////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LibFile: masks2d.scad // This file provides 2D masking shapes that you can use with {{edge_profile()}} to mask edges. // The shapes include the simple roundover and chamfer as well as more elaborate shapes // like the cove and ogee found in furniture and architecture. You can make the masks // as geometry or as 2D paths. // Includes: // include // FileGroup: Basic Modeling // FileSummary: 2D masking shapes for edge profiling: including roundover, cove, teardrop, ogee. // FileFootnotes: STD=Included in std.scad ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Section: 2D Masking Shapes // Function&Module: mask2d_roundover() // Synopsis: Creates a 2D beading mask shape useful for rounding edges. // SynTags: Geom, Path // Topics: Shapes (2D), Paths (2D), Path Generators, Attachable, Masks (2D) // See Also: corner_profile(), edge_profile(), face_profile(), fillet() // Usage: As module // mask2d_roundover(r|d=|h=|cut=|joint=, [inset], [mask_angle], [excess], [flat_top=]) [ATTACHMENTS]; // Usage: As function // path = mask2d_roundover(r|d=|h=|cut=|joint=, [inset], [mask_angle], [excess], [flat_top=]); // Description: // Creates a 2D roundover/bead mask shape that is useful for extruding into a 3D mask for an edge. // Conversely, you can use that same extruded shape to make an interior fillet between two walls. // As a 2D mask, this is designed to be differenced away from the edge of a shape that is in the first (X+Y+) quadrant. // If called as a function, this just returns a 2D path of the outline of the mask shape. // The roundover can be specified by radius, diameter, height, cut, or joint length. // ![Types of Roundovers](images/rounding/section-types-of-roundovers_fig1.png) // Arguments: // r = Radius of the roundover. // inset = Optional bead inset size. Default: 0 // mask_angle = Number of degrees in the corner angle to mask. Default: 90 // excess = Extra amount of mask shape to creates on the X- and Y- sides of the shape. Default: 0.01 // --- // d = Diameter of the roundover. // h = Mask height. Given instead of r or d when you want a consistent mask height, no matter what the mask angle. // cut = Cut distance. IE: How much of the corner to cut off. See [Types of Roundovers](rounding.scad#section-types-of-roundovers). // joint = Joint distance. IE: How far from the edge the roundover should start. See [Types of Roundovers](rounding.scad#section-types-of-roundovers). // flat_top = If true, the top inset of the mask will be horizontal instead of angled by the mask_angle. Default: true. // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#subsection-anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#subsection-spin). Default: `0` // Side Effects: // Tags the children with "remove" (and hence sets `$tag`) if no tag is already set. // // Example(2D): 2D Roundover Mask by Radius // mask2d_roundover(r=10); // Example(2D): 2D Bead Mask // mask2d_roundover(r=10,inset=2); // Example(2D): 2D Bead Mask by Height // mask2d_roundover(h=10,inset=2); // Example(2D): 2D Bead Mask for a Non-Right Edge. // mask2d_roundover(r=10, inset=2, mask_angle=75); // Example(2D): Disabling flat_top= // mask2d_roundover(r=10, inset=2, flat_top=false, mask_angle=75); // Example(2D): 2D Angled Bead Mask by Joint Length // mask2d_roundover(joint=10, inset=2, mask_angle=75); // Example(2D): Increasing the Excess // mask2d_roundover(r=10, inset=2, mask_angle=75, excess=2); // Example: Masking by Edge Attachment // diff() // cube([50,60,70],center=true) // edge_profile([TOP,"Z"],except=[BACK,TOP+LEFT]) // mask2d_roundover(h=12, inset=2); // Example: Making an interior fillet // %render() difference() { // move(-[5,0,5]) cube(30, anchor=BOT+LEFT); // cube(310, anchor=BOT+LEFT); // } // xrot(90) // linear_extrude(height=30, center=true) // mask2d_roundover(r=10); module mask2d_roundover(r, inset=0, mask_angle=90, excess=0.01, flat_top=true, d, h, cut, joint, anchor=CENTER,spin=0) { path = mask2d_roundover(r=r, d=d, h=h, cut=cut, joint=joint, inset=inset, flat_top=flat_top, mask_angle=mask_angle, excess=excess); default_tag("remove") { attachable(anchor,spin, two_d=true, path=path) { polygon(path); children(); } } } function mask2d_roundover(r, inset=0, mask_angle=90, excess=0.01, flat_top=true, d, h, cut, joint, anchor=CENTER, spin=0) = assert(one_defined([r,d,h,cut,joint],"r,d,h,cut,joint")) assert(is_undef(r) || is_finite(r)) assert(is_undef(d) || is_finite(d)) assert(is_undef(h) || is_finite(h)) assert(is_undef(cut) || is_finite(cut)) assert(is_undef(joint) || is_finite(joint)) assert(is_finite(excess)) assert(is_finite(mask_angle) && mask_angle>0 && mask_angle<180) assert(is_finite(inset)||(is_vector(inset)&&len(inset)==2)) assert(is_bool(flat_top)) let( inset = is_list(inset)? inset : [inset,inset], r = is_finite(joint)? adj_ang_to_opp(joint, mask_angle/2) : is_finite(h)? ( mask_angle==90? h-inset.y : mask_angle < 90 ? adj_ang_to_opp(opp_ang_to_hyp(h-inset.y,mask_angle), mask_angle/2) : adj_ang_to_opp(adj_ang_to_hyp(h-inset.y,mask_angle-90), mask_angle/2) ) : is_finite(cut) ? let( o = adj_ang_to_opp(cut, mask_angle/2), h = adj_ang_to_hyp(cut, mask_angle/2) ) adj_ang_to_opp(o+h, mask_angle/2) : get_radius(r=r,d=d,dflt=undef), pts = _inset_isect(inset,mask_angle,flat_top,excess,-r), arcpts = arc(r=r, corner=[pts[4],pts[5],pts[0]]), path = [ each select(pts, 1, 3), each arcpts, ] ) reorient(anchor,spin, two_d=true, path=path, extent=false, p=path); function _inset_isect(inset,mask_angle,flat_top,excess,r,size) = assert(one_defined([size,r],"size,r")) let( lft_n = polar_to_xy(1, mask_angle-90), rgt_n = [1,0], top_n = flat_top? [1,0] : lft_n, bot_n = [0,1], line_lft = [[0,0], polar_to_xy(100, mask_angle)], line_bot = [[0,0], [100,0]], ex_line_lft = move(-excess*lft_n, p=line_lft), ex_line_bot = move(-excess*bot_n, p=line_bot), in_line_lft = move(inset.x*top_n, p=line_lft), in_line_bot = move(inset.y*bot_n, p=line_bot), ex_pt = line_intersection(ex_line_lft, ex_line_bot), in_pt = line_intersection(in_line_lft, in_line_bot), pos_r = r==undef || r >= 0, r = r==undef? undef : abs(r), x = is_undef(size)? r : size.x, y = is_undef(size)? r : size.y, base_pt = !flat_top && is_num(r)? in_pt : in_pt + [y*cos(mask_angle)/sin(mask_angle), 0], line_top = !flat_top && is_num(r) ? let( pt = in_pt + polar_to_xy(r/(pos_r?1:tan(mask_angle/2)), mask_angle) ) [pt, pt - top_n] : [base_pt + [0,y], base_pt + [0,y] - top_n], line_rgt = !flat_top && is_num(r) ? pos_r ? [in_pt + [r,0], in_pt + [r,1]] : [in_pt + [r/tan(mask_angle/2),0], in_pt + [r/tan(mask_angle/2),1]] : [base_pt + [x,0], base_pt + [x,1]], top_pt = line_intersection(ex_line_lft, line_top), path = is_vector(size)? [ // All size based base_pt + [size.x,0], [base_pt.x + size.x, -excess], ex_pt, top_pt, base_pt + [0,size.y], base_pt, base_pt + size, ] : flat_top? [ // flat_top radius base_pt + [r,0], [base_pt.x + r, -excess], ex_pt, top_pt, base_pt + [0,r], base_pt, base_pt + [r,r], ] : let( cp_pt = line_intersection(line_rgt, line_top) ) pos_r? [ // non-flat_top radius from inside in_pt + [r,0], [in_pt.x + r, -excess], ex_pt, top_pt, in_pt + polar_to_xy(r,mask_angle), in_pt, cp_pt, ] : [ // non-flat_top radius from outside line_rgt[0], [cp_pt.x, -excess], ex_pt, top_pt, in_pt + polar_to_xy(r/tan(mask_angle/2),mask_angle), in_pt, cp_pt, ] ) path; // Function&Module: mask2d_cove() // Synopsis: Creates a 2D cove (quarter-round) mask shape. // SynTags: Geom, Path // Topics: Shapes (2D), Paths (2D), Path Generators, Attachable, Masks (2D) // See Also: corner_profile(), edge_profile(), face_profile() // Usage: As module // mask2d_cove(r|d=|h=, [inset], [mask_angle], [excess], [flat_top=]) [ATTACHMENTS]; // Usage: As function // path = mask2d_cove(r|d=|h=, [inset], [mask_angle], [excess], [flat_top=]); // Description: // Creates a 2D cove mask shape that is useful for extruding into a 3D mask for an edge. // Conversely, you can use that same extruded shape to make an interior rounded shelf decoration between two walls. // As a 2D mask, this is designed to be differenced away from the edge of a shape that is in the first (X+Y+) quadrant. // If called as a function, this just returns a 2D path of the outline of the mask shape. // Arguments: // r = Radius of the cove. // inset = Optional amount to inset code from corner. Default: 0 // mask_angle = Number of degrees in the corner angle to mask. Default: 90 // excess = Extra amount of mask shape to creates on the X- and Y- sides of the shape. Default: 0.01 // --- // d = Diameter of the cove. // h = Mask height. Given instead of r or d when you want a consistent mask height, no matter what the mask angle. // flat_top = If true, the top inset of the mask will be horizontal instead of angled by the mask_angle. Default: true. // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#subsection-anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#subsection-spin). Default: `0` // Side Effects: // Tags the children with "remove" (and hence sets `$tag`) if no tag is already set. // Example(2D): 2D Cove Mask by Radius // mask2d_cove(r=10); // Example(2D): 2D Inset Cove Mask // mask2d_cove(r=10,inset=3); // Example(2D): 2D Inset Cove Mask by Height // mask2d_cove(h=10,inset=2); // Example(2D): 2D Inset Cove Mask for a Non-Right Edge // mask2d_cove(r=10,inset=3,mask_angle=75); // Example(2D): Disabling flat_top= // mask2d_cove(r=10, inset=3, flat_top=false, mask_angle=75); // Example(2D): 2D Angled Inset Cove Mask by Joint Length // mask2d_cove(joint=10, inset=3, mask_angle=75); // Example(2D): Increasing the Excess // mask2d_cove(r=10,inset=3,mask_angle=75, excess=2); // Example: Masking by Edge Attachment // diff() // cube([50,60,70],center=true) // edge_profile([TOP,"Z"],except=[BACK,TOP+LEFT]) // mask2d_cove(h=10, inset=3); // Example: Making an interior rounded shelf // %render() difference() { // move(-[5,0,5]) cube(30, anchor=BOT+LEFT); // cube(310, anchor=BOT+LEFT); // } // xrot(90) // linear_extrude(height=30, center=true) // mask2d_cove(r=5, inset=5); module mask2d_cove(r, inset=0, mask_angle=90, excess=0.01, flat_top=true, d, h, anchor=CENTER, spin=0) { path = mask2d_cove(r=r, d=d, h=h, flat_top=flat_top, inset=inset, mask_angle=mask_angle, excess=excess); default_tag("remove") { attachable(anchor,spin, two_d=true, path=path) { polygon(path); children(); } } } function mask2d_cove(r, inset=0, mask_angle=90, excess=0.01, flat_top=true, d, h, anchor=CENTER, spin=0) = assert(one_defined([r,d,h],"r,d,h")) assert(is_undef(r) || is_finite(r)) assert(is_undef(d) || is_finite(d)) assert(is_undef(h) || is_finite(h)) assert(is_finite(mask_angle) && mask_angle>0 && mask_angle<180) assert(is_finite(excess)) assert(is_finite(inset)||(is_vector(inset)&&len(inset)==2)) assert(is_bool(flat_top)) let( inset = is_list(inset)? inset : [inset,inset], r = is_finite(h)? ( mask_angle==90? h-inset.y : mask_angle < 90 ? adj_ang_to_opp(opp_ang_to_hyp(h-inset.y,mask_angle), mask_angle/2) : adj_ang_to_opp(adj_ang_to_hyp(h-inset.y,mask_angle-90), mask_angle/2) ) : get_radius(r=r,d=d,dflt=undef), pts = _inset_isect(inset,mask_angle,flat_top,excess,r), arcpts = arc(r=r, corner=[pts[4],pts[6],pts[0]]), ipath = [ each select(pts, 1, 3), each arcpts, ], path = deduplicate(ipath) ) reorient(anchor,spin, two_d=true, path=path, p=path); // Function&Module: mask2d_chamfer() // Synopsis: Produces a 2D chamfer mask shape. // SynTags: Geom, Path // Topics: Shapes (2D), Paths (2D), Path Generators, Attachable, Masks (2D) // See Also: corner_profile(), edge_profile(), face_profile() // Usage: As Module // mask2d_chamfer(edge, [angle], [inset], [excess]) [ATTACHMENTS]; // mask2d_chamfer(y=, [angle=], [inset=], [excess=]) [ATTACHMENTS]; // mask2d_chamfer(x=, [angle=], [inset=], [excess=]) [ATTACHMENTS]; // Usage: As Function // path = mask2d_chamfer(edge, [angle], [inset], [excess]); // path = mask2d_chamfer(y=, [angle=], [inset=], [excess=]); // path = mask2d_chamfer(x=, [angle=], [inset=], [excess=]); // Description: // Creates a 2D chamfer mask shape that is useful for extruding into a 3D mask for a 90° edge. // Conversely, you can use that same extruded shape to make an interior chamfer between two walls at a 90º angle. // As a 2D mask, this is designed to be differenced away from the edge of a shape that is in the first (X+Y+) quadrant. // If called as a function, this just returns a 2D path of the outline of the mask shape. // The edge parameter specifies the length of the chamfer's slanted edge. Alternatively you can give x or y to // specify the width or height. Only one of x, y, or width is permitted. // Arguments: // edge = The length of the edge of the chamfer. // angle = The angle of the chamfer edge, away from vertical. Default: 45. // inset = Optional amount to inset code from corner. Default: 0 // mask_angle = Number of degrees in the corner angle to mask. Default: 90 // excess = Extra amount of mask shape to creates on the X- and Y- sides of the shape. Default: 0.01 // --- // x = The width of the chamfer. // y = The height of the chamfer. // flat_top = If true, the top inset of the mask will be horizontal instead of angled by the mask_angle. Default: true. // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#subsection-anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#subsection-spin). Default: `0` // Side Effects: // Tags the children with "remove" (and hence sets `$tag`) if no tag is already set. // Example(2D): 2D Chamfer Mask // mask2d_chamfer(x=10); // Example(2D): 2D Chamfer Mask by Width. // mask2d_chamfer(x=10, angle=30); // Example(2D): 2D Chamfer Mask by Height. // mask2d_chamfer(y=10, angle=30); // Example(2D): 2D Inset Chamfer Mask // mask2d_chamfer(x=10, inset=2); // Example: Masking by Edge Attachment // diff() // cube([50,60,70],center=true) // edge_profile([TOP,"Z"],except=[BACK,TOP+LEFT]) // mask2d_chamfer(x=10, inset=2); // Example: Making an interior chamfer // %render() difference() { // move(-[5,0,5]) cube(30, anchor=BOT+LEFT); // cube(310, anchor=BOT+LEFT); // } // xrot(90) // linear_extrude(height=30, center=true) // mask2d_chamfer(edge=10); module mask2d_chamfer(edge, angle=45, inset=0, excess=0.01, mask_angle=90, flat_top=true, x, y, anchor=CENTER,spin=0) { path = mask2d_chamfer(x=x, y=y, edge=edge, angle=angle, excess=excess, inset=inset, mask_angle=mask_angle, flat_top=flat_top); default_tag("remove") { attachable(anchor,spin, two_d=true, path=path, extent=true) { polygon(path); children(); } } } function mask2d_chamfer(edge, angle=45, inset=0, excess=0.01, mask_angle=90, flat_top=true, x, y, anchor=CENTER,spin=0) = let(dummy=one_defined([x,y,edge],["x","y","edge"])) assert(is_finite(angle)) assert(is_finite(excess)) assert(is_finite(mask_angle) && mask_angle>0 && mask_angle<180) assert(is_finite(inset)||(is_vector(inset)&&len(inset)==2)) let( inset = is_list(inset)? inset : [inset,inset], x = is_def(x)? x : is_def(y)? adj_ang_to_opp(adj=y,ang=angle) : hyp_ang_to_opp(hyp=edge,ang=angle), y = opp_ang_to_adj(opp=x,ang=angle), pts = _inset_isect(inset,mask_angle,flat_top,excess,size=[x,y]), path = [ each select(pts, 1, 4), pts[0], ] ) reorient(anchor,spin, two_d=true, path=path, extent=true, p=path); // Function&Module: mask2d_rabbet() // Synopsis: Creates a rabbet mask shape. // SynTags: Geom, Path // Topics: Shapes (2D), Paths (2D), Path Generators, Attachable, Masks (2D) // See Also: corner_profile(), edge_profile(), face_profile() // Usage: As Module // mask2d_rabbet(size, [mask_angle], [excess], [flat_top=]) [ATTACHMENTS]; // Usage: As Function // path = mask2d_rabbet(size, [mask_angle], [excess], [flat_top=]); // Description: // Creates a 2D rabbet mask shape that is useful for extruding into a 3D mask for an edge. // Conversely, you can use that same extruded shape to make an interior shelf decoration between two walls. // As a 2D mask, this is designed to be differenced away from the edge of a shape that is in the first (X+Y+) quadrant. // If called as a function, this just returns a 2D path of the outline of the mask shape. // Arguments: // size = The size of the rabbet, either as a scalar or an [X,Y] list. // inset = Optional bead inset size. Default: 0 // mask_angle = Number of degrees in the corner angle to mask. Default: 90 // excess = Extra amount of mask shape to creates on the X- and Y- sides of the shape. Default: 0.01 // --- // flat_top = If true, the top inset of the mask will be horizontal instead of angled by the mask_angle. Default: true. // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#subsection-anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#subsection-spin). Default: `0` // Side Effects: // Tags the children with "remove" (and hence sets `$tag`) if no tag is already set. // Example(2D): 2D Rabbet Mask // mask2d_rabbet(size=10); // Example(2D): 2D Asymmetrical Rabbet Mask // mask2d_rabbet(size=[5,10]); // Example(2D): 2D Mask for a Non-Right Edge // mask2d_rabbet(size=10, mask_angle=75); // Example(2D): Disabling flat_top= // mask2d_rabbet(size=10, flat_top=false, mask_angle=75); // Example: Masking by Edge Attachment // diff() // cube([50,60,70],center=true) // edge_profile([TOP,"Z"],except=[BACK,TOP+LEFT]) // mask2d_rabbet(size=10); // Example: Making an interior shelf // %render() difference() { // move(-[5,0,5]) cube(30, anchor=BOT+LEFT); // cube(310, anchor=BOT+LEFT); // } // xrot(90) // linear_extrude(height=30, center=true) // mask2d_rabbet(size=[5,10]); module mask2d_rabbet(size, inset=[0,0], mask_angle=90, excess=0.01, flat_top=true, anchor=CTR, spin=0) { path = mask2d_rabbet(size=size, inset=inset, mask_angle=mask_angle, excess=excess, flat_top=flat_top); default_tag("remove") { attachable(anchor,spin, two_d=true, path=path, extent=false) { polygon(path); children(); } } } function mask2d_rabbet(size, inset=[0,0], mask_angle=90, excess=0.01, flat_top=true, anchor=CTR, spin=0) = assert(is_finite(size)||(is_vector(size)&&len(size)==2)) assert(is_finite(mask_angle) && mask_angle>0 && mask_angle<180) assert(is_finite(excess)) assert(is_bool(flat_top)) let( size = is_list(size)? size : [size,size], pts = _inset_isect(inset,mask_angle,flat_top,excess,size=size), path = [ each select(pts, 1, 4), pts[6], pts[0], ] ) reorient(anchor,spin, two_d=true, path=path, extent=false, p=path); // Function&Module: mask2d_dovetail() // Synopsis: Creates a 2D dovetail mask shape. // SynTags: Geom, Path // Topics: Masks (2D), Shapes (2D), Paths (2D), Path Generators, Attachable // See Also: corner_profile(), edge_profile(), face_profile() // Usage: As Module // mask2d_dovetail(edge, [angle], [inset], [shelf], [excess], ...) [ATTACHMENTS]; // mask2d_dovetail(x=, [angle=], [inset=], [shelf=], [excess=], ...) [ATTACHMENTS]; // mask2d_dovetail(y=, [angle=], [inset=], [shelf=], [excess=], ...) [ATTACHMENTS]; // Usage: As Function // path = mask2d_dovetail(edge, [angle], [inset], [shelf], [excess]); // Description: // Creates a 2D dovetail mask shape that is useful for extruding into a 3D mask for a 90° edge. // Conversely, you can use that same extruded shape to make an interior dovetail between two walls at a 90º angle. // As a 2D mask, this is designed to be differenced away from the edge of a shape that is in the first (X+Y+) quadrant. // If called as a function, this just returns a 2D path of the outline of the mask shape. // Arguments: // edge = The length of the edge of the dovetail. // angle = The angle of the chamfer edge, away from vertical. Default: 30. // shelf = The extra height to add to the inside corner of the dovetail. Default: 0 // inset = Optional amount to inset code from corner. Default: 0 // mask_angle = Number of degrees in the corner angle to mask. Default: 90 // excess = Extra amount of mask shape to creates on the X- and Y- sides of the shape. Default: 0.01 // --- // x = The width of the dovetail. // y = The height of the dovetail. // flat_top = If true, the top inset of the mask will be horizontal instead of angled by the mask_angle. Default: true. // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#subsection-anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#subsection-spin). Default: `0` // Side Effects: // Tags the children with "remove" (and hence sets `$tag`) if no tag is already set. // Example(2D): 2D Dovetail Mask // mask2d_dovetail(x=10); // Example(2D): 2D Dovetail Mask by Width. // mask2d_dovetail(x=10, angle=30); // Example(2D): 2D Dovetail Mask by Height. // mask2d_dovetail(y=10, angle=30); // Example(2D): 2D Inset Dovetail Mask // mask2d_dovetail(x=10, inset=2); // Example: Masking by Edge Attachment // diff() // cube([50,60,70],center=true) // edge_profile([TOP,"Z"],except=[BACK,TOP+LEFT]) // mask2d_dovetail(x=10, inset=2); // Example: Making an interior dovetail // %render() difference() { // move(-[5,0,5]) cube(30, anchor=BOT+LEFT); // cube(310, anchor=BOT+LEFT); // } // xrot(90) // linear_extrude(height=30, center=true) // mask2d_dovetail(x=10); module mask2d_dovetail(edge, angle=30, shelf=0, inset=0, mask_angle=90, excess=0.01, flat_top=true, x, y, anchor=CENTER, spin=0) { path = mask2d_dovetail(x=x, y=y, edge=edge, angle=angle, inset=inset, shelf=shelf, excess=excess, flat_top=flat_top, mask_angle=mask_angle); default_tag("remove") { attachable(anchor,spin, two_d=true, path=path) { polygon(path); children(); } } } function mask2d_dovetail(edge, angle=30, shelf=0, inset=0, mask_angle=90, excess=0.01, flat_top=true, x, y, anchor=CENTER, spin=0) = assert(num_defined([x,y,edge])==1) assert(is_finite(first_defined([x,y,edge]))) assert(is_finite(angle)) assert(is_finite(excess)) assert(is_finite(inset)||(is_vector(inset)&&len(inset)==2)) let( inset = is_list(inset)? inset : [inset,inset], x = !is_undef(x)? x : !is_undef(y)? adj_ang_to_opp(adj=y,ang=angle) : hyp_ang_to_opp(hyp=edge,ang=angle), y = opp_ang_to_adj(opp=x,ang=angle), pts = _inset_isect(inset,mask_angle,flat_top,excess,size=[x,y+shelf]), path = [ [max(0,pts[5].x),-excess], each select(pts, 2, 4), pts[6], pts[6]-[0,shelf], pts[5], ] ) reorient(anchor,spin, two_d=true, path=path, p=path); // Function&Module: mask2d_teardrop() // Synopsis: Creates a 2D teardrop mask shape with a controllable maximum angle from vertical. // SynTags: Geom, Path // Topics: Shapes (2D), Paths (2D), Path Generators, Attachable, Masks (2D), FDM Optimized // See Also: corner_profile(), edge_profile(), face_profile() // Usage: As Module // mask2d_teardrop(r|d=, [angle], [mask_angle], [excess]) [ATTACHMENTS]; // Usage: As Function // path = mask2d_teardrop(r|d=, [angle], [mask_angle], [excess]); // Description: // Creates a 2D teardrop mask shape that is useful for extruding into a 3D mask for an edge. // Conversely, you can use that same extruded shape to make an interior teardrop fillet between two walls. // As a 2D mask, this is designed to be differenced away from the edge of a shape that is in the first (X+Y+) quadrant. // If called as a function, this just returns a 2D path of the outline of the mask shape. // This is particularly useful to make partially rounded bottoms, that don't need support to print. // The roundover can be specified by radius, diameter, height, cut, or joint length. // ![Types of Roundovers](images/rounding/section-types-of-roundovers_fig1.png) // Arguments: // r = Radius of the rounding. // angle = The maximum angle from vertical. // inset = Optional bead inset size. Default: 0 // mask_angle = Number of degrees in the corner angle to mask. Default: 90 // excess = Extra amount of mask shape to creates on the X- and Y- sides of the shape. Default: 0.01 // --- // d = Diameter of the rounding. // h = Mask height. Given instead of r or d when you want a consistent mask height, no matter what the mask angle. // cut = Cut distance. IE: How much of the corner to cut off. See [Types of Roundovers](rounding.scad#section-types-of-roundovers). // joint = Joint distance. IE: How far from the edge the roundover should start. See [Types of Roundovers](rounding.scad#section-types-of-roundovers). // flat_top = If true, the top inset of the mask will be horizontal instead of angled by the mask_angle. Default: true. // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#subsection-anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#subsection-spin). Default: `0` // Side Effects: // Tags the children with "remove" (and hence sets `$tag`) if no tag is already set. // Example(2D): 2D Teardrop Mask // mask2d_teardrop(r=10); // Example(2D): 2D Teardrop Mask for a Non-Right Edge // mask2d_teardrop(r=10, mask_angle=75); // Example(2D): Increasing Excess // mask2d_teardrop(r=10, mask_angle=75, excess=2); // Example(2D): Using a Custom Angle // mask2d_teardrop(r=10,angle=30); // Example: Masking by Edge Attachment // diff() // cube([50,60,70],center=true) // edge_profile(BOT) // mask2d_teardrop(r=10, angle=40); // Example: Making an interior teardrop fillet // %render() difference() { // move(-[5,0,5]) cube(30, anchor=BOT+LEFT); // cube(310, anchor=BOT+LEFT); // } // xrot(90) // linear_extrude(height=30, center=true) // mask2d_teardrop(r=10); function mask2d_teardrop(r, angle=45, inset=[0,0], mask_angle=90, excess=0.01, flat_top=true, d, h, cut, joint, anchor=CENTER, spin=0) = assert(one_defined([r,d,h,cut,joint],"r,d,h,cut,joint")) assert(is_undef(r) || is_finite(r)) assert(is_undef(d) || is_finite(d)) assert(is_undef(h) || is_finite(h)) assert(is_undef(cut) || is_finite(cut)) assert(is_undef(joint) || is_finite(joint)) assert(is_finite(angle)) assert(angle>0 && angle<90) assert(is_finite(mask_angle) && mask_angle>0 && mask_angle<180) assert(is_finite(excess)) let( r = is_finite(joint)? adj_ang_to_opp(joint, mask_angle/2) : is_finite(h)? ( mask_angle==90? h : mask_angle < 90 ? adj_ang_to_opp(opp_ang_to_hyp(h,mask_angle), mask_angle/2) : adj_ang_to_opp(adj_ang_to_hyp(h,mask_angle-90), mask_angle/2) ) : is_finite(cut) ? let( o = adj_ang_to_opp(cut, mask_angle/2), h = adj_ang_to_hyp(cut, mask_angle/2) ) adj_ang_to_opp(o+h, mask_angle/2) : get_radius(r=r,d=d,dflt=undef), pts = _inset_isect(inset,mask_angle,flat_top,excess,-r), arcpts = arc(r=r, corner=[pts[4],pts[5],pts[0]]), arcpts2 = [ for (i = idx(arcpts)) if(i==0 || v_theta(arcpts[i]-arcpts[i-1]) <= angle-90) arcpts[i] ], line1 = [last(arcpts2), last(arcpts2) + polar_to_xy(1, angle-90)], line2 = [[0,inset.y], [100,inset.y]], ipt = line_intersection(line1,line2), path = [ [ipt.x, -excess], each select(pts, 2, 3), each arcpts2, ipt, ] ) reorient(anchor,spin, two_d=true, path=path, p=path); module mask2d_teardrop(r, angle=45, mask_angle=90, excess=0.01, flat_top=true, d, h, cut, joint, anchor=CENTER, spin=0) { path = mask2d_teardrop(r=r, d=d, h=h, cut=cut, joint=joint, angle=angle, mask_angle=mask_angle, excess=excess); default_tag("remove") { attachable(anchor,spin, two_d=true, path=path) { polygon(path); children(); } } } // Function&Module: mask2d_ogee() // Synopsis: Creates a 2D ogee mask shape. // SynTags: Geom, Path // Topics: Shapes (2D), Paths (2D), Path Generators, Attachable, Masks (2D) // See Also: corner_profile(), edge_profile(), face_profile() // Usage: As Module // mask2d_ogee(pattern, [excess], ...) [ATTAHCMENTS]; // Usage: As Function // path = mask2d_ogee(pattern, [excess], ...); // // Description: // Creates a 2D Ogee mask shape that is useful for extruding into a 3D mask for a 90° edge. // Conversely, you can use that same extruded shape to make an interior ogee decoration between two walls at a 90º angle. // As a 2D mask, this is designed to be differenced away from the edge of a shape that is in the first (X+Y+) quadrant. // Since there are a number of shapes that fall under the name ogee, the shape of this mask is given as a pattern. // Patterns are given as TYPE, VALUE pairs. ie: `["fillet",10, "xstep",2, "step",[5,5], ...]`. See Patterns below. // If called as a function, this just returns a 2D path of the outline of the mask shape. // . // ### Patterns // . // Type | Argument | Description // -------- | --------- | ---------------- // "step" | [x,y] | Makes a line to a point `x` right and `y` down. // "xstep" | dist | Makes a `dist` length line towards X+. // "ystep" | dist | Makes a `dist` length line towards Y-. // "round" | radius | Makes an arc that will mask a roundover. // "fillet" | radius | Makes an arc that will mask a fillet. // // Arguments: // pattern = A list of pattern pieces to describe the Ogee. // excess = Extra amount of mask shape to creates on the X- and Y- sides of the shape. Default: 0.01 // --- // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#subsection-anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#subsection-spin). Default: `0` // // Side Effects: // Tags the children with "remove" (and hence sets `$tag`) if no tag is already set. // // Example(2D): 2D Ogee Mask // mask2d_ogee([ // "xstep",1, "ystep",1, // Starting shoulder. // "fillet",5, "round",5, // S-curve. // "ystep",1, "xstep",1 // Ending shoulder. // ]); // Example: Masking by Edge Attachment // diff() // cube([50,60,70],center=true) // edge_profile(TOP) // mask2d_ogee([ // "xstep",1, "ystep",1, // Starting shoulder. // "fillet",5, "round",5, // S-curve. // "ystep",1, "xstep",1 // Ending shoulder. // ]); // Example: Making an interior ogee // %render() difference() { // move(-[5,0,5]) cube(30, anchor=BOT+LEFT); // cube(310, anchor=BOT+LEFT); // } // xrot(90) // linear_extrude(height=30, center=true) // mask2d_ogee([ // "xstep", 1, "round",5, // "ystep",1, "fillet",5, // "xstep", 1, "ystep", 1, // ]); module mask2d_ogee(pattern, excess=0.01, anchor=CENTER,spin=0) { path = mask2d_ogee(pattern, excess=excess); default_tag("remove") { attachable(anchor,spin, two_d=true, path=path) { polygon(path); children(); } } } function mask2d_ogee(pattern, excess=0.01, anchor=CENTER, spin=0) = assert(is_list(pattern)) assert(len(pattern)>0) assert(len(pattern)%2==0,"pattern must be a list of TYPE, VAL pairs.") assert(all([for (i = idx(pattern,step=2)) in_list(pattern[i],["step","xstep","ystep","round","fillet"])])) let( x = concat([0], cumsum([ for (i=idx(pattern,step=2)) let( type = pattern[i], val = pattern[i+1] ) ( type=="step"? val.x : type=="xstep"? val : type=="round"? val : type=="fillet"? val : 0 ) ])), y = concat([0], cumsum([ for (i=idx(pattern,step=2)) let( type = pattern[i], val = pattern[i+1] ) ( type=="step"? val.y : type=="ystep"? val : type=="round"? val : type=="fillet"? val : 0 ) ])), tot_x = last(x), tot_y = last(y), data = [ for (i=idx(pattern,step=2)) let( type = pattern[i], val = pattern[i+1], pt = [x[i/2], tot_y-y[i/2]] + ( type=="step"? [val.x,-val.y] : type=="xstep"? [val,0] : type=="ystep"? [0,-val] : type=="round"? [val,0] : type=="fillet"? [0,-val] : [0,0] ) ) [type, val, pt] ], path = [ [tot_x,-excess], [-excess,-excess], [-excess,tot_y], for (pat = data) each pat[0]=="step"? [pat[2]] : pat[0]=="xstep"? [pat[2]] : pat[0]=="ystep"? [pat[2]] : let( r = pat[1], steps = segs(abs(r)), step = 90/steps ) [ for (i=[0:1:steps]) let( a = pat[0]=="round"? (180+i*step) : (90-i*step) ) pat[2] + abs(r)*[cos(a),sin(a)] ] ], path2 = deduplicate(path) ) reorient(anchor,spin, two_d=true, path=path2, p=path2); // vim: expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 nowrap