diff --git a/affine.scad b/affine.scad
index 35c36e3..666904e 100644
--- a/affine.scad
+++ b/affine.scad
@@ -264,29 +264,33 @@ function affine3d_rot_from_to(from, to) =
-// Function: affine_frame_map()
+// Function: affine3d_frame_map()
 // Usage:
-//   map = affine_frame_map(v1, v2, v3);
-//   map = affine_frame_map(x=VECTOR1, y=VECTOR2, <reverse>);
-//   map = affine_frame_map(x=VECTOR1, z=VECTOR2, <reverse>);
-//   map = affine_frame_map(y=VECTOR1, y=VECTOR2, <reverse>);
+//   map = affine3d_frame_map(v1, v2, v3);
+//   map = affine3d_frame_map(x=VECTOR1, y=VECTOR2, <reverse>);
+//   map = affine3d_frame_map(x=VECTOR1, z=VECTOR2, <reverse>);
+//   map = affine3d_frame_map(y=VECTOR1, y=VECTOR2, <reverse>);
 // Description:
-//   Returns a transformation that maps one coordinate frame to another.  You must specify two or three of `x`, `y`, and `z`.  The specified
-//   axes are mapped to the vectors you supplied.  If you give two inputs, the third vector is mapped to the appropriate normal to maintain a right hand coordinate system.
-//   If the vectors you give are orthogonal the result will be a rotation and the `reverse` parameter will supply the inverse map, which enables you
-//   to map two arbitrary coordinate systems to each other by using the canonical coordinate system as an intermediary.  You cannot use the `reverse` option
-//   with non-orthogonal inputs.
+//   Returns a transformation that maps one coordinate frame to another.  You must specify two or
+//   three of `x`, `y`, and `z`.  The specified axes are mapped to the vectors you supplied.  If you
+//   give two inputs, the third vector is mapped to the appropriate normal to maintain a right hand
+//   coordinate system.  If the vectors you give are orthogonal the result will be a rotation and the
+//   `reverse` parameter will supply the inverse map, which enables you to map two arbitrary
+//   coordinate systems to each other by using the canonical coordinate system as an intermediary.
+//   You cannot use the `reverse` option with non-orthogonal inputs.
 // Arguments:
-//   x = Destination vector for x axis
-//   y = Destination vector for y axis
-//   z = Destination vector for z axis
+//   x = Destination 3D vector for x axis.
+//   y = Destination 3D vector for y axis.
+//   z = Destination 3D vector for z axis.
 //   reverse = reverse direction of the map for orthogonal inputs.  Default: false
-// Examples:
-//   T = affine_frame_map(x=[1,1,0], y=[-1,1,0]);   // This map is just a rotation around the z axis
-//   T = affine_frame_map(x=[1,0,0], y=[1,1,0]);    // This map is not a rotation because x and y aren't orthogonal
-//                  // The next map sends [1,1,0] to [0,1,1] and [-1,1,0] to [0,-1,1]
-//   T = affine_frame_map(x=[0,1,1], y=[0,-1,1]) * affine_frame_map(x=[1,1,0], y=[-1,1,0],reverse=true);
-function affine_frame_map(x,y,z, reverse=false) =
+// Example:
+//   T = affine3d_frame_map(x=[1,1,0], y=[-1,1,0]);   // This map is just a rotation around the z axis
+// Example:
+//   T = affine3d_frame_map(x=[1,0,0], y=[1,1,0]);    // This map is not a rotation because x and y aren't orthogonal
+// Example:
+//   // The next map sends [1,1,0] to [0,1,1] and [-1,1,0] to [0,-1,1]
+//   T = affine3d_frame_map(x=[0,1,1], y=[0,-1,1]) * affine3d_frame_map(x=[1,1,0], y=[-1,1,0],reverse=true);
+function affine3d_frame_map(x,y,z, reverse=false) =
     assert(num_defined([x,y,z])>=2, "Must define at least two inputs")
         xvalid = is_undef(x) || (is_vector(x) && len(x)==3),
@@ -466,43 +470,11 @@ function apply(transform,points) =
         assert(false, str("Unsupported combination: transform with dimension ",tdim,", data of dimension ",datadim));
-// Function: apply_list()
-// Usage:
-//   pts = apply_list(points, transform_list);
-// Description:
-//   Transforms the specified point list (or single point) using a list of transformation matrices.  Transformations on
-//   the list are applied in the order they appear in the list (as in right multiplication of matrices).  Both inputs can be
-//   2d or 3d, and it is also allowed to supply 3d transformations with 2d data as long as the the only action on the z coordinate
-//   is a simple scaling.  All transformations on `transform_list` must have the same dimension: you cannot mix 2d and 3d transformations
-//   even when acting on 2d data.
-// Examples:
-//   transformed = apply_list(path3d(circle(r=3)),[xrot(45)]);        // Rotates 3d circle data around x axis
-//   transformed = apply_list(circle(r=3), [scale(3), right(4), rot(45)]); // Scales, then translates, and then rotates 2d circle data
-function apply_list(points,transform_list) =
-  transform_list == []? points :
-  is_vector(points) ? apply_list([points],transform_list)[0] :
-  let(
-      tdims = array_dim(transform_list),
-      datadim = len(points[0])
-  )
-  assert(len(tdims)==3 || tdims[1]!=tdims[2], "Invalid transformation list")
-  let( tdim = tdims[1]-1 )
-  tdim==2 && datadim == 2 ? apply(affine2d_chain(transform_list), points) :
-  tdim==3 && datadim == 3 ? apply(affine3d_chain(transform_list), points) :
-  tdim==3 && datadim == 2 ?
-    let(
-        badlist = [for(i=idx(transform_list)) if (!is_2d_transform(transform_list[i])) i]
-    )
-    assert(badlist==[],str("Transforms with indices ",badlist," are 3d but points are 2d"))
-    apply(affine3d_chain(transform_list), points) :
-  assert(false,str("Unsupported combination: transform with dimension ",tdim,", data of dimension ",datadim));
 // Function: is_2d_transform()
 // Usage:
 //   x = is_2d_transform(t);
 // Description:
-//   Checks if the input is a 3d transform that does not act on the z coordinate, except
+//   Checks if the input is a 3D transform that does not act on the z coordinate, except
 //   possibly for a simple scaling of z.  Note that an input which is only a zscale returns false.
 function is_2d_transform(t) =    // z-parameters are zero, except we allow t[2][2]!=1 so scale() works
   t[2][0]==0 && t[2][1]==0 && t[2][3]==0 && t[0][2] == 0 && t[1][2]==0 &&
@@ -514,14 +486,14 @@ function is_2d_transform(t) =    // z-parameters are zero, except we allow t[2][
 // Usage:
 //   info = rot_decode(rotation); // Returns: [angle,axis,cp,translation]
 // Description:
-//   Given an input 3d rigid transformation operator (one composed of just rotations and translations)
-//   represented as a 4x4 matrix, compute the rotation and translation parameters of the operator.
-//   Returns a list of the four parameters, the angle, in the interval [0,180], the rotation axis
-//   as a unit vector, a centerpoint for the rotation, and a translation.  If you set `parms=rot_decode(rotation)`
-//   then the transformation can be reconstructed from parms as `move(parms[3])*rot(a=parms[0],v=parms[1],cp=parms[2])`.
-//   This decomposition makes it possible to perform interpolation.  If you construct a transformation using `rot`
-//   the decoding may flip the axis (if you gave an angle outside of [0,180]).  The returned axis will be a unit vector,
-//   and the centerpoint lies on the plane through the origin that is perpendicular to the axis.  It may be different
+//   Given an input 3D rigid transformation operator (one composed of just rotations and translations) represented
+//   as a 4x4 matrix, compute the rotation and translation parameters of the operator.  Returns a list of the
+//   four parameters, the angle, in the interval [0,180], the rotation axis as a unit vector, a centerpoint for
+//   the rotation, and a translation.  If you set `parms=rot_decode(rotation)` then the transformation can be
+//   reconstructed from parms as `move(parms[3])*rot(a=parms[0],v=parms[1],cp=parms[2])`.  This decomposition
+//   makes it possible to perform interpolation.  If you construct a transformation using `rot` the decoding
+//   may flip the axis (if you gave an angle outside of [0,180]).  The returned axis will be a unit vector, and
+//   the centerpoint lies on the plane through the origin that is perpendicular to the axis.  It may be different
 //   than the centerpoint you used to construct the transformation.
 // Example:
 //   rot_decode(rot(45));                // Returns [45,[0,0,1], [0,0,0], [0,0,0]]
diff --git a/paths.scad b/paths.scad
index a8cfd22..40322c6 100644
--- a/paths.scad
+++ b/paths.scad
@@ -980,13 +980,10 @@ module spiral_sweep(poly, h, r, twist=360, center, d, anchor, spin=0, orient=UP)
             dx = r*cos(a),
             dy = r*sin(a),
             dz = h * (p/steps),
-            pts = apply_list(
-                poly, [
-                    affine3d_xrot(90),
-                    affine3d_zrot(a),
-                    affine3d_translate([dx, dy, dz-h/2])
-                ]
-            )
+            mat = affine3d_translate([dx, dy, dz-h/2]) *
+                affine3d_zrot(a) *
+                affine3d_xrot(90),
+            pts = apply(mat, poly)
         ) for (pt = pts) pt
diff --git a/skin.scad b/skin.scad
index 2d95458..07381ca 100644
--- a/skin.scad
+++ b/skin.scad
@@ -1244,7 +1244,7 @@ function path_sweep(shape, path, method="incremental", normal, closed=false, twi
         let(rotations =
                [for( i  = 0,
                      ynormal = normal - (normal * tangents[0])*tangents[0],
-                     rotation = affine_frame_map(y=ynormal, z=tangents[0]) 
+                     rotation = affine3d_frame_map(y=ynormal, z=tangents[0]) 
                      i < len(tangents) + (closed?1:0) ;
                      rotation = i<len(tangents)-1+(closed?1:0)? rot(from=tangents[i],to=tangents[(i+1)%L])*rotation : undef,
@@ -1263,7 +1263,7 @@ function path_sweep(shape, path, method="incremental", normal, closed=false, twi
                                last_tangent = select(tangents,-1),
                                lastynormal = last_normal - (last_normal * last_tangent) * last_tangent
-                         affine_frame_map(y=lastynormal, z=last_tangent),
+                         affine3d_frame_map(y=lastynormal, z=last_tangent),
             mismatch = transpose(select(rotations,-1)) * reference_rot, 
             correction_twist = atan2(mismatch[1][0], mismatch[0][0]),
             // Spread out this extra twist over the whole sweep so that it doesn't occur
@@ -1276,7 +1276,7 @@ function path_sweep(shape, path, method="incremental", normal, closed=false, twi
             [for(i=[0:L-(closed?0:1)]) let(    
                      ynormal = relaxed ? normals[i%L] : normals[i%L] - (normals[i%L] * tangents[i%L])*tangents[i%L],
                      znormal = relaxed ? tangents[i%L] - (normals[i%L] * tangents[i%L])*normals[i%L] : tangents[i%L],
-                     rotation = affine_frame_map(y=ynormal, z=znormal)
+                     rotation = affine3d_frame_map(y=ynormal, z=znormal)
                  assert(approx(ynormal*znormal,0),str("Supplied normal is parallel to the path tangent at point ",i))
@@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ function path_sweep(shape, path, method="incremental", normal, closed=false, twi
                  dummy = min(testnormals) < .5 ? echo("WARNING: ***** Abrupt change in normal direction.  Consider a different method *****") :0
             [for(i=[0:L-(closed?0:1)]) let(
-                     rotation = affine_frame_map(x=pathnormal[i%L], z=tangents[i%L])
+                     rotation = affine3d_frame_map(x=pathnormal[i%L], z=tangents[i%L])
                ] :
diff --git a/tests/test_affine.scad b/tests/test_affine.scad
index 06872a3..5e4efed 100644
--- a/tests/test_affine.scad
+++ b/tests/test_affine.scad
@@ -257,18 +257,6 @@ module test_apply() {
-module test_apply_list() {
-    assert(approx(apply_list(25*(BACK+UP), []), 25*(BACK+UP)));
-    assert(approx(apply_list(25*(BACK+UP), [affine3d_xrot(135)]), 25*sqrt(2)*FWD));
-    assert(approx(apply_list(25*(RIGHT+UP), [affine3d_yrot(135)]), 25*sqrt(2)*DOWN));
-    assert(approx(apply_list(25*(BACK+RIGHT), [affine3d_zrot(45)]), 25*sqrt(2)*BACK));
-    assert(approx(apply_list(25*(BACK+UP), [affine3d_xrot(135), affine3d_translate([30,40,50])]), 25*sqrt(2)*FWD+[30,40,50]));
-    assert(approx(apply_list(25*(RIGHT+UP), [affine3d_yrot(135), affine3d_translate([30,40,50])]), 25*sqrt(2)*DOWN+[30,40,50]));
-    assert(approx(apply_list(25*(BACK+RIGHT), [affine3d_zrot(45), affine3d_translate([30,40,50])]), 25*sqrt(2)*BACK+[30,40,50]));
 module test_rot_decode() {
    Tlist = [
diff --git a/turtle3d.scad b/turtle3d.scad
index bb557d9..8b510b0 100644
--- a/turtle3d.scad
+++ b/turtle3d.scad
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ function turtle3d(commands, state=RIGHT, transforms=false, full_state=false, rep
        state = is_matrix(state,4,4) ? [[state],[yrot(90)],1,90,0] :
                is_vector(state,3) ?
                   let( updir = UP - (UP * state) * state / (state*state) )
-                  [[affine_frame_map(x=state, z=approx(norm(updir),0) ? FWD : updir)], [yrot(90)],1, 90, 0]
+                  [[affine3d_frame_map(x=state, z=approx(norm(updir),0) ? FWD : updir)], [yrot(90)],1, 90, 0]
                 : assert(_turtle3d_state_valid(state), "Supplied state is not valid")
        finalstate = _turtle3d_repeat(commands, state, repeat)
diff --git a/version.scad b/version.scad
index f4833dc..87b253d 100644
--- a/version.scad
+++ b/version.scad
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-BOSL_VERSION = [2,0,532];
+BOSL_VERSION = [2,0,533];
 // Section: BOSL Library Version Functions