////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LibFile: shapes.scad // Common useful shapes and structured objects. // To use, add the following lines to the beginning of your file: // ``` // include <BOSL2/std.scad> // ``` ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Section: Cuboids // Module: cuboid() // // Description: // Creates a cube or cuboid object, with optional chamfering or rounding. // Negative chamfers and roundings can be applied to create external masks, // but only apply to edges around the top or bottom faces. // // Arguments: // size = The size of the cube. // chamfer = Size of chamfer, inset from sides. Default: No chamferring. // rounding = Radius of the edge rounding. Default: No rounding. // edges = Edges to chamfer/round. It's recommended to use [`edges()`](edges.scad#edges) from [`edges.scad`](edges.scad). Default: All edges. // trimcorners = If true, rounds or chamfers corners where three chamferred/rounded edges meet. Default: `true` // p1 = Align the cuboid's corner at `p1`, if given. Forces `anchor=ALLNEG`. // p2 = If given with `p1`, defines the cornerpoints of the cuboid. // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis. See [spin](attachments.scad#spin). Default: `0` // orient = Vector to rotate top towards. See [orient](attachments.scad#orient). Default: `UP` // // Example: Simple regular cube. // cuboid(40); // Example: Cube with minimum cornerpoint given. // cuboid(20, p1=[10,0,0]); // Example: Rectangular cube, with given X, Y, and Z sizes. // cuboid([20,40,50]); // Example: Cube by Opposing Corners. // cuboid(p1=[0,10,0], p2=[20,30,30]); // Example: Chamferred Edges and Corners. // cuboid([30,40,50], chamfer=5); // Example: Chamferred Edges, Untrimmed Corners. // cuboid([30,40,50], chamfer=5, trimcorners=false); // Example: Rounded Edges and Corners // cuboid([30,40,50], rounding=10); // Example: Rounded Edges, Untrimmed Corners // cuboid([30,40,50], rounding=10, trimcorners=false); // Example: Chamferring Selected Edges // cuboid([30,40,50], chamfer=5, edges=edges([TOP+FRONT,TOP+RIGHT,FRONT+RIGHT]), $fn=24); // Example: Rounding Selected Edges // cuboid([30,40,50], rounding=5, edges=edges([TOP+FRONT,TOP+RIGHT,FRONT+RIGHT]), $fn=24); // Example: Negative Chamferring // cuboid([30,40,50], chamfer=-5, edges=edges([TOP,BOT], RIGHT), $fn=24); // Example: Negative Chamferring, Untrimmed Corners // cuboid([30,40,50], chamfer=-5, edges=edges([TOP,BOT], RIGHT), trimcorners=false, $fn=24); // Example: Negative Rounding // cuboid([30,40,50], rounding=-5, edges=edges([TOP,BOT], RIGHT), $fn=24); // Example: Negative Rounding, Untrimmed Corners // cuboid([30,40,50], rounding=-5, edges=edges([TOP,BOT], RIGHT), trimcorners=false, $fn=24); // Example: Standard Connectors // cuboid(40) show_anchors(); module cuboid( size=[1,1,1], p1=undef, p2=undef, chamfer=undef, rounding=undef, edges=EDGES_ALL, trimcorners=true, anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP ) { size = scalar_vec3(size); if (!is_undef(p1)) { if (!is_undef(p2)) { translate(pointlist_bounds([p1,p2])[0]) { cuboid(size=vabs(p2-p1), chamfer=chamfer, rounding=rounding, edges=edges, trimcorners=trimcorners, anchor=ALLNEG) children(); } } else { translate(p1) { cuboid(size=size, chamfer=chamfer, rounding=rounding, edges=edges, trimcorners=trimcorners, anchor=ALLNEG) children(); } } } else { if (chamfer != undef) assert(chamfer <= min(size)/2, "chamfer must be smaller than half the cube width, length, or height."); if (rounding != undef) assert(rounding <= min(size)/2, "rounding radius must be smaller than half the cube width, length, or height."); majrots = [[0,90,0], [90,0,0], [0,0,0]]; orient_and_anchor(size, orient, anchor, spin=spin, chain=true) { if (chamfer != undef) { if (edges == EDGES_ALL && trimcorners) { if (chamfer<0) { cube(size, center=true) { attach(TOP) prismoid([size.x,size.y], [size.x-2*chamfer,size.y-2*chamfer], h=-chamfer, anchor=TOP); attach(BOT) prismoid([size.x,size.y], [size.x-2*chamfer,size.y-2*chamfer], h=-chamfer, anchor=TOP); } } else { isize = [for (v = size) max(0.001, v-2*chamfer)]; hull() { cube([size.x, isize.y, isize.z], center=true); cube([isize.x, size.y, isize.z], center=true); cube([isize.x, isize.y, size.z], center=true); } } } else if (chamfer<0) { ach = abs(chamfer); cube(size, center=true); // External-Chamfer mask edges difference() { union() { for (i = [0:3], axis=[0:1]) { if (edges[axis][i]>0) { vec = EDGE_OFFSETS[axis][i]; translate(vmul(vec/2, size+[ach,ach,-ach])) { rotate(majrots[axis]) { cube([ach, ach, size[axis]], center=true); } } } } // Add multi-edge corners. if (trimcorners) { for (za=[-1,1], ya=[-1,1], xa=[-1,1]) { if (corner_edge_count(edges, [xa,ya,za]) > 1) { translate(vmul([xa,ya,za]/2, size+[ach-0.01,ach-0.01,-ach])) { cube([ach+0.01,ach+0.01,ach], center=true); } } } } } // Remove bevels from overhangs. for (i = [0:3], axis=[0:1]) { if (edges[axis][i]>0) { vec = EDGE_OFFSETS[axis][i]; translate(vmul(vec/2, size+[2*ach,2*ach,-2*ach])) { rotate(majrots[axis]) { zrot(45) cube([ach*sqrt(2), ach*sqrt(2), size[axis]+2.1*ach], center=true); } } } } } } else { difference() { cube(size, center=true); // Chamfer edges for (i = [0:3], axis=[0:2]) { if (edges[axis][i]>0) { translate(vmul(EDGE_OFFSETS[axis][i], size/2)) { rotate(majrots[axis]) { zrot(45) cube([chamfer*sqrt(2), chamfer*sqrt(2), size[axis]+0.01], center=true); } } } } // Chamfer triple-edge corners. if (trimcorners) { for (za=[-1,1], ya=[-1,1], xa=[-1,1]) { if (corner_edge_count(edges, [xa,ya,za]) > 2) { translate(vmul([xa,ya,za]/2, size-[1,1,1]*chamfer*4/3)) { rot(from=UP, to=[xa,ya,za]) { cube(chamfer*3, anchor=BOTTOM); } } } } } } } } else if (rounding != undef) { sides = quantup(segs(rounding),4); sc = 1/cos(180/sides); if (edges == EDGES_ALL) { if(rounding<0) { cube(size, center=true); zflip_copy() { up(size.z/2) { difference() { down(-rounding/2) cube([size.x-2*rounding, size.y-2*rounding, -rounding], center=true); down(-rounding) { yspread(size.y-2*rounding) xcyl(l=size.x-3*rounding, r=-rounding); xspread(size.x-2*rounding) ycyl(l=size.y-3*rounding, r=-rounding); } } } } } else { isize = [for (v = size) max(0.001, v-2*rounding)]; minkowski() { cube(isize, center=true); if (trimcorners) { sphere(r=rounding*sc, $fn=sides); } else { intersection() { zrot(180/sides) cylinder(r=rounding*sc, h=rounding*2, center=true, $fn=sides); rotate([90,0,0]) zrot(180/sides) cylinder(r=rounding*sc, h=rounding*2, center=true, $fn=sides); rotate([0,90,0]) zrot(180/sides) cylinder(r=rounding*sc, h=rounding*2, center=true, $fn=sides); } } } } } else if (rounding<0) { ard = abs(rounding); cube(size, center=true); // External-Chamfer mask edges difference() { union() { for (i = [0:3], axis=[0:1]) { if (edges[axis][i]>0) { vec = EDGE_OFFSETS[axis][i]; translate(vmul(vec/2, size+[ard,ard,-ard])) { rotate(majrots[axis]) { cube([ard, ard, size[axis]], center=true); } } } } // Add multi-edge corners. if (trimcorners) { for (za=[-1,1], ya=[-1,1], xa=[-1,1]) { if (corner_edge_count(edges, [xa,ya,za]) > 1) { translate(vmul([xa,ya,za]/2, size+[ard-0.01,ard-0.01,-ard])) { cube([ard+0.01,ard+0.01,ard], center=true); } } } } } // Remove roundings from overhangs. for (i = [0:3], axis=[0:1]) { if (edges[axis][i]>0) { vec = EDGE_OFFSETS[axis][i]; translate(vmul(vec/2, size+[2*ard,2*ard,-2*ard])) { rotate(majrots[axis]) { cyl(l=size[axis]+2.1*ard, r=ard); } } } } } } else { difference() { cube(size, center=true); // Round edges. for (i = [0:3], axis=[0:2]) { if (edges[axis][i]>0) { difference() { translate(vmul(EDGE_OFFSETS[axis][i], size/2)) { rotate(majrots[axis]) cube([rounding*2, rounding*2, size[axis]+0.1], center=true); } translate(vmul(EDGE_OFFSETS[axis][i], size/2 - [1,1,1]*rounding)) { rotate(majrots[axis]) zrot(180/sides) cylinder(h=size[axis]+0.2, r=rounding*sc, center=true, $fn=sides); } } } } // Round triple-edge corners. if (trimcorners) { for (za=[-1,1], ya=[-1,1], xa=[-1,1]) { if (corner_edge_count(edges, [xa,ya,za]) > 2) { difference() { translate(vmul([xa,ya,za], size/2)) { cube(rounding*2, center=true); } translate(vmul([xa,ya,za], size/2-[1,1,1]*rounding)) { zrot(180/sides) sphere(r=rounding*sc*sc, $fn=sides); } } } } } } } } else { cube(size=size, center=true); } children(); } } } // Section: Prismoids // Module: prismoid() // // Description: // Creates a rectangular prismoid shape. // // Usage: // prismoid(size1, size2, h, [shift]); // // Arguments: // size1 = [width, length] of the axis-negative end of the prism. // size2 = [width, length] of the axis-positive end of the prism. // h = Height of the prism. // shift = [x, y] amount to shift the center of the top with respect to the center of the bottom. // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#spin). Default: `0` // orient = Vector to rotate top towards, after spin. See [orient](attachments.scad#orient). Default: `UP` // // Example: Rectangular Pyramid // prismoid(size1=[40,40], size2=[0,0], h=20); // Example: Prism // prismoid(size1=[40,40], size2=[0,40], h=20); // Example: Truncated Pyramid // prismoid(size1=[35,50], size2=[20,30], h=20); // Example: Wedge // prismoid(size1=[60,35], size2=[30,0], h=30); // Example: Truncated Tetrahedron // prismoid(size1=[10,40], size2=[40,10], h=40); // Example: Inverted Truncated Pyramid // prismoid(size1=[15,5], size2=[30,20], h=20); // Example: Right Prism // prismoid(size1=[30,60], size2=[0,60], shift=[-15,0], h=30); // Example(FlatSpin): Shifting/Skewing // prismoid(size1=[50,30], size2=[20,20], h=20, shift=[15,5]); // Example(Spin): Standard Connectors // prismoid(size1=[50,30], size2=[20,20], h=20, shift=[15,5]) show_anchors(); module prismoid( size1=[1,1], size2=[1,1], h=1, shift=[0,0], anchor=DOWN, spin=0, orient=UP ) { eps = 0.001; shiftby = point3d(point2d(shift)); s1 = [max(size1.x, eps), max(size1.y, eps)]; s2 = [max(size2.x, eps), max(size2.y, eps)]; orient_and_anchor([s1.x,s1.y,h], orient, anchor, spin=spin, size2=s2, shift=shift, chain=true) { polyhedron( points=[ [+s2.x/2, +s2.y/2, +h/2] + shiftby, [+s2.x/2, -s2.y/2, +h/2] + shiftby, [-s2.x/2, -s2.y/2, +h/2] + shiftby, [-s2.x/2, +s2.y/2, +h/2] + shiftby, [+s1.x/2, +s1.y/2, -h/2], [+s1.x/2, -s1.y/2, -h/2], [-s1.x/2, -s1.y/2, -h/2], [-s1.x/2, +s1.y/2, -h/2], ], faces=[ [0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3], [0, 4, 5], [0, 5, 1], [1, 5, 6], [1, 6, 2], [2, 6, 7], [2, 7, 3], [3, 7, 4], [3, 4, 0], [4, 7, 6], [4, 6, 5], ], convexity=2 ); children(); } } // Module: rounded_prismoid() // // Description: // Creates a rectangular prismoid shape with rounded vertical edges. // // Arguments: // size1 = [width, length] of the bottom of the prism. // size2 = [width, length] of the top of the prism. // h = Height of the prism. // r = radius of vertical edge rounding. // r1 = radius of vertical edge rounding at bottom. // r2 = radius of vertical edge rounding at top. // shift = [x, y] amount to shift the center of the top with respect to the center of the bottom. // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#spin). Default: `0` // orient = Vector to rotate top towards, after spin. See [orient](attachments.scad#orient). Default: `UP` // // Example: Rounded Pyramid // rounded_prismoid(size1=[40,40], size2=[0,0], h=25, r=5); // Example: Disparate Top and Bottom Radii // rounded_prismoid(size1=[40,60], size2=[40,60], h=20, r1=3, r2=10, $fn=24); // Example(FlatSpin): Shifting/Skewing // rounded_prismoid(size1=[50,30], size2=[20,20], h=20, shift=[15,5], r=5); // Example(Spin): Standard Connectors // rounded_prismoid(size1=[40,60], size2=[40,60], h=20, r1=3, r2=10, $fn=24) show_anchors(); module rounded_prismoid( size1, size2, h, shift=[0,0], r=undef, r1=undef, r2=undef, anchor=BOTTOM, spin=0, orient=UP ) { eps = 0.001; maxrad1 = min(size1.x/2, size1.y/2); maxrad2 = min(size2.x/2, size2.y/2); rr1 = min(maxrad1, (r1!=undef)? r1 : r); rr2 = min(maxrad2, (r2!=undef)? r2 : r); shiftby = point3d(shift); orient_and_anchor([size1.x, size1.y, h], orient, anchor, spin=spin, size2=size2, shift=shift, noncentered=UP, chain=true) { down(h/2) { hull() { linear_extrude(height=eps, center=false, convexity=2) { offset(r=rr1) { square([max(eps, size1[0]-2*rr1), max(eps, size1[1]-2*rr1)], center=true); } } up(h-0.01) { translate(shiftby) { linear_extrude(height=eps, center=false, convexity=2) { offset(r=rr2) { square([max(eps, size2[0]-2*rr2), max(eps, size2[1]-2*rr2)], center=true); } } } } } } children(); } } // Module: right_triangle() // // Description: // Creates a 3D right triangular prism. // // Usage: // right_triangle(size, [center]); // // Arguments: // size = [width, thickness, height] // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `ALLNEG` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#spin). Default: `0` // orient = Vector to rotate top towards, after spin. See [orient](attachments.scad#orient). Default: `UP` // // Example: Centered // right_triangle([60, 10, 40], center=true); // Example: *Non*-Centered // right_triangle([60, 10, 40]); // Example: Standard Connectors // right_triangle([60, 15, 40]) show_anchors(); module right_triangle(size=[1, 1, 1], anchor=ALLNEG, spin=0, orient=UP, center=undef) { size = scalar_vec3(size); orient_and_anchor(size, orient, anchor, spin=spin, center=center, noncentered=ALLNEG, chain=true) { xrot(90) linear_extrude(height=size.y, convexity=2, center=true) { polygon([[-size.x/2,-size.z/2], [-size.x/2,size.z/2], [size.x/2,-size.z/2]]); } children(); } } // Section: Cylindroids // Module: cyl() // // Description: // Creates cylinders in various anchors and orientations, // with optional rounding and chamfers. You can use `r` and `l` // interchangably, and all variants allow specifying size // by either `r`|`d`, or `r1`|`d1` and `r2`|`d2`. // Note that that chamfers and rounding cannot cross the // midpoint of the cylinder's length. // // Usage: Normal Cylinders // cyl(l|h, r|d, [circum], [realign], [center]); // cyl(l|h, r1|d1, r2/d2, [circum], [realign], [center]); // // Usage: Chamferred Cylinders // cyl(l|h, r|d, chamfer, [chamfang], [from_end], [circum], [realign], [center]); // cyl(l|h, r|d, chamfer1, [chamfang1], [from_end], [circum], [realign], [center]); // cyl(l|h, r|d, chamfer2, [chamfang2], [from_end], [circum], [realign], [center]); // cyl(l|h, r|d, chamfer1, chamfer2, [chamfang1], [chamfang2], [from_end], [circum], [realign], [center]); // // Usage: Rounded End Cylinders // cyl(l|h, r|d, rounding, [circum], [realign], [center]); // cyl(l|h, r|d, rounding1, [circum], [realign], [center]); // cyl(l|h, r|d, rounding2, [circum], [realign], [center]); // cyl(l|h, r|d, rounding1, rounding2, [circum], [realign], [center]); // // Arguments: // l / h = Length of cylinder along oriented axis. (Default: 1.0) // r = Radius of cylinder. // r1 = Radius of the negative (X-, Y-, Z-) end of cylinder. // r2 = Radius of the positive (X+, Y+, Z+) end of cylinder. // d = Diameter of cylinder. // d1 = Diameter of the negative (X-, Y-, Z-) end of cylinder. // d2 = Diameter of the positive (X+, Y+, Z+) end of cylinder. // circum = If true, cylinder should circumscribe the circle of the given size. Otherwise inscribes. Default: `false` // chamfer = The size of the chamfers on the ends of the cylinder. Default: none. // chamfer1 = The size of the chamfer on the axis-negative end of the cylinder. Default: none. // chamfer2 = The size of the chamfer on the axis-positive end of the cylinder. Default: none. // chamfang = The angle in degrees of the chamfers on the ends of the cylinder. // chamfang1 = The angle in degrees of the chamfer on the axis-negative end of the cylinder. // chamfang2 = The angle in degrees of the chamfer on the axis-positive end of the cylinder. // from_end = If true, chamfer is measured from the end of the cylinder, instead of inset from the edge. Default: `false`. // rounding = The radius of the rounding on the ends of the cylinder. Default: none. // rounding1 = The radius of the rounding on the axis-negative end of the cylinder. // rounding2 = The radius of the rounding on the axis-positive end of the cylinder. // realign = If true, rotate the cylinder by half the angle of one face. // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#spin). Default: `0` // orient = Vector to rotate top towards, after spin. See [orient](attachments.scad#orient). Default: `UP` // center = If given, overrides `anchor`. A true value sets `anchor=CENTER`, false sets `anchor=DOWN`. // // Example: By Radius // xdistribute(30) { // cyl(l=40, r=10); // cyl(l=40, r1=10, r2=5); // } // // Example: By Diameter // xdistribute(30) { // cyl(l=40, d=25); // cyl(l=40, d1=25, d2=10); // } // // Example: Chamferring // xdistribute(60) { // // Shown Left to right. // cyl(l=40, d=40, chamfer=7); // Default chamfang=45 // cyl(l=40, d=40, chamfer=7, chamfang=30, from_end=false); // cyl(l=40, d=40, chamfer=7, chamfang=30, from_end=true); // } // // Example: Rounding // cyl(l=40, d=40, rounding=10); // // Example: Heterogenous Chamfers and Rounding // ydistribute(80) { // // Shown Front to Back. // cyl(l=40, d=40, rounding1=15, orient=UP); // cyl(l=40, d=40, chamfer2=5, orient=UP); // cyl(l=40, d=40, chamfer1=12, rounding2=10, orient=UP); // } // // Example: Putting it all together // cyl(l=40, d1=25, d2=15, chamfer1=10, chamfang1=30, from_end=true, rounding2=5); // // Example: External Chamfers // cyl(l=50, r=30, chamfer=-5, chamfang=30, $fa=1, $fs=1); // // Example: External Roundings // cyl(l=50, r=30, rounding1=-5, rounding2=5, $fa=1, $fs=1); // // Example: Standard Connectors // xdistribute(40) { // cyl(l=30, d=25) show_anchors(); // cyl(l=30, d1=25, d2=10) show_anchors(); // } // module cyl( l=undef, h=undef, r=undef, r1=undef, r2=undef, d=undef, d1=undef, d2=undef, chamfer=undef, chamfer1=undef, chamfer2=undef, chamfang=undef, chamfang1=undef, chamfang2=undef, rounding=undef, rounding1=undef, rounding2=undef, circum=false, realign=false, from_end=false, anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP, center=undef ) { r1 = get_radius(r1, r, d1, d, 1); r2 = get_radius(r2, r, d2, d, 1); l = first_defined([l, h, 1]); size1 = [r1*2,r1*2,l]; size2 = [r2*2,r2*2,l]; sides = segs(max(r1,r2)); sc = circum? 1/cos(180/sides) : 1; phi = atan2(l, r2-r1); orient_and_anchor(size1, orient, anchor, spin=spin, center=center, size2=size2, geometry="cylinder", chain=true) { zrot(realign? 180/sides : 0) { if (!any_defined([chamfer, chamfer1, chamfer2, rounding, rounding1, rounding2])) { cylinder(h=l, r1=r1*sc, r2=r2*sc, center=true, $fn=sides); } else { vang = atan2(l, r1-r2)/2; chang1 = 90-first_defined([chamfang1, chamfang, vang]); chang2 = 90-first_defined([chamfang2, chamfang, 90-vang]); cham1 = first_defined([chamfer1, chamfer]) * (from_end? 1 : tan(chang1)); cham2 = first_defined([chamfer2, chamfer]) * (from_end? 1 : tan(chang2)); fil1 = first_defined([rounding1, rounding]); fil2 = first_defined([rounding2, rounding]); if (chamfer != undef) { assert(chamfer <= r1, "chamfer is larger than the r1 radius of the cylinder."); assert(chamfer <= r2, "chamfer is larger than the r2 radius of the cylinder."); } if (cham1 != undef) { assert(cham1 <= r1, "chamfer1 is larger than the r1 radius of the cylinder."); } if (cham2 != undef) { assert(cham2 <= r2, "chamfer2 is larger than the r2 radius of the cylinder."); } if (rounding != undef) { assert(rounding <= r1, "rounding is larger than the r1 radius of the cylinder."); assert(rounding <= r2, "rounding is larger than the r2 radius of the cylinder."); } if (fil1 != undef) { assert(fil1 <= r1, "rounding1 is larger than the r1 radius of the cylinder."); } if (fil2 != undef) { assert(fil2 <= r2, "rounding2 is larger than the r1 radius of the cylinder."); } dy1 = abs(first_defined([cham1, fil1, 0])); dy2 = abs(first_defined([cham2, fil2, 0])); assert(dy1+dy2 <= l, "Sum of fillets and chamfer sizes must be less than the length of the cylinder."); path = concat( [[0,l/2]], !is_undef(cham2)? ( let( p1 = [r2-cham2/tan(chang2),l/2], p2 = lerp([r2,l/2],[r1,-l/2],abs(cham2)/l) ) [p1,p2] ) : !is_undef(fil2)? ( let( cn = find_circle_2tangents([r2-fil2,l/2], [r2,l/2], [r1,-l/2], r=abs(fil2)), ang = fil2<0? phi : phi-180, steps = ceil(abs(ang)/360*segs(abs(fil2))), step = ang/steps, pts = [for (i=[0:1:steps]) let(a=90+i*step) cn[0]+abs(fil2)*[cos(a),sin(a)]] ) pts ) : [[r2,l/2]], !is_undef(cham1)? ( let( p1 = lerp([r1,-l/2],[r2,l/2],abs(cham1)/l), p2 = [r1-cham1/tan(chang1),-l/2] ) [p1,p2] ) : !is_undef(fil1)? ( let( cn = find_circle_2tangents([r1-fil1,-l/2], [r1,-l/2], [r2,l/2], r=abs(fil1)), ang = fil1<0? 180-phi : -phi, steps = ceil(abs(ang)/360*segs(abs(fil1))), step = ang/steps, pts = [for (i=[0:1:steps]) let(a=(fil1<0?180:0)+(phi-90)+i*step) cn[0]+abs(fil1)*[cos(a),sin(a)]] ) pts ) : [[r1,-l/2]], [[0,-l/2]] ); rotate_extrude(convexity=2) { polygon(path); } //!place_copies(path) sphere(d=1); } } children(); } } // Module: xcyl() // // Description: // Creates a cylinder oriented along the X axis. // // Usage: // xcyl(l|h, r|d, [anchor]); // xcyl(l|h, r1|d1, r2|d2, [anchor]); // // Arguments: // l / h = Length of cylinder along oriented axis. (Default: `1.0`) // r = Radius of cylinder. // r1 = Optional radius of left (X-) end of cylinder. // r2 = Optional radius of right (X+) end of cylinder. // d = Optional diameter of cylinder. (use instead of `r`) // d1 = Optional diameter of left (X-) end of cylinder. // d2 = Optional diameter of right (X+) end of cylinder. // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `CENTER` // // Example: By Radius // ydistribute(50) { // xcyl(l=35, r=10); // xcyl(l=35, r1=15, r2=5); // } // // Example: By Diameter // ydistribute(50) { // xcyl(l=35, d=20); // xcyl(l=35, d1=30, d2=10); // } module xcyl(l=undef, r=undef, d=undef, r1=undef, r2=undef, d1=undef, d2=undef, h=undef, anchor=CENTER) { anchor = rot(from=RIGHT, to=UP, p=anchor); cyl(l=l, h=h, r=r, r1=r1, r2=r2, d=d, d1=d1, d2=d2, orient=RIGHT, anchor=anchor) { for (i=[0:1:$children-2]) children(i); if ($children>0) children(0); } } // Module: ycyl() // // Description: // Creates a cylinder oriented along the Y axis. // // Usage: // ycyl(l|h, r|d, [anchor]); // ycyl(l|h, r1|d1, r2|d2, [anchor]); // // Arguments: // l / h = Length of cylinder along oriented axis. (Default: `1.0`) // r = Radius of cylinder. // r1 = Radius of front (Y-) end of cone. // r2 = Radius of back (Y+) end of one. // d = Diameter of cylinder. // d1 = Diameter of front (Y-) end of one. // d2 = Diameter of back (Y+) end of one. // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `CENTER` // // Example: By Radius // xdistribute(50) { // ycyl(l=35, r=10); // ycyl(l=35, r1=15, r2=5); // } // // Example: By Diameter // xdistribute(50) { // ycyl(l=35, d=20); // ycyl(l=35, d1=30, d2=10); // } module ycyl(l=undef, r=undef, d=undef, r1=undef, r2=undef, d1=undef, d2=undef, h=undef, anchor=CENTER) { anchor = rot(from=BACK, to=UP, p=anchor); cyl(l=l, h=h, r=r, r1=r1, r2=r2, d=d, d1=d1, d2=d2, orient=BACK, anchor=anchor) { for (i=[0:1:$children-2]) children(i); if ($children>0) children(0); } } // Module: zcyl() // // Description: // Creates a cylinder oriented along the Z axis. // // Usage: // zcyl(l|h, r|d, [anchor]); // zcyl(l|h, r1|d1, r2|d2, [anchor]); // // Arguments: // l / h = Length of cylinder along oriented axis. (Default: 1.0) // r = Radius of cylinder. // r1 = Radius of front (Y-) end of cone. // r2 = Radius of back (Y+) end of one. // d = Diameter of cylinder. // d1 = Diameter of front (Y-) end of one. // d2 = Diameter of back (Y+) end of one. // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `CENTER` // // Example: By Radius // xdistribute(50) { // zcyl(l=35, r=10); // zcyl(l=35, r1=15, r2=5); // } // // Example: By Diameter // xdistribute(50) { // zcyl(l=35, d=20); // zcyl(l=35, d1=30, d2=10); // } module zcyl(l=undef, r=undef, d=undef, r1=undef, r2=undef, d1=undef, d2=undef, h=undef, anchor=CENTER) { cyl(l=l, h=h, r=r, r1=r1, r2=r2, d=d, d1=d1, d2=d2, orient=UP, anchor=anchor) { for (i=[0:1:$children-2]) children(i); if ($children>0) children(0); } } // Module: tube() // // Description: // Makes a hollow tube with the given outer size and wall thickness. // // Usage: // tube(h, ir|id, wall, [realign]); // tube(h, or|od, wall, [realign]); // tube(h, ir|id, or|od, [realign]); // tube(h, ir1|id1, ir2|id2, wall, [realign]); // tube(h, or1|od1, or2|od2, wall, [realign]); // tube(h, ir1|id1, ir2|id2, or1|od1, or2|od2, [realign]); // // Arguments: // h = height of tube. (Default: 1) // or = Outer radius of tube. // or1 = Outer radius of bottom of tube. (Default: value of r) // or2 = Outer radius of top of tube. (Default: value of r) // od = Outer diameter of tube. // od1 = Outer diameter of bottom of tube. // od2 = Outer diameter of top of tube. // wall = horizontal thickness of tube wall. (Default 0.5) // ir = Inner radius of tube. // ir1 = Inner radius of bottom of tube. // ir2 = Inner radius of top of tube. // id = Inner diameter of tube. // id1 = Inner diameter of bottom of tube. // id2 = Inner diameter of top of tube. // realign = If true, rotate the tube by half the angle of one face. // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#spin). Default: `0` // orient = Vector to rotate top towards, after spin. See [orient](attachments.scad#orient). Default: `UP` // // Example: These all Produce the Same Tube // tube(h=30, or=40, wall=5); // tube(h=30, ir=35, wall=5); // tube(h=30, or=40, ir=35); // tube(h=30, od=80, id=70); // Example: These all Produce the Same Conical Tube // tube(h=30, or1=40, or2=25, wall=5); // tube(h=30, ir1=35, or2=20, wall=5); // tube(h=30, or1=40, or2=25, ir1=35, ir2=20); // Example: Circular Wedge // tube(h=30, or1=40, or2=30, ir1=20, ir2=30); // Example: Standard Connectors // tube(h=30, or=40, wall=5) show_anchors(); module tube( h=1, wall=undef, r=undef, r1=undef, r2=undef, d=undef, d1=undef, d2=undef, or=undef, or1=undef, or2=undef, od=undef, od1=undef, od2=undef, ir=undef, id=undef, ir1=undef, ir2=undef, id1=undef, id2=undef, anchor=BOTTOM, spin=0, orient=UP, center=undef, realign=false ) { r1 = first_defined([or1, od1/2, r1, d1/2, or, od/2, r, d/2, ir1+wall, id1/2+wall, ir+wall, id/2+wall]); r2 = first_defined([or2, od2/2, r2, d2/2, or, od/2, r, d/2, ir2+wall, id2/2+wall, ir+wall, id/2+wall]); ir1 = first_defined([ir1, id1/2, ir, id/2, r1-wall, d1/2-wall, r-wall, d/2-wall]); ir2 = first_defined([ir2, id2/2, ir, id/2, r2-wall, d2/2-wall, r-wall, d/2-wall]); assert(ir1 <= r1, "Inner radius is larger than outer radius."); assert(ir2 <= r2, "Inner radius is larger than outer radius."); sides = segs(max(r1,r2)); size = [r1*2,r1*2,h]; size2 = [r2*2,r2*2,h]; orient_and_anchor(size, orient, anchor, spin=spin, center=center, size2=size2, geometry="cylinder", chain=true) { zrot(realign? 180/sides : 0) { difference() { cyl(h=h, r1=r1, r2=r2, $fn=sides) children(); cyl(h=h+0.05, r1=ir1, r2=ir2); } } children(); } } // Module: torus() // // Descriptiom: // Creates a torus shape. // // Usage: // torus(r|d, r2|d2); // torus(or|od, ir|id); // // Arguments: // r = major radius of torus ring. (use with of 'r2', or 'd2') // r2 = minor radius of torus ring. (use with of 'r', or 'd') // d = major diameter of torus ring. (use with of 'r2', or 'd2') // d2 = minor diameter of torus ring. (use with of 'r', or 'd') // or = outer radius of the torus. (use with 'ir', or 'id') // ir = inside radius of the torus. (use with 'or', or 'od') // od = outer diameter of the torus. (use with 'ir' or 'id') // id = inside diameter of the torus. (use with 'or' or 'od') // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `CENTER` // orient = Vector to rotate top towards, after spin. See [orient](attachments.scad#orient). Default: `UP` // // Example: // // These all produce the same torus. // torus(r=22.5, r2=7.5); // torus(d=45, d2=15); // torus(or=30, ir=15); // torus(od=60, id=30); // Example: Standard Connectors // torus(od=60, id=30) show_anchors(); module torus( r=undef, d=undef, r2=undef, d2=undef, or=undef, od=undef, ir=undef, id=undef, anchor=CENTER, center=undef, spin=0, orient=UP ) { orr = get_radius(r=or, d=od, dflt=1.0); irr = get_radius(r=ir, d=id, dflt=0.5); majrad = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=(orr+irr)/2); minrad = get_radius(r=r2, d=d2, dflt=(orr-irr)/2); size = [(majrad+minrad)*2, (majrad+minrad)*2, minrad*2]; orient_and_anchor(size, orient, anchor, spin=spin, center=center, geometry="cylinder", chain=true) { rotate_extrude(convexity=4) { right(majrad) circle(minrad); } children(); } } // Section: Spheroids // Module: spheroid() // Description: // An version of `sphere()` with anchors points and orientation. // Usage: // spheroid(r|d, [circum]) // Arguments: // r = Radius of the sphere. // d = Diameter of the sphere. // circum = If true, circumscribes the perfect sphere of the given radius/diameter. // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#spin). Default: `0` // orient = Vector to rotate top towards, after spin. See [orient](attachments.scad#orient). Default: `UP` // Example: By Radius // spheroid(r=50, circum=true); // Example: By Diameter // spheroid(d=100, circum=true); // Example: Standard Connectors // spheroid(d=40, circum=true) show_anchors(); module spheroid(r=undef, d=undef, circum=false, anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP) { r = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=1); hsides = segs(r); vsides = ceil(hsides/2); rr = circum? (r / cos(90/vsides) / cos(180/hsides)) : r; size = [2*rr, 2*rr, 2*rr]; orient_and_anchor(size, orient, anchor, spin=spin, geometry="sphere", chain=true) { sphere(r=rr); children(); } } // Module: staggered_sphere() // // Description: // An alternate construction to the standard `sphere()` built-in, with different triangulation. // // Usage: // staggered_sphere(r|d, [circum]) // // Arguments: // r = Radius of the sphere. // d = Diameter of the sphere. // circum = If true, circumscribes the perfect sphere of the given size. // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#spin). Default: `0` // orient = Vector to rotate top towards, after spin. See [orient](attachments.scad#orient). Default: `UP` // // Example: By Radius // staggered_sphere(r=50, circum=true); // Example: By Diameter // staggered_sphere(d=100, circum=true); // Example: Standard Connectors // staggered_sphere(d=40, circum=true) show_anchors(); module staggered_sphere(r=undef, d=undef, circum=false, anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP) { r = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=1); sides = segs(r); vsides = max(3, ceil(sides/2))+1; step = 360/sides; vstep = 180/(vsides-1); rr = circum? (r / cos(180/sides) / cos(90/vsides)) : r; pts = concat( [[0,0,rr]], [ for (p = [1:1:vsides-2], t = [0:1:sides-1]) let( ta = (t+(p%2/2))*step, pa = p*vstep ) spherical_to_xyz(rr, ta, pa) ], [[0,0,-rr]] ); pcnt = len(pts); faces = concat( [ for (i = [1:1:sides]) each [ [0, i%sides+1, i], [pcnt-1, pcnt-1-(i%sides+1), pcnt-1-i] ] ], [ for (p = [0:1:vsides-4], i = [0:1:sides-1]) let( b1 = 1+p*sides, b2 = 1+(p+1)*sides, v1 = b1+i, v2 = b1+(i+1)%sides, v3 = b2+((i+((p%2)?(sides-1):0))%sides), v4 = b2+((i+1+((p%2)?(sides-1):0))%sides) ) each [[v1,v4,v3], [v1,v2,v4]] ] ); size = [2*rr, 2*rr, 2*rr]; orient_and_anchor(size, orient, anchor, spin=spin, geometry="sphere", chain=true) { zrot((floor(sides/4)%2==1)? 180/sides : 0) polyhedron(points=pts, faces=faces); children(); } } // Section: 3D Printing Shapes // Module: teardrop2d() // // Description: // Makes a 2D teardrop shape. Useful for extruding into 3D printable holes. // // Usage: // teardrop2d(r|d, [ang], [cap_h]); // // Arguments: // r = radius of circular part of teardrop. (Default: 1) // d = diameter of spherical portion of bottom. (Use instead of r) // ang = angle of hat walls from the Y axis. (Default: 45 degrees) // cap_h = if given, height above center where the shape will be truncated. // // Example(2D): Typical Shape // teardrop2d(r=30, ang=30); // Example(2D): Crop Cap // teardrop2d(r=30, ang=30, cap_h=40); // Example(2D): Close Crop // teardrop2d(r=30, ang=30, cap_h=20); module teardrop2d(r=1, d=undef, ang=45, cap_h=undef) { eps = 0.01; r = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=1); cord = 2 * r * cos(ang); cord_h = r * sin(ang); tip_y = (cord/2)/tan(ang); cap_h = min((!is_undef(cap_h)? cap_h : tip_y+cord_h), tip_y+cord_h); cap_w = cord * (1 - (cap_h - cord_h)/tip_y); difference() { hull() { zrot(90) circle(r=r); back(cap_h-eps/2) square([max(eps,cap_w), eps], center=true); } back(r+cap_h) square(2*r, center=true); } } // Module: teardrop() // // Description: // Makes a teardrop shape in the XZ plane. Useful for 3D printable holes. // // Usage: // teardrop(r|d, l|h, [ang], [cap_h]) // // Arguments: // r = Radius of circular part of teardrop. (Default: 1) // d = Diameter of circular portion of bottom. (Use instead of r) // l = Thickness of teardrop. (Default: 1) // ang = Angle of hat walls from the Z axis. (Default: 45 degrees) // cap_h = If given, height above center where the shape will be truncated. // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#spin). Default: `0` // orient = Vector to rotate top towards, after spin. See [orient](attachments.scad#orient). Default: `BACK` // // Example: Typical Shape // teardrop(r=30, h=10, ang=30); // Example: Crop Cap // teardrop(r=30, h=10, ang=30, cap_h=40); // Example: Close Crop // teardrop(r=30, h=10, ang=30, cap_h=20); module teardrop(r=undef, d=undef, l=undef, h=undef, ang=45, cap_h=undef, anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=FWD) { r = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=1); l = first_defined([l, h, 1]); size = [r*2,r*2,l]; orient_and_anchor(size, orient, anchor, spin=spin, geometry="cylinder", chain=true) { linear_extrude(height=l, center=true, slices=2) { teardrop2d(r=r, ang=ang, cap_h=cap_h); } children(); } } // Module: onion() // // Description: // Creates a sphere with a conical hat, to make a 3D teardrop. // // Usage: // onion(r|d, [maxang], [cap_h]); // // Arguments: // r = radius of spherical portion of the bottom. (Default: 1) // d = diameter of spherical portion of bottom. // cap_h = height above sphere center to truncate teardrop shape. // maxang = angle of cone on top from vertical. // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#spin). Default: `0` // orient = Vector to rotate top towards, after spin. See [orient](attachments.scad#orient). Default: `UP` // // Example: Typical Shape // onion(r=30, maxang=30); // Example: Crop Cap // onion(r=30, maxang=30, cap_h=40); // Example: Close Crop // onion(r=30, maxang=30, cap_h=20); // Example: Standard Connectors // onion(r=30, maxang=30, cap_h=40) show_anchors(); module onion(cap_h=undef, r=undef, d=undef, maxang=45, h=undef, anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP) { r = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=1); h = first_defined([cap_h, h]); maxd = 3*r/tan(maxang); size = [r*2,r*2,r*2]; anchors = [ ["cap", [0,0,h], UP, 0] ]; orient_and_anchor(size, orient, anchor, spin=spin, geometry="sphere", anchors=anchors, chain=true) { rotate_extrude(convexity=2) { difference() { teardrop2d(r=r, ang=maxang, cap_h=h); left(r) square(size=[2*r,maxd], center=true); } } children(); } } // Section: Miscellaneous // Module: nil() // // Description: // Useful when you MUST pass a child to a module, but you want it to be nothing. module nil() union(){} // Module: noop() // // Description: // Passes through the children passed to it, with no action at all. // Useful while debugging when you want to replace a command. // // Arguments: // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#spin). Default: `0` // orient = Vector to rotate top towards, after spin. See [orient](attachments.scad#orient). Default: `UP` module noop(spin=0, orient=UP) orient_and_anchor([0.01,0.01,0.01], orient, CENTER, spin=spin, chain=true) {nil(); children();} // Module: pie_slice() // // Description: // Creates a pie slice shape. // // Usage: // pie_slice(ang, l|h, r|d, [center]); // pie_slice(ang, l|h, r1|d1, r2|d2, [center]); // // Arguments: // ang = pie slice angle in degrees. // h = height of pie slice. // r = radius of pie slice. // r1 = bottom radius of pie slice. // r2 = top radius of pie slice. // d = diameter of pie slice. // d1 = bottom diameter of pie slice. // d2 = top diameter of pie slice. // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#spin). Default: `0` // orient = Vector to rotate top towards, after spin. See [orient](attachments.scad#orient). Default: `UP` // center = If given, overrides `anchor`. A true value sets `anchor=CENTER`, false sets `anchor=UP`. // // Example: Cylindrical Pie Slice // pie_slice(ang=45, l=20, r=30); // Example: Conical Pie Slice // pie_slice(ang=60, l=20, d1=50, d2=70); module pie_slice( ang=30, l=undef, r=10, r1=undef, r2=undef, d=undef, d1=undef, d2=undef, anchor=BOTTOM, spin=0, orient=UP, center=undef, h=undef ) { l = first_defined([l, h, 1]); r1 = get_radius(r1, r, d1, d, 10); r2 = get_radius(r2, r, d2, d, 10); maxd = max(r1,r2)+0.1; size = [2*r1, 2*r1, l]; orient_and_anchor(size, orient, anchor, spin=spin, center=center, geometry="cylinder", chain=true) { difference() { cylinder(r1=r1, r2=r2, h=l, center=true); if (ang<180) rotate(ang) back(maxd/2) cube([2*maxd, maxd, l+0.1], center=true); difference() { fwd(maxd/2) cube([2*maxd, maxd, l+0.2], center=true); if (ang>180) rotate(ang-180) back(maxd/2) cube([2*maxd, maxd, l+0.1], center=true); } } children(); } } // Module: interior_fillet() // // Description: // Creates a shape that can be unioned into a concave joint between two faces, to fillet them. // Center this part along the concave edge to be chamferred and union it in. // // Usage: // interior_fillet(l, r, [ang], [overlap]); // // Arguments: // l = length of edge to fillet. // r = radius of fillet. // ang = angle between faces to fillet. // overlap = overlap size for unioning with faces. // orient = Orientation of the fillet. Use the directional constants from `constants.scad`. Default: `RIGHT`. // anchor = Alignment of the fillet. Use the constants from `constants.scad`. Default: `CENTER`. // // Example: // union() { // translate([0,2,-4]) cube([20, 4, 24], anchor=BOTTOM); // translate([0,-10,-4]) cube([20, 20, 4], anchor=BOTTOM); // color("green") interior_fillet(l=20, r=10, spin=180); // } // // Example: // interior_fillet(l=40, r=10, spin=180); module interior_fillet(l=1.0, r=1.0, ang=90, overlap=0.01, anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP) { dy = r/tan(ang/2); size = [l,r,r]; orient_and_anchor(size, orient, anchor, spin=spin, chain=true) { difference() { translate([0,-overlap/tan(ang/2),-overlap]) { if (ang == 90) { translate([0,r/2,r/2]) cube([l,r,r], center=true); } else { rotate([90,0,90]) pie_slice(ang=ang, r=dy+overlap, h=l, center=true); } } translate([0,dy,r]) xcyl(l=l+0.1, r=r); } children(); } } // Module: slot() // // Description: // Makes a linear slot with rounded ends, appropriate for bolts to slide along. // // Usage: // slot(h, l, r|d, [center]); // slot(h, p1, p2, r|d, [center]); // slot(h, l, r1|d1, r2|d2, [center]); // slot(h, p1, p2, r1|d1, r2|d2, [center]); // // Arguments: // p1 = center of starting circle of slot. // p2 = center of ending circle of slot. // l = length of slot along the X axis. // h = height of slot shape. (default: 10) // r = radius of slot circle. (default: 5) // r1 = bottom radius of slot cone. // r2 = top radius of slot cone. // d = diameter of slot circle. // d1 = bottom diameter of slot cone. // d2 = top diameter of slot cone. // // Example: Between Two Points // slot([0,0,0], [50,50,0], r1=5, r2=10, h=5); // Example: By Length // slot(l=50, r1=5, r2=10, h=5); module slot( p1=undef, p2=undef, h=10, l=undef, r=undef, r1=undef, r2=undef, d=undef, d1=undef, d2=undef ) { r1 = get_radius(r1=r1, r=r, d1=d1, d=d, dflt=5); r2 = get_radius(r1=r2, r=r, d1=d2, d=d, dflt=5); sides = quantup(segs(max(r1, r2)), 4); // TODO: implement orient and anchors. hull() spread(p1=p1, p2=p2, l=l, n=2) cyl(l=h, r1=r1, r2=r2, center=true, $fn=sides); } // Module: arced_slot() // // Description: // Makes an arced slot, appropriate for bolts to slide along. // // Usage: // arced_slot(h, r|d, sr|sd, [sa], [ea], [center], [$fn2]); // arced_slot(h, r|d, sr1|sd1, sr2|sd2, [sa], [ea], [center], [$fn2]); // // Arguments: // cp = Centerpoint of slot arc. Default: `[0, 0, 0]` // h = Height of slot arc shape. Default: `1` // r = Radius of slot arc. Default: `0.5` // d = Diameter of slot arc. Default: `1` // sr = Radius of slot channel. Default: `0.5` // sd = Diameter of slot channel. Default: `0.5` // sr1 = Bottom radius of slot channel cone. Use instead of `sr`. // sr2 = Top radius of slot channel cone. Use instead of `sr`. // sd1 = Bottom diameter of slot channel cone. Use instead of `sd`. // sd2 = Top diameter of slot channel cone. Use instead of `sd`. // sa = Starting angle. Default: `0` // ea = Ending angle. Default: `90` // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#spin). Default: `0` // orient = Vector to rotate top towards, after spin. See [orient](attachments.scad#orient). Default: `UP` // $fn2 = The `$fn` value to use on the small round endcaps. The major arcs are still based on `$fn`. Default: `$fn` // // Example(Med): Typical Arced Slot // arced_slot(d=60, h=5, sd=10, sa=60, ea=280); // Example(Med): Conical Arced Slot // arced_slot(r=60, h=5, sd1=10, sd2=15, sa=45, ea=180); module arced_slot( r=undef, d=undef, h=1.0, sr=undef, sr1=undef, sr2=undef, sd=undef, sd1=undef, sd2=undef, sa=0, ea=90, cp=[0,0,0], anchor=TOP, spin=0, orient=UP, $fn2 = undef ) { r = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=2); sr1 = get_radius(sr1, sr, sd1, sd, 2); sr2 = get_radius(sr2, sr, sd2, sd, 2); fn_minor = first_defined([$fn2, $fn]); da = ea - sa; size = [r+sr1, r+sr1, h]; orient_and_anchor(size, orient, anchor, spin=spin, geometry="cylinder", chain=true) { translate(cp) { zrot(sa) { difference() { pie_slice(ang=da, l=h, r1=r+sr1, r2=r+sr2, orient=UP, anchor=CENTER); cylinder(h=h+0.1, r1=r-sr1, r2=r-sr2, center=true); } right(r) cylinder(h=h, r1=sr1, r2=sr2, center=true, $fn=fn_minor); zrot(da) right(r) cylinder(h=h, r1=sr1, r2=sr2, center=true, $fn=fn_minor); } } children(); } } // vim: noexpandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 nowrap