diff --git a/paths.scad b/paths.scad
index fc67255..f401604 100644
--- a/paths.scad
+++ b/paths.scad
@@ -689,169 +689,8 @@ function path_torsion(path, closed=false) =
-// Section: Modifying paths
-// Function: path_chamfer_and_rounding()
-// Usage:
-//   path2 = path_chamfer_and_rounding(path, [closed], [chamfer], [rounding]);
-// Description:
-//   Rounds or chamfers corners in the given path.
-// Arguments:
-//   path = The path to chamfer and/or round.
-//   closed = If true, treat path like a closed polygon.  Default: true
-//   chamfer = The length of the chamfer faces at the corners.  If given as a list of numbers, gives individual chamfers for each corner, from first to last.  Default: 0 (no chamfer)
-//   rounding = The rounding radius for the corners.  If given as a list of numbers, gives individual radii for each corner, from first to last.  Default: 0 (no rounding)
-// Example(2D): Chamfering a Path
-//   path = star(5, step=2, d=100);
-//   path2 = path_chamfer_and_rounding(path, closed=true, chamfer=5);
-//   stroke(path2, closed=true);
-// Example(2D): Per-Corner Chamfering
-//   path = star(5, step=2, d=100);
-//   chamfs = [for (i=[0:1:4]) each 3*[i,i]];
-//   path2 = path_chamfer_and_rounding(path, closed=true, chamfer=chamfs);
-//   stroke(path2, closed=true);
-// Example(2D): Rounding a Path
-//   path = star(5, step=2, d=100);
-//   path2 = path_chamfer_and_rounding(path, closed=true, rounding=5);
-//   stroke(path2, closed=true);
-// Example(2D): Per-Corner Chamfering
-//   path = star(5, step=2, d=100);
-//   rs = [for (i=[0:1:4]) each 2*[i,i]];
-//   path2 = path_chamfer_and_rounding(path, closed=true, rounding=rs);
-//   stroke(path2, closed=true);
-// Example(2D): Mixing Chamfers and Roundings
-//   path = star(5, step=2, d=100);
-//   chamfs = [for (i=[0:4]) each [5,0]];
-//   rs = [for (i=[0:4]) each [0,10]];
-//   path2 = path_chamfer_and_rounding(path, closed=true, chamfer=chamfs, rounding=rs);
-//   stroke(path2, closed=true);
-function path_chamfer_and_rounding(path, closed=true, chamfer, rounding) =
-  let (
-    p = force_path(path)
-  )
-  assert(is_path(p),"Input 'path' is not a path")
-  let(
-    path = deduplicate(p,closed=true),
-    lp = len(path),
-    chamfer = is_undef(chamfer)? repeat(0,lp) :
-      is_vector(chamfer)? list_pad(chamfer,lp,0) :
-      is_num(chamfer)? repeat(chamfer,lp) :
-      assert(false, "Bad chamfer value."),
-    rounding = is_undef(rounding)? repeat(0,lp) :
-      is_vector(rounding)? list_pad(rounding,lp,0) :
-      is_num(rounding)? repeat(rounding,lp) :
-      assert(false, "Bad rounding value."),
-    corner_paths = [
-      for (i=(closed? [0:1:lp-1] : [1:1:lp-2])) let(
-        p1 = select(path,i-1),
-        p2 = select(path,i),
-        p3 = select(path,i+1)
-      )
-      chamfer[i]  > 0? _corner_chamfer_path(p1, p2, p3, side=chamfer[i]) :
-      rounding[i] > 0? _corner_roundover_path(p1, p2, p3, r=rounding[i]) :
-      [p2]
-    ],
-    out = [
-      if (!closed) path[0],
-      for (i=(closed? [0:1:lp-1] : [1:1:lp-2])) let(
-        p1 = select(path,i-1),
-        p2 = select(path,i),
-        crn1 = select(corner_paths,i-1),
-        crn2 = corner_paths[i],
-        l1 = norm(last(crn1)-p1),
-        l2 = norm(crn2[0]-p2),
-        needed = l1 + l2,
-        seglen = norm(p2-p1),
-        check = assert(seglen >= needed, str("Path segment ",i," is too short to fulfill rounding/chamfering for the adjacent corners."))
-      ) each crn2,
-      if (!closed) last(path)
-    ]
-  ) deduplicate(out);
-function _corner_chamfer_path(p1, p2, p3, dist1, dist2, side, angle) = 
-  let(
-    v1 = unit(p1 - p2),
-    v2 = unit(p3 - p2),
-    n = vector_axis(v1,v2),
-    ang = vector_angle(v1,v2),
-    path = (is_num(dist1) && is_undef(dist2) && is_undef(side))? (
-      // dist1 & optional angle
-      assert(dist1 > 0)
-      let(angle = default(angle,(180-ang)/2))
-      assert(is_num(angle))
-      assert(angle > 0 && angle < 180)
-      let(
-        pta = p2 + dist1*v1,
-        a3 = 180 - angle - ang
-      ) assert(a3>0, "Angle too extreme.")
-      let(
-        side = sin(angle) * dist1/sin(a3),
-        ptb = p2 + side*v2
-      ) [pta, ptb]
-    ) : (is_undef(dist1) && is_num(dist2) && is_undef(side))? (
-      // dist2 & optional angle
-      assert(dist2 > 0)
-      let(angle = default(angle,(180-ang)/2))
-      assert(is_num(angle))
-      assert(angle > 0 && angle < 180)
-      let(
-        ptb = p2 + dist2*v2,
-        a3 = 180 - angle - ang
-      ) assert(a3>0, "Angle too extreme.")
-      let(
-        side = sin(angle) * dist2/sin(a3),
-        pta = p2 + side*v1
-      ) [pta, ptb]
-    ) : (is_undef(dist1) && is_undef(dist2) && is_num(side))? (
-      // side & optional angle
-      assert(side > 0)
-      let(angle = default(angle,(180-ang)/2))
-      assert(is_num(angle))
-      assert(angle > 0 && angle < 180)
-      let(
-        a3 = 180 - angle - ang
-      ) assert(a3>0, "Angle too extreme.")
-      let(
-        dist1 = sin(a3) * side/sin(ang),
-        dist2 = sin(angle) * side/sin(ang),
-        pta = p2 + dist1*v1,
-        ptb = p2 + dist2*v2
-      ) [pta, ptb]
-    ) : (is_num(dist1) && is_num(dist2) && is_undef(side) && is_undef(side))? (
-      // dist1 & dist2
-      assert(dist1 > 0)
-      assert(dist2 > 0)
-      let(
-        pta = p2 + dist1*v1,
-        ptb = p2 + dist2*v2
-      ) [pta, ptb]
-    ) : (
-      assert(false,"Bad arguments.")
-    )
-  ) path;
-function _corner_roundover_path(p1, p2, p3, r, d) = 
-  let(
-    r = get_radius(r=r,d=d,dflt=undef),
-    res = circle_2tangents(p1, p2, p3, r=r, tangents=true),
-    cp = res[0],
-    n = res[1],
-    tp1 = res[2],
-    ang = res[4]+res[5],
-    steps = floor(segs(r)*ang/360+0.5),
-    step = ang / steps,
-    path = [for (i=[0:1:steps]) move(cp, p=rot(a=-i*step, v=n, p=tp1-cp))]
-  ) path;
 // Section: Breaking paths up into subpaths
 /// Internal Function: _path_cut_points()
 /// Usage:
diff --git a/shapes3d.scad b/shapes3d.scad
index a80a81c..35ebb57 100644
--- a/shapes3d.scad
+++ b/shapes3d.scad
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ function cube(size=1, center, anchor, spin=0, orient=UP) =
 // Usage: Chamfered Cubes
 //   cuboid(size, [chamfer=], [edges=], [except=], [trimcorners=], ...);
 // Usage: Rounded Cubes
-//   cuboid(size, [rounding=], [edges=], [except=], [trimcorners=], ...);
+//   cuboid(size, [rounding=], [teardrop=], [edges=], [except=], [trimcorners=], ...);
 // Usage: Attaching children
 //   cuboid(size, [anchor=], ...) [attachments];
@@ -133,6 +133,8 @@ function cube(size=1, center, anchor, spin=0, orient=UP) =
 //   cuboid([30,40,50], chamfer=5, trimcorners=false);
 // Example: Rounded Edges and Corners
 //   cuboid([30,40,50], rounding=10);
+// Example(VPR=[100,0,25],VPD=180): Rounded Edges and Corners with Teardrop Bottoms
+//   cuboid([30,40,50], rounding=10, teardrop=true);
 // Example: Rounded Edges, Untrimmed Corners
 //   cuboid([30,40,50], rounding=10, trimcorners=false);
 // Example: Chamferring Selected Edges