// Section: struct operations
// A struct is a data structure that associates arbitrary keywords (of any type) with values (of any type).
// Structures are implemented as lists of [keyword, value] pairs.  
// An empty list `[]` is an empty structure and can be used wherever a structure input is required.

// Function: struct_set()
// Usage:
//    struct_set(struct, keyword, value, [grow])
//    struct_set(struct, [keyword1, value1, keyword2, value2, ...], [grow])
// Description:
//    Sets the keyword(s) in the structure to the specified value(s), returning a new updated structure.  If a keyword
//    exists its value is changed, otherwise the keyword is added to the structure.  If grow is set to false then
//    it is an error to set a keyword not already defined in the structure.  If you specify the same keyword twice
//    that is also an error.  If speed matters, use the first form with scalars rather than the list form: this is
//    about thirty times faster. 
// Arguments:
//    struct = input structure
//    keyword = keyword to set
//    value = value to set the keyword to
//    grow = Set to true to allow structure to grow, or false for new keywords to generate an error.  Default: true
function struct_set(struct, keyword, value=undef, grow=true) =
     !is_list(keyword) ?
        (ind==[] ? assert(grow,str("Unknown keyword \"",keyword))
                   concat(struct, [[keyword,value]]) :
               list_set([ind], [[keyword,value]],struct)) :

function _parse_pairs(spec, input, grow=true, index=0, result=undef) =
     assert(len(input)%2==0,"Odd number of entries in [keyword,value] pair list")
     let( result = result==undef ? spec : result)
     index == len(input) ? result :  
   _parse_pairs(spec,input,grow,index+2,struct_set(result, input[index], input[index+1],grow));

// Function: struct_remove()
// Usage:
//    struct_remove(struct, keyword)
// Description:
//    Remove keyword or keyword list from a structure
// Arguments:
//    struct = input structure
//    keyword = a single string (keyword) or list of strings (keywords) to remove
function struct_remove(struct, keyword) =
    is_string(keyword)? struct_remove(struct, [keyword]) :
    let(ind = search(keyword, struct))
     list_remove(struct, ind);

// Function: struct_val()
// Usage:
//    struct_val(struct,keyword)
// Description:
//    Returns the value for the specified keyword in the structure, or undef if the keyword is not present
// Arguments:
//    struct = input structure
//    keyword = keyword whose value to return
function struct_val(struct,keyword) =
     assert(is_def(keyword),"keyword is missing")
     let(ind = search([keyword],struct)[0])
     ind == [] ? undef : struct[ind][1];

// Function: struct_keys()
// Usage:
//    struct_keys(struct)
// Description:
//    Returns a list of the keys in a structure
// Arguments:
//    struct = input structure
function struct_keys(struct) =
     [for(entry=struct) entry[0]];

// Function&Module struct_echo()
// Usage:
//    struct_echo(struct, [name])
// Description:
//    Displays a list of structure keywords and values, one pair per line, for easier reading.
// Arguments:
//    struct = input structure
//    name = optional structure name to list at the top of the output.  Default: ""
function struct_echo(struct,name="") =
   let( keylist = [for(entry=struct) str("  ",entry[0],": ",entry[1],"\n")])
   echo(str("\nStructure ",name,"\n",str_join(keylist)))

module struct_echo(struct,name="") {
   dummy = struct_echo(struct,name);

// Function is_struct()
// Usage:
//    is_struct(struct)
// Description: Returns true if the input has the form of a structure, false otherwise.  
function is_struct(struct, ind=0) =
     struct == [] ||
       let(dim = array_dim(struct))
       len(dim)==2 && dim[1]==2;