Merge pull request from RonaldoCMP/master

Implement vector searches with ball trees
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Revar Desmera 2021-06-30 17:06:59 -07:00 committed by GitHub
commit e1e2ae41a6
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4 changed files with 342 additions and 159 deletions

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@ -147,9 +147,8 @@ module debug_polygon(points, paths, convexity=2, size=1)
// }
module debug_vertices(vertices, size=1, disabled=false) {
if (!disabled) {
color("blue") {
dups = search_radius(vertices, vertices, 1e-9);
dups = vector_search(vertices, EPSILON, vertices);
for (ind = dups){
numstr = str_join([for(i=ind) str(i)],",");
v = vertices[ind[0]];
@ -580,5 +579,97 @@ module echo_matrix(M,description,sig=4,eps=1e-9)
dummy = echo_matrix(M,description,sig,eps);
// Function: random_polygon()
// Usage:
// points = random_polygon(n, size, [seed]);
// See Also: random_points(), gaussian_random_points(), spherical_random_points()
// Topics: Random, Polygon
// Description:
// Generate the `n` vertices of a random counter-clockwise simple 2d polygon
// inside a circle centered at the origin with radius `size`.
// Arguments:
// n = number of vertices of the polygon. Default: 3
// size = the radius of a circle centered at the origin containing the polygon. Default: 1
// seed = an optional seed for the random generation.
function random_polygon(n=3,size=1, seed) =
assert( is_int(n) && n>2, "Improper number of polygon vertices.")
assert( is_num(size) && size>0, "Improper size.")
seed = is_undef(seed) ? rands(0,1,1)[0] : seed,
cumm = cumsum(rands(0.1,10,n+1,seed)),
angs = 360*cumm/cumm[n-1],
rads = rands(.01,size,n,seed+cumm[0])
[for(i=count(n)) rads[i]*[cos(angs[i]), sin(angs[i])] ];
// Function: random_points()
// Usage:
// points = random_points(n, dim, scale, [seed]);
// See Also: random_polygon(), gaussian_random_points(), spherical_random_points()
// Topics: Random, Points
// Description:
// Generate `n` random points of dimension `dim` with coordinates absolute value less than `scale`.
// The `scale` may be a number or a vector with dimension `dim`.
// Arguments:
// n = number of points to generate.
// dim = dimension of the points. Default: 2
// scale = the scale of the point coordinates. Default: 1
// seed = an optional seed for the random generation.
function random_points(n, dim=2, scale=1, seed) =
assert( is_int(n) && n>=0, "The number of points should be a non-negative integer.")
assert( is_int(dim) && dim>=1, "The point dimensions should be an integer greater than 1.")
assert( is_finite(scale) || is_vector(scale,dim), "The scale should be a number or a vector with length equal to d.")
rnds = is_undef(seed)
? rands(-1,1,n*dim)
: rands(-1,1,n*dim, seed) )
? scale*[for(i=[0:1:n-1]) [for(j=[0:dim-1]) rnds[i*dim+j] ] ]
: [for(i=[0:1:n-1]) [for(j=[0:dim-1]) scale[j]*rnds[i*dim+j] ] ];
// Function: gaussian_random_points()
// Usage:
// points = gaussian_random_points(n, dim, mean, stddev, [seed]);
// See Also: random_polygon(), random_points(), spherical_random_points()
// Topics: Random, Points
// Description:
// Generate `n` random points of dimension `dim` with coordinates absolute value less than `scale`.
// The gaussian distribution of all the coordinates of the points will have a mean `mean` and
// standard deviation `stddev`
// Arguments:
// n = number of points to generate.
// dim = dimension of the points. Default: 2
// mean = the gaussian mean of the point coordinates. Default: 0
// stddev = the gaussian standard deviation of the point coordinates. Default: 0
// seed = an optional seed for the random generation.
function gaussian_random_points(n, dim=2, mean=0, stddev=1, seed) =
assert( is_int(n) && n>=0, "The number of points should be a non-negative integer.")
assert( is_int(dim) && dim>=1, "The point dimensions should be an integer greater than 1.")
let( rnds = gaussian_rands(mean, stddev, n*dim, seed=seed) )
[for(i=[0:1:n-1]) [for(j=[0:dim-1]) rnds[i*dim+j] ] ];
// Function: spherical_random_points()
// Usage:
// points = spherical_random_points(n, radius, [seed]);
// See Also: random_polygon(), random_points(), gaussian_random_points()
// Topics: Random, Points
// Description:
// Generate `n` 3D random points lying on a sphere centered at the origin with radius equal to `radius`.
// Arguments:
// n = number of points to generate.
// radius = the sphere radius. Default: 1
// seed = an optional seed for the random generation.
function spherical_random_points(n, radius=1, seed) =
assert( is_int(n) && n>=1, "The number of points should be an integer greater than zero.")
assert( is_num(radius) && radius>0, "The radius should be a non-negative number.")
let( rnds = is_undef(seed)
? rands(-1,1,n*2)
: rands(-1,1,n*2, seed) )
[for(i=[0:1:n-1]) spherical_to_xyz(radius, theta=180*rnds[2*i], phi=180*rnds[2*i+1]) ];
// vim: expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 nowrap

View file

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
include <../std.scad>
seed = floor(rands(0,10000,1)[0]);
module test_is_vector() {
assert(is_vector([1,2,3]) == true);
@ -148,6 +149,46 @@ module test_vector_axis() {
module test_vector_search(){
points = [for(i=[0:9], j=[0:9], k=[1:5]) [i,j,k] ];
ind = vector_search([5,5,1],1,points);
assert(ind== [225, 270, 275, 276, 280, 325]);
assert([for(i=ind) if(norm(points[i]-[5,5,1])>1) i ]==[]);
assert([for(i=idx(points)) if(norm(points[i]-[5,5,1])<=1) i]==sort(ind));
module test_vector_search_tree(){
points1 = [ [0,1,2], [1,2,3], [2,3,4] ];
tree1 = vector_search_tree(points1);
assert(tree1 == [ points1, [[0,1,2]] ]);
points2 = [for(i=[0:9], j=[0:9], k=[1:5]) [i,j,k] ];
tree2 = vector_search_tree(points2);
ind = vector_search([5,5,1],1,tree2);
assert(ind== [225, 270, 275, 276, 280, 325]);
rpts = array_group(rands(0,10,50*3,seed=seed),3);
rtree = vector_search_tree(rpts);
radius = 3;
found0 = vector_search([0,0,0],radius,rpts);
found1 = vector_search([0,0,0],radius,rtree);
found2 = [for(i=idx(rpts)) if(norm(rpts[i])<=radius) i];
assert(sort(found0)==sort(found1), str("Seed = ",seed));
assert(sort(found1)==sort(found2), str("Seed = ",seed));
module test_vector_nearest(){
points = [for(i=[0:9], j=[0:9], k=[1:5]) [i,j,k] ];
ind1 = vector_nearest([5,5,1], 4, points);
assert(ind1==[275, 225, 270, 276]);
pts = array_group(rands(0,10,50*3,seed=seed),3);
tree = vector_search_tree(pts);
nearest = vector_nearest([0,0,0], 4, tree);
closest = select(sortidx([for(p=pts) norm(p)]), [0:3]);
assert(closest==nearest,str("Seed = ",seed));

View file

@ -215,195 +215,243 @@ function vector_axis(v1,v2=undef,v3=undef) =
) unit(cross(w1,w3));
// Section: Vector Searching
// Function: vp_tree()
// Function: vector_search()
// Usage:
// tree = vp_tree(points, [leafsize])
// indices = vector_search(query, r, target);
// See Also: vector_tree_search(), vector_nearest()
// Topics: Search, Points, Closest
// Description:
// Organizes n-dimensional data into a Vantage Point Tree, which can be
// efficiently searched for for nearest matches. The Vantage Point Tree
// is an effort to generalize binary search to n dimensions. Constructing the
// tree should be O(n log n) and searches should be O(log n), though real life
// performance depends on how the data is distributed, and it will deteriorate
// for high data dimensions. This data structure is useful when you will be
// performing many searches of the same data, so that the cost of constructing
// the tree is justified.
// .
// The vantage point tree at a given level chooses vp, the
// "vantage point", and a radius, R, and divides the data based
// on distance to vp. Points closer than R go in on branch
// of the tree and points farther than R go in the other branch.
// .
// The tree has the form [vp, R, inside, outside], where vp is
// the vantage point index, R is the radius, inside is a
// recursively computed tree for the inside points (distance less than
// or equal to R from the vantage point), and outside
// is a tree for the outside points (distance greater than R from the
// vantage point).
// .
// If the number of points is less than or equal to leafsize then
// vp_tree instead returns the list [ind] where ind is a list of
// the indices of the points. This means the list has the form
// [[i0, i1, i2,...]], so tree[0] is a list of indices. You can
// tell that a node is a leaf node by checking if tree[0] is a list.
// The leafsize parameter determines how many points can be
// store in the leaf nodes. The default value of 25 was found
// emperically to be a reasonable option for 3d data searched with vp_search().
// .
// Vantage point tree is described here:
// Given a list of query points `query` and a `target` to search,
// finds the points in `target` that match each query point. A match holds when the
// distance between a point in `target` and a query point is less than or equal to `r`.
// The returned list will have a list for each query point containing, in arbitrary
// order, the indices of all points that match that query point.
// The `target` may be a simple list of points or a search tree.
// When `target` is a large list of points, a search tree is constructed to
// speed up the search with an order around O(log n) per query point.
// For small point lists, a direct search is done dispensing a tree construction.
// Alternatively, `target` may be a search tree built with `vector_tree_search()`.
// In that case, that tree is parsed looking for matches.
// Arguments:
// points = list of points to store in the tree
// leafsize = maximum number of points to store in the tree's leaf nodes. Default: 25
function vp_tree(points, leafsize=25) =
assert(is_matrix(points),"points must be a consistent list of data points")
_vp_tree(points, count(len(points)), leafsize);
function _vp_tree(ptlist, ind, leafsize) =
len(ind)<=leafsize ? [ind] :
center = mean(select(ptlist,ind)),
cdistances = [for(i=ind) norm(ptlist[i]-center)],
vpind = ind[max_index(cdistances)],
vp = ptlist[vpind],
vp_dist = [for(i=ind) norm(vp-ptlist[i])],
r = ninther(vp_dist),
inside = [for(i=idx(ind)) if (vp_dist[i]<=r && ind[i]!=vpind) ind[i]],
outside = [for(i=idx(ind)) if (vp_dist[i]>r) ind[i]]
[vpind, r, _vp_tree(ptlist,inside,leafsize),_vp_tree(ptlist,outside,leafsize)];
// Function: vp_search()
// Usage:
// indices = vp_search(points, tree, p, r);
// Description:
// Search a vantage point tree for all points whose distance from p
// is less than or equal to r. Returns a list of indices of the points it finds
// in arbitrary order. The input points is a list of points to search and tree is the
// vantage point tree computed from that point list. The search should be
// around O(log n).
// Arguments:
// points = points indexed by the vantage point tree
// tree = vantage point tree from vp_tree
// p = point to search for
// r = search radius
// query = list of points to find matches for.
// r = the search radius.
// target = list of the points to search for matches or a search tree.
// Example: A set of four queries to find points within 1 unit of the query. The circles show the search region and all have radius 1.
// $fn=32;
// k = 2000;
// points = array_group(rands(0,10,k*2,seed=13333),2);
// vp = vp_tree(points);
// queries = [for(i=[3,7],j=[3,7]) [i,j]];
// search_ind = [for(q=queries) vp_search(points, vp, q, 1)];
// search_ind = vector_search(queries, points, 1);
// move_copies(points) circle(r=.08);
// for(i=idx(queries)){
// color("blue")stroke(move(queries[i],circle(r=1)), closed=true, width=.08);
// color("red")move_copies(select(points, search_ind[i])) circle(r=.08);
// color("blue")stroke(move(queries[i],circle(r=1)), closed=true, width=.08);
// color("red") move_copies(select(points, search_ind[i])) circle(r=.08);
// }
function _vp_search(points, tree, p, r) =
is_list(tree[0]) ? [for(i=tree[0]) if (norm(points[i]-p)<=r) i]
// Example: when a series of search with different radius are needed, its is faster to pre-compute the tree
// $fn=32;
// k = 2000;
// points = array_group(rands(0,10,k*2),2,seed=13333);
// queries1 = [for(i=[3,7]) [i,i]];
// queries2 = [for(i=[3,7]) [10-i,i]];
// r1 = 1;
// r2 = .7;
// search_tree = vector_search_tree(points);
// search_1 = vector_search(queries1, r1, search_tree);
// search_2 = vector_search(queries2, r2, search_tree);
// move_copies(points) circle(r=.08);
// for(i=idx(queries1)){
// color("blue")stroke(move(queries1[i],circle(r=r1)), closed=true, width=.08);
// color("red") move_copies(select(points, search_1[i])) circle(r=.08);
// }
// for(i=idx(queries2)){
// color("green")stroke(move(queries2[i],circle(r=r2)), closed=true, width=.08);
// color("red") move_copies(select(points, search_2[i])) circle(r=.08);
// }
function vector_search(query, r, target) =
assert( is_finite(r) && r>=0,
"The query radius should be a positive number." )
d = norm(p-points[tree[0]]) // dist to vantage point
tgpts = is_matrix(target), // target is a point list
tgtree = is_list(target) // target is a tree
&& (len(target)==2)
&& is_matrix(target[0])
&& is_list(target[1])
&& (len(target[1])==4 || (len(target[1])==1 && is_list(target[1][0])) )
if (d <= r) tree[0],
if (d-r <= tree[1]) each _vp_search(points, tree[2], p, r),
if (d+r > tree[1]) each _vp_search(points, tree[3], p, r)
assert( tgpts || tgtree,
"The target should be a list of points or a search tree compatible with the query." )
dim = tgpts ? len(target[0]) : len(target[0][0]),
simple = is_vector(query, dim),
mult = !simple && is_matrix(query,undef,dim)
assert( simple || mult,
"The query points should be a list of points compatible with the target point list.")
? len(target)<200
? simple ? [for(i=idx(target)) if(norm(target[i]-query)<r) i ] :
[for(q=query) [for(i=idx(target)) if(norm(target[i]-q)<r) i ] ]
: let( tree = _bt_tree(target, count(len(target)), leafsize=25) )
simple ? _bt_search(query, r, target, tree) :
[for(q=query) _bt_search(q, r, target, tree)]
: simple ? _bt_search(query, r, target[0], target[1]) :
[for(q=query) _bt_search(q, r, target[0], target[1])];
function vp_search(points, tree, p, r) =
assert(is_list(tree) && (len(tree)==4 || (len(tree)==1 && is_list(tree[0]))), "Vantage point tree not valid")
assert(is_matrix(points), "Parameter points is not a consistent point list")
assert(is_vector(p,len(points[0])), "Query must be a vector whose length matches the point list")
assert(all_positive(r),"Radius r must be a positive number")
_vp_search(points, tree, p, r);
// Function: vp_nearest()
//Ball tree search
function _bt_search(query, r, points, tree) = //echo(tree)
assert( is_list(tree)
&& ( ( len(tree)==1 && is_list(tree[0]) )
|| ( len(tree)==4 && is_num(tree[0]) && is_num(tree[1]) ) ),
"The tree is invalid.")
? assert( tree[0]==[] || is_vector(tree[0]), "The tree is invalid." )
[for(i=tree[0]) if(norm(points[i]-query)<=r) i ]
: norm(query-points[tree[0]]) > r+tree[1] ? [] :
[ if(norm(query-points[tree[0]])<=r) tree[0] ],
_bt_search(query, r, points, tree[2]),
_bt_search(query, r, points, tree[3]) ) ;
// Function: vector_search_tree()
// Usage:
// indices = vp_nearest(points, tree, p, k)
// tree = vector_search_tree(points,leafsize);
// See Also: vector_nearest(), vector_search()
// Topics: Search, Points, Closest
// Description:
// Search the vantage point tree for the k points closest to point p.
// The input points is the list of points to search and tree is
// the vantage point tree computed from that point list. The list is
// returned in sorted order, closest point first.
// Construct a search tree for the given list of points to be used as input
// to the function `vector_search()`. The use of a tree speeds up the
// search process. The tree construction stops branching when
// a tree node represents a number of points less or equal to `leafsize`.
// Search trees are ball trees. Constructing the
// tree should be O(n log n) and searches should be O(log n), though real life
// performance depends on how the data is distributed, and it will deteriorate
// for high data dimensions. This data structure is useful when you will be
// performing many searches of the same data, so that the cost of constructing
// the tree is justified. (See
// Arguments:
// points = points indexed by the vantage point tree
// tree = vantage point tree from vp_tree
// p = point to search for
// points = list of points to store in the search tree.
// leafsize = the size of the tree leaves. Default: 25
// Example: A set of four queries to find points within 1 unit of the query. The circles show the search region and all have radius 1.
// $fn=32;
// k = 2000;
// points = array_group(rands(0,10,k*2,seed=13333),2);
// queries = [for(i=[3,7],j=[3,7]) [i,j]];
// search_tree = vector_search_tree(points);
// search_ind = vector_tree_search(search_tree, queries, 1);
// move_copies(points) circle(r=.08);
// for(i=idx(queries)){
// color("blue") stroke(move(queries[i],circle(r=1)), closed=true, width=.08);
// color("red") move_copies(select(points, search_ind[i])) circle(r=.08); }
// }
function vector_search_tree(points, leafsize=25) =
assert( is_matrix(points), "The input list entries should be points." )
assert( is_int(leafsize) && leafsize>=1,
"The tree leaf size should be an integer greater than zero.")
[ points, _bt_tree(points, count(len(points)), leafsize) ];
//Ball tree construction
function _bt_tree(points, ind, leafsize=25) =
len(ind)<=leafsize ? [ind] :
bounds = pointlist_bounds(select(points,ind)),
coord = max_index(bounds[1]-bounds[0]),
projc = [for(i=ind) points[i][coord] ],
pmc = mean(projc),
pivot = min_index([for(p=projc) abs(p-pmc)]),
radius = max([for(i=ind) norm(points[ind[pivot]]-points[i]) ]),
median = ninther(projc),
Lind = [for(i=idx(ind)) if(projc[i]<=median && i!=pivot) ind[i] ],
Rind = [for(i=idx(ind)) if(projc[i] >median && i!=pivot) ind[i] ]
[ ind[pivot], radius, _bt_tree(points, Lind, leafsize), _bt_tree(points, Rind, leafsize) ];
// Function: vector_nearest()
// Usage:
// indices = vector_nearest(query, k, target)
// See Also: vector_search(), vector_search_tree()
// Description:
// Search `target` for the `k` points closest to point `query`.
// The input `target` is either a list of points to search or a search tree
// pre-computed by `vector_search_tree(). A list is returned containing the indices
// of the points found in sorted order, closest point first.
// Arguments:
// query = point to search for
// k = number of neighbors to return
// target = a list of points or a search tree to search in
// Example: Four queries to find the 15 nearest points. The circles show the radius defined by the most distant query result. Note they are different for each query.
// $fn=32;
// k = 2000;
// k = 1000;
// points = array_group(rands(0,10,k*2,seed=13333),2);
// vp = vp_tree(points);
// tree = vector_search_tree(points);
// queries = [for(i=[3,7],j=[3,7]) [i,j]];
// search_ind = [for(q=queries) vp_nearest(points, vp, q, 15)];
// search_ind = [for(q=queries) vector_nearest(q, 15, tree)];
// move_copies(points) circle(r=.08);
// for(i=idx(queries)){
// color("red")move_copies(select(points, search_ind[i])) circle(r=.08);
// color("blue")stroke(move(queries[i],
// circle(r=norm(points[last(search_ind[i])]-queries[i]))),
// closed=true, width=.08);
// circle = circle(r=norm(points[last(search_ind[i])]-queries[i]));
// color("red") move_copies(select(points, search_ind[i])) circle(r=.08);
// color("blue") stroke(move(queries[i], circle), closed=true, width=.08);
// }
function vector_nearest(query, k, target) =
assert(is_int(k) && k>0)
assert(is_vector(query), "Query must be a vector.")
tgpts = is_matrix(target,undef,len(query)), // target is a point list
tgtree = is_list(target) // target is a tree
&& (len(target)==2)
&& is_matrix(target[0],undef,len(query))
&& (len(target[1])==4 || (len(target[1])==1 && is_list(target[1][0])) )
assert( tgpts || tgtree,
"The target should be a list of points or a search tree compatible with the query." )
assert((tgpts && (k<=len(target))) || (tgtree && (k<=len(target[0]))),
"More results are requested than the number of points.")
? let( tree = _bt_tree(target, count(len(target))) )
subindex(_bt_nearest( query, k, target, tree),0)
: subindex(_bt_nearest( query, k, target[0], target[1]),0);
//Ball tree nearest
function _bt_nearest(p, k, points, tree, answers=[]) =
assert( is_list(tree)
&& ( ( len(tree)==1 && is_list(tree[0]) )
|| ( len(tree)==4 && is_num(tree[0]) && is_num(tree[1]) ) ),
"The tree is invalid.")
? _insert_many(answers, k, [for(entry=tree[0]) [entry, norm(points[entry]-p)]])
: let( d = norm(p-points[tree[0]]) )
len(answers)==k && ( d > last(answers)[1]+tree[1] ) ? answers :
answers1 = _insert_sorted(answers, k, [tree[0],d]),
answers2 = _bt_nearest(p, k, points, tree[2], answers1),
answers3 = _bt_nearest(p, k, points, tree[3], answers2)
function _insert_sorted(list, k, new) =
len(list)==k && new[1]>= last(list)[1] ? list
(len(list)==k && new[1]>= last(list)[1]) ? list
: [
for(entry=list) if (entry[1]<=new[1]) entry,
for(i=[0:1:min(k-1,len(list))-1]) if (list[i][1]>new[1]) list[i]
function _insert_many(list, k, newlist,i=0) =
i==len(newlist) ? list :
? list
: assert(is_vector(newlist[i],2), "The tree is invalid.")
function _vp_nearest(points, tree, p, k, answers=[]) =
is_list(tree[0]) ? _insert_many(answers, k, [for(entry=tree[0]) [entry, norm(points[entry]-p)]]) :
d = norm(p-points[tree[0]]),
answers1 = _insert_sorted(answers, k, [tree[0],d]),
answers2 = d-last(answers1)[1] <= tree[1] ? _vp_nearest(points, tree[2], p, k, answers1) : answers1,
answers3 = d+last(answers2)[1] > tree[1] ? _vp_nearest(points, tree[3], p, k, answers2) : answers2
function vp_nearest(points, tree, p, k) =
assert(is_int(k) && k>0)
assert(k<=len(points), "You requested more results that contained in the set")
assert(is_matrix(points), "Parameter points is not a consistent point list")
assert(is_vector(p,len(points[0])), "Query must be a vector whose length matches the point list")
assert(is_list(tree) && (len(tree)==4 || (len(tree)==1 && is_list(tree[0]))), "Vantage point tree not valid")
subindex(_vp_nearest(points, tree, p, k),0);
// Function: search_radius()
// Usage:
// index_list = search_radius(points, queries, r, [leafsize]);
// Description:
// Given a list of points and a compatible list of queries, for each query
// search the points list for all points whose distance from the query
// is less than or equal to r. The return value index_list[i] lists the indices
// in points of all matches to query q[i]. This list can be in arbitrary order.
// .
// This function is advantageous to use especially when both `points` and `queries`
// are large sets. The method contructs a vantage point tree and then uses it
// to check all the queries. If you use queries=points and set r to epsilon then
// you can find all of the approximate duplicates in a large list of vectors.
// Example: Finding duplicates in a list of vectors. With exact equality the order of the output is consistent, but with small variations [2,4] could occur in one position and [4,2] in the other one.
// v = array_group(rands(0,10,5*3,seed=9),3);
// points = [v[0],v[1],v[2],v[3],v[2],v[3],v[3],v[4]];
// echo(search_radius(points,points,1e-9)); // Prints [[0],[1],[2,4],[3,5,6],[2,4],[3,5,6],[3,5,6],[7]]
function search_radius(points, queries, r, leafsize=25) =
assert(is_matrix(points),"Invalid points list")
assert(is_matrix(queries),"Invalid query list")
assert(len(points[0])==len(queries[0]), "Query vectors don't match length of points")
vptree = vp_tree(points, leafsize)
[for(q=queries) vp_search(points, vptree, q, r)];
// vim: expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 nowrap

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@ -166,16 +166,19 @@ function vnf_merge(vnfs, cleanup=false, eps=EPSILON) =
let( faces = vnfs[i][1] )
for (face = faces)
if ( len(face) >= 3 )
[ for (j = face) offs[i] + j ]
[ for (j = face)
assert( j>=0 && j<len(vnfs[i][0]),
str("VNF number ", i, " has a face indexing an nonexistent vertex") )
offs[i] + j ]
! cleanup ? [verts, faces] :
dedup = search_radius(verts,verts,r=eps), // collect vertex duplicates
dedup = vector_search(verts,eps,verts), // collect vertex duplicates
map = [for(i=idx(verts)) min(dedup[i]) ], // remap duplic vertices
offset = cumsum([for(i=idx(verts)) map[i]==i ? 0 : 1 ]), // remaping face vertex offsets
map2 = list(idx(verts))-offset, // map old vertex indices to new vertex indices
nverts = [for(i=idx(verts)) if(map[i]==i) verts[i] ],
map2 = list(idx(verts))-offset, // map old vertex indices to new indices
nverts = [for(i=idx(verts)) if(map[i]==i) verts[i] ], // eliminates all unreferenced vertices
nfaces =
[ for(face=faces)
@ -594,7 +597,7 @@ function _triangulate_planar_convex_polygons(polys) =
// Function: vnf_bend()
// Usage:
// bentvnf = vnf_bend(vnf);
// bentvnf = vnf_bend(vnf,r,d,[axis]);
// Description:
// Given a VNF that is entirely above, or entirely below the Z=0 plane, bends the VNF around the
// Y axis, splitting up faces as necessary. Returns the bent VNF. Will error out if the VNF