include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/beziers.scad>

function CR_corner(size, spin=0, orient=UP, trans=[0,0,0]) =
	let (
		// This patch might not yet correct for continuous rounding,
		// but it's a first approximation proof of concept.
		a = 0.68,
		b = 0.60,
		c = 0.24,
		patch = [
			[[0,1,1], [0,a,1], [0,c,1], [c,0,1], [a,0,1], [1,0,1]],
			[[0,1,a], [0,b,b], [0,0,b], [b,0,b], [1,0,a]],
			[[0,1,c], [0,b,0], [b,0,0], [1,0,c]],
			[[c,1,0], [b,b,0], [1,c,0]],
			[[a,1,0], [1,a,0]],
		p=rot(a=spin, from=UP, to=orient,
			p=scale(size, patch)

function CR_edge(size, spin=0, orient=UP, trans=[0,0,0]) =
	let (
		// This patch might not be correct for continuous rounding,
		// but it's a first approximation proof of concept.
		vvals = [1.00, 0.68, 0.24],
		xyvals = [
			for (x=vvals) [x,0],
			for (y=reverse(vvals)) [0,y]
		zvals = [-0.5:0.2:0.5],
		patch = [for (xy=xyvals) [for (z=zvals) [each xy, z]]]
		p=rot(a=spin, from=UP, to=orient,
			p=scale(size, p=patch)

module CR_cube(size=[100,100,100], r=10, splinesteps=8, debug=false)
	s = size-2*[r,r,r];
	h = size/2;
	corner_pat = CR_corner([r,r,r], trans=[-size.x/2, -size.y/2, -size.z/2]);
	edge_pat = CR_edge([r, r, s.z], trans=[-h.x, -h.y, 0]);
	face_pat = bezier_patch_flat([s.x, s.z], N=1, orient=FRONT, trans=[0, -h.y, 0]);
	corners = bezier_surface([
		for (yr=[0,180], zr=[0:90:270]) let(
			m = yrot(yr) * zrot(zr)
		) [for (row=corner_pat) apply(m, row)]
	], splinesteps=splinesteps);
	edges = bezier_surface([
		for (axr=[[0,0,0],[90,0,0],[0,90,0]],zr=[0:90:270]) let(
			m = rot(axr) * zrot(zr)
		) [for (row=edge_pat) apply(m, row)]
	], splinesteps=[splinesteps,1]);
	faces = bezier_surface([
		for (axr=[0,90,180,270,[-90,0,0],[90,0,0]]) let(
			m = rot(axr)
		) [for (row=face_pat) apply(m, row)]
	], splinesteps=1);

	if (debug) {
		vnf_validate([edges, faces, corners], convexity=4);
	} else {
		vnf_polyhedron([edges, faces, corners], convexity=4);

CR_cube(size=[100,100,100], r=20, splinesteps=16, debug=false);

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