// LibFile: common.scad
//   Common functions used in argument processing.
//   To use, include this line at the top of your file:
//   ```
//   use <BOSL2/std.scad>
//   ```

// Section: Type handling helpers.

// Function: typeof()
// Usage:
//   typ = typeof(x);
// Description:
//   Returns a string representing the type of the value.  One of "undef", "boolean", "number", "nan", "string", "list", "range" or "invalid".
//   Some malformed "ranges", like '[0:NAN:INF]' and '[0:"a":INF]', may be classified as "undef" or "invalid".
function typeof(x) =
    is_undef(x)? "undef" :
    is_bool(x)? "boolean" :
    is_num(x)? "number" :
    is_nan(x)? "nan" :
    is_string(x)? "string" :
    is_list(x)? "list" :
    is_range(x) ? "range" :

// Function: is_type()
// Usage:
//   b = is_type(x, types);
// Description:
//   Returns true if the type of the value `x` is one of those given as strings in the list `types`. 
//   Valid types are "undef", "boolean", "number", "nan", "string", "list", or "range"
// Arguments:
//   x = The value to check the type of.
//   types = A list of types to check 
// Example:
//   is_str_or_list = is_type("foo", ["string","list"]);   // Returns: true
//   is_str_or_list2 = is_type([1,2,3], ["string","list"]);  // Returns: true
//   is_str_or_list3 = is_type(2, ["string","list"]);  // Returns: false
//   is_str = is_type("foo", "string");  // Returns: true
//   is_str2 = is_type([3,4], "string");  // Returns: false
//   is_str3 = is_type(["foo"], "string");  // Returns: false
//   is_str4 = is_type(3, "string");  // Returns: false
function is_type(x,types) =
    is_list(types)? in_list(typeof(x),types) :
    is_string(types)? typeof(x) == types :

// Function: is_def()
// Usage:
//   is_def(x)
// Description:
//   Returns true if `x` is not `undef`.  False if `x==undef`.
function is_def(x) = !is_undef(x);

// Function: is_str()
// Usage:
//   is_str(x)
// Description:
//   Returns true if `x` is a string.  A shortcut for `is_string()`.
function is_str(x) = is_string(x);

// Function: is_int()
// Usage:
//   is_int(n)
// Description:
//   Returns true if the given value is an integer (it is a number and it rounds to itself).  
function is_int(n) = is_finite(n) && n == round(n);
function is_integer(n) = is_finite(n) && n == round(n);

// Function: is_nan()
// Usage:
//   is_nan(x);
// Description:
//   Returns true if a given value `x` is nan, a floating point value representing "not a number".
function is_nan(x) = (x!=x);

// Function: is_finite()
// Usage:
//   is_finite(x);
// Description:
//   Returns true if a given value `x` is a finite number.
function is_finite(v) = is_num(0*v);

// Function: is_range()
// Description:
//   Returns true if its argument is a range
function is_range(x) = !is_list(x) && is_finite(x[0]+x[1]+x[2]) ;

// Function: valid_range()
// Description:
//   Returns true if its argument is a valid range (deprecated ranges excluded).
function valid_range(x) = 
    && ( x[1]>0 
         ? x[0]<=x[2]
         : ( x[1]<0 && x[0]>=x[2] ) );

// Function: is_list_of()
// Usage:
//   is_list_of(list, pattern)
// Description:
//   Tests whether the input is a list whose entries are all numeric lists that have the same
//   list shape as the pattern.
// Example:
//   is_list_of([3,4,5], 0);            // Returns true
//   is_list_of([3,4,undef], 0);        // Returns false
//   is_list_of([[3,4],[4,5]], [1,1]);  // Returns true
//   is_list_of([[3,"a"],[4,true]], [1,undef]);  // Returns true
//   is_list_of([[3,4], 6, [4,5]], [1,1]);  // Returns false
//   is_list_of([[1,[3,4]], [4,[5,6]]], [1,[2,3]]);    // Returns true
//   is_list_of([[1,[3,INF]], [4,[5,6]]], [1,[2,3]]);  // Returns false
//   is_list_of([], [1,[2,3]]);                        // Returns true
function is_list_of(list,pattern) =
    let(pattern = 0*pattern)
    is_list(list) &&
    []==[for(entry=0*list) if (entry != pattern) entry];

function _list_pattern(list) =
  is_list(list) ? [for(entry=list) is_list(entry) ? _list_pattern(entry) : 0]
                : 0;

// Function: is_consistent()
// Usage:
//   is_consistent(list)
// Description:
//   Tests whether input is a list of entries which all have the same list structure
//   and are filled with finite numerical data. It returns `true`for the empty list. 
// Example:
//   is_consistent([3,4,5]);              // Returns true
//   is_consistent([[3,4],[4,5],[6,7]]);  // Returns true
//   is_consistent([[3,4,5],[3,4]]);      // Returns false
//   is_consistent([[3,[3,4,[5]]], [5,[2,9,[9]]]]); // Returns true
//   is_consistent([[3,[3,4,[5]]], [5,[2,9,9]]]);   // Returns false
function is_consistent(list) =
  /*is_list(list) &&*/ is_list_of(list, _list_pattern(list[0]));

//Internal function
//Creates a list with the same structure of `list` with each of its elements substituted by 0.
function _list_pattern(list) =
  ? [for(entry=list) is_list(entry) ? _list_pattern(entry) : 0]
  : 0;

// Function: same_shape()
// Usage:
//   same_shape(a,b)
// Description:
//   Tests whether the inputs `a` and `b` are both numeric and are the same shaped list.
// Example:
//   same_shape([3,[4,5]],[7,[3,4]]);   // Returns true
//   same_shape([3,4,5], [7,[3,4]]);    // Returns false
function same_shape(a,b) = _list_pattern(a) == b*0;

// Section: Handling `undef`s.

// Function: default()
// Description:
//   Returns the value given as `v` if it is not `undef`.
//   Otherwise, returns the value of `dflt`.
// Arguments:
//   v = Value to pass through if not `undef`.
//   dflt = Value to return if `v` *is* `undef`.
function default(v,dflt=undef) = is_undef(v)? dflt : v;

// Function: first_defined()
// Description:
//   Returns the first item in the list that is not `undef`.
//   If all items are `undef`, or list is empty, returns `undef`.
// Arguments:
//   v = The list whose items are being checked.
//   recursive = If true, sublists are checked recursively for defined values.  The first sublist that has a defined item is returned.
function first_defined(v,recursive=false,_i=0) =
    _i<len(v) && (
        is_undef(v[_i]) || (
            recursive &&
            is_list(v[_i]) &&
    )? first_defined(v,recursive=recursive,_i=_i+1) : v[_i];

// Function: one_defined()
// Usage:
//   one_defined(vars, names, [required])
// Description:
//   Examines the input list `vars` and returns the entry which is not `undef`.  If more
//   than one entry is `undef` then issues an assertion specifying "Must define exactly one of" followed
//   by the defined items from the `names` parameter.  If `required` is set to false then it is OK if all of the
//   entries of `vars` are undefined, and in this case, `undef` is returned.
// Example:
//   length = one_defined([length,L,l], ["length","L","l"]);
function one_defined(vars, names, required=true) =
   let (
     ok = num_defined(vars)==1 || (!required && num_defined(vars)==0)
   assert(ok,str("Must define ",required?"exactly":"at most"," one of ",num_defined(vars)==0?names:[for(i=[0:len(vars)]) if (is_def(vars[i])) names[i]]))

// Function: num_defined()
// Description: Counts how many items in list `v` are not `undef`.
function num_defined(v,_i=0,_cnt=0) = _i>=len(v)? _cnt : num_defined(v,_i+1,_cnt+(is_undef(v[_i])? 0 : 1));

// Function: any_defined()
// Description:
//   Returns true if any item in the given array is not `undef`.
// Arguments:
//   v = The list whose items are being checked.
//   recursive = If true, any sublists are evaluated recursively.
function any_defined(v,recursive=false) = first_defined(v,recursive=recursive) != undef;

// Function: all_defined()
// Description:
//   Returns true if all items in the given array are not `undef`.
// Arguments:
//   v = The list whose items are being checked.
//   recursive = If true, any sublists are evaluated recursively.
function all_defined(v,recursive=false) = max([for (x=v) is_undef(x)||(recursive&&is_list(x)&&!all_defined(x))? 1 : 0])==0;

// Section: Argument Helpers

// Function: get_anchor()
// Usage:
//   get_anchor(anchor,center,[uncentered],[dflt]);
// Description:
//   Calculated the correct anchor from `anchor` and `center`.  In order:
//   - If `center` is not `undef` and `center` evaluates as true, then `CENTER` (`[0,0,0]`) is returned.
//   - Otherwise, if `center` is not `undef` and `center` evaluates as false, then the value of `uncentered` is returned.
//   - Otherwise, if `anchor` is not `undef`, then the value of `anchor` is returned.
//   - Otherwise, the value of `dflt` is returned.
//   This ordering ensures that `center` will override `anchor`.
// Arguments:
//   anchor = The anchor name or vector.
//   center = If not `undef`, this overrides the value of `anchor`.
//   uncentered = The value to return if `center` is not `undef` and evaluates as false.  Default: ALLNEG
//   dflt = The default value to return if both `anchor` and `center` are `undef`.  Default: `CENTER`
function get_anchor(anchor,center,uncentered=BOT,dflt=CENTER) =
    !is_undef(center)? (center? CENTER : uncentered) :
    !is_undef(anchor)? anchor :

// Function: get_radius()
// Usage:
//   get_radius([r1], [r2], [r], [d1], [d2], [d], [dflt]);
// Description:
//   Given various radii and diameters, returns the most specific radius.
//   If a diameter is most specific, returns half its value, giving the radius.
//   If no radii or diameters are defined, returns the value of dflt.
//   Value specificity order is r1, r2, d1, d2, r, d, then dflt
//   Only one of `r1`, `r2`, `d1`, or `d2` can be defined at once, or else it
//   errors out, complaining about conflicting radius/diameter values.
//   Only one of `r` or `d` can be defined at once, or else it errors out,
//   complaining about conflicting radius/diameter values.
// Arguments:
//   r1 = Most specific radius.
//   d1 = Most specific diameter.
//   r2 = Second most specific radius.
//   d2 = Second most specific diameter.
//   r = Most general radius.
//   d = Most general diameter.
//   dflt = Value to return if all other values given are `undef`.
function get_radius(r1=undef, r2=undef, r=undef, d1=undef, d2=undef, d=undef, dflt=undef) = (
    !is_undef(r1)? assert(is_undef(r2)&&is_undef(d1)&&is_undef(d2), "Conflicting or redundant radius/diameter arguments given.") r1 :
    !is_undef(r2)? assert(is_undef(d1)&&is_undef(d2), "Conflicting or redundant radius/diameter arguments given.") r2 :
    !is_undef(d1)? d1/2 :
    !is_undef(d2)? d2/2 :
    !is_undef(r)? assert(is_undef(d), "Conflicting or redundant radius/diameter arguments given.") r :
    !is_undef(d)? d/2 :

// Function: get_height()
// Usage:
//   get_height([h],[l],[height],[dflt])
// Description:
//   Given several different parameters for height check that height is not multiply defined
//   and return a single value.  If the three values `l`, `h`, and `height` are all undefined
//   then return the value `dflt`, if given, or undef otherwise.
// Arguments:
//   l = l.
//   h = h.
//   height = height.
//   dflt = Value to return if other values are `undef`. 
function get_height(h=undef,l=undef,height=undef,dflt=undef) =
    assert(num_defined([h,l,height])<=1,"You must specify only one of `l`, `h`, and `height`")

// Function: scalar_vec3()
// Usage:
//   scalar_vec3(v, [dflt]);
// Description:
//   If `v` is a scalar, and `dflt==undef`, returns `[v, v, v]`.
//   If `v` is a scalar, and `dflt!=undef`, returns `[v, dflt, dflt]`.
//   If `v` is a vector, returns the first 3 items, with any missing values replaced by `dflt`.
//   If `v` is `undef`, returns `undef`.
// Arguments:
//   v = Value to return vector from.
//   dflt = Default value to set empty vector parts from.
function scalar_vec3(v, dflt=undef) =
    is_undef(v)? undef :
    is_list(v)? [for (i=[0:2]) default(v[i], default(dflt, 0))] :
    !is_undef(dflt)? [v,dflt,dflt] : [v,v,v];

// Function: segs()
// Usage:
//   sides = segs(r);
// Description:
//   Calculate the standard number of sides OpenSCAD would give a circle based on `$fn`, `$fa`, and `$fs`.
// Arguments:
//   r = Radius of circle to get the number of segments for.
function segs(r) = 
    $fn>0? ($fn>3? $fn : 3) :
    let( r = is_finite(r)? r: 0 ) 
    ceil(max(5, min(360/$fa, abs(r)*2*PI/$fs))) ;

// Module: no_children()
// Usage:
//   no_children($children);
// Description:
//   Assert that the calling module does not support children.  Prints an error message to this effect and fails if children are present,
//   as indicated by its argument.
// Arguments:
//   $children = number of children the module has.  
module no_children(count) {
  assert(count==0, str("Module ",parent_module(1),"() does not support child modules"));

// Section: Testing Helpers

function _valstr(x) =
    is_list(x)? str("[",str_join([for (xx=x) _valstr(xx)],","),"]") :
    is_finite(x)? fmt_float(x,12) : x;

// Module: assert_approx()
// Usage:
//   assert_approx(got, expected, [info]);
// Description:
//   Tests if the value gotten is what was expected.  If not, then
//   the expected and received values are printed to the console and
//   an assertion is thrown to stop execution.
// Arguments:
//   got = The value actually received.
//   expected = The value that was expected.
//   info = Extra info to print out to make the error clearer.
module assert_approx(got, expected, info) {
    if (!approx(got, expected)) {
        echo(str("EXPECT: ", _valstr(expected)));
        echo(str("GOT   : ", _valstr(got)));
        if (same_shape(got, expected)) {
            echo(str("DELTA : ", _valstr(got - expected)));
        if (is_def(info)) {
            echo(str("INFO  : ", _valstr(info)));
        assert(approx(got, expected));

// Module: assert_equal()
// Usage:
//   assert_equal(got, expected, [info]);
// Description:
//   Tests if the value gotten is what was expected.  If not, then
//   the expected and received values are printed to the console and
//   an assertion is thrown to stop execution.
// Arguments:
//   got = The value actually received.
//   expected = The value that was expected.
//   info = Extra info to print out to make the error clearer.
module assert_equal(got, expected, info) {
    if (got != expected || (is_nan(got) && is_nan(expected))) {
        echo(str("EXPECT: ", _valstr(expected)));
        echo(str("GOT   : ", _valstr(got)));
        if (same_shape(got, expected)) {
            echo(str("DELTA : ", _valstr(got - expected)));
        if (is_def(info)) {
            echo(str("INFO  : ", _valstr(info)));
        assert(got == expected);

// Module: shape_compare()
// Usage:
//   shape_compare([eps]) {test_shape(); expected_shape();}
// Description:
//   Compares two child shapes, returning empty geometry if they are very nearly the same shape and size.
//   Returns the differential geometry if they are not nearly the same shape and size.
// Arguments:
//   eps = The surface of the two shapes must be within this size of each other.  Default: 1/1024
module shape_compare(eps=1/1024) {
    union() {
        difference() {
            if (eps==0) {
            } else {
                minkowski() {
                    cube(eps, center=true);
        difference() {
            if (eps==0) {
            } else {
                minkowski() {
                    cube(eps, center=true);

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