123 lines
4.2 KiB
123 lines
4.2 KiB
module "traefik_certs_volume" {
source = "../../docker/volume"
stack_name = var.stack_name
volume_name = "traefik_certs"
locals {
command = distinct(compact(concat(
# API settings
"--api.insecure=${var.api_insecure || var.enable_dashboard ? "true" : "false"}", # @todo MB: Revisit this and swap to using traefik-ception routing
"--api.dashboard=${var.enable_dashboard ? "true" : "false"}",
"--api.debug=${var.api_debug ? "true" : "false"}",
# Global settings
"--global.checknewversion=false", # We're in a container so this really isn't something we care about
"--global.sendanonymoususage=${var.enable_stats_collection ? "true" : "false"}",
# Logging settings
"--accesslog=${var.access_log ? "true" : "false"}",
# Ping settings
var.enable_ping ? [
] : [],
# Docker Provider
var.enable_docker_provider ? [
] : [
# Swarm Provider
var.enable_swarm_provider ? [
] : [
# Configure HTTP
var.http_port != null || var.redirect_to_ssl ? [
"--entrypoints.web.reusePort=${var.enable_port_reuse ? "true" : "false"}",
] : [],
# Configure HTTPS
var.https_port != null && var.enable_ssl ? [
"--entrypoints.websecure.reusePort=${var.enable_port_reuse ? "true" : "false"}",
] : [],
# Configure redirecting HTTP to HTTPS
var.redirect_to_ssl ? [
] : [],
# Configure the acme provider if SSL is enabled
var.enable_ssl ? [
(var.acme_use_staging ? "--certificatesresolvers.default.acme.caserver=https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory" : null),
] : [],
# Configure UDP
var.enable_udp ? flatten([for name, ports in var.udp_entrypoints : [for port in ports : "--entrypoints.${name}.address=:${port}/udp"]]) : []
module "traefik" {
source = "../../docker/service"
depends_on = [module.docker_socket_proxy, module.network, ]
stack_name = var.stack_name
service_name = "traefik"
image = var.traefik_image
networks = [module.network, module.docker_socket_proxy.network, ]
remote_volumes = { "/certs" = module.traefik_certs_volume.volume }
placement_constraints = var.placement_constraints
global = true
converge_enable = false // @todo add healthcheck
command = local.command
traefik = var.traefik_dashboard_service_domain != null ? {
domain = var.traefik_dashboard_service_domain
port = var.dashboard_port
ssl = var.enable_ssl
non-ssl = var.enable_non_ssl
basic-auth-users = var.traefik_dashboard_service_enable_basic_auth ? ["traefik"] : []
} : null
ports = [
host = var.http_port
container = var.http_port
host = var.https_port
container = var.https_port
host = var.dashboard_port
container = var.dashboard_port