//******************************************************************************************************* // // Universal parametic rugged Box // // 2023 by Rainer Backes // // based on ideas of yanew and Whity // //******************************************************************************************************* /* [View] */ // Select View View="Bottom"; // [Complete, Complete Open, Parts, Lid, Bottom, Latch, Seal ] // Open Angle for complete Open ViewAngle = 120; //[0:180] /* [General] */ // Depth of Inner Box (available space) InnerBoxDepth = 80; // Width of Inner Box (available space) InnerBoxWidth= 200; // Hight of bottom part of Inner Box (available space) >= 16 InnerBoxBottomHeight = 33.5; // Hight of top part of Inner Box (available space) InnerBoxLidHeight=8; // Cornet Radius of Inner Box (vertical) InnerCornerRadius=3; // Chamfer of inner Box (horizontal) InnerChamferSize=1.5; // Length of Screw ScrewLength=30; // Diameter of Screw ScrewDiameter=3; // Tolerance for Latch holes ScrewTol = 0.4; ScrewThreadDiameter=ScrewDiameter-0.15; // Wall Thickness WallThickness=2.4; // Number of Hinges(1-3) NumHinge=2; // Number of Latches (1-3) NumLatch=2; // Additional Height for TPU-Seal TSealHeight = 0; // Apply Interior to Lid InteriorToLid=false; /* [Hinges] */ // Offset of Hinge and Latchs to inner side corner HingeLatchOffset = 12; HingeWidthTolerance=0.25; // With of Front and Back Ribs HingeLatchRibWidth=3.2; HingeOuterDiameter=6.8; HingeOuterExtend=3; HingeBottomLength=HingeLatchRibWidth+HingeOuterExtend; HingeLidLength=ScrewLength-2*HingeBottomLength-HingeWidthTolerance; /* [Side Ribs] */ // Number of Side rib Pairs NumRibs=1; // if more than 1 Side Rib Pair, distance of Ribs to the inner corner RibOffset=18; // Width of Ribs RibWidth=5; // Distance between Ribs RibDist=20; /* [Latches] */ // Distance of the screws making the Latch LatchDistance=16; // Latch Displacement downwards LatchDisplacement = 2; LatchWidthTolerance=0.4; BoxLatchRibChamfer=17; LidLatchRibChamfer=13; // Latch: Radius of the rounding LatchRoundRad= 15; // Latch Wall thickness LatchWall=3; // Length of the Latch Handle LatchHandleLen= 11; // Ofset of Handle from vertical LatchHandleOfs=4; /* [Seal] */ // Height of Seal SealHeight=1.4; // Height of Lid protion, if TPUSeal > 0 TSealLid = 0.5; // Tolerance for the TPU-Seal ( 1 layer ) TSealTol = 0.2; SealWall=WallThickness/2; // Additional wall tickness of box for seal SealThick=1.9; // Toleance SealTol=0.2; // Chanfer Angle for Seal-Support SealCAng=70; // Heigth of Seal support SealBHeigh=8; /* [Interior] */ // default Width of interior Walls iWall = 1; lighterLength = 181; lighterDia = 24; fingerIndentSize = 18; grinderHeight = 36.5+2; grinderDia = 49.5+1; module fingerIndent(){ color("red"){ hull()translate([0,0,-8]){ sphere(d=fingerIndentSize); translate([0,0,fingerIndentSize/2]) cylinder(d=fingerIndentSize, center=true); } } } module cutout(){ translate([0,20,-12.5]) hull(){ rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(h=lighterLength,d=lighterDia,center=true); translate([0,0,12]) cube([lighterLength,lighterDia,1],center=true); } translate([65,-20,grinderHeight/-2+5]) cylinder(h=grinderHeight,d=grinderDia,center=true); hull(){ translate([30,0,38/-2+2.5]) cylinder(h=38-5,d=10,center=true); translate([30,-38,38/-2+2.5]) cylinder(h=38-5,d=10,center=true); translate([-86,0,38/-2+2.5]) cylinder(h=38-5,d=10,center=true); translate([-86,-38,38/-2+2.5]) cylinder(h=38-5,d=10,center=true); } translate([lighterLength/2,20,0])fingerIndent(); translate([lighterLength/-2,20,0])fingerIndent(); hull(){ translate([lighterLength/2-52+5,-19,0])fingerIndent(); translate([lighterLength/2-52-5,-19,0])fingerIndent(); } } // Interior definition, everything here get masked an added to the interior of bottom and optional lid module Interior (){ difference(){ cube([InnerBoxDepth,InnerBoxWidth,InnerBoxBottomHeight-3]); translate([40,200/2,0]) rotate([0,0,180+90]) translate([0,5,33+2]) cutout(); } } // evertything here gets substracted (difference() ) from the lid module liddiff () { } // evertything here gets added to the lid module lidadd () { } // evertything here gets substracted (difference() ) from the bottom module bottomdiff () { } // evertything here gets added to the bottom module bottomadd () { } include