// LibFile: torx_drive.scad
//   Torx driver bits
//   To use, add these lines to the top of your file:
//   ```
//   include <BOSL2/std.scad>
//   include <BOSL2/torx_drive.scad>
//   ```

// Section: Functions

// Function: torx_outer_diam()
// Description: Get the typical outer diameter of Torx profile.
// Arguments:
//   size = Torx size.
function torx_outer_diam(size) = lookup(size, [
	[  6,  1.75],
	[  8,  2.40],
	[ 10,  2.80],
	[ 15,  3.35],
	[ 20,  3.95],
	[ 25,  4.50],
	[ 30,  5.60],
	[ 40,  6.75],
	[ 45,  7.93],
	[ 50,  8.95],
	[ 55, 11.35],
	[ 60, 13.45],
	[ 70, 15.70],
	[ 80, 17.75],
	[ 90, 20.20],
	[100, 22.40]

// Function: torx_inner_diam()
// Description: Get typical inner diameter of Torx profile.
// Arguments:
//   size = Torx size.
function torx_inner_diam(size) = lookup(size, [
	[  6,  1.27],
	[  8,  1.75],
	[ 10,  2.05],
	[ 15,  2.40],
	[ 20,  2.85],
	[ 25,  3.25],
	[ 30,  4.05],
	[ 40,  4.85],
	[ 45,  5.64],
	[ 50,  6.45],
	[ 55,  8.05],
	[ 60,  9.60],
	[ 70, 11.20],
	[ 80, 12.80],
	[ 90, 14.40],
	[100, 16.00]

// Function: torx_depth()
// Description: Gets typical drive hole depth.
// Arguments:
//   size = Torx size.
function torx_depth(size) = lookup(size, [
	[  6,  1.82],
	[  8,  3.05],
	[ 10,  3.56],
	[ 15,  3.81],
	[ 20,  4.07],
	[ 25,  4.45],
	[ 30,  4.95],
	[ 40,  5.59],
	[ 45,  6.22],
	[ 50,  6.48],
	[ 55,  6.73],
	[ 60,  8.17],
	[ 70,  8.96],
	[ 80,  9.90],
	[ 90, 10.56],
	[100, 11.35]

// Function: torx_tip_radius()
// Description: Gets minor rounding radius of Torx profile.
// Arguments:
//   size = Torx size.
function torx_tip_radius(size) = lookup(size, [
	[  6, 0.132],
	[  8, 0.190],
	[ 10, 0.229],
	[ 15, 0.267],
	[ 20, 0.305],
	[ 25, 0.375],
	[ 30, 0.451],
	[ 40, 0.546],
	[ 45, 0.574],
	[ 50, 0.775],
	[ 55, 0.867],
	[ 60, 1.067],
	[ 70, 1.194],
	[ 80, 1.526],
	[ 90, 1.530],
	[100, 1.720]

// Function: torx_rounding_radius()
// Description: Gets major rounding radius of Torx profile.
// Arguments:
//   size = Torx size.
function torx_rounding_radius(size) = lookup(size, [
	[  6, 0.383],
	[  8, 0.510],
	[ 10, 0.598],
	[ 15, 0.716],
	[ 20, 0.859],
	[ 25, 0.920],
	[ 30, 1.194],
	[ 40, 1.428],
	[ 45, 1.796],
	[ 50, 1.816],
	[ 55, 2.667],
	[ 60, 2.883],
	[ 70, 3.477],
	[ 80, 3.627],
	[ 90, 4.468],
	[100, 4.925]

// Section: Modules

// Module: torx_drive2d()
// Description: Creates a torx bit 2D profile.
// Arguments:
//   size = Torx size.
// Example(2D):
//   torx_drive2d(size=30, $fa=1, $fs=1);
module torx_drive2d(size) {
	od = torx_outer_diam(size);
	id = torx_inner_diam(size);
	tip = torx_tip_radius(size);
	rounding = torx_rounding_radius(size);
	base = od - 2*tip;
	$fn = quantup(segs(od/2),12);
	difference() {
		union() {
			zrot_copies(n=2) {
				hull() {
					zrot_copies(n=3) {
						translate([base/2,0,0]) {
							circle(r=tip, $fn=$fn/2);
		zrot_copies(n=6) {
			zrot(180/6) {
				translate([id/2+rounding,0,0]) {

// Module: torx_drive()
// Description: Creates a torx bit tip.
// Arguments:
//   size = Torx size.
//   l = Length of bit.
//   center = If true, centers bit vertically.
//   anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0).  See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor).  Default: `CENTER`
//   spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor.  See [spin](attachments.scad#spin).  Default: `0`
//   orient = Vector to rotate top towards, after spin.  See [orient](attachments.scad#orient).  Default: `UP`
// Examples:
//   torx_drive(size=30, l=10, $fa=1, $fs=1);
module torx_drive(size, l=5, center=undef, anchor=BOTTOM, spin=0, orient=UP) {
	od = torx_outer_diam(size);
	orient_and_anchor([od, od, l], orient, anchor, spin=spin, center=center, chain=true) {
		linear_extrude(height=l, convexity=4, center=true) {

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