////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LibFile: shapes2d.scad // Common useful 2D shapes. // To use, add the following lines to the beginning of your file: // ``` // include // ``` ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Section: 2D Drawing Helpers // Module: stroke() // Usage: // stroke(path, width, [endcap], [closed]); // Description: // Draws a 2D line path with a given line thickness. Endcaps can be specified for each end individually. // Figure(2D): Endcap Types // endcaps = ["butt", "line", "square", "cross", "round", "dot", "chisel", "x", "arrow", "arrow2", "tail", "tail2"]; // for (i=idx(endcaps)) { // cap = endcaps[i]; // right((i%2)*60-60+5) fwd(floor(i/2)*10+15) { // right(28) color("black") text(text=cap, size=5, halign="left", valign="center"); // stroke([[0,0], [20,0]], width=3, endcap_size=3, endcap1=false, endcap2=cap); // color("black") stroke([[0,0], [20,0]], width=0.25, endcaps=false); // } // } // Arguments: // path = The 2D path to draw along. // width = The width of the line to draw. // closed = If true, draw an additional line from the end of the path to the start. // endcaps = Specifies the endcap type for both ends of the line. If a 2D path is given, use that to draw custom endcaps. // endcap1 = Specifies the endcap type for the start of the line. If a 2D path is given, use that to draw a custom endcap. // endcap2 = Specifies the endcap type for the end of the line. If a 2D path is given, use that to draw a custom endcap. // endcap_size = Some endcap types are wider than the line. This specifies the size of endcaps, in multiples of the line width. Default: 3 // arrow_length = Length of arrow endcaps, in multiples of the line width. Default: 4.5 // arrow_indent = Distance the from tip of an arrow endcap to the central indent at the back of the arrow, in multiples of the line width. If used with `endcap_shape`, defines where the back of the arrow is to draw to. Default: 3.75 // trim = Trim the the start and end line segments by this much, to keep them from interfering with custom endcaps. // trim1 = Trim the the starting line segment by this much, to keep it from interfering with a custom endcap. // trim2 = Trim the the ending line segment by this much, to keep it from interfering with a custom endcap. // Example(2D): Closing the Path // path = [[0,100], [100,100], [200,0], [100,-100], [100,0]]; // stroke(path, width=20, endcaps=true, closed=true); // Example(2D): Flat Endcaps // path = [[0,100], [100,100], [200,0], [100,-100], [100,0]]; // stroke(path, width=10, endcaps=false); // Example(2D): Round Endcaps // path = [[0,100], [100,100], [200,0], [100,-100], [100,0]]; // stroke(path, width=10, endcaps="round"); // Example(2D): Arrow Endcaps // path = [[0,100], [100,100], [200,0], [100,-100], [100,0]]; // stroke(path, width=10, endcaps="arrow"); // Example(2D): Mixed Endcaps // path = [[0,100], [100,100], [200,0], [100,-100], [100,0]]; // stroke(path, width=10, endcap1="butt", endcap2="arrow"); // Example(2D): Modified Arrow Endcaps // path = [[0,100], [100,100], [200,0], [100,-100], [100,0]]; // stroke(path, width=10, endcaps="arrow", endcap_size=6, arrow_length=3, arrow_indent=2); // Example(2D): Custom Endcap Shapes // path = [[0,100], [100,100], [200,0], [100,-100], [100,0]]; // arrow = [[0,0], [2,-3], [0.5,-2.3], [2,-4], [0.5,-3.5], [-0.5,-3.5], [-2,-4], [-0.5,-2.3], [-2,-3]]; // stroke(path, width=10, trim=3.5, endcaps=arrow); module stroke(path, width=1, closed=false, endcaps, endcap1, endcap2, trim, trim1, trim2, endcap_size, arrow_length, arrow_indent) { function _endcap_shape(cap,w,l,indent) = ( let(sq2=sqrt(2)) (cap=="round" || cap==true)? circle(d=1, $fn=max(8, segs(w/2))) : cap=="chisel"? [[-0.5,0], [0,0.5], [0.5,0], [0,-0.5]] : cap=="square"? [[-0.5,-0.5], [-0.5,0.5], [0.5,0.5], [0.5,-0.5]] : cap=="dot"? circle(d=3, $fn=max(12, segs(w*3/2))) : cap=="x"? [for (a=[0:90:270]) each rot(a,p=[[w+sq2/2,w-sq2/2]/2, [w-sq2/2,w+sq2/2]/2, [0,sq2/2]]) ] : cap=="cross"? [for (a=[0:90:270]) each rot(a,p=[[1,w]/2, [-1,w]/2, [-1,1]/2]) ] : cap=="line"? [[w/2,0.5], [w/2,-0.5], [-w/2,-0.5], [-w/2,0.5]] : cap=="arrow"? [[0,0], [w/2,-w/2], [w/2,-w/2-sq2], [0,-sq2], [-w/2,-w/2-sq2], [-w/2,-w/2]] : cap=="arrow2"? [[0,0], [w/2,-l], [0,-indent], [-w/2,-l]] : cap=="tail"? [[0,0], [w/2,w/2], [w/2,w/2-sq2], [0,-sq2], [-w/2,w/2-sq2], [-w/2,w/2]] : cap=="tail2"? [[w/2,0], [w/2,-1], [0,-w/2-1], [-w/2,-1], [-w/2,0]] : is_path(cap)? cap : [] ) * width; endcap1 = first_defined([endcap1, endcaps, "round"]); endcap2 = first_defined([endcap2, endcaps, "round"]); endcap_size = default(endcap_size, 3.5); arrow_length = default(arrow_length, 4.5); arrow_indent = default(arrow_indent, 3.75); endcap_shape1 = _endcap_shape(endcap1, endcap_size, arrow_length, arrow_indent); endcap_shape2 = _endcap_shape(endcap2, endcap_size, arrow_length, arrow_indent); $fn = quantup(segs(width/2),4); path = closed? concat(path,[path[0]]) : path; assert(is_list(path) && is_vector(path[0]) && len(path[0])==2, "path must be a 2D list of points."); segments = pair(path); segpairs = pair(segments); start_seg = segments[0]; start_vec = start_seg[0] - start_seg[1]; end_seg = select(segments,-1); end_vec = end_seg[1] - end_seg[0]; trim1 = width * first_defined([ trim1, trim, (endcap1=="arrow")? sqrt(2) : (endcap1=="arrow2")? arrow_indent*3/4 : 0 ]); trim2 = width * first_defined([ trim2, trim, (endcap2=="arrow")? sqrt(2) : (endcap2=="arrow2")? arrow_indent*3/4 : 0 ]); if (len(segments)==1) { seglen = norm(start_seg[1] - start_seg[0]); translate(start_seg[0]-normalize(start_vec)*trim1) rot(from=BACK,to=-start_vec) square([width, max(0.01, seglen-trim1-trim2)], anchor=FRONT); } else { seglen1 = max(0.01, norm(start_vec) - trim1); translate(start_seg[1]) rot(from=BACK,to=start_vec) square([width, seglen1], anchor=FRONT); seglen2 = max(0.01, norm(end_vec) - trim2); translate(end_seg[0]) rot(from=BACK,to=end_vec) square([width, seglen2], anchor=FRONT); } // Line segments for (seg = slice(segments,1,-2)) { delt = seg[1] - seg[0]; translate(seg[0]) rot(from=BACK,to=delt) square([width, norm(delt)], anchor=FRONT); } // Joints for (segpair = segpairs) { seg1 = segpair[0]; seg2 = segpair[1]; delt1 = seg1[1] - seg1[0]; delt2 = seg2[1] - seg2[0]; hull() { translate(seg1[1]) rot(from=BACK,to=delt1) circle(d=width); translate(seg2[0]) rot(from=BACK,to=delt2) circle(d=width); } } // Endcap1 translate(start_seg[0]) { rot(from=BACK, to=start_vec) { polygon(endcap_shape1); } } // Endcap2 translate(end_seg[1]) { rot(from=BACK, to=end_vec) { polygon(endcap_shape2); } } } // Section: 2D Shapes // Function&Module: arc() // Usage: 2D arc from 0ยบ to `angle` degrees. // arc(N, r|d, angle); // Usage: 2D arc from START to END degrees. // arc(N, r|d, angle=[START,END]) // Usage: 2D arc from `start` to `start+angle` degrees. // arc(N, r|d, start, angle) // Usage: 2D circle segment by `width` and `thickness`, starting and ending on the X axis. // arc(N, width, thickness) // Usage: Shortest 2D or 3D arc around centerpoint `cp`, starting at P0 and ending on the vector pointing from `cp` to `P1`. // arc(N, cp, points=[P0,P1]) // Usage: 2D or 3D arc, starting at `P0`, passing through `P1` and ending at `P2`. // arc(N, points=[P0,P1,P2]) // Description: // If called as a function, returns a 2D or 3D path forming an arc. // If called as a module, creates a 2D arc polygon or pie slice shape. // Arguments: // N = Number of vertices to form the arc curve from. // r = Radius of the arc. // d = Diameter of the arc. // angle = If a scalar, specifies the end angle in degrees. If a vector of two scalars, specifies start and end angles. // cp = Centerpoint of arc. // points = Points on the arc. // width = If given with `thickness`, arc starts and ends on X axis, to make a circle segment. // thickness = If given with `width`, arc starts and ends on X axis, to make a circle segment. // start = Start angle of arc. // wedge = If true, include centerpoint `cp` in output to form pie slice shape. // Examples(2D): // arc(N=4, r=30, angle=30, wedge=true); // arc(r=30, angle=30, wedge=true); // arc(d=60, angle=30, wedge=true); // arc(d=60, angle=120); // arc(d=60, angle=120, wedge=true); // arc(r=30, angle=[75,135], wedge=true); // arc(r=30, start=45, angle=75, wedge=true); // arc(width=60, thickness=20); // arc(cp=[-10,5], points=[[20,10],[0,35]], wedge=true); // arc(points=[[30,-5],[20,10],[-10,20]], wedge=true); // arc(points=[[5,30],[-10,-10],[30,5]], wedge=true); // Example(2D): // path = arc(points=[[5,30],[-10,-10],[30,5]], wedge=true); // stroke(closed=true, path); // Example(FlatSpin): // include // path = arc(points=[[0,30,0],[0,0,30],[30,0,0]]); // trace_polyline(path, showpts=true, color="cyan"); function arc(N, r, angle, d, cp, points, width, thickness, start, wedge=false) = // First try for 2D arc specified by angles is_def(width) && is_def(thickness)? ( arc(N,points=[[width/2,0], [0,thickness], [-width/2,0]],wedge=wedge) ) : is_def(angle)? ( let( parmok = is_undef(points) && is_undef(width) && is_undef(thickness) && ((is_vector(angle) && len(angle)==2 && is_undef(start)) || is_num(angle)) ) assert(parmok,"Invalid parameters in arc") let( cp = is_def(cp) ? cp : [0,0], start = is_def(start)? start : is_vector(angle) ? angle[0] : 0, angle = is_vector(angle)? angle[1]-angle[0] : angle, r = get_radius(r=r,d=d), N = max(3, is_undef(N)? ceil(segs(r)*abs(angle)/360) : N), arcpoints = [for(i=[0:N-1]) let(theta = start + i*angle/(N-1)) r*[cos(theta),sin(theta)]+cp], extra = wedge? [cp] : [] ) concat(extra,arcpoints) ) : assert(is_list(points),"Invalid parameters") // Arc is 3D, so transform points to 2D and make a recursive call, then remap back to 3D len(points[0])==3? ( let( thirdpoint = is_def(cp) ? cp : points[2], center2d = is_def(cp) ? project_plane(cp,thirdpoint,points[0],points[1]) : undef, points2d = project_plane(points,thirdpoint,points[0],points[1]) ) lift_plane(arc(N,cp=center2d,points=points2d,wedge=wedge),thirdpoint,points[0],points[1]) ) : is_def(cp)? ( // Arc defined by center plus two points, will have radius defined by center and points[0] // and extent defined by direction of point[1] from the center let( angle = vector_angle(points[0], cp, points[1]), v1 = points[0]-cp, v2 = points[1]-cp, dir = sign(det2([v1,v2])), // z component of cross product r=norm(v1) ) assert(dir!=0,"Collinear inputs don't define a unique arc") arc(N,cp=cp,r=r,start=atan2(v1.y,v1.x),angle=dir*angle,wedge=wedge) ) : ( // Final case is arc passing through three points, starting at point[0] and ending at point[3] let(col = collinear(points[0],points[1],points[2],1e-3)) assert(!col, "Collinear inputs do not define an arc") let( cp = line_intersection(_normal_segment(points[0],points[1]),_normal_segment(points[1],points[2])), // select order to be counterclockwise dir = det2([points[1]-points[0],points[2]-points[1]]) > 0, points = dir? select(points,[0,2]) : select(points,[2,0]), r = norm(points[0]-cp), theta_start = atan2(points[0].y-cp.y, points[0].x-cp.x), theta_end = atan2(points[1].y-cp.y, points[1].x-cp.x), angle = posmod(theta_end-theta_start, 360), arcpts = arc(N,cp=cp,r=r,start=theta_start,angle=angle,wedge=wedge) ) dir ? arcpts : reverse(arcpts) ); module arc(N, r, angle, d, cp, points, width, thickness, start, wedge=false) { path = arc(N=N, r=r, angle=angle, d=d, cp=cp, points=points, width=width, thickness=thickness, start=start, wedge=wedge); polygon(path); } function _normal_segment(p1,p2) = let(center = (p1+p2)/2) [center, center + norm(p1-p2)/2 * line_normal(p1,p2)]; // Function&Module: trapezoid() // Usage: // trapezoid(h, w1, w2); // Description: // When called as a function, returns a 2D path for a trapezoid with parallel front and back sides. // When called as a module, creates a 2D trapezoid with parallel front and back sides. // Arguments: // h = The Y axis height of the trapezoid. // w1 = The X axis width of the front end of the trapezoid. // w2 = The X axis width of the back end of the trapezoid. // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#spin). Default: `0` // Examples(2D): // trapezoid(h=30, w1=40, w2=20); // trapezoid(h=25, w1=20, w2=35); // trapezoid(h=20, w1=40, w2=0); // Example(2D): Called as Function // stroke(closed=true, trapezoid(h=30, w1=40, w2=20)); function trapezoid(h, w1, w2, anchor=CENTER, spin=0) = let( s = anchor.y>0? [w2,h] : anchor.y<0? [w1,h] : [(w1+w2)/2,h], path = [[-w1/2,-h/2], [-w2/2,h/2], [w2/2,h/2], [w1/2,-h/2]] ) rot(spin, p=move(-vmul(anchor,s/2), p=path)); module trapezoid(h, w1, w2, anchor=CENTER, spin=0) polygon(trapezoid(h=h, w1=w1, w2=w2, anchor=anchor, spin=spin)); // Function&Module: regular_ngon() // Usage: // regular_ngon(n, or|od, [realign]); // regular_ngon(n, ir|id, [realign]); // regular_ngon(n, side, [realign]); // Description: // When called as a function, returns a 2D path for a regular N-sided polygon. // When called as a module, creates a 2D regular N-sided polygon. // Arguments: // n = The number of sides. // or = Outside radius, at points. // od = Outside diameter, at points. // ir = Inside radius, at center of sides. // id = Inside diameter, at center of sides. // side = Length of each side. // realign = If false, a tip is aligned with the Y+ axis. If true, the midpoint of a side is aligned with the Y+ axis. Default: false // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#spin). Default: `0` // Example(2D): by Outer Size // regular_ngon(n=5, or=30); // regular_ngon(n=5, od=60); // Example(2D): by Inner Size // regular_ngon(n=5, ir=30); // regular_ngon(n=5, id=60); // Example(2D): by Side Length // regular_ngon(n=8, side=20); // Example(2D): Realigned // regular_ngon(n=8, side=20, realign=true); // Example(2D): Called as Function // stroke(closed=true, regular_ngon(n=6, or=30)); function regular_ngon(n=6, or=undef, od=undef, ir=undef, id=undef, side=undef, realign=false, anchor=CENTER, spin=0) = let( sc = 1/cos(180/n), r = get_radius(r1=ir*sc, r=or, d1=id*sc, d=od, dflt=side/2/sin(180/n)), offset = 90 + (realign? (180/n) : 0), path = [for (a=[0:360/n:360-EPSILON]) r*[cos(a+offset),sin(a+offset)]] ) rot(spin, p=move(-r*normalize(anchor), p=path)); module regular_ngon(n=6, or=undef, od=undef, ir=undef, id=undef, side=undef, realign=false, anchor=CENTER, spin=0) polygon(regular_ngon(n=n,or=or,od=od,ir=ir,id=id,side=side,realign=realign, anchor=anchor, spin=spin)); // Function&Module: pentagon() // Usage: // pentagon(or|od, [realign]); // pentagon(ir|id, [realign]; // pentagon(side, [realign]; // Description: // When called as a function, returns a 2D path for a regular pentagon. // When called as a module, creates a 2D regular pentagon. // Arguments: // or = Outside radius, at points. // od = Outside diameter, at points. // ir = Inside radius, at center of sides. // id = Inside diameter, at center of sides. // side = Length of each side. // realign = If false, a tip is aligned with the Y+ axis. If true, the midpoint of a side is aligned with the Y+ axis. Default: false // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#spin). Default: `0` // Example(2D): by Outer Size // pentagon(or=30); // pentagon(od=60); // Example(2D): by Inner Size // pentagon(ir=30); // pentagon(id=60); // Example(2D): by Side Length // pentagon(side=20); // Example(2D): Realigned // pentagon(side=20, realign=true); // Example(2D): Called as Function // stroke(closed=true, pentagon(or=30)); function pentagon(or=undef, od=undef, ir=undef, id=undef, side=undef, realign=false, anchor=CENTER, spin=0) = regular_ngon(n=5, or=or, od=od, ir=ir, id=id, side=side, realign=realign, anchor=anchor, spin=spin); module pentagon(or=undef, od=undef, ir=undef, id=undef, side=undef, realign=false, anchor=CENTER, spin=0) polygon(pentagon(or=or, od=od, ir=ir, id=id, side=side, realign=realign, anchor=anchor, spin=spin)); // Function&Module: hexagon() // Usage: // hexagon(or, od, ir, id, side); // Description: // When called as a function, returns a 2D path for a regular hexagon. // When called as a module, creates a 2D regular hexagon. // Arguments: // or = Outside radius, at points. // od = Outside diameter, at points. // ir = Inside radius, at center of sides. // id = Inside diameter, at center of sides. // side = Length of each side. // realign = If false, a tip is aligned with the Y+ axis. If true, the midpoint of a side is aligned with the Y+ axis. Default: false // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#spin). Default: `0` // Example(2D): by Outer Size // hexagon(or=30); // hexagon(od=60); // Example(2D): by Inner Size // hexagon(ir=30); // hexagon(id=60); // Example(2D): by Side Length // hexagon(side=20); // Example(2D): Realigned // hexagon(side=20, realign=true); // Example(2D): Called as Function // stroke(closed=true, hexagon(or=30)); function hexagon(or=undef, od=undef, ir=undef, id=undef, side=undef, realign=false, anchor=CENTER, spin=0) = regular_ngon(n=6, or=or, od=od, ir=ir, id=id, side=side, realign=realign, anchor=anchor, spin=spin); module hexagon(or=undef, od=undef, ir=undef, id=undef, side=undef, realign=false, anchor=CENTER, spin=0) polygon(hexagon(or=or, od=od, ir=ir, id=id, side=side, realign=realign, anchor=anchor, spin=spin)); // Function&Module: octagon() // Usage: // octagon(or, od, ir, id, side); // Description: // When called as a function, returns a 2D path for a regular octagon. // When called as a module, creates a 2D regular octagon. // Arguments: // or = Outside radius, at points. // od = Outside diameter, at points. // ir = Inside radius, at center of sides. // id = Inside diameter, at center of sides. // side = Length of each side. // realign = If false, a tip is aligned with the Y+ axis. If true, the midpoint of a side is aligned with the Y+ axis. Default: false // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#spin). Default: `0` // Example(2D): by Outer Size // octagon(or=30); // octagon(od=60); // Example(2D): by Inner Size // octagon(ir=30); // octagon(id=60); // Example(2D): by Side Length // octagon(side=20); // Example(2D): Realigned // octagon(side=20, realign=true); // Example(2D): Called as Function // stroke(closed=true, octagon(or=30)); function octagon(or=undef, od=undef, ir=undef, id=undef, side=undef, realign=false, anchor=CENTER, spin=0) = regular_ngon(n=8, or=or, od=od, ir=ir, id=id, side=side, realign=realign, anchor=anchor, spin=spin); module octagon(or=undef, od=undef, ir=undef, id=undef, side=undef, realign=false, anchor=CENTER, spin=0) polygon(octagon(or=or, od=od, ir=ir, id=id, side=side, realign=realign, anchor=anchor, spin=spin)); // Function&Module: glued_circles() // Usage: // glued_circles(r|d, spread, tangent); // Description: // When called as a function, returns a 2D path forming a shape of two circles joined by curved waist. // When called as a module, creates a 2D shape of two circles joined by curved waist. // Arguments: // r = The radius of the end circles. // d = The diameter of the end circles. // spread = The distance between the centers of the end circles. // tangent = The angle in degrees of the tangent point for the joining arcs, measured away from the Y axis. // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#spin). Default: `0` // Examples(2D): // glued_circles(r=15, spread=40, tangent=45); // glued_circles(d=30, spread=30, tangent=30); // glued_circles(d=30, spread=30, tangent=15); // glued_circles(d=30, spread=30, tangent=-30); // Example(2D): Called as Function // stroke(closed=true, glued_circles(r=15, spread=40, tangent=45)); function glued_circles(r=undef, d=undef, spread=10, tangent=30, anchor=CENTER, spin=0) = let( r = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=10), r2 = (spread/2 / sin(tangent)) - r, cp1 = [spread/2, 0], cp2 = [0, (r+r2)*cos(tangent)], sa1 = 90-tangent, ea1 = 270+tangent, lobearc = ea1-sa1, lobesegs = floor(segs(r)*lobearc/360), lobestep = lobearc / lobesegs, sa2 = 270-tangent, ea2 = 270+tangent, subarc = ea2-sa2, arcsegs = ceil(segs(r2)*abs(subarc)/360), arcstep = subarc / arcsegs, s = [spread/2+r, r], path = concat( [for (i=[0:1:lobesegs]) let(a=sa1+i*lobestep) r * [cos(a),sin(a)] - cp1], tangent==0? [] : [for (i=[0:1:arcsegs]) let(a=ea2-i*arcstep+180) r2 * [cos(a),sin(a)] - cp2], [for (i=[0:1:lobesegs]) let(a=sa1+i*lobestep+180) r * [cos(a),sin(a)] + cp1], tangent==0? [] : [for (i=[0:1:arcsegs]) let(a=ea2-i*arcstep) r2 * [cos(a),sin(a)] + cp2] ) ) rot(spin, p=move(-vmul(anchor,s), p=path)); module glued_circles(r=undef, d=undef, spread=10, tangent=30, anchor=CENTER, spin=0) polygon(glued_circles(r=r, d=d, spread=spread, tangent=tangent, anchor=anchor, spin=spin)); // Function&Module: star() // Usage: // star(n, r|d, ir|id|step, [realign]); // Description: // When called as a function, returns the path needed to create a star polygon with N points. // When called as a module, creates a star polygon with N points. // Arguments: // n = The number of stellate tips on the star. // r = The radius to the tips of the star. // d = The diameter to the tips of the star. // ir = The radius to the inner corners of the star. // id = The diameter to the inner corners of the star. // step = Calculates the radius of the inner star corners by virtually drawing a straight line `step` tips around the star. 2 <= step < n/2 // realign = If false, a tip is aligned with the Y+ axis. If true, an inner corner is aligned with the Y+ axis. Default: false // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#spin). Default: `0` // Examples(2D): // star(n=5, r=50, ir=25); // star(n=5, r=50, step=2); // star(n=7, r=50, step=2); // star(n=7, r=50, step=3); // Example(2D): Realigned // star(n=7, r=50, step=3, realign=true); // Example(2D): Called as Function // stroke(closed=true, star(n=5, r=50, ir=25)); function star(n, r, d, ir, id, step, realign=false, anchor=CENTER, spin=0) = let( r = get_radius(r=r, d=d), count = num_defined([ir,id,step]), stepOK = is_undef(step) || (step>1 && step