////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LibFile: screw_drive.scad // Masks for Phillips, Torx and square (Robertson) driver holes. // Includes: // include <BOSL2/std.scad> // include <BOSL2/screw_drive.scad> // FileGroup: Threaded Parts // FileSummary: Masks for Phillips, Torx and square (Robertson) driver holes. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// include <structs.scad> // Section: Phillips Drive // Module: phillips_mask() // Usage: phillips_mask(size) [ATTACHMENTS]; // Description: // Creates a mask for creating a Phillips drive recess given the Phillips size. Each mask can // be lowered to different depths to create different sizes of recess. // Arguments: // size = The size of the bit as an integer or string. "#0", "#1", "#2", "#3", or "#4" // --- // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#subsection-anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#subsection-spin). Default: `0` // orient = Vector to rotate top towards, after spin. See [orient](attachments.scad#subsection-orient). Default: `UP` // Example: // xdistribute(10) { // phillips_mask(size="#1"); // phillips_mask(size="#2"); // phillips_mask(size=3); // phillips_mask(size=4); // } // Specs for phillips recess here: // https://www.fasteners.eu/tech-info/ISO/4757/ function _phillips_shaft(x) = [3,4.5,6,8,10][x]; function _ph_bot_angle() = 28.0; function _ph_side_angle() = 26.5; module phillips_mask(size="#2", $fn=36, anchor=BOTTOM, spin=0, orient=UP) { dummy = assert(in_list(size,["#0","#1","#2","#3","#4",0,1,2,3,4])); num = is_num(size) ? size : ord(size[1]) - ord("0"); shaft = _phillips_shaft(num); b = [0.61, 0.97, 1.47, 2.41, 3.48][num]; e = [0.31, 0.435, 0.815, 2.005, 2.415][num]; g = [0.81, 1.27, 2.29, 3.81, 5.08][num]; alpha = [ 136, 138, 140, 146, 153][num]; beta = [7.00, 7.00, 5.75, 5.75, 7.00][num]; gamma = 92.0; h1 = adj_ang_to_opp(g/2, _ph_bot_angle()); // height of the small conical tip h2 = adj_ang_to_opp((shaft-g)/2, 90-_ph_side_angle()); // height of larger cone l = h1+h2; h3 = adj_ang_to_opp(b/2, _ph_bot_angle()); // height where cutout starts p0 = [0,0]; p1 = [adj_ang_to_opp(e/2, 90-alpha/2), -e/2]; p2 = p1 + [adj_ang_to_opp((shaft-e)/2, 90-gamma/2),-(shaft-e)/2]; attachable(anchor,spin,orient, d=shaft, l=l) { down(l/2) { difference() { rotate_extrude() polygon([[0,0],[g/2,h1],[shaft/2,l],[0,l]]); zrot(45) zrot_copies(n=4, r=b/2) { up(h3) { yrot(beta) { down(1) linear_extrude(height=l+2, convexity=4, center=false) { path = [p0, p1, p2, [p2.x,-p2.y], [p1.x,-p1.y]]; polygon(path); } } } } } } children(); } } // Function: phillips_depth() // Usage: // depth = phillips_depth(size, d); // Description: // Returns the depth of the Phillips recess required to produce the specified diameter, or // undef if not possible. // Arguments: // size = size as a number or text string like "#2" // d = desired diameter function phillips_depth(size, d) = assert(in_list(size,["#0","#1","#2","#3","#4",0,1,2,3,4])) let( num = is_num(size) ? size : ord(size[1]) - ord("0"), shaft = [3,4.5,6,8,10][num], g = [0.81, 1.27, 2.29, 3.81, 5.08][num], h1 = adj_ang_to_opp(g/2, _ph_bot_angle()), // height of the small conical tip h2 = adj_ang_to_opp((shaft-g)/2, 90-_ph_side_angle()) // height of larger cone ) d>=shaft || d<g ? undef : (d-g) / 2 / tan(_ph_side_angle()) + h1; // Function: phillips_diam() // Usage: // diam = phillips_diam(size, depth); // Description: // Returns the diameter at the top of the Phillips recess when constructed at the specified depth, // or undef if that depth is not valid. // Arguments: // size = size as number or text string like "#2" // depth = depth of recess to find the diameter of function phillips_diam(size, depth) = assert(in_list(size,["#0","#1","#2","#3","#4",0,1,2,3,4])) let( num = is_num(size) ? size : ord(size[1]) - ord("0"), shaft = _phillips_shaft(num), g = [0.81, 1.27, 2.29, 3.81, 5.08][num], h1 = adj_ang_to_opp(g/2, _ph_bot_angle()), // height of the small conical tip h2 = adj_ang_to_opp((shaft-g)/2, 90-_ph_side_angle()) // height of larger cone ) depth<h1 || depth>= h1+h2 ? undef : 2 * tan(_ph_side_angle())*(depth-h1) + g; // Section: Hex drive // Module hex_drive_mask() // Usage: // hex_drive_mask(size, length, [anchor], [spin], [orient], [$slop]) [ATTACHMENTS]; // Description: // Creates a mask for hex drive. Note that the hex recess specs requires // a slightly oversized recess. You can use $slop to increase the size by // `2 * $slop` if necessary. // module hex_drive_mask(size,length,l,h,height,anchor,spin,orient) { length = one_defined([length,height,l,h],"length,height,l,h"); realsize = 1.0072*size + 0.0341 + 2 * get_slop(); // Formula emperically determined from ISO standard linear_sweep(height=length,hexagon(id=realsize),anchor=anchor,spin=spin,orient=orient) children(); } function hex_drive_mask(size,length,l,h,height,anchor,spin,orient) = no_function("hex_drive_mask"); // Section: Torx Drive // Module: torx_mask() // Usage: // torx_mask(size, l, [center]) [ATTACHMENTS]; // Description: Creates a torx bit tip. // Arguments: // size = Torx size. // l = Length of bit. // center = If true, centers mask vertically. // --- // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#subsection-anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#subsection-spin). Default: `0` // orient = Vector to rotate top towards, after spin. See [orient](attachments.scad#subsection-orient). Default: `UP` // Examples: // torx_mask(size=30, l=10, $fa=1, $fs=1); module torx_mask(size, l=5, center, anchor, spin=0, orient=UP) { od = torx_diam(size); anchor = get_anchor(anchor, center, BOT, BOT); attachable(anchor,spin,orient, d=od, l=l) { linear_extrude(height=l, convexity=4, center=true) { torx_mask2d(size); } children(); } } // Module: torx_mask2d() // Usage: // torx_mask2d(size); // Description: Creates a torx bit 2D profile. // Arguments: // size = Torx size. // Example(2D): // torx_mask2d(size=30, $fa=1, $fs=1); module torx_mask2d(size) { no_children($children); info = torx_info(size); od = info[0]; id = info[1]; tip = info[3]; rounding = info[4]; base = od - 2*tip; $fn = quantup(segs(od/2),12); difference() { union() { circle(d=base); zrot_copies(n=2) { hull() { zrot_copies(n=3) { translate([base/2,0,0]) { circle(r=tip, $fn=$fn/2); } } } } } zrot_copies(n=6) { zrot(180/6) { translate([id/2+rounding,0,0]) { circle(r=rounding); } } } } } // Function: torx_info() // Usage: // info = torx_info(size); // Description: // Get the typical dimensional info for a given Torx size. // Returns a list containing, in order: // - Outer Diameter // - Inner Diameter // - Drive Hole Depth // - External Tip Rounding Radius // - Inner Rounding Radius // Arguments: // size = Torx size. function torx_info(size) = let( info_arr = [ // Depth is from metric socket head screws, ISO 14583 //T# OD ID H Re Ri [ 1, [ 0.90, 0.65, 0.40, 0.059, 0.201]], // depth interpolated [ 2, [ 1.00, 0.73, 0.44, 0.069, 0.224]], // depth interpolated [ 3, [ 1.20, 0.87, 0.53, 0.081, 0.266]], // depth interpolated [ 4, [ 1.35, 0.98, 0.59, 0.090, 0.308]], // depth interpolated [ 5, [ 1.48, 1.08, 0.65, 0.109, 0.330]], // depth interpolated [ 6, [ 1.75, 1.27, 0.775, 0.132, 0.383]], [ 7, [ 2.08, 1.50, 0.886, 0.161, 0.446]], // depth interpolated [ 8, [ 2.40, 1.75, 1.0, 0.190, 0.510]], [ 9, [ 2.58, 1.87, 1.078, 0.207, 0.554]], // depth interpolated [ 10, [ 2.80, 2.05, 1.142, 0.229, 0.598]], [ 15, [ 3.35, 2.40, 1.2, 0.267, 0.716]], // depth interpolated [ 20, [ 3.95, 2.85, 1.4, 0.305, 0.859]], // depth interpolated [ 25, [ 4.50, 3.25, 1.61, 0.375, 0.920]], [ 27, [ 5.07, 3.65, 1.84, 0.390, 1.108]], [ 30, [ 5.60, 4.05, 2.22, 0.451, 1.194]], [ 40, [ 6.75, 4.85, 2.63, 0.546, 1.428]], [ 45, [ 7.93, 5.64, 3.115, 0.574, 1.796]], [ 50, [ 8.95, 6.45, 3.82, 0.775, 1.816]], [ 55, [ 11.35, 8.05, 5.015, 0.867, 2.667]], [ 60, [ 13.45, 9.60, 5.805, 1.067, 2.883]], [ 70, [ 15.70, 11.20, 6.815, 1.194, 3.477]], [ 80, [ 17.75, 12.80, 7.75, 1.526, 3.627]], [ 90, [ 20.20, 14.40, 8.945, 1.530, 4.468]], [100, [ 22.40, 16.00, 10.79, 1.720, 4.925]], ], found = struct_val(info_arr,size) ) assert(found, str("Unsupported Torx size, ",size)) found; // Function: torx_diam() // Usage: // diam = torx_diam(size); // Description: Get the typical outer diameter of Torx profile. // Arguments: // size = Torx size. function torx_diam(size) = torx_info(size)[0]; // Function: torx_depth() // Usage: // depth = torx_depth(size); // Description: Gets typical drive hole depth. // Arguments: // size = Torx size. function torx_depth(size) = torx_info(size)[2]; // Section: Robertson/Square Drives // Module: robertson_mask() // Usage: // robertson_mask(size, [extra]); // Description: // Creates a mask for creating a Robertson/Square drive recess given the drive size as an integer. // The width of the recess will be oversized by `2 * $slop`. Note that this model is based // on an incomplete spec. https://www.aspenfasteners.com/content/pdf/square_drive_specification.pdf // We determined the angle by doing print tests on a Prusa MK3S with $slop set to 0.05. // Arguments: // size = The size of the square drive, as an integer from 0 to 4. // extra = Extra length of drive mask to create. // ang = taper angle of each face. Default: 2.5 // $slop = enlarge recess by this twice amount. Default: 0 // Example: // robertson_mask(size=2); // Example: // difference() { // cyl(d1=2, d2=8, h=4, anchor=TOP); // robertson_mask(size=2); // } module robertson_mask(size, extra=1, ang=2.5) { dummy=assert(is_int(size) && size>=0 && size<=4); Mmin = [0.0696, 0.0900, 0.1110, 0.1315, 0.1895][size]; Mmax = [0.0710, 0.0910, 0.1126, 0.1330, 0.1910][size]; M = (Mmin + Mmax) / 2 * INCH; Tmin = [0.063, 0.105, 0.119, 0.155, 0.191][size]; Tmax = [0.073, 0.113, 0.140, 0.165, 0.201][size]; T = (Tmin + Tmax) / 2 * INCH; Fmin = [0.032, 0.057, 0.065, 0.085, 0.090][size]; Fmax = [0.038, 0.065, 0.075, 0.095, 0.100][size]; F = (Fmin + Fmax) / 2 * INCH; h = T + extra; Mslop=M+2*get_slop(); down(T) { intersection(){ Mtop = Mslop + 2*adj_ang_to_opp(F+extra,ang); Mbot = Mslop - 2*adj_ang_to_opp(T-F,ang); prismoid([Mbot,Mbot],[Mtop,Mtop],h=h,anchor=BOT); cyl(d1=0, d2=Mslop/(T-F)*sqrt(2)*h, h=h, anchor=BOT); } } } // vim: expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 nowrap