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synced 2025-02-19 10:09:39 +00:00
Added fillet() mask module.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 87 additions and 0 deletions
@ -256,6 +256,93 @@ module fillet_mask_y(l=1.0, r=1.0) xrot(90) fillet_mask(h=l, r=r, center=true);
module fillet_mask_x(l=1.0, r=1.0) yrot(90) fillet_mask(h=l, r=r, center=true);
// Fillets the edges of a cuboid region containing the given children.
// fillet = Radius of the fillet. (Default: 1)
// size = The size of the rectangular cuboid we want to chamfer.
// edges = Which edges do we want to chamfer. Recommend to use EDGE constants from constants.scad.
// [
// [Y+Z+, Y-Z+, Y-Z-, Y+Z-],
// [X+Z+, X-Z+, X-Z-, X+Z-],
// [X+Y+, X-Y+, X-Y-, X+Y-]
// ]
// Example:
// include <BOSL/constants.scad>
// fillet(fillet=10, size=[50,100,150], edges=EDGES_TOP + EDGES_RIGHT - EDGE_BOT_RT, $fn=24) {
// cube(size=[50,100,150], center=true);
// }
module fillet(fillet=1, size=[1,1,1], edges=[[0,0,0,0], [1,1,0,0], [0,0,0,0]])
eps = 0.1;
x = size[0];
y = size[1];
z = size[2];
lx = x + eps;
ly = y + eps;
lz = z + eps;
rx = x - 2*fillet;
ry = y - 2*fillet;
rz = z - 2*fillet;
offsets = [
[[0, 1, 1], [ 0,-1, 1], [ 0,-1,-1], [0, 1,-1]],
[[1, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 1], [-1, 0,-1], [1, 0,-1]],
[[1, 1, 0], [-1, 1, 0], [-1,-1, 0], [1,-1, 0]]
corners = [
edges[0][2] + edges[1][2] + edges[2][2],
edges[0][2] + edges[1][3] + edges[2][3],
edges[0][3] + edges[1][2] + edges[2][1],
edges[0][3] + edges[1][3] + edges[2][0],
edges[0][1] + edges[1][1] + edges[2][2],
edges[0][1] + edges[1][0] + edges[2][3],
edges[0][0] + edges[1][1] + edges[2][1],
edges[0][0] + edges[1][0] + edges[2][0]
majrots = [[0,90,0], [90,0,0], [0,0,0]];
sides = quantup(segs(fillet),4);
sc = 1/cos(180/sides);
$fn = sides;
difference() {
for (axis=[0:2], i=[0:3]) {
if (edges[axis][i]>0) {
difference() {
translate(vmul(offsets[axis][i], [lx,ly,lz]/2)) {
rotate(majrots[axis]) {
cube([fillet*2, fillet*2, size[axis]+eps], center=true);
translate(vmul(offsets[axis][i], [rx,ry,rz]/2)) {
rotate(majrots[axis]) {
zrot(180/sides) cylinder(h=size[axis]+eps*2, r=fillet*sc, center=true);
for (za=[0,1], ya=[0,1], xa=[0,1]) {
idx = xa + 2*ya + 4*za;
if (corners[idx] > 2) {
difference() {
translate([(xa-0.5)*lx, (ya-0.5)*ly, (za-0.5)*lz]) {
cube(fillet*2, center=true);
translate([(xa-0.5)*rx, (ya-0.5)*ry, (za-0.5)*rz]) {
zrot(180/sides) {
rotate_extrude(convexity=2) {
difference() {
zrot(180/sides) circle(r=fillet*sc*sc);
left(fillet*2) square(fillet*2*2, center=true);
// Creates a vertical mask that can be used to fillet the edge where two
// face meet, at any arbitrary angle. Difference it from the object to
// be filletted. The center of the mask should align exactly with the
Reference in a new issue