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// LibFile: structs.scad
// This file provides manipulation of "structs". A "struct" is a data structure that
// associates arbitrary keys with values and allows you to get and set values
// by key.
// Includes:
// include <BOSL2/std.scad>
// include <BOSL2/structs.scad>
// FileGroup: Data Management
// FileSummary: Structure/Dictionary Manipulation
// Section: struct operations
// A struct is a data structure that associates arbitrary keys (of any type) with values (of any type).
// Structures are implemented as lists of [key, value] pairs.
// An empty list `[]` is an empty structure and can be used wherever a structure input is required.
// Function: struct_set()
// Topics: Data Structures, Dictionaries
// Usage:
// struct2 = struct_set(struct, key, value, [grow=]);
// struct2 = struct_set(struct, [key1, value1, key2, value2, ...], [grow=]);
// Description:
// Sets the key(s) in the structure to the specified value(s), returning a new updated structure. If a
// key exists its value is changed, otherwise the key is added to the structure. If `grow=false` then
// it is an error to set a key not already defined in the structure. If you specify the same key twice
// that is also an error. Note that key order will change when you change a key's value.
// Arguments:
// struct = input structure.
// key = key to set or list of key,value pairs to set
// value = value to set the key to (when giving a single key and value)
// ---
// grow = Set to true to allow structure to grow, or false for new keys to generate an error. Default: true
function struct_set(struct, key, value, grow=true) =
is_def(value) ? struct_set(struct,[key,value],grow=grow)
assert(is_list(key) && len(key)%2==0, "[key,value] pair list is not a list or has an odd length")
new_entries = [for(i=[0:1:len(key)/2-1]) [key[2*i], key[2*i+1]]],
newkeys = column(new_entries,0),
indlist = search(newkeys, struct,0,0),
badkeys = grow ? (search([undef],new_entries,1,0)[0] != [] ? [undef] : [])
: [for(i=idx(indlist)) if (is_undef(newkeys[i]) || len(indlist[i])==0) newkeys[i]],
ind = flatten(indlist),
dupfind = search(newkeys, new_entries,0,0),
dupkeys = [for(i=idx(dupfind)) if (len(dupfind[i])>1) newkeys[i]]
assert(badkeys==[], str("Unknown or bad key ",_format_key(badkeys[0])," in struct_set"))
assert(dupkeys==[], str("Duplicate key ",_format_key(dupkeys[0])," for struct"))
concat(list_remove(struct,ind), new_entries);
function _format_key(key) = is_string(key) ? str("\"",key,"\""): key;
// Function: struct_remove()
// Topics: Data Structures, Dictionaries
// Usage:
// struct2 = struct_remove(struct, key);
// Description:
// Remove key or list of keys from a structure. If you want to remove a single key which is a list
// you must pass it as a singleton list, or struct_remove will attempt to remove the listed items as keys.
// If you list the same item multiple times for removal it will be removed without error.
// Arguments:
// struct = input structure
// key = a single key or list of keys to remove.
function struct_remove(struct, key) =
!is_list(key) ? struct_remove(struct, [key]) :
let(ind = search(key, struct))
list_remove(struct, [for(i=ind) if (i!=[]) i]);
// Function: struct_val()
// Topics: Data Structures, Dictionaries
// Usage:
// val = struct_val(struct, key, default);
// Description:
// Returns the value for the specified key in the structure, or default value if the key is not present
// Arguments:
// struct = input structure
// key = key whose value to return
// default = default value to return if key is not present. Default: undef
function struct_val(struct, key, default=undef) =
assert(is_def(key),"key is missing")
let(ind = search([key],struct)[0])
ind == [] ? default : struct[ind][1];
// Function: struct_keys()
// Topics: Data Structures, Dictionaries
// Usage:
// keys = struct_keys(struct);
// Description:
// Returns a list of the keys in a structure
// Arguments:
// struct = input structure
function struct_keys(struct) = column(struct,0);
// Function&Module: echo_struct()
// Topics: Data Structures, Dictionaries
// Usage:
// echo_struct(struct, [name]);
// foo = echo_struct(struct, [name]);
// Description:
// Displays a list of structure keys and values, one pair per line, for easier reading.
// Arguments:
// struct = input structure
// name = optional structure name to list at the top of the output. Default: ""
function echo_struct(struct,name="") =
let( keylist = [for(entry=struct) str(" ",entry[0],": ",entry[1],"\n")])
echo(str("\nStructure ",name,"\n",str_join(keylist)))
module echo_struct(struct,name="") {
dummy = echo_struct(struct,name);
// Function: is_struct()
// Topics: Data Structures, Dictionaries
// Usage:
// bool = is_struct(struct);
// Description:
// Returns true if the input is a list of pairs, false otherwise.
function is_struct(x) =
is_list(x) && [for (xx=x) if(!(is_list(xx) && len(xx)==2)) 1] == [];
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