include <BOSL2/std.scad> module test_translate() { vals = [[-1,-2,-3],[0,0,0],[3,6,2],[1,2,3],[243,75,147]]; for (val=vals) { assert_equal(translate(val), [[1,0,0,val.x],[0,1,0,val.y],[0,0,1,val.z],[0,0,0,1]]); assert_equal(translate(val, p=[1,2,3]), [1,2,3]+val); } // Verify that module at least doesn't crash. translate([-5,-5,-5]) translate([0,0,0]) translate([5,5,5]) nil(); } test_translate(); module test_move() { vals = [[-1,-2,-3],[0,0,0],[3,6,2],[1,2,3],[243,75,147]]; for (val=vals) { assert_equal(move(val), [[1,0,0,val.x],[0,1,0,val.y],[0,0,1,val.z],[0,0,0,1]]); assert_equal(move(val, p=[1,2,3]), [1,2,3]+val); assert_equal(move(x=val.x, y=val.y, z=val.z, p=[1,2,3]), [1,2,3]+val); } // Verify that module at least doesn't crash. move(x=-5) move(y=-5) move(z=-5) move([-5,-5,-5]) nil(); move(x=5) move(y=5) move(z=5) move([5,5,5]) nil(); } test_move(); module test_left() { assert_equal(left(5),[[1,0,0,-5],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]]); assert_equal(left(0),[[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]]); assert_equal(left(-5),[[1,0,0,5],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]]); assert_equal(left(5,p=[1,2,3]),[-4,2,3]); assert_equal(left(0,p=[1,2,3]),[1,2,3]); assert_equal(left(-5,p=[1,2,3]),[6,2,3]); // Verify that module at least doesn't crash. left(-5) left(0) left(5) nil(); } test_left(); module test_right() { assert_equal(right(-5),[[1,0,0,-5],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]]); assert_equal(right(0),[[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]]); assert_equal(right(5),[[1,0,0,5],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]]); assert_equal(right(-5,p=[1,2,3]),[-4,2,3]); assert_equal(right(0,p=[1,2,3]),[1,2,3]); assert_equal(right(5,p=[1,2,3]),[6,2,3]); // Verify that module at least doesn't crash. right(-5) right(0) right(5) nil(); } test_right(); module test_back() { assert_equal(back(-5),[[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,-5],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]]); assert_equal(back(0),[[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]]); assert_equal(back(5),[[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,5],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]]); assert_equal(back(-5,p=[1,2,3]),[1,-3,3]); assert_equal(back(0,p=[1,2,3]),[1,2,3]); assert_equal(back(5,p=[1,2,3]),[1,7,3]); // Verify that module at least doesn't crash. back(-5) back(0) back(5) nil(); } test_back(); module test_fwd() { assert_equal(fwd(5),[[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,-5],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]]); assert_equal(fwd(0),[[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]]); assert_equal(fwd(-5),[[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,5],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]]); assert_equal(fwd(5,p=[1,2,3]),[1,-3,3]); assert_equal(fwd(0,p=[1,2,3]),[1,2,3]); assert_equal(fwd(-5,p=[1,2,3]),[1,7,3]); // Verify that module at least doesn't crash. fwd(-5) fwd(0) fwd(5) nil(); } test_fwd(); module test_down() { assert_equal(down(5),[[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,-5],[0,0,0,1]]); assert_equal(down(0),[[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]]); assert_equal(down(-5),[[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,5],[0,0,0,1]]); assert_equal(down(5,p=[1,2,3]),[1,2,-2]); assert_equal(down(0,p=[1,2,3]),[1,2,3]); assert_equal(down(-5,p=[1,2,3]),[1,2,8]); // Verify that module at least doesn't crash. down(-5) down(0) down(5) nil(); } test_down(); module test_up() { assert_equal(up(-5),[[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,-5],[0,0,0,1]]); assert_equal(up(0),[[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]]); assert_equal(up(5),[[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,5],[0,0,0,1]]); assert_equal(up(-5,p=[1,2,3]),[1,2,-2]); assert_equal(up(0,p=[1,2,3]),[1,2,3]); assert_equal(up(5,p=[1,2,3]),[1,2,8]); // Verify that module at least doesn't crash. up(-5) up(0) up(5) nil(); } test_up(); module test_scale() { vals = [[-1,-2,-3],[1,1,1],[3,6,2],[1,2,3],[243,75,147]]; for (val=vals) { assert_equal(scale(val), [[val.x,0,0,0],[0,val.y,0,0],[0,0,val.z,0],[0,0,0,1]]); assert_equal(scale(val, p=[1,2,3]), vmul([1,2,3], val)); scale(val) nil(); } assert_equal(scale(3), [[3,0,0,0],[0,3,0,0],[0,0,3,0],[0,0,0,1]]); assert_equal(scale(3, p=[1,2,3]), 3*[1,2,3]); // Verify that module at least doesn't crash. scale(-5) scale(5) nil(); } test_scale(); module test_xscale() { vals = [1,-1,-2,-3,10,147]; for (val=vals) { assert_equal(xscale(val), [[val,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]]); assert_equal(xscale(val, p=[1,2,3]), [val*1,2,3]); xscale(val) nil(); } // Verify that module at least doesn't crash. xscale(-5) xscale(5) nil(); } test_xscale(); module test_yscale() { vals = [1,-1,-2,-3,10,147]; for (val=vals) { assert_equal(yscale(val), [[1,0,0,0],[0,val,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]]); assert_equal(yscale(val, p=[1,2,3]), [1,val*2,3]); yscale(val) nil(); } // Verify that module at least doesn't crash. yscale(-5) yscale(5) nil(); } test_yscale(); module test_zscale() { vals = [1,-1,-2,-3,10,147]; for (val=vals) { assert_equal(zscale(val), [[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,val,0],[0,0,0,1]]); assert_equal(zscale(val, p=[1,2,3]), [1,2,val*3]); zscale(val) nil(); } // Verify that module at least doesn't crash. zscale(-5) zscale(5) nil(); } test_zscale(); module test_mirror() { vals = [LEFT,RIGHT,FWD,BACK,DOWN,UP,BACK+UP+RIGHT,FWD+LEFT]; for (val=vals) { v = unit(val); a = v.x; b = v.y; c = v.z; m = [ [1-2*a*a, -2*b*a, -2*c*a, 0], [ -2*a*b, 1-2*b*b, -2*c*b, 0], [ -2*a*c, -2*b*c, 1-2*c*c, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, 1] ]; assert_approx(mirror(val), m, str("mirror(",val,")")); assert_approx(mirror(val, p=[1,2,3]), apply(m, [1,2,3]), str("mirror(",val,",p=...)")); // Verify that module at least doesn't crash. mirror(val) nil(); } } test_mirror(); module test_xflip() { assert_equal(xflip(), [[-1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]]); assert_equal(xflip(p=[1,2,3]), [-1,2,3]); // Verify that module at least doesn't crash. xflip() nil(); } test_xflip(); module test_yflip() { assert_equal(yflip(), [[1,0,0,0],[0,-1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]]); assert_equal(yflip(p=[1,2,3]), [1,-2,3]); // Verify that module at least doesn't crash. yflip() nil(); } test_yflip(); module test_zflip() { assert_equal(zflip(), [[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,-1,0],[0,0,0,1]]); assert_equal(zflip(p=[1,2,3]), [1,2,-3]); // Verify that module at least doesn't crash. zflip() nil(); } test_zflip(); module test_rot() { pts2d = 50 * [for (x=[-1,0,1],y=[-1,0,1]) [x,y]]; pts3d = 50 * [for (x=[-1,0,1],y=[-1,0,1],z=[-1,0,1]) [x,y,z]]; vecs2d = [ for (x=[-1,0,1], y=[-1,0,1]) if(x!=0||y!=0) [x,y], polar_to_xy(1, -75), polar_to_xy(1, 75) ]; vecs3d = [ LEFT, RIGHT, FRONT, BACK, DOWN, UP, spherical_to_xyz(1, -30, 45), spherical_to_xyz(1, 0, 45), spherical_to_xyz(1, 30, 45), spherical_to_xyz(2, -30, 135), spherical_to_xyz(1, 30, 135), spherical_to_xyz(1, -30, 75), spherical_to_xyz(1, 45, 45), ]; angs = [-180, -90, 0, 30, 45, 90]; for (a = [-360*3:360:360*3]) { assert_equal(rot(a), affine3d_identity(), info=str("rot(",a,") != identity")); assert_equal(rot(a,p=pts2d), pts2d, info=str("rot(",a,",p=...), 2D")); assert_equal(rot(a,p=pts3d), pts3d, info=str("rot(",a,",p=...), 3D")); } assert_equal(rot(90), [[0,-1,0,0],[1,0,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]]) for (a=angs) { assert_equal(rot(a), affine3d_zrot(a), info=str("Z angle (only) = ",a)); assert_equal(rot([a,0,0]), affine3d_xrot(a), info=str("X angle = ",a)); assert_equal(rot([0,a,0]), affine3d_yrot(a), info=str("Y angle = ",a)); assert_equal(rot([0,0,a]), affine3d_zrot(a), info=str("Z angle = ",a)); assert_equal(rot(a,p=pts2d), apply(affine3d_zrot(a),pts2d), info=str("Z angle (only) = ",a, ", p=..., 2D")); assert_equal(rot([0,0,a],p=pts2d), apply(affine3d_zrot(a),pts2d), info=str("Z angle = ",a, ", p=..., 2D")); assert_equal(rot(a,p=pts3d), apply(affine3d_zrot(a),pts3d), info=str("Z angle (only) = ",a, ", p=..., 3D")); assert_equal(rot([a,0,0],p=pts3d), apply(affine3d_xrot(a),pts3d), info=str("X angle = ",a, ", p=..., 3D")); assert_equal(rot([0,a,0],p=pts3d), apply(affine3d_yrot(a),pts3d), info=str("Y angle = ",a, ", p=..., 3D")); assert_equal(rot([0,0,a],p=pts3d), apply(affine3d_zrot(a),pts3d), info=str("Z angle = ",a, ", p=..., 3D")); } for (xa=angs, ya=angs, za=angs) { assert_equal( rot([xa,ya,za]), affine3d_chain([ affine3d_xrot(xa), affine3d_yrot(ya), affine3d_zrot(za) ]), info=str("[X,Y,Z] = ",[xa,ya,za]) ); assert_equal( rot([xa,ya,za],p=pts3d), apply( affine3d_chain([ affine3d_xrot(xa), affine3d_yrot(ya), affine3d_zrot(za) ]), pts3d ), info=str("[X,Y,Z] = ",[xa,ya,za], ", p=...") ); } for (vec1 = vecs3d) { for (ang = angs) { assert_equal( rot(a=ang, v=vec1), affine3d_rot_by_axis(vec1,ang), info=str("a = ",ang,", v = ", vec1) ); assert_equal( rot(a=ang, v=vec1, p=pts3d), apply(affine3d_rot_by_axis(vec1,ang), pts3d), info=str("a = ",ang,", v = ", vec1, ", p=...") ); } } for (vec1 = vecs2d) { for (vec2 = vecs2d) { assert_equal( rot(from=vec1, to=vec2, p=pts2d, planar=true), apply(affine2d_zrot(vang(vec2)-vang(vec1)), pts2d), info=str( "from = ", vec1, ", ", "to = ", vec2, ", ", "planar = ", true, ", ", "p=..., 2D" ) ); } } for (vec1 = vecs3d) { for (vec2 = vecs3d) { for (a = angs) { assert_equal( rot(from=vec1, to=vec2, a=a), affine3d_chain([ affine3d_zrot(a), affine3d_rot_from_to(vec1,vec2) ]), info=str( "from = ", vec1, ", ", "to = ", vec2, ", ", "a = ", a ) ); assert_equal( rot(from=vec1, to=vec2, a=a, p=pts3d), apply( affine3d_chain([ affine3d_zrot(a), affine3d_rot_from_to(vec1,vec2) ]), pts3d ), info=str( "from = ", vec1, ", ", "to = ", vec2, ", ", "a = ", a, ", ", "p=..., 3D" ) ); } } } } test_rot(); module test_xrot() { vals = [-270,-135,-90,45,0,30,45,90,135,147,180]; path = path3d(pentagon(d=100), 50); for (a=vals) { m = [[1,0,0,0],[0,cos(a),-sin(a),0],[0,sin(a),cos(a),0],[0,0,0,1]]; assert_equal(xrot(a), m); assert_equal(xrot(a, p=path[0]), apply(m, path[0])); assert_equal(xrot(a, p=path), apply(m, path)); // Verify that module at least doesn't crash. xrot(a) nil(); } } test_xrot(); module test_yrot() { vals = [-270,-135,-90,45,0,30,45,90,135,147,180]; path = path3d(pentagon(d=100), 50); for (a=vals) { m = [[cos(a),0,sin(a),0],[0,1,0,0],[-sin(a),0,cos(a),0],[0,0,0,1]]; assert_equal(yrot(a), m); assert_equal(yrot(a, p=path[0]), apply(m, path[0])); assert_equal(yrot(a, p=path), apply(m, path)); // Verify that module at least doesn't crash. yrot(a) nil(); } } test_yrot(); module test_zrot() { vals = [-270,-135,-90,45,0,30,45,90,135,147,180]; path = path3d(pentagon(d=100), 50); for (a=vals) { m = [[cos(a),-sin(a),0,0],[sin(a),cos(a),0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]]; assert_equal(zrot(a), m); assert_equal(zrot(a, p=path[0]), apply(m, path[0])); assert_equal(zrot(a, p=path), apply(m, path)); // Verify that module at least doesn't crash. zrot(a) nil(); } } test_zrot(); module test_skew() { m = affine3d_skew(sxy=2, sxz=3, syx=4, syz=5, szx=6, szy=7); assert_equal(skew(sxy=2, sxz=3, syx=4, syz=5, szx=6, szy=7), m); assert_equal(skew(sxy=2, sxz=3, syx=4, syz=5, szx=6, szy=7, p=[1,2,3]), apply(m,[1,2,3])); // Verify that module at least doesn't crash. skew(2,3,4,5,6,7) nil(); } test_skew(); // vim: expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 nowrap