// LibFile: compat.scad
//   Backwards Compatability library
//   To use, include this line at the top of your file:
//   ```
//   use <BOSL2/std.scad>
//   ```

// Section: Functions

// Function: default()
// Description:
//   Returns the value given as `v` if it is not `undef`.
//   Otherwise, returns the value of `dflt`.
// Arguments:
//   v = Value to pass through if not `undef`.
//   dflt = Value to return if `v` *is* `undef`.
function default(v,dflt=undef) = is_undef(v)? dflt : v;

// Function: is_vector()
// Usage:
//   is_vector(v)
// Description:
//   Returns true if the given value is a list, and at least the first item is a number.
function is_vector(v) = is_list(v) && is_num(v[0]);

// Function: get_radius()
// Description:
//   Given various radii and diameters, returns the most specific radius.
//   If a diameter is most specific, returns half its value, giving the radius.
//   If no radii or diameters are defined, returns the value of dflt.
//   Value specificity order is r1, d1, r, d, then dflt
// Arguments:
//   r1 = Most specific radius.
//   d1 = Most specific Diameter.
//   r = Most general radius.
//   d = Most general diameter.
//   dflt = Value to return if all other values given are `undef`.
function get_radius(r1=undef, r=undef, d1=undef, d=undef, dflt=undef) = (
	!is_undef(r1)? r1 :
	!is_undef(d1)? d1/2 :
	!is_undef(r)? r :
	!is_undef(d)? d/2 :

// Function: remove_undefs()
// Description: Removes all `undef`s from a list.
function remove_undefs(v) = [for (x = v) if (!is_undef(x)) x];

// Function: first_defined()
// Description:
//   Returns the first item in the list that is not `undef`.
//   If all items are `undef`, or list is empty, returns `undef`.
function first_defined(v) = remove_undefs(v)[0];

// Function: any_defined()
// Description:
//   Returns true if any item in the given array is not `undef`.
function any_defined(v) = len(remove_undefs(v))>0;

// Function: scalar_vec3()
// Usage:
//   scalar_vec3(v, [dflt]);
// Description:
//   If `v` is a scalar, and `dflt==undef`, returns `[v, v, v]`.
//   If `v` is a scalar, and `dflt!=undef`, returns `[v, dflt, dflt]`.
//   If `v` is a vector, returns the first 3 items, with any missing values replaced by `dflt`.
//   If `v` is `undef`, returns `undef`.
// Arguments:
//   v = Value to return vector from.
//   dflt = Default value to set empty vector parts from.
function scalar_vec3(v, dflt=undef) =
	is_undef(v)? undef :
	is_list(v)? [for (i=[0:2]) default(v[i], default(dflt, 0))] :
	!is_undef(dflt)? [v,dflt,dflt] : [v,v,v];

// Section: Modules

// Module: assert_in_list()
// Usage:
//   assert_in_list(argname, val, l, [idx]);
// Description:
//   Emulates the newer OpenSCAD `assert()` with an `in_list()` test.
//   You can also use this as a function call from a function.
// Arguments:
//   argname = The name of the argument value being tested.
//   val = The value to test if it exists in the list.
//   l = The list to look for `val` in.
//   idx = If given, and `l` is a list of lists, look for `val` in the given index of each sublist.
module assert_in_list(argname, val, l, idx=undef) {
	succ = search([val], l, num_returns_per_match=1, index_col_num=idx) != [[]];
	if (!succ) {
		msg = str(
			"In argument '", argname, "', ",
			(is_string(val)? str("\"", val, "\"") : val),
			" must be one of ",
			(!is_undef(idx)? [for (v=l) v[idx]] : l)
		assertion(succ, msg);

function assert_in_list(argname, val, l, idx=undef) =
	let(succ = search([val], l, num_returns_per_match=1, index_col_num=idx) != [[]])
	succ? 0 : let(
		msg = str(
			"In argument '", argname, "', ",
			(is_string(val)? str("\"", val, "\"") : val),
			" must be one of ",
			(!is_undef(idx)? [for (v=l) v[idx]] : l)
	) assertion(succ, msg);

// Module: assertion()
// Usage:
//   assertion(succ, msg);
// Description:
//   Backwards compatible assert() semi-replacement.
//   If `succ` is false, then print an error with `msg`.
//   You can also use this as a function call from a function.
// Arguments:
//   succ = If this is `false`, trigger the assertion.
//   msg = The message to emit if `succ` is `false`.
module assertion(succ, msg) {
	// assert() will echo the variable name, and `succ` looks confusing there.  So we store it in FAILED.
	FAILED = succ;
	assert(FAILED, msg);

function assertion(succ, msg) =
	let(FAILED=succ) assert(FAILED, msg);

// Module: echo_error()
// Usage:
//   echo_error(msg, [pfx]);
// Description:
//   Emulates printing of an error message.  The text will be shaded red.
//   You can also use this as a function call from a function.
// Arguments:
//   msg = The message to print.
//   pfx = The prefix to print before `msg`.  Default: `ERROR`
module echo_error(msg, pfx="ERROR") {
	echo(str("<p style=\"background-color: #ffb0b0\"><b>", pfx, ":</b> ", msg, "</p>"));

function echo_error(msg, pfx="ERROR") =
	echo(str("<p style=\"background-color: #ffb0b0\"><b>", pfx, ":</b> ", msg, "</p>"));

// Module: echo_warning()
// Usage:
//   echo_warning(msg, [pfx]);
// Description:
//   Emulates printing of a warning message.  The text will be shaded yellow.
//   You can also use this as a function call from a function.
// Arguments:
//   msg = The message to print.
//   pfx = The prefix to print before `msg`.  Default: `WARNING`
module echo_warning(msg, pfx="WARNING") {
	echo(str("<p style=\"background-color: #ffffb0\"><b>", pfx, ":</b> ", msg, "</p>"));

function echo_warning(msg, pfx="WARNING") =
	echo(str("<p style=\"background-color: #ffffb0\"><b>", pfx, ":</b> ", msg, "</p>"));

// Module: deprecate()
// Usage:
//   deprecate(name, [suggest]);
// Description:
//   Show module deprecation warnings.
//   You can also use this as a function call from a function.
// Arguments:
//   name = The name of the module that is deprecated.
//   suggest = If given, the module to recommend using instead.
module deprecate(name, suggest=undef) {
			"`<code>", name, "</code>` is deprecated and should not be used.",
			is_undef(suggest)? "" : str(
				"  You should use `<code>", suggest, "</code>` instead."

function deprecate(name, suggest=undef) =
			"`<code>", name, "</code>` is deprecated and should not be used.",
			is_undef(suggest)? "" : str(
				"  You should use `<code>", suggest, "</code>` instead."

// Module: deprecate_argument()
// Usage:
//   deprecate(name, arg, [suggest]);
// Description:
//   Show argument deprecation warnings.
//   You can also use this as a function call from a function.
// Arguments:
//   name = The name of the module/function the deprecated argument is used in.
//   arg = The name of the deprecated argument.
//   suggest = If given, the argument to recommend using instead.
module deprecate_argument(name, arg, suggest=undef) {
	echo_warning(pfx="DEPRECATED ARG", str(
		"In `<code>", name, "</code>`, ",
		"the argument `<code>", arg, "</code>` ",
		"is deprecated and should not be used.",
		is_undef(suggest)? "" : str(
			"  You should use `<code>", suggest, "</code>` instead."

function deprecate_argument(name, arg, suggest=undef) =
	echo_warning(pfx="DEPRECATED ARG", str(
		"In `<code>", name, "</code>`, ",
		"the argument `<code>", arg, "</code>` ",
		"is deprecated and should not be used.",
		is_undef(suggest)? "" : str(
			"  You should use `<code>", suggest, "</code>` instead."

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