////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LibFile: primitives.scad // The basic built-in shapes, reworked to integrate better with // other BOSL2 library shapes and utilities. // To use, add the following lines to the beginning of your file: // ``` // include // ``` ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Section: 2D Primitives // Function&Module: square() // Usage: // square(size, [center], [rounding], [chamfer], [anchor], [spin]) // Description: // When called as a module, creates a 2D square of the given size, with optional rounding or chamfering. // When called as a function, returns a 2D path/list of points for a square/rectangle of the given size. // Arguments: // size = The size of the square to create. If given as a scalar, both X and Y will be the same size. // rounding = The rounding radius for the corners. If given as a list of four numbers, gives individual radii for each corner, in the order [X+Y+,X-Y+,X-Y-,X+Y-]. Default: 0 (no rounding) // chamfer = The chamfer size for the corners. If given as a list of four numbers, gives individual chamfers for each corner, in the order [X+Y+,X-Y+,X-Y-,X+Y-]. Default: 0 (no chamfer) // center = If given and true, overrides `anchor` to be `CENTER`. If given and false, overrides `anchor` to be `FRONT+LEFT`. // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#spin). Default: `0` // Example(2D): // square(40); // Example(2D): Centered // square([40,30], center=true); // Example(2D): Anchored // square([40,30], anchor=FRONT); // Example(2D): Spun // square([40,30], anchor=FRONT, spin=30); // Example(2D): Chamferred Rect // square([40,30], chamfer=5, center=true); // Example(2D): Rounded Rect // square([40,30], rounding=5, center=true); // Example(2D): Mixed Chamferring and Rounding // square([40,30],center=true,rounding=[5,0,10,0],chamfer=[0,8,0,15],$fa=1,$fs=1); // Example(2D): Called as Function // path = square([40,30], chamfer=5, anchor=FRONT, spin=30); // stroke(path, closed=true); // move_copies(path) color("blue") circle(d=2,$fn=8); module square(size=1, center, rounding=0, chamfer=0, anchor, spin=0) { size = is_num(size)? [size,size] : point2d(size); anchor = get_anchor(anchor, center, FRONT+LEFT, FRONT+LEFT); pts = square(size=size, rounding=rounding, chamfer=chamfer, center=true); attachable(anchor,spin, two_d=true, size=size) { translate(-size/2) polygon(move(size/2,p=pts)); // Extraneous translation works around fine grid quantizing. children(); } } function square(size=1, center, rounding=0, chamfer=0, anchor, spin=0) = assert(is_num(size) || is_vector(size)) assert(is_num(chamfer) || len(chamfer)==4) assert(is_num(rounding) || len(rounding)==4) let( size = is_num(size)? [size,size] : point2d(size), anchor = get_anchor(anchor, center, FRONT+LEFT, FRONT+LEFT), complex = rounding!=0 || chamfer!=0 ) (rounding==0 && chamfer==0)? let( path = [ [ size.x/2, -size.y/2], [-size.x/2, -size.y/2], [-size.x/2, size.y/2], [ size.x/2, size.y/2] ] ) rot(spin, p=move(-vmul(anchor,size/2), p=path)) : let( chamfer = is_list(chamfer)? chamfer : [for (i=[0:3]) chamfer], rounding = is_list(rounding)? rounding : [for (i=[0:3]) rounding], quadorder = [3,2,1,0], quadpos = [[1,1],[-1,1],[-1,-1],[1,-1]], insets = [for (i=[0:3]) chamfer[i]>0? chamfer[i] : rounding[i]>0? rounding[i] : 0], insets_x = max(insets[0]+insets[1],insets[2]+insets[3]), insets_y = max(insets[0]+insets[3],insets[1]+insets[2]) ) assert(insets_x <= size.x, "Requested roundings and/or chamfers exceed the square width.") assert(insets_y <= size.y, "Requested roundings and/or chamfers exceed the square height.") let( path = [ for(i = [0:3]) let( quad = quadorder[i], inset = insets[quad], cverts = quant(segs(inset),4)/4, cp = vmul(size/2-[inset,inset], quadpos[quad]), step = 90/cverts, angs = chamfer[quad] > 0? [0,-90]-90*[i,i] : rounding[quad] > 0? [for (j=[0:1:cverts]) 360-j*step-i*90] : [0] ) each [for (a = angs) cp + inset*[cos(a),sin(a)]] ] ) complex? reorient(anchor,spin, two_d=true, path=path, p=path) : reorient(anchor,spin, two_d=true, size=size, p=path); // Function&Module: circle() // Usage: // circle(r|d, [realign], [circum]) // Description: // When called as a module, creates a 2D polygon that approximates a circle of the given size. // When called as a function, returns a 2D list of points (path) for a polygon that approximates a circle of the given size. // Arguments: // r = The radius of the circle to create. // d = The diameter of the circle to create. // realign = If true, rotates the polygon that approximates the circle by half of one size. // circum = If true, the polygon that approximates the circle will be upsized slightly to circumscribe the theoretical circle. If false, it inscribes the theoretical circle. Default: false // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#spin). Default: `0` // Example(2D): By Radius // circle(r=25); // Example(2D): By Diameter // circle(d=50); // Example(2D): Anchoring // circle(d=50, anchor=FRONT); // Example(2D): Spin // circle(d=50, anchor=FRONT, spin=45); // Example(NORENDER): Called as Function // path = circle(d=50, anchor=FRONT, spin=45); module circle(r, d, realign=false, circum=false, anchor=CENTER, spin=0) { r = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=1); sides = segs(r); rr = circum? r/cos(180/sides) : r; pts = circle(r=rr, realign=realign, $fn=sides); attachable(anchor,spin, two_d=true, r=rr) { polygon(pts); children(); } } function circle(r, d, realign=false, circum=false, anchor=CENTER, spin=0) = let( r = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=1), sides = segs(r), offset = realign? 180/sides : 0, rr = r / (circum? cos(180/sides) : 1), pts = [for (i=[0:1:sides-1]) let(a=360-offset-i*360/sides) rr*[cos(a),sin(a)]] ) reorient(anchor,spin, two_d=true, r=rr, p=pts); // Section: Primitive 3D Shapes // Function&Module: cube() // Usage: As Module // cube(size, [center]); // Usage: As Function // vnf = cube(size, [center]); // Description: // Creates a 3D cubic object with support for anchoring and attachments. // This can be used as a drop-in replacement for the built-in `cube()` module. // When called as a function, returns a [VNF](vnf.scad) for a cube. // Arguments: // size = The size of the cube. // center = If given, overrides `anchor`. A true value sets `anchor=CENTER`, false sets `anchor=ALLNEG`. // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#spin). Default: `0` // orient = Vector to rotate top towards, after spin. See [orient](attachments.scad#orient). Default: `UP` // Example: Simple cube. // cube(40); // Example: Rectangular cube. // cube([20,40,50]); // Example: Anchoring. // cube([20,40,50], anchor=BOTTOM+FRONT); // Example: Spin. // cube([20,40,50], anchor=BOTTOM+FRONT, spin=30); // Example: Orientation. // cube([20,40,50], anchor=BOTTOM+FRONT, spin=30, orient=FWD); // Example: Standard Connectors. // cube(40, center=true) show_anchors(); // Example: Called as Function // vnf = cube([20,40,50]); // vnf_polyhedron(vnf); module cube(size=1, center, anchor, spin=0, orient=UP) { anchor = get_anchor(anchor, center, ALLNEG, ALLNEG); vnf = cube(size, center=true); siz = scalar_vec3(size); attachable(anchor,spin,orient, size=siz) { vnf_polyhedron(vnf, convexity=2); children(); } } function cube(size=1, center, anchor, spin=0, orient=UP) = let( siz = scalar_vec3(size), anchor = get_anchor(anchor, center, ALLNEG, ALLNEG), unscaled = [ [-1,-1,-1],[1,-1,-1],[1,1,-1],[-1,1,-1], [-1,-1, 1],[1,-1, 1],[1,1, 1],[-1,1, 1], ]/2, verts = is_num(size)? unscaled * size : is_vector(size,3)? [for (p=unscaled) vmul(p,size)] : assert(is_num(size) || is_vector(size,3)), faces = [ [0,1,2], [0,2,3], //BOTTOM [0,4,5], [0,5,1], //FRONT [1,5,6], [1,6,2], //RIGHT [2,6,7], [2,7,3], //BACK [3,7,4], [3,4,0], //LEFT [6,4,7], [6,5,4] //TOP ] ) [reorient(anchor,spin,orient, size=siz, p=verts), faces]; // Function&Module: cylinder() // Usage: As Module // cylinder(h, r|d, [center]); // cylinder(h, r1/d1, r2/d2, [center]); // Usage: As Function // vnf = cylinder(h, r|d, [center]); // vnf = cylinder(h, r1/d1, r2/d2, [center]); // Description: // Creates a 3D cylinder or conic object with support for anchoring and attachments. // This can be used as a drop-in replacement for the built-in `cylinder()` module. // When called as a function, returns a [VNF](vnf.scad) for a cylinder. // Arguments: // l / h = The height of the cylinder. // r1 = The bottom radius of the cylinder. (Before orientation.) // r2 = The top radius of the cylinder. (Before orientation.) // center = If given, overrides `anchor`. A true value sets `anchor=CENTER`, false sets `anchor=BOTTOM`. // d1 = The bottom diameter of the cylinder. (Before orientation.) // d2 = The top diameter of the cylinder. (Before orientation.) // r = The radius of the cylinder. // d = The diameter of the cylinder. // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#spin). Default: `0` // orient = Vector to rotate top towards, after spin. See [orient](attachments.scad#orient). Default: `UP` // Example: By Radius // xdistribute(30) { // cylinder(h=40, r=10); // cylinder(h=40, r1=10, r2=5); // } // Example: By Diameter // xdistribute(30) { // cylinder(h=40, d=25); // cylinder(h=40, d1=25, d2=10); // } // Example(Med): Anchoring // cylinder(h=40, r1=10, r2=5, anchor=BOTTOM+FRONT); // Example(Med): Spin // cylinder(h=40, r1=10, r2=5, anchor=BOTTOM+FRONT, spin=45); // Example(Med): Orient // cylinder(h=40, r1=10, r2=5, anchor=BOTTOM+FRONT, spin=45, orient=FWD); // Example(Big): Standard Connectors // xdistribute(40) { // cylinder(h=30, d=25) show_anchors(); // cylinder(h=30, d1=25, d2=10) show_anchors(); // } module cylinder(h, r1, r2, center, l, r, d, d1, d2, anchor, spin=0, orient=UP) { anchor = get_anchor(anchor, center, BOTTOM, BOTTOM); r1 = get_radius(r1=r1, r=r, d1=d1, d=d, dflt=1); r2 = get_radius(r1=r2, r=r, d1=d2, d=d, dflt=1); l = first_defined([h, l, 1]); sides = segs(max(r1,r2)); vnf = cylinder(l=l, r1=r1, r2=r2, center=true); attachable(anchor,spin,orient, r1=r1, r2=r2, l=l) { vnf_polyhedron(vnf, convexity=2); children(); } } function cylinder(h, r1, r2, center, l, r, d, d1, d2, anchor, spin=0, orient=UP) = let( anchor = get_anchor(anchor, center, BOTTOM, BOTTOM), r1 = get_radius(r1=r1, r=r, d1=d1, d=d, dflt=1), r2 = get_radius(r1=r2, r=r, d1=d2, d=d, dflt=1), l = first_defined([h, l, 1]), sides = segs(max(r1,r2)), verts = [ for (i=[0:1:sides-1]) let(a=360*(1-i/sides)) [r1*cos(a),r1*sin(a),-l/2], for (i=[0:1:sides-1]) let(a=360*(1-i/sides)) [r2*cos(a),r2*sin(a), l/2], ], faces = [ [for (i=[0:1:sides-1]) sides-1-i], for (i=[0:1:sides-1]) [i, ((i+1)%sides)+sides, i+sides], for (i=[0:1:sides-1]) [i, (i+1)%sides, ((i+1)%sides)+sides], [for (i=[0:1:sides-1]) sides+i] ] ) [reorient(anchor,spin,orient, l=l, r1=r1, r2=r2, p=verts), faces]; // Function&Module: sphere() // Usage: As Module // sphere(r|d, [circum], [style]) // Usage: As Function // vnf = sphere(r|d, [circum], [style]) // Description: // Creates a sphere object, with support for anchoring and attachments. // This is a drop-in replacement for the built-in `sphere()` module. // When called as a function, returns a [VNF](vnf.scad) for a sphere. // Arguments: // r = Radius of the sphere. // d = Diameter of the sphere. // circum = If true, the sphere is made large enough to circumscribe the sphere of the ideal side. Otherwise inscribes. Default: false (inscribes) // style = The style of the sphere's construction. One of "orig", "alt", "stagger", or "icosa". Default: "orig" // anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `CENTER` // spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#spin). Default: `0` // orient = Vector to rotate top towards, after spin. See [orient](attachments.scad#orient). Default: `UP` // Example: By Radius // sphere(r=50); // Example: By Diameter // sphere(d=100); // Figure(3D): style="orig" // sphere(d=100, style="orig", $fn=10); // Figure(3D): style="alt" // sphere(d=100, style="alt", $fn=10); // Figure(3D): style="stagger" // sphere(d=100, style="stagger", $fn=10); // Figure(3D): style="icosa" // sphere(d=100, style="icosa", $fn=10); // // In "icosa" style, $fn is quantized // // to the nearest multiple of 5. // Example: Anchoring // sphere(d=100, anchor=FRONT); // Example: Spin // sphere(d=100, anchor=FRONT, spin=45); // Example: Orientation // sphere(d=100, anchor=FRONT, spin=45, orient=FWD); // Example: Standard Connectors // sphere(d=50) show_anchors(); // Example: Called as Function // vnf = sphere(d=100, style="icosa"); // vnf_polyhedron(vnf); module sphere(r, d, circum=false, style="orig", anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP) { r = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=1); sides = segs(r); vnf = sphere(r=r, circum=circum, style=style); attachable(anchor,spin,orient, r=r) { vnf_polyhedron(vnf, convexity=2); children(); } } function sphere(r, d, circum=false, style="orig", anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP) = let( r = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=1), hsides = segs(r), vsides = max(2,ceil(hsides/2)), icosa_steps = round(max(5,hsides)/5), rr = circum? (r / cos(90/vsides) / cos(180/hsides)) : r, stagger = style=="stagger", verts = style=="orig"? [ for (i=[0:1:vsides-1]) let(phi = (i+0.5)*180/(vsides)) for (j=[0:1:hsides-1]) let(theta = j*360/hsides) spherical_to_xyz(rr, theta, phi), ] : style=="alt" || style=="stagger"? [ spherical_to_xyz(rr, 0, 0), for (i=[1:1:vsides-1]) let(phi = i*180/vsides) for (j=[0:1:hsides-1]) let(theta = (j+((stagger && i%2!=0)?0.5:0))*360/hsides) spherical_to_xyz(rr, theta, phi), spherical_to_xyz(rr, 0, 180) ] : style=="icosa"? [ for (tb=[0,1], j=[0,2], i = [0:1:4]) let( theta0 = i*360/5, theta1 = (i-0.5)*360/5, theta2 = (i+0.5)*360/5, phi0 = 180/3 * j, phi1 = 180/3, v0 = spherical_to_xyz(1,theta0,phi0), v1 = spherical_to_xyz(1,theta1,phi1), v2 = spherical_to_xyz(1,theta2,phi1), ax0 = vector_axis(v0, v1), ang0 = vector_angle(v0, v1), ax1 = vector_axis(v0, v2), ang1 = vector_angle(v0, v2) ) for (k = [0:1:icosa_steps]) let( u = k/icosa_steps, vv0 = rot(ang0*u, ax0, p=v0), vv1 = rot(ang1*u, ax1, p=v0), ax2 = vector_axis(vv0, vv1), ang2 = vector_angle(vv0, vv1) ) for (l = [0:1:k]) let( v = k? l/k : 0, pt = rot(ang2*v, v=ax2, p=vv0) * rr * (tb? -1 : 1) ) pt ] : assert(in_list(style,["orig","alt","stagger","icosa"])), lv = len(verts), faces = style=="orig"? [ [for (i=[0:1:hsides-1]) hsides-i-1], [for (i=[0:1:hsides-1]) lv-hsides+i], for (i=[0:1:vsides-1], j=[0:1:hsides-1]) each [ [(i+1)*hsides+j, i*hsides+j, i*hsides+(j+1)%hsides], [(i+1)*hsides+j, i*hsides+(j+1)%hsides, (i+1)*hsides+(j+1)%hsides], ] ] : style=="alt" || style=="stagger"? [ for (i=[0:1:hsides-1]) let( b2 = lv-2-hsides ) each [ [i+1, 0, ((i+1)%hsides)+1], [lv-1, b2+i+1, b2+((i+1)%hsides)+1], ], for (i=[0:1:vsides-3], j=[0:1:hsides-1]) let( base = 1 + hsides*i ) each ( (stagger && i%2!=0)? [ [base+j, base+hsides+j%hsides, base+hsides+(j+hsides-1)%hsides], [base+j, base+(j+1)%hsides, base+hsides+j], ] : [ [base+j, base+(j+1)%hsides, base+hsides+(j+1)%hsides], [base+j, base+hsides+(j+1)%hsides, base+hsides+j], ] ) ] : style=="icosa"? let( pyr = [for (x=[0:1:icosa_steps+1]) x], tri = sum(pyr), soff = cumsum(pyr) ) [ for (tb=[0,1], j=[0,1], i = [0:1:4]) let( base = ((((tb*2) + j) * 5) + i) * tri ) for (k = [0:1:icosa_steps-1]) for (l = [0:1:k]) let( v1 = base + soff[k] + l, v2 = base + soff[k+1] + l, v3 = base + soff[k+1] + (l + 1), faces = [ if(l>0) [v1-1,v1,v2], [v1,v3,v2], ], faces2 = (tb+j)%2? [for (f=faces) reverse(f)] : faces ) each faces2 ] : [] ) [reorient(anchor,spin,orient, r=r, p=verts), faces]; // vim: noexpandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 nowrap