From e3b64888a8aebb37af5eb43b8efc69a51eb23d74 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Revar Desmera <>
Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2020 01:25:35 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Added regressions for strings.scad.

 tests/test_strings.scad | 372 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 version.scad            |   2 +-
 2 files changed, 373 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/test_strings.scad

diff --git a/tests/test_strings.scad b/tests/test_strings.scad
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..673e8f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_strings.scad
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+include <BOSL2/std.scad>
+include <BOSL2/strings.scad>
+module test_upcase() {
+    assert(upcase("") == "");
+    assert(upcase("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") == "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ");
+    assert(upcase("1234567890!@#$%^&*()") == "1234567890!@#$%^&*()");
+    assert(upcase("_+-=[]\\{}|;':\",./<>?`~") == "_+-=[]\\{}|;':\",./<>?`~");
+module test_downcase() {
+    assert(downcase("") == "");
+    assert(downcase("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ") == "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
+    assert(downcase("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") == "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
+    assert(downcase("1234567890!@#$%^&*()") == "1234567890!@#$%^&*()");
+    assert(downcase("_+-=[]\\{}|;':\",./<>?`~") == "_+-=[]\\{}|;':\",./<>?`~");
+module test_starts_with() {
+    assert(!starts_with("", "abc"));
+    assert(!starts_with("", "123"));
+    assert(!starts_with("defabc", "abc"));
+    assert(!starts_with("123def", "def"));
+    assert(!starts_with("def123def", "123"));
+    assert(starts_with("abcdef", "abc"));
+    assert(starts_with("abcabc", "abc"));
+    assert(starts_with("123def", "123"));
+module test_ends_with() {
+    assert(!ends_with("", "abc"));
+    assert(!ends_with("", "123"));
+    assert(!ends_with("abcdef", "abc"));
+    assert(ends_with("defabc", "abc"));
+    assert(ends_with("abcabc", "abc"));
+    assert(ends_with("def123", "123"));
+module test_escape_html() {
+    assert(escape_html("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") == "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
+    assert(escape_html("1234567890!@#$%^&*()-=_+") == "1234567890!@#$%^&amp;*()-=_+");
+    assert(escape_html("[]\\{}|;':\",./<>?`~") == "[]\\{}|;':&quot;,./&lt;&gt;?`~");
+module test_fmt_int() {
+    assert(fmt_int(0,6) == "000000");
+    assert(fmt_int(3,6) == "000003");
+    assert(fmt_int(98765,6) == "098765");
+    assert(fmt_int(-3,6) == "-000003");
+    assert(fmt_int(-98765,6) == "-098765");
+module test_fmt_fixed() {
+    assert(fmt_fixed(-PI*100,8) == "-314.15926536");
+    assert(fmt_fixed(-PI,8) == "-3.14159265");
+    assert(fmt_fixed(-3,8) == "-3.00000000");
+    assert(fmt_fixed(3,8) == "3.00000000");
+    assert(fmt_fixed(PI*100,8) == "314.15926536");
+    assert(fmt_fixed(PI,8) == "3.14159265");
+    assert(fmt_fixed(0,8) == "0.00000000");
+    assert(fmt_fixed(-PI*100,3) == "-314.159");
+    assert(fmt_fixed(-PI,3) == "-3.142");
+    assert(fmt_fixed(-3,3) == "-3.000");
+    assert(fmt_fixed(3,3) == "3.000");
+    assert(fmt_fixed(PI*100,3) == "314.159");
+    assert(fmt_fixed(PI,3) == "3.142");
+module test_fmt_float() {
+    assert(fmt_float(-PI*100,8) == "-314.15927");
+    assert(fmt_float(-PI,8) == "-3.1415927");
+    assert(fmt_float(-3,8) == "-3");
+    assert(fmt_float(3,8) == "3");
+    assert(fmt_float(PI*100,8) == "314.15927");
+    assert(fmt_float(PI,8) == "3.1415927");
+    assert(fmt_float(0,8) == "0");
+    assert(fmt_float(-PI*100,3) == "-314");
+    assert(fmt_float(-PI,3) == "-3.14");
+    assert(fmt_float(-3,3) == "-3");
+    assert(fmt_float(3,3) == "3");
+    assert(fmt_float(PI*100,3) == "314");
+    assert(fmt_float(PI,3) == "3.14");
+module test_is_digit() {
+    for (i=[32:126]) {
+        if (i>=ord("0") && i <=ord("9")) {
+            assert(is_digit(chr(i)));
+        } else {
+            assert(!is_digit(chr(i)));
+        }
+    }
+    assert(!is_digit("475B3"));
+    assert(is_digit("478"));
+module test_is_hexdigit() {
+    for (i=[32:126]) {
+        if (
+            (i>=ord("0") && i <=ord("9")) ||
+            (i>=ord("A") && i <=ord("F")) ||
+            (i>=ord("a") && i <=ord("f"))
+        ) {
+            assert(is_hexdigit(chr(i)));
+        } else {
+            assert(!is_hexdigit(chr(i)));
+        }
+    }
+module test_is_letter() {
+    for (i=[32:126]) {
+        if (
+            (i>=ord("A") && i <=ord("Z")) ||
+            (i>=ord("a") && i <=ord("z"))
+        ) {
+            assert(is_letter(chr(i)));
+        } else {
+            assert(!is_letter(chr(i)));
+        }
+    }
+module test_is_lower() {
+    for (i=[32:126]) {
+        if (
+            (i>=ord("a") && i <=ord("z"))
+        ) {
+            assert(is_lower(chr(i)));
+        } else {
+            assert(!is_lower(chr(i)));
+        }
+    }
+    assert(is_lower("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"));
+    assert(!is_lower("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"));
+    assert(!is_lower("abcdefghijKlmnopqrstuvwxyz"));
+    assert(!is_lower("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyZ"));
+module test_is_upper() {
+    for (i=[32:126]) {
+        if (
+            (i>=ord("A") && i <=ord("Z"))
+        ) {
+            assert(is_upper(chr(i)));
+        } else {
+            assert(!is_upper(chr(i)));
+        }
+    }
+    assert(is_upper("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"));
+    assert(!is_upper("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"));
+    assert(!is_upper("ABCDEFGHIJkLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"));
+    assert(!is_upper("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYz"));
+module test_str_float() {
+    assert(str_float("3.1416") == 3.1416);
+    assert(str_float("-3.1416") == -3.1416);
+    assert(str_float("3.000") == 3.0);
+    assert(str_float("-3.000") == -3.0);
+    assert(str_float("3") == 3.0);
+    assert(str_float("0") == 0.0);
+module test_str_frac() {
+    assert(str_frac("") == 0);
+    assert(str_frac("1/2") == 1/2);
+    assert(str_frac("+1/2") == 1/2);
+    assert(str_frac("-1/2") == -1/2);
+    assert(str_frac("7/8") == 7/8);
+    assert(str_frac("+7/8") == 7/8);
+    assert(str_frac("-7/8") == -7/8);
+    assert(str_frac("1 1/2") == 1 + 1/2);
+    assert(str_frac("+1 1/2") == 1 + 1/2);
+    assert(str_frac("-1 1/2") == -(1 + 1/2));
+    assert(str_frac("768 3/4") == 768 + 3/4);
+    assert(str_frac("+768 3/4") == 768 + 3/4);
+    assert(str_frac("-768 3/4") == -(768 + 3/4));
+    assert(str_frac("19") == 19);
+    assert(str_frac("+19") == 19);
+    assert(str_frac("-19") == -19);
+    assert(str_frac("3/0") == INF);
+    assert(str_frac("-3/0") == -INF);
+    assert(is_nan(str_frac("0/0")));
+module test_str_num() {
+    assert(str_num("") == 0);
+    assert(str_num("1/2") == 1/2);
+    assert(str_num("+1/2") == 1/2);
+    assert(str_num("-1/2") == -1/2);
+    assert(str_num("7/8") == 7/8);
+    assert(str_num("+7/8") == 7/8);
+    assert(str_num("-7/8") == -7/8);
+    assert(str_num("1 1/2") == 1 + 1/2);
+    assert(str_num("+1 1/2") == 1 + 1/2);
+    assert(str_num("-1 1/2") == -(1 + 1/2));
+    assert(str_num("768 3/4") == 768 + 3/4);
+    assert(str_num("+768 3/4") == 768 + 3/4);
+    assert(str_num("-768 3/4") == -(768 + 3/4));
+    assert(str_num("19") == 19);
+    assert(str_num("+19") == 19);
+    assert(str_num("-19") == -19);
+    assert(str_num("3/0") == INF);
+    assert(str_num("-3/0") == -INF);
+    assert(str_num("3.14159") == 3.14159);
+    assert(str_num("-3.14159") == -3.14159);
+    assert(is_nan(str_num("0/0")));
+module test_str_int() {
+    assert(str_int("0") == 0);
+    assert(str_int("3") == 3);
+    assert(str_int("7655") == 7655);
+    assert(str_int("+3") == 3);
+    assert(str_int("+7655") == 7655);
+    assert(str_int("-3") == -3);
+    assert(str_int("-7655") == -7655);
+    assert(str_int("ffff",16) == 65535);
+module test_str_join() {
+    assert(str_join(["abc", "D", "ef", "ghi"]) == "abcDefghi");
+    assert(str_join(["abc", "D", "ef", "ghi"], "--") == "abc--D--ef--ghi");
+module test_str_split() {
+    assert(str_split("abc-def+ghi-jkl", "-") == ["abc","def+ghi","jkl"]);
+    assert(str_split("abc-def+ghi-jkl", "-+") == ["abc","def","ghi","jkl"]);
+    assert(str_split("abc--def-ghi", "-", true) == ["abc","","def","ghi"]);
+    assert(str_split("abc--def-ghi", "-", false) == ["abc","def","ghi"]);
+    assert(str_split("abc-+def-ghi", "-+", true) == ["abc","","def","ghi"]);
+    assert(str_split("abc-+def-ghi", "-+", false) == ["abc","def","ghi"]);
+module test_str_strip() {
+    assert(str_strip("abcdef", " ") == "abcdef");
+    assert(str_strip(" abcdef", " ") == "abcdef");
+    assert(str_strip("  abcdef", " ") == "abcdef");
+    assert(str_strip("abcdef ", " ") == "abcdef");
+    assert(str_strip("abcdef  ", " ") == "abcdef");
+    assert(str_strip(" abcdef  ", " ") == "abcdef");
+    assert(str_strip("  abcdef  ", " ") == "abcdef");
+module test_str_strip_leading() {
+    assert(str_strip_leading("abcdef", " ") == "abcdef");
+    assert(str_strip_leading(" abcdef", " ") == "abcdef");
+    assert(str_strip_leading("  abcdef", " ") == "abcdef");
+    assert(str_strip_leading("abcdef ", " ") == "abcdef ");
+    assert(str_strip_leading("abcdef  ", " ") == "abcdef  ");
+    assert(str_strip_leading(" abcdef  ", " ") == "abcdef  ");
+    assert(str_strip_leading("  abcdef  ", " ") == "abcdef  ");
+module test_str_strip_trailing() {
+    assert(str_strip_trailing("abcdef", " ") == "abcdef");
+    assert(str_strip_trailing(" abcdef", " ") == " abcdef");
+    assert(str_strip_trailing("  abcdef", " ") == "  abcdef");
+    assert(str_strip_trailing("abcdef ", " ") == "abcdef");
+    assert(str_strip_trailing("abcdef  ", " ") == "abcdef");
+    assert(str_strip_trailing(" abcdef  ", " ") == " abcdef");
+    assert(str_strip_trailing("  abcdef  ", " ") == "  abcdef");
+module test_substr() {
+    assert(substr("abcdefg",3,3) == "def");
+    assert(substr("abcdefg",2) == "cdefg");
+    assert(substr("abcdefg",len=3) == "abc");
+    assert(substr("abcdefg",[2,4]) == "cde");
+    assert(substr("abcdefg",len=-2) == "");
+module test_suffix() {
+    assert(suffix("abcdefghi",0) == "");
+    assert(suffix("abcdefghi",1) == "i");
+    assert(suffix("abcdefghi",2) == "hi");
+    assert(suffix("abcdefghi",3) == "ghi");
+    assert(suffix("abcdefghi",6) == "defghi");
+    assert(suffix("abc",4) == "abc");
+module test_str_find() {
+    assert(str_find("abc123def123abc","123") == 3);
+    assert(str_find("abc123def123abc","b") == 1);
+    assert(str_find("abc123def123abc","1234") == undef);
+    assert(str_find("abc","") == 0);
+    assert(str_find("abc123def123", "123", start=4) == 9);
+    assert(str_find("abc123def123abc","123",last=true) == 9);
+    assert(str_find("abc123def123abc","b",last=true) == 13);
+    assert(str_find("abc123def123abc","1234",last=true) == undef);
+    assert(str_find("abc","",last=true) == 3);
+    assert(str_find("abc123def123", "123", start=8, last=true) == 3);
+    assert(str_find("abc123def123abc","123",all=true) == [3,9]);
+    assert(str_find("abc123def123abc","b",all=true) == [1,13]);
+    assert(str_find("abc123def123abc","1234",all=true) == []);
+    assert(str_find("abc","",all=true) == [0,1,2]);
+module test_str_format() {
+    assert(str_format("The value of {} is {:.14f}.", ["pi", PI]) == "The value of pi is 3.14159265358979.");
+    assert(str_format("The value {1:f} is known as {0}.", ["pi", PI]) == "The value 3.141593 is known as pi.");
+    assert(str_format("We use a very small value {1:.6g} as {0}.", ["EPSILON", EPSILON]) == "We use a very small value 1e-9 as EPSILON.");
+    assert(str_format("{:-5s}{:i}{:b}", ["foo", 12e3, 5]) == "foo  12000true");
+    assert(str_format("{:-10s}{:.3f}", ["plecostamus",27.43982]) == "plecostamus27.440");
+    assert(str_format("{:-10.9s}{:.3f}", ["plecostamus",27.43982]) == "plecostam 27.440");
+module test_echofmt() {
+// vim: expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 nowrap
diff --git a/version.scad b/version.scad
index 835f4fb..47a8cca 100644
--- a/version.scad
+++ b/version.scad
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
-BOSL_VERSION = [2,0,338];
+BOSL_VERSION = [2,0,339];
 // Section: BOSL Library Version Functions