// LibFile: hull.scad
//   Functions to create 2D and 3D convex hulls.
//   To use, add the following line to the beginning of your file:
//   ```
//   include <BOSL2/std.scad>
//   include <BOSL2/hull.scad>
//   ```
//   Derived from Oskar Linde's Hull:
//   - https://github.com/openscad/scad-utils

// Section: Convex Hulls

// Function: hull()
// Usage:
//   hull(points);
// Description:
//   Takes a list of 2D or 3D points (but not both in the same list) and returns either the list of
//   indexes into `points` that forms the 2D convex hull perimeter path, or the list of faces that
//   form the 3d convex hull surface.  Each face is a list of indexes into `points`.  If the input
//   points are co-linear, the result will be the indexes of the two extrema points.  If the input
//   points are co-planar, the results will be a simple list of vertex indices that will form a planar
//   perimeter.  Otherwise a list of faces will be returned, where each face is a simple list of
//   vertex indices for the perimeter of the face.
// Arguments:
//   points = The set of 2D or 3D points to find the hull of.
function hull(points) = let(two_d = len(points[0]) == 2) two_d? hull2d_path(points) : hull3d_faces(points);

// Module: hull_points()
// Usage:
//   hull_points(points, [fast]);
// Description:
//   If given a list of 2D points, creates a 2D convex hull polygon that encloses all those points.
//   If given a list of 3D points, creates a 3D polyhedron that encloses all the points.  This should
//   handle about 4000 points in slow mode.  If `fast` is set to true, this should be able to handle
//   far more.
// Arguments:
//   points = The list of points to form a hull around.
//   fast = If true, uses a faster cheat that may handle more points, but also may emit warnings that can stop your script if you have "Halt on first warning" enabled.  Default: false
// Example(2D):
//   pts = [[-10,-10], [0,10], [10,10], [12,-10]];
//   hull_points(pts);
// Example:
//   pts = [for (phi = [30:60:150], theta = [0:60:359]) spherical_to_xyz(10, theta, phi)];
//   hull_points(pts);
module hull_points(points, fast=false) {
    if (points) {
        if (fast) {
            if (len(points[0]) == 2) {
                hull() polygon(points=points);
            } else {
                extra = len(points)%3;
                faces = concat(
                hull() polyhedron(points=points, faces=faces);
        } else {
            perim = hull(points);
            if (is_num(perim[0])) {
                polygon(points=points, paths=[perim]);
            } else {
                polyhedron(points=points, faces=perim);

// Function: hull2d_path()
// Usage:
//   hull2d_path(points)
// Description:
//   Takes a list of arbitrary 2D points, and finds the minimal convex hull polygon to enclose them.
//   Returns a path as a list of indices into `points`.
// Example(2D):
//   pts = [[-10,-10], [0,10], [10,10], [12,-10]];
//   path = hull2d_path(pts);
//   move_copies(pts) color("red") sphere(1);
//   polygon(points=pts, paths=[path]);
function hull2d_path(points) =
    (len(points) < 3)? [] : let(
        a=0, b=1,
        c = first_noncollinear(a, b, points)
    ) (c == len(points))? _hull2d_collinear(points) : let(
        remaining = [ for (i = [2:1:len(points)-1]) if (i != c) i ],
        ccw = triangle_area(points[a], points[b], points[c]) > 0,
        polygon = ccw? [a,b,c] : [a,c,b]
    ) _hull2d_iterative(points, polygon, remaining);

// Adds the remaining points one by one to the convex hull
function _hull2d_iterative(points, polygon, remaining, _i=0) =
    (_i >= len(remaining))? polygon : let (
        // pick a point
        i = remaining[_i],
        // find the segments that are in conflict with the point (point not inside)
        conflicts = _find_conflicting_segments(points, polygon, points[i])
        // no conflicts, skip point and move on
    ) (len(conflicts) == 0)? _hull2d_iterative(points, polygon, remaining, _i+1) : let(
        // find the first conflicting segment and the first not conflicting
        // conflict will be sorted, if not wrapping around, do it the easy way
        polygon = _remove_conflicts_and_insert_point(polygon, conflicts, i)
    ) _hull2d_iterative(points, polygon, remaining, _i+1);

function _hull2d_collinear(points) =
        a = points[0],
        n = points[1] - a,
        points1d = [ for(p = points) (p-a)*n ],
        min_i = min_index(points1d),
        max_i = max_index(points1d)
    ) [min_i, max_i];

function _find_conflicting_segments(points, polygon, point) = [
    for (i = [0:1:len(polygon)-1]) let(
        j = (i+1) % len(polygon),
        p1 = points[polygon[i]],
        p2 = points[polygon[j]],
        area = triangle_area(p1, p2, point)
    ) if (area < 0) i

// remove the conflicting segments from the polygon
function _remove_conflicts_and_insert_point(polygon, conflicts, point) = 
    (conflicts[0] == 0)? let(
        nonconflicting = [ for(i = [0:1:len(polygon)-1]) if (!in_list(i, conflicts)) i ],
        new_indices = concat(nonconflicting, (nonconflicting[len(nonconflicting)-1]+1) % len(polygon)),
        polygon = concat([ for (i = new_indices) polygon[i] ], point)
    ) polygon : let(
        before_conflicts = [ for(i = [0:1:min(conflicts)]) polygon[i] ],
        after_conflicts  = (max(conflicts) >= (len(polygon)-1))? [] : [ for(i = [max(conflicts)+1:1:len(polygon)-1]) polygon[i] ],
        polygon = concat(before_conflicts, point, after_conflicts)
    ) polygon;

// Function: hull3d_faces()
// Usage:
//   hull3d_faces(points)
// Description:
//   Takes a list of arbitrary 3D points, and finds the minimal convex hull polyhedron to enclose
//   them.  Returns a list of faces, where each face is a list of indexes into the given `points`
//   list.  If all points passed to it are coplanar, then the return is the list of indices of points
//   forming the minimal convex hull polygon.
// Example(3D):
//   pts = [[-20,-20,0], [20,-20,0], [0,20,5], [0,0,20]];
//   faces = hull3d_faces(pts);
//   move_copies(pts) color("red") sphere(1);
//   %polyhedron(points=pts, faces=faces);
function hull3d_faces(points) = 
    (len(points) < 3)? list_range(len(points)) : let (    
        // start with a single non-collinear triangle
        a = 0,
        b = 1,
        c = first_noncollinear(a, b, points)
    ) (c == len(points))? _hull2d_collinear(points) : let(
        plane = plane3pt_indexed(points, a, b, c),
        d = _find_first_noncoplanar(plane, points, 3)
    ) (d == len(points))? /* all coplanar*/ let (
        pts2d = [ for (p = points) project_plane(p, points[a], points[b], points[c]) ],
        hull2d = hull2d_path(pts2d)
    ) hull2d : let(
        remaining = [for (i = [3:1:len(points)-1]) if (i != d) i],
        // Build an initial tetrahedron.
        // Swap b, c if d is in front of triangle t.
        ifop = in_front_of_plane(plane, points[d]),
        bc = ifop? [c,b] : [b,c],
        b = bc[0],
        c = bc[1],
        triangles = [
        // calculate the plane equations
        planes = [ for (t = triangles) plane3pt_indexed(points, t[0], t[1], t[2]) ]
    ) _hull3d_iterative(points, triangles, planes, remaining);

// Adds the remaining points one by one to the convex hull
function _hull3d_iterative(points, triangles, planes, remaining, _i=0) =
    _i >= len(remaining) ? triangles : 
    let (
        // pick a point
        i = remaining[_i],
        // find the triangles that are in conflict with the point (point not inside)
        conflicts = _find_conflicts(points[i], planes),
        // for all triangles that are in conflict, collect their halfedges
        halfedges = [ 
            for(c = conflicts, i = [0:2]) let(
                j = (i+1)%3
            ) [triangles[c][i], triangles[c][j]]
        // find the outer perimeter of the set of conflicting triangles
        horizon = _remove_internal_edges(halfedges),
        // generate a new triangle for each horizon halfedge together with the picked point i
        new_triangles = [ for (h = horizon) concat(h,i) ],
        // calculate the corresponding plane equations
        new_planes = [ for (t = new_triangles) plane3pt_indexed(points, t[0], t[1], t[2]) ]
    ) _hull3d_iterative(
        //  remove the conflicting triangles and add the new ones
        concat(list_remove(triangles, conflicts), new_triangles),
        concat(list_remove(planes, conflicts), new_planes),

function _remove_internal_edges(halfedges) = [
    for (h = halfedges)
        if (!in_list(reverse(h), halfedges))

function _find_conflicts(point, planes) = [
    for (i = [0:1:len(planes)-1])
        if (in_front_of_plane(planes[i], point))

function _find_first_noncoplanar(plane, points, i) = 
    (i >= len(points) || !coplanar(plane, points[i]))? i :
    _find_first_noncoplanar(plane, points, i+1);

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