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synced 2025-03-04 00:19:36 +00:00
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:revarbat/BOSL2
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 81 additions and 68 deletions
@ -70,33 +70,27 @@ function approx(a,b,eps=EPSILON) = let(c=a-b) (is_num(c)? abs(c) : norm(c)) <= e
// Function: min_index()
// Usage:
// min_index(vals);
// min_index(vals,[all]);
// Description:
// Returns the index of the minimal value in the given list.
function min_index(vals, _minval, _minidx, _i=0) =
_i>=len(vals)? _minidx :
((_minval == undef || vals[_i] < _minval)? vals[_i] : _minval),
((_minval == undef || vals[_i] < _minval)? _i : _minidx),
// Returns the index of the first occurrence of the mainimum value in the given list.
// If `all` is true then returns a list of all indices where the minimum value occurs.
// Arguments:
// vals = vector of values
// all = set to true to return indices of all occurences of the minimum. Default: false
function min_index(vals, all=false) =
all ? search(min(vals),vals,0) : search(min(vals), vals)[0];
// Function: max_index()
// Usage:
// max_index(vals);
// max_index(vals,[all]);
// Description:
// Returns the index of the maximum value in the given list.
function max_index(vals, _maxval, _maxidx, _i=0) =
_i>=len(vals)? _maxidx :
((_maxval == undef || vals[_i] > _maxval)? vals[_i] : _maxval),
((_maxval == undef || vals[_i] > _maxval)? _i : _maxidx),
// Returns the index of the first occurrence of the maximum value in the given list.
// If `all` is true then returns a list of all indices where the maximum value occurs.
// Arguments:
// vals = vector of values
// all = set to true to return indices of all occurences of the maximum. Default: false
function max_index(vals, all=false) =
all ? search(max(vals),vals,0) : search(max(vals), vals)[0];
// Function: posmod()
// Usage:
@ -125,25 +125,56 @@ function str_float(str) =
// Function: str_frac()
// Usage:
// str_frac(str)
// str_frac(str,[mixed],[improper],[signed])
// Description:
// Converts a string fraction, two integers separated by a "/" character, to a floating point number.
// Converts a string fraction to a floating point number. A string fraction has the form `[-][# ][#/#]` where each `#` is one or more of the
// digits 0-9, and there is an optional sign character at the beginning.
// The full form is a sign character and an integer, followed by exactly one space, followed by two more
// integers separated by a "/" character. The leading integer and
// space can be omitted or the trailing fractional part can be omitted. If you set `mixed` to false then the leading integer part is not
// accepted and the input must include a slash. If you set `improper` to false then the fractional part must be a proper fraction, where
// the numerator is smaller than the denominator. If you set `signed` to false then the leading sign character is not permitted.
// The empty string evaluates to zero. Any invalid string evaluates to NaN.
// Arguments:
// str = string to convert
// mixed = set to true to accept mixed fractions, false to reject them. Default: true
// improper = set to true to accept improper fractions, false to reject them. Default: true
// signed = set to true to accept a leading sign character, false to reject. Default: true
// Example:
// str_frac("3/4"); // Returns 0.75
// str_frac("-77/9"); // Returns -8.55556
// str_frac("+1/3"); // Returns 0.33333
// str_frac("19"); // Returns 19
// str_frac("2 3/4"); // Returns 2.75
// str_frac("-2 12/4"); // Returns -5
// str_frac(""); // Returns 0
// str_frac("3/0"); // Returns inf
// str_frac("0/0"); // Returns nan
function str_frac(str) =
// str_frac("-77/9",improper=false); // Returns nan
// str_frac("-2 12/4",improper=false); // Returns nan
// str_frac("-2 12/4",signed=false); // Returns nan
// str_frac("-2 12/4",mixed=false); // Returns nan
// str_frac("2 1/4",mixed=false); // Returns nan
function str_frac(str,mixed=true,improper=true,signed=true) =
str == undef ? undef :
let( num = str_split(str,"/"))
len(num)==1 ? str_int(num[0]) :
len(num)==2 ? str_int(num[0])/str_int(num[1]) :
len(str)==0 ? 0 :
signed && str[0]=="-" ? -str_frac(substr(str,1),mixed=mixed,improper=improper,signed=false) :
signed && str[0]=="+" ? str_frac(substr(str,1),mixed=mixed,improper=improper,signed=false) :
mixed ? (
str_find(str," ")>0 || is_undef(str_find(str,"/")) ?
let(whole = str_split(str,[" "]))
_str_int_recurse(whole[0],10,len(whole[0])-1) + str_frac(whole[1], mixed=false, improper=improper, signed=false)
str_frac(str,mixed=false, improper=improper)
let(split = str_split(str,"/"))
len(split)!=2 ? (0/0) :
let(numerator = _str_int_recurse(split[0],10,len(split[0])-1),
denominator = _str_int_recurse(split[1],10,len(split[1])-1))
!improper && numerator>=denominator? (0/0) :
denominator<0 ? (0/0) : numerator/denominator;
// Function: str_num()
// Usage:
@ -217,16 +248,16 @@ function _str_cmp(str,sindex,pattern) =
function _str_cmp_recurse(str,sindex,pattern,plen,pindex=0,) =
pindex < plen && pattern[pindex]==str[sindex] ? _str_cmp_recurse(str,sindex+1,pattern,plen,pindex+1): (pindex==plen);
// Function: str_match()
// Function: str_find()
// Usage:
// str_match(str,pattern,[last],[all],[start])
// str_find(str,pattern,[last],[all],[start])
// Description:
// Searches input string `str` for the string `pattern` and returns the index or indices of the matches in `str`.
// By default str_match() returns the index of the first match in `str`. If `last` is true then it returns the index of the last match.
// By default str_find() returns the index of the first match in `str`. If `last` is true then it returns the index of the last match.
// If the pattern is the empty string the first match is at zero and the last match is the last character of the `str`.
// If `start` is set then the search begins at index start, working either forward and backward from that position. If you set `start`
// and `last` is true then the search will find the pattern if it begins at index `start`. If no match exists, returns undef.
// If you set `all` to true then all str_match() returns all of the matches in a list, or an empty list if there are no matches.
// If you set `all` to true then all str_find() returns all of the matches in a list, or an empty list if there are no matches.
// Arguments:
// str = string to search
// pattern = string pattern to search for
@ -234,50 +265,38 @@ function _str_cmp_recurse(str,sindex,pattern,plen,pindex=0,) =
// all = set to true to return all matches as a list. Overrides last. Default: false
// start = index where the search starts
// Example:
// str_match("abc123def123abc","123"); // Returns 3
// str_match("abc123def123abc","b"); // Returns 1
// str_match("abc123def123abc","1234"); // Returns undef
// str_match("abc",""); // Returns 0
// str_match("abc123def123", "123", start=4); // Returns 9
// str_match("abc123def123abc","123",last=true); // Returns 9
// str_match("abc123def123abc","b",last=true); // Returns 13
// str_match("abc123def123abc","1234",last=true); // Returns undef
// str_match("abc","",last=true); // Returns 2
// str_match("abc123def123", "123", start=8, last=true)); // Returns 3
// str_match("abc123def123abc","123",all=true); // Returns [3,9]
// str_match("abc123def123abc","b",all=true); // Returns [1,13]
// str_match("abc123def123abc","1234",all=true); // Returns []
// str_match("abc","",all=true); // Returns [0,1,2]
function str_match(str,pattern,start=undef,last=false,all=false) =
all ? _str_matches(str,pattern) :
// str_find("abc123def123abc","123"); // Returns 3
// str_find("abc123def123abc","b"); // Returns 1
// str_find("abc123def123abc","1234"); // Returns undef
// str_find("abc",""); // Returns 0
// str_find("abc123def123", "123", start=4); // Returns 9
// str_find("abc123def123abc","123",last=true); // Returns 9
// str_find("abc123def123abc","b",last=true); // Returns 13
// str_find("abc123def123abc","1234",last=true); // Returns undef
// str_find("abc","",last=true); // Returns 2
// str_find("abc123def123", "123", start=8, last=true)); // Returns 3
// str_find("abc123def123abc","123",all=true); // Returns [3,9]
// str_find("abc123def123abc","b",all=true); // Returns [1,13]
// str_find("abc123def123abc","1234",all=true); // Returns []
// str_find("abc","",all=true); // Returns [0,1,2]
function str_find(str,pattern,start=undef,last=false,all=false) =
all ? _str_find_all(str,pattern) :
let( start = first_defined([start,last?len(str)-len(pattern):0]))
pattern=="" ? start :
last ? _str_match_last(str,pattern,start) :
last ? _str_find_last(str,pattern,start) :
function _str_match(str,pattern,max_sindex,sindex) =
sindex<=max_sindex && !_str_cmp(str,sindex, pattern) ? _str_match(str,pattern,max_sindex,sindex+1) :
function _str_find_first(str,pattern,max_sindex,sindex) =
sindex<=max_sindex && !_str_cmp(str,sindex, pattern) ? _str_find_first(str,pattern,max_sindex,sindex+1) :
(sindex <= max_sindex ? sindex : undef);
function _str_match_last(str,pattern,sindex) =
sindex>=0 && !_str_cmp(str,sindex, pattern) ? _str_match_last(str,pattern,sindex-1) :
function _str_find_last(str,pattern,sindex) =
sindex>=0 && !_str_cmp(str,sindex, pattern) ? _str_find_last(str,pattern,sindex-1) :
(sindex >=0 ? sindex : undef);
function _str_matches(str,pattern) =
function _str_find_all(str,pattern) =
pattern == "" ? list_range(len(str)) :
[for(i=[0:1:len(str)-len(pattern)]) if (_str_cmp(str,i,pattern)) i];
// Function: str_matches()
// Usage:
// str_matches(str,pattern)
// Description:
// Returns the indices of all matches where the string `pattern` appears in the input string `str`.
// If `pattern` is empty then it matches every character of `str`.
// Arguments:
// str = string to search
// pattern = string pattern to search for
// Example:
// Function: starts_with()
// Usage:
// starts_with(str,pattern)
Reference in a new issue