2024-06-07 15:00:20 +02:00

1098 lines
58 KiB

/* Library for Involute Gears, Screws and Racks
This library contains the following modules
- rack(modul, length, height, width, pressure_angle=20, helix_angle=0)
- mountable_rack(modul, length, height, width, pressure_angle=20, helix_angle=0, fastners, profile, head)
- herringbone_rack(modul, length, height, width, pressure_angle = 20, helix_angle=45)
- mountable_herringbone_rack(modul, length, height, width, pressure_angle=20, helix_angle=45, fastners, profile, head)
- spur_gear(modul, tooth_number, width, bore, pressure_angle=20, helix_angle=0, optimized=true)
- herringbone_gear(modul, tooth_number, width, bore, pressure_angle=20, helix_angle=0, optimized=true)
- rack_and_pinion (modul, rack_length, gear_teeth, rack_height, gear_bore, width, pressure_angle=20, helix_angle=0, together_built=true, optimized=true)
- ring_gear(modul, tooth_number, width, rim_width, pressure_angle=20, helix_angle=0)
- herringbone_ring_gear(modul, tooth_number, width, rim_width, pressure_angle=20, helix_angle=0)
- planetary_gear(modul, sun_teeth, planet_teeth, number_planets, width, rim_width, bore, pressure_angle=20, helix_angle=0, together_built=true, optimized=true)
- bevel_gear(modul, tooth_number, partial_cone_angle, tooth_width, bore, pressure_angle=20, helix_angle=0)
- bevel_herringbone_gear(modul, tooth_number, partial_cone_angle, tooth_width, bore, pressure_angle=20, helix_angle=0)
- bevel_gear_pair(modul, gear_teeth, pinion_teeth, axis_angle=90, tooth_width, bore, pressure_angle = 20, helix_angle=0, together_built=true)
- bevel_herringbone_gear_pair(modul, gear_teeth, pinion_teeth, axis_angle=90, tooth_width, bore, pressure_angle = 20, helix_angle=0, together_built=true)
- worm(modul, thread_starts, length, bore, pressure_angle=20, lead_angle=10, together_built=true)
- worm_gear(modul, tooth_number, thread_starts, width, length, worm_bore, gear_bore, pressure_angle=20, lead_angle=0, optimized=true, together_built=true)
Examples of each module are commented out at the end of this file
Author: Dr Jörg Janssen
Contributions By: Keith Emery, Chris Spencer
Last Verified On: 1. June 2018
Version: 2.2
License: Creative Commons - Attribution, Non Commercial, Share Alike
Permitted modules according to DIN 780:
0.05 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.16
0.20 0.25 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.25 1.5
2 2.5 3 4 5 6
8 10 12 16 20 25
32 40 50 60
// General Variables
pi = 3.14159;
rad = 57.29578;
clearance = 0.05; // clearance between teeth
/* Converts Radians to Degrees */
function grad(pressure_angle) = pressure_angle*rad;
/* Converts Degrees to Radians */
function radian(pressure_angle) = pressure_angle/rad;
/* Converts 2D Polar Coordinates to Cartesian
Format: radius, phi; phi = Angle to x-Axis on xy-Plane */
function polar_to_cartesian(polvect) = [
/* Circle Involutes-Function:
Returns the Polar Coordinates of an Involute Circle
r = Radius of the Base Circle
rho = Rolling-angle in Degrees */
function ev(r,rho) = [
/* Sphere-Involutes-Function
Returns the Azimuth Angle of an Involute Sphere
theta0 = Polar Angle of the Cone, where the Cutting Edge of the Large Sphere unrolls the Involute
theta = Polar Angle for which the Azimuth Angle of the Involute is to be calculated */
function sphere_ev(theta0,theta) = 1/sin(theta0)*acos(cos(theta)/cos(theta0))-acos(tan(theta0)/tan(theta));
/* Converts Spherical Coordinates to Cartesian
Format: radius, theta, phi; theta = Angle to z-Axis, phi = Angle to x-Axis on xy-Plane */
function sphere_to_cartesian(vect) = [
/* Check if a Number is even
= 1, if so
= 0, if the Number is not even */
function is_even(number) =
(number == floor(number/2)*2) ? 1 : 0;
/* greatest common Divisor
according to Euclidean Algorithm.
Sorting: a must be greater than b */
function ggt(a,b) =
a%b == 0 ? b : ggt(b,a%b);
/* Polar function with polar angle and two variables */
function spiral(a, r0, phi) =
a*phi + r0;
/* Copy and rotate a Body */
module copier(vect, number, distance, winkel){
for(i = [0:number-1]){
rotate(a=i*winkel, v = [0,0,1])
/* rack
modul = Height of the Tooth Tip above the Rolling LIne
length = Length of the Rack
height = Height of the Rack to the Pitch Line
width = Width of a Tooth
pressure_angle = Pressure Angle, Standard = 20° according to DIN 867. Should not exceed 45°.
helix_angle = Helix Angle of the Rack Transverse Axis; 0° = Spur Teeth */
module rack(modul, length, height, width, pressure_angle = 20, helix_angle = 0) {
// Dimension Calculations
c = modul / 6; // Tip Clearance
mx = modul/cos(helix_angle); // Module Shift by Helix Angle in the X-Direction
a = 2*mx*tan(pressure_angle)+c*tan(pressure_angle); // Flank Width
b = pi*mx/2-2*mx*tan(pressure_angle); // Tip Width
x = width*tan(helix_angle); // Topside Shift by Helix Angle in the X-Direction
nz = ceil((length+abs(2*x))/(pi*mx)); // Number of Teeth
intersection(){ // Creates a Prism that fits into a Geometric Box
copier([1,0,0], nz, pi*mx, 0){
points=[[0,-c,0], [a,2*modul,0], [a+b,2*modul,0], [2*a+b,-c,0], [pi*mx,-c,0], [pi*mx,modul-height,0], [0,modul-height,0], // Underside
[0+x,-c,width], [a+x,2*modul,width], [a+b+x,2*modul,width], [2*a+b+x,-c,width], [pi*mx+x,-c,width], [pi*mx+x,modul-height,width], [0+x,modul-height,width]], // Topside
faces=[[6,5,4,3,2,1,0], // Underside
[7,8,9,10,11,12,13], // Topside
cube([length,height+modul+1,width+1]); // Cuboid which includes the Volume of the Rack
/* Mountable-rack; uses module "rack"
modul = Height of the Tooth Tip above the Rolling LIne
length = Length of the Rack
height = Height of the Rack to the Pitch Line
width = Width of a Tooth
pressure_angle = Pressure Angle, Standard = 20° according to DIN 867. Should not exceed 45°.
helix_angle = Helix Angle of the Rack Transverse Axis; 0° = Spur Teeth
fastners = Total number of fastners.
profile = Metric standard profile for fastners (ISO machine screws), M4 = 4, M6 = 6 etc.
head = Style of fastner to accomodate.
PH = Pan Head, C = Countersunk, RC = Raised Countersunk, CS = Cap Screw, CSS = Countersunk Socket Screw. */
module mountable_rack(modul, length, height, width, pressure_angle, helix_angle, fastners, profile, head) {
rack(modul, length, height, width, pressure_angle, helix_angle);
offset = (length/fastners);
for(i = [0:fastners-1]){
if (head=="PH"){
cylinder(h=height+modul, d=profile, center=false);
cylinder(h=profile*0.6+modul*2.25, d=profile*2, center=false);
if (head=="CS"){
cylinder(h=height+modul, d=profile, center=false);
cylinder(h=profile*1.25+modul*2.25, d=profile*1.5, center=false);
if (head=="C"){
cylinder(h=height+modul, d=profile, center=false);
cylinder(h=modul*2.25, d=profile*2, center=false);
cylinder (h=profile/2, d1=profile*2, d2=profile, center=false);
if (head=="RC"){
cylinder(h=height+modul, d=profile, center=false);
cylinder(h=modul*2.25+profile/4, d=profile*2, center=false);
cylinder (h=profile/2, d1=profile*2, d2=profile, center=false);
if (head=="CSS"){
cylinder(h=height+modul, d=profile, center=false);
cylinder(h=modul*2.25, d=profile*2, center=false);
cylinder (h=profile*0.6, d1=profile*2, d2=profile, center=false);
/* Spur gear
modul = Height of the Tooth Tip beyond the Pitch Circle
tooth_number = Number of Gear Teeth
width = tooth_width
bore = Diameter of the Center Hole
pressure_angle = Pressure Angle, Standard = 20° according to DIN 867. Should not exceed 45°.
helix_angle = Helix Angle to the Axis of Rotation; 0° = Spur Teeth
optimized = Create holes for Material-/Weight-Saving or Surface Enhancements where Geometry allows */
module spur_gear(modul, tooth_number, width, bore, pressure_angle = 20, helix_angle = 0, optimized = true, no_bore=false) {
// Dimension Calculations
d = modul * tooth_number; // Pitch Circle Diameter
r = d / 2; // Pitch Circle Radius
alpha_spur = atan(tan(pressure_angle)/cos(helix_angle));// Helix Angle in Transverse Section
db = d * cos(alpha_spur); // Base Circle Diameter
rb = db / 2; // Base Circle Radius
da = (modul <1)? d + modul * 2.2 : d + modul * 2; // Tip Diameter according to DIN 58400 or DIN 867
ra = da / 2; // Tip Circle Radius
c = (tooth_number <3)? 0 : modul/6; // Tip Clearance
df = d - 2 * (modul + c); // Root Circle Diameter
rf = df / 2; // Root Radius
rho_ra = acos(rb/ra); // Maximum Rolling Angle;
// Involute begins on the Base Circle and ends at the Tip Circle
rho_r = acos(rb/r); // Rolling Angle at Pitch Circle;
// Involute begins on the Base Circle and ends at the Tip Circle
phi_r = grad(tan(rho_r)-radian(rho_r)); // Angle to Point of Involute on Pitch Circle
gamma = rad*width/(r*tan(90-helix_angle)); // Torsion Angle for Extrusion
step = rho_ra/16; // Involute is divided into 16 pieces
tau = 360/tooth_number; // Pitch Angle
r_hole = (2*rf - bore)/8; // Radius of Holes for Material-/Weight-Saving
rm = bore/2+2*r_hole; // Distance of the Axes of the Holes from the Main Axis
z_hole = floor(2*pi*rm/(3*r_hole)); // Number of Holes for Material-/Weight-Saving
optimized = (optimized && r >= width*1.5 && d > 2*bore); // is Optimization useful?
// Drawing
rotate([0,0,-phi_r-90*(1-clearance)/tooth_number]){ // Center Tooth on X-Axis;
// Makes Alignment with other Gears easier
linear_extrude(height = width, convexity = 10, twist = gamma){
tooth_width = (180*(1-clearance))/tooth_number+2*phi_r;
circle(rf); // Root Circle
for (rot = [0:tau:360]){
rotate (rot){ // Copy and Rotate "Number of Teeth"
polygon(concat( // Tooth
[[0,0]], // Tooth Segment starts and ends at Origin
[for (rho = [0:step:rho_ra]) // From zero Degrees (Base Circle)
// To Maximum Involute Angle (Tip Circle)
polar_to_cartesian(ev(rb,rho))], // First Involute Flank
[polar_to_cartesian(ev(rb,rho_ra))], // Point of Involute on Tip Circle
[for (rho = [rho_ra:-step:0]) // of Maximum Involute Angle (Tip Circle)
// to zero Degrees (Base Circle)
polar_to_cartesian([ev(rb,rho)[0], tooth_width-ev(rb,rho)[1]])]
// Second Involute Flank
// (180*(1-clearance)) instead of 180 Degrees,
// to allow clearance of the Flanks
circle(r = rm+r_hole*1.49); // "bore"
// with Material Savings
if (optimized) {
linear_extrude(height = width, convexity = 10){
circle(r = (bore+r_hole)/2);
circle(r = (bore+r_hole)/2);
circle(r = bore/2); // bore
linear_extrude(height = (width-r_hole/2 < width*2/3) ? width*2/3 : width-r_hole/2, convexity = 10){
for (i = [0:1:z_hole]){
circle(r = r_hole);
// without Material Savings
else {
linear_extrude(height = width, convexity = 10){
circle(r = rm+r_hole*1.51);
circle(r = bore/2);
/* Herringbone_rack; uses the module "rack"
modul = Height of the Tooth Tip above the Rolling LIne
length = Length of the Rack
height = Height of the Rack to the Pitch Line
width = Width of a Tooth
pressure_angle = Pressure Angle, Standard = 20° according to DIN 867. Should not exceed 45°.
helix_angle = Helix Angle of the Rack Transverse Axis; 0° = Spur Teeth */
module herringbone_rack(modul, length, height, width, pressure_angle = 20, helix_angle) {
width = width/2;
rack(modul, length, height, width, pressure_angle, helix_angle); // bottom Half
rack(modul, length, height, width, pressure_angle, helix_angle); // top Half
/* Mountable_herringbone_rack; uses module "herringbone_rack"
modul = Height of the Tooth Tip above the Rolling LIne
length = Length of the Rack
height = Height of the Rack to the Pitch Line
width = Width of a Tooth
pressure_angle = Pressure Angle, Standard = 20° according to DIN 867. Should not exceed 45°.
helix_angle = Helix Angle of the Rack Transverse Axis; 0° = Spur Teeth
fastners = Total number of fastners.
profile = Metric standard profile for fastners (ISO machine screws), M4 = 4, M6 = 6 etc.
head = Style of fastner to accomodate.
PH = Pan Head, C = Countersunk, RC = Raised Countersunk, CS = Cap Screw, CSS = Countersunk Socket Screw. */
module mountable_herringbone_rack(modul, length, height, width, pressure_angle, helix_angle, fastners, profile, head) {
herringbone_rack(modul, length, height, width, pressure_angle, helix_angle);
offset = (length/fastners);
for(i = [0:fastners-1]){
if (head=="PH"){
cylinder(h=height+modul, d=profile, center=false);
cylinder(h=profile*0.6+modul*2.25, d=profile*2, center=false);
if (head=="CS"){
cylinder(h=height+modul, d=profile, center=false);
cylinder(h=profile*1.25+modul*2.25, d=profile*1.5, center=false);
if (head=="C"){
cylinder(h=height+modul, d=profile, center=false);
cylinder(h=modul*2.25, d=profile*2, center=false);
cylinder (h=profile/2, d1=profile*2, d2=profile, center=false);
if (head=="RC"){
cylinder(h=height+modul, d=profile, center=false);
cylinder(h=modul*2.25+profile/4, d=profile*2, center=false);
cylinder (h=profile/2, d1=profile*2, d2=profile, center=false);
if (head=="CSS"){
cylinder(h=height+modul, d=profile, center=false);
cylinder(h=modul*2.25, d=profile*2, center=false);
cylinder (h=profile*0.6, d1=profile*2, d2=profile, center=false);
/* Herringbone_gear; uses the module "spur_gear"
modul = Height of the Tooth Tip beyond the Pitch Circle
tooth_number = Number of Gear Teeth
width = tooth_width
bore = Diameter of the Center Hole
pressure_angle = Pressure Angle, Standard = 20° according to DIN 867. Should not exceed 45°.
helix_angle = Helix Angle to the Axis of Rotation, Standard = 0° (Spur Teeth)
optimized = Holes for Material-/Weight-Saving */
module herringbone_gear(modul, tooth_number, width, bore, pressure_angle = 20, helix_angle=0, optimized=true){
width = width/2;
d = modul * tooth_number; // Pitch Circle Diameter
r = d / 2; // Pitch Circle Radius
c = (tooth_number <3)? 0 : modul/6; // Tip Clearance
df = d - 2 * (modul + c); // Root Circle Diameter
rf = df / 2; // Root Radius
r_hole = (2*rf - bore)/8; // Radius of Holes for Material-/Weight-Saving
rm = bore/2+2*r_hole; // Distance of the Axes of the Holes from the Main Axis
z_hole = floor(2*pi*rm/(3*r_hole)); // Number of Holes for Material-/Weight-Saving
optimized = (optimized && r >= width*3 && d > 2*bore); // is Optimization useful?
spur_gear(modul, tooth_number, width, 2*(rm+r_hole*1.49), pressure_angle, helix_angle, false); // bottom Half
spur_gear(modul, tooth_number, width, 2*(rm+r_hole*1.49), pressure_angle, helix_angle, false); // top Half
// with Material Savings
if (optimized) {
linear_extrude(height = width*2){
circle(r = (bore+r_hole)/2);
circle(r = bore/2); // bore
linear_extrude(height = (2*width-r_hole/2 < 1.33*width) ? 1.33*width : 2*width-r_hole/2){ //width*4/3
for (i = [0:1:z_hole]){
circle(r = r_hole);
// without Material Savings
else {
linear_extrude(height = width*2){
circle(r = rm+r_hole*1.51);
circle(r = bore/2);
/* Rack and Pinion
modul = Height of the Tooth Tip beyond the Pitch Circle
rack_length = Length of the Rack
gear_teeth = Number of Gear Teeth
rack_height = Height of the Rack to the Pitch Line
gear_bore = Diameter of the Center Hole of the Spur Gear
width = Width of a Tooth
pressure_angle = Pressure Angle, Standard = 20° according to DIN 867. Should not exceed 45°.
helix_angle = Helix Angle to the Axis of Rotation, Standard = 0° (Spur Teeth) */
module rack_and_pinion (modul, rack_length, gear_teeth, rack_height, gear_bore, width, pressure_angle=20, helix_angle=0, together_built=true, optimized=true) {
distance = together_built? modul*gear_teeth/2 : modul*gear_teeth;
rack(modul, rack_length, rack_height, width, pressure_angle, -helix_angle);
spur_gear (modul, gear_teeth, width, gear_bore, pressure_angle, helix_angle, optimized);
/* Ring gear
modul = Height of the Tooth Tip beyond the Pitch Circle
tooth_number = Number of Gear Teeth
width = tooth_width
rim_width = Width of the Rim from the Root Circle
bore = Diameter of the Center Hole
pressure_angle = Pressure Angle, Standard = 20° according to DIN 867. Should not exceed 45°.
helix_angle = Helix Angle to the Axis of Rotation, Standard = 0° (Spur Teeth) */
module ring_gear(modul, tooth_number, width, rim_width, pressure_angle = 20, helix_angle = 0) {
// Dimension Calculations
ha = (tooth_number >= 20) ? 0.02 * atan((tooth_number/15)/pi) : 0.6; // Shortening Factor of Tooth Head Height
d = modul * tooth_number; // Pitch Circle Diameter
r = d / 2; // Pitch Circle Radius
alpha_spur = atan(tan(pressure_angle)/cos(helix_angle));// Helix Angle in Transverse Section
db = d * cos(alpha_spur); // Base Circle Diameter
rb = db / 2; // Base Circle Radius
c = modul / 6; // Tip Clearance
da = (modul <1)? d + (modul+c) * 2.2 : d + (modul+c) * 2; // Tip Diameter
ra = da / 2; // Tip Circle Radius
df = d - 2 * modul * ha; // Root Circle Diameter
rf = df / 2; // Root Radius
rho_ra = acos(rb/ra); // Maximum Involute Angle;
// Involute begins on the Base Circle and ends at the Tip Circle
rho_r = acos(rb/r); // Involute Angle at Pitch Circle;
// Involute begins on the Base Circle and ends at the Tip Circle
phi_r = grad(tan(rho_r)-radian(rho_r)); // Angle to Point of Involute on Pitch Circle
gamma = rad*width/(r*tan(90-helix_angle)); // Torsion Angle for Extrusion
step = rho_ra/16; // Involute is divided into 16 pieces
tau = 360/tooth_number; // Pitch Angle
// Drawing
rotate([0,0,-phi_r-90*(1+clearance)/tooth_number]) // Center Tooth on X-Axis;
// Makes Alignment with other Gears easier
linear_extrude(height = width, twist = gamma){
circle(r = ra + rim_width); // Outer Circle
tooth_width = (180*(1+clearance))/tooth_number+2*phi_r;
circle(rf); // Root Circle
for (rot = [0:tau:360]){
rotate (rot) { // Copy and Rotate "Number of Teeth"
polygon( concat(
[for (rho = [0:step:rho_ra]) // From zero Degrees (Base Circle)
// to Maximum Involute Angle (Tip Circle)
[for (rho = [rho_ra:-step:0]) // von Maximum Involute Angle (Kopfkreis)
// to zero Degrees (Base Circle)
polar_to_cartesian([ev(rb,rho)[0], tooth_width-ev(rb,rho)[1]])]
// (180*(1+clearance)) statt 180,
// to allow clearance of the Flanks
echo("Ring Gear Outer Diamater = ", 2*(ra + rim_width));
/* Herringbone Ring Gear; uses the Module "ring_gear"
modul = Height of the Tooth Tip over the Partial Cone
tooth_number = Number of Gear Teeth
width = tooth_width
bore = Diameter of the Center Hole
pressure_angle = Pressure Angle, Standard = 20° according to DIN 867. Should not exceed 45°.
helix_angle = Helix Angle to the Axis of Rotation, Standard = 0° (Spur Teeth) */
module herringbone_ring_gear(modul, tooth_number, width, rim_width, pressure_angle = 20, helix_angle = 0) {
width = width / 2;
ring_gear(modul, tooth_number, width, rim_width, pressure_angle, helix_angle); // bottom Half
ring_gear(modul, tooth_number, width, rim_width, pressure_angle, helix_angle); // top Half
/* Planetary Gear; uses the Modules "herringbone_gear" and "herringbone_ring_gear"
modul = Height of the Tooth Tip over the Partial Cone
sun_teeth = Number of Teeth of the Sun Gear
planet_teeth = Number of Teeth of a Planet Gear
number_planets = Number of Planet Gears. If null, the Function will calculate the Minimum Number
width = tooth_width
rim_width = Width of the Rim from the Root Circle
bore = Diameter of the Center Hole
pressure_angle = Pressure Angle, Standard = 20° according to DIN 867. Should not exceed 45°.
helix_angle = Helix Angle to the Axis of Rotation, Standard = 0° (Spur Teeth)
together_built =
optimized = Create holes for Material-/Weight-Saving or Surface Enhancements where Geometry allows
together_built = Components assembled for Construction or separated for 3D-Printing */
module planetary_gear(modul, sun_teeth, planet_teeth, number_planets, width, rim_width, bore, pressure_angle=20, helix_angle=0, together_built=true, optimized=true){
// Dimension Calculations
d_sun = modul*sun_teeth; // Sun Pitch Circle Diameter
d_planet = modul*planet_teeth; // Planet Pitch Circle Diameter
center_distance = modul*(sun_teeth + planet_teeth) / 2; // Distance from Sun- or Ring-Gear Axis to Planet Axis
ring_teeth = sun_teeth + 2*planet_teeth; // Number of Teeth of the Ring Gear
d_ring = modul*ring_teeth; // Ring Pitch Circle Diameter
rotate = is_even(planet_teeth); // Does the Sun Gear need to be rotated?
n_max = floor(180/asin(modul*(planet_teeth)/(modul*(sun_teeth + planet_teeth))));
// Number of Planet Gears: at most as many as possible without overlap
// Drawing
herringbone_gear (modul, sun_teeth, width, bore, pressure_angle, -helix_angle, optimized); // Sun Gear
if (together_built){
list = [ for (n=[2 : 1 : n_max]) if ((((ring_teeth+sun_teeth)/n)==floor((ring_teeth+sun_teeth)/n))) n];
number_planets = list[0]; // Determine Number of Planet Gears
center_distance = modul*(sun_teeth + planet_teeth)/2; // Distance from Sun- / Ring-Gear Axis
herringbone_gear (modul, planet_teeth, width, bore, pressure_angle, helix_angle); // Planet Gears
center_distance = modul*(sun_teeth + planet_teeth)/2; // Distance from Sun- / Ring-Gear Axis
herringbone_gear (modul, planet_teeth, width, bore, pressure_angle, helix_angle); // Planet Gears
planet_distance = ring_teeth*modul/2+rim_width+d_planet; // Distance between Planets
translate([planet_distance, d_planet*i,0])
herringbone_gear (modul, planet_teeth, width, bore, pressure_angle, helix_angle); // Planet Gears
herringbone_ring_gear (modul, ring_teeth, width, rim_width, pressure_angle, helix_angle); // Ring Gear
/* Bevel Gear
modul = Height of the Tooth Tip over the Partial Cone; Specification for the Outside of the Cone
tooth_number = Number of Gear Teeth
partial_cone_angle = (Half)angle of the Cone on which the other Ring Gear rolls
tooth_width = Width of the Teeth from the Outside toward the apex of the Cone
bore = Diameter of the Center Hole
pressure_angle = Pressure Angle, Standard = 20° according to DIN 867. Should not exceed 45°.
helix_angle = Helix Angle, Standard = 0° */
module bevel_gear(modul, tooth_number, partial_cone_angle, tooth_width, bore, pressure_angle = 20, helix_angle=0) {
// Dimension Calculations
d_outside = modul * tooth_number; // Part Cone Diameter at the Cone Base,
// corresponds to the Chord in a Spherical Section
r_outside = d_outside / 2; // Part Cone Radius at the Cone Base
rg_outside = r_outside/sin(partial_cone_angle); // Large-Cone Radius for Outside-Tooth, corresponds to the Length of the Cone-Flank;
rg_inside = rg_outside - tooth_width; // Large-Cone Radius for Inside-Tooth
r_inside = r_outside*rg_inside/rg_outside;
alpha_spur = atan(tan(pressure_angle)/cos(helix_angle));// Helix Angle in Transverse Section
delta_b = asin(cos(alpha_spur)*sin(partial_cone_angle)); // Base Cone Angle
da_outside = (modul <1)? d_outside + (modul * 2.2) * cos(partial_cone_angle): d_outside + modul * 2 * cos(partial_cone_angle);
ra_outside = da_outside / 2;
delta_a = asin(ra_outside/rg_outside);
c = modul / 6; // Tip Clearance
df_outside = d_outside - (modul +c) * 2 * cos(partial_cone_angle);
rf_outside = df_outside / 2;
delta_f = asin(rf_outside/rg_outside);
rkf = rg_outside*sin(delta_f); // Radius of the Cone Foot
height_f = rg_outside*cos(delta_f); // Height of the Cone from the Root Cone
echo("Part Cone Diameter at the Cone Base = ", d_outside);
// Sizes for Complementary Truncated Cone
height_k = (rg_outside-tooth_width)/cos(partial_cone_angle); // Height of the Complementary Cone for corrected Tooth Length
rk = (rg_outside-tooth_width)/sin(partial_cone_angle); // Foot Radius of the Complementary Cone
rfk = rk*height_k*tan(delta_f)/(rk+height_k*tan(delta_f)); // Tip Radius of the Cylinders for
// Complementary Truncated Cone
height_fk = rk*height_k/(height_k*tan(delta_f)+rk); // height of the Complementary Truncated Cones
echo("Bevel Gear Height = ", height_f-height_fk);
phi_r = sphere_ev(delta_b, partial_cone_angle); // Angle to Point of Involute on Partial Cone
// Torsion Angle gamma from Helix Angle
gamma_g = 2*atan(tooth_width*tan(helix_angle)/(2*rg_outside-tooth_width));
gamma = 2*asin(rg_outside/r_outside*sin(gamma_g/2));
step = (delta_a - delta_b)/16;
tau = 360/tooth_number; // Pitch Angle
start = (delta_b > delta_f) ? delta_b : delta_f;
mirrpoint = (180*(1-clearance))/tooth_number+2*phi_r;
// Drawing
rotate([0,0,phi_r+90*(1-clearance)/tooth_number]){ // Center Tooth on X-Axis;
// Makes Alignment with other Gears easier
translate([0,0,height_f]) rotate(a=[0,180,0]){
translate([0,0,height_f]) rotate(a=[0,180,0]){ // Truncated Cone
linear_extrude(height=height_f-height_fk, scale=rfk/rkf) circle(rkf*1.001); // 1 permille Overlap with Tooth Root
cylinder(h = height_f-height_fk+2, r = bore/2); // bore
for (rot = [0:tau:360]){
rotate (rot) { // Copy and Rotate "Number of Teeth"
if (delta_b > delta_f){
// Tooth Root
flankpoint_under = 1*mirrpoint;
flankpoint_over = sphere_ev(delta_f, start);
points = [
sphere_to_cartesian([rg_outside, start*1.001, flankpoint_under]), // 1 permille Overlap with Tooth
sphere_to_cartesian([rg_inside, start*1.001, flankpoint_under+gamma]),
sphere_to_cartesian([rg_inside, start*1.001, mirrpoint-flankpoint_under+gamma]),
sphere_to_cartesian([rg_outside, start*1.001, mirrpoint-flankpoint_under]),
sphere_to_cartesian([rg_outside, delta_f, flankpoint_under]),
sphere_to_cartesian([rg_inside, delta_f, flankpoint_under+gamma]),
sphere_to_cartesian([rg_inside, delta_f, mirrpoint-flankpoint_under+gamma]),
sphere_to_cartesian([rg_outside, delta_f, mirrpoint-flankpoint_under])
faces = [[0,1,2],[0,2,3],[0,4,1],[1,4,5],[1,5,2],[2,5,6],[2,6,3],[3,6,7],[0,3,7],[0,7,4],[4,6,5],[4,7,6]],
convexity =1
// Tooth
for (delta = [start:step:delta_a-step]){
flankpoint_under = sphere_ev(delta_b, delta);
flankpoint_over = sphere_ev(delta_b, delta+step);
points = [
sphere_to_cartesian([rg_outside, delta, flankpoint_under]),
sphere_to_cartesian([rg_inside, delta, flankpoint_under+gamma]),
sphere_to_cartesian([rg_inside, delta, mirrpoint-flankpoint_under+gamma]),
sphere_to_cartesian([rg_outside, delta, mirrpoint-flankpoint_under]),
sphere_to_cartesian([rg_outside, delta+step, flankpoint_over]),
sphere_to_cartesian([rg_inside, delta+step, flankpoint_over+gamma]),
sphere_to_cartesian([rg_inside, delta+step, mirrpoint-flankpoint_over+gamma]),
sphere_to_cartesian([rg_outside, delta+step, mirrpoint-flankpoint_over])
faces = [[0,1,2],[0,2,3],[0,4,1],[1,4,5],[1,5,2],[2,5,6],[2,6,3],[3,6,7],[0,3,7],[0,7,4],[4,6,5],[4,7,6]],
convexity =1
/* Bevel Herringbone Gear; uses the Module "bevel_gear"
modul = Height of the Tooth Tip beyond the Pitch Circle
tooth_number = Number of Gear Teeth
partial_cone_angle, tooth_width
bore = Diameter of the Center Hole
pressure_angle = Pressure Angle, Standard = 20° according to DIN 867. Should not exceed 45°.
helix_angle = Helix Angle, Standard = 0° */
module bevel_herringbone_gear(modul, tooth_number, partial_cone_angle, tooth_width, bore, pressure_angle = 20, helix_angle=0){
// Dimension Calculations
tooth_width = tooth_width / 2;
d_outside = modul * tooth_number; // Part Cone Diameter at the Cone Base,
// corresponds to the Chord in a Spherical Section
r_outside = d_outside / 2; // Part Cone Radius at the Cone Base
rg_outside = r_outside/sin(partial_cone_angle); // Large-Cone Radius, corresponds to the Length of the Cone-Flank;
c = modul / 6; // Tip Clearance
df_outside = d_outside - (modul +c) * 2 * cos(partial_cone_angle);
rf_outside = df_outside / 2;
delta_f = asin(rf_outside/rg_outside);
height_f = rg_outside*cos(delta_f); // Height of the Cone from the Root Cone
// Torsion Angle gamma from Helix Angle
gamma_g = 2*atan(tooth_width*tan(helix_angle)/(2*rg_outside-tooth_width));
gamma = 2*asin(rg_outside/r_outside*sin(gamma_g/2));
echo("Part Cone Diameter at the Cone Base = ", d_outside);
// Sizes for Complementary Truncated Cone
height_k = (rg_outside-tooth_width)/cos(partial_cone_angle); // Height of the Complementary Cone for corrected Tooth Length
rk = (rg_outside-tooth_width)/sin(partial_cone_angle); // Foot Radius of the Complementary Cone
rfk = rk*height_k*tan(delta_f)/(rk+height_k*tan(delta_f)); // Tip Radius of the Cylinders for
// Complementary Truncated Cone
height_fk = rk*height_k/(height_k*tan(delta_f)+rk); // height of the Complementary Truncated Cones
modul_inside = modul*(1-tooth_width/rg_outside);
bevel_gear(modul, tooth_number, partial_cone_angle, tooth_width, bore, pressure_angle, helix_angle); // bottom Half
bevel_gear(modul_inside, tooth_number, partial_cone_angle, tooth_width, bore, pressure_angle, -helix_angle); // top Half
/* Spiral Bevel Gear; uses the Module "bevel_gear"
modul = Height of the Tooth Tip beyond the Pitch Circle
tooth_number = Number of Gear Teeth
height = Height of Gear Teeth
bore = Diameter of the Center Hole
pressure_angle = Pressure Angle, Standard = 20° according to DIN 867. Should not exceed 45°.
helix_angle = Helix Angle, Standard = 0° */
module spiral_bevel_gear(modul, tooth_number, partial_cone_angle, tooth_width, bore, pressure_angle = 20, helix_angle=30){
steps = 16;
// Dimension Calculations
b = tooth_width / steps;
d_outside = modul * tooth_number; // Part Cone Diameter at the Cone Base,
// corresponds to the Chord in a Spherical Section
r_outside = d_outside / 2; // Part Cone Radius at the Cone Base
rg_outside = r_outside/sin(partial_cone_angle); // Large-Cone Radius, corresponds to the Length of the Cone-Flank;
rg_center = rg_outside-tooth_width/2;
echo("Part Cone Diameter at the Cone Base = ", d_outside);
r = rg_outside-i*b;
helix_angle = a*r;
modul_r = modul-b*i/rg_outside;
bevel_gear(modul_r, tooth_number, partial_cone_angle, b, bore, pressure_angle, helix_angle); // top Half
/* Bevel Gear Pair with any axis_angle; uses the Module "bevel_gear"
modul = Height of the Tooth Tip over the Partial Cone; Specification for the Outside of the Cone
gear_teeth = Number of Gear Teeth on the Gear
pinion_teeth = Number of Gear Teeth on the Pinion
axis_angle = Angle between the Axles of the Gear and Pinion
tooth_width = Width of the Teeth from the Outside toward the apex of the Cone
gear_bore = Diameter of the Center Hole of the Gear
pinion_bore = Diameter of the Center Bore of the Gear
pressure_angle = Pressure Angle, Standard = 20° according to DIN 867. Should not exceed 45°.
helix_angle = Helix Angle, Standard = 0°
together_built = Components assembled for Construction or separated for 3D-Printing */
module bevel_gear_pair(modul, gear_teeth, pinion_teeth, axis_angle=90, tooth_width, gear_bore, pinion_bore, pressure_angle=20, helix_angle=0, together_built=true){
// Dimension Calculations
r_gear = modul*gear_teeth/2; // Cone Radius of the Gear
delta_gear = atan(sin(axis_angle)/(pinion_teeth/gear_teeth+cos(axis_angle))); // Cone Angle of the Gear
delta_pinion = atan(sin(axis_angle)/(gear_teeth/pinion_teeth+cos(axis_angle)));// Cone Angle of the Pinion
rg = r_gear/sin(delta_gear); // Radius of the Large Sphere
c = modul / 6; // Tip Clearance
df_pinion = pi*rg*delta_pinion/90 - 2 * (modul + c); // Bevel Diameter on the Large Sphere
rf_pinion = df_pinion / 2; // Root Cone Radius on the Large Sphere
delta_f_pinion = rf_pinion/(pi*rg) * 180; // Tip Cone Angle
rkf_pinion = rg*sin(delta_f_pinion); // Radius of the Cone Foot
height_f_pinion = rg*cos(delta_f_pinion); // Height of the Cone from the Root Cone
echo("Cone Angle Gear = ", delta_gear);
echo("Cone Angle Pinion = ", delta_pinion);
df_gear = pi*rg*delta_gear/90 - 2 * (modul + c); // Bevel Diameter on the Large Sphere
rf_gear = df_gear / 2; // Root Cone Radius on the Large Sphere
delta_f_gear = rf_gear/(pi*rg) * 180; // Tip Cone Angle
rkf_gear = rg*sin(delta_f_gear); // Radius of the Cone Foot
height_f_gear = rg*cos(delta_f_gear); // Height of the Cone from the Root Cone
echo("Gear Height = ", height_f_gear);
echo("Pinion Height = ", height_f_pinion);
rotate = is_even(pinion_teeth);
// Drawing
// Rad
bevel_gear(modul, gear_teeth, delta_gear, tooth_width, gear_bore, pressure_angle, helix_angle);
// Ritzel
if (together_built)
bevel_gear(modul, pinion_teeth, delta_pinion, tooth_width, pinion_bore, pressure_angle, -helix_angle);
bevel_gear(modul, pinion_teeth, delta_pinion, tooth_width, pinion_bore, pressure_angle, -helix_angle);
/* Herringbone Bevel Gear Pair with arbitrary axis_angle; uses the Module "bevel_herringbone_gear"
modul = Height of the Tooth Tip over the Partial Cone; Specification for the Outside of the Cone
gear_teeth = Number of Gear Teeth on the Gear
pinion_teeth = Number of Gear Teeth on the Pinion
axis_angle = Angle between the Axles of the Gear and Pinion
tooth_width = Width of the Teeth from the Outside toward the apex of the Cone
gear_bore = Diameter of the Center Hole of the Gear
pinion_bore = Diameter of the Center Bore of the Gear
pressure_angle = Pressure Angle, Standard = 20° according to DIN 867. Should not exceed 45°.
helix_angle = Helix Angle, Standard = 0°
together_built = Components assembled for Construction or separated for 3D-Printing */
module bevel_herringbone_gear_pair(modul, gear_teeth, pinion_teeth, axis_angle=90, tooth_width, gear_bore, pinion_bore, pressure_angle = 20, helix_angle=10, together_built=true){
r_gear = modul*gear_teeth/2; // Cone Radius of the Gear
delta_gear = atan(sin(axis_angle)/(pinion_teeth/gear_teeth+cos(axis_angle))); // Cone Angle of the Gear
delta_pinion = atan(sin(axis_angle)/(gear_teeth/pinion_teeth+cos(axis_angle)));// Cone Angle of the Pinion
rg = r_gear/sin(delta_gear); // Radius of the Large Sphere
c = modul / 6; // Tip Clearance
df_pinion = pi*rg*delta_pinion/90 - 2 * (modul + c); // Bevel Diameter on the Large Sphere
rf_pinion = df_pinion / 2; // Root Cone Radius on the Large Sphere
delta_f_pinion = rf_pinion/(pi*rg) * 180; // Tip Cone Angle
rkf_pinion = rg*sin(delta_f_pinion); // Radius of the Cone Foot
height_f_pinion = rg*cos(delta_f_pinion); // Height of the Cone from the Root Cone
echo("Cone Angle Gear = ", delta_gear);
echo("Cone Angle Pinion = ", delta_pinion);
df_gear = pi*rg*delta_gear/90 - 2 * (modul + c); // Bevel Diameter on the Large Sphere
rf_gear = df_gear / 2; // Root Cone Radius on the Large Sphere
delta_f_gear = rf_gear/(pi*rg) * 180; // Tip Cone Angle
rkf_gear = rg*sin(delta_f_gear); // Radius of the Cone Foot
height_f_gear = rg*cos(delta_f_gear); // Height of the Cone from the Root Cone
echo("Gear Height = ", height_f_gear);
echo("Pinion Height = ", height_f_pinion);
rotate = is_even(pinion_teeth);
// Gear
bevel_herringbone_gear(modul, gear_teeth, delta_gear, tooth_width, gear_bore, pressure_angle, helix_angle);
// Pinion
if (together_built)
bevel_herringbone_gear(modul, pinion_teeth, delta_pinion, tooth_width, pinion_bore, pressure_angle, -helix_angle);
bevel_herringbone_gear(modul, pinion_teeth, delta_pinion, tooth_width, pinion_bore, pressure_angle, -helix_angle);
Archimedean screw.
modul = Height of the Screw Head over the Part Cylinder
thread_starts = Number of Starts (Threads) of the Worm
length = Length of the Worm
bore = Diameter of the Center Hole
pressure_angle = Pressure Angle, Standard = 20° according to DIN 867. Should not exceed 45°.
lead_angle = Lead Angle of the Worm, corresponds to 90° minus Helix Angle. Positive Lead Angle = clockwise.
together_built = Components assembled for Construction or separated for 3D-Printing */
module worm(modul, thread_starts, length, bore, pressure_angle=20, lead_angle, together_built=true){
// Dimension Calculations
c = modul / 6; // Tip Clearance
r = modul*thread_starts/(2*sin(lead_angle)); // Part-Cylinder Radius
rf = r - modul - c; // Root-Cylinder Radius
a = modul*thread_starts/(90*tan(pressure_angle)); // Spiralparameter
tau_max = 180/thread_starts*tan(pressure_angle); // Angle from Foot to Tip in the Normal Plane
gamma = -rad*length/((rf+modul+c)*tan(lead_angle)); // Torsion Angle for Extrusion
step = tau_max/16;
// Drawing: Extrude with a Twist a Surface enclosed by two Archimedean Spirals
if (together_built) {
linear_extrude(height = length, center = false, convexity = 10, twist = gamma){
// rising Tooth Flank
[for (tau = [0:step:tau_max])
polar_to_cartesian([spiral(a, rf, tau), tau+i*(360/thread_starts)])],
// Tooth Tip
[for (tau = [tau_max:step:180/thread_starts])
polar_to_cartesian([spiral(a, rf, tau_max), tau+i*(360/thread_starts)])],
// descending Tooth Flank
[for (tau = [180/thread_starts:step:(180/thread_starts+tau_max)])
polar_to_cartesian([spiral(a, rf, 180/thread_starts+tau_max-tau), tau+i*(360/thread_starts)])]
circle(bore/2); // Mittelbohrung
else {
worm(modul, thread_starts, length, bore, pressure_angle, lead_angle, together_built=true);
worm(modul, thread_starts, length, bore, pressure_angle, lead_angle, together_built=true);
cube([length+2,3*r+2*(r+modul+1),r+modul+1], center = true);
Calculates a worm wheel set. The worm wheel is an ordinary spur gear without globoidgeometry.
modul = Height of the screw head above the partial cylinder or the tooth head above the pitch circle
tooth_number = Number of wheel teeth
thread_starts = Number of gears (teeth) of the screw
width = tooth_width
length = Length of the Worm
worm_bore = Diameter of the Center Hole of the Worm
gear_bore = Diameter of the Center Hole of the Spur Gear
pressure_angle = Pressure Angle, Standard = 20° according to DIN 867. Should not exceed 45°.
lead_angle = Pitch angle of the worm corresponds to 90 ° bevel angle. Positive slope angle = clockwise.
optimized = Holes for material / weight savings
together_built = Components assembled for construction or apart for 3D printing */
module worm_gear(modul, tooth_number, thread_starts, width, length, worm_bore, gear_bore, pressure_angle=20, lead_angle, optimized=true, together_built=true, show_spur=1, show_worm=1){
c = modul / 6; // Tip Clearance
r_worm = modul*thread_starts/(2*sin(lead_angle)); // Worm Part-Cylinder Radius
r_gear = modul*tooth_number/2; // Spur Gear Part-Cone Radius
rf_worm = r_worm - modul - c; // Root-Cylinder Radius
gamma = -90*width*sin(lead_angle)/(pi*r_gear); // Spur Gear Rotation Angle
tooth_distance = modul*pi/cos(lead_angle); // Tooth Spacing in Transverse Section
x = is_even(thread_starts)? 0.5 : 1;
if (together_built) {
worm(modul, thread_starts, length, worm_bore, pressure_angle, lead_angle, together_built);
spur_gear (modul, tooth_number, width, gear_bore, pressure_angle, -lead_angle, optimized);
else {
worm(modul, thread_starts, length, worm_bore, pressure_angle, lead_angle, together_built);
spur_gear (modul, tooth_number, width, gear_bore, pressure_angle, -lead_angle, optimized);
//rack(modul=1, length=60, height=5, width=20, pressure_angle=20, helix_angle=0);
//mountable_rack(modul=1, length=60, height=5, width=20, pressure_angle=20, helix_angle=0, profile=3, head="PH",fastners=3);
//herringbone_rack(modul=1, length=60, height=5, width=20, pressure_angle=20, helix_angle=45);
//mountable_herringbone_rack(modul=1, length=60, height=5, width=20, pressure_angle=20, helix_angle=45, profile=3, head="PH",fastners=3);
//spur_gear (modul=1, tooth_number=30, width=5, bore=4, pressure_angle=20, helix_angle=20, optimized=true);
//herringbone_gear (modul=1, tooth_number=30, width=5, bore=4, pressure_angle=20, helix_angle=30, optimized=true);
//rack_and_pinion (modul=1, rack_length=50, gear_teeth=30, rack_height=4, gear_bore=4, width=5, pressure_angle=20, helix_angle=0, together_built=true, optimized=true);
ring_gear (modul=1, tooth_number=30, width=5, rim_width=3, pressure_angle=20, helix_angle=20);
//herringbone_ring_gear (modul=1, tooth_number=30, width=5, rim_width=3, pressure_angle=20, helix_angle=30);
//planetary_gear(modul=1, sun_teeth=16, planet_teeth=9, number_planets=5, width=5, rim_width=3, bore=4, pressure_angle=20, helix_angle=30, together_built=true, optimized=true);
//bevel_gear(modul=1, tooth_number=30, partial_cone_angle=45, tooth_width=5, bore=4, pressure_angle=20, helix_angle=20);
//bevel_herringbone_gear(modul=1, tooth_number=30, partial_cone_angle=45, tooth_width=5, bore=4, pressure_angle=20, helix_angle=30);
//bevel_gear_pair(modul=1, gear_teeth=30, pinion_teeth=11, axis_angle=100, tooth_width=5, gear_bore=4, pinion_bore=4, pressure_angle = 20, helix_angle=20, together_built=true);
//bevel_herringbone_gear_pair(modul=1, gear_teeth=30, pinion_teeth=11, axis_angle=100, tooth_width=5, gear_bore=4, pinion_bore=4, pressure_angle = 20, helix_angle=30, together_built=true);
//worm(modul=1, thread_starts=2, length=15, bore=4, pressure_angle=20, lead_angle=10, together_built=true);
//worm_gear(modul=1, tooth_number=30, thread_starts=2, width=8, length=20, worm_bore=4, gear_bore=4, pressure_angle=20, lead_angle=10, optimized=1, together_built=1, show_spur=1, show_worm=1);