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synced 2025-03-04 16:39:37 +00:00
fix profile shifting bug, fix examples
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 45 additions and 63 deletions
@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ function spur_gear(
PA = _inherit_gear_pa(pressure_angle),
helical = _inherit_gear_helical(helical, invert=!internal),
thickness = _inherit_gear_thickness(thickness),
profile_shift = default(profile_shift, auto_profile_shift(teeth,PA))
profile_shift = default(profile_shift, auto_profile_shift(teeth,PA,helical))
assert(is_integer(teeth) && teeth>3)
assert(is_finite(thickness) && thickness>0)
@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ module spur_gear(
PA = _inherit_gear_pa(pressure_angle);
helical = _inherit_gear_helical(helical, invert=!internal);
thickness = _inherit_gear_thickness(thickness);
profile_shift = default(profile_shift, auto_profile_shift(teeth,PA));
profile_shift = default(profile_shift, auto_profile_shift(teeth,PA,helical));
checks =
assert(is_integer(teeth) && teeth>3)
assert(is_finite(thickness) && thickness>0)
@ -748,7 +748,7 @@ function spur_gear2d(
circ_pitch = _inherit_gear_pitch("spur_gear2d()", pitch, circ_pitch, diam_pitch, mod),
PA = _inherit_gear_pa(pressure_angle),
helical = _inherit_gear_helical(helical, invert=!internal),
profile_shift = default(profile_shift, auto_profile_shift(teeth,PA))
profile_shift = default(profile_shift, auto_profile_shift(teeth,PA,helical))
assert(is_integer(teeth) && teeth>3)
assert(is_finite(shaft_diam) && shaft_diam>=0)
@ -808,7 +808,7 @@ module spur_gear2d(
circ_pitch = _inherit_gear_pitch("spur_gear2d()", pitch, circ_pitch, diam_pitch, mod);
PA = _inherit_gear_pa(pressure_angle);
helical = _inherit_gear_helical(helical, invert=!internal);
profile_shift = default(profile_shift, auto_profile_shift(teeth,PA));
profile_shift = default(profile_shift, auto_profile_shift(teeth,PA,helical));
checks =
assert(is_integer(teeth) && teeth>3)
assert(is_finite(shaft_diam) && shaft_diam>=0)
@ -915,7 +915,7 @@ module ring_gear(
PA = _inherit_gear_pa(pressure_angle);
helical = _inherit_gear_helical(helical);
thickness = _inherit_gear_thickness(thickness);
profile_shift = default(profile_shift, auto_profile_shift(teeth,PA));
profile_shift = default(profile_shift, auto_profile_shift(teeth,PA,helical));
checks =
assert(is_integer(teeth) && teeth>3)
assert(is_finite(thickness) && thickness>0)
@ -1028,7 +1028,7 @@ module ring_gear2d(
circ_pitch = _inherit_gear_pitch("ring_gear2d()",pitch, circ_pitch, diam_pitch, mod);
PA = _inherit_gear_pa(pressure_angle);
helical = _inherit_gear_helical(helical);
profile_shift = default(profile_shift, auto_profile_shift(teeth,PA));
profile_shift = default(profile_shift, auto_profile_shift(teeth,PA,helical));
checks =
assert(is_integer(teeth) && teeth>3)
assert(is_finite(backing) && backing>0)
@ -1106,13 +1106,13 @@ module ring_gear2d(
// "root-right" = At the base of the teeth, at the right end of the rack.
// "root-back" = At the base of the teeth, at the back of the rack.
// "root-front" = At the base of the teeth, at the front of the rack.
// Example(NoScale,VPR=[60,0,325],VPD=130):
// Example(NoScales,VPR=[60,0,325],VPD=130):
// rack(pitch=5, teeth=10, thickness=5, height=5, pressure_angle=20);
// Example(NoScale,VPT=[0.317577,3.42688,7.83665],VPR=[27.7,0,359.8],VPD=139.921): Rack for Helical Gear
// Example(NoScales,VPT=[0.317577,3.42688,7.83665],VPR=[27.7,0,359.8],VPD=139.921): Rack for Helical Gear
// rack(pitch=5, teeth=10, thickness=5, height=5, helical=30);
// Example(NoScale): Metric Rack, oriented BACK to align with a gear in default orientation
// Example(NoScales): Metric Rack, oriented BACK to align with a gear in default orientation
// rack(mod=2, teeth=10, thickness=5, height=5, pressure_angle=14.5,orient=BACK);
// Example(NoScale,Anim,VPT=[0,0,12],VPD=100,Frames=18): Rack and Pinion
// Example(NoScales,Anim,VPT=[0,0,12],VPD=100,Frames=18): Rack and Pinion with helical teeth
// teeth1 = 16; teeth2 = 16;
// pitch = 5; thick = 5; helical = 30;
// pr = pitch_radius(pitch, teeth2, helical=helical);
@ -1122,11 +1122,18 @@ module ring_gear2d(
// up(pr)
// spur_gear(
// pitch, teeth2,
// thickness=thick,
// helical=-helical,
// shaft_diam=5,
// orient=BACK,
// gear_spin=180-pos*360/teeth2);
// thickness = thick,
// helical = -helical,
// shaft_diam = 5,
// orient = BACK,
// gear_spin = 180-pos*360/teeth2);
// Example(NoAxes,VPT=[-7.10396,-9.70691,3.50121],VPR=[60.2,0,325],VPD=213.262): Skew axis helical gear and rack engagement.
// mod=5; teeth=8; helical1=17.5; helical2=22.5;
// d = gear_dist_skew(mod=mod, teeth, 0, helical1,helical2);
// rack(mod=mod, teeth=5, height=29,thickness=30, helical=helical2, orient=FWD);
// color("lightblue")
// yrot(-helical1-helical2) fwd(d)
// spur_gear(mod=mod, teeth=teeth, helical=helical1, gear_spin=180/teeth, thickness=30);
module rack(
@ -2808,7 +2815,8 @@ function worm_gear_thickness(circ_pitch, teeth, worm_diam, worm_arc=60, crowning
// Description:
// Calculate the distance between the centers of two spur gears gears or helical gears with parallel axes,
// taking into account profile shifting and helical angle. You can give the helical angle as either positive or negative.
// Set the tooth count to zero to use a rack.
// If you set one of the tooth counts to zero than that gear will be treated as a rack and the distance returned is the
// distance between the rack's pitch line and the gear's center.
// Arguments:
// teeth1 = Total number of teeth in the first gear. If given 0, we assume this is a rack or worm.
// teeth2 = Total number of teeth in the second gear. If given 0, we assume this is a rack or worm.
@ -2865,8 +2873,8 @@ function gear_dist(
assert(teeth1>0 || teeth2>0, "One of the teeth counts must be nonzero")
mod = module_value(mod=mod,circ_pitch= circ_pitch, diam_pitch=diam_pitch),
profile_shift1 = default(profile_shift1, teeth1>0? auto_profile_shift(teeth1,pressure_angle,helical) : 0),
profile_shift2 = default(profile_shift2, teeth2>0? auto_profile_shift(teeth2,pressure_angle,helical) : 0)
profile_shift1 = default(profile_shift1, auto_profile_shift(teeth1,pressure_angle,helical)),
profile_shift2 = default(profile_shift2, auto_profile_shift(teeth2,pressure_angle,helical))
teeth1==0 || teeth2==0? pitch_radius(mod=mod, teeth=teeth1+teeth2, helical=helical) + (profile_shift1+profile_shift2)*mod
@ -2924,7 +2932,11 @@ function gear_dist_skew(teeth1,teeth2,helical1,helical2,profile_shift1,profile_s
profile_shift1 = default(profile_shift1, auto_profile_shift(teeth1,pressure_angle,helical1)),
profile_shift2 = default(profile_shift2, auto_profile_shift(teeth2,pressure_angle,helical2)),
mod = module_value(circ_pitch=circ_pitch, diam_pitch=diam_pitch, mod=mod),
mod = module_value(circ_pitch=circ_pitch, diam_pitch=diam_pitch, mod=mod)
teeth1==0 || teeth2==0? pitch_radius(mod=mod, teeth=teeth1+teeth2, helical=teeth1?helical1:helical2) + (profile_shift1+profile_shift2)*mod
pa_normal_eff = _working_normal_pressure_angle_skew(teeth1,profile_shift1,helical1,teeth2,profile_shift2,helical2,pressure_angle),
dist_adj = 0.5*(teeth1/cos(helical1)^3+teeth2/cos(helical2)^3)*(cos(pressure_angle)/cos(pa_normal_eff)-1)
@ -2943,45 +2955,17 @@ function _working_normal_pressure_angle_skew(teeth1,profile_shift1,helical1, tee
// Usage:
// ang = gear_skew_angle(mod=|diam_pitch=|circ_pitch=, teeth1, teeth2, helical1, helical2, [profile_shift1], [profile_shift2], [pressure_angle=]
// Description:
// Compute the correct skew angle between the axes of two profile shifted helical gears. When profile shifting is zero
// this angle is simply the sum of the helical angles of the two gears.
// Example:
// circ_pitch=5; teeth1=5; teeth2=7; ha1=45; ha2=30; thick=10;
circ_pitch=5; teeth1=10; teeth2=14; ha1=45; ha2=30; thick=10;
d = .4+gear_dist_skew(circ_pitch=circ_pitch, teeth1, teeth2, helical1=ha1, helical2=ha2);//,profile_shift1=0,profile_shift2=0)+2;
d0 = gear_dist_skew(circ_pitch=circ_pitch, teeth1, teeth2, helical1=ha1, helical2=ha2,profile_shift1=0,profile_shift2=0);
ang = gear_skew_angle(circ_pitch=circ_pitch, teeth1, teeth2, helical1=ha1, helical2=ha2);
// left(d/2) spur_gear(circ_pitch, teeth1, helical=ha1, thickness=thick, gear_spin=-90);
// right(d/2) xrot(ang) spur_gear(circ_pitch, teeth2, helical=ha2, thickness=thick, gear_spin=90-180/teeth2);
left(d/2) spur_gear(circ_pitch, teeth1, helical=ha1, thickness=thick);
right(d/2) xrot(ang) spur_gear(circ_pitch, teeth2, helical=ha2, thickness=thick,gear_spin=180/teeth2);
mod=3; teeth1=15; ha1=20; ps1=0.4;
teeth2=24; ha2=30; ps2=0.2;
d = gear_dist_skew(mod=mod, teeth1, teeth2, ha1, ha2, ps1,ps2);
ang = gear_skew_angle(mod=mod, teeth1, teeth2, ha1, ha2, ps1, ps2);
left(d/2) spur_gear(mod=mod, teeth=teeth1, helical=ha1, thickness=thick, gear_spin=-90,profile_shift=ps1);
right(d/2) xrot(ang) spur_gear(mod=mod, teeth=teeth2, helical=ha2, thickness=thick, gear_spin=90-180/teeth2,profile_shift=ps2);
// Compute the correct skew angle between the axes of two profile shifted helical gears. When profile shifting is zero, or when one of
// the gears is a rack, this angle is simply the sum of the helical angles of the two gears. But with profile shifted gears, a small
// correction to the skew angle is needed for proper meshing.
// Example(Med,NoAxes,VPT=[-2.62091,2.01048,-1.31405],VPR=[55,0,25],VPD=74.4017): These gears are auto profile shifted and as a result, do not mesh at the sum of their helical angles, but at 2.5 degrees more.
// circ_pitch=5; teeth1=12; teeth2=7; ha1=25; ha2=30; thick=10;
// d = gear_dist_skew(circ_pitch=circ_pitch, teeth1, teeth2, ha1, ha2);
// ang = gear_skew_angle(circ_pitch=circ_pitch, teeth1, teeth2, helical1=ha1, helical2=ha2); // Returns 57.7
// left(d/2)
// spur_gear(circ_pitch, teeth1, helical=ha1, thickness=thick, gear_spin=-90);
// right(d/2) color("lightblue")
// xrot(ang) spur_gear(circ_pitch, teeth2, helical=ha2, thickness=thick, gear_spin=90-180/teeth2);
function gear_skew_angle(teeth1,teeth2,helical1,helical2,profile_shift1,profile_shift2,pressure_angle=20, mod, circ_pitch, diam_pitch) =
assert(all_nonnegative([teeth1,teeth2]),"Must give nonnegative values for teeth")
@ -2989,15 +2973,13 @@ function gear_skew_angle(teeth1,teeth2,helical1,helical2,profile_shift1,profile_
profile_shift1 = default(profile_shift1, auto_profile_shift(teeth1,pressure_angle,helical1)),
profile_shift2 = default(profile_shift2, auto_profile_shift(teeth2,pressure_angle,helical2))
// profile_shift1==0 && profile_shift2==0 ? helical1+helical2
// :
profile_shift1==0 && profile_shift2==0 ? helical1+helical2
: teeth1==0 || teeth2==0 ? helical1+helical2
: let(
mod = module_value(mod=mod, circ_pitch=circ_pitch, diam_pitch=diam_pitch),
a = gear_dist_skew(mod=mod,teeth1,teeth2,helical1,helical2,profile_shift1,profile_shift2,pressure_angle=pressure_angle),
b = gear_dist_skew(mod=mod,teeth1,teeth2,helical1,helical2,0,0,pressure_angle=pressure_angle),
fdase= echo(a=a,b=b),
d1 = 2*pitch_radius(mod=mod,teeth=teeth1,helical=helical1),
d2 = 2*pitch_radius(mod=mod,teeth=teeth2,helical=helical2),
dw1 = 2*a*d1/(d1+d2),
Reference in a new issue