
91 lines
2.2 KiB

data "docker_registry_image" "nginx" {
name = "nginx:latest"
#resource "random_id" "iteration" {
# keepers = {
# configs = jsonencode(var.configs)
# }
# byte_length = 4
resource "docker_service" "nginx" {
name = var.service_name
mode {
replicated {
replicas = var.replicas
task_spec {
container_spec {
image = "${data.docker_registry_image.nginx.name}@${data.docker_registry_image.nginx.sha256_digest}"
configs {
config_id = docker_config.default_page.id
config_name = docker_config.default_page.name
file_name = "/usr/share/nginx/html/index.html"
configs {
config_id = docker_config.default_conf.id
config_name = docker_config.default_conf.name
file_name = "/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf"
dynamic "configs" {
for_each = var.configs
content {
config_id = configs.value.id
config_name = configs.value.name
file_name = "/etc/nginx/conf.d/${configs.value.file}"
# Healthcheck that checks that the nginx process is running
#healthcheck {
# test = ["CMD", "pgrep", "nginx"]
# interval = "10s"
# timeout = "5s"
# retries = 3
# start_period = "10s"
healthcheck {
test = ["CMD", "true"]
#labels {
# label = "com.nginx.iteration-id"
# value = random_id.iteration.hex
dynamic "networks_advanced" {
for_each = var.networks
content {
name = networks_advanced.value.id
placement {
constraints = var.placement_constraints
endpoint_spec {
ports {
target_port = 80
publish_mode = "ingress"
published_port = 80
ports {
target_port = 443
publish_mode = "ingress"
published_port = 443
update_config {
parallelism = ceil(var.replicas / 3)
delay = "10s"
order = "start-first"
lifecycle {
ignore_changes = [
create_before_destroy = true
converge_config {
delay = "5s"
timeout = "2m"