turn", -angle
// - "angle", angle: Set the default turn angle.
// - "setdir", dir: Set turtle direction. The parameter `dir` can be an angle or a vector.
// - "length", length: Change the turtle move distance to `length`
// - "scale", factor: Multiply turtle move distance by `factor`
// - "addlength", length: Add `length` to the turtle move distance
// For the list below, `dist` is the current movement distance.
// Turtle commands:
// - "move", [scale]: Move turtle scale*dist units in the turtle direction. Default scale=1.
// - "xmove", [scale]: Move turtle scale*dist units in the x direction. Default scale=1.
// - "ymove", [scale]: Move turtle scale*dist units in the y direction. Default scale=1.
// - "untilx", xtarget: Move turtle in turtle direction until x==xtarget. Produces an error if xtarget is not reachable.
// - "untily", ytarget: Move turtle in turtle direction until y==ytarget. Produces an error if xtarget is not reachable.
// - "jump", point: Move the turtle to the specified point
// - "xjump", x: Move the turtle's x position to the specified value
// - "yjump, y: Move the turtle's y position to the specified value
// - "turn", [angle]: Turn turtle direction by specified angle, or the turtle's default turn angle. The default angle starts at 90.
// - "left", [angle]: Same as "turn"
// - "right", [angle]: Same as "turn", -angle
// - "angle", angle: Set the default turn angle.
// - "setdir", dir: Set turtle direction. The parameter `dir` can be an angle or a vector.
// - "length", length: Change the turtle move distance to `length`
// - "scale", factor: Multiply turtle move distance by `factor`
// - "addlength", length: Add `length` to the turtle move distance
// Arguments:
// commands = list of turtle commands
// state = starting turtle state (from previous call) or starting point. Default: start at the origin
@ -584,29 +584,31 @@ module supershape(step=0.5,m1=4,m2=undef,n1,n2=undef,n3=undef,a=1,b=undef, r=und
// path = turtle(flatten(replist(["move","left",144],10)));
// stroke(path,width=.05);
// Example(2d): Sawtooth path
// path = turtle(["turn", 55,
// "untily", 2,
// "turn", -55-90,
// "untily", 0,
// "turn", 55+90,
// "untily", 2.5,
// "turn", -55-90,
// "untily", 0,
// "turn", 55+90,
// "untily", 3,
// "turn", -55-90,
// "untily", 0
// ]);
// path = turtle([
// "turn", 55,
// "untily", 2,
// "turn", -55-90,
// "untily", 0,
// "turn", 55+90,
// "untily", 2.5,
// "turn", -55-90,
// "untily", 0,
// "turn", 55+90,
// "untily", 3,
// "turn", -55-90,
// "untily", 0
// ]);
// stroke(path, width=.1);
// Example(2d): Simpler way to draw the sawtooth. The direction of the turtle is preserved when executing "yjump".
// path = turtle(["turn", 55,
// "untily", 2,
// "yjump", 0,
// "untily", 2.5,
// "yjump", 0,
// "untily", 3,
// "yjump", 0,
// ]);
// Example(2d): Simpler way to draw the sawtooth. The direction of the turtle is preserved when executing "yjump".
// path = turtle([
// "turn", 55,
// "untily", 2,
// "yjump", 0,
// "untily", 2.5,
// "yjump", 0,
// "untily", 3,
// "yjump", 0,
// ]);
// stroke(path, width=.1);
// Example(2d): square spiral
// path = turtle(flatten(replist(["move","left","addlength",1],50)));
@ -617,87 +619,92 @@ module supershape(step=0.5,m1=4,m2=undef,n1,n2=undef,n3=undef,a=1,b=undef, r=und
// Example(2d): yet another spiral
// path = turtle(concat(["angle",71],flatten(replist(["move","left","addlength",1],50))));
// stroke(path,width=.2);
// Example(2d): The previous spiral grows linearly and eventually intersects itself. This one grows geometrically and does not.
// Example(2d): The previous spiral grows linearly and eventually intersects itself. This one grows geometrically and does not.
// path = turtle(concat(["angle",71],flatten(replist(["move","left","scale",1.05],50))));
// stroke(path,width=.05);
// Example: Koch Snowflake
// function koch_unit(depth) =
// depth==0 ? ["move"] :
// concat(
// koch_unit(depth-1),
// ["right"],
// koch_unit(depth-1),
// ["left","left"],
// koch_unit(depth-1),
// ["right"],
// koch_unit(depth-1)
// );
// koch_unit(depth-1),
// ["right"],
// koch_unit(depth-1),
// ["left","left"],
// koch_unit(depth-1),
// ["right"],
// koch_unit(depth-1)
// );
// koch=concat(["angle",60],flatten(replist(concat(koch_unit(3),["left","left"]),3)));
// polygon(turtle(koch));
function turtle(commands, state=[[[0,0]],[1,0],90], full_state=false) =
let( state = is_vector(state) ? [[state],[1,0],90] : state )
let( state = is_vector(state) ? [[state],[1,0],90] : state )
function _turtle(commands, state, full_state, index=0) =
index < len(commands) ? _turtle(commands,
: ( full_state ? state : state[0] );
index < len(commands) ?
) :
( full_state ? state : state[0] );
// Turtle state: state = [path, step_vector, default angle]
function turtle_command(command, parm, state, index) =
path = 0,
parm = !is_string(parm) ? parm : undef,
needvec = ["jump"],
neednum = ["untilx","untily","xjump","yjump","angle","length","scale","addlength"],
needeither = ["setdir"],
chvec = !in_list(command,needvec) || is_vector(parm),
chnum = !in_list(command,neednum) || is_num(parm),
vec_or_num = !in_list(command,needeither) || (is_num(parm) || is_vector(parm)),
lastpt = select(state[path],-1)
assert(chvec,str("\"",command,"\" requires a vector parameter at index ",index))
assert(chnum,str("\"",command,"\" requires a numeric parameter at index ",index))
assert(vec_or_num,str("\"",command,"\" requires a vector or numeric parameter at index ",index))
command=="move" ? list_set(state, path, concat(state[path],[default(parm,1)*state[step]+lastpt])):
command=="untilx" ? let(
int = line_intersection([lastpt,lastpt+state[step]], [[parm,0],[parm,1]]),
xgood = sign(state[step].x) == sign(int.x-lastpt.x)
assert(xgood,str("\"untilx\" never reaches desired goal at index ",index))
command=="untily" ? let(
int = line_intersection([lastpt,lastpt+state[step]], [[0,parm],[1,parm]]),
ygood = is_def(int) && sign(state[step].y) == sign(int.y-lastpt.y)
assert(ygood,str("\"untily\" never reaches desired goal at index ",index))
command=="xmove" ? list_set(state, path, concat(state[path],[default(parm,1)*norm(state[step])*[1,0]+lastpt])):
command=="ymove" ? list_set(state, path, concat(state[path],[default(parm,1)*norm(state[step])*[0,1]+lastpt])):
command=="jump" ? list_set(state, path, concat(state[path],[parm])):
command=="xjump" ? list_set(state, path, concat(state[path],[[parm,lastpt.y]])):
command=="yjump" ? list_set(state, path, concat(state[path],[[lastpt.x,parm]])):
command=="turn" || command=="left" ? list_set(state, step, rot(default(parm,state[angle]),p=state[step],planar=true)) :
command=="right" ? list_set(state, step, rot(-default(parm,state[angle]),p=state[step],planar=true)) :
command=="angle" ? list_set(state, angle, parm) :
command=="setdir" ? (
is_vector(parm) ? list_set(state, step, norm(state[step]) * normalize(parm))
: list_set(state, step, norm(state[step]) * [cos(parm),sin(parm)])
) :
command=="length" ? list_set(state, step, parm*normalize(state[step])) :
command=="scale" ? list_set(state, step, parm*state[step]) :
command=="addlength" ? list_set(state, step, state[step]+normalize(state[step])*parm) :
assert(false,str("Unknown turtle command \"",command,"\" at index",index))
path = 0,
parm = !is_string(parm) ? parm : undef,
needvec = ["jump"],
neednum = ["untilx","untily","xjump","yjump","angle","length","scale","addlength"],
needeither = ["setdir"],
chvec = !in_list(command,needvec) || is_vector(parm),
chnum = !in_list(command,neednum) || is_num(parm),
vec_or_num = !in_list(command,needeither) || (is_num(parm) || is_vector(parm)),
lastpt = select(state[path],-1)
assert(chvec,str("\"",command,"\" requires a vector parameter at index ",index))
assert(chnum,str("\"",command,"\" requires a numeric parameter at index ",index))
assert(vec_or_num,str("\"",command,"\" requires a vector or numeric parameter at index ",index))
command=="move" ? list_set(state, path, concat(state[path],[default(parm,1)*state[step]+lastpt])) :
command=="untilx" ? (
int = line_intersection([lastpt,lastpt+state[step]], [[parm,0],[parm,1]]),
xgood = sign(state[step].x) == sign(int.x-lastpt.x)
assert(xgood,str("\"untilx\" never reaches desired goal at index ",index))
) :
command=="untily" ? (
int = line_intersection([lastpt,lastpt+state[step]], [[0,parm],[1,parm]]),
ygood = is_def(int) && sign(state[step].y) == sign(int.y-lastpt.y)
assert(ygood,str("\"untily\" never reaches desired goal at index ",index))
) :
command=="xmove" ? list_set(state, path, concat(state[path],[default(parm,1)*norm(state[step])*[1,0]+lastpt])):
command=="ymove" ? list_set(state, path, concat(state[path],[default(parm,1)*norm(state[step])*[0,1]+lastpt])):
command=="jump" ? list_set(state, path, concat(state[path],[parm])):
command=="xjump" ? list_set(state, path, concat(state[path],[[parm,lastpt.y]])):
command=="yjump" ? list_set(state, path, concat(state[path],[[lastpt.x,parm]])):
command=="turn" || command=="left" ? list_set(state, step, rot(default(parm,state[angle]),p=state[step],planar=true)) :
command=="right" ? list_set(state, step, rot(-default(parm,state[angle]),p=state[step],planar=true)) :
command=="angle" ? list_set(state, angle, parm) :
command=="setdir" ? (
is_vector(parm) ?
list_set(state, step, norm(state[step]) * normalize(parm)) :
list_set(state, step, norm(state[step]) * [cos(parm),sin(parm)])
) :
command=="length" ? list_set(state, step, parm*normalize(state[step])) :
command=="scale" ? list_set(state, step, parm*state[step]) :
command=="addlength" ? list_set(state, step, state[step]+normalize(state[step])*parm) :
assert(false,str("Unknown turtle command \"",command,"\" at index",index))
// vim: noexpandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 nowrap
Reference in a new issue