#!/usr/bin/env python3 from __future__ import print_function import os import re import sys import math import random import hashlib import filecmp import dbm.gnu import os.path import platform import argparse import subprocess from PIL import Image, ImageChops if platform.system() == "Darwin": OPENSCAD = "/Applications/OpenSCAD.app/Contents/MacOS/OpenSCAD" GIT = "git" else: OPENSCAD = "openscad" GIT = "git" def get_header_link(name): refpat = re.compile("[^a-z0-9_ -]") return refpat.sub("", name.lower()).replace(" ", "-") def toc_entry(name, indent, count=None): lname = "{0}{1}".format( ("%d. " % count) if count else "", name ) ref = get_header_link(lname) if name.endswith( (")", "}", "]") ): name = "`" + name.replace("\\", "") + "`" return "{0}{1} [{2}](#{3})".format( indent, ("%d." % count) if count else "-", name, ref ) def mkdn_esc(txt): out = "" quotpat = re.compile(r'([^`]*)(`[^`]*`)(.*$)'); while txt: m = quotpat.match(txt) if m: out += m.group(1).replace(r'_', r'\_') out += m.group(2) txt = m.group(3) else: out += txt.replace(r'_', r'\_') txt = "" return out def get_comment_block(lines, prefix, blanks=1): out = [] blankcnt = 0 indent = 0 while lines: if not lines[0].startswith(prefix+" "): break line = lines.pop(0)[len(prefix):] if not indent: while line.startswith(" "): line = line[1:] indent += 1 else: line = line[indent:] if line == "": blankcnt += 1 if blankcnt >= blanks: break else: blankcnt = 0 out.append(line.rstrip()) return (lines, out) def image_compare(file1, file2): img1 = Image.open(file1) img2 = Image.open(file2) if img1.size != img2.size or img1.getbands() != img2.getbands(): return False diff = ImageChops.difference(img1, img2).histogram() sq = (value * (i % 256) ** 2 for i, value in enumerate(diff)) sum_squares = sum(sq) rms = math.sqrt(sum_squares / float(img1.size[0] * img1.size[1])) return rms<100 def image_resize(infile, outfile, newsize=(320,240)): im = Image.open(infile) im.thumbnail(newsize, Image.ANTIALIAS) im.save(outfile) def make_animated_gif(imgfiles, outfile, size): imgs = [] for file in imgfiles: img = Image.open(file) img.thumbnail(size, Image.ANTIALIAS) imgs.append(img) imgs[0].save( outfile, save_all=True, append_images=imgs[1:], duration=250, loop=0 ) def git_checkout(filename): # Pull previous committed image from git, if it exists. gitcmd = [GIT, "checkout", filename] p = subprocess.Popen(gitcmd, shell=False, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) err = p.stdout.read() def run_openscad_script(libfile, infile, imgfile, imgsize=(320,240), eye=None, show_edges=False, render=False): scadcmd = [ OPENSCAD, "-o", imgfile, "--imgsize={},{}".format(imgsize[0]*2, imgsize[1]*2), "--hardwarnings", "--projection=o", "--autocenter", "--viewall" ] if eye is not None: scadcmd.extend(["--camera", eye+",0,0,0"]) if show_edges: scadcmd.extend(["--view=axes,scales,edges"]) else: scadcmd.extend(["--view=axes,scales"]) if render: # Force render scadcmd.extend(["--render", ""]) scadcmd.append(infile) p = subprocess.Popen(scadcmd, shell=False, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) (stdoutdata, stderrdata) = p.communicate(None) res = p.returncode if res != 0 or b"ERROR:" in stderrdata or b"WARNING:" in stderrdata: print("%s"%stderrdata) print("////////////////////////////////////////////////////") print("// {}: {} for {}".format(libfile, infile, imgfile)) print("////////////////////////////////////////////////////") print(script) print("////////////////////////////////////////////////////") print("") with open("FAILED.scad", "w") as f: print("////////////////////////////////////////////////////", file=f) print("// {}: {} for {}".format(libfile, infile, imgfile), file=f) print("////////////////////////////////////////////////////", file=f) print(script, file=f) print("////////////////////////////////////////////////////", file=f) print("", file=f) sys.exit(-1) return imgfile class ImageProcessing(object): def __init__(self): self.examples = [] self.commoncode = [] self.imgroot = "" self.keep_scripts = False self.force = False def set_keep_scripts(self, x): self.keep_scripts = x def add_image(self, libfile, imgfile, code, extype): self.examples.append((libfile, imgfile, code, extype)) def set_commoncode(self, code): self.commoncode = code def process_examples(self, imgroot, force=False): self.imgroot = imgroot self.force = force self.hashes = {} with dbm.gnu.open("examples_hashes.gdbm", "c") as db: for libfile, imgfile, code, extype in self.examples: self.gen_example_image(db, libfile, imgfile, code, extype) for key, hash in self.hashes.items(): db[key] = hash def gen_example_image(self, db, libfile, imgfile, code, extype): if extype == "NORENDER": return print(" {}".format(imgfile), end='') sys.stdout.flush() scriptfile = "tmp_{0}.scad".format(imgfile.replace(".", "_")) targimgfile = self.imgroot + imgfile newimgfile = self.imgroot + "_new_" + imgfile # Pull previous committed image from git, if it exists. git_checkout(targimgfile) m = hashlib.sha256() m.update(extype.encode("utf8")) for line in code: m.update(line.encode("utf8")) hash = m.digest() key = "{0} - {1}".format(libfile, imgfile) if key in db and db[key] == hash and not self.force: print("") return stdlibs = ["std.scad", "debug.scad"] script = "" for lib in stdlibs: script += "include <BOSL2/%s>\n" % lib if libfile not in stdlibs: script += "include <BOSL2/%s>\n" % libfile for line in self.commoncode: script += line+"\n" for line in code: script += line+"\n" with open(scriptfile, "w") as f: f.write(script) if "Big" in extype: imgsize = (640, 480) elif "Med" in extype or "distribute" in script or "show_anchors" in script: imgsize = (480, 360) else: # Small imgsize = (320, 240) show_edges = "Edges" in extype render = "FR" in extype tmpimgs = [] if "Spin" in extype: for ang in range(0,359,10): tmpimgfile = "{0}tmp_{2}_{1}.png".format(self.imgroot, ang, imgfile.replace(".", "_")) arad = ang * math.pi / 180; eye = "{0},{1},{2}".format( 500*math.cos(arad), 500*math.sin(arad), 500 if "Flat" in extype else 500*math.sin(arad) ) run_openscad_script( libfile, scriptfile, tmpimgfile, imgsize=(imgsize[0]*2,imgsize[1]*2), eye=eye, show_edges=show_edges, render=render ) tmpimgs.append(tmpimgfile) print(".", end='') sys.stdout.flush() else: tmpimgfile = self.imgroot + "tmp_" + imgfile eye = "0,0,500" if "2D" in extype else None run_openscad_script( libfile, scriptfile, tmpimgfile, imgsize=(imgsize[0]*2,imgsize[1]*2), eye=eye, show_edges=show_edges, render=render ) tmpimgs.append(tmpimgfile) if not self.keep_scripts: os.unlink(scriptfile) if len(tmpimgs) == 1: image_resize(tmpimgfile, newimgfile, imgsize) os.unlink(tmpimgs.pop(0)) else: make_animated_gif(tmpimgs, newimgfile, size=imgsize) for tmpimg in tmpimgs: os.unlink(tmpimg) print("") # Time to compare image. if not os.path.isfile(targimgfile): print(" NEW IMAGE\n") os.rename(newimgfile, targimgfile) else: if targimgfile.endswith(".gif"): issame = filecmp.cmp(targimgfile, newimgfile, shallow=False) else: issame = image_compare(targimgfile, newimgfile); if issame: os.unlink(newimgfile) else: print(" UPDATED IMAGE\n") os.unlink(targimgfile) os.rename(newimgfile, targimgfile) self.hashes[key] = hash imgprc = ImageProcessing() class LeafNode(object): def __init__(self): self.name = "" self.leaftype = "" self.status = "" self.description = [] self.usages = [] self.arguments = [] self.anchors = [] self.side_effects = [] self.figures = [] self.examples = [] @classmethod def match_line(cls, line, prefix): if line.startswith(prefix + "Constant: "): return True if line.startswith(prefix + "Function: "): return True if line.startswith(prefix + "Function&Module: "): return True if line.startswith(prefix + "Module: "): return True return False def add_figure(self, title, code, figtype): self.figures.append((title, code, figtype)) def add_example(self, title, code, extype): self.examples.append((title, code, extype)) def parse_lines(self, lines, prefix): blankcnt = 0 expat = re.compile(r"^(Examples?)(\(([^\)]*)\))?: *(.*)$") figpat = re.compile(r"^(Figures?)(\(([^\)]*)\))?: *(.*)$") while lines: if prefix and not lines[0].startswith(prefix.strip()): break line = lines.pop(0).rstrip() if line.lstrip("/").strip() == "": blankcnt += 1 if blankcnt >= 2: break continue blankcnt = 0 line = line[len(prefix):] if line.startswith("Constant:"): leaftype, title = line.split(":", 1) self.name = title.strip() self.leaftype = leaftype.strip() if line.startswith("Function&Module:"): leaftype, title = line.split(":", 1) self.name = title.strip() self.leaftype = leaftype.strip() if line.startswith("Function:"): leaftype, title = line.split(":", 1) self.name = title.strip() self.leaftype = leaftype.strip() if line.startswith("Module:"): leaftype, title = line.split(":", 1) self.name = title.strip() self.leaftype = leaftype.strip() if line.startswith("Status:"): dummy, status = line.split(":", 1) self.status = status.strip() if line.startswith("Description:"): dummy, desc = line.split(":", 1) desc = desc.strip() if desc: self.description.append(desc) lines, block = get_comment_block(lines, prefix) self.description.extend(block) if line.startswith("Usage:"): dummy, title = line.split(":", 1) title = title.strip() lines, block = get_comment_block(lines, prefix) self.usages.append([title, block]) if line.startswith("Arguments:"): lines, block = get_comment_block(lines, prefix) for line in block: if "=" not in line: print("Error in {}: Could not parse line in Argument block. Missing '='.".format(self.name)) print("Line read was:") print(line) sys.exit(-2) argname, argdesc = line.split("=", 1) argname = argname.strip() argdesc = argdesc.strip() self.arguments.append([argname, argdesc]) if line.startswith("Extra Anchors:") or line.startswith("Anchors:"): lines, block = get_comment_block(lines, prefix) for line in block: if "=" not in line: print("Error: bad anchor line:") print(line) sys.exit(-2) anchorname, anchordesc = line.split("=", 1) anchorname = anchorname.strip() anchordesc = anchordesc.strip() self.anchors.append([anchorname, anchordesc]) if line.startswith("Side Effects:"): lines, block = get_comment_block(lines, prefix) self.side_effects.extend(block) m = expat.match(line) if m: # Example(TYPE): plural = m.group(1) == "Examples" extype = m.group(3) title = m.group(4) lines, block = get_comment_block(lines, prefix) if not extype: extype = "3D" if self.leaftype in ["Module", "Function&Module"] else "NORENDER" if not plural: self.add_example(title=title, code=block, extype=extype) else: for line in block: self.add_example(title="", code=[line], extype=extype) m = figpat.match(line) if m: # Figure(TYPE): plural = m.group(1) == "Figures" figtype = m.group(3) title = m.group(4) lines, block = get_comment_block(lines, prefix) if not figtype: figtype = "3D" if not plural: self.add_figure(title, block, figtype) else: for line in block: self.add_figure("", [line], figtype) return lines def gen_md(self, fileroot, imgroot): out = [] if self.name: out.append("### " + mkdn_esc(self.name)) out.append("**Type:** {0}".format(mkdn_esc(self.leaftype.replace("&","/")))) out.append("") if self.status: out.append("**{0}**".format(mkdn_esc(self.status))) out.append("") for title, usages in self.usages: if not title: title = "" out.append("**Usage:** {0}".format(mkdn_esc(title))) for usage in usages: out.append("- {0}".format(mkdn_esc(usage))) out.append("") if self.description: out.append("**Description**:") for line in self.description: out.append(mkdn_esc(line)) out.append("") fignum = 0 for title, excode, extype in self.figures: fignum += 1 extitle = "**Figure {0}**:".format(fignum) if title: extitle += " " + mkdn_esc(title) san_name = re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9_]", "", self.name) imgfile = "{}_{}.{}".format( san_name, ("fig%d" % fignum), "gif" if "Spin" in extype else "png" ) imgprc.add_image(fileroot+".scad", imgfile, excode, extype) out.append(extitle) out.append("") out.append( "".format( mkdn_esc(self.name), fignum, imgroot, imgfile ) ) out.append("") if self.arguments: out.append("Argument | What it does") out.append("--------------- | ------------------------------") for argname, argdesc in self.arguments: argname = argname.replace(" / ", "` / `") out.append( "{0:15s} | {1}".format( "`{0}`".format(argname), mkdn_esc(argdesc) ) ) out.append("") if self.side_effects: out.append("**Side Effects**:") for sfx in self.side_effects: out.append("- " + mkdn_esc(sfx)) out.append("") if self.anchors: out.append("Anchor Name | Description") out.append("--------------- | ------------------------------") for anchorname, anchordesc in self.anchors: anchorname = anchorname.replace(" / ", "` / `") out.append( "{0:15s} | {1}".format( "`{0}`".format(anchorname), mkdn_esc(anchordesc) ) ) out.append("") exnum = 0 for title, excode, extype in self.examples: exnum += 1 if len(self.examples) < 2: extitle = "**Example**:" else: extitle = "**Example {0}**:".format(exnum) if title: extitle += " " + mkdn_esc(title) san_name = re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9_]", "", self.name) imgfile = "{}{}.{}".format( san_name, ("_%d" % exnum) if exnum > 1 else "", "gif" if "Spin" in extype else "png" ) if "NORENDER" not in extype: imgprc.add_image(fileroot+".scad", imgfile, excode, extype) if "Hide" not in extype: out.append(extitle) out.append("") for line in excode: out.append(" " + line) out.append("") if "NORENDER" not in extype: out.append( "".format( mkdn_esc(self.name), (" %d" % exnum) if len(self.examples) > 1 else "", imgroot, imgfile ) ) out.append("") out.append("---") out.append("") return out class Section(object): fignum = 0 def __init__(self): self.name = "" self.description = [] self.leaf_nodes = [] self.figures = [] @classmethod def match_line(cls, line, prefix): if line.startswith(prefix + "Section: "): return True return False def add_figure(self, figtitle, figcode, figtype): self.figures.append((figtitle, figcode, figtype)) def parse_lines(self, lines, prefix): line = lines.pop(0).rstrip() dummy, title = line.split(": ", 1) self.name = title.strip() lines, block = get_comment_block(lines, prefix, blanks=2) self.description.extend(block) blankcnt = 0 figpat = re.compile(r"^(Figures?)(\(([^\)]*)\))?: *(.*)$") while lines: if prefix and not lines[0].startswith(prefix.strip()): break line = lines.pop(0).rstrip() if line.lstrip("/").strip() == "": blankcnt += 1 if blankcnt >= 2: break continue blankcnt = 0 line = line[len(prefix):] m = figpat.match(line) if m: # Figures(TYPE): plural = m.group(1) == "Figures" figtype = m.group(3) title = m.group(4) lines, block = get_comment_block(lines, prefix) if not figtype: figtype = "3D" if self.figtype in ["Module", "Function&Module"] else "NORENDER" if not plural: self.add_figure(title, block, figtype) else: for line in block: self.add_figure("", [line], figtype) return lines def gen_md_toc(self, count): indent="" out = [] if self.name: out.append(toc_entry(self.name, indent, count=count)) indent += " " for node in self.leaf_nodes: out.append(toc_entry(node.name, indent)) out.append("") return out def gen_md(self, count, fileroot, imgroot): out = [] if self.name: out.append("# %d. %s" % (count, mkdn_esc(self.name))) out.append("") if self.description: in_block = False for line in self.description: if line.startswith("```"): in_block = not in_block if in_block or line.startswith(" "): out.append(line) else: out.append(mkdn_esc(line)) out.append("") for title, figcode, figtype in self.figures: Section.fignum += 1 figtitle = "**Figure {0}**:".format(Section.fignum) if title: figtitle += " " + mkdn_esc(title) out.append(figtitle) out.append("") imgfile = "{}{}.{}".format( "figure", Section.fignum, "gif" if "Spin" in figtype else "png" ) if figtype != "NORENDER": out.append( "".format( mkdn_esc(self.name), Section.fignum, imgroot, imgfile ) ) out.append("") imgprc.add_image(fileroot+".scad", imgfile, figcode, figtype) in_block = False for node in self.leaf_nodes: out += node.gen_md(fileroot, imgroot) return out class LibFile(object): def __init__(self): self.name = "" self.description = [] self.commoncode = [] self.sections = [] self.dep_sect = None def parse_lines(self, lines, prefix): currsect = None constpat = re.compile(r"^([A-Z_0-9][A-Z_0-9]*) *=.* // (.*$)") while lines: while lines and prefix and not lines[0].startswith(prefix.strip()): line = lines.pop(0) m = constpat.match(line) if m: if currsect == None: currsect = Section() self.sections.append(currsect) node = LeafNode(); node.extype = "Constant" node.name = m.group(1).strip() node.description.append(m.group(2).strip()) currsect.leaf_nodes.append(node) # Check for LibFile header. if lines and lines[0].startswith(prefix + "LibFile: "): line = lines.pop(0).rstrip() dummy, title = line.split(": ", 1) self.name = title.strip() lines, block = get_comment_block(lines, prefix, blanks=2) self.description.extend(block) # Check for CommonCode header. if lines and lines[0].startswith(prefix + "CommonCode:"): lines.pop(0) lines, block = get_comment_block(lines, prefix) self.commoncode.extend(block) # Check for Section header. if lines and Section.match_line(lines[0], prefix): sect = Section() lines = sect.parse_lines(lines, prefix) self.sections.append(sect) currsect = sect # Check for LeafNode. if lines and LeafNode.match_line(lines[0], prefix): node = LeafNode() lines = node.parse_lines(lines, prefix) deprecated = node.status.startswith("DEPRECATED") if deprecated: if self.dep_sect == None: self.dep_sect = Section() self.dep_sect.name = "Deprecations" sect = self.dep_sect else: if currsect == None: currsect = Section() self.sections.append(currsect) sect = currsect sect.leaf_nodes.append(node) if lines: lines.pop(0) return lines def gen_md(self, fileroot, imgroot): imgprc.set_commoncode(self.commoncode) out = [] if self.name: out.append("# Library File " + mkdn_esc(self.name)) out.append("") if self.description: in_block = False for line in self.description: if line.startswith("```"): in_block = not in_block if in_block or line.startswith(" "): out.append(line) else: out.append(mkdn_esc(line)) out.append("") in_block = False if self.name or self.description: out.append("---") out.append("") if self.sections or self.dep_sect: out.append("# Table of Contents") out.append("") cnt = 0 for sect in self.sections: cnt += 1 out += sect.gen_md_toc(cnt) if self.dep_sect: cnt += 1 out += self.dep_sect.gen_md_toc(cnt) out.append("---") out.append("") cnt = 0 for sect in self.sections: cnt += 1 out += sect.gen_md(cnt, fileroot, imgroot) if self.dep_sect: cnt += 1 out += self.dep_sect.gen_md(cnt, fileroot, imgroot) return out def processFile(infile, outfile=None, gen_imgs=False, imgroot="", prefix="", force=False): if imgroot and not imgroot.endswith('/'): imgroot += "/" libfile = LibFile() with open(infile, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() libfile.parse_lines(lines, prefix) if outfile == None: f = sys.stdout else: f = open(outfile, "w") fileroot = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(infile))[0] outdata = libfile.gen_md(fileroot, imgroot) for line in outdata: print(line, file=f) if gen_imgs: imgprc.process_examples(imgroot, force=force) if outfile: f.close() def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='docs_gen') parser.add_argument('-k', '--keep-scripts', action="store_true", help="If given, don't delete the temporary image OpenSCAD scripts.") parser.add_argument('-c', '--comments-only', action="store_true", help='If given, only process lines that start with // comments.') parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', action="store_true", help='If given, force generation of images when the code is unchanged.') parser.add_argument('-i', '--images', action="store_true", help='If given, generate images for examples with OpenSCAD.') parser.add_argument('-I', '--imgroot', default="", help='The directory to put generated images in.') parser.add_argument('-o', '--outfile', help='Output file, if different from infile.') parser.add_argument('infile', help='Input filename.') args = parser.parse_args() imgprc.set_keep_scripts(args.keep_scripts) processFile( args.infile, outfile=args.outfile, gen_imgs=args.images, imgroot=args.imgroot, prefix="// " if args.comments_only else "", force=args.force ) sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": main() # vim: expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 nowrap