////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LibFile: bottlecaps.scad // Bottle caps and necks for PCO18XX standard plastic beverage bottles. // Includes: // include <BOSL2/std.scad> // include <BOSL2/bottlecaps.scad> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// include <threading.scad> include <knurling.scad> // Section: PCO-1810 Bottle Threading // Module: pco1810_neck() // Usage: // pco1810_neck() // Description: // Creates an approximation of a standard PCO-1810 threaded beverage bottle neck. // Arguments: // wall = Wall thickness in mm. // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#spin). Default: `0` // orient = Vector to rotate top towards, after spin. See [orient](attachments.scad#orient). Default: `UP` // Extra Anchors: // "tamper-ring" = Centered at the top of the anti-tamper ring channel. // "support-ring" = Centered at the bottom of the support ring. // Example: // pco1810_neck(); module pco1810_neck(wall=2, anchor="support-ring", spin=0, orient=UP) { inner_d = 21.74; neck_d = 26.19; neck_h = 5.00; support_d = 33.00; support_width = 1.45; support_rad = 0.40; support_h = 21.00; support_ang = 16; tamper_ring_d = 27.97; tamper_ring_width = 0.50; tamper_ring_r = 1.60; tamper_base_d = 25.71; tamper_base_h = 14.10; threadbase_d = 24.51; thread_pitch = 3.18; thread_angle = 20; thread_od = 27.43; lip_d = 25.07; lip_h = 1.70; lip_leadin_r = 0.20; lip_recess_d = 24.94; lip_recess_h = 1.00; lip_roundover_r = 0.58; $fn = segs(support_d/2); h = support_h+neck_h; thread_h = (thread_od-threadbase_d)/2; anchors = [ anchorpt("support-ring", [0,0,neck_h-h/2]), anchorpt("tamper-ring", [0,0,h/2-tamper_base_h]) ]; attachable(anchor,spin,orient, d=support_d, l=h, anchors=anchors) { down(h/2) { rotate_extrude(convexity=10) { polygon(turtle( state=[inner_d/2,0], [ "untilx", neck_d/2, "left", 90, "move", neck_h - 1, "arcright", 1, 90, "untilx", support_d/2-support_rad, "arcleft", support_rad, 90, "move", support_width, "arcleft", support_rad, 90-support_ang, "untilx", tamper_base_d/2, "right", 90-support_ang, "untily", h-tamper_base_h, // Tamper ring holder base. "right", 90, "untilx", tamper_ring_d/2, "left", 90, "move", tamper_ring_width, "arcleft", tamper_ring_r, 90, "untilx", threadbase_d/2, "right", 90, "untily", h-lip_h-lip_leadin_r, // Lip base. "arcright", lip_leadin_r, 90, "untilx", lip_d/2, "left", 90, "untily", h-lip_recess_h, "left", 90, "untilx", lip_recess_d/2, "right", 90, "untily", h-lip_roundover_r, "arcleft", lip_roundover_r, 90, "untilx", inner_d/2 ] )); } up(h-lip_h) { bottom_half() { difference() { thread_helix( base_d=threadbase_d-0.1, pitch=thread_pitch, thread_depth=thread_h+0.1, thread_angle=thread_angle, twist=810, higbee=75, anchor=TOP ); zrot_copies(rots=[90,270]) { zrot_copies(rots=[-28,28], r=threadbase_d/2) { prismoid([20,1.82], [20,1.82+2*sin(29)*thread_h], h=thread_h+0.1, anchor=BOT, orient=RIGHT); } } } } } } children(); } } // Module: pco1810_cap() // Usage: // pco1810_cap(wall, [texture]); // Description: // Creates a basic cap for a PCO1810 threaded beverage bottle. // Arguments: // wall = Wall thickness in mm. // texture = The surface texture of the cap. Valid values are "none", "knurled", or "ribbed". Default: "none" // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#spin). Default: `0` // orient = Vector to rotate top towards, after spin. See [orient](attachments.scad#orient). Default: `UP` // Extra Anchors: // "inside-top" = Centered on the inside top of the cap. // Examples: // pco1810_cap(); // pco1810_cap(texture="knurled"); // pco1810_cap(texture="ribbed"); module pco1810_cap(wall=2, texture="none", anchor=BOTTOM, spin=0, orient=UP) { cap_id = 28.58; tamper_ring_h = 14.10; thread_pitch = 3.18; thread_angle = 20; thread_od = cap_id; thread_depth = 1.6; $fn = segs(33/2); w = cap_id + 2*wall; h = tamper_ring_h + wall; anchors = [ anchorpt("inside-top", [0,0,-(h/2-wall)]) ]; attachable(anchor,spin,orient, d=w, l=h, anchors=anchors) { down(h/2) zrot(45) { difference() { union() { if (texture == "knurled") { knurled_cylinder(d=w, helix=45, l=tamper_ring_h+wall, anchor=BOTTOM); cyl(d=w-1.5, l=tamper_ring_h+wall, anchor=BOTTOM); } else if (texture == "ribbed") { zrot_copies(n=30, r=(w-1)/2) { cube([1, 1, tamper_ring_h+wall], anchor=BOTTOM); } cyl(d=w-1, l=tamper_ring_h+wall, anchor=BOTTOM); } else { cyl(d=w, l=tamper_ring_h+wall, anchor=BOTTOM); } } up(wall) cyl(d=cap_id, h=tamper_ring_h+wall, anchor=BOTTOM); } up(wall+2) thread_helix(base_d=thread_od-thread_depth*2, pitch=thread_pitch, thread_depth=thread_depth, thread_angle=thread_angle, twist=810, higbee=45, internal=true, anchor=BOTTOM); } children(); } } // Section: PCO-1881 Bottle Threading // Module: pco1881_neck() // Usage: // pco1881_neck() // Description: // Creates an approximation of a standard PCO-1881 threaded beverage bottle neck. // Arguments: // wall = Wall thickness in mm. // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#spin). Default: `0` // orient = Vector to rotate top towards, after spin. See [orient](attachments.scad#orient). Default: `UP` // Extra Anchors: // "tamper-ring" = Centered at the top of the anti-tamper ring channel. // "support-ring" = Centered at the bottom of the support ring. // Example: // pco1881_neck(); module pco1881_neck(wall=2, anchor="support-ring", spin=0, orient=UP) { inner_d = 21.74; neck_d = 26.19; neck_h = 5.00; support_d = 33.00; support_width = 0.58; support_rad = 0.30; support_h = 17.00; support_ang = 15; tamper_ring_d = 28.00; tamper_ring_width = 0.30; tamper_ring_ang = 45; tamper_base_d = 25.71; tamper_base_h = 11.20; tamper_divot_r = 1.08; threadbase_d = 24.20; thread_pitch = 2.70; thread_angle = 15; thread_od = 27.4; lip_d = 25.07; lip_h = 1.70; lip_leadin_r = 0.30; lip_recess_d = 24.94; lip_recess_h = 1.00; lip_roundover_r = 0.58; $fn = segs(support_d/2); h = support_h+neck_h; thread_h = (thread_od-threadbase_d)/2; anchors = [ anchorpt("support-ring", [0,0,neck_h-h/2]), anchorpt("tamper-ring", [0,0,h/2-tamper_base_h]) ]; attachable(anchor,spin,orient, d=support_d, l=h, anchors=anchors) { down(h/2) { rotate_extrude(convexity=10) { polygon(turtle( state=[inner_d/2,0], [ "untilx", neck_d/2, "left", 90, "move", neck_h - 1, "arcright", 1, 90, "untilx", support_d/2-support_rad, "arcleft", support_rad, 90, "move", support_width, "arcleft", support_rad, 90-support_ang, "untilx", tamper_base_d/2, "arcright", tamper_divot_r, 180-support_ang*2, "left", 90-support_ang, "untily", h-tamper_base_h, // Tamper ring holder base. "right", 90, "untilx", tamper_ring_d/2, "left", 90, "move", tamper_ring_width, "left", tamper_ring_ang, "untilx", threadbase_d/2, "right", tamper_ring_ang, "untily", h-lip_h-lip_leadin_r, // Lip base. "arcright", lip_leadin_r, 90, "untilx", lip_d/2, "left", 90, "untily", h-lip_recess_h, "left", 90, "untilx", lip_recess_d/2, "right", 90, "untily", h-lip_roundover_r, "arcleft", lip_roundover_r, 90, "untilx", inner_d/2 ] )); } up(h-lip_h) { difference() { thread_helix( base_d=threadbase_d-0.1, pitch=thread_pitch, thread_depth=thread_h+0.1, thread_angle=thread_angle, twist=650, higbee=75, anchor=TOP ); zrot_copies(rots=[90,270]) { zrot_copies(rots=[-28,28], r=threadbase_d/2) { prismoid([20,1.82], [20,1.82+2*sin(29)*thread_h], h=thread_h+0.1, anchor=BOT, orient=RIGHT); } } } } } children(); } } // Module: pco1881_cap() // Usage: // pco1881_cap(wall, [texture]); // Description: // Creates a basic cap for a PCO1881 threaded beverage bottle. // Arguments: // wall = Wall thickness in mm. // texture = The surface texture of the cap. Valid values are "none", "knurled", or "ribbed". Default: "none" // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#spin). Default: `0` // orient = Vector to rotate top towards, after spin. See [orient](attachments.scad#orient). Default: `UP` // Extra Anchors: // "inside-top" = Centered on the inside top of the cap. // Examples: // pco1881_cap(); // pco1881_cap(texture="knurled"); // pco1881_cap(texture="ribbed"); module pco1881_cap(wall=2, texture="none", anchor=BOTTOM, spin=0, orient=UP) { $fn = segs(33/2); w = 28.58 + 2*wall; h = 11.2 + wall; anchors = [ anchorpt("inside-top", [0,0,-(h/2-wall)]) ]; attachable(anchor,spin,orient, d=w, l=h, anchors=anchors) { down(h/2) zrot(45) { difference() { union() { if (texture == "knurled") { knurled_cylinder(d=w, helix=45, l=11.2+wall, anchor=BOTTOM); cyl(d=w-1.5, l=11.2+wall, anchor=BOTTOM); } else if (texture == "ribbed") { zrot_copies(n=30, r=(w-1)/2) { cube([1, 1, 11.2+wall], anchor=BOTTOM); } cyl(d=w-1, l=11.2+wall, anchor=BOTTOM); } else { cyl(d=w, l=11.2+wall, anchor=BOTTOM); } } up(wall) cyl(d=28.58, h=11.2+wall, anchor=BOTTOM); } up(wall+2) thread_helix(base_d=25.5, pitch=2.7, thread_depth=1.6, thread_angle=15, twist=650, higbee=45, internal=true, anchor=BOTTOM); } children(); } } // vim: expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 nowrap