# Attachments Tutorial ## Attachables BOSL2 introduces the concept of attachables. Attachables are shapes that can be anchored, spun, oriented, and attached to other attachables. The most basic attachable shapes are the `cube()`, `cylinder()`, `sphere()`, `square()`, and `circle()`. BOSL2 overrides the built-in definitions for these shapes, and makes them attachable. ## Anchoring Anchoring allows you to align a side, edge, or corner of an object with the origin as it is created. This is done by passing a vector into the `anchor=` argument. For roughly cubical or prismoidal shapes, that vector points in the general direction of the side, edge, or corner that will be aligned to. For example, a vector of [1,0,-1] refers to the lower-right edge of the shape. Each vector component should be -1, 0, or 1: ```openscad-3D include // Anchor at upper-front-left corner cube([40,30,50], anchor=[-1,-1,1]); ``` ```openscad-3D include // Anchor at upper-right edge cube([40,30,50], anchor=[1,0,1]); ``` ```openscad-3D include // Anchor at bottom face cube([40,30,50], anchor=[0,0,-1]); ``` Since manually written vectors are not very intuitive, BOSL2 defines some standard directional vector constants that can be added together: Constant | Direction | Value -------- | --------- | ----------- `LEFT` | X- | `[-1, 0, 0]` `RIGHT` | X+ | `[ 1, 0, 0]` `FRONT`/`FORWARD`/`FWD` | Y- | `[ 0,-1, 0]` `BACK` | Y+ | `[ 0, 1, 0]` `BOTTOM`/`BOT`/`BTM`/`DOWN` | Z- | `[ 0, 0,-1]` (3D only.) `TOP`/`UP` | Z+ | `[ 0, 0, 1]` (3D only.) `CENTER`/`CTR` | Centered | `[ 0, 0, 0]` If you want a vector pointing towards the bottom-left edge, just add the `BOTTOM` and `LEFT` vector constants together like `BOTTOM + LEFT`. Ths will result in a vector of `[-1,0,-1]`. You can pass that to the `anchor=` argument for a clearly understandable anchoring: ```openscad-3D include cube([40,30,50], anchor=BACK+TOP); ``` ```openscad-3D include cube([40,30,50], anchor=FRONT); ``` --- For cylindrical type attachables, the Z component of the vector will be -1, 0, or 1, referring to the bottom rim, the middle side, or the top rim of the cylindrical or conical shape. The X and Y components can be any value, pointing towards the circular perimeter of the cone. These combined let you point at any place on the bottom or top rims, or at an arbitrary side wall: ```openscad-3D include cylinder(r1=25, r2=15, h=60, anchor=TOP+LEFT); ``` ```openscad-3D include cylinder(r1=25, r2=15, h=60, anchor=BOTTOM+FRONT); ``` ```openscad-3D include cylinder(r1=25, r2=15, h=60, anchor=UP+spherical_to_xyz(1,30,90)); ``` --- For Spherical type attachables, you can pass a vector that points at any arbitrary place on the surface of the sphere: ```openscad-3D include sphere(r=50, anchor=TOP); ``` ```openscad-3D include sphere(r=50, anchor=TOP+FRONT); ``` ```openscad-3D include sphere(r=50, anchor=spherical_to_xyz(1,-30,60)); ``` --- Some attachable shapes may provide specific named anchors for shape-specific anchoring. These will be given as strings and will be specific to that type of attachable. For example, the `teardrop()` attachable has a named anchor called "cap": ```openscad-3D include teardrop(d=100, l=20, anchor="cap"); ``` --- Some shapes, for backwards compatability reasons, can take a `center=` argument. This just overrides the `anchor=` argument. A `center=true` argument is the same as `anchor=CENTER`. A `center=false` argument can mean `anchor=[-1,-1,-1]` for a cube, or `anchor=BOTTOM` for a cylinder, to make them behave just like the builtin versions: ```openscad-3D include cube([50,40,30],center=true); ``` ```openscad-3D include cube([50,40,30],center=false); ``` --- Many 2D shapes provided by BOSL2 are also anchorable. Even the built-in `square()` and `circle()` modules have been overridden to enable attachability and anchoring. The `anchor=` options for 2D shapes can accept 3D vectors, but only the X and Y components will be used: ```openscad-2D include square([40,30], anchor=BACK+LEFT); ``` ```openscad-2D include circle(d=50, anchor=BACK); ``` ```openscad-2D include hexagon(d=50, anchor=LEFT); ``` ```openscad-2D include ellipse(d=[50,30], anchor=FRONT); ``` ## Spin Attachable shapes also can be spun in place as you create them. You can do this by passing the spin angle (in degrees) into the `spin=` argument. A positive number will result in a counter- clockwise spin around the Z axis (as seen from above), and a negative number will make a clockwise spin: ```openscad-3D include cube([20,20,40], center=true, spin=45); ``` You can even spin around each of the three axes in one pass, by giving 3 angles (in degrees) to `spin=` as a vector, like [Xang,Yang,Zang]. Similarly to `rotate()`, the axes will be spun in the order given, X-axis spin, then Y-axis, then Z-axis: ```openscad-3D include cube([20,20,40], center=true, spin=[10,20,30]); ``` You can also apply spin to 2D shapes from BOSL2, though only by scalar angle: ```openscad-2D include square([40,30], spin=30); ``` ```openscad-2D include ellipse(d=[40,30], spin=30); ``` ## Orientation Another way to specify a rotation for an attachable shape, is to pass a 3D vector via the `orient=` argument. This lets you specify what direction to tilt the top of the shape towards. For example, you can make a cone that is tilted up and to the right like this: ```openscad-3D include cylinder(h=100, r1=50, r2=20, orient=UP+RIGHT); ``` You can *not* use `orient=` with 2D shapes. ## Mixing Anchoring, Spin, and Orientation When giving `anchor=`, `spin=`, and `orient=`, they are applied anchoring first, spin second, then orient last. For example, here's a cube: ```openscad-3D include cube([20,20,50]); ``` You can center it with an `anchor=CENTER` argument: ```openscad-3D include cube([20,20,50], anchor=CENTER); ``` Add a 45 degree spin: ```openscad-3D include cube([20,20,50], anchor=CENTER, spin=45); ``` Now tilt the top up and forward: ```openscad-3D include cube([20,20,50], anchor=CENTER, spin=45, orient=UP+FWD); ``` Something that may confuse new users is that adding spin to a cylinder may seem nonsensical. However, since spin is applied *after* anchoring, it can actually have a significant effect: ```openscad-3D include cylinder(d=50, l=40, anchor=FWD, spin=-30); ``` For 2D shapes, you can mix `anchor=` with `spin=`, but not with `orient=`. ```openscad-2D include square([40,30], anchor=BACK+LEFT, spin=30); ``` ## Attaching 3D Children The reason attachables are called that, is because they can be attached to each other. You can do that by making one attachable shape be a child of another attachable shape. By default, the child of an attachable is attached to the center of the parent shape. ```openscad-3D include cube(50,center=true) cylinder(d1=50,d2=20,l=50); ``` To attach to a different place on the parent, you can use the `attach()` module. By default, this will attach the bottom of the child to the given position on the parent. The orientation of the child will be overridden to point outwards from the center of the parent, more or less: ```openscad-3D include cube(50,center=true) attach(TOP) cylinder(d1=50,d2=20,l=20); ``` If you give `attach()` a second anchor argument, it attaches that anchor on the child to the first anchor on the parent: ```openscad-3D include cube(50,center=true) attach(TOP,TOP) cylinder(d1=50,d2=20,l=20); ``` By default, `attach()` places the child exactly flush with the surface of the parent. Sometimes it's useful to have the child overlap the parent by insetting a bit. You can do this with the `overlap=` argument to `attach()`. A positive value will inset the child into the parent, and a negative value will outset out from the parent: ```openscad-3D include cube(50,center=true) attach(TOP,overlap=10) cylinder(d=20,l=20); ``` ```openscad-3D include cube(50,center=true) attach(TOP,overlap=-20) cylinder(d=20,l=20); ``` If you want to position the child at the parent's anchorpoint, without re-orienting, you can use the `position()` module: ```openscad-3D include cube(50,center=true) position(RIGHT) cylinder(d1=50,d2=20,l=20); ``` You can attach or position more than one child at a time by enclosing them all in braces: ```openscad-3D include cube(50, center=true) { attach(TOP) cylinder(d1=50,d2=20,l=20); position(RIGHT) cylinder(d1=50,d2=20,l=20); } ``` If you want to attach the same shape to multiple places on the same parent, you can pass the desired anchors as a list to the `attach()` or `position()` modules: ```openscad-3D include cube(50, center=true) attach([RIGHT,FRONT],TOP) cylinder(d1=50,d2=20,l=20); ``` ```openscad-3D include cube(50, center=true) position([TOP,RIGHT,FRONT]) cylinder(d1=50,d2=20,l=20); ``` ## Attaching 2D Children You can use attachments in 2D as well, but only in the XY plane: ```openscad-2D include square(50,center=true) attach(RIGHT,FRONT) trapezoid(w1=30,w2=0,h=30); ``` ```openscad-2D include circle(d=50) attach(BACK,FRONT,overlap=5) trapezoid(w1=30,w2=0,h=30); ``` ## Anchor Arrows One way that is useful to show the position and orientation of an anchorpoint is by attaching an anchor arrow to that anchor. ```openscad-3D include cube(40, center=true) attach(LEFT+TOP) anchor_arrow(); ``` For large objects, you can change the size of the arrow with the `s=` argument. ```openscad-3D include sphere(d=100) attach(LEFT+TOP) anchor_arrow(s=30); ``` To show all the standard cardinal anchorpoints, you can use the `show_anchors()` module. ```openscad-3D include cube(40, center=true) show_anchors(); ``` ```openscad-3D include cylinder(h=40, d=40, center=true) show_anchors(); ``` ```openscad-3D include sphere(d=40) show_anchors(); ``` For large objects, you can again change the size of the arrows with the `s=` argument. ```openscad-3D include cylinder(h=100, d=100, center=true) show_anchors(s=30); ``` ## Tagged Operations BOSL2 introduces the concept of tags. Tags are names that can be given to attachables, so that you can refer to them when performing `diff()`, `intersect()`, and `hulling()` operations. ### `diff(neg, )` The `diff()` operator is used to difference away all shapes marked with the tag(s) given to `neg=`, from the other shapes. For example, to difference away a child cylinder from the middle of a parent cube, you can do this: ```openscad-3D include diff("hole") cube(100, center=true) cylinder(h=101, d=50, center=true, $tags="hole"); ``` The `keep=` argument takes tags for shapes that you want to keep in the output. ```openscad-3D include diff("dish", keep="antenna") cube(100, center=true) attach([FRONT,TOP], overlap=33) { cylinder(h=33.1, d1=0, d2=95, $tags="dish"); cylinder(h=33.1, d=10, $tags="antenna"); } ``` Remember that tags are inherited by children. In this case, we need to explicitly untag the first cylinder (or change its tag to something else), or it will inherit the "keep" tag and get kept. ```openscad-3D include diff("hole", "keep") cube(100, center=true, $tags="keep") attach([RIGHT,TOP]) { cylinder(d=95, h=5, $tags=""); cylinder(d=50, h=11, anchor=CTR, $tags="hole"); } ``` If you need to mark multiple children with a tag, you can use the `tags()` module. ```openscad-3D include diff("hole") cube(100, center=true) attach([FRONT,TOP], overlap=20) tags("hole") { cylinder(h=20.1, d1=0, d2=95); down(10) cylinder(h=30, d=30); } ``` The parent object can be differenced away from other shapes. Tags are inherited by children, though, so you will need to set the tags of the children as well as the parent. ```openscad-3D include diff("hole") cube([20,11,45], center=true, $tags="hole") cube([40,10,90], center=true, $tags="body"); ``` Tags (and therefore tag-based operations like `diff()`) only work correctly with attachable children. However, a number of built-in modules for making shapes are *not* attachable. Some notable non-attachable modules are `text()`, `linear_extrude()`, `rotate_extrude()`, `polygon()`, `polyhedron()`, `import()`, `surface()`, `union()`, `difference()`, `intersection()`, `offset()`, `hull()`, and `minkowski()`. To allow you to use tags-based operations with non-attachable shapes, you can wrap them with the `force_tags()` module to specify their tags. For example: ```openscad-3D include diff("hole") cuboid(50) attach(TOP) force_tags("hole") rotate_extrude() right(15) square(10,center=true); ``` ### `intersect(a, , )` To perform an intersection of attachables, you can use the `intersect()` module. If given one argument to `a=`, the parent and all children *not* tagged with that will be intersected by everything that *is* tagged with it. ```openscad-3D include intersect("bounds") cube(100, center=true) cylinder(h=100, d1=120, d2=95, center=true, $fn=72, $tags="bounds"); ``` If given both the `a=` and `b=` arguments, then shapes marked with tags given to `a=` will be intersected with shapes marked with tags given to `b=`, then unioned with all other shapes. ```openscad-3D include intersect("pole", "cap") cube(100, center=true) attach([TOP,RIGHT]) { cube([40,40,80],center=true, $tags="pole"); sphere(d=40*sqrt(2), $tags="cap"); } ``` If the `keep=` argument is given, anything marked with tags passed to it will be unioned with the result of the union: ```openscad-3D include intersect("bounds", keep="pole") cube(100, center=true) { cylinder(h=100, d1=120, d2=95, center=true, $fn=72, $tags="bounds"); zrot(45) xcyl(h=140, d=20, $fn=36, $tags="pole"); } ``` ### `hulling(a)` You can use the `hulling()` module to hull shapes marked with a given tag together, before unioning the result with every other shape. ```openscad-3D include hulling("hull") cube(50, center=true, $tags="hull") { cyl(h=100, d=20); xcyl(h=100, d=20, $tags="pole"); } ``` ## 3D Masking Attachments To make it easier to mask away shapes from various edges of an attachable parent shape, there are a few specialized alternatives to the `attach()` and `position()` modules. ### `edge_mask()` If you have a 3D mask shape that you want to difference away from various edges, you can use the `edge_mask()` module. This module will take a vertically oriented shape, and will rotate and move it such that the BACK, RIGHT (X+,Y+) side of the shape will be aligned with the given edges. The shape will be tagged as a "mask" so that you can use `diff("mask")`. For example, here's a shape for rounding an edge: ```openscad-3D include module round_edge(l,r) difference() { translate([-1,-1,-l/2]) cube([r+1,r+1,l]); translate([r,r]) cylinder(h=l+1,r=r,center=true, $fn=quantup(segs(r),4)); } round_edge(l=30, r=19); ``` You can use that mask to round various edges of a cube: ```openscad-3D include module round_edge(l,r) difference() { translate([-1,-1,-l/2]) cube([r+1,r+1,l]); translate([r,r]) cylinder(h=l+1,r=r,center=true, $fn=quantup(segs(r),4)); } diff("mask") cube([50,60,70],center=true) edge_mask([TOP,"Z"],except=[BACK,TOP+LEFT]) round_edge(l=71,r=10); ``` ### `corner_mask()` If you have a 3D mask shape that you want to difference away from various corners, you can use the `corner_mask()` module. This module will take a shape and rotate and move it such that the BACK RIGHT TOP (X+,Y+,Z+) side of the shape will be aligned with the given corner. The shape will be tagged as a "mask" so that you can use `diff("mask")`. For example, here's a shape for rounding a corner: ```openscad-3D include module round_corner(r) difference() { translate(-[1,1,1]) cube(r+1); translate([r,r,r]) sphere(r=r, style="aligned", $fn=quantup(segs(r),4)); } round_corner(r=10); ``` You can use that mask to round various corners of a cube: ```openscad-3D include module round_corner(r) difference() { translate(-[1,1,1]) cube(r+1); translate([r,r,r]) sphere(r=r, style="aligned", $fn=quantup(segs(r),4)); } diff("mask") cube([50,60,70],center=true) corner_mask([TOP,FRONT],LEFT+FRONT+TOP) round_corner(r=10); ``` ### Mix and Match Masks You can use `edge_mask()` and `corner_mask()` together as well: ```openscad-3D include module round_corner(r) difference() { translate(-[1,1,1]) cube(r+1); translate([r,r,r]) sphere(r=r, style="aligned", $fn=quantup(segs(r),4)); } module round_edge(l,r) difference() { translate([-1,-1,-l/2]) cube([r+1,r+1,l]); translate([r,r]) cylinder(h=l+1,r=r,center=true, $fn=quantup(segs(r),4)); } diff("mask") cube([50,60,70],center=true) { edge_mask("ALL") round_edge(l=71,r=10); corner_mask("ALL") round_corner(r=10); } ``` ## 2D Profile Mask Attachments While 3D mask shapes give you a great deal of control, you need to make sure they are correctly sized, and you need to provide separate mask shapes for corners and edges. Often, a single 2D profile could be used to describe the edge mask shape (via `linear_extrude()`), and the corner mask shape (via `rotate_extrude()`). This is where `edge_profile()`, `corner_profile()`, and `face_profile()` come in. ### `edge_profile()` Using the `edge_profile()` module, you can provide a 2D profile shape and it will be linearly extruded to a mask of the apropriate length for each given edge. The resultant mask will be tagged with "mask" so that you can difference it away with `diff("mask")`. The 2D profile is assumed to be oriented with the BACK, RIGHT (X+,Y+) quadrant as the "cutter edge" that gets re-oriented towards the edges of the parent shape. A typical mask profile for chamfering an edge may look like: ```openscad-2D include mask2d_roundover(10); ``` Using that mask profile, you can mask the edges of a cube like: ```openscad-3D include diff("mask") cube([50,60,70],center=true) edge_profile("ALL") mask2d_roundover(10); ``` ### `corner_profile()` You can use the same profile to make a rounded corner mask as well: ```openscad-3D include diff("mask") cube([50,60,70],center=true) corner_profile("ALL", r=10) mask2d_roundover(10); ``` ### `face_profile()` As a simple shortcut to apply a profile mask to all edges and corners of a face, you can use the `face_profile()` module: ```openscad-3D include diff("mask") cube([50,60,70],center=true) face_profile(TOP, r=10) mask2d_roundover(10); ``` ## Coloring Attachables Usually, when coloring a shape with the `color()` module, the parent color overrides the colors of all children. This is often not what you want: ```openscad-3D include $fn = 24; color("red") spheroid(d=3) { attach(CENTER,BOT) color("white") cyl(h=10, d=1) { attach(TOP,BOT) color("green") cyl(h=5, d1=3, d2=0); } } ``` If you use the `recolor()` module, however, the child's color overrides the color of the parent. This is probably easier to understand by example: ```openscad-3D include $fn = 24; recolor("red") spheroid(d=3) { attach(CENTER,BOT) recolor("white") cyl(h=10, d=1) { attach(TOP,BOT) recolor("green") cyl(h=5, d1=3, d2=0); } } ``` ## Making Attachables To make a shape attachable, you just need to wrap it with an `attachable()` module with a basic description of the shape's geometry. By default, the shape is expected to be centered at the origin. The `attachable()` module expects exactly two children. The first will be the shape to make attachable, and the second will be `children()`, literally. ### Prismoidal/Cuboidal Attachables To make a cuboidal or prismoidal shape attachable, you use the `size`, `size2`, and `offset` arguments of `attachable()`. In the most basic form, where the shape is fully cuboid, with top and bottom of the same size, and directly over one another, you can just use `size=`. ```openscad-3D include module cubic_barbell(s=100, anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP) { attachable(anchor,spin,orient, size=[s*3,s,s]) { union() { xcopies(2*s) cube(s, center=true); xcyl(h=2*s, d=s/4); } children(); } } cubic_barbell(100) show_anchors(30); ``` When the shape is prismoidal, where the top is a different size from the bottom, you can use the `size2=` argument as well. While `size=` takes all three axes sizes, the `size2=` argument only takes the [X,Y] sizes of the top of the shape. ```openscad-3D include module prismoidal(size=[100,100,100], scale=0.5, anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP) { attachable(anchor,spin,orient, size=size, size2=[size.x, size.y]*scale) { hull() { up(size.z/2-0.005) linear_extrude(height=0.01, center=true) square([size.x,size.y]*scale, center=true); down(size.z/2-0.005) linear_extrude(height=0.01, center=true) square([size.x,size.y], center=true); } children(); } } prismoidal([100,60,30], scale=0.5) show_anchors(20); ``` When the top of the prismoid can be shifted away from directly above the bottom, you can use the `shift=` argument. The `shift=` argument takes an [X,Y] vector of the offset of the center of the top from the XY center of the bottom of the shape. ```openscad-3D include module prismoidal(size=[100,100,100], scale=0.5, shift=[0,0], anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP) { attachable(anchor,spin,orient, size=size, size2=[size.x, size.y]*scale, shift=shift) { hull() { translate([shift.x, shift.y, size.z/2-0.005]) linear_extrude(height=0.01, center=true) square([size.x,size.y]*scale, center=true); down(size.z/2-0.005) linear_extrude(height=0.01, center=true) square([size.x,size.y], center=true); } children(); } } prismoidal([100,60,30], scale=0.5, shift=[-30,20]) show_anchors(20); ``` In the case that the prismoid is not oriented vertically, (ie, where the `shift=` or `size2=` arguments should refer to a plane other than XY) you can use the `axis=` argument. This lets you make prismoids naturally oriented forwards/backwards or sideways. ```openscad-3D include module yprismoidal( size=[100,100,100], scale=0.5, shift=[0,0], anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP ) { attachable( anchor, spin, orient, size=size, size2=point2d(size)*scale, shift=shift, axis=BACK ) { xrot(-90) hull() { translate([shift.x, shift.y, size.z/2-0.005]) linear_extrude(height=0.01, center=true) square([size.x,size.y]*scale, center=true); down(size.z/2-0.005) linear_extrude(height=0.01, center=true) square([size.x,size.y], center=true); } children(); } } yprismoidal([100,60,30], scale=1.5, shift=[20,20]) show_anchors(20); ``` ### Cylindrical Attachables To make a cylindrical shape attachable, you use the `l`, and `r`/`d`, args of `attachable()`. ```openscad-3D include module twistar(l,r,d, anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP) { r = get_radius(r=r,d=d,dflt=1); attachable(anchor,spin,orient, r=r, l=l) { linear_extrude(height=l, twist=90, slices=20, center=true, convexity=4) star(n=20, r=r, ir=r*0.9); children(); } } twistar(l=100, r=40) show_anchors(20); ``` If the cylinder is elipsoidal in shape, you can pass the inequal X/Y sizes as a 2-item vector to the `r=` or `d=` argument. ```openscad-3D include module ovalstar(l,rx,ry, anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP) { attachable(anchor,spin,orient, r=[rx,ry], l=l) { linear_extrude(height=l, center=true, convexity=4) scale([1,ry/rx,1]) star(n=20, r=rx, ir=rx*0.9); children(); } } ovalstar(l=100, rx=50, ry=30) show_anchors(20); ``` For cylindrical shapes that arent oriented vertically, use the `axis=` argument. ```openscad-3D include module ytwistar(l,r,d, anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP) { r = get_radius(r=r,d=d,dflt=1); attachable(anchor,spin,orient, r=r, l=l, axis=BACK) { xrot(-90) linear_extrude(height=l, twist=90, slices=20, center=true, convexity=4) star(n=20, r=r, ir=r*0.9); children(); } } ytwistar(l=100, r=40) show_anchors(20); ``` ### Conical Attachables To make a conical shape attachable, you use the `l`, `r1`/`d1`, and `r2`/`d2`, args of `attachable()`. ```openscad-3D include module twistar(l, r,r1,r2, d,d1,d2, anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP) { r1 = get_radius(r1=r1,r=r,d1=d1,d=d,dflt=1); r2 = get_radius(r1=r2,r=r,d1=d2,d=d,dflt=1); attachable(anchor,spin,orient, r1=r1, r2=r2, l=l) { linear_extrude(height=l, twist=90, scale=r2/r1, slices=20, center=true, convexity=4) star(n=20, r=r1, ir=r1*0.9); children(); } } twistar(l=100, r1=40, r2=20) show_anchors(20); ``` If the cone is ellipsoidal in shape, you can pass the inequal X/Y sizes as a 2-item vectors to the `r1=`/`r2=` or `d1=`/`d2=` arguments. ```openscad-3D include module ovalish(l,rx1,ry1,rx2,ry2, anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP) { attachable(anchor,spin,orient, r1=[rx1,ry1], r2=[rx2,ry2], l=l) { hull() { up(l/2-0.005) linear_extrude(height=0.01, center=true) ellipse([rx2,ry2]); down(l/2-0.005) linear_extrude(height=0.01, center=true) ellipse([rx1,ry1]); } children(); } } ovalish(l=100, rx1=50, ry1=30, rx2=30, ry2=50) show_anchors(20); ``` For conical shapes that are not oriented vertically, use the `axis=` argument to indicate the direction of the primary shape axis: ```openscad-3D include module ytwistar(l, r,r1,r2, d,d1,d2, anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP) { r1 = get_radius(r1=r1,r=r,d1=d1,d=d,dflt=1); r2 = get_radius(r1=r2,r=r,d1=d2,d=d,dflt=1); attachable(anchor,spin,orient, r1=r1, r2=r2, l=l, axis=BACK) { xrot(-90) linear_extrude(height=l, twist=90, scale=r2/r1, slices=20, center=true, convexity=4) star(n=20, r=r1, ir=r1*0.9); children(); } } ytwistar(l=100, r1=40, r2=20) show_anchors(20); ``` ### Spherical Attachables To make a spherical shape attachable, you use the `r`/`d` args of `attachable()`. ```openscad-3D include module spikeball(r, d, anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP) { r = get_radius(r=r,d=d,dflt=1); attachable(anchor,spin,orient, r=r*1.1) { union() { ovoid_spread(r=r, n=512, cone_ang=180) cylinder(r1=r/10, r2=0, h=r/10); sphere(r=r); } children(); } } spikeball(r=50) show_anchors(20); ``` If the shape is more of an ovoid, you can pass a 3-item vector of sizes to `r=` or `d=`. ```openscad-3D include module spikeball(r, d, scale, anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP) { r = get_radius(r=r,d=d,dflt=1); attachable(anchor,spin,orient, r=r*1.1*scale) { union() { ovoid_spread(r=r, n=512, scale=scale, cone_ang=180) cylinder(r1=r/10, r2=0, h=r/10); scale(scale) sphere(r=r); } children(); } } spikeball(r=50, scale=[0.75,1,1.5]) show_anchors(20); ``` ### VNF Attachables If the shape just doesn't fit into any of the above categories, and you constructed it as a [VNF](vnf.scad), you can use the VNF itself to describe the geometry with the `vnf=` argument. There are two variations to how anchoring can work for VNFs. When `extent=true`, (the default) then a plane is projected out from the origin, perpendicularly in the direction of the anchor, to the furthest distance that intersects with the VNF shape. The anchorpoint is then the center of the points that still intersect that plane. ```openscad-FlatSpin,VPD=500 include module stellate_cube(s=100, anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP) { s2 = 3 * s; verts = [ [0,0,-s2*sqrt(2)/2], each down(s/2, p=path3d(square(s,center=true))), each zrot(45, p=path3d(square(s2,center=true))), each up(s/2, p=path3d(square(s,center=true))), [0,0,s2*sqrt(2)/2] ]; faces = [ [0,2,1], [0,3,2], [0,4,3], [0,1,4], [1,2,6], [1,6,9], [6,10,9], [2,10,6], [1,5,4], [1,9,5], [9,12,5], [5,12,4], [4,8,3], [4,12,8], [12,11,8], [11,3,8], [2,3,7], [3,11,7], [7,11,10], [2,7,10], [9,10,13], [10,11,13], [11,12,13], [12,9,13] ]; vnf = [verts, faces]; attachable(anchor,spin,orient, vnf=vnf) { vnf_polyhedron(vnf); children(); } } stellate_cube(25) { attach(UP+RIGHT) { anchor_arrow(20); %cube([100,100,0.1],center=true); } } ``` When `extent=false`, then the anchorpoint will be the furthest intersection of the VNF with the anchor ray from the origin. The orientation of the anchorpoint will be the normal of the face at the intersection. If the intersection is at an edge or corner, then the orientation will bisect the angles between the faces. ```openscad-VPD=1250 include module stellate_cube(s=100, anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP) { s2 = 3 * s; verts = [ [0,0,-s2*sqrt(2)/2], each down(s/2, p=path3d(square(s,center=true))), each zrot(45, p=path3d(square(s2,center=true))), each up(s/2, p=path3d(square(s,center=true))), [0,0,s2*sqrt(2)/2] ]; faces = [ [0,2,1], [0,3,2], [0,4,3], [0,1,4], [1,2,6], [1,6,9], [6,10,9], [2,10,6], [1,5,4], [1,9,5], [9,12,5], [5,12,4], [4,8,3], [4,12,8], [12,11,8], [11,3,8], [2,3,7], [3,11,7], [7,11,10], [2,7,10], [9,10,13], [10,11,13], [11,12,13], [12,9,13] ]; vnf = [verts, faces]; attachable(anchor,spin,orient, vnf=vnf, extent=false) { vnf_polyhedron(vnf); children(); } } stellate_cube() show_anchors(50); ``` ```openscad-3D include $fn=32; R = difference(circle(10), right(2, circle(9))); linear_sweep(R,height=10,atype="hull") attach(RIGHT) anchor_arrow(); ``` ## Making Named Anchors While vector anchors are often useful, sometimes there are logically extra attachment points that aren't on the perimeter of the shape. This is what named string anchors are for. For example, the `teardrop()` shape uses a cylindrical geometry for it's vector anchors, but it also provides a named anchor "cap" that is at the tip of the hat of the teardrop shape. Named anchors are passed as an array of `named_anchor()`s to the `anchors=` argument of `attachable()`. The `named_anchor()` call takes a name string, a positional point, an orientation vector, and a spin. The name is the name of the anchor. The positional point is where the anchorpoint is at. The orientation vector is the direction that a child attached at that anchorpoint should be oriented. The spin is the number of degrees that an attached child should be rotated counter-clockwise around the orientation vector. Spin is optional, and defaults to 0. To make a simple attachable shape similar to a `teardrop()` that provides a "cap" anchor, you may define it like this: ```openscad-3D include module raindrop(r, thick, anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP) { anchors = [ named_anchor("cap", [0,r/sin(45),0], BACK, 0) ]; attachable(anchor,spin,orient, r=r, l=thick, anchors=anchors) { linear_extrude(height=thick, center=true) { circle(r=r); back(r*sin(45)) zrot(45) square(r, center=true); } children(); } } raindrop(r=25, thick=20, anchor="cap"); ``` If you want multiple named anchors, just add them to the list of anchors: ```openscad-FlatSpin,VPD=150 include module raindrop(r, thick, anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP) { anchors = [ named_anchor("captop", [0,r/sin(45), thick/2], BACK+UP, 0), named_anchor("cap", [0,r/sin(45), 0 ], BACK, 0), named_anchor("capbot", [0,r/sin(45),-thick/2], BACK+DOWN, 0) ]; attachable(anchor,spin,orient, r=r, l=thick, anchors=anchors) { linear_extrude(height=thick, center=true) { circle(r=r); back(r*sin(45)) zrot(45) square(r, center=true); } children(); } } raindrop(r=15, thick=10) show_anchors(); ``` Sometimes the named anchor you want to add may be at a point that is reached through a complicated set of translations and rotations. One quick way to calculate that point is to reproduce those transformations in a transformation matrix chain. This is simplified by how you can use the function forms of almost all the transformation modules to get the transformation matrices, and chain them together with matrix multiplication. For example, if you have: ``` scale([1.1, 1.2, 1.3]) xrot(15) zrot(25) right(20) sphere(d=1); ``` and you want to calculate the centerpoint of the sphere, you can do it like: ``` sphere_pt = apply( scale([1.1, 1.2, 1.3]) * xrot(15) * zrot(25) * right(20), [0,0,0] ); ```