// Libfile: cubetruss.scad
//   Parts for making modular open-frame cross-braced trusses and connectors.
//   To use, add the following lines to the beginning of your file:
//   ```
//   include <BOSL2/std.scad>
//   include <BOSL2/cubetruss.scad>
//   ```

$cubetruss_size = 30;
$cubetruss_strut_size = 3;
$cubetruss_bracing = true;
$cubetruss_clip_thickness = 1.6;

// Function: cubetruss_dist()
// Usage:
//   cubetruss_dist(cubes, gaps, [size], [strut]);
// Description:
//   Function to calculate the length of a cubetruss truss.
// Arguments:
//   cubes = The number of cubes along the truss's length.
//   gaps = The number of extra strut widths to add in, corresponding to each time a truss butts up against another.
//   size = The length of each side of the cubetruss cubes.  Default: `$cubetruss_size` (usually 30)
//   strut = The width of the struts on the cubetruss cubes.  Default: `$cubetruss_strut_size` (usually 3)
function cubetruss_dist(cubes=0, gaps=0, size=undef, strut=undef) =
		size = is_undef(size)? $cubetruss_size : size,
		strut = is_undef(strut)? $cubetruss_strut_size : strut
	) cubes*(size-strut)+gaps*strut;

// Module: cubetruss_segment()
// Usage:
//   cubetruss_segment([size], [strut], [bracing]);
// Description:
//   Creates a single cubetruss cube segment.
// Arguments:
//   size = The length of each side of the cubetruss cubes.  Default: `$cubetruss_size` (usually 30)
//   strut = The width of the struts on the cubetruss cubes.  Default: `$cubetruss_strut_size` (usually 3)
//   bracing = If true, adds internal cross-braces.  Default: `$cubetruss_bracing` (usually true)
//   anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0).  See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor).  Default: `CENTER`
//   spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis.  See [spin](attachments.scad#spin).  Default: `0`
//   orient = Vector to rotate top towards.  See [orient](attachments.scad#orient).  Default: `UP`
// Examples:
//   cubetruss_segment(bracing=false);
//   cubetruss_segment(bracing=true);
//   cubetruss_segment(strut=4);
//   cubetruss_segment(size=40);
module cubetruss_segment(size=undef, strut=undef, bracing=undef, anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP) {
	size = is_undef(size)? $cubetruss_size : size;
	strut = is_undef(strut)? $cubetruss_strut_size : strut;
	bracing = is_undef(bracing)? $cubetruss_bracing : bracing;
	h = size;
	crossthick = strut/sqrt(2);
	voffset = 0.333;
	attachable(anchor,spin,orient, size=[size,size,size]) {
		union() {
			difference() {
				// Start with a cube.
				cube([size, size, h], center=true);

				cube([size-strut*2, size-strut*2, h-strut*2], center=true);

				// Hollow out octogons in X and Y axes.
				zrot_copies([0,90]) {
					xrot(90) zrot(180/8) cylinder(h=max(h,size)+1, d=(min(h,size)-2*strut)/cos(180/8), center=true, $fn=8);

				// Hollow out octogon vertically.
				zrot(180/8) cylinder(h=max(h,size)+1, d=(min(h,size)-2*strut)/cos(180/8), center=true, $fn=8);

			// Interior cross-supports
			if (bracing) {
				for (i = [-1,1]) {
					zrot(i*45) {
						difference() {
							cube([crossthick, (size-strut)*sqrt(2), h], center=true);
							up(i*voffset) {
								yscale(1.3) {
									yrot(90) {
										zrot(180/6) {
											cylinder(h=crossthick+1, d=(min(h,size)-2*strut)/cos(180/6)-2*voffset, center=true, $fn=6);

// Module: cubetruss_clip()
// Usage:
//   cubetruss_clip(extents, [size], [strut], [clipthick]);
// Description:
//   Creates a pair of clips to add onto the end of a truss.
// Arguments:
//   extents = How many cubes to separate the clips by.
//   size = The length of each side of the cubetruss cubes.  Default: `$cubetruss_size` (usually 30)
//   strut = The width of the struts on the cubetruss cubes.  Default: `$cubetruss_strut_size` (usually 3)
//   clipthick = The thickness of the clip.  Default: `$cubetruss_clip_thickness` (usually 1.6)
//   anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0).  See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor).  Default: `CENTER`
//   spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis.  See [spin](attachments.scad#spin).  Default: `0`
//   orient = Vector to rotate top towards.  See [orient](attachments.scad#orient).  Default: `UP`
// Examples:
//   cubetruss_clip(extents=2);
//   cubetruss_clip(extents=1);
//   cubetruss_clip(clipthick=2.5);
module cubetruss_clip(extents=1, size=undef, strut=undef, clipthick=undef, anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP) {
	size = is_undef(size)? $cubetruss_size : size;
	strut = is_undef(strut)? $cubetruss_strut_size : strut;
	clipthick = is_undef(clipthick)? $cubetruss_clip_thickness : clipthick;
	cliplen = strut * 2.6;
	clipheight = min(size+strut, size/3+2*strut*2.6);
	clipsize = 0.5;
	s = [extents*(size-strut)+strut+2*clipthick, strut*2, clipheight-2*strut];
	attachable(anchor,spin,orient, size=s) {
		xflip_copy(offset=(extents*(size-strut)+strut)/2) {
			difference() {
				union() {
					difference() {
						right(clipthick/2-0.01) {
							back(strut) {
								difference() {
									xrot(90) prismoid([clipthick, clipheight], [clipthick, clipheight-cliplen*2], h=cliplen);
									right(clipthick/2) chamfer_mask_z(l=clipheight+0.1, chamfer=clipthick);
						fwd(strut*3/2) {
							cube([$slop, strut*3, size], center=true);
					right($slop/2+0.01) {
						fwd(strut*1.25+$slop) {
							yrot(-90) prismoid([clipheight-cliplen*2, strut/2], [clipheight-cliplen*2-2*clipsize, strut/2], h=clipsize+0.01);
				fwd(strut*1.6) {
					left(clipsize) {
						yscale(1.5) chamfer_mask_z(l=size+1, chamfer=clipsize+clipthick/3);
				zcopies(clipheight-strut) cube([clipthick*3, cliplen*2, strut], center=true);
				zcopies(clipheight-2*strut) right(clipthick) chamfer_mask_y(l=cliplen*2, chamfer=clipthick);

// Module: cubetruss_foot()
// Usage:
//   cubetruss_foot(w, [size], [strut], [clipthick]);
// Description:
//   Creates a foot that can be clipped onto the bottom of a truss for support.
// Arguments:
//   w = The number of cube segments to span between the clips.  Default: 1
//   size = The length of each side of the cubetruss cubes.  Default: `$cubetruss_size` (usually 30)
//   strut = The width of the struts on the cubetruss cubes.  Default: `$cubetruss_strut_size` (usually 3)
//   clipthick = The thickness of the clips.  Default: `$cubetruss_clip_thickness` (usually 1.6)
//   anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0).  See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor).  Default: `CENTER`
//   spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis.  See [spin](attachments.scad#spin).  Default: `0`
//   orient = Vector to rotate top towards.  See [orient](attachments.scad#orient).  Default: `UP`
// Examples:
//   cubetruss_foot(w=1);
//   cubetruss_foot(w=3);
module cubetruss_foot(w=1, size=undef, strut=undef, clipthick=undef, anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP) {
	size = is_undef(size)? $cubetruss_size : size;
	strut = is_undef(strut)? $cubetruss_strut_size : strut;
	clipthick = is_undef(clipthick)? $cubetruss_clip_thickness : clipthick;
	clipsize = 0.5;
	wall_h = strut+clipthick*1.5;
	cyld = (size-2*strut)/cos(180/8);
	s = [w*(size-strut)+strut+2*clipthick, size-2*strut, strut+clipthick];
	attachable(anchor,spin,orient, size=s, offset=[0,0,(strut-clipthick)/2]) {
		down(clipthick) {
			// Base
			up(clipthick/2) {
				cuboid([w*(size-strut)+strut+2*clipthick, size-2*strut, clipthick], chamfer=strut, edges=edges("Z"));

			// Walls
			xcopies(w*(size-strut)+strut+clipthick) {
				up(clipthick-0.01) {
					prismoid([clipthick, (size-4*strut)], [clipthick, size/3.5], h=wall_h, anchor=BOT);

			// Horiz Wall Clips
			up(clipthick+strut+$slop*2) {
				xcopies(w*(size-strut)+strut) {
					prismoid([clipsize*2, size/3.5], [0.1, size/3.5], h=clipsize*3, anchor=BOT);

			// Middle plugs
			for (xcol = [0:w-1]) {
				right((xcol-(w-1)/2)*(size-strut)) {
					difference() {
						// Start with octagon to fit sides.
						up(clipthick-0.01) {
							zrot(180/8) cylinder(h=strut, d1=cyld-4*$slop, d2=cyld-4*$slop-1, center=false, $fn=8);

						// Bevel to fit.
						up(clipthick+strut) {
							ycopies(size-2*strut-4*$slop) {
								chamfer_mask_x(l=size-strut, chamfer=strut*2/3);

						// Cut out X for possible top mount.
						zrot_copies([-45, 45]) {
							cube([size*3, strut/sqrt(2)+2*$slop, size*3], center=true);

// Module: cubetruss_joiner()
// Usage:
//   cubetruss_joiner([w], [vert], [size], [strut], [clipthick]);
// Description:
//   Creates a part to join two cubetruss trusses end-to-end.
// Arguments:
//   w = The number of cube segments to span between the clips.  Default: 1
//   vert = If true, add vertical risers to clip to the ends of the cubetruss trusses.  Default: true
//   size = The length of each side of the cubetruss cubes.  Default: `$cubetruss_size` (usually 30)
//   strut = The width of the struts on the cubetruss cubes.  Default: `$cubetruss_strut_size` (usually 3)
//   clipthick = The thickness of the clips.  Default: `$cubetruss_clip_thickness` (usually 1.6)
//   anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0).  See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor).  Default: `CENTER`
//   spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis.  See [spin](attachments.scad#spin).  Default: `0`
//   orient = Vector to rotate top towards.  See [orient](attachments.scad#orient).  Default: `UP`
// Examples:
//   cubetruss_joiner(w=1, vert=false);
//   cubetruss_joiner(w=1, vert=true);
//   cubetruss_joiner(w=2, vert=true, anchor=BOT);
module cubetruss_joiner(w=1, vert=true, size=undef, strut=undef, clipthick=undef, anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP) {
	size = is_undef(size)? $cubetruss_size : size;
	strut = is_undef(strut)? $cubetruss_strut_size : strut;
	clipthick = is_undef(clipthick)? $cubetruss_clip_thickness : clipthick;
	clipsize = 0.5;
	s = [cubetruss_dist(w,1)+2*clipthick, cubetruss_dist(2,0)-0.1, strut+clipthick];
	attachable(anchor,spin,orient, size=s, offset=[0,0,-(clipthick-strut)/2]) {
		down(clipthick) {
			// Base
			cube([w*(size-strut)+strut+2*clipthick, size, clipthick], anchor=BOT);

			xcopies(w*(size-strut)+strut+clipthick) {
				cube([clipthick, size, clipthick+strut*3/4], anchor=BOT);

			// Use feet
			ycopies(size) {
				cubetruss_foot(w=w, size=size, strut=strut, clipthick=clipthick, anchor=BOT);

			if (vert) {
				// Vert Walls
				xcopies(w*(size-strut)+strut+clipthick) {
					up(clipthick-0.01) {
						prismoid([clipthick, size], [clipthick, 2*strut+2*clipthick], h=size*0.6, anchor=BOT);

				// Vert Wall Clips
				up(size/2) {
					xflip_copy(offset=(w*(size-strut)+strut+0.02)/2) {
						yflip_copy(offset=strut+$slop/2) {
							yrot(-90) {
								back_half() {
									prismoid([size/3.5, clipthick*2], [size/3.5-4*2*clipsize, 0.1], h=2*clipsize, anchor=BOT);

// Module: cubetruss_uclip()
// Usage:
//   cubetruss_uclip(dual, [size], [strut], [clipthick]);
// Description:
// Arguments:
//   size = The length of each side of the cubetruss cubes.  Default: `$cubetruss_size` (usually 30)
//   strut = The width of the struts on the cubetruss cubes.  Default: `$cubetruss_strut_size` (usually 3)
//   clipthick = The thickness of the clips.  Default: `$cubetruss_clip_thickness` (usually 1.6)
//   anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0).  See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor).  Default: `CENTER`
//   spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis.  See [spin](attachments.scad#spin).  Default: `0`
//   orient = Vector to rotate top towards.  See [orient](attachments.scad#orient).  Default: `UP`
// Examples:
//   cubetruss_uclip(dual=false);
//   cubetruss_uclip(dual=true);
module cubetruss_uclip(dual=true, size=undef, strut=undef, clipthick=undef, anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP) {
	size = is_undef(size)? $cubetruss_size : size;
	strut = is_undef(strut)? $cubetruss_strut_size : strut;
	clipthick = is_undef(clipthick)? $cubetruss_clip_thickness : clipthick;
	clipsize = 0.5;
	s = [(dual?2:1)*strut+2*clipthick+$slop, strut+2*clipthick, size/3.5];
	attachable(anchor,spin,orient, size=s) {
		union() {
			difference() {
				cube(s, center=true);
				back(clipthick) cube([(dual?2:1)*strut+$slop, strut+2*clipthick, size+1], center=true);
			back((strut+$slop)/2) {
				xflip_copy(offset=(dual?1:0.5)*strut+$slop/2) {
					yrot(-90) {
						back_half() {
							prismoid([size/3.5, clipthick*1.87], [size/3.5, 0.1], h=clipsize, anchor=BOT);

// Module: cubetruss()
// Usage:
//   cubetruss(extents, clips, bracing, size, strut, clipthick);
// Description:
//   Creates a cubetruss truss, assembled out of one or more cubical segments.
// Arguments:
//   extents = The number of cubes in length to make the truss.  If given as a [X,Y,Z] vector, specifies the number of cubes in each dimension.
//   clips = List of vectors pointing towards the sides to add clips to.
//   size = The length of each side of the cubetruss cubes.  Default: `$cubetruss_size` (usually 30)
//   strut = The width of the struts on the cubetruss cubes.  Default: `$cubetruss_strut_size` (usually 3)
//   bracing = If true, adds internal cross-braces.  Default: `$cubetruss_bracing` (usually true)
//   clipthick = The thickness of the clips.  Default: `$cubetruss_clip_thickness` (usually 1.6)
//   anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0).  See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor).  Default: `CENTER`
//   spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis.  See [spin](attachments.scad#spin).  Default: `0`
//   orient = Vector to rotate top towards.  See [orient](attachments.scad#orient).  Default: `UP`
// Examples(FlatSpin):
//   cubetruss(extents=3);
//   cubetruss(extents=3, clips=FRONT);
//   cubetruss(extents=3, clips=[FRONT,BACK]);
//   cubetruss(extents=[2,3]);
//   cubetruss(extents=[1,4,2]);
//   cubetruss(extents=[1,4,2], bracing=false);
module cubetruss(extents=6, clips=[], bracing=undef, size=undef, strut=undef, clipthick=undef, anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP) {
	clips = is_vector(clips)? [clips] : clips;
	size = is_undef(size)? $cubetruss_size : size;
	strut = is_undef(strut)? $cubetruss_strut_size : strut;
	bracing = is_undef(bracing)? $cubetruss_bracing : bracing;
	clipthick = is_undef(clipthick)? $cubetruss_clip_thickness : clipthick;
	extents = is_vector(extents)? point3d(extents,fill=1) : [1,extents,1];
	w = extents[0];
	l = extents[1];
	h = extents[2];
	s = [cubetruss_dist(w,1), cubetruss_dist(l,1), cubetruss_dist(h,1)];
	attachable(anchor,spin,orient, size=s) {
		union() {
			for (zrow = [0:h-1]) {
				up((zrow-(h-1)/2)*(size-strut)) {
					for (xcol = [0:w-1]) {
						right((xcol-(w-1)/2)*(size-strut)) {
							for (ycol = [0:l-1]) {
								back((ycol-(l-1)/2)*(size-strut)) {
									cubetruss_segment(size=size, strut=strut, bracing=bracing);
			if (clipthick > 0) {
				for (vec = clips) {
					exts = vabs(rot(from=FWD, to=vec, p=extents));
					rot(from=FWD,to=vec) {
						for (zrow = [0:1:exts.z-1]) {
							up((zrow-(exts.z-1)/2)*(size-strut)) {
								fwd((exts.y*(size-strut)+strut)/2) {
									cubetruss_clip(size=size, strut=strut, extents=exts.x, clipthick=clipthick);

// Module: cubetruss_corner()
// Usage:
//   cubetruss_corner(h, extents, [bracing], [size], [strut], [clipthick);
// Description:
//   Creates a corner cubetruss with extents jutting out in one or more directions.
// Arguments:
//   h = The number of cubes high to make the base and horizontal extents.
//   extents = The number of cubes to extend beyond the corner.  If given as a vector of cube counts, gives the number of cubes to extend right, back, left, front, and up in order.
//   size = The length of each side of the cubetruss cubes.  Default: `$cubetruss_size` (usually 30)
//   strut = The width of the struts on the cubetruss cubes.  Default: `$cubetruss_strut_size` (usually 3)
//   bracing = If true, adds internal cross-braces.  Default: `$cubetruss_bracing` (usually true)
//   clipthick = The thickness of the clips.  Default: `$cubetruss_clip_thickness` (usually 1.6)
//   anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0).  See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor).  Default: `CENTER`
//   spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis.  See [spin](attachments.scad#spin).  Default: `0`
//   orient = Vector to rotate top towards.  See [orient](attachments.scad#orient).  Default: `UP`
// Examples(FlatSpin):
//   cubetruss_corner(extents=2);
//   cubetruss_corner(extents=2, h=2);
//   cubetruss_corner(extents=[3,3,0,0,2]);
//   cubetruss_corner(extents=[3,0,3,0,2]);
//   cubetruss_corner(extents=[3,3,3,3,2]);
module cubetruss_corner(h=1, extents=[1,1,0,0,1], bracing=undef, size=undef, strut=undef, clipthick=undef, anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP) {
	size = is_undef(size)? $cubetruss_size : size;
	strut = is_undef(strut)? $cubetruss_strut_size : strut;
	bracing = is_undef(bracing)? $cubetruss_bracing : bracing;
	clipthick = is_undef(clipthick)? $cubetruss_clip_thickness : clipthick;
	exts = is_vector(extents)? list_fit(extents,5,fill=0) : [extents, extents, 0, 0, extents];
	s = [cubetruss_dist(1+exts[0]+exts[2],1), cubetruss_dist(1+exts[1]+exts[3],1), cubetruss_dist(h+exts[4],1)];
	offset = [cubetruss_dist(exts[0]-exts[2],0), cubetruss_dist(exts[1]-exts[3],0), cubetruss_dist(exts[4],0)]/2;
	attachable(anchor,spin,orient, size=s, offset=offset) {
		union() {
			for (zcol = [0:h-1]) {
				up((size-strut+0.01)*zcol) {
					cubetruss_segment(size=size, strut=strut, bracing=bracing);
			for (dir = [0:3]) {
				if (exts[dir] != undef && exts[dir] > 0) {
					zrot(dir*90) {
						for (zcol = [0:h-1]) {
							up((size-strut+0.01)*zcol) {
								for (i = [1:exts[dir]]) {
									right((size-strut+0.01)*i) cubetruss_segment(size=size, strut=strut, bracing=bracing);
								if (clipthick > 0) {
									right(exts[dir]*(size-strut)+size/2) {
										zrot(90) cubetruss_clip(size=size, strut=strut, clipthick=clipthick);
			if (exts[4] != undef && exts[4] > 0) {
				for (i = [1:exts[4]]) {
					up((size-strut+0.01)*(i+h-1)) cubetruss_segment(size=size, strut=strut, bracing=bracing);
				if (clipthick > 0) {
					up((exts[4]+h-1)*(size-strut)+size/2) {
						xrot(-90) cubetruss_clip(size=size, strut=strut, clipthick=clipthick);

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